CROWD! CROWD! CROWD! | GO HOME Tourists | Overtourism Exposed | Explorer

CROWD! CROWD! CROWD! | GO HOME Tourists | Overtourism Exposed | Explorer

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Now wherever you go, the only thing you see is crowd, crowd and crowd. Sometimes it seems as if tourists from all over the world are here together at any tourist destination. There are such huge lines, such huge queues. People go for tourism so that they can have fun there. Will see some justice, learn something new. Here one has to stand in

the queue for 3-4 hours . There is also a need to be careful of this crowd. This mob can kill anyone at any time. This crowd can create a stampede. And this crowd cannot steal.

If many tourists visit any tourist destination continuously for years, then that place is going to be affected by overtourism . Governments around the world are struggling with this problem. If less tourists come due to over tourism then the revenue will be less. You will find less like this. And if more tourists come, then overtourism is happening, leads are being filled, the tourist experience is getting spoiled. What if you do? Tourism was once the golden for these hotspots but they are outside of it.

Why because of over tourism. The United Nations World Tourism Organization is the world's largest organization that oversees and promotes tourism. He also said that if at any place, due to tourism, the lives of the local citizens are being influenced in a negative way or if the experience of the visitors coming to see the place is getting spoiled, then they The place has been updated from over to Reason . There is no fixed number in this that if 5000 people come, the place will get spoiled. is not something. If 100 people come, 1000 people come or even 10,00,000 people come, the life of the local cities is getting spoiled and the experience of the visitors is also getting spoiled. That means, those places have been affected by over-tourism. You have to save that place from overtourism as soon as possible . Many famous places in the world, whose names you might have heard at least once, are also struggling with the problem of overtourism . Are in the first place. This is one of the seven wonders. Here

it will be 14,00,000, then in 1 year . There are very good museums here in Amsterdam, Netherlands . Here too, 2,00,00,000 people come in a year. Then Mayabe, a very famous beach of Thailand, here 18,00,000 to 20,00,000 people come in a year. Then Venice, Italy, it is also called City of Bridges and Floating City. 3,00,00,000 people come here in a year.

Saint and these Greece alone come to 3.2,00,00,000 people annually. Croatia: This place became very famous after the Game of Tone web series . 1.5 crore people come here in a year, Bali, Indonesia , 1.37,00,00,000 people come here in a year and finally Barcelona, ​​Spain, they also have a famous football team. Here also 3.2,00,00,000 people come every year

. Meaning, you understand that these famous places of the world have not been spared by overtourism. Now let me tell you about the consequences of India's place which has become a victim of overtourism . Goa. 40,00,000 to 1,00,00,000 people come to Taj Mahal in a year. Agra: 70,00,000 to 1,00,00,000 people come here in a year. Munna, Kerala.

14,00,000 to 18,00,000 people come here in a year. Manali Kasol, which is also in Himachal Pradesh, 1 to 1.5 crore people come here every year. You will see crowds of lakhs and crores at all these places . Over the years , over-tourism has not spared even the world's largest mountain, Mount Everest . If you see Mount Everest, people have thrown garbage everywhere . The scariest thing there is seen at any time because some climbers go to climb Mount Everest but never return. In 2019, the Government of Nepal launched a campaign.

Information about removing 10,000 kg of garbage from Mount Everest. According to this, this campaign to clean Mount Everest was started on April 14, in which till now Mount Everest and surrounding areas have been removed. More than 3000 kg of garbage has been cleared from the areas. The teams engaged in clearing the garbage also recovered the bodies of four climbers from there. Under this campaign which will last for 45 days, a target has been set to clean 10,000 kg of garbage. In which the maximum garbage will be removed from the base camp of Everest . So you are wondering why so much garbage came? Because a lot of tourists deposited garbage there ? These were 10 to 15 famous places, which have been affected by over-tourism. An even

bigger number is the number of tourist destinations affected by tourism. I will give you its complete list at the end of the video. The situation is so serious that thousands of local citizens of Spain took to the roads against over-tourism . They don't like over-tourism for protests . The Have a Limit That's what many of these posters read as 1000 of local residences across the seven Canary Islands, protest against master tourism Binary Islands, that's more than six times its own population.

