Delft, Netherlands, Complete Tour

Delft, Netherlands, Complete Tour

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You. Will love the Dutch city of Delft, it's one of the most famous, historical. And beautiful, towns in the, Netherlands, preserved. In picture book perfection. It's also a modern, city that functions, very well for, its hundred thousand, residents as you're, going to see in this comprehensive, video. Guide it's. A town of bicycles. Canals, cheese, and beer typical, of the Netherlands, with friendly, well-educated people. Excellent. Preservation of, its historic, buildings, many, of them four hundred five hundred years, old, clustered. In the historic, center of the old town in. A compact, size about, 1/2, square, kilometer very, easy to cover walking, around on foot it. Would be quite ok if your main activity in the visit is just sitting at a terrace, restaurant having, a beer soaking. Up the historic, atmosphere. You'll. Find many, outdoor restaurants. All around the, big, Market, Square will, take you there show you a calm, day and will show you a busy, market, day right in the center of town, with, over 500 stores, and, several, street markets, shoppers, will find much to love and will take you to the ultimate shop, where they manufacture, and, sell, royal, Delft, where the, classic, product this town is most famous for perhaps. Your main activity here, is simply, walking, around enjoying the extensive. Pedestrian, zone no, cars quiet, lanes little, canals even, in the evening it's a charming, spot to be out walking. Or. You could rent a bicycle. It's. So easy, to reach Delft by train using, the excellent. Dutch rail system, where, you arrive in a new station. It, is a spectacular, contrast. To the old buildings, of the historic, centre a bridge, leads from the station. Across, a canal right into town where. You'll cross the tram tracks and plunge. Right into, the historic, centre perhaps. You have arrived in the evening it's, an especially magical.

Time We'll show you a lot more evening, shots later in the programme have, a beer outside at Twilight then find, a cozy restaurant for, a lovely meal you'll. Find the Netherlands, is a relatively. Small country, easy to get around from, Delta, to Amsterdam. Is only one hour by train and, the other main cities around Delft, that we'll be showing you later in our series, are half. An hour to, 10 minutes away an. Overview, from Google, Earth illustrates. The route that you'll take walking, out of a train station, into. The old town it's. Only a few blocks then you're in the middle of things, head north a few more blocks to walk to the direction of the, Central, Market Square, you. Won't need a taxi, to get to your hotel just, walk and notice, the beauty of these, buildings, simply. Called the market or demarked. This, will, be the center and focus of your activities, in Delft, with, the new church at one end sporting the second-highest, bell tower in the country and the. City hall at the other and of course with shops and restaurants all, around it will also take you walking, on those nearby streets, along the beautiful canals, and see more shops all, around the center it's, a small. Area, just about 1/2, square, kilometer, and while. You could get a feeling, for the place with a one-day. Visit walking. Around in the Market Square and, checking, out some of the nearby blocks, however. You'll. See it's much more worthwhile to spend a couple of nights so that you can really relax, and enjoy the special charms, of this place perhaps. Best in the, shoulder, season like September's, seen here, when, it's nice and quiet and peaceful, they. Get a million annual, visitors mostly, in the summertime but. That's nothing compared. To the crowds that you're going to run into in Amsterdam, which, unfortunately is, the, only place that many, visitors to the Netherlands, ever see and, while Amsterdam. Is a wonderful, destination that, you must visit it, would be a shame to stop there and miss. Out on all these other places, in the country that we'll be showing you in our series. We. Had a nice talk with the owner of one of the cafes on the Market Square here, who filled us in on his feelings about Delft, you're. Here in Delft and you. Want to know why, people should come to Delphis yeah yeah, we have a lot of old buildings of course in Delft what's very nice everything, you can do in the cities you can do it by feet so you don't have to use a. Bus, or tram or a train you could just walk here and it's, like it's. Like a fairy tale actually, that's. What I think about it yeah and, then there's the little canals, yeah there are lysed canals you can make a round trip by boat and. Market, a flea market so you can buy small. Things with a flower market, there's a, grocery. Market every Thursday so there's a lot to see in the city what you really like what people normally very, like there, are a lot of terraces. And restaurants, you, can eat on the boat or, you can either on. The square and you really feel in. The 1600 when, you sit here very, well-preserved yeah. Because people like to to make to keep the things very nice and very in, good shape uh-huh so and then of course Vermeer, is and. We of course have a lot of painters we have not museum the familiar museum will, take you inside the Vermeer, center or later in the program, nice. Painting of Emir the the street of Emir his house where he has been born is in this town as well you can visit that as well yeah and then, yeah, it's just, when. You are here use to. Be for a couple of days and then, you can see all the time if you like very relaxing, very relaxing. Because it's a student City as well there. Are about 15,000. Students so that gives a very good energy to the city people, live here yeah. They live above the businesses, you you see here yeah. People, bought it the a long time ago and it keeps it in families, and not many cars no. It's a completely, car, free you, can park your car on the on the edge of the centre and, you just walk into the center and you only have to watch out for bikes that's amazing yeah.

