Day 3 Staying At Every Disney Hotel! POP Century Resort FULL TOUR

Day 3 Staying At Every Disney Hotel! POP Century Resort FULL TOUR

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hello everybody I'm Chris provost and today is  day number three of staying at all the hotels on   property hotels down here at Walt Disney World  and today I'll be staying at Pop Century one   of the most popular Resorts stay tuned to find  out why let's do this pop century is based the   theming is based off decades decades decades  decades you've got five different decades that   are represented here it is so fun it's one of the  best themed hotels here I love it and there's five   different decades there's the 1950s decade you  got the 1960s decade you got the 1970s decade   the 1980s decade is represented and also the 1990s  decade is represented here at Pop centry now I'm   going to ask you guys a question I want you to  put it down below tell me which one if you could   go back in time and live in any of these decades  and why you say you were like a teenager maybe in   your early 20s you're right in your Prime and you  go back and live in any of these decades the 50s   60s 7s ' 80s or '90s which de would you go back  and live in to experience on all of its Glory   I think for me I think 197s I've asked lots of  cast members though and almost every cast member   I've asked you has given me two different decades  they've said the 1980s and they've also said the   1950s I did have one say 1960s nobody so far has  said the 1990s but let me know down the comments   below which decade would you go back in living  if you could like just just experience it which   one and tell me why I want to know why 1970s had  some really great music for the' 60s man you got   Beetle Mania I don't know 80s has a fantastic  music and some cool I don't know grunge for the   night how do you do this how do you choose how do  you choose now pop Sentry is a value Resort but   you're going to notice some big differences from  this Resort than the allstar Resorts let me show you as you enter into the lobby one of the first  things you notice is the lobby is way bigger way   bigger this is the front desk where you check in  and it is open it is air is nice they always have   really fun music from the different decades going  really cool and I'm going to show you this wall   here in just a second and then off in the corner  right there they have like a little area for kids   just kind of relax and play while parents are  getting checked into the hotel room that makes it   fun too now this wall here this if you look across  the top it's got the numbers this is starting in   1950 and then down below it shows what was really  popular during that decade roller skating like uh   drive-in movies uh what that Saddleback shoes I  think so that was the night it looks like Elvis fr   Avalon and then we hit the 60s right the 60s  what's up popular here you got The Flintstones you   got Laughin you got the Beach Boys uh let's see  here I don't know who Peter Max is I'm not sure   that is but you got when we walked on the moon you  got the Papas and the masas right there of course   the Beatles you can't go through the 60s without  seeing the Beatles different Planet of the Apes   this is Route 66 I think it's kind of interesting  because they have a plate of Utah there Utah never   actually did Route 66 but I think it's really cool  you see that then you can move right on over here   and you can see it's the 1970s this is a disco era  look at that look at those look those shoes like   platform shoes Star Wars came out fantastic Rocky  or pcture show eight track tape players are going   look at this it's awesome there we go the Magic  Kingdom this is when this is of course when uh   Walt Disney World opened up in uh uh look at that  costume of the Mad Hatter guys when they opened   up in Florida like this is great you got like lava  lamps and then of course I mean disco big big big   big big big in the 70s big wheels and then this  seems to be the most popular decade we hit the 80s   you got ET and Superman Arnold schwarzen [ __ ]  I actually as a kid had this this is now you guys   you kids young kids will laugh but this is like  when this came out this was like the height of   the technology and like the blue light would go  and then the green the yellow like you go be be   you try to follow the pattern like be be that was  like the whole game that was it that was I know   craziness yeah look at all this this is all from  the 1980s oh we got a Wonder Woman uh they got was   it Dallas cooking where's the beef Michael Jackson  of course really got popular there and oh look at   this old old Atari Atari with all the games there  and then lastly we hit the '90s right '90s I think   a lot of grunts it's when beauty Beast came  out let's laptops the personal computers this   was really born in that era laptops I don't know  why they have McDonald's fries there but they do   look at these games here Dreamcast the Game Boy  very popular yeah this is awesome yeah Fitness   Simpsons yeah snowboarding got super popular skate  I I don't know I I thought skateboarding is really   popular all the time but they saying it became  popular but rollerblading really did explode   in the '90s my wife still has a pair of roller  blad she whips those out every once in a while   now here's another thing you notice is something a  little bit different I'm going to walk in so I've   checked into my room my room's not ready yet but  they are since my room's not ready they will text   me um or call me when my room is ready to let me  know when I can go check into my room so they've   already given me my my room key I have my room  key but I don't know what where I I don't know   where it goes to it's not activated yet once my  room is ready then I'll just be able to go right   to my room and my luggage can be taken my room as  well but what you going to notice right here this   is a big deal we're going to walk in here this is  the uh shopping area this is the mall the the mark   you're going to notice how different it is from  the allstar Resorts let's check it out okay we're   going to walk in here first thing you notice is  it kind of goes into the um it this connects to   a bunch of different things here it connects to  the cafeteria right back there there's a little   more offerings here like you know it's food they  got bread now uh they've got some like different   things offerings here a little bit a little  more like bathroom stuff that you might might   need still have the fun stuff that they have  over at um the other places but there's just   a little bit more and you'll be noticing that as  you start to kind of move through the different   areas the different Resorts that the um what is  this the Mart will be bigger and bigger kind of   moving along right down here Yep this is some  cool different merchandise that they have over   here love it now one of the things that really  makes pop centry cool and I'll get to that is the   skyline ER so they actually have um merchandise  for the Skyliner itself disy Skyliner the scenic   room the Skyliner it's you're