30,000 people have signed a petition in Amsterdam calling for Cruise transport should be stopped so that more tourists cannot come. Then? People in the islands of Skane even went on a hunger strike against over-tourism. Governments all over the world are struggling with this problem . But to fully understand the problem of overtourism, we will have to go back a little. We have to see where this

problem came from in the first place? According to the World Bank, global GDP was 11 trillion dollars in 1980 and today it has become 105 trillion dollars. It has increased almost nine times. Then we took out the data of tourists and in 1980, 0.25 billion tourists used to visit there. Meaning

only 25,00,00,000 people used to go for tourism all over the world . He became one billion tourist in 2010. Meaning 100,00,00,000 people are going to travel all over the world and then it increased further in 2020 . 1.25 billion means? 125,00,00,000 people had gone to visit. All over the world and it is believed that by 2030, 1.8 billion i.e.

180,00,00,000 people will go for tourism . All over the world. These two graphs saw their relationship. As the global GDP increased from 1980 till now, the number of tourists also increased. Why did this happen from 1980 till now ? Because as the global GDP of those countries increased, the capital on GDP also increased, which means people got disposable income. That disposable income, where will we use it? They will buy a nice house, they will eat nice food and they will send their children to good schools.

But if even after that, if there is money left, they will go to travel more and more, then like this, many people will get so much money today, they will travel more if they travel more. In cities around the world or in tourist destinations, the crowd will keep increasing and we have limited space and the crowd is increasing. Due to this the problem of over tourism has arisen. A startup has been mentioned in an article in Natural Geographic . The name of the startup is Marmoration. He

has said that 80% of the world's travelers or tourists are not going to only 10% of the places. Meaning?That's a lot of people going to less places. The crowd is increasing for this . That place offers more. The remaining 90% space is not being visited by anyone, it is lying vacant. There are different reasons for overtourism in every place.

But there are some common reasons also. The first reason is that flight tickets have become very cheap. As people's disposable income is increasing, they are finding flight tickets very cheap. And on top of that, airline companies have also started giving discounts . On flight tickets and at some places, people are given free tickets so that they can promote and endorse the place as a tourist station . The second reason is that inter-city travel such as train bus which is a tourist destination.

It happens that it has become very affordable so more tourists can offer it. The third reason, which can also be a big reason, is social media. If any place is promoted in any movie or any web series , leave alone any blogger or inflation, if one place is promoted then A crowd of thousands reaches there. For example,

a movie was released in 2011 to show that place . This movie Zindagi Na Milenge Dobara was shot in Spain. Many Indians reached there after watching this movie . The fourth reason is that the payment infrastructure has become very easy. You get international credit cards, you are not worried about Forex? It also had different systems.

Then now some hotels provide such service that book now pay later means you book now and pay later, means loans are also available for travel. The fifth reason is that the majority of the people who go, go to big Rooks. Like there was a group of 20 people, there was a group of 25 people, there was also a group of 50 people. So when

such big groups go to a destination, they will smoke beedis there. The sixth reason is that whatever travel agents are there, the offline ones have only a limited set of destinations where they have tie ups. So the tourists who come to them are given the same five or six places or 1015 places that they have. If they tell you that it is limited, the crowd will increase at that place because the space is limited. The sixth reason is Digital Nominants. Digital Nominants are those people who do their work remotely or online and the rest of the time they just travel.

The number of digital moments is increasing in America. In 2019 it was 7.3 million and in 2023 it will be around 17 million. Which means this number is also over-committing to tourism . But it is not the fault of the tourists alone that they are at one place in large numbers, it is not so. The local government there

is also at fault. They should also check tourism and see whether proper property is being maintained or not. The problem of over tourism has already arrived. Will over tourism cause different losses everywhere in the future? But there are some common disadvantages also. The first loss will be that the local communities and local citizens living in that place will be greatly affected because as soon as they come out of their homes, they will see only crowds and crowds because the tourists who come will stay there for 1015 days. Then we will go out. But the local citizens will have to suffer for years. The second

disadvantage will not be that as soon as many people come, they will generate more garbage and raw material . Because if a lot of people are coming then they will also bring food for themselves. If you bring your own clothes and water in plastic bottles, then the garbage will increase a lot in a tourist destination and as soon as the raw material goes from the land or into the water, it will create pollution and destroy the flora and fauna there . And whatever plants it will affect, sometimes the land itself will become barren. What if a lot of garbage is entering the ground ? And every year lakhs of tourists from India and abroad come to visit Manali in Himachal. But

after visiting the beautiful weddings, these tourists leave from here but leave behind thousands of tons of garbage . At present, we are at the only garbage dumping site of Manali and would like to show you the current picture, what is the current situation in the garbage dumping site ? Somewhere, this has become such a serious problem that now there is no space left to dump the garbage here. This is an area spread over 1200 square feet where you can see this mountain of garbage in Garbage. The third loss will be to public facilities. Public facilities i.e.

