Day 6 Staying At Every Disney Hotel! This Resort Has Its OWN ISLAND Caribbean Beach Resort FULL TOUR

Day 6 Staying At Every Disney Hotel! This Resort Has Its OWN ISLAND Caribbean Beach Resort FULL TOUR

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hello everybody I'm Chris you're watching provost  park pass and today is day number six that's right   day number six I've be staying at every single  onproperty Resort Hotel here at Walt Disney   World and I am staying at the Royal Caribbean  it is massive there's so much to do this is one   of the largest Geographic Resorts here at the  property it is awesome and we're to do a whole   bunch of cool things here I'm excited to show you  I had to get some reservations things are changing   let's start doing this let's start looking at the  moderate Resorts this is the first moderate level   Resort that stayed at it's the Royal Caribbean and  you know what's interesting when I'm in Disneyland   and I ride Pirates the Caribbean I call it  Pirates Caribbean when I come down here I   stay at this Resort I call the Royal Caribbean not  Caribbean this Resort is really cool but there's   some things that I want to talk about right at  the bat probably the greatest uh Hotel hack that   I've ever thought of or I've ever come across for  this particular Hotel I'll tell you a little later   on in this video number two buildings are all  two-story but there are no elevators here this   Resort there's no elevators just be aware of that  I have to show you a map to show you how big this   place is okay Old Point Royal this is where you  check in this is the main lobby area we'll go and   show you the lobby here in just a second this then  you got these other areas and they have them and   they call them Islands so you come in here they're  always like welcome to the island welcome to   Island each one of these areas is colorcoded this  is Trinidad you got Barbados you got martinque   have AR Ruba you got Jamaica this place is awesome  and there's a lot to do in fact they have their   own even little Private Island right there in the  center to take a look at let's go into the lobby   and check that out this is the lobby and you see  it's very crowded a lot of people here they're all   checking in this is a moderate level Resort and  so because we're at moderate level Resorts they're   going to see some different amenities different  food options as well that you can also see I   guess kind of want to show you the Aesthetics of  the lobby let's look at it this is all designed   to look like the Caribbean or Caribbean however  you like to pronounce it there beautiful curtains   that go all the way down fans up there very nice  then right behind me there's a bunch of kids there   but there's a little area where uh you can sit and  watch movies you see the movie screen right there   as you're checking in the kids can watch movies  so let's go into the Calypso trading post this is   their Market here you're going to notice a bunch  of different things right off the bat when you   come into uh a moderate level Resort do you see  all this this is all merchandise that's specific   just to this hotel you look at this there it  is Disney Caribbean res Resort look at that   you I mean there's even more uh you got the like a  little cooler you've got these the drinks this is   a special shirt that's only here for this Resort  as well they also have hats but wait there's more   there's also ears this is kind of the Dizzy  Caribbean style mini underneath the palm tree   look at those ears was are great even have like  a loungefly backpack they've got this hat here   then you look at these shirts Disney's Caribbean  Beach resort come down here you've got this is   for the Disney Caribbean Beach you've  got these pins you got these special pins and also looks like ornaments then look at these ears these ears are  here also here for the Disney Caribbean Resort   look at those ears and of course they have mugs  here too pretty much almost every Resort that   we go to now is going to have some type of  merchandise specific for that hotel resort   that you're staying at they also have this like  normal uh merchandise here lots of it they also   have the 2024 merchandise they've got Stitch  of course just normal t-shirts I've got normal hats I love the fanny pack normal  ears and then have like a little wines   rack right here in the center they also  have some swimsuits here cooling towels   sunt sunscreen lotion different swimsuits  the you boys they got flipflops they got   some beach towels and stuff like that to  play with they have six swimming pools here   we'll be talking about the swim pools a little  later on in this video that's why there's such   an emphasis on swimwear now you have now  since we're here at the model Resort you   see they have more things for you to to be  looking at and supplies that you might need they even have like baby food and now down here  they have like uh bagels and bread they've got   some peanut butter and jam crackers even chicken  noodle soup day after the par this is the I've   just been told these are adult snacks for the day  after the park now again we're at mod Resort so   that means there are more dining options there's a  restaurant we eating at tonight you had to require   required a reservation called Sebastian's beastro  but they also have like a a grab and go Mark and   they have like a little sit down uh like food  court cafeteria I let me show you the grab and   go and the cafeteria right now this is just a nice  little you walk in it's like a little market this   is all your grab and go right so you're going come  in here lots of cold beverages little snacks over   there cold beverages that you want love that fresh  pastries are put out right out here the The Bakers   are right on the other side they just put fresh  bakeries out there they also have ice cream bars   right here for you they have doughnut holes and  then right out there's looks like they're sold out   but every 15 or so minutes they bringing new uh  cheese pizzas and and pepperoni pizzas and put the   slices there so you just grab and go right behind  me is there the coffee bar now you come here Order   coffee the nice thing about this just so you know  though this is going to be if you want your coffee   prepared right here it's going to it's going to be  hot coffee if you ask for iced coffee they'll take   your order and there's an actually a little coffee  place where you pick up your iced cold coffee   right here it says specially coffee pickup this  is for your ice cold coffee if you're or uh warm   coffee not a problem is prepared right there but  ice coffee is prepared right here yeah that was   the little grab and go now I'm going to show you  the Centertown market place kind like a cafeteria   like a food court at the Valley Resorts they have  a whole bunch of different cash registers you just   kind of walk up the one that you grab your food  and then you take it to cash register this is   different now we're you're moderate level you go  up to the person and you ring up your order and   then they prepare your food for you I love this  like Aesthetics