CRAZY MARKET SPREE in Siem Reap, Cambodia

CRAZY MARKET SPREE in Siem Reap, Cambodia

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what time you close 10:00 10:00 it's okay you  keep the dollar thank you so much Aon thank   you you're so nice what's your name my name you  tip me a that's cute you don't tip me a now you   now you now your holid day I'm happy yeah yeah  when you go back working like that money when   you go money I know that one's a little bit too  expensive for me though to be honest because it's   handmade not missing me you see it's handmade in  China Cambodian make oh not China not China you   don't like Chinese in Cambodia I like but not  not Chinese quality exactly Chinese shoppers   but not Chinese quality you like Chinese money  but you're not well how much does something like   that cost this one $18 down for you 15 good  day guys from seim RE Cambodia now right now   it's actually noon and I decided to head out on  a little market spree right now after lunch so I   actually had a late breakfast lunch and it gave  me the motivation I needed to get out in this   heat and start walking around and do a little  bit of exploring for you guys so right now it's   actually 35° C about yeah close to 100° fahit it  is extremely humid it is hot as hell there's not   really much movement going on but I figure why  not let's head on to the Old Market and go on a   little market spree and see what we come across so  yeah here's the top prom Hotel looks pretty nice   a pharmacy at night this entire Boulevard gets  lined up with street food all the way down into   the roundabouts but right now yeah there's only  a few stalls here and then of course the night   market is on the other side of the river which  to be honest with you guys I've never explored   however the hotel I'm moving to later on this  week is actually on that side of the river so   we'll be exploring it for sure and maybe going on  another little uh Market hunt in the pin on pen   or Sim reap night markets but yeah guys beautiful  day it is very much active I noticed a lot of of   foreigners right now inside all of the cafes and  restaurants everybody's pretty much hiding out   from the sun right now I don't know if you guys  have um been here before but it gets incredibly   hot during the day and if you're going to visit  sites like anchor Watts or any other tourist sit   you really want to go and knock those things out  early in the morning or closer to sunsets because   theying the middle of the day it is brutal to  be walking around so yeah it looks like along   this side there's a little bit more uh food carts  actually there's juices Beverages and then this   here is the Old Market so what's up bro um this is  where we're going to be doing our shopping today   and this area or this Market specifically is super  cool because well they saw a lot of like souvenirs   a lot of um Cambodian yeah Cambodian souvenirs  traditional C codian clothing or whatnot and all   of the people in here are used to um tourists so  the bargaining is quite fun so let's see what we   get our hands on and let's see who talks to us  first now the budget for this video well let's   be honest um I got about 150 on me however I'd  prefer to not spend all of that so um there's   not really a budget but figured I'd throw that on  out there because well every time we do a market   video you guys always have or there's usually  always a budget involved hello I am all right   it looks like this shop here is a little bit  busy you know what let's let's walk down the   other direction and then we'll start diving on in  but yeah a lot of traditional uh souvenirs hello hello yeah I'm looking the shop today do you  want to take my money yeah I want okay what are   you selling is business slow today did you just  open open what time you open morning 7:00 7:00   you've been out here okay you got good prices  yes all right what do you recommend what's the   best souvenir in Cambodia all of these are good  souvenirs okay well can you show me some things   what are these keychains key chain Cambodian  keychains anchor Watts plates this here is   Anchor Watts little um Temple statue oh man these  are beautiful this is Buddha yes I don't know how   I didn't know that but there's just so many buddh  how many Buddhas is there there's there's many huh   many many okay um let me see what do you have over  here oh these are coasters these are beer coasters   how much are these $5 $5 for one yes okay that  does look cool but for you three but for me three   yeah why do I get discounts a discount for you  you gave me a good discount okay Cambodian people   love to do discounts yes okay those are nice you  make yourself yeah no I or someone else I bought   I bought oh you buy everything okay you're honest  I like that some people tell me they make oh yeah   that one is cool okay well you know what I don't  think I I needed a