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150 000 year income count it down let's hear a debt free scream three two one [Music] hey everybody welcome back to my channel i'm jen this is fundy fridays and here we talk about christian fundamentalism while i do my makeup just kidding you probably noticed i'm not jen i'm james it's been a long time haven't seen y'all my hair got a little longer i've been working and doing my own thing but i'm here today so excited to bring you my first real ever fundy friday solo episode i know i did that update that one time rest assured jen is not sick she's just very busy i'm very busy so as i said she's very busy and she needed someone to fill in so she could properly maintain her island and i had a little bit of time so i decided to step in and talk about topic that i find really interesting today we will be discussing evangelical financial guru dave ramsey you've probably all seen heard of or um engaged with dave ramsey at some point he's incredibly popular for his uh series of books and uh financial planning programs where he promises to get people out of debt he utilizes biblical principles to form the foundation of some of the things he does i think he's a person to review even though he's not someone we maybe would normally cover um or he doesn't look like the other types of people we cover on this channel rest assured he is a prominent figure in the evangelical world he has a role in shaping how it plays out in our country today i'm also babysitting pippi because she didn't want to go with her mama hey peepee you want to stay with me no will you oh magical moment all right let's see how long nearly immediately she left but i think we we had something there that was fun see dave ramsey is someone who is very happy to blend his evangelical world views into his financial coaching business he's very happy to blame poor people for the things that go wrong in their lives and is not at all interested in circumstance or social context so i said on fox news this morning uh that i don't believe in a stimulus check because if you get 600 or 1400 and it changes your life you didn't have a life you're already screwed yeah and apparently that's news to people it's it's like apparently i have upset and melted many snowflakes so the concern is is what that that six hundred dollars changes people's lives i mean honestly i i thought it was a fairly obvious thing if 600 changes your life your life really sucks but i thought you don't have a life you're screwed i thought both sides have been upset about that that that amount well it's not enough right it's either not enough or why are we sending it right yeah it's well it's not enough or you're not allowed to talk about not getting it because apparently it is freaking life-changing and i just didn't know because i'm an elite boomer honestly it's kind of like the prosperity gospel but like in reverse well i think it fits and either way i already made the video so let's go ahead and jump in at his birth david lawrence ramsey iii was born in antioch tennessee on december 3rd 1960. certified boomer probably explains not only his worldview but also a lot of his popularity ramsay's parents were both real estate agents and developers uh fun fact while i was researching this episode i absolutely could not find the name of dave ramsey's parents so yeah if you know the name of dave ramsey's parents uh leave it down in the comments and also why the hell do you know that ramsay would go on to test for and receive his real estate license in 1978 if you're tracking the math you are right he is 18 years old when he embarks on a career selling houses surely all those connections and insider contacts that davey got from mommy and daddy didn't have anything to do with it did they i've worked feels like my whole life and i've never complained about i'm not whining about it i mean and so when i graduated from high school at 18 years old i sat for and passed my real estate exam mom and dad owned a real estate company and so i started selling real estate while i was in school then i took off the other end of the state the university of tennessee at knoxville and took my license over there worked for a guy over there and i worked 40 to 60 hours a week while i was going through school and i graduated from school basically broke but not deeply in debt because i've been working now see at that time american banking was a much more localized and independent industry than it is now rather than the large national banking chains that we all know and hate today at that time people tended to trust their money to smaller locally owned family banks in their communities it's why all of your parents and grandparents were able to buy a house suitable for two kids and a wife off the strength of just one person's high school diploma the connections that dave's parents had in the local banking community seemed to allow him to take out massive home loans at a relatively young age off the strength of his parents word that he was a good boy and he did his chores on time ramsay was able to parlay this easy credit into a lucrative real estate business and by 1986 he boasted a net worth of around 4 million or 10 million in 2021 money but unfortunately for davey boy he was about to be done in by the very same thing that ruins the good time of all blood-sucking capitalists simple financial regulations and that bank got sold to another bank and the guys in another state in another city looked down and said you know there's a kid 26 years old here owes us 1 million 200 000 this is ridiculous let's limit this relationship which is banker talk for college notes and screw up his life so they called her notes give me 90 days to come up with a million bucks there's no way started to crash i couldn't stop word got out on the street that i was in trouble and i was in trouble see in 1987 ronald reagan personally attacked dave ramsey when he signed the