December 21, 2018

December 21, 2018

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Arizona. 360, takes a look back she, had heard. That the US was giving mothers and children, asylum. Until the end of May issues. That define 2018. This is a fight because we love our students, and how, they evolved, over time does, look like a democratic, wave is forming, but there's a lot of time between now and November. Hello. And welcome to Arizona 360, I'm Lorraine Rivera thank you for joining us over, the last year Arizona, often, landed in the national spotlight as, certain events developed, around issues like teacher pay immigration. And politics, this, week we revisit, our own reporting, on some of these topics to explore how they affected Arizonans, we, begin with education, funding, our. K-12, education, system is certainly not perfect but we are seeing signs, of progress and we're gonna see more in. Our series premiere Governor Doug Ducey indicated. Education, funding would be a priority, of his going into 2018, an issue, underscored. In his State of the State address. 80%. Of our. New budget, priorities, you'll. See Friday will. Be for public education the dollars, couldn't come sooner that's, a sense we got from public school administrators. Who discussed ongoing difficulties with hiring. Teacher. Pay is the biggest. Obstacle to getting the most appropriate, person into the classroom even, those that we're getting into the profession we're not keeping them very long. By. Spring a movement emerged, red for Edie their, calls for pay raises emboldened. By teacher strikes in West Virginia, and elsewhere if. Governor Ducey really wants to be the governor that's that's, Pro public education, and this legislature, wants to avoid situations that, we've been seeing throughout. The country then they have to move forward with, legislation, and funding and they need to do so now we don't go into teaching for the money, absolutely. We don't, however, we should still be able to live, we should still be able to have a livable, wage. As. Their message spread elected, officials began to weigh in if. You're worrying. About. Gee. I have to have second job to make ends meet because, my profession, doesn't pay me enough well. That takes energy away from what they can do in the classroom each and every day also. Legislators. Did pass a 20-year, extension of, prop 301, a sales, tax that provides a half billion dollars funding, stream for public schools each year the, move received praise along, with criticism for only maintaining, the status quo, this, bill does avert, a crisis. It. Eliminates, the cliff. Teachers. Wanted more a 20%, raise they continue to demonstrate before. And after school. As. The likelihood of a walkout loomed the governor's office unveiled, its 20 by 2020. Plan promising. To boost pay 20%, by the year 2020. It translated. To more than five hundred eighty, million dollars over, the next three years those. Are gonna be protected, dollars we're not going to be looking to cut those in, future years the plan, did not prevent teacher unions, and the grassroots, group Arizona, educators, united, from voting to walk out until lawmakers, met their demands. This. Is taking place right now the governor's plan only, proposes. Increases. For teachers we, know that there's a number of other educators, in the system that deserve salary, increases this, is a fight because we love our students, and I, know that even on my. Personal Facebook page the parents, that are on my page are fully supportive. Of this the, walkout kept tens of thousands of students out of class as it, progressed our coverage included, showcasing. How the community, stepped up to help, we have about 575, kids. Right now who are registered, for the day camp, historic. Demonstrations.

At The Capitol I have. Been so inspired by your movement by the red forehead because. It's. Not falling upon deaf ears. School. Districts, that never close their doors, they're, happy that their teachers are here some. Of them were concerned with the initial oh you're, gonna leave us and. Educators, who kept teaching even when they weren't certain, they would be paid I am. NOT being paid for any of this time I've received zero, dollars for everything that I've done in the last four days a week after walking out teachers agreed to come back accepting. A budget that reinforced, the governor's 20 by 2020, plan it offered, them a nine percent raise next school year with a promise, of five percent raises over the following two years governor. Ducey sought to reassure educators. They could count on those dollars, I've. Already committed that I'm gonna veto any budget it's anything less, than this and I would think anyone, that would be in this office because those dollars are there and they're committed to the teachers would be moving these to the teachers these are fair questions there, are questions that teachers have, asked me nobody. Was truly, happy with this plan the teachers wanted more the governor offered less and really had to be dragged to the table to provide what he did and both sides can walk away from this and say we didn't get everything we wanted but it was a win and you, know nobody's, lying in that sense, into. The new school year we checked back in with administrators. About persisting. Challenges, with funding, like enrollment, drops so. You have the enrollment, piece you also have, our, continued. And well publicized. And documented, challenges, with, facilities, and with capital, funding and we asked educators about, the lasting, impact of red for IDI I hope, that there's, been an, awareness. Level, that has increased among. Parents, and, among the general community I hope that people are realizing, that there's a real need to fund, our schools and that hopefully, they will keep that in mind in November when they're voting for candidates. Who are, willing to do that in. November, voters signaled, they want to change electing, a teacher to the state's highest education. Post political, newcomer Kathy, Hoffman goes into the new year understanding. Enacting, change will, take time we. Have schools that are on the brink of shutting down because of, lack. Of funding, frankly, and so. For me it will be a challenge, to be patient.

