Delhi, India Isn’t Dirty & Chaotic Everywhere

Delhi, India Isn’t Dirty & Chaotic Everywhere

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I am in Gurgaon which is a city south of Delhi  but still part of the Delhi metro area and in   today's video we are going to visit three  different places first a super modern area   which is a big contrast to the busy Deli that  most people have in mind very different from   like The Stereotype Deli then I'm going to  try Indian food in a popular restaurant and   this one right here has been recommended to me  by locals and finally I will visit a local fun   fair where I had a not so good experience I  think I just I'm getting scammed here to be   honest so what is this part of metro deli like  let's find out feel free to join okay my hotel   is actually right next to a busy Main Road and  I hope that I can get a Tuk Tok from here but   to be honest I'm actually not sure about that  okay this is indeed a very busy road here and   yeah I just had a look on Google Maps it  should be only like a 10 12 minute ride   to where I want to go Namaste do you know where  I can get a Tuk Tok I need a Tuk Tok D Tuk Tok I go there yeah okay to clear I thought maybe I  can just you know like wave down the Tuk Tok but   to be honest I don't even see any Tuk TOS here  maybe it would have been easier to just uh book   an Uber from my hotel but you know I thought uh  taking an Uber is easy and boring okay I see some   TK TOS over there hello Namaste you can drive I  want to go to Cyber City uh Cyber City cyber hub   uh G Gan Cyber City where are you going to Cyber  City Cyber City you know come okay how much K 200   only 200 yeah yeah it's very near yeah yeah no  give me a fair price please only 5 200 because   take uh give me tall tall tall yeah 200 okay I  drive with you or with you I with you with you   okay okay you guys let me know in the comments  if 200 is a fair price obviously I'm still new   in India so I don't really know cyber Hub cyber  Hub yeah all right drive with him yeah yeah okay   but same same price pay this 200 only 200 but I  pay him yeah okay Dan okay hell Namaste Namaste   okay so I'm not sure how this works here now  maybe he is like a like a guy like contributing   the passengers and then or maybe he's collecting  a commission later from him I'm not sure if you   know how this works here please feel free to share  your knowledge in the comments I'm always curious   to learn about these things so as you can see the  traffic today at least on this part of the town is   not that bad in case you're wondering what time it  is it is early afternoon now so I think that this   part of Delhi metro area is not as busy as the  Delhi Center so Gan the town where we're going   now is basically a satellite city of Delhi so I  think if you drive from Delhi City Center to this   town it should be in total around 30 minutes only  okay so we are here now the Blue Dot and I want to   go to this area right here which is called cyber  Hub or Cyber City and let's see how many minutes   9 minutes oh to be honest now I'm pretty sure  that 200 rupe is too much for this uh length of   the journey oh and check it out I see Microsoft  LinkedIn and a few other well-known Brands HP   so this seems to be like yeah the Cyber Hub maybe  some tech companies are here all right and they on   the sign I can see cyberhub already so I think we  have arrived First Impressions here looks pretty   decent and nice ah yeah here's a sign cyber Hub  okay D what thank you very much you guys out okay   byebye thank you okay so this was to be honest  less than 10 minutes so I'm pretty sure now that   I paid too much because you remember my holy video  where I was with a local guy and we had Tuk Tok   rides together which we way longer than this Tok  to ride and he told me the fair price for these   rides would be 50 rupees usually so whenever  something like this happens in my videos and   this happened many times before that I'm getting  over charts for something and there's always a   controversy going on in my comment section then  there are the people that say or you shouldn't   bargain with the locals over a dollar or two  just pay a bit extra you can afford it and on   the other side there are the people that saying  like oh I'm so sorry you got over charts there   this isn't fair you shouldn't pay four times  the price just because you're a foreigner so   sorry for that so there are always like these two  sides of comments in my comment section when I'm   getting overcharged for something as a foreigner  so to be honest I don't really mind now because   in the end it's only like $2 now so it's not the  end of the world for me but still it feels a bit   you know there's a negative touch to it when  you're getting overcharged like four times but   yeah feel free to let me know your comments  about it in the comments and I think we have   arrived check it out okay so I'm through security  and the area here looks like this so we we have   lots of restaurants here we have Starbucks looks  super nice right this is definitely not the