CRAZY ROASTED BBQ PARADISE Berkane and Oujda Street Food Tour

CRAZY ROASTED BBQ PARADISE  Berkane and Oujda Street Food Tour

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Peace be upon you! Bohemian Family! I hope you having a delicious day. It’s Mino and Amina. We are in Oriental region of Morocco. Oriental Morocco is not so highlighted for tourism.

But it is very attractive destination for foodies like us. Today are going to explore the exotic eastern Moroccan street food in Oujda and Berkane. Are you ready?? Yalla! These are olives with sauce? / Yes. We visited this place about half a year ago.

And I fell in love with their lovely roasted dishes. This time I took my whole family to share delicious food of Oujda. This is a serious place. These guys are roasting everything. Always exceeds my expectations! Is this a rabbit? / Yes. Lamb Head! Be careful with your hands.

Look at these roasted lamb’s heads. That’s spicy gravy. He is pouring special onion and olive sauce over roasted young chickens.   Oh it’s a whole lamb barbecue! Look at the smoky spicy juice from the barbecue.

I don't know how big this oven is.  But there's still a lot of food pouring out of this magical oven. Rustic oven trays are stacked on top of each other just like a work of art. Look at these beautiful stuffed chickens. What is this? /Zente of Cow Zente? What is Zente? Ah Ox tales! You still have something? He is collecting the gravy from the yummy turkey drum sticks.

What's this? Beef Tripes with chickpeas. It's also roasted in the oven? / Yes everything is roasted. This is a young chicken. White beans with cow's head This is Lamb head. This is a roasted lamb.

This is a turkey thigh. And Tanjia! What kind of tanjia? Beef Mrouzia I love Tanjia! Our chef decorates the tanjia with roasted sesames and walnuts. It's a quail tanjia. Oh these are so tiny! Look at these tiny little quails. Cow feet This is a satan's chili! Ah it's so hot!! In the name of God. It’s super crispy and tasty.

So yummy! Hergma aka frakech! Look at this! This is one of my favorite food in Morocco. There're chickpeas inside. Look at this. It comes out. Look at this. I love this soft jelly-like texture.

It’s like a roasted spicy jelly. Is this a leg? / Yes. So tiny! This is oven baked oxtail.

It looks so tender. So tender! Look at this. It's chili sauce.

Oh it's sweet! Super yummy! Let me try the bone marrow. Everything is tender here! Look at this. Lamb's head How can I eat this? The head is the most delicious part. It's so tender.

Tasty! Lamb's head and chili are perfect match. Look at these small legs. Okay I will check it out. Tasty and juicy! But I need chili.

They are famous chili couple. Yeah spicy! Getting hot! Let's try this. So smooth and fragrant, perfect spice. So good!

Peace be upon you. How are you brother? Thank God. The Boudan is still good? Boudan How's your health? / Thank God. These are Oujda Boudan the spicy beef organ sausages. Oujda is famous for these thick and tasty sausages. You can find a lot of boudan sandwich sellers in the souk of Oujda.

The gravy looks amazing. Thank you. It's very hot. Look at this. I really miss this food since I tried this first time. So yum! Boudan / It contains rice inside.

It taste like spicy beef sausage filled with rice. Let me have one spleen sandwich. Tehan Where have you been? Many places.

Pakistan, Turkey and now I'm in Morocco. That's good. / Thank God. Small one or big one? / Small one please. This brothers sells tasty lamb spleen sandwiches as well. Oh special gravy sauce!! So yummy! Tasty! We came to Berkane to meet the master baker Mustafa. Peace be upon you.

How are you? Mustafa is an Italian baker living in Berkane. He makes everything with his special Italian pizza dough. Cream cheese in the burger dough! So this is for burger? He rolls the dough with cornmeal and then put them in a special rotate oven. I’ve never seen such a genius wood fire oven like this. I love this smell of fresh baked bread. What is this? This is fresh cream.

Mozarella Chicken Ham (No pork) Potato Caramelized onions I love to watch this rotate oven. He puts the burger and panini back in the oven to reheat them slightly. Bravo! Thanks a lot. / For your health. It's so creamy.

This bread is so yummy! Look at this. It's cheesy and smoky. No kidding. There is cream cheese inside of burger bun.