And What's the building behind you this city old it, was the Palace of Justice before, that and they still have some offices, and yeah some offices but not, not much not very much now and, now, it's just, for, people who like to marry with, a bit of humility, and, sense, of humor this couple is having fun getting into, an old Volkswagen. Bus. Beautifully. Restored looks, like excellent, condition rather, than getting in through a limousine. One. Of the most important. Things I think when people come to Dell is because our earlier family is buried here in the church inside. The church you'll see the monument. And mausoleum, of William of Orange more, about that later my. Name is George George Thomas, and I'm, the owner Oh from 97, it. Looks like George's, restaurant, is a fun place to work thank. You very much and it's, a nice place to eat I had, a lovely brunch there you'll, easily find it right on the main market square they. Also serve, lunch and, salads, soups you can get an early dinner and of. Course they serve beer and wine, the. Tower that rises, above City Hall is considered, the city's, oldest, surviving, building, dating, back to 1300. It's the remains of a court of the dukes but, lightning struck, in 1618. Burning, down the rest of the building they, were able to save, the tower and then, they designed, a new u-shaped, building, to, wrap around the tower, constructed. Later in the 17th, century in a renaissance style behind. It is the house for butter a very important, product back in those days, now. It's a restaurant like many, of the other buildings around, the square you'll. Find a nice variety of, visitor. Oriented. Shops like, cheese, and souvenirs. Those, clothing, stores the, famous pottery, and surprisingly. It's, not a touristic ripoff, kind of place because. It's. Also a shopping, area for some locals as well it's. A place where they go through many barrels, of beer Hugo, Grotius was, a Delft, native whose writings. In the early 17th, century laid. The foundation. For, international. Law he was the first to describe, the world as a society. Of states held together by mutual, agreements, rather than force you, can get around in that mini shuttle if you're tired of walking the, market gets very busy every, Thursday, it's market, day people. Flock here and you'll notice that most, of the shoppers are locals. We're, here in the month of September when, there, are not that many visitors, walking around and they're. Here to buy their produce get fresh vegetables pick, up lunch and candies, get, some cheese chat. With their neighbors and generally. Enjoy, this atmosphere. Which has been going on they say for over, 500 years with, the same market. Right here the. Dutch have a long history, of trading. And commerce, with the establishment, of the, incredible, Dutch East India. Company back, in the beginning, of the 1600s. While, looking at today's market it's a good time to recap, some of that amazing history of the Dutch West India, Company which. During the 17th, century became, the world's, first global, corporation. Establishing. Many, trade routes that reached from Africa. Through India and into the Far East their. Early focus was on the spice trade, trading. In nutmeg, cloves, and, black, pepper where, they actually gained a monopoly. Of trade to Europe and could charge twenty times more than what they paid for these goods quickly. Making them very wealthy, with soaring, profits, over. Time they diversified. Trading, silver. And copper from Japan to trade, with India and China for. Silk, cotton. Porcelain. And textiles. Also. Gaining a monopoly, over cinnamon. Becoming. The world's richest, company, with over a hundred and fifty merchant, ships and 40 warships. 50,000. Employees and. A private army of 10,000, soldiers throughout. That Golden, Age of the 17th, century Delft. Played a major role with, its own harbours along. With the larger, cities of Amsterdam. Rotterdam, and.