competitive equality banking act of 1986 or ceba or if you want to be fancy like me seba mcintyre for real though i kind of wish reba was a loan officer she'd be giving home loans to all the single moms who work two jobs for most of us this piece of legislation really will never be that important it's hard even online to find analysis of the law or anyone breaking it down because it just seems like no one really cared much to talk about it and i i did look up the actual text of the bill but i am not going to pretend to be smart enough to interpret that for you here so you can go find it if you want but one thing we know that ceba did do was lead to a large number of buyouts of those small locally owned banks we talked about by larger banking corporations which is exactly what happened to dave ramsey's bank and when his bank was bought out the new creditors weren't all that interested in how many good boy points he had and decided to call in his 1.2 million dollar line of credit so september 22nd of 1988 we met with a bankruptcy attorney that night we signed bankruptcy papers i'll never forget that he filed them on friday morning so we filed bankruptcy on the 23rd to keep the sheriff out of our house and keep them from taking the baby bed after hitting bottom ramsey said he studied money lessons in the bible and talked with quoting quote old rich people to find out their secrets one of his favorite scriptures is proverbs 22 the rich rule over the poor and the borrower is servant to the lender so now that we've started bringing up bible verses it's probably a good time to segue into talking about the reason dave is on this channel at all his faith we've been married about a month and my wife remembers that she's a baptist she neglected to tell me this when we were dating never came up but apparently there's a doctrinal thing once you're a baptist you're always a baptist or something i don't know what the deal is but so she gets up one sunday morning and says we're going to church and i said we aren't doing anything i'll be here drinking beer and watching football so she takes off to church and this and then every sunday she'd cry and go to church and these little heathen or you should go to these little baptist churches and they would pray for her heathen husband so then i got into this uh multi-level thing that i was in for about ten years one three-month period and uh you know one of those deals where you make your friends all mad you know that deal and so um uh we finally at the end of the day the last guy to come up i kid you not his name was rich you can't make this up okay and so he was the guy we wanted to see because he was the big dog right and he goes no there's one more thing if you don't know god you're gonna struggle in business and my buddy and i went say what and he said when you put on the character of christ it changes your character it causes you to want to serve rather than to take and you're more worthy of trust you're more trustworthy and servants have a tendency to win in business more than that and so if you don't know god you're going to struggle in business and he does this whole talk about god and my buddy and i are going i never heard anything like that before in my life but i did go home i told my wife i said we're going to church and she said who are you and what have you done with my husband you know uh we're walking through the back door of the place and meeting the pastor and his wife was one of those sweet sweet ladies and she just gave everybody a hug that was there and you know week after week month after month we kept going and that woman literally hugged us into the kingdom and we met jesus there and it changed the trajectory of my life it changed everything so this guy rich expressed that one could apparently only succeed in business through a relationship with god and notably a desire to serve rather than to take which might in and of itself be a good thing if it wasn't applied the way it was and after this ramsay became a devout church-goer much to the chagrin of his wife honestly if i were her i would be upset some random mlm guy gets you to go to church when i've been trying to get you for years dude get bent church provided a convenient client pool for his new business venture post-bankruptcy and it lended him instant credibility with that crowd all at the same time so dave may talk about faith being at the center of his life and i'm not necessarily going to doubt him for that because one's relationship with their god or deity or religion or faith is personal but it has also been a useful business tool for him and we can't ignore that while we continue to review his story in 1988 ramsay founded his financial counseling firm the lampo group founding the lampo group would formally mark dave's entrance into the world of financial coaching not financial advising see that's important because financial advisors have to have certain degrees and credentials in order to be eligible to be a financial advisor and likewise that profession comes with more responsibilities and legal liabilities for the advice that they give financial coaching on the other hand is a lawless wasteland where there's no regulatory body there are generally no agreed-upon uh criteria or qualifications for a financial coach anyone can call themselves that and start giving others financial advice from wherever they've acquired it it's like how bounty hunters are just regular people pretending to be cops both are pretending to have training in credentials and generally speaking often cause more harm than good by recklessly interpreting the rules of their profession the early operations of the lampo group which i will tell you now is gonna later become ramsay solutions the early operations the company focused on the smaller side of financial planning with with individualized classes workshops sessions and materials uh sold more locally than internationally many of the early customers