Day 3 - Touring New Zealand for 7 days

Day 3 - Touring New Zealand for 7 days

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Good morning everyone welcome back to  day three of our trip to New Zealand   today we'll be fully packed and it will  be really exciting we will get to see   a lot of places ending our ending our  ending today's journey in a very famous place right after freshening up we will head down  for in hotel breakfast Also Today's Breakfast is   a buffet here is the food [Music] we're going  to check out and we're going to go to our first   stop we are on the bus ready to go to our  first stop with Adyant Hi ashrith is also   here hi good morning Franz Josef glacier  is right over there by the way can someone   tell me what these numbers are because I keep  seeing them all over 55 65 are they kilometers   or are they kilometres per hour or kilometres to  like the next city we are entering a town called Fox Glacier township its a bit  smaller than franz josef glacier and as you can see Ashrith is falling asleep so  technically i am the only one recording however   this looks nice there's a farm land here and a few  small houses here and there we have got down at   a Salmon farm so it seems like this place sells  some raw salmon so we are going to have some of   them and hopefully we'll be able to see the salmon  this is quite a dense jungle there are some ducks   over there we have come down to eat the food and  the view over here looks very beautiful here are   some facts about Salmon so look like in NZ King  Salmon is the only type of farm fish and there   are many more other facts so you can use them  actually the salmon are all those small little   fish over there I thought they'll be as big as  like you know the ones in Norway but they are not   they're actually quite small but but this is still  very nice there actually a lot of them as you can see we're going back to the bus to go to our next  stop it will be 2 hours before we reach our next   major stop but along the way we we will stop for a  few toilet breaks this is One More River um as you   can see this River it's called the watah river  um so it looks like a nice River and and we'll   be nearing our first toilet break in about in a  few minutes Also this is the Haast River and as   you can tell we are nearing haast and that is  our first toilet break. so these are all named   after Julius Vass the German Austrian geologist so  Haast is a German City we are at the Haast Visitor   Center um so so there are some toilets here but  we can also just view The Visitor Center as a   whole looks like we got some signs over here  it's not but we got a lot of stuff over here   a few penguins this is Ashrith and Adyant playing we got a few jackets got some information we got   some sort of Bochures along with some Southwest  maps looks really nice it's quite small however   this place looks really nice for we got some  water it looks and that's our bus actually so   all of these looks really nice yeah so we got in  the outside we got the pool along with some stairs   also you can visit this Haast visitor centre  it's in Haast a small little town but really   nice you can come here we're going to our next  stop I think the clouds are actually quite lower   here in New Zealand those Mountains are not even  high and the clouds are already touching them we   have an another River here also a lot of them are  rocks and some of them freezed into ice we also   got a lot of mountains actually most of the time  whenever we travel we are always surrounded by   mountains we have got down in another stop this  place has no name it's just some pleasant flat   place so we're staying here for a few minutes  this place is quite nice you got mountains all   around and and it's actually not that cold I'm  not even I'm not even wearing my beanie we are   back on the bus and I about to go to our next  Stop we have just arrived to something called   Gates of Haast water it looks really nice  the water looks so fresh yeah it looks so   nice like it's like a waterfall waterall the  water's so clean I see a lot of these things   all over the fields in NewZealand can someone  tell me what are all these things for do they   like store anything inside or are they just  meant for like decoration or something we got   some sheep over here there are a lot of sheep  over there so um so we had a bit of a change   in landscape so so now from the from the jungle  we are in a sort of a Plains yeah the deers are   over there so we seeing a lot of animals in all  these Plains we have a big we have a river over   here sorry a bit of like a sea it's very and  there are a lot of waves just gently curling   in the river That Lake you saw was actually  Lake wakanda no it's Lake Wanaka. Lake Wanaka   is actually the third largest lake in the south  island of New Zealand and it is 300m deep so is   a pretty large lake so this whole lake is all  fresh water so they have a lot of fresh