deli   that you have in your head right The Stereotype  Deli so I found a little place here to sit down   for a few minutes and I got myself an iced Peach  chai which actually tastes very delicious and   yeah the price for this was 230 rupee so I guess  that an area like this is of course also a bit   more expensive than other areas in Delhi but yeah  overall the area here is super super nice like I   totally didn't expect an area like this to to be  honest so we have some shops here like uni Nike   JBL and then lots of restaurants here like chain  restaurants Western Restaurants but also some   local places but everything here looks like very  upscale fancy Posh and absolutely zero chaos here   everything is clean so definitely very different  from like this stereotype Deli that most people   have in mind right but yeah a here is not that big  actually so it's like this Central Square that you   can see behind me and then a few shops down there  a few over there and a few on the left side here   so in total I walked through the whole area in  like 5 minutes now so it's not a huge area but   still like a very cozy nice little place relax  meet with some friends have dinner maybe have   some drinks okay so this was the Cyber Hub and I'm  trying to find the Metro now and then we are going   to another area which is not that far away but I  think it's similar to this one so I'm curious to   check it out and also there's a restaurant over  there that has been recommended to me which I   would like to check out also it's way quieter here  than in the areas in Delhi that I have seen that   are not like this so you he there's not a lot of  honking going on here trying to find the entrance   to the metro station I think the metro station is  right above me but how do I enter excuse me how   can I enter the Metro Station Metro elevator up  okay okay uh platform all right here's the station   looks pretty empty I can buy a ticket here to this  station Eco CH all right I'm in the station and as   you can see it's not really busy here and yeah I  need to change somewhere or actually I think we   are here Belair Towers not the Cyber City station  and then I think I need to change right here yeah   seeand Po and then I need to switch to the yellow  line that's one two three four five stations I   think but yeah have a look at the roads here  the traffic no chaos or I just wanted to say   no honking but then I think the motorbike just  honked so there is still a little bit of honking   going on here but way way less than in Delhi City  Center so and I think the building over there   or the buildings these are residential areas so  this is probably a more comfortable area to live in I am a bit careful because I think in  India they have cards that are specifically   for females so I don't want to enter a female  card by accident but I think I'm okay here yeah   help me out in the comment section if you're  from India do the trains have cards that are   only for females so should I be careful  where to enter the trains yeah it doesn't   seem to be too busy today but uh yeah looks  very decent proper also the air conditioner   is on here the temperature very comfortable  announcements in English so first oh this   is interesting so first in English and then  in Hindi so here can we see the Cyber City   where we just been to so it's basically the area  right here around the buildings that you can see ah so we can also see here where we are so we are  here now Cyber City and then near the green ones   are the next ones so 1 2 3 and then four this is  where I have to get off to change to the yellow   line and we have arrived at the station where I  need to change the line the writing is in yellow   does it mean that this is the yellow line that's  what I'm assuming now so hopefully I'm right and   by the way I think we are now like basically  in the city center of W one by the way I'm not   100% sure how to pronounce this town I'm actually  not sure do I need to go towards samur or towards   Huda City Center okay the friendly security guy  told me I need to go up here and I think uh the   yellow line on the train is meant to signalize  that this is the yellow line yeah this is where   I want to go EOD chock so this direction so I  think I think this train is coming from Delhi   so this is coming from all the way from New  Delhi so that means in theory you can take   the metro from Delhi City Center until here and  yeah if you happen to be at a metro station in   India these are the things that are not allowed  smoking drinking and eating throwing garbage on   the floor and spitting all right so first  thing I need to check how many stations oh   this one is not in English oh but this side is  in English Okay so I think it's only one station actually okay so you can see the yellow line  here by the way Google Maps is really good in   Delhi you have all the the lines of the Metros  on Google Maps here so you can always check just   Google Maps all right and we have arrived at  the station where I wanted to go to and yeah   you only get a little piece of paper