for this business in fact came from the christchurch in brentwood tennessee this blend of financial direction and biblical common sense that was used initially to appeal to the church-going southerners that ramsay knew in his social circle would go on to form the core of his brand and really influence an impact of all of his operations from then on fun fact brentwood tennessee is the same town where gwen shamblin lara first founded the way down workshop uh and actually only two years before ramsay founded the lampo group man brentwood in the 80s was like the silicon valley christian guilt-based self-help schemes ramsay's brand would expand most dramatically though in 1992 that yuri published his first book financial peace that book would be the first of many successful financial guides that ramsay would write over the years all covering topics from debt awareness to debt management to debt recovery and even debt removal these were so popular that dave actually went ahead and started touring uh to promote the book and give speeches and this is where we see the foundation of the ramsay solutions empire start to come into picture using a series of odd biblical interpretations ramsay would go on to form his five biblical principles of wealth these principles are all based on a combination of dave ramsey's interpretation of scripture and understanding of common sense he was able to develop a set of five rules by which he guaranteed that anyone following them would build some kind of wealth so we've found that there's five things that if you do these five things with money over a period of time like 10 or 15 years you will build a level of wealth 100 of the time and now i said a level of wealth i don't know what level because i can't predict car wrecks and cancer i can't predict tragedy and i don't know what your income will be but if you're working and you do these five things you will build a level of wealth 100 of the time and this is not some prosperity thing and it's not mystical or magical when i cover these five things they're all common sense but common sense is so rare now it's like having a superpower jesus said for which of you intending to build a tower does not sit down first and count the cost lest he get halfway up and is unable to finish and all who see him begin to mock him and say this man began to build and was unable to finish another christian that can't pay their bills i added that last part number one live on a written budget pen and paper specifically because boomers love cursive just as much as they hate technology and their wives oh you want to try and do your budget on your phone stupid millennial try to click the book i bet you want an ipod for because you know the bible says the borrower is slave to the lender it's real now the bible does not say that debt is a salvation issue you can have a mastercard and go to heaven the bible does not say dead is a sin i can't find that in there but i have studied this for 30 plus years and i cannot find a single scripture anywhere that god used debt to bless his people or a single scripture anywhere that says anything positive about debt avoid debt from proverbs 22 7 because the bible says it makes you a slave or whatever uh we just know old white dudes love to cram inappropriate slavery metaphors into every conversation third thing once you're out of debt then you need to be careful to foster high quality relationships what's that got to do with money everything there's a huge correlation for those that build wealth and who they hang around with honestly i think this one is just code for go to church for it is as jesus said only spend time with successful people that remind you of yourself in the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil wise people save money that's what this means i honestly don't hate this one i just don't need to hear from dave friggin ramsey and this is all about generosity oh yes it's about the tithe the tithe to your local church you're an evangelical christian yes tithe to your local church absolutely that's a baseline that's a starting point but this is all about cheerfulness it's about your generosity is not just a a transfer of funds generosity is a spirit and number five be incredibly generous from first corinthians 15 33 but given how dave treated his employees during covet i feel like this one might not be as important to him doctors are making harsh predictions about the ramifications of a large holiday party thrown by financial guru dave ramsey news 4 investigates first exposed complaints that masks were not required at that celebration our chief investigative reporter jeremy finley joins us live tonight jeremy this party prompted two doctors to try to get ramsey's attention when i looked at the pictures and that sort of thing it just it all kind of hit me at once and my next emotion would be disappointment because dave ramsey does have such a large following dr tafiq assad saw the photos and videos too of the maskless silent disco the casino gambling the huge crowds news 4 investigates first reported that it prompted a vendor to file a complaint with the city of franklin saying that the company asked vendors not to wear masks and gloves as not to scare those in attendance there was a lot of anger and frustration that an individual who has so much public clout would do something so reckless and so irresponsible like sherman assad is a pulmonologist on the front lines treating respiratory illnesses of covet patients it's why both doctors decided they'd write letters to the editor hoping ramsay would see them assad writing i see your mansion perched on top of a hill overlooking my hospital and i'm consumed with anger and sadness over your unnecessary holiday party both doctors believe within two weeks they will start treating those who've come in contact with the people who attended the party there are innocent bystanders that are going to get caught on this web and some of