Cycling Sun Moon Lake, Chiayi and Beyond ǀ Pedal On

Cycling Sun Moon Lake, Chiayi and Beyond ǀ Pedal On

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Today is the final day of the Central Mountain Range Challenge. Due to a last-minute change in the planned route, today's 130 kilometers is now shortened to 110 kilometers. That's why they can leave a little bit later than planned. After a good rest, the cyclists are full of energy. Once they've received their stamps, they can't wait to continue their journey. Today, we begin in picturesque Yuchi Township, Nantou County, as we set course south.

Passing through the historic town of Gukeng in Yunlin County, the cyclists' final destination awaits, the vibrant city of Chiayi. Shortly after setting off, the convoy follows Provincial Highway 21, ascending about 100 meters to reach picturesque Sun Moon Lake. During this part of the ride, everyone can simply cycle to warm up. In Taiwan, you've climbed Wuling countless times. 199 times, right? Right. Until yesterday.

Yes. And you have a nickname, the God of Mountain. So why do you climb Wuling several times, so many times, why? I love Wuling because, you know, there are hardly any roads in the world that can go up to more than 3,000 meters. I frequently travel abroad to participate in long-distance super ultra race competitions. So, it turns out that Wuling is a great place to train for long climbs and build endurance at lower altitudes.

Okay, so we... We take Wuling as a challenge. But you take Wuling as a train... training only.

Yes, training. So tomorrow you will ride to Wuling again, right? Yes, for the 200th time. Cycling is not just a way of life, it's an attitude. For the Mountain God with a wealth of experience in various international competitions, success is far from being a mere coincidence. It's through the continuous accumulation of experience, training, and hard work. Simply put, there are no miracles involved.

By the end of May 2024, he will achieve his goal of reaching the summit of Wuling for the 240th time. Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan's second-largest lake, sits at around 750 meters above sea level. It serves both as a tourist destination and a source of hydroelectric power.

Here, there are many water activities to try, as well as a 30-kilometer cycle path around the lake. This breathtaking scenery has been rated by CNN as one of the top ten most beautiful cycling routes in the world, making it a hot spot for many sports events. This is a must-stop sightseeing spot. And this is a “must-guy,” you have to know.

Michael. Michael, I remember that the first time I met you, you are out of jersey. And today also. Every time, in Central Mountain Range Challenge you ride bicycle without jersey, why? Because I want to feel the natural mother give everything for us.

So, we can feel the wind, feel the sun. And also, we can feel the kind people everywhere. So, they cheer for everyone when we pass them. But if I'm riding in the city, I will wear the jersey.

Yes. That shows respect for others. Yeah, but in the nature, we don't need that. Yeah.

It's the original, the most original style in our human life. Yes, when we come to this world without everything. And how many times you've joined the Central Mountain Range Challenge? This time will be my tenth. Wow! Ten year anniversary. Yes, right.

After a brief pause, they set off once again towards the first supply station of the day at Zinan Temple in Zhushan. A 30-kilometer stretch, except for a small hill of less than 60 meters in height, offers a long and gentle descent. Cyclists can enjoy an easy and relaxed ride along the way. For slower cyclists, remember to ride on the right side to avoid any potential danger from overtaking vehicles. After reaching Shuili Township, they carry on towards Jiji Township, following Provincial Highway 16. After passing the rainbow-like structure of the Linwei Bridge, a prominent landmark of Jiji Town, they make a left turn onto Provincial Highway 3B.

Cross over the Zhuoshui River and enter the town of Zhushan. The cyclists cross the Jiji Dam along the route, which is the largest dam in Taiwan with a capacity of 944 million cubic meters. The scenery here is simply breathtaking.

After riding for about 10 minutes, the cyclists arrive at the bustling Zinan Temple, a place of deep religious significance. This is one of Taiwan's renowned temples, attracting many who come specifically and success in their careers. The tradition of borrowing wealth from deities is famous throughout Taiwan, earning it the nickname of “Deity Bank,” it's a unique glimpse into local cultural practices. After a short stop for refreshments and to collect a stamp, cyclists once again mount their bikes, heading towards the urban area of Zhushan City along Provincial Highway 3. After about 8 kilometers, the route turns onto County Road 149, also known as the Zhumei Highway.

This serves as the connecting road from Zhushan in Nantou to Meishan in Chiayi, spanning approximately 40 kilometers. Along the way, there are numerous tea plantations and tea factories. While riding, you can even catch the faint aroma of tea. The next 14 kilometers are a series of ups and downs in the hilly terrain. It poses a significant challenge to both muscle and cardio endurance, making it crucial to maintain a steady pace. Among the cyclists, there is a young challenger.

Her consistent performance and speed are truly commendable. After an hour and a half of riding, they finally arrive at the lunch supply station. The organizers have prepared a light and refreshing oden, allowing everyone to quickly replenish their energy in the hot weather. Lunchtime with Mr. Kuo, my friend. Hello. This is your first time in Central Mountain Range Challenge, right? Yeah.

