Crossing the Sea in Style: A MOTORHOME ADVENTURE to SPAIN In 2 Nights

Crossing the Sea in Style: A MOTORHOME ADVENTURE to SPAIN In 2 Nights

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hello and welcome back to the channel hello  everyone welcome back we're excited today   aren't we yeah just getting ready to go now yeah  so it doesn't leave till um 9:45 we can get there   about half past 7 8:00 so we're just about to head  off now it's about an hour away from us it is yeah   to the port a bit longer actually hour and a half  something like that so we're yeah just about to   head off on the ferry this is the first time we've been  on a ferry this for this amount of time uh it's   about 32 and 1/2 hours in total but we'll tell you  more about it when we get there and what our rough   plans are for the trip yeah Lee's is doing a quick  top up of LPG 99.9 pence here not bad yes you probably get cheaper   in Europe but I'm not sure how much is in there to  be honest so I want to make sure I got some yeah   to make sure we got some for when we get there so  we don't have to worry about looking around for it   straight away but that should do us the whole  trip really these are full that'll do us. Yeah [Music] So looks like we're going in through  check-in a few motorbikes going across it's quite a   busy port you're all right yeah you're fine right  we're just going to get checked in cuz I've got   to do it my side so I won't be able to film at the  same time I didn't plan that at all so yeah we'll   get checked in and we'll pick you up at the other  side woohoo the first bit's pretty straightforward   we just got given a ticket to stick on the windscreen and then the Marshalls direct you to the   right lane depending on what you've got on your  ticket yeah we've got our cabin key and uh there's   our passports back yeah so we've got one each of  these brilliant so uh that's it now I think we're   just waiting to board we are um well we don't pull  off until about another hour two hours and two   and a half hours should we say so but it's rammed  it already it's queued to the max so I don't know   what time people got here but pretty early looking  at it yeah well I'm sure there's going to be some   more checks somewhere because obviously we've not  been asked anything about whether the Gas is turned off   or anything yet so although it is already  turned off but I'm sure they'll check it no doubt   so it is our first time so I'm sure some of you  will already know what happens we have been on   a ferry to the Isle of White but not as big as this  this is obviously a lot bigger. With the motorhome that's only   time we've been on a ferry with the motorhome  but um this is a bigger scow now cuz we're well   traveling for two nights yes so it's a little bit  the unknown we're used to the LeShuttle yeah across   and you drive off yeah which seems a bit simpler but  obviously we don't want to go through France this   time so yeah see how we go the security search  area I think all right okay is this what you   think this bit is a security search area ah yes what  the sign says up there uh maritime security search   area better put the camera down then we didn't  have to get searched this time just luck of the   draw I think yeah I think we're going straight  on board yeah and just waiting around in another queue pretty tight isn't it yeah it does get pretty  tight cuz um are we meant to be in that lane?   that's not going to happen yeah you are right  so while we're waiting to board we're just thought we would   give you an update on what our plans are yes what are  our plans you don't know you're just the driver   I'm just the driver so we've been looking well  we've been talking to our family and some of our   family want to come out and visit us you know  when we some of the kids and things like that   when we're away so we're looking for a campsite  that we can get them to fly across for a week   while we're there and come and visit us that would  mean like them having Bungalows or apartments or   something on the campsite so we found a couple  of campsites that we're going to go to but we'll   show you where as we go along um and in in  between we're going to be trying to do some   free stopovers all sorts really yeah but um  yeah so we're reccying them campsites and yes   it's nice to do a trip where you're going straight  into Spain if that's the area you want to explore   um saves the traveling through France don't  get me wrong France is great as well and if   you want to travel through France that's good but  on this trip yeah we decided we're going straight   to Spain yeah cuz earlier in the year we did a  long journey to Portugal and it took it out of us   both cuz I was working we were doing two videos  at a time which we're only going to be putting up   our normal videos on a Thursday this time cuz of  all the driving and me work working you editing it   became quite a lot didn't it it did the driving  and everything so we've decided this time we're   going to have two seven-night breaks on these  campsites and then sort of dot around in between   that yeah um and the other exciting thing about  this is that I'm not working on this holiday so   this is actually a proper holiday for me uh not  complaining about working from the motorhome just   that this time I don't have to yeah so it frees up  a lot more time for us it does it does yeah ideal   so really excited um and because we're going on  a ferry and not in the tunnel it's all different   for us so we don't know what to expect really once  we've uh so I must admit my stomach's churning   a bit now we're just waiting literally Behind the  ferry I think um and yeah just silly little things   that go off in my mind and one of them is you  see some of