Several, Other ports, at. The same time Delft, had its own strong, economy, with production. Of textiles. Butter. Cheese. And 200. Breweries, using. Slightly polluted. Canal water that was then made drinkable, by using. It to make beer this, highly, developed economy. Produced, enormous, wealth that enabled, construction. Of the, beautiful, city that we see today, which, fortunately, was preserved, because. Leader, in history the economy, of Delft, went into, a decline and, not, a lot happened, here in the 19th century in, terms of redevelopment, thus, preserving, the beautiful, historic, structures, at. The same time in the 17th, century Delft. Was enjoying, an artistic, Renaissance, and scientific. Breakthroughs with. The career, most, famously, of Vermeer. And also. The, scientist. Anthony. Van Leuven Howe who invented, the microscope and created, the science of microbiology. When he discovered, bacteria. Is that why Dutch cheese, is so good I mean the combination of, science, and, arts and agriculture. And trade somehow. Has given, us this wonderful, food and quite, affordable, here you get a kilogram. For 10, euro well. Now I shift to this over to the other market, that happens in Delft at the Turf mark it's smaller, than that Thursday, main, market, but it's still really, charming, primarily. A food market it gets started before 9 o'clock in the morning nearly, all of the shoppers are local easy to find it's located, just one block south of the, main market square. It's. Always nice to have a look at the local markets when you travel and each. City takes its turns there's usually two, sometimes, three markets, per week in each place we're. Here in Delft on a Saturday, morning and it's. A local affair it's a relatively small market for, produce. Vegetables, fruits. Fresh. Breads and just. A place to have a look and poke around of. Course they do have supermarkets, here in Delft but. It seems that the locals prefer coming out and buying, their foods fresh. And certainly. When the market appears on a Saturday morning you can tell that the shoppers, here with their bicycles, are regular, customers. With. A food basket on the front and a children's seat, in the back this bicycle is your basic, family vehicle, a Dutch version of our SUV maybe, this. Country, has 17. Million, people and, 23. Million bicycles, on Saturdays. This, is a general, market with some flowers, sold but on Thursdays, the same place has a bigger, flower, market, along with the famous tulips, the Dutch grow a wide variety of blossoms, it's, a big part of their economy, there, are some ready-to-eat food so you will not go hungry here maybe. Pick up some bread to go with your cheese, and fruits, and you've got yourself makings of a nice picnic, love. That dark bread it's. Called turf, mark because, it used to be a canal, where they brought in turf, or peat, that decayed. Soil, that was used as a fuel for. The breweries, which were major, Dolf industries, back in the Middle Ages and, the canal was filled in in the nineteenth century and, became this very useful, tree-lined, Plaza it's one of the main open-air, spaces, of Delft, which of course has a number of outdoor restaurants. That are open every day in the fair weather on. A map we can see the three main squares, in the center of town the turf mark where we've just been the main, market, square and, the. Base-10 mark just, two blocks over but slightly out of the way so it's more of a gathering, place for locals, rather than, the tourists, it's. An ideal tree, shaded, plaza surrounded. By restaurants, and bars with indoor. Seating as well as outdoors, on the terrace, a great, place to hang out and relax it's. A lot more peaceful now than in its early days when, it was the animal market, square, the beast and mark where they sold the cattle, and prior, to that back, in the 16th, century it was a monastery, later. In the 20th century it became, a parking, lot. It wasn't until the late 90s, that the parking spaces disappeared. And this, lovely entertainment. Center was created, surrounded. By 11, restaurants. Spice. House TV, is one of the best in town according, to Trip Advisor its ranks, number 3 out of 200, restaurants in dealt with that cozy interior. And a, friendly, helpful staffs, I had an excellent, meal in here it's, a big menu with 16, different meat and fish entrees, and four different vegetarian, choices, washed. Down with a lot of good Dutch beer typical. Price for an entree is in the mid 20 euros or, you could just have an appetizer, and a drink but. Make a reservation, if, you're going for dinner just. Around the corner, from the Beast and mark the long lovely, Canal is the location of the hotel that I stayed at, for my three nights in Delft and had. A chat with the owner who described, it and the surroundings. Welcome. At Hotel johannes vermeer hotel, johannes we are located, in the city centre of Delft, and we're, here the most land Muslim is one of the nice little, streets of Delft with a lot of convenience, stores we have a nice shoe store and a flower market every, week, so.