like it looks like an umbrella but   this is like your menu you have your menu right  over here you come up here and you can order it   they got hot cubin sandwiches Korean St possible  Burger which had bacon cheeseburgers roasted half   chickens all the little things you want they  have different things here they didn't have   at the value Resorts theyve got like some fish  tacos they've got a chicken bowl Caesar chicken   salad you got different types of pizza options and  uh kids meals and whatnot now once you paid for   this you're going to go find a seat grab a little  seat when youve order your food they're going to   give you like a little buzzer you come down then  you can sit down and wait for your food and it's   it is so convenient you just sit down wave your  food the buzzer goes off we'll pick up your food   that's where you pick up your food right there the  pickup Windows it says and you just go right there   to pick up your food and they also have beverages  right down there and I have to show you something   I absolutely love about this place right here they  have restrooms really close by so if you want to   go wash your hands you can go do that right  before you eat I think that I really dig that   there are a ton of activities you can do here at  the RO Caribbean here's one of them right behind   me is tie dye you can purchase a little shirt  there then you go up and you could go do some   tie dye activities to have the kids tie diet makes  a really fun little activity for the kids and now   I want to show you some other uh Recreation things  you do here as well to be completely honest with   you I'm not exactly sure the best way to film  this I'm just CU this Resort is so big so what   I'm going try to do is I'm going try to go to  this little area where you have some activities   and then I'm going to go to each of the so-called  islands and show you the islands and then show you   the different pools and then I'm going to show  you the I have a reservation for the restaurant   tonight show you the food that's offered here and  there's Al there's so much so let's just buckle up   and go and let's just do it as you walk right out  here this is kind of like the Lighthouse Point and   you can see there's a Skyliner right there behind  us which is fantastic it's amazing so you're going   to go right here they have a little chest board  over here they've got a little putting green   right there they have you could throw like was a  cornhole right there and this is also by the way   guys I'm going to tell you a little secret about  this area here at night time this is a great spot   to come out here and you can see the fireworks  from uh EP cut from this area and it's a good   viewing spot for those fireworks and for you  fishermen they have fishing tours that's right   they actually go out on the lake and they'll do  a little fishing tour and um You can reserve that   they have a little stand up here where you reserve  it and go on a fishing tour this is what I'm going   to do I'm going to start going through each of  these islands and show you now normally what how   I do these videos is I show you the pools at the  end of the video I'm I'm going to do five of the   pools now but the main pool I'll show you at the  end of video when I can get in there without a lot   of families being there um it's just and there's  no way I can run around this huge Resort at early   in the morning to capture all these pools and also  there's like I said there's six pools but five of   them are quiet pools quiet pools most pools at  Resorts open from 10: in the morning from 10:00   to 11:00 well the quiet pools actually open up at  700 a.m. they open up they're open from 7:00 a.m.   till 11:00 and they're considered a quiet pool  and uh you have to be kind of quiet and keep to   keep the low the the decb down to sa these pools  so I'm going to show you the five quiet pools here   and then later on the video I'll show you the  main pool it has water slides and amenities and   cool things for families to do the first area  we're going to look at is Martinique and you'll   notice they all have like these nice little areas  little sand little uh like hammocks and they have   fire pits and like a volleyball court areas for  you relax you also notice these ones are blue   they are two stories they two stories there are no  elevators here at this Resort so if you you have   something that precludes you from going up to the  second level then you're going to you'd want to   tell them that when you check in I need to be in  the lower level cuz I I can't uh use stairs there   are no elevators because this Resort is so big we  need to talk about Transportation transportation   is very different for this Resort than the  other Resorts every other Resort I've showed   you so far there's like one bus stop there's  one bus stop you go to that one bus stop and   you catch the buses and takes you to the area no  not not for here for the Disney Caribbean Resort   there each of these islands has their own remember  they call the islands each islands has their own   transportation stop I'll show you each one but  first let's go to the pool all right here's the   first pool each island remember they're called  islands has their own pool and their quiet pools   and like I said the hours are from 7:00 to 11:00  they always provide you with complimentary life   vests if you need them a little shower there to  rinse off all right so it's a little crowded here   but I do have some footage when I stayed this  Resort actually and it was cold it was during   January and nobody's seen this pool so I'm going  to use that footage to show you this pool right   now here at Martinique it's a little chili so  I don't expect a lot of people to be swimming   which is nice look at that pool that is sweet it's  a nice big pool goes down to 5T deep you also have   lots of chairs you see you got a lot of chairs  there they have some games there they've got a   little shower head they got a restrooms back there  as well they even have complimentary life jackets   if your little ones need it and I love that I love  it when pools have those steps for little kids   going into that is awesome each one of these  little areas their own islands has their own   traffic stop where a Transportation Center or  a bus will come and pick you up they also have   a bus that'll take you from around just take you  around this Resort cuz it's so big geographically   wise or you can take a bus straight to like Magic  Kingdom you want to get on a bus that take you to   uh U Animal Kingdom you do that the Skyliner which  I'll show you a little later on this video that's   how you're going to get to Epcot into Hollywood  Studios but let me show you transport station uh   uh area for martinque what you do is you're going  to walk through the there's a little parking lot   there uh the Martinique buildings are right back  there and you come over here they have a little   Transportation Center a little bus right there  and that's where you're going to go to catch the   bus to take you to the parks um Magic Kingdom  and Animal Kingdom and the inner bus that