To Work through the process work through the bureaucracy. Superintendent. Elect Kathy Hoffman will be inaugurated on January 7th, the next legislative, session begins. January 14th. The. National Dialogue in events surrounding immigration. Made it one of the most turbulent issues, of 2018. More. Often than not many, closely, watched topics, had ties here, in Arizona. In. January, the debate over immigration reform. Focused on daca or the deferred action for childhood arrivals, President, Trump announced plans to end the program in March demanding. Lawmakers, pass a permanent, solution but any, solution, has to include the wall we. Heard from families concerned about what docas n could mean for them in both, cases at least one parent has daca status and american-born, children and. They did point my parents and, they stake me with them I'm. Not gonna fit in I. Decided. And how I have to sacrifice my. Career because. I have to fight to stay in this beautiful. Country with my family, with, the future of daca in jeopardy we learned about the legal limbo recipients, faced now. The Department, of Homeland Security is honoring, extensions. Or, applications. For people who have had daca, in the past but. They're, not even, adjudicating. New daca applications. And in, terms of the time limits who knows how long this is going to last despite. In action from Congress a, federal judge would intervene and preserve daca amid ongoing legal, arguments, and what we saw with, the passage of the latest omnibus, spending bill is that one, of the key provisions that the Trump administration was asking for which. Is more money for border security they, approved money for that but, what they were asking for in exchange the protections, for dreamers was completely left out by. Spring headlines, about a migrant, caravan from Central America garnered. Widespread attention, one, researcher, described, its origins, as an annual migration, with religious, ties this. Is not a storming, of the border and. Again only a small, percentage, of the group will actually, come all the way north many people never intended. To come all the way to the United States at. The same time concerned tweets from President Trump preceded a decision, to authorize governor's, in border states to deploy the National Guard they, would support agents, performing, tasks unrelated. To law enforcement. In. May ports of entry saw an influx of asylum seekers many. Arriving, with families, sometimes waiting, days to speak with federal authorities people, had heard different things one mother told me that she had heard.

That The US was giving mothers and children, asylum. Until the end of May. Among. Those requesting, asylum we met a woman from Honduras, who feared for her life in her home country because, she is transgender an immigration. Attorney explained. What makes an asylum claim valid, you. Can only seek asylum if your, fear of returning to your country is because of five specific reasons, and that's. Because, you fear persecution, based on your race your, national, origin your, political opinion, your religion, or your membership, in this mushy, category, called a particular. Social group, come. June and much of the discussions, concern family, separations, a consequence. Of the Trump administration zero-tolerance. Policy. It. Appears, our critics, won a two-tier, legal system they, think illegal aliens should get different perhaps better, treatment, than US citizens, because, they happen to be illegal, aliens no, jail if they have a family no critical, consequences. If they have children I'm here. Today to tell you differently. The. Pushback was immediate, the, fact remains that we D Huez these, people and their kids if we, make this all about, enforcement. Only enforcement, only separation. Stop that same month and a federal judge ordered the government to reunite, affected, families, heightened, attention on the issue brought, the first lady to Arizona, where she saw firsthand, how families, were processed. And it, led to greater scrutiny of Southwest, key a national, nonprofit that shelters immigrant, children in Tucson and the Phoenix area our efforts. To learn about its operations. Included, a discussion with a former employee when. You're a kid, under 12 and it's, bedtime, even the wreck of regular kid is gonna. Misbehave. And be difficult, now. You imagine this kid doesn't know where their parents are they, don't know where they are per se they. Don't know where they're they don't know anything and so they're expressing. This trauma particularly, at night when it's time to go to bed, during. The summer we also got a bird's-eye, view of the Border Patrol by federal agents in Pima and Yuma counties the, challenges, both terrains present, and the role of air support. As. Fall. Approached agents, encountered, more large groups of asylum seekers in the West Desert others, willing to wait would continue, to ask for asylum at the port's these. People don't even have a clue sometimes. For political. Asylum is, and. Because. We have to pray very very, hard because, when. You hear and talk you, know it's they. Don't qualify a lot of them. Request. For asylum continued, to soar in late October, news of another approaching. Caravan from Central America led, President Trump to order active duty troops to the border that, included, more than 1500. Servicemembers in Arizona an attorney. And expert on national, security shed, light on the potential scope of their roles they. Cannot engage, in, law, enforcement functions. And there's a, 1878. Act that prohibits that basically, our US. Military troops from, engaging in domestic. Law enforcement in. The US and by law enforcement functions, we meet things like.