beer coozie but I mean I guess   who doesn't need a beer kozi right okay I'll take  one yes thank let me do one and um let me see do   you have any magnets yes those are magnets okay  oh These are nice how much are this one $1 $1 yes   okay let me do this and that $4 $4 okay thank you  of course thank you why not let's buy a magnet and   a little beer koozie and we'll kick it off okay  so that is like how many thousand in real 16,000   16,000 yes okay let's see 16,000 real yes man  I'm sweating so much you have 10 it's very hot   today yeah there you go okay I change $1 back  thank you thank you so much thank you so much   what time you close 10:00 10:00 it's okay you  keep the dollar thank you so much Aon thank you   you're so nice what's your name my name Guang  Guan gu Guan beautiful name Chris nice to meet   you enjoy your day okay hello how are you how are  you guys no fine no money you don't want no money   I give you money yeah but let me buy something is  this your shop yeah okay how much how much money   you want today I want from you $10 tip for me $10  tip for you okay sell me something and I give you   a good tip what's your name my name I Love Money  forever your name is I love money yeah oh that's   a nice name I know your name what's my name your  name you have money you hear this I like this I   like this this is my kind of shop okay what do you  have to sell SC for your mom scarf for my mom okay   how much is a scarf for my mom five for you five  for me yeah but what about my what about because   I have money $100 oh okay okay okay no no no I  like the special price okay5 Che my friend what   color you like $5 not cheap oh come on come  on I seen I seen those that's I seen those in   pin on pin $1 $1 yeah yeah okay for looking $1  for looking you're funny you're funny okay you   know what um yeah show me some other models you  got other beautiful ones they're beautiful like   me wow wow that one is beautiful like you yeah I  like that one sexy color sexy color well one for   you one for your girlfriend okay you have go are  you trying to investigate right now are you doing   investigating work right now now where you from  I do have girlfriend you from United States um   I am from the United States yes your accent you  like my accent I like your accent you sound you   have American accent no yeah you do you speak good  English my English speak like a cow you speak like   a cow I've never heard that one before I sound  also like a cow are you from SIM re I'm from SIM   okay okay well you know what I like these I like  these and I like you okay you're aome you're an   awesome saleswoman let me take this one okay no  more finish um what else you want to sell me oh   I said you want to sell me everything yeah I want  money so I sell anything okay okay how much are   these how many you want these are beautiful these  are coasters right for drink for drink um maybe   five piece like that 10 $10 no discount come on  man come on man all right all right all right all   right I'll give you $10 how many is it in real how  much real 40,000 40,000 how old are you how old   are me how old do I look 18 18 she's laughing look  she doesn't mean that oh come on man I'm I'm 29 oh   younger than me no way you look 20 you look very  young 31 31 wow wow wow no money eat so I cannot   grow up you guys hear this here you go I Che you  yeah you keep 5,000 give me five okay all right   you earned a good tip yeah she said I can't eat  so I can't grow oh man that's why I knew coming   out here was a good idea but yeah beautiful  shops right guys I got some coasters I got a   beer koozie and yeah now we'll be well on our way  how many you have girlfriend one girlfriend 6 I'm   sexy yeah oh thank you how many girlfriends do you  think I should have you hands some more than one   more than one I have one you tip me a that's cute  you don't tip me a now you now you now your holid   day I'm happy yeah yeah when you go back work like  that money when you go money I know it's because   you take all my money and you never told me your  real name what's your real name oh ATM you know   where the ATM is okay I see you later okay thank  you a oh what a lovely girl man she was funny so   that's definitely the kind of Vibes that I wanted  to run into today we haven't even made it inside   the market yet all right let's start wandering  on inside but yeah look so many different vibrant   souvenirs vibrant bags out here a lot of paintings  wow these are beautiful hello hello how are you   I'm fine how's your business today not good  really yeah does everybody say that or it's   really not good but really today so quiet you see  why I wonder why because everybody partied last   night yeah it's Saturday because the morning they  they go to see like the temple in the evening they   come at oh okay so later you make money I don't  know too okay yeah you never know you never know   hopefully