It's Really nice to walk around here a walking. Distance of all the nice points, of interests, of Delft the big Market Square with. A city hall in church the, even the station, is a walking distance within 10 minutes you're at, the train station, Delft. Is a small, city we call it a little Amsterdam. So, it has a lot of canals. But. Also a lot of nice little Paris streets. Where you can walk around also, very good to. Do it on boats or by bike, but. It's really nice to just walk around and see all the nice old buildings, and all the people, who live here as well so a little nice houses. And a lot of students, are living this, hotel has 30 rooms 25. Standard, rooms and 5 suite. We. Also have a nice patio and a roof terrace so. I think you will really enjoy, here, at Hotel your Honus from here and, we also serve breakfast, and lunch here in our Brasserie it's a little restaurant, where we have nice coffees, cakes and sandwiches and salads. We. Are famous, for our wall. Painting. From the girl with the Pearl Earring all. Known as a famous, picture. Of Vermeer. Delft. Is famous, of course for Johannes, Vermeer one of the famous, painters from Holland but. Also famous for its Delft blue we have several Delft. New factories, where they still paint, the. Ceramics. No. I'm right on the canal with its swans and ducks. There's. A historic. Building nearby, that dates back to 1563. When, it was an orphanage, and then, became, headquarters. Of the city, construction. Engineer, and now it's a restaurant. Walking. A few blocks back, over towards the city center we've passed another restaurant, de Klerk which fills, itself, as a gastro pub lots. Of different beers on tap and, gourmet. Pub, grub with. A traditional. If simple, wood paneled interior. You. Can see that corn mark is a busy. Street it's, really a lot of fun to walk along here just watch out for the bicycles, many, shops, and, the canal running along it with little bridges across the canal we're, right in the centre, just, near the marketplace, heading. For the Vermeer, center a nice, Museum about the life of Vermeer, as. Usual. In this small city it's only about, a five or a ten minute walk to, get there and these. Really are some of the nicest clocks in town this is as good as it gets complete. With several, antique, shops spilling, out onto the sidewalk the. Vermeer, centre Delft, is housed, in, a historic, building that used to be a guild, for creative, people, a gathering. Place like, a union, hall for. Bookmakers booksellers. Potters, and painters, they. Came here to socialize and, discuss, the arts and promote, their businesses. Vermeer. Used to attend this guild very often including, some periods when he was the chairman in, the lower level they have an exhibit of his entire collection, with, copies, of all 37. Known pictures, in, the original size high quality digital, reproductions. And, they've reconstructed what, a studio might have looked like with, some copies, of, implements. And paintbrushes, he. Lived in Delft his whole life and by the age of 8 he lived across the street got in owned by his father and later, he went to live with his mother-in-law on the other side of the Market Square so. He always used, to be around this area the. Museum also features, some innovative, multimedia. Displays, and movies and you'll, have an audio headphone. Set to guide you through museum. Is open every, day from 10:00 to 5:00 when. You come out of the museum, keep, on walking along, the boulders, Kroc this lovely, canal with shops, along one side of it and that's. Going to lead you down to an intersection, of several bridges which are among, the most picturesque, in town including, this bridge that was featured in that movie, the girl with the Pearl Earring with. Scarlett, Johansson walking, across it. We. Are in a quaint, neighborhood, that's just behind the, new church that, big, structure. That's on the main Market Square will. Be taking Wynne there shortly but, now we're going to have a walk around and look at some of the bridges and the side lanes here the. Eat Cafe invites, you to sit on their open terrace or on their dining boat that will surround you with peace but also give, you an awesome view at the busy and picturesque. Streets, of Delft we're. Going to take you on a little wander. Around here for the next couple of minutes and, show you from an aerial perspective of, Google Earth the, neighborhood. That we're looking at is just behind the new church quite. Near the marketplace. In a pedestrian, zone of canals, and white sidewalks, with many shops and restaurants this. Bridge right next, to each cafe, is one, of the most famous and picturesque, in town each, bridge is a little hill for the bicycles, to go over and if you're not going fast enough like this guy you need to use your foot to push you along.

That's. Why most bicycles. Pedal along pretty, quickly with, all these ups and downs that got navigate, this, is the, famous, little, Street after much, research it was recently, discovered that this, is the location for one of Vermeer's most famous, paintings, as seen. Then and now that, painting, is just one, of only, two, of his surviving, works that picture, actual, scenes in Delft the remainder of his paintings, are mostly, portraits. That were done inside. His house, which. Was located a few blocks away over, by the Market Square. Nearly. 700. Buildings, in Delft are listed, as national. Monuments because, of their beauty, and their, cultural, historical. Value and this, means that the, owners would need a permit, before they're going to make any kinds, of modifications, to it that's, one of the main reasons that Delft. Is looking. So historic, and is so well preserved there, is a lot of government, control that makes it happen, these. Buildings, are protected, inside and out where you even need permission, to clean, the facade or change. The color after. Going up and down a few of these canals we've circled back towards. The new church and, heading, through the Market Square to. Have a look at the street that, Vermeer, lived on for. Most, of his life his. House was on this road and yet, very little is actually known about. Vermeer, it's quite a mystery, his. Actual house is gone but they say the location of it was probably. Right, about where this tattoo, parlors located. Next. To a church, which. Has a sign on it commemorating, this historic. Location. And. That brings us back to the Market Square where, it is time for us to go, to church, it's. Called the new church even, though it dates from the early 14th. Century about. Seven hundred and fifty years old so the name is something, of a paradox but. At least it's, newer than, the old church so it's all relative, we'll. Also show, you the old church in a couple of minutes it's, most famous as the burial, place of the Dutch royal family the, House of Orange featuring. A remarkable. Funeral. Monument to, William, of Orange, also. Called William, the silent he. Is considered. The father of the country because, in 1572. He, came here to live and work to lead the revolt against, the occupying, Spanish. Army and he, succeeded and defeated, the Spaniards becoming. The founder of the Netherlands, the. Church is still used for burials, of some members of the Dutch royal family most. Recently in 2002. And 2004. The tourist, information office, is located on the market next to the new church they are known as vvv. And can. Be very useful in, your visit, so you should stop in and get some free maps and information tips.