the little ramps and the stuff I just   don't want to grind this motorhome out before we  started before I've even started yeah so um but at   the moment fingers crossed touch wood it's looking  good we'll let you know if we can't film it we'll   let you know um I have been told that this one's  okay yes it's reasonbly flat to get on apparently   yeah but we'll we will try and film it or we'll  inform you anyway so and some of you will already   know cuz you will have already done this so we're like newbies to this yeah to the ferry bit we are I'm not   sure if there's normally this many motorhomes  um but I have a feeling it's cuz it's the end of the summer   holidays and uh that's when everybody likes to get  away the ones behind us are going up the ramp now   we have to go where we are we have to go all the  way around past that man stood over there under   the ramp round do a turn and then go up there so  let's see how that goes and I was wrong we're not   going around onto the top ramp looks like we're  going on the bottom which we originally thought anyway oh here we go look at that it's huge  it's a beast crossing the water oh good we're down there  with the trucks loads of room look at the headspace we  got 4.7 M we're all right [Music] looks like that's us it does it looks  like we have made it onto the ship anyway   so that's good and we didn't have  to go out that big ramp yeah that   was a bit of a blessing right so we're  going to go get our stuff and find our cabin put up the windows got everything I  think yeah that was too bad at all was   it feel the anxiety level slowing  down a bit I'm looking forward to   seeing what this cabin looks like  deck three purple we're on eight we are just down here this is us fantastic it's sunny already happy with that right my bed's already made oh that's a good  effect isn't it yeah that's going to confuse me yeah so my bed's already made so how's that work  you got to work out and I'll do your bested you   just pull it down just pull it down keep it up no  I want to pull it down right that's the excitement   of getting in our cabin it is an inboard cabin hence  the uh the the fake window but you do get a TV a   little chair some plug sockets ideal thank God for  that you're going to do some editing you can sit there I won't even get the laptop on that um big  mirror, so that's Jodie Happy, is that a wardrobe then oh is   it behind it, yes and then that is where you hang your coat look on these hooks all right there you go   you can hang your coat these are two extra beds yes it is a four berth and then through this here hang on   a minute is that got heating looks like it's got  heating put the light on in there I was that the   light for that I was just about to show you in the  bathroom but the tannoy went off once again but yeah   you get your own little En Suite which is great  even got toilet roll like that even got towels I   did take the risk actually and then bring towels  on board well within off the motorhome anyway and   a shower that's a wet room that's ideal really  um I think it was about £150 but because we're on   it for two nights I thought it was well worth  getting wasn't it it was well worth getting the   um cabin yes definitely you know if we were just  doing one night and then and getting off maybe we   wouldn't off but yeah we've got recliners on the  way back haven't we one keep the cost down a bit   but Lee made an error a bit of the Boo Boo have I  yeah why what have I done you forgot your jumper   and if you want to go outside yeah I know I'm just  going to go like this I bet there shops on here   I'll just buy a new one any excuse I'd like to  see that it's probably got Britney Ferries written on the back I don't know yeah me supporting Britney Ferries  jumper um but I think that's us for tonight and   we're going to come back in the morning and show you around the ship but it's getting on   late now uh we need to go and get some food for  tonight oh a drink or something just something   so we're going to go have a little look around  what we can now like you said grab something come   back and then tomorrow we'll take you with us  we've got the whole day and the whole night   tomorrow still on this ship so we can find  plenty of stuff to film Lee said there's a gym   on board so get him in there. We will see about that  anyway we'll see you in the morning [Music] so it's Monday afternoon we had a good  sleep last night it's that dark in here   when the lights are out um it's daytime  now so if I turn the lights out, oooooh um it doesn't normally make that noise   um but yeah it's so dark in here that when we went  to sleep I didn't even realize it was morning it   was like half past 8 before I looked at my watch  yeah it's like having a good set of blackout   blinds it yeah yeah so we got up about about  half past 8 9:00ish um went and had some breakfast   didn't we yeah um and we a little around the ship  and we thought we'll take you around with us cuz   we're going back out again now yeah so we've  had a little bit of a chill-out this afternoon   um we just found out that this ship actually is  on the UK timing isn't it yes I believe so on   their website but our watches have changed um our  phones have changed to an hour ahead yeah an hour   ahead now um we've booked in for dinner tonight  so we make sure that we got the right timing yeah   well if we go up half 6 on my watch we're either  going to be an hour early or on time well if we are an   hour early at least we won't be an hour late exactly  yeah exactly so right let's uh go and have a look about so this is the big corridors anyway there  different levels we're on the eighth level um I   think they're going to be ones with Windows and  then we the box in the middle you have