Cycling in Japan: Biking Biwa on our 10 Year Anniversary

Cycling in Japan: Biking Biwa on our 10 Year Anniversary

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so this is the most japanese thing  i've seen in the last few minutes   looks amazing we are on day three and  we have uh we've saddled up the ponies   and we hit out of the uh the little place  that we were saying and i would like to   point out something if you have never  been here for the for this experience   the water pressure in japan is on another  level guys like for real like you don't need   soap you just like blast off the the germs  is incredible um so power what do they call so we are going to probably have a problem  in a second because the car is coming let's   move forward nope he turned where did katie go you  know what i held strong you did you uh uh we today   today may also be the third day that we're out but  it's also the 10th year that we've been married oh   yeah yeah today it's april 1st right now so it's  our 10-year anniversary today this is what we're   doing for anniversary and you've got some things  booked for the evening so we actually already   have a hotel which is more than the previous  couple days we didn't have anything we have   a hotel we have a hotel we have possible dinner  reservations but that's through a facebook message   so you know essentially that we aren't going to  be going super far today right how many kilometers   about 27 from the hotel which we've done 0.5 so  it's 26.5 do we have any time frame that we have   to be there by i'd like to be there before six  o'clock what time is it now it is i don't know   like 9 30. uh okay yeah that's about it i hope  not we got out of there it's nine it's 8 52.   oh it's still in the eight o'clock yeah so um but  i can tell you right now that the uh time issue   we're gonna have is that i'm gonna need to go pee  and i'd like to get the next 4.2 kilometers down   before i have to use the bathroom let's film some  videos it really puts the stress on the ladder   yeah so we are currently heading to a bakery there  were no bakeries where we are the closest bakery   was uh five kilometers away so that's what we're  going to do right that's the one we're heading   to it's on our way so that's five kilometers down  once we get there this will be a pretty easy day   as far as the pedaling goes as far as the pedaling  goes oh don't speak too soon things could change   did things just change we've gotten to our bakery and it's really  exciting i love japanese bakeries we talk about   this all the time that's why we came here oh yeah  happy anniversary so they have got some things   that are kind of interesting we got some of the  things that are kind of interesting i think i got   the thing that wasn't interesting but it smelled  really good yeah you could i just got garlic bread   but it's it you got to open it up and it's got  a cool vibe when you open it up you want to give   us a taste test on the garlic brush somebody's  going to photoshop that angle did you yeah um   i got the most interesting thing i got my start  with actually even though it's the sweet thing   they're selling this thing and it looks  like a tree stuff it looks like a tree   that's why that's why they're calling it it  looks like a tree song okay and it's called the character like winnie the pooh and please tell  me you're looking up a picture of winnie the pooh   so that you can illustrate everyone no and then  koshikake means like to sit kind of so it's like   his stool his stomach and it is full of honey  which is that's what i'm going to be into right   i really like what they call when you need  a poop how are you going to get in there it's cakey yeah it does look cakey   the top is really moist but the sides are  really crunchy but the best thing about   going to bakeries with eric is he gets all  the stuff that i want to have one bite of it's kind of like an egg batter it's almost  like i don't know like um is that the right   thing like a french toast it tastes like a  french toast bread oh that's exactly what that   says french toast another thing that i got  this one's a little smaller it looks like it's   a little smaller it looks like it's big but wait  hold on it basically disappears it's really thin   this is a walnut and cheese thing yeah so you've  got kind of like a walnut pastry down here that's   covered in a slat of cheese it's standard it's  fine it tastes like when you get these types of   things japanese bakeries it's like all of them  it's just exciting looking cool looking and um   i need a fuel for the fire and the last thing i  got honestly i don't remember what it was called   but it has this is like a little bun it doesn't  look interesting at all no um but it looks dirty   it has cream cheese and tomato maybe we could  have bought the cream cheese from here yeah and   we got a bunch of bagels for tomorrow morning  as well bagels are rare in japan they're coming   in they're coming into season here in japan i  went to a bakery that's near our house and they   had bagels and i touched it and it was like soft  bread i was like you don't know what you're doing outers it's not a pizza vibe   that's that's that's good this one's really  good this is probably the best tasting of them so that video ended a little bit abruptly  because unlike all other restaurants that   we've been in and have been filming in where  there's sufficient social distancing which was   happening in this building um there was also  a sign that said that if you don't have your   mask on don't talk and we didn't see the  sign and we were obviously talking so the   girl came over and was i mean she was really  polite about it she's like please like don't   you talk you got to put a mask on if you're going  to talk or whatever you're like oh okay my bad so   then we just ate the rest of our food without  talking which is fine because that's the rules   in a way it would have been nice to have known  that from the beginning i thought like if i   had seen that sign it would have been cute to  just sit there and be quiet and eat our stuff   yeah we could have just had we could have shown  what we were