like  this so you have to be careful not to lose   it because you need it to exit the station just  like this all right here we go looks a bit more   chaotic down here so before I go down there  let me actually check uh the direction that   I need to go so I'm looking for a restaurant  now that has been recommended to me which is   called pava so this 5 minutes by car or 18  minutes walking but to be honest I think I   don't actually mind walking although it's 18  minutes but that gives me a better opportunity   to see something of the city and maybe stop here  and there if I see something oh this doesn't look   that nice right oh this is already a big change  compared to the aere we just been to oh my god   there so many flies here and trash on the  floor oh oh this is a big difference so we   have street food here we have Street vendors here  can buy socks and hats this is I think sugar cane juice and I think I need to go here oh and  check this out there's a random cow here interesting I'm not sure if you can see all the  place here hello there's a place here called   Dubai theme Carnival that looks interesting and  it is open I think we're going to check out the   restaurant and then we're going to come back here  to check this out oh and I see homeless people   there oh this is definitely a very different area  just a few metro stops away let me double check if   I'm on the right Road uh yeah I am just straight  and then right okay to be honest although there   are plenty of Tuk tkks driving by not a single one  has stopped so far or honked at me and asked if I   want to ride if you remember my holy video where  I was in Delhi there was a Tuk Tok stopping for   me like every minute so I think because this is  not a tourist area here I think the Tuk TOS are   not like that aggressively trying to get uh forign  customers here also something that I noticed here   I don't really like to mention that but I want to  be honest and real with you many people urinate   everywhere here like since I started to walk  which was like uh I hold my camera down because   there was a guy so I don't really want to film  him but I think uh yeah I can't see him anymore   since I started walking about 10 minutes ago I  already saw four people just urinating by the   side of the road I'm just wondering why you know  H Namaste do you know where I'm looking for the restaurant oh no this side  right can I walk through here there and then right can I walk through here  can yeah okay thank you very much about friendly   locals here and I just see there's a nice looking  Park here so maybe I can just walk through the   park here there's a sign Park is under renovation  but I still think it looks nice here and then yeah   the restaurant should be somewhere over there  not that far anymore I already walked most of   the distance so we have the Maharana Pratap swan  gianti Park here excuse me if my pronunciation is   wrong and yeah I think you can see the renovation  here because I would assume that usually this is   a water area so there's probably water inside  maybe some fountains but wow check it out how   nice it looks here like imagine now there's water  everywhere here fountains we have nice trees here   all right and that was the little park here like  5 minutes to walk through and now the restaurant   is not far anymore excuse me I'm looking for bik  NAA I guess over there left okay sh thank you by   the way so far the locals are always friendly  so whenever you are stuck somewhere in India   just yeah don't be shy to ask someone most of  the locals that's my impression at least so   far after a few days here do speak English at  least enough English to help you out a little   bit okay so I think this is the area yeah it's  not as nice as the previous area but still it   doesn't look too bad around here all right and  here it is B na a or navala actually I should say hello Namaste I think this is not only a restaurant  it's also a shop oh that looks delicious here   already wow and yeah I have been told that uh this  shop is very popular in India it's a Indian chain   restaurant I think and apparently everything here  is made fresh every day so therefore it's always   good fresh and delicious so I think I'm actually  going for something Savory now and I think this   is a dish that I have seen before I forgot the  name though Raj cachi can I get one yeah I order   there oh okay so I think it works like this you  order here uh cash counter okayi yeah one please   anything El what is maami MMI mshi some like L  that is a sweet line and the Mami okay I would   like to try that yeah okay then one Mami juice  okay so the total price is 358 okay to be honest I   never heard about mousami before but according to  Wikipedia it is a hybrid between Pomo and Mandarin   also known as The Sweet Orange I'm not sure if  that food is actually from India but to be honest   I've never came across this fruit before but yeah  looks like this so actually to me it looks like   an orange to be honest thank you very much okay  so usually when I'm going to a new kind I always   