CURACAO, WILLEMSTAD VLOG! Colorful Stairs, Street art, Old swinging lady I Tried the Famous Batido.

CURACAO, WILLEMSTAD VLOG! Colorful Stairs, Street art, Old swinging lady I Tried the Famous Batido.

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Actually, This had to be a vlog in Papiamentu. Because we are in Curacao ready to go Curaçaoooo You've got no condition? Let's go! Let's go! another day in paradise guys another day in  paradise today i don't have much to do um   like you guys seen before i went to the beach  and what i want to do i really really really   wanted to buy like a coconut coconut water and  an actual coconut but i don't think that's gonna   be possible because today i'm on the French side um  so i'm gonna just stick to whatever they have i'm   gonna just drive through enjoy the day um and  see what i can do i am traveling today i will   be going to curacao so i'm gonna try and just take  you guys along on what i'm gonna do today and then   go straight to the airport anyways guys  stay tuned i will be sorry about that yes   a couple of people asked me uh what  exactly was required to enter Sint Maarten a lot of people ask me what was  required to enter Sint Maarten, so a couple of people just agree mommy so a couple of people asked so a couple of people  asked me like exactly what was required to enter   martin and i think i'm gonna just do a sit  down and explain you guys more or less what was   required but you have to get take in consideration  that it all depends on nationality where you come   from i basically i'm dutch and i came from  the netherlands so the rules are probably   way different but i'm gonna just explain what  was required let's say leaving the airport in   in amsterdam and then arriving here and going to  curacao i do not need a test i'm so happy about   that so it's just a plc which is a passenger  locator or something like that something   something like that so that's just that's all  what i needed anyways um if you guys have more   questions drop it down in the description box  below and i'll be more than happy to answer   them when i do the sit-down video explaining  what was required and what i needed to travel okay just arrived at the airport exciting  i'm not sure how much i will be able to vlog   but i will have to check in of course  and settle in i want to eat i have some   food here so i'm going to eat something  drink something and maybe catch up with   you guys in a couple of minutes because  after this i will then uh meet you guys   in curacao but yeah nevertheless remember  to comment like share and subscribe and get   ready for bomb content for sure because i'm  on island time and so are my vlogs anyways okay so i just bought a drink and i was just  told that i'm not allowed to go into the plane   with a drink because they don't allow drinks  into the plane but the bartender was so kind   enough to put it in a coffee cup so i'm gonna see  if i'm gonna be able to get through very good. anyways we are waiting i think i have like 10  more minutes and then we want to start boarding   i want to get there already so  excited i am so excited for curacao   i am so so so excited for curacao very excited ready to go we're officially inside waiting for takeoff  and update on my drink I managed to get it in   Wink Wink. Alright, ready to take off  so i am officially in curacao hey guys welcome back to my channel from  Dushi Korsou! My friend you have to do the intro   anyways guys i am more i'm so so so excited to  be able to vlog this morning because i have such   a beautiful schedule planned in oh my god hey this  is what you hear in the caribbean you hear animals   this is not holland this is the caribbean anyways  back to the basic we are now on our way to P'ariba. we are going to Caracasbaai? we're going to  Caracasbaai there's this beautiful bench   that says Curacao, so i wanna take a picture there  i'm gonna take you guys along and i'm so excited   let's start this vlog oh by the way if you're not  yet subscribed make sure you hit the subscribe   button and the notification bell so you can be  notified when i drop new content and i'm currently   Alright my people, mis Morenos  i am now in Caracasbaai we just Janthiel we are in Janthiel. We just  arrived to the bench let me show you the bench  

so this is the bench and standing here you have  like a gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous view of wow What Do I need to record? Just me. You need to record me. Yes, I'm recording you. Are you recording? After like a three-minute hike we are now  in Beekseburg? For Bekenburg and   as you can see this here you have the las bombas i  don't even know how you call these the cannon yes   and then you can see let me just stand quickly  on this side so you can see uh and the water   looks so beautiful yeah only now the sun is  cooperating because we were on the other side   as you guys can see with the with the bench and  it was not cooperating. Look at this i shouldn't   walk with my bathing suit because look at this  water anyways let's go it's really nice here. the stairs is what? oh coming up you mean   oh you know a long time i came here  in the night like midnight or so It was a group of us that came here.

