Cycling the northernmost road in the Americas - Bikepacking Alaska 4

Cycling the northernmost road in the Americas - Bikepacking Alaska 4

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[Music] welcome to the Dalton Highway the  northernmost connected Road in the Americas   forging deep into the Arctic Circle The Dalton  connects Alaska's northern city of Fairbanks   with the remote community of Deadhorse which  services the vast oil fields at Prudhoe Bay on   the Arctic Ocean existing only to access the  oil fields and to parallel the trans-Alaska   pipeline the Dalton is one of the most remote  and isolated roads in North America 800 km 500   miles from Fairbanks to Deadhorse with  only two small service stops along the   way in this episode we cycle the entire  route though things definitely do not go   according to plan this is bikepacking  Alaska episode 4 the Haul Road to the Arctic so it's the morning of the big day we're going  to be setting out in a few minutes it's 800 km   to Deadhorse we have food for probably eight  or 9 days so or 10 yeah we'll see how it goes   probably overdone the food a bit but yeah  super excited to hit the road yeah can't wait we had been looking forward to the  Dalton Highway since well before we first   touched down in Alaska we weren't totally  sure what food would be available along   the way so to play it safe we were carrying  food for almost 10 days and the bikes were   running super heavy so the mosquito Fest has  already begun we had to stop uh some guys on   a motorbike broken down so we gave them a hand  getting the uh bike onto a truck and within 30   seconds of stopping we were just getting  absolutely slaughtered by these guys um   it's a little bit better than how we've got  donon but on the climbs they're just on you   especially when there's no wind like at the  moment so we were warned apparently it's one   of the worst years for mosquitoes in a very  long time so it's not even bad yet compared   to how bad it's going to be so yep let's be  happy with what we have be happy with what we have as you can see bike throwing is an  extremely glamorous business here   we are in uh in a toilet which is really  good little bit of shelter from the rain   and mosquitoes which are both really  pretty brutal outside we're on top   of a pass um there's a trail head here  so we using this little bit of [Music] shelter so there's a lot of mosquitoes here  like I mean I wonder if you can I wonder   how much of this you can see in the video  but uh there there's a lot of the buggers   there's a lot of them um yeah so uh we are  in mosquito land and I'm pretty sure it's   going to be this way for the next week and a  half so guess we better get used to it this   is the dinner technique running faster than the  mosquitoes this is how you eat food in Alaska [ __ ] and of course just because the  mosquitoes are bloody nightmare doesn't   mean we have to forget about bears so I've  got 10 days worth of food here which I've   then got to tie to a tree right that's just  about it that's all the tasks done my face   is extremely itchy and my neck very itchy  and my most of me is pretty itchy there's   been a lot of bites oh it's been a really  good day despite the mosquitoes some really   beautiful riding yeah oh yeah M the side  pretty great day hopefully it'll be less   rainy tomorrow oh yeah it's been quite  wet but yeah fingers crossed it'll be drier well it's morning and uh these guys  are all still here it's pretty difficult   to summon the motivation to leave this tent but  got to be done hopefully it doesn't rain as much today we're doing actually double just just  getting our stepping step count [Laughter] in H God it's a huge relief just to get riding  just to get the head nut off going to get about   a kilometer away from where we were camped and  then I'm going to be able to take off my rain   gear get some de on my legs but it's looking  a lot more beautiful today a lot brighter the   sun is almost out it's not raining oh it's  going to be a good day day two was by far   the worst day of the trip so this stuff is the  only way we're able to bloody survive out here   de horrible horrible stuff really works  they uh mosquitoes hate it but it stinks   absolutely horrible stuff even works on humans  this stuff but yeah without this life is really miserable so I made it to the start of the  proper dton Highway which is great downside   is I've now got to wait for cl and waiting on this  highway involves standing around or walking around   getting massacred by these mosquitoes so uh yeah  they really uh they really make it hard to enjoy this you know in a way mosquitoes are  actually a really good thing because   if you think thinking about slacking slowing  down on the climbs they love to chase you up   the climbs so it's a really good incentive to  keep pedaling and to Pedal fast cuz if you're   going slow these guys will be on you so yeah  going to choose to look at mosquitoes as a blessing so we just met our first uh  cyclists on the dton highway just met   two French cyclists who are now turning  back they decided not to go any further   because the bugs are so bad and uh yeah  I'll be honest I'm