getting a lot more  options here when you're looking around of course   as you go the you'll see this it just changes  okay got some toys down here and then they have   like this little area back here as well the theme  here is just for fun it's like says packages open   they have these little areas you can open store  package not real for real but just for fun to   look at remember how I told you as you start  going here that the resorts are going to start   selling merchandise for each Resorts yeah it's  happening here pop Sentry let me show it to you   so you got pop Sentry groovy good times this here  is like a spirit jersey it says have a nice day   you turn it around and it says pop Sentry that's  super cool then look at these ears that they have   here these ears are pop centry ears think those  are vinyl records there how sweet is that and   then of course they have the water bottles that  you can get that say pop Sentry yeah I love it   I love those ears are sweet I think I'm wearing  too far back all right there oh oh oh shoot and   I do want to show these they also have like pop  Sentry pins have this one here this one says to   the max it's like the Mickey foam that's sweet one  thing to notice here at Pop Cent is a little bit   different than the uh like the the allstar Resorts  is here in the market area they do have like water   and like coca-colas for sale there's not a lot of  them they want you to go into the cafeteria where   they have a bigger selection I'll show you so this  is like their water it's a Coca-Cola section right   here it's kind of small now this is the market but  if you notice it goes right into the cafeteria I'm   going to kind of walk in straight a little I'll  come back tonight and get dinner here show you   their dinner options but like they have plenty  of seating it's nice and then they also have a   little market here I want to show you how you  can buy uh more drinks here easy you'll notice   that the allar resorts they kind of have like a  little pastry place they do have that here but   they also have grabbing go pastries right down  here plenty of water drinks all this grabbing go   items everything that you absolutely need and  look at all the pastries they have here these   are just fresh baked goods that you can just grab  and go hey I forgot to show you they gave me a pen   three of 20 uh okay so here's what I'm going to  do there is theming for each of these buildings   each decade has its own theming now when I was at  the All-Star Resorts you'll notice I just kind of   went willy-nilly just showed you all the different  sports teams and showed you all the different like   music things it didn't really matter but I feel  for this one it really does matter I want to start   in the 1950s then I'm going to go to the' 60s 7s  ' 80s and ' 90s so I'm going to start at that end   and then go to that end I'm try to go in order oh  GI pop it just kind of Pops we love you oh I love   you too here's the property guys this is where  you check in I'm going to start here at the 50s   there's a swing pool there then the 60s there's  a swing pool there 7s no pool 80s and then the   '90s there's a kind of a shared pool between that  but these are the different areas that I'm going   to I'm going show them all to you let's start in  the 50s all right so here I am I am in the heart   of the 1950 section of the pop Sentry I'm going to  go through all this and show you what it all means   but this is literally the 1950s all right let's go  to the end and come all the way back all right so   here we are at the the farthest building away it's  in the 1950s it says classic 50s you'll notice   on the outside they've got like people dancing it  says what does that say can you read that but yeah   and then also have like little transistor radios  and little records right here little transistor   radio and then right outside here you have like  a juke box and what You' do is I think you'd put   like a it says three PL for a quarter You' put  in um a quarter and then you select your song   like a two and then that was Play song it's A2  and then like so so you can see right there it   says like E7 if you wanted wallfire Blues then  you would type in E7 that's what this looks like   and then right over here is that is I love that  that a little area that's for the swing pool like   restrooms for swing pool but it's to look like a  shoe rack for when you go bowling sock hop nice   Wheels this is a swinging pool here I'll show you  the swinging pool I'll try to get down here early   in the morning show that when it's empty and you  got like down here is like poodle skirt different   things crazy man and then I want to show you the  stairwells so asking a lot of cast members which   of the Decades a lot of them want to go revisit  50s and was highly pop a lot of people have been   saying 50s so far which I never would have even  thought about the 50s but I guess a lot of people   want that Nostalgia maybe I don't know so I think  I think transition radios I don't really know much   I think that was popular with the kids I think  they would try to listen to music when they're out   and about what was very popular activity due in  the 1950s bowling and you'll notice the stairwells   they are bowling pins bowling pins there's  another one right there I think bowling p i mean   I like to go bowling in my spare time I don't  think this is the time for that type of humor it's right up my alley get it right across there  you're going to see the Skyliner this is a motor   transportation that you can use here at the um  pop centry and I will go in depth on how that   works a little bit later on this video but I just  want you to see it so convenient once you've used   it you're going to just love it so here in every  decade they have like these two major buildings   and then they have like kind of like a movie  that represents that decade so let me show you   what movie they've chosen to represent the decade  of the 1950s they have chosen lady in the [ __ ]   now these buildings here are four story buildings  at the All-Star Resort they're only three story   buildings but there are four-story buildings  here they do have elevators uh so if you have   like like to choose need to use elevator or or  want one right behind that so there's lady you   turn right here look giant doghouse and then  right back here in this building what do you   see [ __ ] lady and he's like he's Iron Lady he's  like hey how you doing and she's like oh my gosh   and she's a little bit of embarrassed she's like  she's embarrassed she like oh my gosh of course   lady in the [ __ ] animated film Disney classic  came out in the 1950s so good makes sense makees   sense way to go [ __ ] okay we're going to go  from the 1950s into the 1960s now keep in mind   all these rooms here are identical but they do  have standard rooms and Premier rooms the most   requested area of the whole of this whole uh  hotel is the 1960s everybody wants to say the   1960s it's close to the Skyliner it's close  to the biggest pool and it's close to the uh   cafeteria but because of that it is a little more  expensive they call that a premere