eating and stuff and then one of   those things without saying anything we could  have a fun change some limitations are fun um   the only other thing that we had that i didn't  mention is i had a little cafe all day it was it   was fine it was cute it came with like a little  couple of biscuits i got bonus biscuits yeah you   did get bonus because kids didn't share any of  those bonuses i think it's time to pedal though   are you ready to go yep do you have enough  fuel for the fire i think so i got enough   garlic for days oh boy there's my beautiful  bride of ten years with your sexy dragon breath yeah there's not really a water front  type thing it goes a whole bunch of   different roads there might be like the slow  one here but i don't really know the situation   is that the uh the by ichi course which is the  course that runs along the lake for bike riding   and we had mentioned in the past it's just markers  on the ground that you can follow it's really easy   there are actually two of them and sometimes  they're conjoined and sometimes they're not   there's the fast course for people who are like  on like really good road bikes that are burning   rubber and maybe doing the whole thing in a day  or whatever and then there is the slow course for   schlubs like us on decent but you know regular  bikes who cannot stop whenever the goddamn they   want yeah yeah it's not a race for us some people  are coming here and doing it like it's a thing you   know meeting you all the time my bike is in front  what are you talking about i'm winning right now   so um over there is bad we have kind of  been bouncing back and forth between the two   depending on different circumstances but we're  now just kind of riding through a town and it's   sort of not very picturesque and i noticed that  the ground says fast course so now we're like   okay where's the slow course and that's not  a thing we can figure out so we are thinking   the slow course might be over by the water  where it might be a little more picturesque   but we're not really 100 certain what are you  what are you doing i've got brochures oh she's   got brochure that might help or do they have  enough detail to show us like to this degree of   course when i was to find out  we haven't really used them   right now when i was first looking up this this  trek i was like how long is the course and it was   really hard to figure it out because there isn't  just one course basically and people don't really   talk about both of them so it's just like it's  about 200 kilometers depending on how you cut it   and there are some places that we've  completely cut off because of the landslide   stuff in the first day we didn't see landslides  just that the roads are closed from landslides   and then you can cut off a southern  part of it if you need to or whatever so   it's kind of complicated did you figure our thing  out yeah so the pink one shows the family course   it's no longer fast course slow course on  this brochure and the purple one shows the   fast course and we look like we might be way over  off the purple one yeah it looks like we're on the   purple one so we could probably head that way  and find more leisurely but i think longer road   that's my my impersonation because it looks like  it curves more stuff this is more of a straight   shot on the main roads riding with traffic  isn't the greatest thing in the world either actually we might be on the slow one no  the road says fast oh you're right for sure yeah and sometimes they do combine we  might be in this yeah we're in that we are on the fast one there's a slow one the slow  one's actually over there oh we're somewhere over   there okay so probably just stay on this one until  we get to where they merge and then try to stay   i want to be like near the water i guess is  what it comes down to that's like the nice area   i want to be wherever there aren't  bumps and that usually tends to be   in the street with the cars i i will take the  frightening route so that my butt doesn't hurt i think one of my favorite things about this  ride there's a multitude of things that could   be favorites but i'm really enjoying the  mountains they're kind of reminding me of   the dinosaurs that went down into the water on  kauai um not in every shape but we have seen   ones that get kind of close to the water at  least look like they're going for a drink and   i don't know like i find myself looking more  at the mountains than i'm looking at the lake   really yeah i'm disenchanted by the lake in the  sakura i can't believe oh yeah how many sakura   there are there's thousands of them it's really  wonderful the timing we've hit is just amazing so we've switched bikes temporarily and  this thing is way way too small for me   and i don't think she can touch the ground  so i'm not sure how she's gonna get down this is no good dude your seat is  angled like it's crushing my nerds   this is terrible give me my bike back bro  let's see you get off this thing can you do it oh it's not bad but look how high the seat is yeah  i really felt like i was up there touching the sky thinking about falling from  that high it's only like   a few more inches above the world from my seat  still feels terrifying i definitely should not be   writing something this small like put your foot up  on the high pedal like this yeah yeah that's like   yeah i don't know if i've ever actually ridden a  bike that was even close to the right size for me   like as an adult but this is amazing  i really am enjoying riding that bike   i it makes bicycling not terrible like  in my head i was always like it kind of   sucks but it's not that bad if you have the  right equipment that's the wrong equipment after a couple of days of cruising through the  actual countryside we have definitely come down   into the part of the lake where there is a city  and we are headed to the further south we go   the more into kyoto we get and kyoto is a pretty  substantial buildup of stuff it's a city for sure   so we are on the outskirts of that  now not that ridiculously far from it   and you can see i mean there's like there's a  there's a dominoes like behind me like that's a   