takes   you to all the other parts of this Resort I just  got on the bus this bus is going to there's a bus   stop right there there it is I just walked up I'm  the only one on the bus here uh so this bus here   is going to Animal Kingdom and it's the first  stop here is at Martinique and now it's going   to go to the next stop which is going to be Old  Port Royale which is a Lobby and it goes to each   of those different spots and I was like well  I don't want to walk to all those spots so the   bus was like get on in Jump On In and remember  how I was telling you if you had a Mobility uh   vehicle or like a wheelchair look they've already  got the seats these seats have been put up right   here so I think they could fit two of them here  on the bus which is very convenient if you have   more than two in your party You' have to kind of  split your party but let's go to the next part of   this Resort it just stopped we just got that was  the old war Point lobby but I don't I don't want   to go to the the lobby so I'm going to go the  next one which is Barbados I'm going to get off   there and then I'll walk around show you the  pool there Barbados and I was talking to the   bus driver and he says that if you're taking  a bus from here to Animal Kingdom it's about   10 minutes or if you take a bus from here to uh  Magic Kingdom it's about 12 minutes not bad not   bad at all bye-bye this is my very friendly bus  driver bye-bye bye-bye okay so let me go show   you this we are here in Barbados now let's go  check out Barbados don't be overwhelmed by the   buses here um this is a great Resort H it just  is it's just big geographical wise so instead   of having Just One Transportation stop they're  they're trying to be convenient and provide each   one with their own transportation stop which is  really nice the buses run from 1 hour before the   park opens to 1 hour after the park closes you  notice we are here in Barbados it's kind of like   this like almost like a salmon pink color it's  very pretty I like it again I know I said this   a lot I'm going to say it a bit because I want  people to beware no elevators here so if you have   something to precludes you from using stairs  be sure to tell them that and you'll stay at   the first floor there's the pool let's go down  there to the pool speaking of telling him that   the easiest way this Resort is phenomenal by  the way if you want to save this Resort it's   very popular because it's so close to Skyliner  the easiest and the way to get the lowest prices   is you're going to want to call 1855 getaway  1855 getaway and tell them Provo Park pass sent   you and they are going to give you the lowest  tickets on your hotels here and on the on uh   lowest tickets prices on tickets and hotels and  they're going to give you their coner service for   free for free what does that mean that means  anything that requires a reservation you just   tell them what you want to do and they'll do it  for you so for example I use getaway today to   help book this trip cuz I couldn't figure out  it was really hard to do there is Sebastian's   beastro it requires reservations I told him like  I want to eat there so they made the reservation   for me I didn't have to call I didn't have to  wait or do anything the reservation was all   done for me which is awesome or you can click the  link down below that'll still get you the coner   service for free all right let's check out the  pool we're going to walk in here and check this out oh this pool goes deep this has got a 6ot  pool uh a little deep end here nice little pool   area you see that sweet and they also have the  stairs you can see that them getting down into   nice little stairs towel pickup and towel drop  off everything you need nice little area so each   of these islands has their own pool and then plus  they have that main pool you can go into as well   all right as you exit out see they got this  nice little Beach area look little the chairs   provided you got some those little hammocks just  nice little area here to kind of relax now we're   going to go this way because we have to go to  Trinidad we've been to two of the five Island   now we're going to go to Trinidad Trinidad is a  you have to cross the street to get to Trinidad   here's a map just to show you what we're doing  okay so we went started at Martinique I came down   here we went to Barbados which kind of salmon  color and now we're going to walk down here to   Trinidad it's kind of the same color I'm not sure  why they they redid this this these rooms are just   recently redone they repainted them that's why  they there's no longer that darker blue but now   we're going to go down to Trinidad as you can see  you got to cross the road make sure always look if   you're watching this video look both ways before  you cross there's oh he's stopping he's waving but   this guy might not stop so we're going to wait oh  they're stopping very very polite thank you thank   you that's awesome and we're going to cross  right here and go into Trinidad this resort   was built in 1998 but they did a whole they did  hold in renovation renovision they renovated it   in 2015 it is a very popular popular Resort feels  like you're in a Paradise Garden look at the rooms   this is just all the different little Bungalows  they all have the rooms little two-story and   you just walk until you find your area just got  notified that my room is ready for me to check   in but instead of going straight back to do that  I'm going to go keep looking at these different   islands and uh then I'll go in show you the room  now Trinidad is the farthest portion away from the   lobby okay it's the farthest portion away from  the lobby but they also have their own little   uh restaurant down here it's kind of more like a  little grab and go it's called the spy glass Grill   it's a little quick grab and go grab something  quick and then they also have the pool here let's   take a look at both of them you see right down  here they have the spy glass Grill it's a nice   little area come down here and then their pool  is right over there but let's kind of look at   this gorill this is at the end of the resort the  spy glass Gill let's just see what they have here   this this is just like little oh like there little  sandwiches and things that you can [Music] order   and they serve breakfast from 7: to 11:30 and then  lunch and dinner from 11:30 to 10 and I love this   they have this little thing says nine pieces of  eight and they got these all those [Music] things   and then we going to walk over here back out to  the pool area let's check out the pool nice and easy absolutely gorgeous good looking  pool um very you see they have a little   bit deeper in there it doesn't get too  deep not there's no 6ft area there but   nice little area here for you to relax at the  pool got chairs towel returns everything you need I love it and here at the pool they also have  like little like what Connect Four and a ping pong   table of course they always have complimentary  life vests if you need them I want to show you   the other bus stop down here where at Trinidad  show you the Trinidad bus stop