room so let me   show you the 1960s so far I as I've been asking  cast members only one cast member has said the   1960s to that they want to go back and revisit  now the 1960s of course was like you know you   got flower power you got groovy I think groovy is  1970s can you dig it I thought was 1970s maybe not   but anyways got flower power this is like the the  uh hippie movement there is a flower shaped pool   right here in the center I'll show you that pool  try to get here first in the morning when nobody's   in there I'll show that pool later on in the video  the Classic 60s during the 1960s one of the most   popular toys during the 1960s was the yo-yo the  Duncan yo-yo so all the stairwells here are yo-yos   giant yo-yos you can see this green one right  over here too and if you look carefully you can   even see the string coming out top now that is the  1960s I'm return right here that is the entrance   to the Skyliner right there and then right past  those trees is the pool and past that is the   cafeteria oh hi how are you all right so we're  going to walk down the 60s and see what movies   they have representing the the the elevators down  here uh far out twist groovy so groovy is the 60s   peace sign that means peace and I guess I think  in the' 60s people always like peace right over   there they have a little splash pad for kids I'm  not going to show that to a lot of kids in there   I'll show it in the morning well of course in the  1960s we got the Jungle Book was released animated   film right there got blue bear and you guys it's  Bear Necessities again four story building if you   need the elevator go right behind that and you're  good to go now you might be wondering why is why   are they both here how come there's not their  side well let's check let's turn around take a   look at it turn around another very popular toy  during the 1960s was Play-Doh Play-Doh modeling   compound and if you look up here you can actually  see you can see the little the little there's a   um elephant and a giraffe right there and then  right behind this Play-Doh bucket that's where   you go in to get in for the elevator look they  have those one of those like little Play-Doh   things they squish squish them the Play-Doh comes  out I came up to the fourth floor cuz I want to   show there's you see look down in the Play-Doh  you can see that there's Play-Doh in the play   bucket there's a flower pool right there but yeah  check it out you guys it is so hot here I've been   the two buildings I've had drink two bottles of  water cuz you're just sweating so much because   of all the humidity but they are literally going  to be announcing some kind of contest here the S   Pool okay fun but we have to go now to the 1970s  that's a laundry room and of course you got the   men and women's restroom with the nice flowers and  they also have a little petals bar right out here another fun thing they have out here they have  Hannah airbrush tattoos hair wraps braids right   out here by the pool all right let's go check  out the 70s all right we're walking the 70s   and what you're going to notice right at the bat  the stairwells those are eight track cassettes   for your younger audience that's how you used to  listen to music You' pop in man in the machine and   then push a little button you be able to listen  to music yeah they got one over here too another   eight TR tape player and then we're going to walk  down the 70s and I've stayed the 70s a lot this   this this particular area a lot uh the reason is  is because there's there's no pool here so it's   not it's not considered like one of the Premier  ones uh it's a standard room oh and that by the   way is if you look this yellow thing is you'd  buy a record players sometimes a record player   you needed a little adapter to spin it that's  what this little yellow thing is I think and   that is a mood ring you put that reading on  and it would change colors depending on what   your mood was is what they would say so here we  go and looking at says what's your handle going   down here we're walking to the center instead of  having like a pool here have a giant foosball area   I love it I'm going to turn over here very popular  I guess in the 70s everybody wanted these it was a   Mickey Mouse phone and You' like have this in your  bedroom and you'd uh be able to call your friends   and have this giant Mickey Mouse phone everybody  wanted one I never had one but it was been super   cool so there's a giant Mickey Mouse phone to the  entrance of the elevators here in the building of   the 70s right here across look all the way across  the building over here got a giant big wheel look   at that giant Massy big whe and these here are  the look how giant these this is this is insane   I'm like I'm in a Foosball game look there's a  giant there's a giant Foos ball over here you   you you really can't kick it but makes you feel  like you're miniature look at that foosball look   at these giant foosball players it's awesome now  we got to take a big a closer look at this big   wheel though okay here's giant big wheel this is  a very popular uh toy in the 70s you would sit on   it pedal like crazy got a little out of control  I'm up here in the fourth floor cuz want take   a closer look at this uh big wheel got a little  sticker there fuel temp that I have but look at   this recommended weight child weight if this is  a real size and child set on it 877 lb [Laughter] sweet I love that Mickey phone how fun is that  it's kind of cute you know got a little foosball   Court this be for the instagrammers to like  people who like instagrammers probably would   love this all right so I just got done walking  through like the 1970s area I had to stop and   put some sunscreen lotion it is just baking  out here so hot Direct Sun now we're going   to go into the 1980s by the way nobody has said  the 1970s that they want to stay there as cast   members except for me I don't know it just  seems like a fun time um all right so let's   go in now into the 1980s very popular decade  as you're entering here in the 1980s portion   you're going to notice Mr and Mrs Potato  Head love it he looks very friendly and   you'll also notice the stairwell those are is  one of the most popular toys of the time was   the Rubik's Cube fun little fact little trivia  as you look at all the different Rubik's Cubes   you're going to notice they go to different  stages of completion so that that one is very   close to be completed right there that one's  completed and you'll also notice that on the   buildings the railings and stuff it is an homage  to the video game Pac-Man CU that came out in the 1980s the 1980s building and the 1990 building  they share pool which I'll show you that a little   bit later on in the video break dancing look  at that break dance this is called the Sony   Sportsman or the Walkman they're very popular you  would carry those like around like you clip it on   your belt and you can listen to music as you're  playing or put a little cassette tape in and then   you could uh listen to music he going giant Sony  Sportsman and those were the earbuds you literally   put those