water   here but before we go to Lake Wanaka this is  Lake Hawea its a bit bigger than Lake Wanaka and we will stop here for and we'll stop  here for a short 10 minutes photo shoot   we have gone down for the photostop for just a  quick 10 minutes and then we will head on our   way to to the Wanaka Town look how nice this  place it's so serene the waves in the water so nice however this place is quite dangerous  might easily fall however you can if you're   careful it will be alright how is this  place Adyanth nice this is so like and   this is quite big so we're going  to the town of Wanaka now for our lunch we have gotten down at Wanaka as you can  see Lake Wanaka is right behind me we are going to   have lunch here how is that number possible we are  eating at a place called Mr kish kebabs just quite   a variety since there's no space inside we are  going to eat outside this is how Wanaka looks like   uh we got a lot of cafes and some restaurants and  some merchandise stores it's really it's really   Breezy and it's really um nice to walk around  also got some mountains in the far distance along   with Lake Wanaka we see you see a lot of cars  parked around here as as it is quite a popular destination fun fact uh french fries are  actually not German fries uh they are   Belgian fries so it was actually made in  belgium and then during World War One or   World War two I'm not sure um the French  soldiers so they so they came to Belgium   and for shelter and they wanted some food so  the Belgian so they gave these fries and the   French love it loved it and they decided  to name it french fries so so that's why   it's called french fries some eels will  be spotted if we walk for a bit around   the around the Wanaka lake so so we'll go there  we have some ducks here and the eels should be something some more du cks thee in should be somewhere over here  the eel is right there it's just swimming   can you see them yeah I can see them but it's  like somewhat yeah there's one more here all over the eel is there it's just swimming away oh  oh yeah there's one more there one big one there   yeah there's a big one there oh look at this one  that's a that's a huge one it's a massive one got   one more there they're chasing each other we got  one more eels here wow there are eels everywhere   we got a cruise coming in the number of ducks  has increased by a lot there's so much wind   here I don't think you even hear me with all the  wind we are going to travel for a few minutes on   the bus before our next stop we have got down  at a place right next to the right next to the   Wanaka lake at a place called The Lone Tree here  we go the Lone Tree is right up there there's a   lot of tourists it's like it's just a tree in  the middle of nowhere and even after so many   years it's still standing look at it it's really  nice it's just a tree very Crooked Tree the view   from the view from the lone tree is also pretty  nice we got all the buildings of Wanaka over here   along Lake Wanaka it's really nice and we can  we can see the small little houses and uh and   shops in the background there's a bird on the Lone  Tree this bird must have realized the importance   of this tree and came here we are heading back  to the bus we are going to our next stop we can   see some Vine yards here because this Valley the  valley the soil in this Valley is quite great for   farming actually up on those mountains over there  during winter time some car brands some car brands   come there and test their cars um to to test the  strength of their cars there is some sort of a   water park over here you can see over there the  yellow and blue one so it's placed in the water   it's an It's actually an inflatable one we have  gotten down at a Orchard called Mrs johns fruit   Orchard we will be trying some fruits over here  and maybe and maybe if possible we will try to   buy some fruits these are all fresh these are all  fresh and even I will try to have some fresh fruit   ice cream that's a lot of fruits I did not expect  these many fruits ice cream options we got a lot   of nuts and fruit on this section over here there  are some fruits over here which I don't even know   what they are what is this black peaches peach  cherry I thought they were oranges tasting the   fruits excuse me it's pretty nice Singapore dollar  we got some beautiful flowers here I ordered mango   fruit ice cream let's see how it tastes how is  the mango ice cream nice but it's weird because it   looks like pink yeah I thought it was strawberry  at first this is how she makes the ice [Music] cream [Music] [Music] I'm having mango with hokey  pokey ice cream let's see how it tastes it's great oh it's so nice I will  highly recommend this to you guys so nice   so this place is just near Cromwell it's  called Mrs Jones uh Mrs Jones uh orchard I   already told you but it's really nice actually  if you if you walk over there you can see some   more Greenery but I don't think