huh well today you're going to make  money I'm here yeah okay all right what's your   name my name Pim Pim yeah nice Chris nice to meet  you um I want to look at your art yeah you don't   make these right you buy and my my brother made  it your brother makes these Arts okay what is the   prices for the art uh I want something small to  be honest those are very beautiful actually how   much will something like that cost the bigger one  sometime I sell 120 but we make a little bit more   discount and it's all made by hand yes wow that is  beautiful you know this one is a ie color pen you   can wash with the water or you can clean something  El it's never mind for the color really so you can   clean it like clean the dust off and nothing will  happen yeah it's nothing how many hours does it   take for something like that to make to make I  think it's not hour it's a day one day or two   day for one painting like the big one wow yeah  and what is that painting of which one that's a   floating village yeah that is a floating V is me  oh that's the one that everybody goes to huh I've   never been there I need to go you should go in I'm  going to go yeah thank you okay can you show me um   like a small painting yeah of course yeah I need  something small I want to support your business   oh thank you so much of course this one oh like  this one they have unle Temple oh that one is   beautiful we have two color these oh I like those  man I like this one too these are like the monks   in the middle the Monk and black and white this  one they're not tough of the color this one is   a sunrise and that is a sunset we have two kind  sunrise and Sunset what do you what do you like   sunrise or Sunset better I like sun sunrise sunre  yeah you she likees sunscreen that's so funny   okay yeah I like sunscreen too I need to use more  and then you have to take her go with you because   you like sunscreen also oh so I have to take  her with me yes oh man that's a crazy package   that's a crazy good deal huh okay um well how  much does something like that cost this one $18   $1 I down for you 15 15 you because you like me  yeah I like you a you guys are so sweet yeah you   work here as well is this your sh different  shop okay I'll come and buy from you next okay okay um so 15 man I don't know how I feel  about this one right now do you have anything   for $10 the smaller one that one's for $10 let me  see the same one but the small side oh man that is   beautiful yeah the same I like the long one though  yeah oh man you can see the texture on it huh what   is this oil oil color painting oil color painting  okay you know what and what about these ones this   one is O also but not you cannot juice with the  water that one oh okay so it's different quality   yeah the the oil color painting also but the color  is not the same that is the best one inoran of the   color that one yeah that is number two even you  can clean it but not put the long time like one   year there color come out but this one is not  one year you can put like 10 years it's never   mind for the color 10 years okay all right well  you know what um let me take the small one I'll   take the small one do you have any other style  this size small one have like the mon like of   the Mon oh yeah that's yeah I like the monk which  one do you think is better though up to you need   everybody's different huh I need that one I like  that one yeah okay I take that one I'll take that   one okay I wrap no Pap for you yeah please please  wrap that up for me thank you where you from I'm   from the United States California and you cambod  yeah but Cambodia from SIM reap or where yeah and   Sim oh that's at the country side you're from  the you're from a village yeah what's the name   of your village no Village no NOCO Village NOCO  KRA Village wow they nearly off the UN one and   how many years have you lived in Sam rape City  now three years three years you like it yeah of   course yeah it's a nice place huh yeah a lot of  tourists too I'm I'm just come to work even I'm   live I'm going back at my home oh really yeah  it's uh 15 kilm oh not fast not far not far not   so far but very quiet when the evening they not  have a lot of people going back okay just one   mot or two Moto it's not so many oh so you got to  make sure you catch the right ride yeah okay okay   they tell you like that we would like to have one  man to take care of her she wants to find a man to   take her home yeah take care yeah because she she  scared every night so far you oh you get scared   going home yeah of course but you want you want to  you want to find a man to take you to the Village   or to take you away from the village take care  always doesn't matter it doesn't matter village   Village or not but you have to have a good heart a  like Cambodian people good Hearts huh but not men   Cambodia not men Cambodia always be just divorc  her also divorc