And I know that you prepared this for a long time? About half year. Half year! Six months. You took it for serious. Yes, of course.

Why? Because this competition is way beyond my ability. So, I have to train every morning. Took my bike to the mountain. For six months.

Okay. So, if the difficulty is beyond your ability, then why do you want to participate? I sense a tiny possibility to test the challenge. So, what kind of practice you prepared in the past six months? What route? Alishan. You came to Alishan to practice for training? Yeah.

Wow, you're so serious. You're not only a teacher, you are a good student. I feel embarrassed if I fail this competition.

So, I have to train harder. Okay. Then did you feel disappointed? Because yesterday they say that today we want to change the road. So, we can't go to Tataka. And will lose the section of Alishan. Then that means the whole central mountain range you'll lose a... a little bit.

Actually, I feel lucky, because I can come here next year. Okay, so you already decide to participate next year? Yeah, next year I will take this. Okay, good luck! The fourth day was very hot.

We almost got heatstroke. Then I noticed there was no one in front or behind us, and I wondered if we were on the wrong route. There were lots of uncertainties affecting my mood. I kept thinking, Is it over yet? I was quite exhausted.

I got you! Riding too fast. I rode near the back. The cyclists have already completed more than half of today's distance. Next, they continue along County Road 149 to Gukeng Township, famous for its coffee production. Here the cyclists face a continuous climb of 12 kilometers with an ascent of more than 500 meters, a prolonged uphill battle that marks the final test in this cycling challenge. The riders employ a number of strategies to help them with this tough climb.

From fine-tuning their gears and maintaining a stable posture to strategically engaging their brakes to help with muscle fatigue. It's a crucial moment of focus during this uphill stretch of the journey. After reaching the top, a long downhill unfolds in front, a welcome change from the previous gruelling ascent. Stretching for about 13 kilometers, this downhill section descends a total of 600 meters.

Everyone can smoothly glide down to Meishan in Chiayi, which marks the endpoint of County Road 149. One, two, three. I think I won.

You won! You're the lightest. I still won. After a quick pit stop for supplies, everyone hits the road again in high spirits.

The next stop is the finish line of this cycling challenge. Following the route provided by the organizers, they head towards Zhuqi and Minxiong from Provincial Highway 3. Except for a few gentle hills, much of the route is downhill. Cyclists can enjoy a relaxed ride, taking in the scenic countryside along the way. After crossing the Lushan Bridge that connects Minxiong Township and Chiayi City, the pedaling pace quickens.

That's because the finish line is right around the corner. Even under the scorching heat, as the cyclists push through, exhaustion looms. Yet, the anticipation of the achievement waiting at the end sparks joyful reactions from everybody.

Finished! Let's go! Time to get the final stamp and trophy! Good job. Congratulations. Did you worship at Zinan Temple? -Good job. -Thanks. It's really beautiful. Oh my gosh.

It's incredible. The mountain we climbed. Wow, and... there is a medal with my name written on it. Too beautiful.

And I think it's so touching that... I'm gonna cry. I feel tired to death. But this girl she said that Hmm... it's just okay. I'm not so tired.

So you don't feel tired? -Don't you feel tired? -A little bit. Just a little bit? Which part do you feel tired? It's about Dayuling. How would you rate the difficulty of that section of the route? One star to ten stars. If you were to rate on a scale of 1-10, how many stars would you give to the section from Dayuling to Wuling? -Six. Only six? Only six stars. I feel twelve.

I feel twelve stars. Why did you want to start cycling? Because of my dad. One time, as a birthday gift, he gave us bicycles, and that's when we started riding. -You and who? -My younger brother. Riding with your younger brother. What did you feel when you take this? -I mean this medal. -Happy!

Because it's over. Are you finished the Central Mountain? Yeah, this is my third time. You know, this time it's getting better and better. I mean the association, the boss. The host of this event is perfect. Yes.

But do you know today, even we cannot go to the Tataka, right? -But today's route... -It's very tough. Very hard and tough. Enjoy life.

I think next year, please, I still want to join it. Every time you think it's so tough... how come? You know. I need to sleep at home and have air condition, right? Yes. But after finished, what's the next time? Why do you want to hold this? Because the terrain in Taiwan is naturally mountainous. Especially in central mountain range, there are quite a few mountains exceeding 3,000 meters. So, we planned a route to ride through the entire central mountain range.

We also warmly welcome cyclists from abroad to join our event and get to know Taiwan. Because the mountains in Taiwan are truly beautiful. Over the three days of the Central Mountain Range Challenge, covering nearly 350 kilometers of cycling, the cyclists conquer one mountain ridge after another together. Along the journey, they witnessed numerous breathtaking sceneries and indulged in a variety of delicious foods. Despite being unable to complete the original route due to unforeseen natural events, this led to the discovery of new and refreshing experiences along an alternative path. Everyone will continue to nurture this passion, exploring the diverse beauty of Taiwan through cycling.