we'll go there  today as we don't have time uh never mind we're   going here look at all these plants this bush  we also got some few grapes and bunches now   going through the center of the orchard we  we see all these types of flowers once you   go in we surrounded with flowers and we have  a bit of a roundabout with a statue of a man   holding a Globe we got flowers all around here  it's really nice you can also come and visit   if you ever happen to chance by Cromwell it's  a really nice place we are going straight to   our final destination for today look at these  mountains they have no trees on it and look   how high they go so so I so this is like the  Rocky Mountain that is the bungee jump that's   a bungee jump center it's a very famous one  it's the place where bungee jumping started   however um today yeah that's a bungee jumping  place however that is not the last time we will   be seeing it stay tuned we have just come to a  lake lake see all small little buildingss just surrounding there is a lake over here and we  are and we are in our final destination for day   for today guess where we are there's a cable  car over there going all the way to the top   there's also an I fly here but I can't find  but I can't find it right now we have gotten   down in Queen town we are staying here we are  eating at a Chinese restaurant for dinner after   that we will go to our hotel again it really  looks like a city there are all small little   shops all around some McDonald's and KFC and  there are a lot of stuff all around along with   some mountains there's a small shopping mall here  Oconnels so so you can shop here ever if you need to merchandise store it's called Rugby  it's called Rugby Planet it's not far   from the rest so my father is going there to buy some that's a lot of merch and all of these are  official I think from rugby we got a small tall   Kiwi over here a small reminder please subscribe  to my channel it would really help me out a lot   thank you there is some great rugby merchandise  there but it's quite expensive that shop isn't   really worth it although if you want to get some  all if you are a true New Zealand lover I think   you can get some speaking of loving New Zealand  here's the New Zealand flag for you guys here   is where we're eating our dinner we got a few  fish oh one more we got a big round table and   we got some decorations around the table actually  revolves we got soup as an appetizer that's right   there's also some delicious sizzling chicken  on hot plate tofu abelone chili chicken uh   extra chicken I have no idea why some veggies  I a gigantic fish more veggies this is what   it looks like all together there's quite a lot  of dishes all around but um some exotic dishes   and some normal dishes all together it's pretty  nice there's a cruise just coming up on the lake   we got a guy playing piano awesome yeah is this  copyrighted you sure oh no good we're staying in   another Scenic Hotel yesterday we stayed at  the scenic Hotel also but just that this one   is in Queen town we have gotten down at the hotel  and we are going to be assigned to our rooms as I   was staying in the scenic Hotel this is the  best room I've ever seen first from the the   normal door we actually have two rooms inside so  that's really nice however there's no one's here   Ashu has the same thing but just right opposite  so once we go into our room so once we go into   our room we have we have a small kitchen with  a stove and a sink you also got a cupboard here   and going forward we have a bit of a we have a  sofa over here two sofas actually with a with a   coffee table along with a TV there's also One  Singular bed down here we also got a couch we   also and a coffee table along with a table with  four chairs to go out to go outside um we have   to flip open this thing the the outside is also  great it's really windy but it's really nice we   got a few chairs got two chairs in a table coming  back inside let me take you to the bedroom the   bedroom is actually a room and case over here  we got uh we got a bed with a with two coffee   tables and a clock we can also access the balcony  from here I don't think we can open I don't think   we can open the balcony with the with this door  but coming we coming forward but coming forward   we have a bathroom it's we we can also we can  we can also access a bedroom with it inside the   bathroom we have a bathtub along with the sink a  shower area and and a cubicle and the best thing   we are staying here for three nights imagine how  crazy this is the best hotel room I've seen before   it's so nice Ashrith also has a similar room  actually the same type of room so with this we   are concluding the day and hopefully you like the  hopefully you like the video and don't forget to   subscribe turn on the notification button and  like tomorrow will be very exciting see you tomorrow

2024-04-04 22:02

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