in your ear clink and uh listen to it  and they're just to slide up and down it's like   a little headband which movies represents the 80s  for Disney well it's Roger Rabbit I Love It see   Roger Rabbit right up there it's got the Crazy  Eyes little Roger Rabbit very popular when this   movie came out like kind of revolutionized  things you notice there's kind of like the   cartoon buildings behind him that are looking uh  it's not as popular anymore really a lot of kids   maybe don't really know who Rod dve it is but he  was very popular again Pac-Man Motif there they   all are there's Pac-Man all right so I'm going to  watch from the ' 80s we're going go to the last   section of buildings is the '90s the '90s now '90s  uh here they only really have the one building for   the '90s there's a swing pool that shares the  80s that pool is shaped like um like a laptop   I guess as you can see here's the 90s whatever  surf the net so internet came very popular those   are CD compact discs roller blades came out  love it let's go see what the stairwell is and   and the stairwell is like I think it's a like a  Nokia phone this is like when cell phones first   started coming out this is what they look like  guys youd pull out that little antenna pull it   out there it is dial your phone dial your friends  there you go wow again these buildings are all   four stories here a little bit one more story  than the um Allstar Resorts they do every one   of the buildings has an elevator so if you need  assistance you can use an elevator and also when   you check in you uh you can check in you can  request a lower level if there's availability   they'll try to give it to you and the entrance  too if you need an elevator in the '90s building   what do you have here inste they show a laptop  this laptop is like a one of those old laptops   I used to have and you can look up here kind  of see all this interesting stuff the websites   I go to Magic Kingdom Epcot Disney Animal Kingdom  Disney's MGM Studios water parks and you notice a   little background they're are like little hidden  Mickeys and the News they're on ABC News which   which is also owned by Disney and says oh open  today Disney's Magic Kingdom happened in the 90s   check it all out okay we need to walk back to the  lobby because I know like around 1:30 they kind   of do this thing where they do like the hustle  for cast members it's like an impromptu thing   it's not on the app it's not on activities just  something fun you go see if you want to see and   then after that that'll be a real quick little  thing then after that we got to check out the   arcade cuz we haven't checked out the arcade yet  so let's go check out the arcade all right while   we're walking over to the uh to the lobby I got to  do some shout outs now these are people who went   down and hit that little super and they they said  they want to do some shout outs so let's do some   shout outs are you ready this first shout out is  from Karen Howard and she says thanks Kelly for   all the Disney memories you have given me thanks  Kelly for all the dizney memories you given me   that is from Karen Howard our next shout out is  from Eric heyen Eric heyen ru4 IV and this is a   shout out to his daughter he says please give a  shout out to my daughter uh Mila will'll be going   to Disneyland for Thanksgiving mil you're going  to Disneyland for Thanksgiving she is 5 years   old and she's the bravest girl her favorite ride  is Guardians of the Galaxy mil you're going to   be going to desan for Thanksgiving thank you so  much Eric you are awesome and have a great time   Guardian of the Galaxy for 5-year-old that's  crazy this one is from IET Naz IET Noz and she   wanted to do a shout out to Naas Ohana neas Ohana  there you go EV you're so kind lots of shouts you   are awesome now this is something you guys want  to do why I'm doing this Disney tour just down   down you see the comments it says uh like I think  it says like thanks if you click on that you can   do a little donation and you write a message and  if you put a message down there as long as it's   appropriate I'll give a shout out to you while  I doing these Hotel tours all right let's get   to the lobby we got to check this out I am back  in the lobby because I was told here at like 1:30   they'll do the hustle the cast members and I got  to we got to see that we got to see that let's go   check out and see if the cast members do hustle  and you join in if you want to oh there they are   guys they're doing the hustle I've never learned  how to do the hustle always wanted to know how to   do it but I don't know how to do it but anybody  can come here and you guys can do the hustle with them I love it so let's see how you do  it kick kick they look very good very   good it's awesome I like they're doing  this this the hustle guys they do this   it's not on the app but you can welome  here here people are in line checking   in check they're all checking in watching  they just come out here and check out the hustle it's with little Disney touches right  there the just hustle now we got to go check   out the arcade of course go check out the arcade  and I want to show you something kind of cool here   they have here at Pop centry Lobby they have  you like you get your own like character your   own artwork it's amazing so check us out right  here they have an artist here they're usually   here from like 10: in the morning till about  5:00 in the afternoon now you can give them   a photo like they take a photo they'll take  a photo of you and then while you're out at   the park or enjoy your day they'll do the art  for you so you don't have to even sit there   but you can get your own drawings now we got  to check out the for Fast Forward arcade it's   called fast forward and you'll probably  notice that uh this arcade's a little bit bigger and I mean there's a lot of things  a lot of riding uh attractions I love they   have little seats in here for parents  to sit down um you got like a little   typhoon attraction ski ball they've got Alpine  skiing they've got racing Amanda loves that the   like those Dance Dance Revolution thing they  have all these different games you can play   air strike Wicked Tuna I mean super fun stuff  they also have like basketball and Hoops back   there I mean there's a there's a ton of stuff  for them to do we got to check out the we got   to check out the P pinball of course now in the  very back they have like another row of bches for   adults to be SE sitting on but there's a mom  back there with a little baby so I don't want   to interrupt her but back there's another row of  benches for parents to sit and I do have to show   you that these they do have massage chairs you  can sit in now what's kind of funny if you sit   in this chair you don't pay for it it's going to  move up and make it really uncomfortable for you   to sit in until you pay for it all right let's  take a look here they've got Guardians of the   Galaxy Star Wars here's a new one they got X-Men  now of course Disney now owns X-Men so and TR TR ohon something I noticed though it cost 25 points  for all this but Star Wars here cost 30 