dominoes and then this is like a starbucks-y style  something i've never seen this what is it called   green berries coffee i've never heard of that  before but it looks like a drive-through starbucks   oh yeah that's a starbucks format to a tee  we're not in the countryside anymore not any   not even close yeah so um we are going to be doing  the southern part of the loop there's a place   where you can cross a giant bridge that's kind  of towards the southern part and a lot of people   will do that and it cuts off probably 30 or  40 kilometers or something which goes around   the southern basin of the lake and we are going  to do the entire thing because we have enough   time to do it and we've calculated that it looks  good and also that's where the pizza tonight is   so we're going to be doing the entire thing  and i think is it possible that it's only   fast course around the southern part oh and it  looks like they almost say it's only slow course   oh interesting they overlay the pink over the  purple it gets a little bit hard we talked about   this minute ago of course but it gets a little  hard to follow where the fast course and the slow   course diverge yeah when when when we merged  into where both of them were riding together   i made sure to look at all the different  things and now it's just saying fast fast   i have seen ones that say fast slow fast for sure  so i'm surprised that's not happening here and   looking on the map it does look like we're in  a part where they are merged and we'll need to   be on the lookout for where slow leaves yeah  but yeah i mean we are for certain in a city   but basically it was what i was gonna do what i  was getting into and we are gonna do the entire   guacamole we are going to do the whole guacamole  is that the right word it's called a lake we're gonna do the whole thing we're doing the  southern basin too we're not actually we are   [ __ ] up hardcore are we yeah we're completely  missing the bridge we somehow got stuck but we   don't want to go across the bridge we don't want  to go across the bridge but i want to go look   at it oh i figured it's possible yeah and in this  area fast people don't go anywhere near the bridge   and slow people move over let's move over and see  if we can get a view of the bridge so we're like   right here okay so we should head down that way  and go check out the bridge let's see the bridge here's a little logistics thing that  we haven't had any problems with at all   there have been plenty of bathrooms had to  hit a bathroom i mean we're kind of in an   urban area so there's little parks but they're  kind of little parks even in the countryside   and then there have been convenience stores  that we've been able to use and stuff   but um yeah i mean there's i'll show you the  little bathroom in here it's nothing important but   it's just a little uh little place to go inside of  a park very standard stuff for a japanese bathroom   and uh unfortunately if you gotta do that  one you gotta do that one but luckily luckily that wasn't my situation we are on a floating temple right now it is  gorgeous it's out over the water it is ancient   looking and we had to cross like a little bridge  and go under a limbo type tree that was going   over the bridge it's just very picturesque and  was never really even mentioned and honestly i   didn't even catch a glimpse of it until we  were looking at that brochure this morning   so it's really lucky that we happen to just  decide maybe we should look at this brochure   behind me you can see the bridge that we were  talking about earlier we got closer to it but   it really didn't look interesting and it kind of  still doesn't look interesting it's a bridge it's   real functional instead of taking that bridge we  are going to go that way we're going we're going   over there pizza is over there hotel is over  there um you really need to get on the bike   and got about at least 18 to 20 more kilometers  depending on whether the slow route has extra girth those are nice we're stopped here at a 7-eleven for a few minutes  katie i don't know why she went in maybe she   needed to use the bathroom or something i don't  know but we're stopped here and as we parked next   to the 7-eleven i saw the little 7-eleven delivery  mobile this is a little electric car they have   that they use to do deliveries of 7-eleven  goods so you can buy things on the internet   and they will bring them to you and the campaign  that they talked about in the past that has been   the reason behind this is like the aging  population etcetera etcetera it lets older   people be able to order things and they can bring  them to them it's a nice little service but i'm   just specifically interested in the little vehicle  it looks really cool i love how small it is i love   the little mesh doors on the side this is cute  and uh it's a little electric car this has got   me thinking i keep seeing these little vehicles  and there's a lot of quirky vehicles in japan   and i was talking to katie i was like wouldn't  it be cool if we took like uh doug demure's cat   doug demure has how you say it doug dumour i can't  remember how he pronounced his last name exactly   but you know the car guy that's like the quirks  and features dude we took his format and we did   something like that in japan where we found weird  little cars like this and then reviewed them and   then drove them around and showed like off all the  quarks and features i think that might be kind of   a cool idea but i don't know if it's a good idea  to steal somebody else's jib you know what i mean traveling outside of tokyo our main goal is  to eat at restaurants we don't have access to   inside of the city because i mean they're  traveling eat things you can't normally eat   and who's there is fire happening and we have come across a little chain  restaurant as we've been biking down the road   and it is a chain restaurant that i  have never seen before it's called uh however you want to say that part of the word i  guess it's from the area i don't know it's not   something i'm familiar with but they have got  uh different types of dong buddies and as we   say all the time