quite jealous the bugs   are absolutely shocking so I'm quite envious  that they're going to be hitch hiking a lift   back to Fairbanks whereas we're going to be  continuing to bug infested lands but n it's   all good it's beautiful here and the sun is  shining more or less and uh on the downhills   it's great it's just the uphills and when you  stop so uh well nothing for it let's just keep going how you doing CL I'm good I'm tired yeah  the climbs are absolutely brutal climbs are like   yeah Rolling Hills are quite well each each  climb is about 300 400 m they're pretty steep   and like the gravel is quite High Resistance  and there's no flat like you don't even have   like enough motion to just move on on to the  next climb you just like starts from scratch   again so we've got up to the top of the climb  we're really looking forward to a nice long   downhill and there's a a car here they're doing  some work on the road and we're going to have to   cut our bikes into the pilot car for about 10  miles hold downhill bit and they're going to   drop us off right at the bottom of the next  slimb so we've been told that the pilot car   that rocked out didn't have space for us so  we're going to have to wait 20 more minutes   for the next one and it's raining and there  are mosquitoes too so H this day is going [Music] well how you doing CL you having fun  yeah look great you look like you're having   fun buddy well all the moies stuck yeah  cuz they want shelter as well [ __ ] off [Music] so in addition to the weather the mosquitoes the  climbs and bears we've just had a conversation   with a construction worker who's told us that  apparently there have been nine wolves that   have been seen in the last 3 days so there's a ton  of wolves around this area apparently a guy on a   motorbike was bitten by one but then also turned  out to have rabies um so he had to get kind of   rushed to hospital and the Wolf was was shot um  so apparently there are lots of wolves ahead in   this next area so yeah that's just uh one more  thing one more thing to worry about so we didn't   end up getting too much further yesterday cuz the  weather was miserable mosquitoes were brutal and   we couldn't really be bothered so we camped kind  of early next to this pipeline which is pretty   cool and today the weather is much better the  sun is shining there's a slight breeze so the   mosquitoes aren't as bad and yeah ready for a  better day so here in Alaska we use de like sun   cream horrible stuff and we definitely do not  recommend doing this but [ __ ] the first two   days were by far the worst but from day three  things immediately started getting better the   weather improved the mosquitoes weren't quite  as traumatic and as we approached the Yukon   the landscape started to get more interesting the  worst of the climbs were behind us and with each   day we were also riding lighter as we ate through  our heavy Food Supplies reaching the Yukon was a   big moment and it felt amazing to cruise over the  bridge and to reach the first service stop since   Fair Banks actually we made it to Yukon River  camp and we are in the mosquito free zone and we   enjoying it that much we don't want to leave well  we got a job in the kitchen we're going to stay   here not coming out of you any see you never so  tragically we've been sacked from our jobs in the   kitchen very very quickly so we're going to have  no choice but to continue cycling [Music] North I   think this might be the first black section  of road we've had is leaving five [Music] BS it's actually freezing my [Music] brain all right so we just met some more cyclists  a couple of guys from England that have just come   down from Dead Horse and they seem to be having  a pretty measurable time of it that's uh cyclist   3 and four we've met on this route and we got  a bit of Intel about the route ahead and uh   yeah I think we are done for the day I'm just  here with my my best friends my little army   of mosquitoes yeah it's been a much better day  than yesterday been a much better day but still   looking forward to getting into my tent I'm  getting out of the mosquito Cloud hey buddy   feeling good yeah that one was a bit yeah  they were pretty aggressive on that one yeah   it's definitely a pain in the ass this whole  bear thing you know like every night you get   to camp and you want to just dive in the 10 eat  in the 10 and just kind of one wine but instead   you got to then you know walk a few hundred  meters eat pack up all your food into a bag   like everything with a smell put it into the  bag and then take it and hang it up tight to   something can't eat in the tent it's definitely  a f for this like I'm just walking back cloes   on his way now taking his food for a little  walk lovely evening for it isn't it sir great   yeah it's just a nuisance it's a real nuisance  and all the while you're being accosted by the   friendly neighborhood mosquito oh well look what  a beautiful place we're camping in though next   to this very glamorous oil pipeline here but look  at that Sky it's beautiful got a nice little spot   for our tents oh living the dream so as you can  see it's an absolutely beautiful day and today   we're