On Dining walking. Tours activities. And hotels, we. Had a chance to talk with one of their representatives about. What to see and do in delvis Delft, is a beautiful. City historic, beautiful small town it's a historical, inner city at Cosi inner city with a lot of shops cozy. Restaurants, squares. It's, the perfect postcard, child and easy to, see. The whole place on foot the longer you stay how more details you will see within. Buildings with in museums within, the, historical, inner city. We got johannes vermeer world-famous painter he, was born and. Raised. Here in Delft, and we've, got Delft, blue which is world-famous, as well Delft. Is a perfect home base is centrally located within. Rotterdam, and da, it's, only ten minutes away by train powder, as, well also. Lighter, and a, u-turn are nearby. Approximately. 30 to 40 minutes so, it's the perfect base to cover, all, the metropolitan area, of the Netherlands, jost is a very convenient place to live it's a liken small, town where everything is within hand reach Delft, is one of the bigger student, cities we've. Got a university, a well, known and what quite famous, and high ranked University, Technical, University, so. We do not, only got like the historical, but we also got the new city. Of innovation. And technique, you. Can buy a ticket for all day or a single ride on that little van another. Major, pedestrian. Shopping street. Just a few blocks north of the Market, Square and then we came across yet, another Street Market number, 3 if you're keeping track this. One's a lot of fun it's kind of a antique. General, market, you can pick up some royal Delft, porcelain. At a bargain price get, some clothing, knickknacks. Some antiques maybe you. Might call it a flea market but it's a little bit more upscale very. Nice stuff it, happens on Thursdays, but it's even bigger on Saturday. You'll. Notice they're not selling food here, they're not selling clothing oh there's. Some fabrics, but all kinds, of vintage items it's. The kind of place where you can strike up a conversation, with, some, locals it, extends. Right up to the old church where we're going next, notice, this unusual. Bridge that has a small terrace down at the water level there's a stone staircase called, the mussel, trap that leads down to the water because, mussels, the shellfish were brought here by ship until the 19th century, that. Leads, us next door to the old church, which dates, from, 1246. And, that makes it the oldest church in Delft built, in the Gothic style both. The new church and old church have international, allure. Because, of all the famous people from Dutch history who have been interred, within their walls. Here. We have burials, of johannes. Vermeer the. Scientist, anthony, van Leuven Hoch and also. An admiral. Martin, Trump who helped, defeat the Spanish back in the sixteenth century fighting. Against. The mighty military of king philip ii, of spain it's. Quite remarkable to see the, amount of stained, glass windows, in this very early gothic church, and the, light comes flooding, in some, of the windows are coloured, and others are plain, glass to. Give that effect of brightness. And heaven, inside, the church of course.

There Were many renovations. And expansions and. Reconstructions. Of the church during its centuries, of existence, the. Organs, here and also back in the new church are both often played as part of concert, performances. Open to the public. Just. Behind the church is a very, important, historic, site called Princeton, Hall it, was the court of the prince back in the Middle Ages originally. It was a monastery and later, served as the residence for William, of Orange the. Founder of the country who was murdered here, in 1584. Museum. Today is open, to the public they. Have, changing, exhibits, as well as their permanent, collection. Just. Around the corner along, the old Delft, Canal you'll find a nice hotel, Delft. Museum, hotel and beyond. Here towards the north it's mostly a residential. District, so unless, you've got lots of time you really don't need to venture further north. You. Definitely, want to explore Delft at Twilight, into, the evening come, on out have a drink and have some dinner stroll. Through these beautifully, lit streets, especially, in, the neighborhood, around the marketplace, not. Only is it the historic, center but it's considered, downtown Delft. By the local residents this is where they come to party and walk and see their friends, there. Are a couple of really excellent, restaurants. Just behind the City Hall and throughout. The market square in front of that tall church tower you'll find many more restaurants, the, Grand Cafe, which. Is open from 9:30 in the morning until 1:00, a.m. you. Could sit indoors. It's so much nicer outside. In the evening and, the. Bog as you. See both very popular with. A local, clientele. So much that their websites don't even have an english-language version, however, of course Dutch. Speak, English, we are so fortunate as. English-speaking. Tourists, there is never a problem in communicating. So. Menus nearly always have English translations, for you it's. Quite safe to be out walking at night don't, worry about any danger because, the crime rate in the Netherlands, is much, lower than America. For example because. The Dutch have created, a society, that takes care of everybody, we. Have two more activities, to show, you tomorrow, morning, we're going to take, a boat ride in the, canals and we're gonna go visit the Royal Delft, Factory, and show you how, they make the Delft where the. Map shows a quick, recap, of our walking, route through the centre easily.