them are going to become very sick and given my experience some of them may die what's the exchange rate of loaves to fishes again i'm trying to buy a used car 1992 also saw ramsay make his lucrative move into radio by becoming one of three rotating hosts for the money game which was a nashville area financial advice show but soon dave's gift of gab became apparent and eventually he was offered his own syndicated three-hour series this show would focus on callers uh reaching out to dave for financial advice telling stories and uh him providing his mixture of folksy wisdom and stock tips or whatever [Music] davis is with us in raleigh hi davis how are you my uncle he wanted to open this pig farm and uh he knew i had a lot of money because i'm in business with my daddy uh you know we we get raccoons and other small varmints out of people's houses so yeah i used my savings and my uh well minor embezzlement money and uh went ahead and loaned that to my uncle as about 21 grand uh so we could start up this hog farm you know you're supposed to trust family i agree you know that can also cause like a lot of problems when your family is stupid and uh that's what i learned and i really should have thought it through but my brother uh he he don't know nothing about pigs and he's pretty dumb and and pigs are pretty smart animals uh they they defeated him nearly immediately in a battle of wits um the pigs actually were able to lock him in the trailer for three days he only survived on stale hog food and uh that was the beginning of our endeavor so long story short made no money from that absolutely broke and uh due to some other failed business ventures i won't get into right now i am in uh serious need of that twenty one thousand dollars back okay and the event how old are you i'm i'm 14 years old 14 uh yes sir that's one four i have i have survived uh a fortnight of winters i don't know i'm 14. and how old is your brother well i have several brothers the one in question is 16 years old but i also have an 18 year old brother a 19 year old brother and a 64 year old brother dude do you know how weird this sounds now see mr dave ramsey now you're just being rude i don't understand why you got to talk like that i call in for financial advice help improve my mental health my mental state and and you're sitting here judging my family and i'll have you know that uh that is none of your business and i love all of my brothers and uncles and cousins and various blood relations equally uh and you need to stay on track but where was like your father that did not allow you to go 15 21 000 into debt to your brother who's 16 when you're 14 where's your father that my father understands that due to global warming the raccoon removal business is likely not going to be around for the next 30 or so years so i needed to pivot to a new line of work and i figured hogs everybody likes bacon there's gonna be a market forever so it was a logical decision it was reasonable besides daddy was over in the mckinley place and that's a three-day job with all them crawl spaces they got yeah but he stood there and allowed it to go on i don't have 14 year olds doing 21 000 transactions under my roof and i don't know what the flip is going on now listen i'm gonna have to correct you there for a second he was not standing watching it happen at the time he was laying down because we were in the mckinley place going through the crawl spaces doing our professional job you need to stop slandering my family i'm not taking kindly to it and second of all uh it's not my fault uh or my daddy's fault that uh your children were not ready for business uh at reasonable uh marriage age such as 14 which is what we believe in our religion you don't need a vintage car when you're 14 anyway not a lot you can do with it how in the world did you know i had a vintage car mr ramsay you're starting to make me real nervous and i believe that you might be stalking me uh i'm gonna try and keep you on the line what get more information but um this is deeply concerning and i believe you have gone too far this is a weird call i'll just be i'll just be truthful with you all right dave well it's been good talking to you i'ma go smoke more man but i could also just sum it up for you if you want uh tell the poor people to live on gruel tell the rich people that they're great and uh the cova vaccine is a government scam designed to destroy our freedom you people in corporate america are idiots y'all are idiots you're just dumb it's unbelievable and it has nothing to do with you really think somebody's gonna get sick you're just virtue signaling you just want to look like ah i'm sensitive you're not sensitive you're corporate america you're idiots you have a car you can't afford you need to sell your car you need to take ten thousand dollars of the forty five thousand and go buy you a 10 000 car and then you need to use the rest of the money and pay it on a student loan and then you need to get on a debt snowball beans and rice rice and beans on a debt on a budget where you don't have any life until you get that student loan paid off my children have been instructed since they were small that in order to get the opportunity to manage the money that god gave me to manage meaning that i panned off the responsibility to manage some of the ramsey fortune to them they will have to be people of character socialists are not people of character see what we have here is really not an education problem really not a cost of college problem what we have here is a parenting problem some of you people are raising twits and then you turn them loose on the culture and act like college ruined them no they were ruined long before they got to college college just exposed that they were twit so how has all of this benefited ramsay well by 2019 it was reported that he had been able to amass a fortune of about 55 million dollars i saw some other uh estimates that were around 200 