but the   last arcade that Star Wars only cost 25 I don't  know okay I got a text message to let me know   that my room is ready I got my luggage right  here I'm going to go to my room and get it in   we'll give you a little room tour now if you ever  come to a hotel early and your room's not ready   that's not a problem what you can do is you can  just leave your luggage with the front people up   there the con and then they will take care of it  and then when it's time for you uh you can go to   the park and hang out Park as late as you want  the baggage claim is open 24 hours a day so if   you're going to stay at the park till midnight  and come back and grab your lugage in it's not   a problem or that might I will say this if some  people want to just come in and they want to go   swimming what I would do is if you're going  to get here early in morning I would put your   swimming suit like in your backpack and then  that way uh you get here drop off your luggage   and just have your backpack and go change you have  changing rooms and head out and go swimming while   you wait for your room to get ready either way  everything's fine all right let me show you my   room here the pop Sentry you're going to notice  that it's very similar to the allstar Resorts but   there are some small differences I'll show you  check out the room as you come in of course you   got the little fridge right down there you have  a quein art right there okay perfect look over   here you have the Murphy bed we'll pull that  down a little later on show how easy that is   Murphy bed then you got your bed right there with  all the pillows little bit different art up there   it's kind of cool looking down here you got your  cenza and hello and then of course let's take a   look in here in here you've got your safe perfect  nice little safe in there excellent okay and some   more pillows if you need them I don't like those  to slam shut sometimes all right let's take a look   here into the bathroom this is where you going  notice some more differences okay of course the   the toilet but you'll notice it's not a there not  a bathtub this is just a step right in step right   in and then you'll also notice here look at this  different you have two shower heads you have the   rain shower and the wand two different shower  heads that's really nice perfect let's turn   this way so you can see super well lit mirror  like same thing like that have those well lit   mirrors I love that I love that they have those  wet mirrors and you again you'll also notice that   the sink pulls out so that way you know if you  have like a a Mobility or wheelchair you can kind   of go underneath that sink it' be good with that  so that's I I love that they do that those sinks   come out for that that's really nice it's other  little tiny changes you might not oh there's your   closet there's your closet and there's your  like ironing board and like like the hooks   here a little brighter color it's a little bit  brighter color but yeah this is a very very nice room okay let me show you how easy it is to pull  down this Murphy bed here at the pop Sentry again   you have two chairs nice little table you just  have to move the chairs off the side I'm just   going to move real quickly up the side CU I'm  show to do this it's not heavy not heavy at all   and then all you do you just grab this and  pull you'll notice there a little different   artwork a different artwork here the um  and so yeah you have nice little artwork   there this light turns on and off and if you  need people sleep there boom pillows tomorrow   when I go to the allar movies I'll sleep in  the Murphy bed to read that one but tonight   I'm going to sleep in that bed over there but  tomorrow I'll see in the Murphy bed to rate it and that easy I wanted to show you one other  thing that's really cool see right there they   have plugs they have USB plugs and also plugs  right there and then again right over here by   this by right there they have plug so that way  we l it's such a pain when you go to a hotel   and you're trying to charge your phone you want  to everyone wants to have their phone in their   hands where they fall asleep at night looking  at whatever scrolling whatever they're doing   that makes it very convenient I like that every  Hotel of s far state has that that the sweet   sweet amenity I'm going to go inside the lobby  because I told her there might be another little   surprise the cast members do there it's about  6:00 at night and I want to see if that's true   and then I we need to talk about something  that makes you pop centry so unique and why   is this such a popular Resort because it is  very it is very very very very very popular I don't think you hear that announcement  they like Hey we're looking for a few   good dancers we got to come out here we're  going to do the twist on the dance floor so   I love it let's check this out twist  can you hear it guys we're doing the twist twisting it up guys twist got to twist  it but twist and that was it it was just that   fast you do a little you it was one song it was a  Twist at six o'cl they have a cast come out here   they dance and then they they I didn't want to U  lots of little kids are running out there and just   going crazy so fun for them 6 o' it's not in the  app it's not in the posters it's just right there   all right we got to talk about pop Sentry this is  the most popular Hotel here on Walt Dy property   uh people who come here are very loyal to it they  come here over and over again lot of repeat stairs   they come here a lot it is a value Resort but  one of the reasons that is so amazing I'm going   to show you here in just a second is it's so close  to the Skyliner and the Skyliner is a game changer   I know a lot of you who are watching this are  like a little concerned about Transportation so   the last couple of videos I've done showing you  the hotels uh those allar Resorts those are just   bus only bus bus bus well this one here has bus  and Skyliner and it has made all the difference   people love this Resort it is very popular it is  so popular it is the I mean I'm just going to say   this it's sometimes gets a little crowded because  so many people stay here it's one of my favorite   Resorts I stay here probably Mo all the resorts I  this want to stay here the very very most and it   does book up uh it's got the most rooms of all the  resorts but it does book up so if you want to stay   here the simplest way to do it is just to click  the link down below all right so let me show you   the Skyliner what makes this hotel so amazing it's  the pop Sentry that's right there that's the 60s   building that everyone wants to stay I'm say turn  around that is a Skyliner entrance we're going   to go right now to the Skyliner and this Skyliner  will connect you to Epcot and to Hollywood Studios   it'll take you right to the front door of both of  those Studios you don't have to catch a bus it's   running all the time so just get on a Skyliner  it's very fast and sometimes you get out here in   the morning there might be a really long line but  you don't have to worry it goes by fast this is a   