going to be crossing the Arctic Circle  so pretty excited to continue North [Music] so today we have a new challenge headwind  but I'm definitely not going to complain   because as a result of this headwind there's no  mosquitoes no mosquitoes at all so the overhead r all right so we made it to the Arctic Circle  pretty cool and uh it's very very hot and uh   today's been a very tough day lots of  climbing headwind but we won't complain   about the headwind because it's meant  there have been no mosquitoes so yeah   we're pretty tired so we're going to see  about maybe finding a place to Camp pretty soon it's pretty amazing how much much life  can change in a couple of days a few days   ago we were absolutely miserable getting rained  on getting swamped by mosquitoes all of the bad   things and now here I am it's about 10:00 p.m. the  sun is shining gently beautifully nice Cool Breeze   nothing on the road beautiful lighting beautiful  scenery and it's just absolutely glorious just   goes to show when things are really really bad  just keep going sooner or later it's going to   get better it always does yeah what an amazing  moment what an amazing place it is out here right now all right last half day into cold foot we are  now riding in the famously frigid Arctic Circle   which as you can see is icy bleak it's a desolate  place I guess you can't believe everything you [Music] hear so we've made it to cold foot which  is pretty great first bit of phone signal we've   had in 5 days and uh kind of the first proper bit  of civilization we've really had since Fairbanks   I guess um yeah we've had a lovely meal ate an  enormous amount of food and we're now going to   Camp here slightly challenging to find a place  to pitch a tent because the ground is so water   logged I don't really want to camp in a puddle but  um yeah really happy to be here and from here on   out it's going to be much much easier most of  the climbing is now done yeah only a few more   days to Dead Horse all right so we decided to  take a day off at cold for as we had loads of   food left and uh we wanted to wait for the road  to dry up a little bit as we had a lot of rain   but we're back on the road today and it's about  390 km from here to the end of the road at dead   horse and we've been told that this is going  to be the most beautiful section of the road   so that's exciting it's also going to be a lot  easier as far as elevation goes so yeah excited   for this section the second half of the route from  Coldfoot to Dead Horse was where the dton highway   really started getting good right out of coldo  we were into the Brooks range the world's highest   mountain range that's fully within the Arctic  Circle The Views were spectacular traffic was   much lighter nor north of cold Fort the mosquitoes  weren't quite as bad and best of all despite being   in the mountains the road had finally started to  flatten out we were following the pipeline North   into some of Alaska's most incredible Landscapes  and we were absolutely stoked to be [Music] there [Music] all right so we made it to the start of atan  pass which is the highest pass on the route   going up to I think just under 1500 M  it's pretty wet and muddy where we are   so hopefully the road up is not like this and  it dries [Music] out all right so making good   progress on this last climb after good pass  just see CL down there at the bottom about   to start so this is the last climb the last  Ro pass in the D Highway it should be mostly   downhill from the [Music] top yeah man that was  actually a decent climb [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] oh it's open it's open surprisingly how is it  well it's abundant it's what it's abundant is   it's B but how is it it's yeah probably not the  first one I mean it's sheltered from the wind all   right this looks like home then yeah so it's been  a pretty great day we have found this Firehouse   behind me which is open so we're going to sleep in  there the pass was absolutely beautiful stunning   stunning place and from here it's almost all  downhill so super happy pretty cold up here   but the weather is great right now yeah amazing  place I mean you might be thinking Tristan why   is there a Firehouse out here in the middle of  the Brooks range in the Arctic Circle in Alaska   with no other houses anywhere near here I mean  that's what I'm wondering so if any of you know   why there's a firehouse out here in the middle of  nowhere even in an abandoned one or if you have   any exciting theories especially ones that are  completely ridiculous please do let me know in the comments the long descent down from atan pass  was probably my favorite part of the whole   dalon highway especially as we were treated  to some of the best weather conditions of   the whole journey this was exactly why  I'd come to Alaska to ride endless dirt   roads underneath towering mountains deep  in in the wilderness going ever further   away from civilization if the first half of  the route wasn't always super rewarding the   Brooks range and the descent from atan made it  all worth it this for me was what Alaska was all about okay so situation is K had a problem with  his tire his