oh you're divorced yeah yeah of   course wow six years ago 6 years ago you look 20  years old 26 years old oh I'm 29 right now you   are my brother from another mother yeah yeah and  you how old 42 42 oh you look 20 I'm I give you   for phing oh okay all right we can hold together  thank you thank you yeah so um I owe you 40,000   for that one yeah there you go yeah thank you so  much so 10,000 real for tip 10,000 real for tip   man smooth Smooth Operator Smooth Operator yeah  I like the way you guys talk here you guys know   exactly what you're doing yeah you know exactly  how to take my money I don't mind giving it to   you that is a 10,000 re thank you so much yeah  thank you thank you I'll come back and see you   again before I leave thank you yeah okay thank you  thank you so much beautiful shop yeah I appreciate you you again yeah I'll I'll see you again  okay now time to come to my friend shop how   are you I'm fine not yet all fine you're fine  you're fine huh once I buy you're better more   fine okay all right what are these I like that  you like that what what is it oh I know what it   is but it's a slingshot yeah slingshot oh okay  very nice nice yeah it is very nice you should   buy one for your friend I should buy one for my  friend how much are one of those $7 $7 I think   if I go to immigration in the airport they're  going to be like my friend what is this sure   but this one clean shot maybe okay okay okay  well let me look around what else do you have   I want something Cambodian all thing is Cambodian  everything's Cambodian you got this shirt for you   oh that one is nice huh 100% cont this look good  on you yeah but this one's made in China Cambodia   in Thailand they have the same one Vietnam same  same maybe they take from Cambodia maybe they take   from it is I know because make in for Village  100 really 100% okay okay and how much does a   shirt like that cost 12 $112 yeah1 oh man it is  beautiful I think I've had one like this before   you have okay something for table cloths table  cloths oh okay good for you Mom oh these ones   are beautiful it's like Cambodian color huh dark  red is why you know because I love Cambodia I know   maybe you have Cambodia girlfriend not yet not  yet not that I know okay you buy this one then   after I find it for you so if I buy that you find  me girlfriend yes oh sounds like a perfect deal I   don't know if my girlfriend's going to like  that one but it sounds sounds like a great   combination is cambod okay all right wow this is  beautiful I like this how much is something like   this this one's 3 because it's a sale oh $355  okay hello 35 okay that one's a little bit too   expensive for me though to be honest because it's  handmade not missing made you see it's handmade in   China Cambodian make oh not China not China you  don't like Chinese in Cambodia I not but not not   Chinese quality exactly Chinese shoppers but not  Chinese quality you like Chinese money but you   know yeah I like Chinese money when come to buy  something they check everything after they Bain   lost oh really the first we tell the price they  don't and see you found the best customer today   because I don't know how to bargain I just give  my money okay and I make you done high price good   price for you good price yeah because I'm happy  you come to my store yeah look you got nice gold   necklace diamond diamond diamond diamond it's not  real it's Cofe it's copy it looks real it looks   good $8 only $8 yeah oh it's beautiful a lot of  here right here you bought it this up yeah here   that's very nice I like it no but it's cute it's  cute um okay let me see something what what do   what do you have what do you have around um $10  range many things I know I know see scarf soft SK   silk scarf ooh that one has anchor W on it huh  yeah man that is beautiful you can wrap around   this one easy too oh yeah that one's nice yes  you can to Mi okay but that one's not $10 right   that one's five more than 10 really you fear the  material all right let me f the material the one I bought oh it feels different it feels different  100% you're right you're right it feels different   number two6 yeah number two $6 but it's different  Quality Soft silk Cambodian surf different oh yeah   yeah big difference yeah you feel the difference  okay hi huh which color okay let me do so how   many how many how many um real 40,000 40,000  you do 30,000 I buy from you right now that's   good price you know the price is 60,000 but you  asked me the same $10 so I happy to sell that   to you come on I I I know real price I know real  price I'm Cambodian I'm Cambodian do I look do I   look Cambodian sure sure and that's like no no not  like here not with the beard huh beard gone maybe   Cambodia and with the Cambodia woman look more  Cambodian you want to give me a Cambodian woman so   bad because you good man I look good handsome oh  thank you you know