got like   a sun deck up there which is quite cool we'll take  you up there we're going to do the sun deck and   work our way down let's go just here through  this window so that's like the bar lounge area   down there it's probably a better view for you um  it's got like glass roof up the top so you can see   out um the stairs in the middle there takes  you down to level seven and that's where the   duty-free shop is the restaurant, information  center let's go to the top let's go again   in as you can see all the cabins through there we  do have the information on what's on deck on here   so our Van's actually parked on level three which  is further down yeah yeah but the main stuff i'   say is level seven and level eight and level  eight yeah oh keep climbing gets a bit wobbly   out there but it's quite calm actually so it's not  too bad it was more wobbly earlier yeah oh hang on nearly   went then ready for the breeze they're quite heavy  doors aren't they it's not as bad as it was earlier   oh someone's had everything out the vending  machine yeah that was me so we walk around this way this is what they call the Sun deck say  it's a bit windy I've got me uh me fluffy   thing on the mic so that'll be all right you  shouldn't hear too much of the wind a dead cat yeah it's quite nice up here not so  sunny at the moment but there a bit   of sun and This Is us walking to the rear  now so this is the back end of the ship I   think this is the highest we can go  let's take you up here then hang on   a minute they got a bit of sun down  there oh actually lovely and Sunny up here few people out on the Sun deck you got  different levels and I believe that that's   not the way we came on I don't think is it the  rear of the ship we came on the front we come   through the mouth of the ship so we might be  going off of the rear of the ship don't know   unless we have to turn around in there I  can actually feel the heat now it's it's   actually warming up the nearer we get so we  have got we have got um few more hours yet get   another sleep sh it's Monday afternoon now um  and we don't arrive till tomorrow morning but   yeah see it's 7 or 8:00 we well it says 8:00 it  it basically docks some people said seven yeah some people   are saying 07:00 because of the time difference not  sure um however we're not really sure what time   to get up either cuz we're not sure what time  we have to be down to the motorhome ready   to disembark I suppose but let's go we'll find  out in due course won't we you got your own gym here   yeah you been on it yet no I'm not going on it  either and you can see how we're moving by the way   that one's rocking yeah I think that's the wind  blowing it though don't lose the camera over the side luckily now though thanks to Craig and Julie   we have got a spare camera if needed  so if he did lose it not that you'll   get this footage if you lost it would  you no it be in the camera no exactly woo windy we are on if we haven't  said it already the Salamanca which   I think is one of the newer ships uh with  Britney Ferries, it's quite a nice ship it's   um laid out quite well actually but look how smooth it is today really lovely quite scary actually  going to go over the edge we going down One More Level this  is level 9 so we might as well keep going just trying to see what doors you  can actually go through   we end up in the cabins I think yeah that  woman said on the level eight you could   get out the end of the thing yeah you can  go that go through the cabins do we want to going back down cabin after cabin after  cabin no no quite a few so they're not short   of cabins, if doing two nights is definitely  worth getting in because I wouldn't like to   have been in a reclining seat for two nights i'  have been knackered before I got there it's alright    on the way back I reckon even though with the  reserve seats they are in like a quiet room   but even still you can just imagine 10 people  snoring next to you and I ain't got me earplugs   I left them in the van right so we go through  now into the public area so public area this is   another Lounge in in there and this is the bar  we did have a couple of wines last night didn't we got to be done when you are on holiday yes  definitely, they even sell like tapas   and stuff like that so just see in through  this window I think they've got a deal so   three tapas a glass of wine white or  red not really my sort of thing though   no but we are going to grab a pint in a bit I think  so we're going to go downstairs in a minute you   got the information main restaurant um shop kids  play area and even a kennel yeah cuz one side of   the when you go on the step seven and you go out  one side this where you take your pets out and   they clean oh yes we've seen them closing it down  all the time the other side it is not so let's go   get on there just through there is the restaurant  um we got different menus here actually we got   we can see what um have to excuse the flashing  yeah okay so we're probably looking around 20 25   I think yeah I'm not sure how good this is coming  out on camera cuz it's flashing um but yeah that's   through there the restaurant so we had to book in  there for tonight it looks good actually so hang on   main call dessert Buffet 25 euros so you got starter Main  and dessert 30 euros which for being on a ferry ain't too   bad is it that's what we going to do tonight  then starter main and dessert the buffet style that   one I think here next to all the life jacket  information you've got the spa I think that's   closed at the moment I'm not sure but that's  got a little bit of a be quiet on the outside   you can walk out here can't you you can walk out  there yeah that the side of was on next to the   other side yeah going