donggudi is rice with stuff on  top and that's what we've got a couple of bowls   of rice with stuff on top mine is a miso yuzu  dongburi so it's going to be pork that has been   cooked and then i have got a couple of  sauces on the side that look like they   might be the miso and yuzu is like a japanese  citrus it's like a lemon pen in that area   but before i get into the sauces i thought i  would just give the give this a shot just as it it's is kind of like a we have a chinese foodie taste vibe um that's very standard stuff it looks like  it's also been sure it's served with some   sugar so some ginger so let me  get into what we got going on here   got a little i'm guessing this is a miso base and  then there's a yuzu base there you can taste this   yeah it's a miso it's mixed with something it's  really rich flavor uh i'm just gonna go in why not   and then i will throw the other one in looks  like a little bit less probably a quarter of   that amount and this i'm assuming is  usually just based on the color yeah   it's really sour like super super sour  citrus flavor and i'm just gonna do the thing   i like when they let you get the sauces  on but they've measured them out for you   you already know how much to use but you  get to do the pouring the pouring is fun and that is hella delicious it's really really good  the sourness is like right on top of the flavor which is incredibly good it's a set with  a salad soup and some pickled stuffs and   the set was i don't know 970 yen i think  it's under under 10 so yeah i'm i'm   super over the moon and i was talking to  katie yesterday about how um when you're   out doing tons of exercise sometimes food that  maybe wouldn't be like amazing becomes super   amazing for some reason if you're burning  all these calories you're exercising getting   those brain endorphins and anything you eat is  incredible so i'm wondering if this is actually   incredibly incredible i think it is but maybe it's  just because of the bike endorsements i don't know we are making good time for the day so we  decided uh why don't we go and see something that   actually was promoted by someone who has been  to the area before and said they liked going   up into the mountains to look at the lake  so we're heading over to a cable car but   on the way there there was a high-speed collision  and by high speed i mean i was just standing still   and the bike got off kilter and i fell  over and it's not bad i know it's not bad   but the gear sliced my leg a little bit and  i had grease all over me but i cleaned it up   um yeah it's really the first injury  though aside from your ass which is   this could all change in flames we shouldn't  be talking about this just inviting bad stuff so this is the most japanese thing  i've seen in the last few minutes looks amazing sakura fubuki is when  the sakura pedals are following   it's a thing that's happening right now  and it's magical it's the hell of a hill   we're not riding to the top of the mountain  fosho because we rode to the top of where   you get on the cable car holy crap uh wasn't  super intense but it was enough for me to go   i will ride the cable car 3 200 yen later  we're definitely gonna ride the cable car   it's a little more expensive than we expected we  thought it was going to be a thousand per person   it was 1600 plus per person which is  fine because i'm gonna sit down for   a little bit and let this little  amazing cable car do all the work walking on these cable cars is pretty weird  because they're slanted at a weird angle and like   you're on a track at a different angle and you're  walking up but you feel like you're walking down   at the same time yeah like you aren't making  any elevation progress and this feels like um   similar to all the other cable cars i've been in  japan this one does feel a little bit bigger and   apparently this is the longest cable car route  in the country it says it takes 11 minutes and   we asked how long it takes to walk back and down  and she told us an hour and a half to two hours   so it's going a fairly significant distance  oh she's over estimating for sure no i kind of   wonder if she was talking about going up no no no  i specifically sat down i wonder if she heard it   i'm curious about that i don't know i'll take the  cable car down and you can walk and we'll find out us we've done our 11 minutes in our cable car and  we are about two kilometers away from where we   began so it's pretty far right and you go uh you  just you know go up a hill basically like this i   like cable cars there's something cool about it  it feels a little bit dangerous you know what   i mean like this is one cable like yanking you up  i know there's like things built under the system   so if the cable broke it would just click back  a little bit i know that but it's still you know   if you don't think about those things it makes it  a bit like a roller coaster on the up part of the   roller coaster uh so yeah we've got up here and  it's neat we can see the lake and that's really   cool normally but it's especially cool because of  what we've been doing we've been using our human   power legs to go around it and you can't even  see the entire lake in which we've ridden around   because of the haze and the distance and stuff  but you can see like the big bridge that we saw   earlier today and it looks a long way away from  where we're standing but i mean we basically   pedaled all but the two kilometers to this point  to get there so like it just helps you quantify   actual distance having actually pedaled it rather  than having ridden in a car or something like that   uh it's it's pretty it's a lake and it i feel  accomplished even though i'm not done hopefully   we'll be done and we'll be safe and it'll be  what two days with two more days right yep   yeah two more days so two more days of pedaling  and then we will have conquered the whole thing are feeling about this hike not too good would you rather be doing that on a bike no so since lunch we have come up from  basically down in this area somewhere down here   that connects all the way up to here there's about  a two kilometer ride and then we hit up the