It's so hot. yeah   Let me show you guys where i'm going this is how it looks okay so update we just finished the the  fort over there we're now on our way to we're just wherever yes director's Bay no  idea where that is i've never been here but   let's drive and see we are going the day is beautiful though it's hot  the sun is out it is gorgeous oh wow   hey the water is so blue guys wow Hey!!!! This is Brakkeput Ariba wow oh my god you want to see oh my god i used to go school here guys   oh my god because we used to go up but  they did they threw it down This is the way to Fuik. The way to Fuik. This is Shami's street. don't don't have to lie it feels  amazing to be back amazing i feel better this area here. We are now on our way to Fuik

and i used to work at hyatt in that time and i  used to drive this road all the time all the time   it is not hyatt anymore it it was hyatt and then  it was uh santa barbara and then now it's sandals   but i was i was here because i went to school by  like five minutes back there oh but it's still   santa Barbara but they bought it over right sandals  because it's gonna be Sandals and Santa Barbara. very nice this gives me like  wow like very nice and shammy look i know okay guys so now we are in this area called colon  no no no no um peter mine peter pereira but we   are going down siri peter mai wait here is altena  and slash parade okay so and now we are going to   petermind petermai and then we go to and then  to punda i'm so excited all right let's do this foreign foreign all right update we are officially in punda hi  i just love it here guys i love it i love it i   love it this is where the sign of curacao  is like the big yellow sign so of course   i'm going to take some pictures and of course  i want to get something to drink and of course   i want to walk around and of course i'm going  to take you guys along so this is so exciting   this is my tour guide here this is him if you want  to come to curacao and get some private um tours   hit up me amigo my friends that's what's happening  all right so oh by the way i'm gonna meet angelo   he's already waiting for us and uh i'm excited  i'm already with my mourinho say hi moreno hi yes okay now i want to take a picture by the  curacao sign but there's a guy there can i ask him whatever if you want today it's okay so taking  some pictures of the curacao sign   and now we are walking downtown  punda hello i want the very famous   batido which is like a shake right it's  a [ __ ] let's come before the batista   yeah so first guess first we're going to go to  the bridge it's a very famous i think it's emma emma because the other one is juliana means  bridge so we're going to pass the ponton   old swimming ladies it's the old swimming  mommy and we're going to go past there and   then get the batido so it's exciting hey guys  i used to go to school here and this is just   memories on top of memories on top of  memories this is ah it feels really good hey my papi my poppy is what was the egg you  know like that one it's like hey there's a   guy who he sells water and i thought i  hope like he likes to hit on young girls anyway hey so i'm excited excited anyways let's walk this is bunda guys look at the  colors hey look this has to be a papamento vlog oh this is so exciting let me show you i'm so happy okay you have to run because if the bridge closed you  can take the fairies which is nice   yes we're now at the patita  place i don't know which smack   is the best but i just want whatever i  don't mind let's go you don't have wherever foreign oh my god um slashes you delicious my friends oh my goodness okay we've been hiking we've  been hiking for a couple of minutes hi hey okay so we have been we're trying to reach  this the colored trapeze the colored stairs   the trap is tropies yes trap is colorado oh my god i cannot wait they didn't say that online that you need to climb  oh wow this is the bridge this is the viewfinder this is chichi guys this is chichi  teaching summer subscribers understand oh foreign foreign florida foreign foreign oh bye um we are now still in punda and we are in front  of plaza ville if you want to come and eat local   this is the place to be are we  gonna go in there yeah let's go to pick one stuff hello um goodbye is foreign that was it for the day it's been  a very fulfilling fulfilling and   fun day as you can see i really hope you  enjoy the vlog um i try to include as much   as possible so you can get the essence of what  curacao is unfortunately my battery died at the   end so i couldn't really show you what i got  but i basically got criollo which is a local   like local food which is rice and beans and salad  without the meat of course thank you so much for   the support remember every monday bump content  is about to drop i'm on island time and soar   all my vlogs alright remember to comment like  share and subscribe and until the next vlog bye

2021-03-30 11:48

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