little Bridge it walks across this little Lake  Lake here takes you right here to the Skyliner   which goes right over the lake if you walked all  the way across the bridge it takes you to the Art   of Animation it's another hotel be staying at in  a couple of days I'll show you all what that's   like but let me show you how easy this Skyliner is  it's very easy here's a Skyliner at the boarding station please like thank you very much this is  the Skyliner look just walk right on end very easy   very easy to again and here we go guys we're about  to take off it just takes off boom pal and away we go it's very smooth okay so this I know some people who might  be watching this like well Chris what if I need   a Mobility Scooter or wheelchair it's not a  problem oh it's just talking to us it's not   a problem they actually have a little a little  section there where they'll have a Skyliner going   slower it'll stop it'll allow you to roll right on  in and you get on and then they put some little uh   brake pads around your uh Mobility Scooter or  whatever and then it takes off it's not that's   not a problem this is one of the fastest ways to  get around the parks here this is so fast it's so   convenient I'm right here I'm it takes me down  it takes me down to a little changing station   I'll show you changing station at that point you  can choose do you want to either go on and go to   Hollywood Studios or do you want to go to Epcot  you make the choice now I know this whole video   is supposed to be about pop Sentry and it really  is and and you're like well you're in a Skyliner   but I wanted to show you the ease of Skyliner  for transportation so if you are going to Magic   Kingdom or Animal Kingdom from uh pop centry  you're going to take a bus but if you're going   to Epcot or to Hollywood Studios you're going to  get up and come right on and get on this Skyliner   we're going here this is the Caribbean Beach  resort it's going to take us down to this little   uh station where we're going to have to get off  and we'll have to choose which way we want to go   um it is and I'll be staying there of course cuz  we're staying in all the hotels but I just wanted   to show you how easy the Skyliner is so that way  you come down you're not concerned about it it's   very easy I'm going to show you how easy it is to  get out you walk it's very simple you don't have   to worry take your time you walk right out and  that's how easy it is to get in and out of The   Skyliners so easy now you see the Skyliner here  they have one that's just waiting there it's not   moving that is if you have like a mobility issue  and it takes you a little bit longer to get on   those they'll hold it there for you it's sweet  literally you get on take your time it's not a   no hurries easy to go now I just got off the  station what you want to do it's very simple   to do you're going to choose where do you want  to go do you want to go to Epcot or you want   to go to Hollywood Studios you choose which which  Resort you want to go to and then you get on that   particular Skyliner and if you have any questions  they'll help you thank you so much guys have a   great day that's to go to Epcot that's to go to  Hollywood Studios and you can see it right there I have plenty of signs to tell you I'm like oh  let's go back to pop and there you go see right   there they've loaded somebody up it just you just  take your time you get on you're in no hurry not   a problem at all all right and now I'm heading  back in the cabin so I headed back to pop Sentry   this makes get the parks that's why people love  Pop Sentry so much it's a Value Resort which is   awesome and then you have different Transportation  uh options you have buses and a Skyliner and a lot   of people what they like to do is they're going  to come in they're going to get a Skyliner they're   going to go down to uh Hollywood Studios and  then they'll get back on Skyliner and they go   to Epcot it makes Park hopping really simple or a  lot of people do this they'll get a Skyliner come   down and maybe go to Epcot or Hollywood Studios  and then from there they'll take a bus to like   Magic Kingdom or whatever they're going and then  they take the bus back to pop Sentry but it is   so convenient I I can't stress this enough I just  can't stress this enough the Skyliner is a game   changer it makes all the difference it makes  going to park super easy and it doesn't matter   that line is we long at the beginning when you in  the morning it goes by fast and right now there's   not a lot of people just kind of getting they're  just doing it per family whatever what going in   in the morning they just have it loaded up with  bunch of people here you good to go and they got   like these nice little Windows I'm stand up and  show you this little window here this opens up if   you're ever hot or cold you just close that that  closes it that allows more air to come through   very nice and easy it's so convenient at the end  of the day my favorite way to to get around the   parks is the Skyliner it's just it's convenient  and we sit down it's relaxing it's nice and you   just kind of enjoy it got a nice little breeze  coming on him perfect that is why pop centry is   the number one most requested Hotel of all the  hotels here on property at Walt Disney World   there's pop Sentry right there see it that's the  50s building then you got the 60s 780s uh it cost   a little more to State the 60s it's a Premiere  cuz you're so close to everything but people love it make sure you have that like button that  subscribe button to hit because right behind   me is Art animation and I'll be sitting there in  just a couple days I'll show all those hotels that   one's really good for larger families they get  they get sleep more and I was showing you art   animation here in just a couple days I think in  two days I think and yeah so make sure you have   that like button hit the you guys by hitting  that like button that's how you say thank you   to me and also by um hitting that subscribe  button that just makes you feel really good   inside I love to see that it just makes me  feel good so if you're feeling generous hit   the Subscribe button cuz we're going to hit all  of these hotels here all of them let's walk back   to pop I've got to eat some food I'm hungry I'll  show you some of the dinner options there let's   get some food then I got to get the room because  I got to I got to edit these videos every day so   I got to get the editing going and uh get  going here so let's get to pop and eat the   food walking back into Pop Century it took us  a few seconds and right here I am back in the   60s area like again this is the most popular area  and uh because it's so close it's so convenient I   don't really mind staying this is the first  time I've ever stayed in' 60s building I   normally stay in the 70s and the 80s all right  let's go here in the cafeteria and get some food they have some lunch and they have  breakfast selections here and they also   have some bacon cheddar cheeseburger  plant-based chickpea salad Greek salad   super slice of pizza and the Mojo roasted  chicken that's just