million as well i don't know exactly which one is correct but either way rich rich and one thing is for certain either way the sales of the books and the programs his media appearances and his own shows the speaking fees that he charges all of it has just formed a massive massive empire even now he boasts a 47 acre campus in franklin tennessee for his business operations although i do feel the need to point out that the old hq the awesomely named financial peace plaza was located down the street from a cracker barrel and if you have to sacrifice the corn muffins was it really an upgrade at all dave so while ramsay was able to avoid scandal for many years and generally maintain a positive public profile the cracks started to show around 2014. that year the daily beast reported that dave ramsey had gotten very upset with a closed facebook group of his former employees discussing his business practices and was offering bounties of five to twenty thousand dollars to his employees to provide him with information that could lead to the identities of these individuals um he also had an army of twitter trolls going after him that he was giving the same bounties for and so as time has gone on since 2014 dave has only further betrayed his all shucks personality and shown the privileged greedy jerk that hides just under the surface i need to let you all in on some things that have been going on in my personal life that's chris hogan known by dave ramsey fans as one of the company's top personalities america's leading voice on retirement but today he's no longer with the company recently it's come to light that i've done some things personally that are not in line with ramsey solutions and as a result i'm no longer a team member at ramsey while hogan doesn't elaborate what he did just two days ago a former ramsey employee requested hogan's personnel records as part of her federal lawsuit she's suing saying ramsey violated fmla when she was fired for becoming pregnant out of wedlock the lawsuit claims ramsey also disciplined eight employees for having premarital sex news 4 investigates has repeatedly asked dave ramsey for an interview but the company's only reaction so far was to block me on twitter that came after news 4 investigates reported that this former employee says she was fired when her husband criticized the company's christmas party which featured huge crowds and few masks that employee alleges the company punishes people for reasons not related to job performance i think that in some situations they do cross a line that an employer shouldn't cross the drama surrounding hogan addressed as painful personal events by his ex-wife in a blog post on her website last month also writing i speak publicly at great risk that ramsay solutions could very well take steps to terminate my ex-husband and thus profoundly impact the financial well-being of my family and my medically fragile son's health insurance which is maintained through ramsey solutions and which he desperately needs i obviously asked for an interview and you said no what changed your mind the last news story that you reported on hit me in a way that it hadn't hit me before that story featured audio of dave ramsey speaking to staff mocking employees who engage in pre-marital sex i don't agree with the righteous living core value well why did you call stupid he's going to go on stage in front of 900 of my team members and call me stupid that's grossly inappropriate the former administrative assistant for ramsey's technology leaders says she remembers the day a male colleague received a warning from their superior one of the technology leaders did specifically say you know you can't have sex with your girlfriend and work here ramsey says in the audio if you don't agree with his biblical principles you have no place in his company if you don't like that this is your cue don't let the door hit you in the ass but o'connor says it was never stipulated that premarital sex was cause for termination were you afraid when you found out that you were pregnant that you were gonna lose your job yeah i mean i was terrified she states in her federal lawsuit that as soon as she emailed hr to alert them to her pregnancy this is how a committee member responded to her email it's classless that's what his response was classless it broke me like it it broke my soul she says the company almost immediately terminated her insurance it's like leaving the calls you just described it as a cult i'm not a cult expert i would actually be very interested in somebody who is more of an expert on colts or high control groups to get their opinion o'connor is now suing saying federal law forbids discrimination based on pregnancy knowing just who she's up against i knew that i was basically going to be taking on these bullies i mean it's still terrifying it's terrifying right now i will write the checks to the attorneys to protect what we built here company is said to have cited their righteous living clause along with more importantly the at will employment clause in their home state of tennessee today's question comes from twitter trent says am i legally allowed to fire an employee for having an affair outside the office well sure sure absolutely we have a moral code of conduct at our office i fire people if they have extramarital affairs the hilarious thing is i put that on twitter and people go won't you get sued for that uh no you're allowed to discriminate against infidelity but somebody well you don't have a right to tell people what to do i got a ride to tell them whatever i want to tell them they freaking work for me yeah this is an employment at will state which means if i decide i don't like people with green eyes i don't have to hire you i don't have to keep you anymore yeah there's no eye color discrimination loss sorry now i would never do that i'm not that arbitrary and i'm not that mean or unkind but but i listen if your spouse can't trust you what