Danayi Valley situated upstream of the Zengwun River, at an altitude of approximately 500 meters, is a hidden gem nestled in the Alishan region of Chiayi. The mesmerizing landscapes, coupled with the crystal-clear waters, create a fairytale-like realm. It's not just scenery, it's sacred land in the eyes of the native Tsou. Today, a group of 22 cyclists will embark from this beautiful valley, continuing the unfinished challenge of the twin lighthouses. Before hitting the road, everyone takes a moment to properly check their bikes and stretch.

The planned cycling distance for today is 128 kilometers. The mountainous route that the cyclists will traverse starts in Chiayi and passes through Kaohsiung, heading south to Shuimen Village in Pingtung. Twin lighthouses, let's go! At the start of their journey, they ride south along Chiayi Route 129, taking in the scenic views and embracing the open road. Along the way, they pass through some traditional Tsou villages. Apart from experiencing the untouched beauty of the mountains and forests, there are also numerous sculptures, crafts, and murals rich in Indigenous culture to enjoy along the way. After passing through Chashan Village, the ride continues with a left turn onto the Qingshan Industrial Road.

This route is the shortest distance from Chiayi to Kaohsiung, and the road conditions also pose a considerable challenge, making it an adventurous journey. Within a span of 10 kilometers, the cyclists will face a continuous ascent of 535 meters, with many steep hairpin turns along the way. In particular, upon entering Kaohsiung, some sections of the road have narrow lanes and rough surfaces, making the journey challenging. At times, there might be a lot of traffic sharing the small road. When riders navigate this route, they must exercise heightened caution and prioritize safety, especially with fellow cyclists and motorbike enthusiasts on the road.

After crossing the mountain ridge, they enjoy a smooth descent as the route continues towards Provincial Highway 29. Welcome to Kaohsiung's second-largest district, Namasia District. Here the Indigenous population comprises an impressive 86%. Among them, the Bunun people, known for their proficiency in hunting and archery, forms the majority. Here, you can experience another unique facet of Indigenous culture. After a brief rest and replenishment, the convoy continues its journey along Provincial Highway 29 from Namasia District towards Jiaxian District.

The route features an almost 14-kilometer long descent alongside the meandering Qishan River. As cyclists ride, they come across several breathtaking scenic spots that are not to be missed. Venturing into the mountainous terrain, the cyclists encounter steep cliffs and canyon formations.

The straight, sheer slopes and massive boulders in the streams showcase nature's perfect masterpieces. Riding through, cyclists can truly feel the majesty of the canyons. Additionally, along the route, the cyclists pass through twelve vibrantly colored steel bridges, adding to the visual allure. These bridges are named to reflect the local characteristics and culture of the Namasia and Jiaxian Districts. The colors of the paint represent the traditional clothing colors of the various local Indigenous peoples.

They hold great significance in promoting ethnic harmony and integration, making these bridges poignant and memorable places along this route. After crossing the Xiaolin Bridge, the route passes through two consecutive hills with an ascent of less than 100 meters each. Approximately 30 minutes into the ride, the convoy gradually reaches the urban area of Jiaxian District. This place is renowned throughout Taiwan for its high-quality taro, earning it the title of the homeland of taro. Among the specialty dishes and souvenirs featuring taro, the sweet and velvety taro shaved ice is the most famous.

Everyone who visits the area has to try this local delicacy. Delicious? Yeah, of course. Why you're here? Because Mr. Kuo

took participate of Central Mountain Range Challenge. And then, finish the challenge, he should be back to Taipei. But right now, today, he's here with us. Who persuaded you to join us continuing the riding journey? One of my best friends, called Jay.

Our Jay. He said this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. So... and there was an empty seat in the car. So, I took the seat and I'm here. When we reached the finish line in Chiayi, I felt very tired and thought it would be impossible to ride for another two days.

But after refreshing at the event washroom and having a meal, I felt like maybe... maybe I could still do it. Just wanting to ride. No, when Mr. Guo has time I take him to explore new routes. Actually, it's not like that, whenever we go on a group ride, it usually finishes by late morning, around 11 o'clock. Then Jay would ask me, "Mr. Guo, do you have plans this afternoon?"

The first time, I said, "No, I'm not in a hurry," and he took me on an extended ride. A couple of times, I was scared and very busy, but for the Central Mountain Range, I thought, well, I should ride. Alright, I told him I wasn't in a hurry, so I went with him and took a casual ride around Yangmingshan.

After replenishing important calories, the next leg involves riding 65 kilometers in one go to today's final destination, Neipu Township in Pingtung City. Facing the formidable sun in southern Taiwan and the upcoming challenges, everyone keeps pushing forward, staying strong and resilient.

2024-08-04 23:29

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