a part of what they   have all right I'm going to try this it's  a por siss with [Music] noodles all right   I got the noodles it's only here for 1  month but I was also told that we come   to pop centry to get the tie dye cheesecake he  said that you have to get that so let's try the noodles it's excellent excellent  wow I'm really surprised this is excellent it's wonderful big recommendation all right let's try this bad boy oh yeah that's that's a good recommendation I  was a little worried about it cuz I thought it was   going be all frosting no it's just cheesecake  oh excellent excellent okay food was good   noodles were divine all right so here's what  I'm going to do I'm going to go to the room   get ready uh I've got to I got to edit guys I  have to edit these videos to get out tomorrow   so I'm like uh got to get the videos edited so  the videos come out and then um I also have got   to get ready to do the water bottle challenge in  the room got to do the uh pressure challenge the   flush challenge in the room and then um tomorrow  morning we're going to get up and I'm going to go   to the pools and I'm going to bust my butt cuz  there's three pools here so I'm going to try   to get to them Mall as fast as I can before  a lot of people get there I'll start at the   this pool here and then head over to the I  think to the 50s pool and then from the 50s   all the way to the '90s pool it's going to be  a lot of running around but trying to get there   as fast as I can to show you all the pools in  the morning as well and also I'll show you the   transportation for the buses yeah and then I'll  show you the transportation options on the buses   as well so we got a lot we still got a lot to  go over and right now I'm walking up the giant yo-yo this this yo-yo has its ups  and downs right not the time for jokes and this will be the pool this is the  flower pool you kind of see like the Little   Flower part pool in it and it's got like  a flower shooting water into it so yeah we   check out this pool and then the other two  pools as well all right guys I about ready   for bed I forgot we got to do the water bottle  challenge so let's get the water bottle filled up I try to always since I've been  doing this water bottle challenge   try to fill it up with warm water  seems like the smarter thing to [Music] do get that lid on tight tight tight  tight it's actually pretty hot that's hot okay good night water bottle all right let's get ready my  pills it's like can make a fork I learned that um I keep forgetting  to turn that light off not tonight all   right good night guys I'll see you in the  morning I am tired a lot of sun tonight all right guys did the sleep test slept on  this nice bed here and it's very similar to   the last couple beds I slept on I'm  going to give this three and 1/2 Z   3 and 1 12 Z's off this bed I went to sleep fine I  didn't wake up because I was uncomfortable I woke   up feeling refreshed which is exactly what I want  when I go on uh sleep at night time I guess so   three and half SE for this tonight I am spending  the night at the was it Allstar movies I'll sleep   there in the Murphy bed and we'll see if that's  a little bit different so and I'm also kind of   a little bit pressed for time I I uh I've got to  get to uh get food ready transportation and we got   to look at the pool there's three different you  got to look at so let's get going okay I am off   to uh the cafeteria to grab some breakfast and I'm  just going to say this with all complete honesty   if I had one criticism about pop Sentry just  one criticism um is that sometimes you go into   the cafeteria to get food the lines can be kind  of long because it is a this is a very popular   Resort it's very popular so a lot of people here  and particularly like breakfast time there's a ton   of people all grab breakfast before they go to the  parks that'd be my one criticism it's not really a   bad criticism but just something to be aware of my  always take a little extra time when trying to get   food here at Pop centry all right let's go in and  uh check it out I don't you see a lot of people   here dining it's not too bad this morning um we  just going to be aware that a lot of people come   here for breakfast okay so what I noticed is all  the value Resorts have the exact same breakfast   offerings and this morning I did want the bagel  sandwich and I love I love breakfast sandwiches   so let's s it down and see how good it is I  just got done eating the breakfast sandwich was   good not not not amazing but not bad I've had  better I've had worse middle of the road now   I'm going to show you a little hack here if you  have an annual pass to walk Disney World I want   to show you a little hack your annual pass does  not give you a discount in the in the cafeteria   area but it does give you a discount here in  the mark So when you're buying water for the   day don't buy your water in the market cuz you're  not going to get discount do this instead come to   the market buy your water here in the market you  either buy room temperature or cold and then when   you pay for it here in the market you and you show  your annual pass you'll get discount save yourself   a little bit of money and speaking of money I  just want to say big thank you we had several   people give us gift cards when they heard that  we were doing this trip uh and I've been using   all those gift cards to pay for every one of my  meals so thank you so much I I just can't tell   you how much we appreciate that all right let's  go look at Transportation okay so you remember in   transportation um at the other Hotel it was buses  buses buses well here it's buses and Skyliner so   you're only going to use buses to go here so this  one here says Magic Kingdom Magic Kingdom you just   wait right there in line get in Magic Kingdom  you're also going to use it now look here I want   to show you something you see that signer there  it says Hollywood Studios now Hollywood Studios   you're like wait wait don't they have a Skyliner  they do they don't run buses unless something   happens with the Skyliner if something happens  with the Skyliner then uh for whatever reason   then they'll start running buses again that's the  same for Epcot they won't run buses for Epcot as   long as the Skyliner is running if there's a  problem with a Skyliner for whatever reason   then yep they'll run buses for Epcot all right  if you look here on the screen these are really   accurate so you can see you can take the bus there  next bus for Epcot that's a Skyliner Hollywood   Skyliner Animal Kingdom Disney Springs and then  if you want to go to Typhoon Lagoon and again   you can also look on your app you just go on your  app if you're staying here at the hotel you going   app click on Hotel go down click on bus schedule  and it'll tell you the time that the bus are   coming it's fairly accurate not quite as accurate  as that board but it is fairly accurate um this   is one of the things that makes the pop Sentry  so amazing is that you have those Skyliners so   alleviates a lot of congestion so you come out  here you only have people getting in line for   the