what 40,000 if she says you're   handsome you give her 40,000 okay okay that's how  we do business thank you so much a new one in the   plastic and no chain 10 for T oh 10 for t now I  win you all come on that's expensive not expensive   I give you a young one but see if you come here  single you can give her 10,000 tip and then she   finds you a Cambodian wife and then it's a it's a  good deal you get Cambodian wife and a scarf for $10 yeah yeah she said she said sure because  C once you once you get a Cambodian woman it   gets expensive life gets expensive huh with  Cambodian wife no you should choose not not   Always Money always you have to find your hearts  huh yeah you're right you're right yeah true so   chain or no chain you see how she does the  business man I'm telling you they're sleazy   you know what 5,000 okay I give you five it's  fair I give you you know why because you made   my video amazing okay all right deal let's  go you oh man I'm giving tips out everywhere   money goes by fast in Cambodia if you cannot go  back you should sleep in here yeah might as well   leave my money here huh yeah if you spend always  your money not enough go back you hello how are you okay thank you so much thank you so much thank  you for everything thank you take care okay see   you next time yeah good luck for you thank you  thank you all right let's keep walking so yeah   that was quite funny but um yeah I always find  it quite confusing when you hand out real and   then you you get dollars back because right now  I'm pretty sure I still lost like 50 cents out   of that transaction uh maybe later thank you but  yeah let's walk let's do a little bit of walking   around before we actually dive on in to somewhere  shopping or else hello hello or else I feel like   this video is going to end quite fast because  yeah I don't know how much money we've spent so   far but it's been fun it's been good fun and I  want to spend more so let's keep walking around hello you have t-shirt my size yeah what's the  price for your t-shirts I made you $5 $5 yeah   the quality and good those are good quality made  in Cambodia yeah made in Cambodia I I have your   side I have extra large how' you know it was  extra large you call me fat not fat because   big big because C people small I know okay she's  so sweet I'm not fat I'm I'm just a little bit   bigger okay I like that um you know what to be  honest I don't want a t-shirt I don't want a   shirt I'll buy something else from your shop  but I don't want a shirt I'm sorry you don't   want a shirt no because you know I have too  many shirts yeah so let me buy something else   what else do you sell that's beautiful what is  this this one lip bom lipstick oh it's lipstick   in a coconut yeah coconut and how much is this  this one $5 for one oh that's expensive you take   two I made you eight two for five oh two for  eight you can oh two for two for five opening   sale for customer I'm I've been everybody's  first customer yeah customer okay please two   for six oh man you're breaking the bank here  you're breaking the bank and you buy the fan   one like this oh and then I feel good oh man  that makes a world of a difference huh cold not   hot I like that yeah you can take one um is that  Chinese not Chinese Cambodian Cambodian okay yeah   nothing in this Mark is Chinese huh not Chinese  in cambod okay okay you know what um two for five two for six how much is $6 in real 24,000  real 24,000 real okay can well I guess it's a   coconut lipstick right coconut lipstick have  mango smell also mango smell lass Jasmine that   one Jasmine okay okay yeah you know what um  what do you want me to buy oh have a lot of   elephant okay yeah all right well you know what  um maybe how much is the fan $3 $3 okay let me   do one fan One coconut lipstick 40,000 or you  take two no just one one 4 3,000 yeah that's   a good deal come on coconut you take coconut  yeah coconut that's good price and this one   that's good price huh this one what color  you want green um purple purple that way it   reminds me of you yeah because I'll be like oh  that's the one she used to cool me off when I   was dying yeah and a lot many elephant you want  no just those two and some sort glass like this   very nice that is very nice I like that yeah  so painting my hand okay shot glass fan this um wait what did I say how much you said $5 right  for the fan and the Coconuts yeah $5 yeah that is   20,000 righty 20,000 real 40,000 40,000 40,000  $11 $4,000 $10 $111 $111 this one together $15   you can for no that's expensive I think I said the  wrong price in the beginning okay that's expensive   here I do I do these two um these two for six  like man I'm so confused between the real and   the dollar oh no I'm going crazy right now in  my head I think you're confusing me two 20,000   24 I made you 24,000 yeah all right 24,000 deal  just those too and this one only 12,000 $3 yeah   