cable   car the cable car doing his other two kilometer  ride went up through the tunnel is this map not   awesome it went up up up up up bam landed here  and the train comes every half an hour so we've   already kind of chilled up here for about 30 to 40  minutes we have walked around this kind of alcove   of trees like this is just a drop off right here  and we've walked around that and we're chilling   at the map which is coco right here they didn't  mark it but it's right here this temple complex   comes very highly recommended but considering  that we have a 10 more kilometers to do today   we're just gonna glimpse some bright orange things  in the green out and just enjoy the walk also   it's a thousand yen to get in there and we don't  have enough time to enjoy justify a thousand yen mask on i was able to expose this really well oh yeah  is it going well for you uh no it's really   washed out but yeah are were you joking about  it okay hold on deadpan i can oh you can't see   your mouth it's hard to read oh all of it's in  my mouth yeah i can i'm starting to pull in the   background of the lake but you my darling are now  very very dark yeah so yeah it's hard to i'll see   if i can get you purple there you're probably  properly exposed right about there but again   nothing nothing over there this is the  world of photography you want to walk yep   so i just wanted to kind of discuss that i  came from kyoto hanging out with friends i   had a suitcase full of stuff for a weekend of like  friend activities like non-sweaty eating parfaits   with your friends that was the stuff that i had  i sent all that off with a friend after really   really thinking to myself what do i need for this  adventure because the suitcase is the opposite of   what you need yes trying to put that suitcase  on my bike would look real stupid um so before   leaving tokyo i had kind of put all of my sports  gear not that i'm real sporty or whatever i'd put   all my sports gear and a backpack um to the side  at eric's smart request um basically what that   consists of is i have a bunch of like airy sports  shirts that are short sleeved and i brought all   of them that i own so we have five of them right  now and then i've got kind of like a long sleeve   shirt that goes underneath which you've already  seen this i was wearing it earlier today when i   had my jacket off and then i've just brought  my jacket and i've got a crap ton of like   sports bras like just keeping the bangers in check  and um let's see was there anything else sunscreen   to the max and you just want to talk about what  you brought yeah and i i have like these exercise   pants and underneath i'm actually wearing like  spandex this is for an extra cushion um that   doesn't really do anything and um just a bit more  so that if there's any like kind of chafing maybe   it happens to this to the spandex instead and  like mega underwear and um the rest of the story   is that katie sent her suitcase back to tokyo  with a friend who she was hanging out with so he   took it on the train and took it back so we didn't  have to deal with any of that which is something   and then i brought her stuff up that  she would need for the biking adventure   yeah so that'll work so i basically just  transitioned with two people carrying my luggage   what royalty am i we didn't really  even like come up with the idea   to come and do this trip until the day  basically the day that i was before she yeah she was leaving in all honesty you hadn't  pulled the trigger until i was already in kyoto   for a full day oh yeah yeah yeah and that's when  i was like man yeah so we just had to like figure   out how what are we gonna do with our bag you  know what i mean there's coin walkers in japan   but usually you can't put a bag in a coin locker  for five days yes like they'll eventually be like   what is the story here for and they'll throw  it away or who knows what happens i don't know   yeah so i kind of feel like when i was in kyoto i  kind of just threw everything back in my bag and   i was like whatever is it with eric is what i'm  going to survive on and shockingly i feel like   i am surviving yeah you i think everything  is going pretty well as far as out here   i don't feel like i've needed anything nor that  um i oh um band-aids was the one thing that i sent   off with we've been fortunate with the weather  too it had some memorandum so it was raining i   don't know what would happen we aren't really  prepared for that i had my uh raincoat in the   other the only thing notable for me you can  take this is this is a rare occurrence you don't   normally see this but i'm wearing shorts where you  can see my knees i don't really like this i feel   exposed i don't like having my knees out usually  i wear shorts that are like down there even if   it makes me look like a bum so this is a bit rare  but these have been going nice like it's all right   i say i don't like wearing these but these are my  running shorts so i do wear them but just not like   out you know what i mean running and  going out and running and then like   going out and doing stuff or two different things  in my mind so i feel a little bit naked to feel   like i'm hanging a ball or something but other  than that i'm just wearing my normal clothes   what about what's around your neck oh um this  is when i go around if i want to cover my mouth   i'm around people or whatever that's the thing  that i use because i'm wearing a normal mask is   nightmare-esque so this is okay and it's actually  been pretty nice because when i'm on the bike   it's wearing around my neck and it's keeping the  sun off of my neck uh because you've been getting   a little cooked oh yeah my feet are really red  and the back of my my back of my leg is getting   burnt and stuff i don't care about my legs  burning i mean i don't want it to happen but   i definitely don't want my head burning  that sucks so that's how i've dressed the goal for the evening is actually in sight  just off in the distance the tallest building   that you can see right next to a bridge  is our hotel i'm gonna point at it now   oh my god i don't know if i can line it up  and you can't