Magic Kingdom and and Animal Kingdom really  and then every else is taking Skyliner a lot of   people when they stay here as a little hack what  they'll do is that they will get up in the morning   and they will go to like Hollywood Studios for an  hour or two by using Skyliner and then they'll hop   over they'll hop over to another but to another  a park like they go from holwood studs to Magic   Kingdom and just ride a bus from uh hollyood studs  to Magic Kingdom and then they'll come back at the   end of the night I this I love doing this so what  I usually do is I try to get the morning I'll go   to like Epcot or I usually try to go to Hollywood  Studios first go to Hollywood Studios then I will   skip over to Epcot using the Skyliner and then  when the Skyliner I might take a bus over to   animal uh to to Kingdom and then come home for the  night it's just so convenient here at pop centry   with the transportation like I I can't tell you  how easy it is if you ever get confused just look   at those boards and they tell you exactly what  you need to know all right so I'm asking all the   cast members which decade they go back and I'm  I'm proud to report I just had my first 7s there   somebody said 70s I had 80s 80s 80s 7s and 50s  nobody said ' 90s though I not had 190 only 170 okay now we're going to go do the pools I think  I'm going to do the pools a little bit different   cuz there's three of them and uh I think I could  kind of show you everything from the balcony the   one pool the balcony think I show you the one pool  from the balcony if that makes sense by the way   just as the ncast member and they said the 50s  so yeah 50s and 80s are winning this Landslide   then 60s then I guess 70s because there's one and  no '90s okay normally I wait till right when the   opens I walk around real quickly but I think we  can see this pool close enough cuz the fence is   pretty close let's check out this pool there are  three swing pools here at Pop Sentry and this is   the main one this is the 60s building this is  called the flower pool and you can see it has   like little flowers shooting some water there  there's three of them that shoot water you also   have like the little uh beach umbrellas plenty of  awnings now during the day they do all kinds of   activities they have music blasting here they'll  have the um uh they'll have like an MC get up with   the microphone and leave people in like the Hokey  pokei or they'll do trivia here uh this is the   most popular of the three pools it is very fun and  I they also will provide you with they have towels   if you need towels and also life vest if you need  somebody who needs a life vest not a problem and   I lied there's four flowers 1 2 3 four one other  nice little thing they have over here this have   this it's kind of separated so there's the flower  pool slowly turn right here this is a splash pad   for little ones so it's got little fountains  there um parents can sit there in the shade   and the kids can get in there and they can  Splash in the water so that's very nice it's   not very deep of course they provide you with  your towels so that's a nice little feature as   well turning back this way here to the flower  area cuz I want to show you something this area   right here you notice they have like Connect  Four over here this is where they all do like   some activities like see you how there's like  no chairs in this particular area that's done   by Design because L they will do now they'll do  like a hula hoop contest they'll do like just   kind of this is why they have like little dance  contests or whatever in this particular area but   yeah that's the flower pool the most the most  popular pool here at Pop centry Let's go take   a look at the bowling pool and the laptop pool  but before we get that I just got to tell you   about Belo a little bit so Belo he he walked into  a bar and he goes to the bartender and he orders a so blue he goes into a bar and he goes to  the bartend he's like you know I'm gonna have a SAS Barilla and the bartender is like what's with  a big paw I thought I'd come up here so you guys   could see the pool from like a higher level it's  a this is like I said the most popular pool it's   great it's about 3 and 1/2 ft deep really good  for kids to play in it's the flower pool it's   here in the 60s building you've got one two  three four flowers spring water into the pool   all right now I got to go down and show you the  bowling pin pool and the little computer laptop   pool before I do that I got to put some suncreen  lotion it's already dude it's already burning hot   like FR it's only 9:30 in the morning and it's  sun is like Florida heat sunscreen it up a lot   guys drink lots of liquids when you're  down here you want to have an enjoyable vacation you've got to get your ears and your nose   just everybody needs to use sunscreen down  here it you'll burn it's kind of pain also   my brother-in-law though a dermatologist  and he told me that sunscreen takes about   15 minutes to be activate to activate so he  says put it on before you leave the hotel   room because it's not really working when  you first put it on it takes a little bit   of time so put it on before you leave the hotel  room then you need to reapply it every couple hours I'm about to head to the take this pool  and while I'm walking over there I thought I'm   going to talk to you about some really cool  things that you might not know did you know   that let's see make sure I walk the right  way I think this way then that way when you   come to Walt Disney World they have some amazing  restaurants but these restaurants they require   reservations they have like Beauty the Beast uh  the the dining and the beauty Beast they also I   don't know if you you can even go on they have  boats and you go on the boats they'll take you   out the harbor and where you can watch fireworks  those also require reservations the reason I bring   this up is if you're thinking about coming down  to Walt Disney World to get the lowest ticket   prices and the low the best prices on the hotel  you're going to want to call 1855 getaway 1855   getaway and when they answer tell them Provo  Park pass sent you because then they'll give   you their coner service for free for free or if  you click the link down below that'll also get   you the very best prices on your hotel and your  tickets and you'll still get the coner service   so this is a thing that they give to the fans  of provos park pass a free coner service it's   still free for PR park pass what does that mean  that means that when you get your tickets they're   going to call and have a little consultation  service with you and you'll tell them all the   things that you want to do you're like I want  to go to that beaut beach restaurant or when I   go like you'll start seeing it when you start  getting to the deluxe Resorts they have these   amazing restaurants and you don't have to stay  at those hotels to eat these restaurants they   have character restaurants whatever and you  just tell them they're like I want to go to   that rest

2024-05-18 20:10

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