Apprehension. Arrest. Search. And seizure, interrogation. And detention, as. We saw November their duties included, installing, razor wire long portions, of the border wall and community he's like Nogales. We. Heard from the heads of Border Patrol and Tucson and Immigration and Customs Enforcement in, Phoenix about, challenges, with processing, the influx of families seeking asylum. Large. Groups, of family. Units and children who have been showing up in the West desert area out there being, dropped off. Overwhelm. Our resources, that we have in a lot of these areas the message is if you're. Arriving. With, a child it's. Very unlikely. That you will be detained by ice it's. Very likely that she'll be released and we, visited faith-based. Nonprofits. In Arizona, and Sonora helping, immigrants, with food shelter and medical attention. It's. Difficult, when people are waiting in Mexico, they. Have a sense. Of urgency they, just need to get into a more safe and stable place I am. What the militant we did nothing. There in what they mala it is very sad we. Don't have anything we. Don't have enough to eat and, we don't have land we don't have a house we have nothing, you. Know thankful not these. Are the most innocent loving, people and all they want is a chance they just want a chance in America, they love this country by. The end of November the, caravans, arrival, led to a confrontation outside, California. Federal. Agents closed the port and launched tear gas into Tijuana when a group of migrants tried to rush the border, and. What's, the BP told us is based mentioned, Baptist, this wasn't just a possibility, in San Diego anymore but, they were taking precautions, all along the California border, and even in San Luis Arizona, amid. Ongoing steps, to harden the border the issue of immigration reform remains, unresolved, on Capitol Hill. While. Stories, about immigration, routinely, intersected. With Arizona's, border it wasn't the only issue impacting, the region Arizona's. Economic ties, with Mexico, and its many border communities, also came into focus throughout the year. Ongoing. Talks to renegotiate. The North American, Free Trade Agreement or, NAFTA picked up in January we, explored, what was on the line for Arizona, and its trade relationship, with Mexico when. It comes to the NAFTA negotiations, really is a federal, purview it is federal government to federal government nevertheless I. Believe. The. Leadership of people like Governor Ducey and his. Entire team in putting. Arizona in the best position, possible we, haven't taken our foot off the pedal we continue to go fast at this and go strong because our, economy, very much depends, on that with you're.

Talking About almost nineteen, billion, dollars and trade, between what, we do with Canada and what we deal with Mexico. We. Also saw firsthand at the Motty pasa port of entry in Nogales how, customs, officials, enforce NAFTA. This. Is the document that we use to verify the. Legitimacy of, NAFTA claims whether. The good qualifiers, or not this is the document that the trade has to use those, customs consultants, the importing community the exports, everybody that touches NAFTA has to understand, the contents, of this book what. Our nafta's original, negotiators. Former Arizona, Representative Jim, Kolbe, discussed, the deals lasting, impact, and where, there was room for improvement. You, take agriculture. Mexico. Has become a huge. Export. Market for the United States a huge market forty percent of all of our grain goes. To Mexico if we, were to walk away from NAFTA it. Would be devastating, to our agriculture, industry. And then to Midwestern, states, 24. Years ago I mean it should it be renegotiated. Now are there things that could be changed absolutely. NAFTA doesn't need to be modernized, there. Were things that didn't exist in those days digital, economy. For example, trade. Fueled Arizona's, other endeavors, in Mexico, we profiled, a program run by the Arizona, Department of Transportation designed. To speed up commercial, traffic at the port's it included, training truckers, in Mexico about safety and compliance our. Bottom line here is to be safe we want the roads to be safe as those trucks go into Arizona we. Also don't want to hold up the trucks any more than we have to. For. The government of Arizona to send their people to teach us this. Is a great gesture on how we can live better together between two countries. We. Also got a better sense of how issues around border security and international trade intersect, with lives of those who call the borderlands, home we, heard from ranchers, community, leaders and business owners I don't, think that we get a very fair, representation. From the media to the Santa Cruz County I work. For the Nogales Chamber of Commerce and I also represent, the tourism, Center and, I can tell you that I feel, very safe when you talk about Nogales. You should be talking about international. Trade you should be talking about billions, of dollars worth of Commerce and. That. Is very hard for us to get recognition, from the federal government, that that's happening in our community, if you just look at our customs staffing, we're. At a 30 percent deficiency, in our port of entry at, the start of summer with NAFTA's future still in question we heard from business advocates, and companies, closely, watching negotiations. The, Union Pacific Railroad is the only freight railroad with six gateways, in and, out of Mexico one, of those being here in Arizona.