but just this one oh yeah together only $9 oh  man and you okay you take all only the best pry   40,000 all everything oh too low too low that's  $11 because this one $9 already yeah and then   $2 for the cup pting my hand cannot $2 don't have  $2 okay look sorry I'll just do these two not the fan man it's cuz you guys are so nice it's hard  to walk away man they get you good you know let   let me just do these two please I just take  these two okay together I gave you 40,000 I   offered you 40,000 for everything only 48 the  I have a little profit really 48,000 real only2   yes but I don't I I won't have more money to  continue only1 okay all right all right let   me do it let me do it you got me you got me  you know what you're a good saleswoman how   many years you work here how many years  you work here 14 years 14 years wow no   wonder you're so good at this see she sold  me everything I came for for one thing she   sold me half the shop you always sell more items  huh you're good you're very good holy a little T it's okay luckily luckily I'm the  first customer so in comedy handmade   oh cool that's very nice you want to take  one more no no no no just just these ones   please thank you what's your name my name  PG PG P PG Chris my name Chris Grace nice   to meet you yeah nice to meet you  and where are you from um America California and you took my money thank you kitchen  right 2000 Keep Change keep the change okay yes   all right can you put this in my can you put  this in my bag oh sorry can you put this in my   bag enough almost done with my shopping today I  have a lot of color no gift for me more no gift   come on you got to give me a nice gift give this  one give you one you give that to me yeah oh thank   you you're so kind thank you it's my favorite  souvenir in Cambodia yeah thank you thank you   thank you so much you too thank you how about me  how about you what do you want I have t-shirt for   you no today tomorrow oh that is a nice shirt no  tukk today tomorrow you need that in seam reap   all the Tuk Tok drivers keep asking you for ride  how much is that one I might only five only five   that's very expensive not expensive because you  you the bigger size also did you call me fat no   you lucky size I'm lucky size I like that Buddha  size I have XL also for you so Buddha's not fat   yeah Buddha not fats no Buddha fat Buddha I have  also you see Lucky Buddha oh Lucky Buddha yeah   you are Lucky Buddha I'm I'm like I'm like skinny  Buddha yeah skinny you handsome size I'm handsome   size too skinny no good huh yeah not too skinny  and not too fat you the normal size okay I'm I'm thick okay um please I have color more and I have  you have black yeah black color two XL okay um no   two XL because yeah because Cambodian size small  when I wash this one 2 XL this one's 2 XL when I   wash it's going to come down a bunch I already  know you stay here have friend not hot I don't   want you to hot my store oh I want you to be cold  my St oh thank you thank you you're so sweet this   too oh that's very big huh I think it's too big  for you I think you'll be okay okay and you want   to see other color more I want a black one okay  thank you what's your name my name s suai yeah   beautiful name and you my name is Chris Chris nice  to meet you nice to meet you suai you have a nice   shop I like it but yeah this shirt I actually  found quite funny so you know what why not we   we'll buy a little a shirt I don't have black no  you don't have black wait a moment how about blue   no change your mind I don't like blue wait a  moment okay no no no it's okay you know what   um I'll take blue thank you so much yeah why not  I want to help your business today am I the first   customer yeah you put customer opening sale you  are the bring Lucky in my store everybody says   that don't believe every everybody believe me  okay I like your earrings those are very nice   yeah thank you all right you want to buy earring  for your girlfriend I have also this one I just   wear from here oh you had those ones from you  sell the ones you're wearing yeah I oh I like   that you wear your product oh yeah these are  beautiful yeah you know what though not really   my girlfriend's style though oh man those are  beautiful okay you take that I make good pry   only $3 only $3 are you from SIM RP yeah Sim  R here man very beautiful place I like it no   just took TI shirt just took tick shirt not  this one one more no I'm okay thank you I'll   just do a tic tick shirt some ciss SC for your  girlfriend I already have two really yeah in   here yeah no have yeah I do have in in the black  bag I bought a scarf right now I've been shopping   from everybody oh I thank you you are so kind  yeah I'm trying to be kind sometimes it's hard   to be kind yeah but when I meet people like you  it's easy because you're so friendly thank you   okay I got a question I got a question you have  to