prepare a list of like 15 to 20 dishes that I must  try in the country either I ask a local if I know   somebody from their country or I just Google it  and this one right here has been recommended to   me by locals and also by Google there are potatoes  inside D yogur some spices and Chutney and it is   usually top with cilantro pomegranate okay  here's the juice actually let me try that   first yeah it actually tastes very similar to to  orange juice what again what what is this it's a   camera is a camera yeah I'm filming how I'm  eating the food you can you can see yourself here this is my first time trying this so  you are youing this you order to have you   on this yeah yeah I'm filming myself  how I eat the food and then I put it   in the internet so other people can see  itet yeah yeah you are actually of which   place I'm from Germany Germany you are from  Germany Germany Germany Germany yeah yeah   this is these things are in Germany yeah  we don't have this in Germany let's try it oh there a very fresh minty flavor to it he  seems to be very surprised about my camera this   is a little camera yes and I film how I eat the  food this is the thing anyway thank you thank   you Daniel much God bless nice to meet you I have  crossed 85 85 is 87 going oh wow lots of respect   for that nice to meet you okay enjoy your day oh  what a nice gentleman you have to see how it looks   from the inside so there are so many different  flavors in here so the yogurt in there is sweet   but then there are also some very strong spices  in here I would almost say it's not really spicy   but something in there has a very strong spice  FL flavor to it and then the the shell from the   outside is very crispy and then here a piece  of potato in there as well there have so many   different things in here and honestly the the  deeper I dig the more things I find in here so   I think we have some nuts here if you're from  India let me know what time of the day do you   usually eat this is this like a morning dish or  lunch or dinner but I think that's my impression   I think this is more like an in between snack not  really a full meal okay to be honest I'm almost   done eating uh all of the the fillings in here to  be honest it's not 100% my cup of tea I mean it's   not bad I can definitely finish this but I don't  think I would order this again because it's just   too many different flavors in my mouth maybe  I need to add more of the yogurt on the side   yeah the yogurt is definitely sweet so I think  I'm going to add more of the yogurt so we have   some some yogurt here on the side maybe if I  add more of that that will uh reduce the the   strong spices or the strong spice flavor oh yeah  to be honest that makes it way better maybe you're   supposed to do like that so I'm just going to add  more of the yogurt here oh yeah to be honest that   makes it way way better for me now that the flavor  of the spices is not that strong anymore yeah way   better okay excuse me I was speaking too early  but still I think this is a one time trying dish   only but still I would recommend to try it it's  definitely an interesting um taste explosion taste   experience in your mouth all right that was a good  little little snack my stomach feels uh full now   actually although that was just a small portion  actually yeah I do want to check out this Dubai   themed Carnival that I saw earlier but I think  I will take a Tuk to this time H Namaste I want   to go to Dubai Carnival Dubai Dubai Carnival  it's not far 800 M how much how much how much K 200 h H it's 2 minutes no give me a fair price  please 150 no no no normal price 50 what price can   you give me50 no no no not 150 it's 2 minutes 2  minut yeah the I give you 100 okay 100 okay okay   yeah we had this topic already today and this ride  is way shorter than the ride I had earlier and he   wanted the same price so this time I'm pretty  sure that this is not a fair price also I just   remember you remember my first trk to ride today  the driver argued that the price should be 200   because we have to pay a toall but there wasn't  any tall fee along the road so that was clearly uh   not right oh there there's a Paris wheel there it  looks like a little theme park like a carnival and   I think we have arrived and that was a two minute  R hello Namaste okay thank you all right hello Namaste where's the entrance over there okay  okay okay thank you H I'm good thank you where   are you going I want to check out the carnival  okay okay shukria thank you it's almost sunset   time I hear music that seems to be a great  atmosphere here and I'm not sure what is the   relation between Dubai and India so I'm not  sure right there is a Dubai themed Carnival   here ticket price 150 rupe to be honest I have no  idea what to expect them there one ticket [Music] please okay thank you I just wanted to  say he only gave me a 250 bag and then   I started to count the money and then  he gave me another 100 not sure if that   was intentional or not anyway I got a ticket  now music is blasting here I see many people   everyone seems to be in a