I Know Gallus you can't help but think about NAFTA and that discussion today it's something we're paying particular attention to not just Union Pacific but I think business at large is paying attention to that we now have. Supply. Chains that, are totally, integrated, across. International borders. Meanwhile. The governors of Arizona, and Sonora fortified. The two states relationship, at a summit in Tucson, for the arizona-mexico, Commission, well. There's going to be a relationship, between Arizona, and Sonora regardless. Of what happens, I'm advocating, for, a new. And improved NAFTA, I'd like to see a NAFTA 2.0. The. Truth is the two of us have been working on this relationship, for more than three years but, the relations, between Sonora, and Arizona has more years in the same free trade agreement, in July, Mexicans, elected a new president focused. Then shifted, to how promises, made during his campaign, would impact the border among. Them is you. Know significantly, cutting some of the taxes, in the border area and also significantly reducing. Some of the customs. And, I guess not enforcement but certainly making it easier. For for goods to go back and forth again, with the idea being to really promote economic. Development, in. That in that part of the country and, by late August President, Trump announced the u.s. Mexico and Canada had reached a deal we, got insight, on what the terms of the new pact stipulated. I think, the most significant. Impacts. For Arizona. Are what was not changed. And that is as far as I can tell from what we've seen there. Are no changes. In that, would disrupt the enormous, flow of, Mexican, fruits and vegetables, across the Nogales, border, in. Late November the leaders of all three countries signed the u.s. Mexico Canada, agreement, just, days before the inauguration, of Mexico's president-elect, Andres, Manuel Lopez Obrador, whose, administration could. Usher in more economic, change in the coming years. There's. Definitely, if, not a concern, a huge interest, to keep a good, relationship with Mexico and also to keep growing the commercial ties with it the. U.s. Mexico Canada, agreement, still needs approval from federal, lawmakers in all three countries in order to take effect, president, Trump has said he will withdraw the u.s. from NAFTA putting, the pressure on Congress to accept the new deal all. The issues, we've covered so far also, factored, into the midterm elections, pundits. And politico's, speculated. Throughout the year whether Democrats, could flip seats in a state that president Trump won in 2016. Congressional. Races began, to take shape early in the year with some candidates, declaring, their runs in January, I am, a candidate, for the United. States Senate from Arizona.