how it works cuz   I want to make sure you guys feel comfortable  with the transportation it's not too crazy as   we start getting different hotels we will start  getting different options they'll start getting   like boat options their own private boat some  of them uh yeah so let's just show you all   the different options they have here here at the  Disney Caribbean Resort it's just going to either   be buses or Skyliner here's the bus a nice little  stop right here and of course they have a little   thing that's going to tell you this monitor is  very accurate they update it constantly so you   can see the next time the next bus is going to  be here at uh 435 then the next one for uh animal   kingdoms 441 and Disney Springs is up 440 I had  another really friendly bus driver is Dan thanks   Dan have a good one take care all right I am now  hop off I am in he took me to Jamaica you catch   any these buses they'll just take you around on  here in Jamaica it was nice and easy and um yeah   wow all the bus drivers have been super friendly  I love that okay so let's let's go over here I'm   confused what to show you no I'm going to show  you Jamaica cuz the Skyliner is right there and   that is that is one of the greatest perks of  this hotel and I'm going to tell you like a   super deep hack that nobody knows except since  you subscribed to PE Park Grass you're going to   know it about this hotel a little later on that's  a Skyliner I'll get to that in a little bit let's   go to Jamaica let me show you the Jamaican pool  and uh then we'll keep we'll keep going around   the resort I am here in Jamaica the island of  Jamaica here all right so this is the the pool   here and there is somebody swimming so I'm  only going to show you Parts I don't want to   impede on their privacy but it's a nice little  pool area see it goes to 6 feet uh 4T deep nice   little fun little area for uh swimming as you can  see they have steps that come down into the pool   which makes it super nice for kids every one of  the pools has bathrooms and towels and all those   little amenities that you need here with showers  now I'm going to leave Jamaica and go to Aruba but   I want to show you something right behind me that  is a little island it's basically their own little   Private Island it's called Castaway key that's  spelled c a white and I think it's interesting   cuz when growing up I'm from the West Coast we  always pronounce that K but then when we got out   here everybody was like ah let's pronounce key so  it's Cast Away key I will take you on the island   here that's like a little children's Paradise of  a little playground area they also do movies at   night I'll show you that after we go to Aruba  see The Skyliners right up there I'll show you   how easy Skyliner is in just a little bit it's  so so convenient here and then of course this   is Aruba right up here this place is so big I  just kind of want to show you this little map   again so you guys can see that cuz it is okay so  we started here at the at the lobby then I walked   down to the Martinique from there I got the bus  the bus took me down to Barbados from Barbados we   walked down to Trinidad even though it says blue  it's pink went down to Trinidad from Trinidad   caught the bus the bus took us here to Jamaica  from Jamaica I'm going to walk into Aruba from   Aruba I'm going to walk back and show you this  little island here and then we'll go over here this um Resort is a little more spread out it's  got a really large footprint like just it's big   and so just kind to be prepared uh it's a little  more walking so maybe like you know you're staying   here at Aruba you you want to go eat there got to  cross over the island and there's like Sebastian's   Bree Strow which is right over there so this  Resort could have a little bit more walking I   think it's just really pretty though it looks very  nice it's Lush do we use the word Lush anymore   there's a Skyliner right there let me show  you this map again cuz I want to talk about   the Skyliner the Skyliner technically for this  Resort has two entrances there's this Skyliner   entrance right here up here that's the one  that we're looking at right there straight   ahead that's for people the Disney's Rivier  Resort and also people from Ruba they can   use it walk over to it I mean anybody can  walk over to and then there's another one   down here this is another um entrance to the  resort this one takes you straight to that way   to Hollywood Studios this one here takes you to  Epcot but you can catch it here you get on here   goes right through and goes around that'll take  you to Epcot so you get on either one of those   stations if you're going to go to Hollywood  Studios just go straight to this one if you're   going to go to Epcot either one works there is the  Disney Riv Resort it's one of the nicest Resorts   we'll be spending one night there um and then  this here I just want to show you how big this   is there's Martinique there's the we checked that  Lighthouse Point there's Sebastian's beastro that   main pool was talking about that main pool a  lot in just a moment in the video and I mean   it is it is quite big got this pool here here  we go nice little pool area it's very similar   to the one they had in Jamaica and look at that  nice little pool perfect little area I don't they   don't have little ping pong tables over here you  don't see but they do have your complimentary life fests now I have't let's go check into my  room let's grab my luggage check in the room   and then it's also uh we have have uh dinner  at the um Sebastian beastro now this type of   restaurant does require reservation there  are walk-ups possibly but it does require   reservation um to guarantee your seating and I  have a reservation I got that because I have the   coner the free coner service to getaway today  they literally booked it for me so if you guys   are going to be staying uh any of these hotels  and buying tickets get that free Conor service   and then tell them say hey make reservations for  me at all the restaurants and they'll have a con   I'll just do it for you which is awesome because  that way I don't have to like sit there and make   those phone I remember I used to try and make  those phone calls like 60 days out you was like   all right let's go check this out let's get  to the room let's go check out the room when   I checked in my room wasn't ready if you ever get  here your rooms AR ready they will still give you   your key to your room we'll give you your key  but they won't tell you what your room number   is it then will text you to tell you what your  room number is and you can go to your room um   or if you also have a Magic Band you can use your  magic band to check in or you can also use your   phone there's three different ways to unlock your  door if you have the app so I got my text my room   is ready I am now going to go check out my room  let's go check out my room my luggage is still   at the baggage claim area I can either do one  of two things I can either call them and have   them drop it off my room when they have time or  I can go pick it up and walk it back or I