happy mood okay we  do have a little uh path to walk through here   oh we have Nemo right here interesting  Namaste hello it's almost like a Mia oh yeah interesting so this is  obviously my first time on   a Indian carnival oh what is this this  is an aquarium we have fish right here many fish actually oh I think this is a little  aquarium so this is still the entrance area to   the carnival so I don't think this is all of  what I'm going to see now oh check out the   fish right here oh look at the teeth he looks  actually quite dangerous right all right and   here we are this is the outside area the first  thing I see is a bookstore grow oil this grow my hair but I think my hair is I  have enough hair already is this   for for my family uh let me think  I think everyone in my family has hair how does work this is not a  company Factory product this a handmade handil no chemical no added color and this really  works this really works yes yes I homemade oil   homemade oil but yeah I think I am happy with  my hair are you enough if you have any friend   you can buy it uh do I have both friends Steve  from the jetl Robia shout out to you should I buy   the oil for you any hair PS I think I'm good make  sure good again if you have any hair PSE when you   use this one your hair PS will stop oh I think I'm  good I'm growing new hair I think I don't need it   thank you very much and I also painkillers it's  okay I'm good thank you Germany Germany yeah ah   okay interesting you can buy products here to  grow your hair oh wow this looks uh more like   the Eiffel Tower right and we also have a big  Ben from London right here and this actually   could be the bush Khalifa in Dubai okay in order  to get to the actual Carnival section you have   to walk through this long long never ending  market and Dubai an exit gate which I hope   is the entrance gate to the theme park area oh  yeah I think here we are all right so this was   a very long Market we have to walk through like  a maze of different stalls there what can I do here oh I don't understand Hindi you speak English   English I can play how much one what  do you how much 20 20 rupees and I I   can hit okay let's try my luck you can  change change change yeah okay let's see again no but you can change change okay you can film a thank you and I have to hit   this okay to be honest it doesn't  look that difficult that was a fail   okay how many times I can throw okay  let me try again okay please hold me here okay I hit the first one  okay again okay let me try one more that was almost everything one [Music] more okay I'm not sure what you mean okay  again I don't understand do you speak   English can you translate  I'm not sure what he says let's see what's going on 300 for three times the   ball 100 for one shot one shot  is 100 rupes is that a normal price price so I have to pay 100 more ah  500 cash 500 100 one chance 500 100 rupe   for one the ball that sounds very expensive  I think I just I'm getting scammed here to be [Music] honest I'm from Germany Germany yeah yeah  you're from Delhi no I'm from oh different   city right yeah oh okay do you think this is a  fair price one shot 100 Ruby no oh no no right   oh okay thank you no thank you I am done with  the stall okay this was to be honest the first   stall I'm trying to play a game I'm pretty  sure he said 20 at the beginning and that   sounds more like a fair price to be honest and  then suddenly it's 100 rupe for one shot all   right to be honest I'm already in a bad mood  now anyway I'm trying to enjoy a little bit   here now maybe I do play some more games but  yeah I'm not sure how much of it I can film actually let's see so we do have some of these  rides here there have a loud generator over   there oh my God the noise level here is just  insane generators music and then every place   has different music playing so you have music from  here you have music from there music from there oh   wow this is just insane here how much is it you  have to hit the light I have to add the balloons   I have to the how much does it cost 100 100  rupees for how many shots I think about uh 10 10 shots I let's see if I can do it with one hand yes  I can I'm surprised though that you don't win any   prices usually when you play these games and you  hit a certain amount of uh targets then you get a   price usually right so yeah it works like this you  pay 150 entrance and then for each ride or each   game that you want to play you have to pay extra  all right so yeah I didn't film too much there now   because it was just so loud so I can't really film  anyway but yeah other than getting scammed at the   first game it was actually quite a fun experience  here so overall today was very interesting let me   know your thoughts about the different places  we have seen today in the comments and if you   haven't seen my previous video where I arrived  here in Delhi then feel free to check out the   video right here stay healthy stay positive  and then see you on the next episode ciao guys

2024-04-08 20:06

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