roads, bridges or toilets will be used by thousands and lakhs of people, their quality will already be improved. It will end. The fourth disadvantage is that the demand for water and electricity can skyrocket. Let us consider this as an example. Suppose if 1000 tourists come to a place daily and the average is even. Every person drinks three liters of water. That means there should be a provision of 3000

liters of drinking water. That tourist destination. This is the news from Shimla, the capital of Himachal where there is a continuous shortage of water for the last 10 days . Every section of the city is troubled by this shortage of water . People are somehow arranging water by filling it in drums and gallons . Have brought Tapti. Give water brother, give more water. Suppose any tourist comes, they will not only

bring mobile, laptop or Bluetooth speaker with them but will also charge them. That means if electricity demand also increases, the demand for water is also increasing. Demand for electricity is also increasing. The pressure on the municipality there will increase and as the demand is increasing and the supply is limited, the prices of everything will increase. This means that everything will become expensive for the local citizens living there. And as soon as things start becoming expensive for the local citizens, they will resort to theft.

They can also steal the belongings of the tourists. In the end, the tourist destination which became famous for good reasons becomes a tourist place due to over tourism . If it becomes famous due to negative reasons and gradually new people stop coming , the revenue of the government will reduce. From tourism . So they need to be careful. But now what is the solution? To avoid overtourism, there will be different solutions at each tourist destination. But there are some common solutions also. The first solution is to keep your entry limited. This

means that if you know on tourist destination that we can survey only 2000 people daily or can survey only 5000 people, then the number of tickets should increase and the number of entries should be the same. The second solution is that whenever you do tourism planning in this area, you should consult the local communities. We should know what are their problems, how will they get profit, how will their revenue increase and how will their life become better? The third solution is to use as much renewable energy as possible . Can use solar panels, can use hydro power. The fourth solution is that whatever tourist destination property is there, a board for travelers should be put up there. What it means is that you are telling the tourist that you can do this and that you cannot do this. A review

should be kept of the entire destination either annually or quarterly . They should know from the government how many people came, how much was spent on property maintenance ? Are they in profit or loss? Everything should be seen as to how much impact the environment has had. And in the end, if any tourist destination is in a very bad situation i.e. there is a lot of overcrowding, then you have only one solution, you should close that tourist destination for a few months or a few years and make proper repairs. And then

it should be turned back on. So these were the solutions, now what can you do ? There are many things you can do to avoid overtourism . First of all, wherever you are planning to go, check the photos of the tourist destination. Check the reviews there. How is that place? Check the weather there, check the climate there, what is the hotel accumulation facility there? How much is it going to cost to go there ? With everything set up? Whether to go or not.

Then.Go in the off season as much as you can . The advantage of going in off season is that the crowd there also reduces and if the crowd is less then the demand will be less and if the demand is less then you will get everything cheap and you will get good time to see everything. And the third one which is the most. The best solution would be to

go to a place which is not very famous. Very few people know that there were some places so you will not find crowd there and whatever tourist destination you are going to, talk to the local community as much as possible, understand the culture there and travel locally and learn as much as possible. Don't go in groups . Now go in small groups so that you do not have to face crowds everywhere. Or you don't have to stand in queues everywhere. If you have watched the video till now, then there are two interesting things for you. First

is Responsible Tourism, this is a travel company. He has made a map of the whole world, where he has listed which places have already been affected by overtourism. So that you can take your distance whether to go to that place or not. I will give you the link of this map in the description and the other one is Crowded Out. This is a very good documentary which is explaining the entire concept of over tourism. I highly recommend that you watch this.

So the video ends with this. If you liked this video then like it and share it with your friends. If you see many such future trends and new ideas, then definitely subscribe to this channel . Thank you.

2024-07-16 13:48

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