The burger bun is crazy delicious! The bread is so chewy! Yummy! Our chef mustafa going to show us delicious food in Berkane. Peace be upon you. This Berkane orange juice is famous, right? Yes it's famous. Berkane is the neighboring city of Oujda.

and the city is famous for its sweet oranges. It's not just sweet, it's very refreshing as well. I love this bitter sweet taste. Mustafa took us to a small village Fezouane. Lot’s of people came here to try famous herbal snail soup and organic tagine.

Peace be upon you. how are you? Oh Tajine? What kind of famine do you have? We have chicken, beef tajine. Welcome! / Thanks.

Chicken with onion and raisin. Turkey, Ribs, Kefta.... And also sardine, juice and tea...

Snails from here? / Yes always. Snails are big. Welcome to Dar darkom. Welcome. there're a lot of herbs in it like tyeme, pennyroyal, mint... 10 diffrent herbs? / More, 13 diffrent herbs. Let me try this herbal snails.

You have to twist it to take it completely. Just like this. It’s chewy and tasty. Look at this thick soup. I'm going to dip this one in herbal soup. Mustafa's friend Abdelqadr and his family joined us for brunch.

For your health. I can take it out easily. It’s so sweet, tender and savory. So good! No.1!! Do you like Moroccan Tajine or Italian? This one is better.

Is there a source from underground? Yes, there's a source here in Fezouane. This water is hot spring. People drink this water for kidney. Here is the place of the water. Many people were waiting for their turn to get the warm spring water. It's warm! People say this is very good for health.  

This is a proven spring water to increase kidney health.   Drink this kind of medical water with this special cup.   This is cup made by clay and paint it with wood tar. I'm going to take this water for my mom. Peace be upon you. This is sausages.

We went to the market in Oujda to buy some Boudan. Is this tube is from lamb? Yes, it is lamb's intestine. Cow's intestine is for Boudan. How big it is! Look at the size of beef leg! This is beef? / Yes. But it doesn't look like ordinary one. So big! It's huge! This one is also big.

Not really. It's lamb. / Yes. I love the lively atmosphere of the morning market. Peace be upon you. How are you? What are you doing now? I'm making Boudan. What's the ingredients? It contains liver, tripe, rice and spices...

How much kilogram of all? Total 25 Kg. Paprika powder and which spices? It contains all spices. This is cumin powder. and just a little bit of salt He is mixing organs with rice and spices and add some water to make it firm. Wow he is making a giant ball.

Another giant ball! People use cow’s intestine to make thick Boudan in Oujda. What's your name? / Mohammed. Master of Boudan! He rolls up sausages and stuffs them in a large tray.

Finally, he completes the making of three large trays of Boudan.   And sending his boudan to a local oven bakery. He’s collecting sausages and stuffed spleens from market.  and deliver them to local wood oven bakery.

He invited us to show the oven place. Look at these beautiful stuffed lamb spleens. This is traditional wood oven. / Yes. How old is this bakery? It's 70 years old. You roast everything? Boudan, bread so on... Yes, Whole wheat bread peanut, meat and boudan...

You are the master! Bastilla and everything. / Sounds great! 1 hour and a half from now? Yes, you can come after an hour. Peace be upon you. How are you doing? What are you doing now? Is this a donut? We came here to get some donuts for breakfast.

Peace be upon you. I’m a big fan of Moroccan broad bean soup, Bissara. This is olive oil. with cumin? / Yes.

and chili? / Good! Long time no eat Bissara! I missed bisara so much I love to eat bisara with fried donuts. This is very special. Deep-fried donuts dipped in thick broad bean soup. It’s the best breakfast. Peace be upon you.

These are all Kaak? / Yes we have. Is this a Kaak? / No, this is Hilal. And this? These are sesame one. Yummy! It's so crispy and buttery. Let me have a half kilogram each.

A half kilogram is enough. You should try local cookies when you come to Oujda. After breakfast, we returned to the bakery.

It’s time to take the boudan out. Look at the color of boudan! This bakery is full of the amazing smell of roasted sausages. I’m just so hungry. This is Tehan. It's so big! It's done or not? / Not yet.

Those are super size stuff beef spleens. It’s time to go back to the market. We are going back with a full cart of sausages. It was a great journey of boudin in Oujda.

Try this. Thanks. I love this spicy beef organ sausage! No need for rice or bread as it already contains steamed rice. Let me have one kilogram please. you

2021-09-17 11:23

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