This. Is not been a state that's been kind to Democrats, in recent, years you. Look at the polling right now it, does look like a democratic, wave is forming, but there's a lot of time between now and November, and a lot could happen fast. Forward to the summer as we, neared the primary, we heard from the candidates, running for governor I'm. Running because the truth matters, and we're not being told the truth that's a very critical areas, the people who are running our state government, are not putting the people of Arizona first they, will never have a governor, more committed to public education public, schools than me I have always supported any effort that, would bring more money to our public schools well what's important, to me is. All of the education. That's accessible. For all of our kids and, the Republican, and Democratic parties began, to lay out their strategies, for the general election, so we're, able to hone in on the messaging, that. You, know Arizonans. Care about and the, issues that they care about so that we can go then and talk to them and deliver the. Correct message to, their door and let them know that the Republican values are still. The values the Arizonans, hold dear here if Democrats, don't quite see that shift, this, election, cycle will, there be a look in the mirror and ask what, do we need to do moving forward well, we've been doing that for several, cycles and, we have been reaching to every corner of the state the, party is very diverse and we want all, folks, in our party and all Arizonans, to get ahead and what, we're seeing is that the, messaging, we're doing today about. Arizona, values and working families and everyday, Arizonans. Is really. Resonating, some. Of the discussion, focused on how the candidates, could win over moderates, after the primary, they. Have to show the party base that, they are a committed, conservative. Progressive. And, then. They also have to leave wiggle, room to then show the broader audience, of moderates. In each party and of Independence, that they, are, best situated to represent them then you look at the all-important, moderates, the swing voters they, actually, are, education. As they're number one so they look just like liberals and then also with Trump with, favorability, they have a very unfavorable, opinion of the president in August, partisan, politics, briefly, came to a halt as Arizona, and the country mourn the passing of Senator John McCain. Governor. Ducey would go on to appoint jon kyl to McCain's open seat calling, the longtime lawmaker back, to Congress. Arizona. Needs someone, who can hit the ground running, on, day one, and, that's. Jon Kyl. Kyle agreed adding that he would only serve through the end of the year I left. The Senate in 2013. After having served in it for 18 years in. Addition to eight years in the house and. There. Comes a point when you say I've done enough. After. The primary, speculation. Intensified, whether a blue wave would sweep the polls and push back against, the Trump administration now. I'm sorry I have too many people walking to my into my headquarters, every. Day and calling us on the phone and saying I haven't. Been active for a long time I need. To get active I need, to help and they're being motivated, by what's happening, at the, federal level, and we have Democrats, walking into our office, every day changing, their registration, because they say their party is to in turn go on too far left through. A series of debates hosted by Arizona public media voters heard from candidates, running for governor Doug. Ducey's quick reversal, with, red for Edie is an example of him being a follower not a leader we are not asking, to abolish, ice like mr. Garcia's, candidates. For congressional district, two I think. That if an is elected, to the seat we, will see tax reform, rollback she has said she would privatize Social Security and. Candidates, for congressional district, three I believe. That education at. The bottom line is the short-term long-term, solution. To economic development we, need to provide, resources. In both the urban and rural areas that are going to be beneficial, for our youth but, the race that captivated, most was the neck-and-neck run between Representatives, Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema for US Senate I voted. To protect people, with pre-existing conditions, health. Care is the number one issue that people talk to me about and while. They're concerned about the increasing, costs, of health care they're, even more concerned, about what's at stake and what they could lose well. We heard from candidates, we also heard from voters in, this district that people in the middle decide about, the issues compelling, their choices first.

Small Business, I think we need somebody in Washington that has a voice comprehensive. Immigration reform, is. Part, and parcel, of a border security package, motivating. Young adults, go to the polls I think, students are officially, nowadays are really not wanting, to be put into boxes and so they're really wanting to be, active, and learn more about these policies and stand up against specific issues, instead of actually, like a party challenges. With getting Latinos, to cast ballots we're, talking about a very young population who, already has sort of prone, to non-voter, habits, and so, you, know adding coupling it with the youth vote it makes it even more sort, of a non-voting population. And why regardless, of demographics. Voting, is a right worth, exercising. So, many people in our, world don't. Have the opportunity, to vote it is a privilege. And a responsibility, in. The homestretch, to Election Day Arizona, did look more like a battleground, state with, visits, from the president and other high-profile. Politicians. Donald. J. Anytime. There are high-profile. Politicians. That come to a state what. It does for the candidates, is, that their supporting, is increased, their exposure Bernie. Sanders. That is, important, because it gets them local. Exposure, in a variety of outlets. That's. One of the reasons why people particularly. Appreciate, presidential, visits but you, know any high-profile. Politician. That comes in it helps, and. Following. Election, day it would take several more days to determine key, races and the direction voters, want Arizona, to take I don't think that we're gonna know maybe even after the 2020, election, whether there's a true-blue wave in Arizona. The Democrats did very well this time I wonder, if it is a reaction, to President, Trump I wonder if the same people who, voted, for him but wouldn't tell us in 2016. This. Time around did, not vote for Republicans, because of him and also won't tell us. As. The year winded down Arizonans. Learned they would be represented, by not one but two women in the US Senate Democratic. Senator elect cinema and Republican, representative, mcsalley from, governor Ducey appointed, to succeed John Kyle in January in, 2020. Voters will decide if she should keep the seat and finish out the late Senator McCain's term. That's. All for now thanks for joining us as we get ready for the new year we want to hear from you about some of the issues you think deserve, our attention let. Us know what you think find us on social media, or send us an email at Arizona 360. At We're. Back next week until then happy holidays. You.

2018-12-28 02:53

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