really remember we were talking   about the exposure thing be able to do fix your  eyeballs again maybe i can see it i don't know   it's somewhere over there yeah so it's a really  tall building and it's 15 minutes walk from a   pizza shop and it's over there 10 kilometers  away and we're gonna make our way there and enjoy   some tasty beverage did he just one-up me he went up to everybody now going back down the hill  and it's way easier than up the hill it's time for fika we've come back to the  area when we rode up the hill and it was   all these incredibly beautiful sakura trees with  these stone statues and the petals were falling   it's like snowing the petals it's beautiful and  uh it's fika time we've got ice cream and you   went in there and found a i'm assuming  this is a sakura cream a softer cream   they always have all these stuff we made a video   about this in the past it's like  how do you quantify that flavor and they're a bit it tastes like runny  because cherry they're a bit runny because yeah cherry for the cherry blossom um  tastes kind of like soda cherry soda   um it's a bit runny because eric was trying  to capture pictures of petals falling i'm just standing there with the ice cream i'm  trying to like the wind blows and it blows on   the other side of the street and then you cross  the street and then it blows on the other other   side of the street and you just like i need  one trying to get this big like storm of petals   falling down gotta camp out i remember one time  when we were in ueno park you and i were there   and it was during we were drinking martinis we  were drinking martinis and there were there were   it was in the daytime and there was a big gust  of wind underneath the mall and in a window park   during that time there i mean it's crowded you  can't find a place to sit it's like every people   are everywhere thousands of people were there  and a huge gust and all these petals came down   everybody there gasped at it and it's  like a moment frozen in my mind mine too that's kind of what i live  for when it comes to hanami   that moment yeah where everybody just goes  and you're all together in it it's cool i decided to go all out and spend 8 000 yen on  a hotel room for our anniversary our 10-year   anniversary that's like two that's a lot of money  it's not real i know it's not a lot of money but   i found a coupon for luxury a nice hotel a big  hotel obviously when we were looking from the   mountain the biggest hotel on the horizon and  uh when you find that coupon you get a rocket   um weird thing that we're already noticing there's  some sort of like safety sticker on the door   look at this guy yes there it is cleaned  and disinfected for your security   normal or if it's occurring  about corona stuff green holy crap can you take the camera i gotta get  our stuff before the lady comes yeah the lady   took all of our stuff and put it on a cart and it  was really confusing and we've decided that luxury   comes with like a massive amount of confusion  and not only on our part but like of the staff   the staff doesn't seem lubricated enough to like  be making the efforts that they're making like one   person runs away with this ticket that's supposed  to get our luggage while the other one's holding   the cart with our luggage on it and the one that's  holding our cart with the luggage on it is staring   at us like where's your ticket and i'm like she  walked in the other direction with the ticket   okay that's that's enough of me  ranting about that okay shoes off i don't know if we can do a full long-winded  tour right now because we have to get to the   pizza place we do have to take a shower but at the  very least wow for a japanese this is the biggest   japanese hotel room it's our 10-year anniversary  they gave us twins did you like no genitals yes yes i did i told them that it was our because  i figure you know it's not every day that you have   a 10-year anniversary so nobody said anything to  us or anything if anybody was going to do anything   it might be the hotel but as we can tell this  hotel is not lubricated enough to uh to facilitate   a 10-year anniversary you got to bring your own  lube on your 10-year anniversary but somebody who   also knows that it's our 10-year anniversary  is the pizza people let's see what they do i was hoping to have a little more dead on  that way but i guess it really doesn't matter   it's gonna be dark by time we  come back what does it matter   my breakfast in the morning my bagels all  right we got our sundae best on for our uh   anniversary dinner hold on oh wait what do  you got you got something special oh yeah   all the bells baby all the bells you got  the taco bells yep all the taco bells   and i actually already wore this shirt once  i already wore this shirt once to a pedaling   you know priority is not looking fashionable  the priority is making sure you focus on   having a good time and doing the  things you love for your anniversary   and that you have a functional wardrobe for  what the [ __ ] you're doing i put my knees away success uh can you show us the bathroom  facilities we missed that when we came in   oh i gotta stand up yeah you gotta stand up dude  you do look pretty chill out well you want that   pizza you gotta stand up anyways oh i gotta stand  up for the pizza yeah domino's don't deliver baby this is this is a really long walk for  a japanese hotel like this is a voyage oh it's got a little sink in there too like  a like a sink sink and not like i didn't even   notice it like it's got a sink you got to push  a button oh wow it's not like the flush sink   you know what i'm talking about the flashlight  did you flush this toilet i did but i didn't pay   attention did you put you did the button you have  to push this but then look at that oh yeah that   that to me is really gross that to me is public  toilet you're kind of right i thought of it as no it doesn't that guy's coming out  and killing somebody it quickly flushed   and then the shower is immaculately clean like  i put my feet on it and i could feel how clean   it was i really enjoyed that but the shower  pressure in this shower is half of what