go pick   it up and take the shuttle and write it around  and then go into my room either one of those   ways will always work when they finally tell you  where you're at I am in Jamaica um they also tell   you the building I'm in building 44 so of your  building and your room number so when it's time   for you check in you just check they'll tell  you the area like so it says Jamaica building 44 there we go my room is on the second level uh again there  are no elevators here at this particular Resort   so if you are if you have room at second level  or if you have a mobility issue or something   just let them know and they will accommodate you  and put you on the ground level floor so let's   go up the stairs and check out my room here  we goo I love this part let's go check out my room I love this room when you come in the room  you can see you got two beautiful like queen-sized   beds they're uplifted so you can store luggage  underneath no problem at all it's really nice I   love that look at this little light fixture above  the bed a little reading light then right here is   going to kind of turn to the left a little bit you  have some hooks there these are bigger hooks check   it out you got bigger hooks here to hang stuff on  a little shelf you do if you want you can have an   adjoining room so looking over here you can see  that there's a little breakfast nook a little I   love it when hotels do that that cools your room  down right there and this room has a like a corner   uh it's got two windows I love that look at that  little lamp up there all right go over here you   can see you've got I'll I'll get you all this over  there to show you what all this is oh wait there's   a light there what does this light switch do okay  the light switch boop boop okay I'm not bad well   hello there okay look over here you have some  there's some uh plugs right here by the side of   bed which is very nice and then let's take a look  here I think this probably this light switch I'm   assuming turns that off let's see yep and then  this light switch here probably turns that off   yep and this middle light switch yes has a fan so  you have a fan going in the middle of the night to   kind of cool the room down which is so nice I love  that then look at here you got some drawers and   let me show I think this is probably the fridge  let's check this out here there's the fridge you   see we are this is a beverage cooler again not  like a real refrigerator but a little beverage   cooler let's close that off you have a bench here  this can this room can hold five people so let me   show you that five people two here two here and  then let's look at this right here this bed and   if I remember it falls down pretty quickly yeah oh  yeah it's not too bad but there you go all right   and there's Mickey and Pluto relaxing and this is  like a little bed for like a little one so when   they say it sleeps five think of it as like one  of those five it has to kind of be a child like   that that's I could not lay down on that that's  way too short for me but that somebody you know a   little one could lay down there which you know  why wouldn't you want to Let's lift this back up okay perfect you have some drawers down there  drawers drawers and this is a quein art little   coffee maker let's go into the bathroom bathroom  got a safe and then you got your iring board and   then the first thing you notice boom here we  are in a modern a moderate moderate Hotel two   sinks two sinks see that you got two sinks  right there got your mirror okay going right   over here and then this goes into the bathroom  and the bathroom now has like a little sensor   when you walk in the fan automatically comes  on which is kind of nice let look at this there   you go shower head there's your shower and you'll  notice it's a bathtub step over bathtub and this   has like a little like stepping like put your leg  up there like a shave shave your legs if you shave   your legs and of course I don't know if you guys  ever Ed that but that's there as well woo this   room is nice I like this room it's a very it just  feels it's one of those rooms that we come into   it feels good it's clean it is awesome let's go  check out cway Key from cway Key let's go to our   dining reservation I just learned something so uh  I called luggage Services cuz my bag is there and   you can have your bag delivered right to your room  but you have to have somebody in your room to be   there to receive the bag you can't just have them  drop it off if not you're not going to be there   and since I'm going to go I have these dining  reservations I said I'll just come pick up my   bag so let's go uh check out cway key this is just  a fun Resort like you can't I it makes you happy   to be be this Resort makes you smile and feel  good wow the wind's picked up that feels good   okay we're going to cross this bridge is going  to take us to a little tiny Island here Caribbean key this is a really fun Island for little kids  they have some playgrounds the playgrounds are   open from sun up to sun down right here Caribbean  key playground this area for enjoyment from   sunrise to sunset supervis children all times  and as you can see they got a nice awning so   the kids can play in shade it's a little park  for them to play I'm going to walk around the   whole island here so that's nice and then you turn  here and they have these little fake cannons that   you could pretend to shoot speaking of cannons  I don't know if you knew this early in my career   I actually got hired as a human cannibal yeah  I was uh I was uh hired and fired on the same   day I don't think this is the time for that type  of humor and this area here you see the little   chairs here this area here is for at night time  they're going to do a little movie little flatable   screen here and people can come here and sit  and watch a movie a family movie on our little   leisur leisurely stroll just going right through  this yeah this this fun little island it's kind   of like kids they like to run around on it and  enjoy it they also have this little area here   it's a little sand pit area you come here sand  sometimes I'll have a hammock some they must have   to take the hammocks down because of the wind I  have a hammock there and a hammock here and you   can just kind of sit here and relax they also have  nice little areas like some um like you see that   little that little thing like you sit there they  have some chairs there for sit they also have like   a nice little spot right here behind me like  you just sit here relax kind of enjoy the view   and they have this another little tiny section  of this island it's open from sunrise to sunset   this is little areas this is more for adults kind  of it allows like see little areas just sit have   some shade have a little gazebo here to kind of  relax and just enjoy your day yeah it's kind of nice I was just walking by  here and I think I see some turtles yep right there in the center of the screen that is the main pool has  water slides there's also a play   park there I'll go there and do that  right when it opens up but that is   always very popular area