makes you think i can trust you well you ought to be forgiving i'm forgiving i forgive the person but you can forgive a dog that bites you but don't stick your hand out again stupid you're gonna get bit again to be fair dave is tragically somewhat correct in his belief at will employment generally does allow employers to terminate any employee they want for any reason regardless of cause and interpret that however they see fit now republican lawmakers will tell you that these laws are balanced because well employees can also terminate employment at any time which completely ignores the massive power imbalance between employer and employee the argument that caitlyn and her legal team are making is really cool because they're not arguing that the law itself is illegal but rather how it was applied that was actually illegal but the catch is that those terminations do have to be levied out fairly across the entire company and workforce so for example if your at will terminations seem to only focus on people of a certain race or gender or religion then you can potentially be cited for that and uh inspectors can use math to determine uh if you are having an adverse impact on protected groups which can still be discrimination and so likewise a company like ramsey solutions also can't make a policy such as their righteous living clause and then unequally apply it to their entire workforce see in this case caitlyn and her legal team are arguing that while everyone was technically under the righteous living clause it was only women who actually suffered consequences for violating it and in fact chris hogan was coddled and protected by the company and a smear campaign was even perpetrated against his wife calling her unstable seriously i know i sound like a dweeb for all of this but if you live in an at-will state know your rights know the rights that your country bestows upon you whatever they may be just know you can expect and demand ethical termination policies from your employer i hope none of you all ever have to know this but just in case you do i wanted to tell you may i bless all of thee with good employers and fat paychecks so in september of 2021 dave ramsey was sued by former employee julie ann stamps julie alleges that she was terminated from ramsay solutions after she came out as a lesbian she specifically notes that she informed a trusted supervisor at the company who first directed her to i [ __ ] you not conversion therapy and after that didn't work because julie was a lesbian the company simply decided to terminate her outright or well hold on told her to resign wording is very important with folks like ramsay who are super obsessed with the legal technicalities so i would say i'm here to tell you all that there are ways to improve your financial situation if that's something you want to do they are free readily available and they don't involve being emotionally abused by a smarmy conservative who went trying to flip real estate on friendly 70s loans you don't have to put up with this [ __ ] to get out of debt and furthermore we should be demanding that all american students get access to solid financial education and counseling no one should be able to turn this much of a profit selling information that we all should have been taught in the first place so in summation i find dave ramsey to be insufferable i hope that we can do more to build financial literacy programs in our schools so that no one else comes along to peddle basic concepts the way dave does i find everything about his attitude and his brand to be out of touch willfully ignorant of privilege and way way too friendly to the ultra wealthy ignore the twang and the sob story about him having been broke he's nothing like you and he does not have your best interest at heart all right that is the end of my first solo real fundy fridays episode i had a blast my butt hurts from this chair but seriously making videos for you all is the coolest thing on earth it's it's a wild ride um thank you all so much for letting me sit in for this friday um i hope you liked it i hope i did a job that you liked please feel free to leave me feedback in the comments i'm an hr guy i love feedback i love performance evaluation jen will be back next week though so don't worry um it's not permanent please check us out on social media remember consensually smash that like and subscribe button uh check out our merch we've also got a patreon and for just three dollars a month you too can vote on our episode topics this topic dave ramsey was voted on by our lovely patrons so i thank you all for picking the one i was the most interested in and excited about um just three dollars a month and really helps us out it also really helps us out if you like and comment and share the video um for real though i just want to say you all are some of the coolest coolest people on earth it means so much to me to see how much you all love jen and how much y'all take care of her um we love doing this i'm hoping that you all are interested in um some more content from us and maybe interested in seeing me make some more stuff um we just have a blast doing it and it's all because of you guys you guys are the coolest people ever and uh we're always blown away uh every time she posts a video by just how amazed we are by you i i know i'm getting like super flowery but like seriously y'all are super cool and uh i love you so uh y'all take care and uh we'll be back soon all right well done sir you're a hero i'm proud of you we're gonna give you a copy of chris hogan's new book retire inspired which is all about building wealth and number one best seller and it's all about where you're headed he is a nice guy especially for that voice yeah chris and all chris from augusta georgia 16 500 paid off in 16 months count it down let's hear a debt-free scream three two one [Applause] [Music] [Music] you

2021-11-22 10:17

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