it   was one fourth of what it was at the other place  um so or at other places we've been on this trip   and i mean there's not a whole lot it's a pretty  big tub like i would fit in that tub which is   surprising and then uh just your normal like  japanese shower stuffs over here that's all i used   but yeah it was functional it didn't blow  me out of the building that's for sure   and this is what we're looking for i think what  is this thing called is there a word for this   you might call it like a vanity but normally  those would have chairs in front of them   this i would just call the sink i would call  that the sink unless it has somewhere for me   to really relax and like get my looking at  myself on and i tried to do some looking   at myself but this is so dark you can  hardly see anything like i was trying   to check to see if i had any like whole hairs  growing out of the moles or whatever you know all right so it's time to roll yeah oh what's  behind this mystery door what is this oh it's just   a pole it literally is just a pole and i think  you might be able to turn on some sort of air con   to dry a towel or something i don't  know um i'm gonna put my towel there   but it kind of feels like if nothing's  going down there it might not actually   be getting dry yeah so i was kind of worried  about that and i don't know how to turn that   apparatus there's an air con button like  over here maybe that's some sort of that   system now that this looks like temperatures and  stuff off on yeah hey uh fill me for a second something else that's uh i should have surprised  everybody with this but there's a bed button   that turns on this beam in the back  that's actually pretty cool okay i   gotta give i gotta give the luxury uh a  point there and then come over here i'm   not really sure exactly what's going on  but look down here see this guy that hole oh leave it on at night time oh yeah yeah  oh it's kind of cute a mouse might come out   yeah he might not be able to sleep okay let's go get some food i feel that it's  actually important to show all the levels of   luxury which right now the levels of luxury are  random lights everywhere a lamb boat over here   shooting out a rainbow over here  christmas tree [ __ ] it is april i don't know what they're doing but they're  committing to it so i can't i certainly can't   like snub my nose at that um we're gonna go  inside the rest of the hotels to pretty much   the same inside we've had some wine by the way  should i explain more about that you said we're   gonna do it upstairs so we'll talk about dinner  upstairs okay we're going to talk about dinner   upstairs got to put your mask on because you're  going to encounter staff that might try to do   more for you than you want them to do hands are  clean man she blasted through the temperature ah 36.5 what are you

what what's in you there'd be  a six point five i don't know   i don't know i just do  whatever number is me is better this is the hotel we're staying in there's some  sort of fountain over here they did have this   rainbow lit up for a while that was kind of nice  there's an escalator here to nowhere um we haven't   been over this far so we are adventuring into  this together they have shops over in that area and they were open earlier and i assume  like you get a crepe here or something   like that some sort of ice cream situation this  looks like ice cream and beverages cruise ship   kind of to be honest with you very much feels  like a cruise ship let's ride the elevator elevator goes really fast you have  to go past the fountain again though you want to avoid anyone who works here and also anyone who's staying here just avoid  them convenience is closed oh man we were going   to use that combining for nothing because we  went to the super and we got all our needs met you got to keep being entertaining kitty i  can't be entertaining look how look how fast   this elevator goes we're going to the 16th floor  16th floor closing them doors are you doing the   social distance thing i'm here well i need to go  over here and then now you turn ah you gotta face   the wall hands up some sort of like illegal [  __ ] is going on i have to pee really bad and   we're already here [ __ ] is fast yeah that's  16-4 that's amazing cooking the bacon man we're   faster than you pedal that's for sure but we're in  we're in room 19 and that's way down the hallway oh it's toilet paper i thought it was the sakura so i apologize for not bringing everybody along  for the food review but to be honest with you   it's our anniversary and there was also a small  child there that i [ __ ] like adamantly ignored   after engaging the child i realized  i'm trying to have an adult moment   so yeah yeah she was the little girl was great  she was but it was just like you know what i   mean like she was just kind of poking  her head around the corner and stuff and   eventually i think her mom told her like you need  to give them a little bit of room or she got bored   or she got bored because we didn't like engaging  but we played with her for a little bit and then   it was just like we have a bottle of wine and  we want to have our anniversary dinner together   you can have a really stupid time with you or  with him you choose um so the pizza place was i   mean it was it was good it was it was fantastic  i think so here's the deal about like japanese   people give japanese pizza a bad rap and the thing  is if you go to domino's or something and get like   a pizza with a bunch of shrimp and like weird  stuff in the crust and stuff yeah it's weird   but it's overpriced and not very good but you  can definitely find good pizza in japan if you   go to like italian style pizzerias or whatever if  you look for a brick oven you will be happy yeah   that's how i feel and that's how i picked where we  were going to go tonight not cheap because these   pizzas were 1600 yen or something a piece so like  they're not very big that's the deal you got to   keep that this dinner almost cost as much as our  room and that's a bottle of wine two pizzas and a   salad yep yeah it was 7 600 yen for dinner but  the bottle of wine was nearly 4 000 yen and