have a look anyway yeah  let going to have a look anyway the life boats there and I believe it's the other side that you take  your pets on yeah they do have pet cabins yeah that's right back through the heavy doors we go through  here is your information center and stuff like   that so you got your information desk just  there another chill out area and the duty   free shop just here we got a fair bit in prices  are all right um they're a bit cheaper than if   you was at home and that's just all through  there little bit of information of what's   on board so you have got some entertainment  it looks like even karaoke there for the kids and different timings so you got different  talks and stuff like that on different decks so   not bad really keep you entertained on your  travels anyway but if you want your bubbly   plenty of that perfumes pretty much the  normal dutyfree stuff isn't it really I think   you got an entertainment bit here so what  I see here there's a different um   maybe for kids I think performers so the next  show is at four yeah children's entertainer so   you got potty the Pirate Looks like a hand puppet  and that's uh pretty much behind the bar isn't it   yeah I think there's a cinema on here as well um  that you have to pay separately on oh look it's got   Spinnaker Tower from Portsmouth oh yeah oh yeah Portsmouth City full of history and there's the tower yeah we   once spent the top of this didn't we yeah well  I even put a little clip in of a picture I   took last night we went to the top of this at  a party you get a lift all the way up the back   all the way to the top there's two floors and  then you can go even one Higher and like from a   viewing point and then at the bottom there's  another bar yeah quite interesting I never made   it to the view point just going to the uh the  actual restaurant bit was enough for me just   through here is like the a la carte stuff I think so  you got all that there that's open pretty much all day yeah it's a bit cheaper main course  of the day 13 and half but it was okay   breakfast was all right wasn't it yeah yes  yeah Continental so you can have your pain au  chocolate your croissants and or your French bacon  definitely French bacon weren't English it's   getting a bit busy in here so I think we'll  pick you a bit later on yes so what did you   for same as you um that's the pork is it yeah  it looks really nice it is really well tried it   yet but does look really nice what you got there  then well I took a bit of a risk apparently this   is the light of the chef or dessert the light  of the chef is called Chef's Delight no not how   they say it I don't I don't know what it is um I  don't know chocolate Rasberry or something strong   is it got like raspberry in it or something  some really strong chocolate so I've gone for apple   tart and double cream which is nice but look  at that Sun out there we have got a good seat here, Taste a bit I will do in a bit   [Music] good morning so I've just been to the vending  machine get a coffee it's 20 past 5 UK time now um   so 20 past 6 Spanish time we are due to dock in about  an hour and a half morning we are nearly here   it's a bit blowy out here but we seem to be the  only ones up on top deck um and yeah so just over   there see all the mountains now um within  the next hour we're going to be arriving so exciting it's it's warmish but it is only early  it's 7:00 UK time no 6:00 UK time yes so 7 :00   Spanish time right now yeah so the sunrises  in about a half hour the proper Sunrise anyway   um it's lovely there's a few people Milling  around now and they've been playing a tune to   get everyone up and into your cabin into cabins  and stuff I didn't know they did that but that's   luckily it's only like harp kind of music and not like drum and base or anything in other words get up we're nearly   there did you sleep all right then last night  I slept okay yeah woke up now again think I woke you    up with my phone yeah big bright light in the  room no I woke up about half past 3 and it took me   ages to get back to see but I think I went back  to sleep an hour before my alarm went off which is   probably standard for me when that happen I'm okay  I'm excited I just waiting for that Sunshine now   yeah so we're going to go and sort our stuff out  and then get ready to get back to the motor home   I suppose yeah and disembark so let's go do that  one wish it did look like that out there today   well it's a bit early maybe when the sun's  up it might right we've just been asked   to get a move on so grab me bag they want  us to wait in different room don't they   yeah yeah up near um the information  room right so let's go just put in there you ready I'm ready yeah let's do it got passports yeah [Music] so we've arrived at our next destination we got  off the ferry fine it was a bit of hustle and   bustle getting off there with all the vehicles  so we didn't get chance to film it through the   security or anything not really not really it's  quite bumpy the ramp getting off actually rattled   the van a bit but um it was quite flat so that  was right yeah you'll definitely hear your cutlery   rattling getting off um but no it was fine um  we just put in a park up about an hour and a half   away from the port um we're going to stay here  for one night it's just a car park we'll show   you properly on the next Vlog yeah um there  is a place we can visit near it um but it is   a one night stop only uh we'll have a look  at what we can do for moving forward from   here yes definitely yeah and um well thank  you to everyone that's um subscribed and   been supporting the channel and we will  catch two on the next one [ __ ] see you [Music]

2024-09-09 19:50

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