guys there's  another turtle check it out he's just chilling whoa now I'm going to tell you a secret  this is the best secret I know my best hack you   know remember we talk about the other videos what  do they charge you on it's location location they   have standard and premium rooms right the rooms  are almost all exactly the same doesn't matter if   you're over there over there over there there the  rooms are going to be the same but they do charge   a premium now here's what they do they charge  you a premium to be closer to this pool that's   the premium but guess what they don't charge you  the premium if you request to be like in Aruba   or Jamaica right over there that's closer to the  Skyliner and that's a standard room it's not more   expensive but that's probably where you want to be  anyways cuz it's closer to Skyliner get up early   morning jump on Skyliner and go most people when  they request a premier room think they're going   be closer Skyliner not they be closer to the pool  not the Skyliner so this one Resort is different   standard rooms are closer to the Skyliner so  that way you can always request that standard   room be Clos to Skyliner nobody knows that now  they have different activities that you can do   they have like poolside activities seashell  painting anytime there's a little dollar sign   means it costs extra they've got Mickey tie  dye they campfire they have nighttime trivia   that's on Sunday Tuesday Thursday down at the  spy glass all the way at the end they got the   pineapple so show that's Monday Wednesday Friday  and Caribbean key the island it's watching the   movie then they have the Caribbean glow Festival  it's from 8:00 to 10: it's located here in the   main pool deck on Saturday nights woohoo I caught  it this is called The Wave here they are they do   this every night yep they do a good job I love  it and the kids can do a little hot SK oh hot   is it just for kids anybody oh really all right  I'm doing it guys ready is said ready here we go [Music] [Applause] that's called The Wave party they do it they  do it they do it around 5:50 to 6 o' every   night it's not on the app people don't know  about it and they also do it in the morning   uh around 8:30 in the morning there's a little  Hopscotch there kids can do the Hopscotch you   get a cheer and have a good time and just enjoy  it something fun that they do here not on the   app I have time before my reservation uh so it's  a little bit time so I'm going to grab my bath   and head go back to drop out the room then come  back and go to uh Sebastian's beastro instead of   walking my bag I'm literally I'm just going  to walk over here to the buses get on a bus   and have a drive cuz it go from here it's going  to go around and have it drop me off at Jamaica   and then uh cuz it is hot right so this bus  that I got on is literally just for it just   circles the the resort doesn't go to any of  the par like that it's just circling Resort   makes it so easy so I'm literally loving  that this is crazy Guys these chairs these   seats come down you know but look they  have little Chargers there if you want to charge this is just troubling right off here the  Skyliner this bus just goes around Loop and it's   amazing cuz the people are getting on and they  just literally got on and they rode it here to get   onto the Skyliner it's very convenient here they  they have the transportations it's all figured   out for you there's a Skyliner they L they just  got the bus they're going to get on the Skyliner   see it says internal shuttle and there they go  that's just that easy this this another amazing   bus driver right man this is Jimmy and he was been  so helpful doing the internal if you ever have a   problem just ask the bus drivers they'll tell  you everything you need to know thank you I am   seriously so impressed with the staff they the the  uh the bus guys have been nothing but Pleasant and   helpful it's been great I'm going to drop off my  bag and then I'm going to walk back over and go to   um this what is it the Sebastian Grill beastro and  I got a reservation there at 6:30 and I'm going to   I've never eaten there very excited so this is  my first time and I'm going to share it with you   guys let's do it they have signs everywhere to  help you so you know so we're in Jamaica we're   in building 44 we know exactly where to go one  thing I realized I didn't show were these amazing doors let's go have some food here at this this  is the first of many restaurants I'll be eating   at uh this one requires a reservation and  so every Hotel that has a restaurant that   requires reservations if I was able to fit it  into my schedule I got a reservation and I was   showing you all the food let's go check out this  amazing food let's go have some dinner together   Sebastian's Bree tour right there this here is  called the banana cabana it's also it's like a   bar and like a kind of quick grab to go but it's  very popular and then here's Sebastian's Beast TR   let's go in all right Sebastian's is a family  style offering okay and what they do they is   bring out a bunch of food as far as drinks  they have some like non-alcoholic special   drinks and then they got of course all these  specially cocktails right down here almost   everything's like what Caribbean themed and  then they down here they have different rums   and then hard ciders and beer so this is what  they're going to do this rolls the salad I think   they're doing they taste of Caribbean for me um  and then we go in here to um I didn't do any I   didn't do any enhancements and then the dessert  right it's family sty it's all you can eat it's   $38 if you are 10 years or older it's uh $28  if you're 3 to n they just bring out food just   keep bringing it out first part came out guys  these are buttery house baked pullapart rolls   with guava butter and caramelized onion Jam was  that guava butter and caramelized onion jam and   they also have a plant-based uh this is like  a Parmesan Mickey and this is the salad here   the salad here is mixed greens a spice candied  pumpkin seeds tropical fruit and ranish with key   lime dressing you might be wondering what these  it's cuz I have a clam allergy they have to put   this for allergies I start with a pull apart bread  pulling that apart I'm going try this uh guava   butter I can't think of anything sounds better  than that and the rolls are warm guava [Music] butter that's awesome just for that alone  guava butter I'm having more   and I loaded it with the guava butter like loaded it I love that I want that at my house  this is caramelized onion Jam [Music] no that's a no that's a hard no I don't really oh know no that's that's a real that's just too  hard of a transition going from the guava   butter to that your body can't do that that's  not the right thing to do parmesan Mickey head   it's warm it's exactly what what you think  I'm not much of a solid person but we'll try it oh it's it's good I mean that guava butter 10 out of 10 this it's  like good salad Amanda would love it now this   is a family style restaurant so for me they  just brought me out like a salad right right   one salad but