tubeless failed it was actually   a pre-existing puncture that was given him grief  and he sort of managed to bdge fix it in Fairbanks   but it has come back and he wasn't able to get  the tubist to work so he tried putting a tube   in instead but he wasn't able to do it by himself  so he had to grab a lift down the road where I'd   been waiting for a while so you broken broken two  Tire levers [ __ ] together we were able to get   the tire back on um but it's immediately showing  signs of puncture so we've now had to take it off   checked the tube in some uh some nearby ponds  and there are a whopping five punctures in his   tube so now we've got five punctures to patch and  then get the tube back on um and he doesn't have   any other tubes and my spare won't work for  him cuz it's too big so yeah challenges okay   so situation is we tried to patch up closed tube  uh it had five punctures unfort fortunately none   of his patches are sticking and my patches and  my spu won't work uh won't work with his setup   so we just decided that he was going to have to  hitchhike the rest of the way to Dead Horse and   I was going to cycle there and uh we've just  tried to Hitch a lift for him and the first   car that's stopped um is a really nice guy  Arnold who's uh coming up from Puerto Rico   and um Arnold has a spare tube which he's going  to give us so he's just trying to find it right   now um but yeah it looks like close's Journey may  not be over happy day quite yet day late this has   been quite a saga this we we it's Lo we've lost  most of the second half of the day on this but   we're nearly nearly there life can be really  cruel sometimes um after having the seeds of   Hope rekindled by uh the idea that arnard might  have had a spare tube that we could have then put   in um we had to wait around for a while for him  to find it and then unfortunately the tube that   he had uh was the wrong valve size foreclosed  bike so it just wouldn't have worked so uh this   means that Klo has had to Chuck his bike into um  Honor's van and is now getting a LIF uh the rest   of the way the last 230 km to Dead Horse um and  I'm going to be cycling this bit the last kind   of day and a half by myself uh which oh it's  just brutal I feel so I feel so guttered for   cl to have come this far through all the hardest  sections and now just to be looking at basically   the home straight you know downhill and then flat  and then just the last little bit and then to have   that snatched away oh it's brutal so yeah I feel  very feel very sad for him um yeah that's brutal   it's already about 5:00 p.m. and uh I've got  another 100 kmers to cycle today if I'm going   to get there by tomorrow afternoon so I have  got to crack on I have a really long way to go go come on hurry up dead  tonight I wait for [Applause] you as I pedaled ever further north the  landcapes really started to open up as   I completed the Descent down from the Brooks  range and out towards the North slope a vast   area of Open Country which makes up the  northernmost slice of Alaska I was now   deep into the Arctic Circle the nearest  real tree was more than 200 km away far   to the South and there was nothing now but the  endless grasslands the rivers the ponds and the road okay so this is pretty amazing it  is just after midnight as you can see the   sun is still shining we got Midnight Sun  tonight here here in the Arctic and I'm   still on the road I'm now only about  100 km away from Deadhorse got about   100 miles 160 km on the clock for today  feeling amazing and I'm so happy to be here all right so got some good distance done  got uh an absolute cloud of mosquitoes joining   me ah one in the eye ow think I just killed an  I I think I just killed a mosquito with my eye   there um but anyway yeah pretty happy to be uh  be done cycling beautiful sunset not beautiful   mosquitoes but uh yeah only another I think  90 km to Dead Horse so I'll have that done tomorrow all right so last 80 km I've got a pretty   nasty headwind so it's going to be  a long ride but 80 kilometers to the finish the last day was a battle with some  of the worst headwinds I've encountered in   years but part of me wasn't sorry that the  dton highway wasn't going to let me finish   without a fight the landscape was endless  stretching off almost perfectly flat as far   as the eye could see in every direction and  traveling as slowly as I was into the wind   I felt a bit like an ant inching my way along a  road road that never seemed to change I started   seeing a bit more Wildlife with plenty of  moose and Caribou roaming the glasslands   we' been surprised at how little Wildlife  we'd seen along the dalon and in Alaska in   general with how bad the mosquitoes were  that year perhaps they were all just in   hiding we didn't see a single bear on the entire  dalon although perhaps that's not such a bad thing okay so I can finally see it so I  can see Deadhorse on the horizon in the   headwind has been absolutely brutal today  it's just been such a grind but 10 km to [Music] go [Music] get Budd [Music] it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]

2024-03-06 05:20

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