Day 6 Day at Sea

Day 6 Day at Sea

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Good. Morning, this is day six December. 19th. 2018. And. We. See our two day sale, way back to two. Days of sea sailing back to Galveston this is day one of that two-part. Before we hit flesh. On the magic there so but. We're in the middle of the. Gulf. Of Mexico. And. Here's. Oliver. Our. Messy desk and, dolly. Breezie, still, asleep she, had a rough night last night. And. Here's, the beautiful and young, Wow really, one. Yeah. You're. Ready to have some fun day once, dancy. Cool. Hopefully. It's not a cold, when we get back to Galveston. Special. Day for mom, and dad because we get to go to the. Brunch. Which. Is awesome, and I'll show you the most favorite, dessert of all time the, bait yogurt. Awesome. We. Usually get the standard, our standard, meal. Sausage. Pizza. Which is fantastic and. Then, she usually gets a ravioli or, lasagna. Or something like that. But. This, is awesome lunch, and then I think we're headed to the rain. Forest right mama. Rain. For a spa. Yeah. Then. The kids will go to the kids club. See. What the else guys. What. Is it. Collection. Collectible. Base, of characters. We got a notebook. Cool. You're gonna write in it. They're, not loud. Go I want to see getting dumped I want. To see you getting dumped, hey. Yo. Cakes freeze I want to see you get dumped on. Scooch, up just a little breezy. Scooch up. Basically. Than there is. Scavenger. Hunt soon we have to go and find the clues all over the ship we have to write down where we found the clue and what the symbol wasn't clear what if we do that all by tonight, and get it to our room host. A quote. Special surprise. And, she says you have to play Queens orders it's going to be. That's what we're doing and it also says it involves chocolate. Underlines. Twice, with an exclamation, prohibited. So. Or appeal so. The first clue says you could sit in the dark any time of day and on the screen moving pictures play where do you think the first movie. You're, right. On, the way I think we can get this clue on days when the ship is filled with cheer the babies come out and play in here. Up. Snowflake. There's. The sign. So. It's. By it's a small world. Of, carrots. Both. Let's. Make them for this one. We, can. Write it down it says this, dining, place is black and white and changes, color throughout, the night so we're at with the name Allen, and. What is that. So. Many photos, all in one place that capture, your memories on, the denial on your face. -. It's. Not. Just a guitar I. Don't. Know. Mandolin. It's. Some weird I. Can't. See that. Although. They gave us credit for guitar did they yeah. Some bum or making sweater than map down fear is always a big summer blowout shower, but. People can find suit please. We use. A color. Oh and. This is that white taps. In. Now. Oh. Here. Everybody. Needs a place, to go to catch a film or see the big show. They. Help you to plan your adventures, wherever you go whether you're lounging on the beach are sledding. Oh. More did been injured. Whether. And, atrium, character, there's no need to stand in line and greet you each time you come to dine so it's really absolutely the Ariel's statue but. Sebastian moved, it closer to the water. Turn. Us around. I think we've been to this every, cruise except, for one. My. Legs haven't tried record. My. Recommendation. Economics. With the chocolate world. Some, chief collection here, with the great. Person. Here. Before she. Selections. Different, kind of cheese's international. Mostly. Their defiance. 14. Years and, if you never tried my recommendation, of humor really and Monica. You just. I don't, like two weeks. First, slice, from this. Good. Have backup those, fill three. Isis. Desserts and some basic raspberries. With champagne, charlie. I, get. To try to walk. You, know what you like right. And you remember, how the magic school works. Can. You help me see me that I remember. So. You take this when you eat with this one zero calories, you. Can eat so much as you want I just look at it's not very big, yes. Portion. About the deal it works, neither, to you oh. This. Is the first round nothing. Gonna try to name all the stuff hopefully. I showed it. Okay. This. Is the first part of our. Aren't. Tray 1 this. Is the lasagna. Which is. Heavenly. I can't. Think of chef terms. Italian. Sausage. And. It, is good. Didn't. Even get to film Mama's, or. She dug into that so. I got to. Bake. Yogurt, and. Strawberry. This, is to die for. Best, dessert ever ever. Made in. History of desserts chocolate. Lava. Cake who, looks like a lot of chocolate. The. Rainforest. Spa, my. Steven. The butt burners, that I call them mama, loves these seats. That, really will fry oh don't. In the, arabic. Steam room, and this. Is what I love. Tropical. Tropical. Thunderstorm. The. Cold wall that's new I don't think we have that, brain. To. See that these have these are awesome, you. Like cold water, and then hot water mixes. Awesome. I'm. A fantasy, and dreaming they actually have. Some. Hot, tubs about, their business this is an inside. Spa, we, have two days.

Yes. - tree all have chickens. Horn. The. If. Frozen, we can't pay the pit but here we are frozen. Can't. Tape it so this would be it. Bottom. First then come back up to you. Dear. Keegan embryo, these. Pajamas, are so adorable, we couldn't, resist. We, thought, you had to, have a pair to, wear on what better, time, to wear, them that, on your, cruise. Now. We have, a few, rules first, what is part, of the world pajamas. That's right, Jim. That's. A word. Pajama. Jam. The word jam, yeah. Put. These on, and, rock. Out to, a song, second. Your dad can, record. You and you. Can watch it over and over again. Let's, do it to, see, some, of your best, moves we, hear, that, on the cruise. Sometimes. Where, is, a. Pajama. Party hosted. By Pluto. Maybe, you. Even wear these to, the pardon enjoy, this, love.

2018-12-29 13:08

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