if it's you had two people  here they bring out a bowl of salad and   you each get two plates and you dish up your  own salad and that's how they do that it's two   rolls per person just if you're curious cuz  you're going to want to try that guava butter   and eat all the bread and all the rolls two  rolls per person but yeah it's like a family   style they bring out the dishes and you just  Serve Yourself that guava butter is so good   you just eat it for dessert it's just I just  wanted like five warm rolls in guava butter   oh they just brought out a ton of food okay all  right so let's go through this this is the oven   roast Citrus chicken this is a grilled chili  rub beef this is a slow cooked Mojo Pork and   then they've got and that's the fish right there  Then over here for the sides we have cilantro rice   and beans this is a vegetable curry and this  is some just grilled seasonal vegetables all   they they were saying the cilantro rice is  awesome this is the grilled chili rub [Music] beef I asked them to cook at medium  rare it is awesome awesome without   having tried anything else I can  confidently say this is the best   meal I've had so far it is awesome  this is the oven Citrus chicken you can taste the Citrus on the skin oh yeah  it's very good that beef is is better though   but it's very good I'm going to be honest  with you I feel very uncomfortable doing   this I don't like doing food reviews it's not  my thing I'm trying my best you guys know that   you don't watch for food reviews you watch  Magic Journeys for food reviews this is just   me trying to do what I can do this is the  slow cooked Mojo Pork there's just some pork there that's awesome but it also  has like this mango salsa to put on it so let's try it with the salsa this so good that's  excellent that's excellent [Music]   so this next part is uh sustainable  fish uh with ver Cru sauce so all right that's really  good darn it that's so good uh   um I don't I always think to myself I don't like  fish but then I eat it I'm like that's really good   okay if I had to rank those four things number  four would be the chicken it's good number three   is this is the pull pork which was delicious  this fish is amazing I don't know what's going on but this this beef excellent everything I've eaten so far is just  the main course I haven't even got the side dishes   let's do the sides now cilantro rice and then we  got the vegetable mealy and then just some you   know it's just like like uh seasonal vegetables  this I've been told this really good cantro rice oh yeah oh [Music] my it's got It's  got some beans in it that's excellent I got   more beefy in fish now let's try this  vegetable metal it's kind of like the stew like it's like almost kind of  like a gumbo type flavor not not   quite there but like that a little  spicy but not with a lot of kick   and then we need to talk about this cuz I don't  know if I can do this anymore so I want you guys   give pointers on this because I'm not sure I  can do this let me come back now they're going   to bring me dessert this is bad news okay this is  bread it's warm look at this massive good grief so   what is this here oh my ice cream just melted  off right here we go let me read this off to   you it's coconut pineapple bread pudding coconut  pineapple bread pudding this is a huge little jar   of warm caramel and then they have vanilla  pudding on the vanilla ice cream across the   top my ice cream just fell off but that's okay  cuz I don't like the ice cream but I do like caramel oh my [Music] gosh that's just like   literally insane how good that is it's warm it's  sweet it's delicious it's caramell the pineapple   flavor bursts out and your coconuts very subtle  pineapple chunks are in it I cannot stress this enough this is so freaking good this should be illegal this  probably is illegal this is too good it's 10 out of 10 that  is so good this caramel sauce that's the best oh that was so good  okay we got to talk it's a beautiful night   you see the sun setting this is awesome  all right we got to talk about this   what you guys I need you to be honest and my  feelings aren't going to be hurt you just tell   me the comments I'll read them and know the  food eating on camera is that repulsive and   gross to you if it is then what I should maybe  what I'm thinking of doing is why don't I just   order the food I'll videotape the food and then  I'll turn the camera off I'll eat the food and   at the end I'll give you the Rev view of my food  uh what I think about it I'm not a food critic I   just I just tell you what I think like if I like  it and just tell you that I'm like I like that   food but doesn't mean like it's the right choice  would that be okay to do that or is it okay to   eat on camera do I just don't I don't want to I  don't know I don't want to be gross to you guys   that I'm just not a food critic so I was just in  that restaurant like like I was just wondering if   you guys are watching this or you're like just  cringing like I hate this and if you are tell   me so I won't do that we'll skip that I'll just  review the food just a different way doesn't hurt   my feelings I just I want to give you a pleasant  viewing experience Sebastian beastro highly   recommend it excellent food now you'll notice  there's some people waiting line right there   that's just waiting for the to go get drinks in  the bar you can wait right there go to drinks the   bar take them out of the pool and enjoy your time  I'm back in the lobby again cuz I want to show you   something I noticed I think it's really cool these  are little benches people are waiting on when they   go to the lobby look right there though there's  little plugs underneath it so you can charge your   phone while you're waiting a lot of them have  that that's really nice and very convenient right I want to talk about this this Skyliner  station and this Skyliner station this one is   the one that you use to go to Hollywood  Studios and to Epcot Epcot goes this way   that turns it goes that way if you're going to  Hollywood Studios it just goes that way if you   get on this one and you want to go to Hollywood  Studios it's just going to take you all the way   over here to this station where you're going  to have to get off and then get on and go to   Hollywood Studios so like if you're like right  here I would just suggest and you want to go   to Hollywood Studios I would just walk over there  get on it and go over there rather than walk here   go back and then go that way if that makes sense  they're very convenient to have around very very   convenient that's the main one they also have a  movie Under stars there on the Caribbean key and   it's every day except for Saturday uh at 8:30 and  then they here it lists all the movies for you on   Saturday though they have this glow Festival so  they don't do a movie I'm going to show you part   of the pool right now it's 8:00 at night this  a little kid section there's no kids here here   so it's perfectly perfect time to show it this  is a little play area where the kids can come   in and play and you can see they have like lots  of like water activities for them to