uh   so the people that ran the place they were like  the the husband has lived in new zealand they're   pretty young couple um but the husband had lived  in new zealand for six years and everything was   kind of themed around that they had new zealand  wines and they had um the name of the place it   was like a new zealand name or whatever it was the  name of a city taopo yeah and we chatted with them   a bunch and they were just like wonderful people  very chill and they gave us this uh shuchu that um   there we go did it do it stupid thing okay there  we go no it's so sticky it like really wants your   face you gotta put your face behind the bottle  with me i've decided that you need to do b-roll   b-roll yeah yeah i think this time by myself you  need to do that it's possible holding it too close   like it can't focus or something wait no it's  look at that it's beautiful look at all that   i'm lost oh maybe we should just cover anyways  so anyways she gave us this stuff and she gave   us this because it was our anniversary yeah i  had sent a facebook message earlier today i said   basically it's our 10-year anniversary can  we get a reservation for 7 p.m tonight um on   4-1 and they wrote back like oh congratulations  yes we can totally give you a reservation   we arrived at seven we're the only people in  the whole place and we didn't reserve the entire   restaurant like other people ended up coming in  later but it's just a whole restaurant it's kind   of nice to make that connection they were really  excited that we were there and i was excited to   get to peruse whatever they were making because  they made a special kind of pizza okay yeah   it's an aggie pizza it's like a fried pizza so  they fold it in and then they lightly deep fry   it and we don't know how lightly deep frying  happens but i thought it was really cool what   was that that was my phone hitting a big piece  of metal yeah that's safe it's all good phones   are indestructible now i don't even know where  my phone is it might be at the pizza place that's   true but that only means more friendship so we got  the age pizza and then we got the cuatro excuse me   yeah that one and uh yeah the pizzas were  great and the it was uh it was fine it was   we had a good we had a good 10-year anniversary  meal and now we're gonna jump into this and it   says it's two percent juice and eight percent  booze and it comes from shiga prefecture   it is made from shiga ashbury so we're currently  in shiga prefecture yeah and she gave us this as   a we actually have two of these but i think we'll  stick with one for now because we already had a   glass of we only had a bottle of wine between the  two of us and i am a lightweight like i at least   three bottles or three bottles three glasses and  i think you had one and a half he told us to put   this in ice but we don't have ice so we're gonna  just have seems frosty enough [ __ ] it's pretty   good man it just tastes like berries it doesn't  taste like alcohol it just tastes like delicious   berry juice yeah shit's ten percent though no  it's eight percent it's two percent eight tips oh no so anyways the rest of our evening i just  had the anniversary video that you will have   probably seen by now if you follow all of our  videos i'm putting that online in a few minutes   so that's going to be my evening and then i  think i'm going to fall asleep because it is   uh bicycle days and bicycle days are early nights  of sleep and we still have to figure out what time   we're getting up and leaving tomorrow we're  waking up about seven so i think we can just   stick with that man it's too early it's like it's  8 30 now how am i gonna get up that early if you   get up in the earlier you contend with it just  being really cold outside in the morning yeah   and we don't really have coats so the first thing  i say to you almost every morning it's really cool   yeah and i'm wearing as like not max layers  but i'm wearing more layers than one would   need in what i want which is just i want to  wear a jacket all the time i like jackets yeah   i think i don't even think you agree with  that why are you saying yeah i like a hoodie   you're like a hoodie yeah i  like it to cover me from the sun   all right let's do it let's push the record  button to stop the recording oh i'm just like   are we now going to record yeah this is fun  it's just been off all right see y'all later you can clearly see the gears   eric i'm very busy right now i just finished you  are in the middle of this book i just finished   another video in it and when you do the end card  thing where you remember all the things that we   need to promote okay you got it yeah i like just  dropping in here and just throwing it at you you got the facebooks and twitters and the  instagrams and they gotta ring the bell   and then there's probably some other  bell like a new bell now um and some   sort of notifications things and subscribe  and probably just watch more videos and um   then uh the twitch and yeah twitch  which is the thing i'm pushing hard   now if you're a twitch person come hang out  with me on twitch because it's fun to hang   out with people want to play video games and  sometimes i go outside and we twitch outside   yeah so that's the thing that's happening so  if you're a twitch person yeah come hang out   and then of course the way that we make all our  videos is through patreon and if you want to   check that out that'd be great there's perks and  you get videos early in names in the end card and   postcards and all sorts of fun stuff so yeah  uh patreon postcards oh yeah wait what do you   need to do them no oh you just got to finish  them we printed them and everything but they   got to be made okay i got it i got to write  the notes they've been addressed everyone's   name's on a postcard but it says nothing right  now so anyway there'll be more from biwa coming   soon and then other stuff as well we went camping  this will be a video about that kind of camping   kind of camping kind of camping we went kind of  camping so look forward to that see y'all later do   do you

2021-07-05 18:26

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