Managed In a couple of days beyond. That historic, centre are the residential, neighbourhoods that you might not have time to see then. We'll show you some of our canal, boat ride and take, you off the map to the right down, to royal Delft Factory. Next. Morning we took the canal, boat tour with the company, called run Vaart Delft, they've been doing this for 50 years so they really have experienced. Captains, and guides and they. Take you on a nice short route I'm just going to abbreviate the, tour for our video it's already a pretty long movie and, we want to get down to rail Delft factory so, some quick scenes of, the building's historic, buildings, gliding, by going. Under the bridges, their. Brochure, claims, the guides are all passionate. And knowledgeable about. The rich history so, we wanted to talk to one of the guides and get his story. I'm, a full-time student here studying mechanical engineering or, I just finished my bachelor and I'm now going to do my master here in Delft so, in two years I will be graduated, did. You do your undergraduate, in Delft, yes I did it as well it wasn't like Bill I liked Delft and it's a good university, or it's only technical, so I like, that and. This is a good job you're. Outside all day long just entertaining, some people so that's fine, this. Is part-time I do this about their, only work students, for most summer students and it, worked about 40 40 students I think and you work four to five times a month but. You make kind, of good money at, the people tip dude. Thank. You AB for a nice ride and, we're continuing, walking, south now towards. The royal, Delft Factory, and showroom. Slightly. Beyond the historic, centre that we've been spending time at but still a lovely, neighborhood with. A mix of new and old, passing. Restruck, which is a direct route, over to the train station, just to block away from here and you'll, see many people are, hauling their bags through, town to the train station, here's. The same angle as Vermeer's famous, view of Delft, we're looking at one of the old warehouses, at. This point the river is called she and gets quite wide with, direct, shipping connections, to, lighten. And Rotterdam. And from, there out to the North Sea or down, the Rhine River it's. A growing part of town with some modern apartments. Enjoying, a lovely waterfront. View. Which. Brings us right to the entrance of royal, Delft showroom, and factory, where. We are going to enjoy. A tour of the facilities, these. Tours are open to the general public for, a slight. Admission, fee or, you're welcome to come into the showroom the, sales room without, any entrance, charge at all, so. Welcome, to Rio Delft, and we're. Going to take you on a little walk. Through our factory, discovering. Of a long history, we're. Going to show, you during, our tour our Museum, you're going to watch the painters work. And admire. The beautiful collection, in our showroom. You'll. Discover, the magic, of how clay, is transformed. Into a variety of wonderful, porcelain. Ceramic vessels. You'll. Get to see how many of the pieces are hand painted the, decorating, process starts with the creation, of the outline, of the traditional, decoration, after. Which the painters carefully. Fill in the details by hand using special. Paint brushes made. Of Martin, and squirrel, hair the. Delft blue scenery is painted with a color mixture made to a centuries-old, recipe. Consisting. Mostly of cobalt. Oxide. After. The piece has been hand-painted. It's, sprayed, with a glaze, now, the glaze covers, the decoration.