do here it   is awesome let me show you now you see right  here look you see a little Hidden Mickey up there that is awesome that Barrel fills up  with water and and splashes down so you got   like a little teeny tiny slippy slide for kids  to go down a little water slide so we got uh   little slides here water there it's not too  deep and parents can come in here they have   little areas here where the parents can kind  of line up I mean not line up lay down and get   in some shade while they're watching their kids  play look at this little area here for the kids   to play in fun area kids love this it gets  really crowded I think everybody's getting   ready to go to the glow party so they're all over  there right now but I'm grateful that I had this   opportunity to get here and uh film this before um  why there's no kids here so yeah but yeah this is   super popular with children like they're going  to love this and have fun with this let wait   for that giant Barrel to uh pull over here watch  that Barrel right there in the center of the screen the glow party is going on and  it's exactly probably what you imagined   it's just a bunch of screaming kids  that all have like the little Globe   necklaces on they're hula hooping they  have a DJ they're playing music and   it's just pandemonium of lots of little kids  running around my hula hoop tournament so you   can hear them talking stand in a line shoulder  to hula hoop tournament they're talking facing   me this is just absolutely gorgeous guys oh look  there's people down there on the beach the wad   looks great Skyliner going over the head it's  just so convenient it's beautiful it's a great Resort love it let's head back to our room  building 44 Jamaica yellow I have to get ready   for bed but before I do that I have a couple  shoutouts I want to read to you guys let's do   this maybe your name's going to be R you never  know here we go first shout out is from IET Naas   you bet you've been great here we go uh this  is a shout out to Chris and Amanda and Miles   you guys are awesome thank you so much thank  you so much I appreciate that thank you're so   kind thank you so much I really appreciate that  this next one is for deia hoan thanks pronounced   deia hoen and Del I need to apologize because  you asked for a specific date and I did not see   this until this time so I apologize for that but  let me give this shout out this is for Mom Darla   happy birthday and hope you had a happy Mother's  Day congratulations on becoming a grandma to Baby   Xander as to Mom Darla froma deine I I there's  no spaces here I'm sorry Delia deia hem thank   you so much and congratulations uh mom Darla  becoming a grandma here's our last one this   one is uh from the Hansen Family thanks love you  guys and love supporting the PPP Channel we will   be at Walt Disney World staying at the Caribbean  Beach resort in October please show us the dining   options at the hotel so excit so excited to see  this adventure I hope hope you enjoyed me eating   on camera the handsome family thank you so much  you've been a fantastic supporter of Pros park   pass and I just want to say this if you want to  have your shout out red on the channel there's a   little thanks button down there you click the  thanks button and then put a little message   down there and as long as it's appropriate  I will read it here on the Channel all right   guys let's get ready for bed let throw the water  bottle up okay there we go it's got to be untight that's warm warm [Applause] water good night see the morning we're getting tired guys good night I will see you guys in the morning okay it's morning time um I I was wondering  when I came here I was like I wonder if these   beds moving from a value to a moderate if I'm  going to was a discernable difference in the   mattress and all that and in complete honesty and  full transparency not really I felt this I got a   good night's sleep wasn't fantastic it wasn't  wasn't bad but I still felt rested when I got   in the morning so I'm going to give this mattress  I'm going to give this mattress three Z's three   Z's out of five uh yeah I felt like a good night's  sleep wasn't the best night's sleep I've ever had   but it wasn't the worst night's sleep I didn't  wake up achy or feeling like like more tired   than I did the night before so yeah so 3z out of  five for this bed I'm going to change the order   that I normally do things in this particular  video so normally in every video what I do   is I wake up in the morning do the bed test and  then um after that I go and do um breakfast and   then after breakfast I show you Transportation  this Resort is so big though that if I walked   to to breakfast and then I turned came back to  transportation and then I turned to go back to   the pool the pool will be open and I I want to  get there when the pool opens so I'm switching   it up we're going to do Transportation first let's  talk about Transportation first because this is a   very large resort when you stay here and like I  said the secret here is this you have to decide   what's more important to you Transportation or the  swimming pool if transportation is more important   you want fast access to the parks then yeah you  want to stay almost in a standard room not the   premier room because look right this right behind  me is Jamaica that's Jamaica that I'm staying at   that's considered standard room and what is  right over there that is the um right there   is the Skyliner Transportation Stander right there  so it makes it so easy by being standard room cuz   you can walk right here to the um Skyliner there's  the Skyliner right there and you see that little   building right there that's a little coffee house  and we got pastries people lining up there in the   morning but right there if you right there grab  this Skyliner you can take it either and go that   way on those tracks there that'll take you to  Hollywood Studios or you take it this way it's   going to go over down to the station down there  where Riviera and then you going then it's going   to turn and get on and go to um Epcot Epcot now  I'm going to walk down to the other um Skyliner   station so I can show you that one then we're  going to go back and hit some breakfast so let's   uh go down to the other Skyliner station oh my  gosh I literally stupped my tracks guys check this out can you handle that no fear I'm walking through the pool area and you can  see that these there's five pools here we'll   talk a little bit more about it in just a moment  these pools are called quiet pools they open at   7 a.m. 7:00 a.m. can children swim in quiet pools  absolutely but just an area we have to be a little   more quiet and so yeah something unique this  Resort the pools are going to open at 7:00 a.m.   swim with your own risk pools because there's  no lifeu to these pools all right before we get   to the next tram station I want to show you this  map here and talk a little bit about is again for   just a brief second to make sure you completely  understand it then we'll go down to this next   trans station that'

2024-05-22 00:31

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