With An opaque white layer and then. During the firing process the. Glaze melts, at a temperature of 1200 degrees, centigrade. Into. A transparent. Layer of glass and with. The chemical, reaction, during the firing process the. Design painted, in black hidden. Below comes. Out a rich, Delft, blue with. A strong, and shiny, glazed, surface. Most. Of the pieces are made here in mould. It. Coats the clay to the walls of the mold forming, a cast inside, that dries and can, then be removed. Five. Cubes the. Firing process takes, 24, hours that's, including, cooling down and the temperatures, about 1,100. Degrees. Not. All of the pieces are hand-painted, because, that's more expensive so, there's another technique that utilizes. Transfer. Like, a decal, they, put the decal in hot water place, it on the handmade, plate collection, and then, during a final firing process. Decoration. Fuses, into the glaze the. Decals, are custom, designed by the painters, of the workshop this, is the handmade collection, but not hand paint it's decorated with the transfer, technique, you'll. Also visit their Museum collection which includes a room in tribute, to Vermeer. Who worked in Delft at the same time this company, was founded. We. Do have a very special, relationship with a members of the Dutch royal family so, we have to harder to realise rise. Our beautiful, commemorative, plates special, occasions, but also the, portraits, so you, cannot marry up a modern collection rather, I've like to maintain the tradition, but we also like the challenge, to hold be modern designers, well, this is our Christmas plate, collection, each. Year one of our best master painters realized, a new design. With. A Christmas. Theme. The. History, of this company is really, amazing, Dutch, interest, in porcelain, dates, back to. 1600. When the Dutch East India, Company brought, back some blue painted, porcelain from, China and, they. Kept importing, it but, because of problems with Chinese, trade and civil wars the. Dutch needed, to figure, out a way to make it for themselves which. They did very successfully and, it helped that they, had a number of breweries, making. Beer that were going out of business back. In the 1650s. Leaving. Some of the buildings in Delft, vacant, and they, were perfect, for making, pottery because they had kilns. And plenty of storage space, the. Royal Delft company actually got started back in those days in, 1653. And it's. Been in, business continuously. Ever since back. In those days there, were 32. Different earthenware, factories. In Delft well the industry began a decline, back in the 1800s. Because of competition. From other, countries, from England, and from, other European countries, that had some cheaper porcelain, but, royal Delft continued, operations, under, various. Ownership. Continually, growing strong, and more famous in. 2003. They celebrated, their three hundred and fiftieth, anniversary and. In. 2012, they opened, up the present, showroom, to the public and that. My friends, completes, our comprehensive. Look at the city of Delft. You.

2019-05-13 02:01

Show Video


Mijn geboortestad blijft uniek...

Went there last August...

I'm going to TU Delft this August. Videos about this city pops up sometimes and make me love it already.

Excellent! Please do Utrecht and Rotterdam!

they are coming soon, thanks, I had excellent visits to both places...

Thumbs up for great video Denniss.

Great video. Will take a day trip to Delft in September while I'm in the Netherlands. BTW it's expensive to eat in Holland : (

Belo muito belo

For some reason I have never been to Delft (I'm Dutch myself). Looks charming, I might make it a day trip destination soon. Looking forward to your vid on Utrecht, my native city :)

An extremely interesting video! I watched it on 11th May 2019, just a few days after the Dutch Tourist Board in effect said, 'Please do NOT come to Amsterdam - it is too crowded. Please visit our other beautiful cities and our lovely countryside.' (Compare the point you make at 4 minutes into the video.)

Amsterdam is nice, but it gets really overrun by tourists in spring/summertime. There are plenty of other destinations that have the same historical, typical Dutch charm that are far less touched by mass tourism. And everything is close to Schiphol Airport or Rotterdam Airport, anyway, since you can cross the whole country by train in about 3 hours. Frequent trains connect all the cities and many of the smaller towns, so getting around is easy :)

One of the finest travel videos I have ever watched. Thank you. I love the Netherlands.

And excellent video. I will certainly be making a point of visiting Delft in the not too distant future.

Lucky jur 69 ~~~

Total Zen ❤


Thank you very much for the video mate

Wow! Great quality and information. Totally could be on PBS. Superb. Thank you so much for your hard work, producing and sharing. Commenting from USA, Minnesota

Can't thank you enough for this GREAT video, Dennis. THANK YOU. :-))))

Beautiful video, great work Sir, love to watch you on YouTube in future :) Cheers

your latest travel videos are the nicest with the most comprehensive commentaries on YouTube. Please keep sharing.

Mr. Callan... so glad you are back here! Best videos ever... from 2009 to now!

Mooie stad,ik woon ook in Oude stad.... Dordrecht

Hao Huang... you are so lucky... great uni, great place!

Nah it can be really cheap actually. Do some research on a travel website. Of course a fancy restaurant in the center of the old town isnt going to be cheap, but not crazy priced either. But if you are on a budget there are plenty of options. Get some fried fish at the stand you see in the video for example. Hot , fresh and good size portions.

Thanks Richard, you are giving me serious ideas for my next visit!!

There are options to Amsterdam, near and far: Alkmaar, Amersfoort, Arnhem, Breda, Delft, Den Haag, Deventer, Dordrecht, Groningen, Gouda, Haarlem, 's-Hertogenbosch, Hoorn, Leeuwarden, Leiden, Maastricht, Middelburg, Nijmegen, Rotterdam, Schiedam, Utrecht, Zutphen and Zwolle.

They should have car access everywhere

kijk Sjors eens Delft promoten. goed bezig pik

The video is so good that you really don't need to visit Delft anymore.

Mooi video . Groetjes van dordrecht . Kindly visit my channel too

Super video! Thanks!

Delft, my hometown. Till 12 years lived and at school then moved abroad with my parents..Thursday still the market .

Very beautiful city much information from my lelystad friend. ♥️

Its full with drunk and yelling lowlife university students, just like the city Leiden. Coldcrapprivilegedchildren without supervision, from parents or police.

Yours and Rick Steves vids of European countries are the best imo

This video brings back so many memories. I worked for a software company in Delft 15 years ago and Delft seems to be my second hometown during my stay. When I see this video today, I remembered the streets I walked, the markets I've visited, the canals I've crossed and the same church with the old clock is still there. I've even ventured as far as IKEA store across the highway. Thank you so much for this video Dennis, you'll never know who you've touched by all your travel videos.

Wow! Nice video. It serves as a guide for me. Will be in Delft in September this year and will be staying there for a year.

Okay, okay.. you are allowed to come but no playing video games when you suppose to study....



Europe is the best. Steeped in thousands of years of history. The architecture is stunning in each and every country in Europe.

+denniscallan I suggest you to visit valkenburg in the zuid of nederland is a beautiful touristic place. By the way nice video

Thanksl great vid; great town. Pronounced "Delluf" , BTW.

Any one to invite me?

I work at the TU-Delft, our building is 3 km from the centre, I love visiting the old city centre, especially in the summer sipping beer outside in de beestenmarkt!

De gemeenteraad zit in het stadhuis dus niet alleen voor trouwen foutje


Love my city Delft.. Living in Delft.

@denniscallan I suggest you to visit valkenburg in the zuid of nederland is a beautiful touristic place. By the way nice video

Delft is very picturesque but rather boring as a city to live in. Cities like Utrecht, Rotterdam and Maastricht are way more enjoyable to live in IMO

Nice to visit, though. I have movies coming up that visit Rotterdam and Maastricht, showing what you are talking about, yes.

meeste mensen zien alleen dit van delft maar weten niks over de wijken, tanthof, voorhof, poptahof enz. maar ja de stad is dan ook eenmaal toeristisch. ik wou alleen dat zulke video's die over nederland gingen niet alleen de binnenstad lieten zien


GREAT video!!!! who didn't like it and why???????

Yes, it would be nice to have more time and see the outlying areas, maybe next time. Trnaslated: most people only see this van delft but know nothing about the neighborhoods, tanthof, forecourt, poptahof etc. but yes the city is also once touristy. I just wish that such videos about the Netherlands did not only show the city center

Your videos are just wonderful! So informative and to the point! Excellent job, thank you so much! Mary

Thanks truly, informative is my main goal, along with entertaining. I always aim to make the practical guide that's fun to watch.

Enjoyed the video Europe is the best keep up the good work. You explained everything so well

Maybe you should stop writing in all capital letters, normally I translate a comment, this I didn't.


Love all your videos, very thorough and down-to-earth style introduction.

Waarom een verhaal over Delft in het Engels? In Delft wordt Nederlands gesproken.

Home town off me

Thanks for the video...Very useful...

Unfortunately I watching your beautiful peaceful paradise country from a ever worsted barbarian culture people living country India


Ik woon ook in Delft

Omdat deze video natuurlijk voor buitenlanders bedoeld is. Doe niet zo raar.


The video's are so well made, yet still have some amateurism (which make them likable).

I mainly love the Church of Delft :P Been there only twice, both because of "eating" xD Damn the more I see this, the more it looks like Gouda xD (where I live)

Thank you Remco, it is a fair and welcome comment. My videos offer an authentic look at each place, without the glitz and hype of more commercial attempts, which often are designed to sell or promote. With me you get a normal person talking to you about the place, offering detailed, entertaining visuals and practical tips for getting the most out of your visit, but I am not selling anything, nor am I doing it as an ego-trip to constantly put my face on screen, as so many kids live for.

Bedankt voor de informatie over DEFLT STAD....ik wil daar volgende keer voor een vakantie...ik hou van dutch land

@denniscallan ...dat klopt

translation: Thanks for the information about DELFT CITY .... I want to go there next time for a vacation ... I love Dutch country

I'll live there someday, I promess. I am an aeronautical engineering and i'm really craving for studying in TU delft!

Nice keep it up

Moro no Brasil queria morar nessa cidade.

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