you have to be honest look I have a question   for you are you friendly because you're selling  or you always friendly I'm always friendly not   only sell okay all right $5 I'll do that one I'll  just do one how about this one for your girlfriend   this very nice soft and light simple for neutral  young girl for neutral Young girl ni H that does   look nice so pretty how much is something like  that $5 only $5 only I have more color here you   see I have a lot of color yeah those are beautiful  huh you kind to me those are so nice I like them   okay no just Tu Tok shirt please yeah 40 there  you go for to oh no no no that's for both yeah   no you know what let me just do no I don't want  the scarf I don't want the scarf here just the   shirt just a shirt just a shirt yeah thank you I  I I mean you if you take together I make only uh   30,000 30,000 for everything yeah everything one  SC and one 25 25 and I do it no okay just one just   one she said nope I'm taking my money thank you  thank you dude thank you guys I hope you have a   nice day today today I hope more people come  to shop from you 30,000 good pry really it's   very nice you know I believe you but really I  just need the shirt okay I put that's going to   save my life in seam R because all the Tuk Tik  drivers oh you buy the UNC what yeah you see I   bought aot but not plan one this one plan I know  but I have too many now maybe you take the the bag   like this to uh I have one for my grandma already  carry shopping more okay okay better than plastic   it's better than plastic yeah you you need save  the turtles huh yeah buy one elephant bag to put   your stuff okay okay yes only5 not big I'll come  back I'll come back okay I'll come back later this week I wish you a good day okay yeah than thank  you so much have a nice day thank you thank you   so much see you next time see you next time  you want something come back my store okay I   I wait you here forever forever all right I'll  be back all right guys well to be honest with   you man I don't know how much money I spent  I definitely still got like I got like to be   honest I got like 200 bucks in my back pocket  but I've made it pretty far deep into um all   the money that I had for the market spree I  had separated like um $65 but I had1 I have   $150 in my back pocket that I'm willing  to spend in2 man I'm I'm super confused   actually let me double check my money  but yeah look so down here here I got like um yeah I got about $200 us left but I think  that's going to be the end for this little market   spree I think we're what are we we're at 40  minutes deep yeah I think this is going to be   the end but I think I'm coming back down here  definitely to do a part two but yeah you know   what we barely walked the markets let's come on in  here later on this week I'll come in here and do   some little eating in the old markets but yeah  this year is like where the food is being sold   or whatnot and then these are all the souvenir  shops but yeah let me know what you guys thought   of this video thank you so much and let me know  if you guys enjoyed it to be honest all of those   ladies yeah obviously I paid a ridiculous price  for everything but they put a smile on my face I   think they're going to put a smile on your guys's  face and to be honest they were superstars in my   videos so I don't mind paying them um to be a part  of this video and paying a little bit of extra but   definitely coming here and do your bargaining  because yeah what I spent on these items you   know it's a little bit expensive obviously for  most of you Americans watching on Europeans you   might not think it is but it is for this part of  the world and we spent I want to say like around   $70 on all of these items so not too bad I got  a lot of souvenirs a lot of really nice stuff   that I'm going to be taking home oh look this is  the jewelry area hello jewelry area of the market   thank you maybe later thank you I'll come back and  yeah I think I could have got this at all of a a   better of a price had I bargained but yeah there  was no need to bargain they were nice kind people   um the energy was good but yeah I still got quite  a bit of money on me so who knows maybe we'll rent   it back for a part two let me know if you guys  want to see a part two and then I'll come on down   here later on this week and we can definitely  make that happen you know what why not for the   sake of the video let's spend the last bit of  money that I have now the problem is is that I   don't have nowhere to actually prop this up hold  on give me a second guys I got 10,000 20,000 okay 30,000 you know man I got some bread still let's  let's let's let's jump in that place real quick   and let's spend some money why not let's buy a  couple more items and then we'll see what the   vibe is like hello how are you I'm fine thanks  to is this your jewelry shop you sell jewelry yes   okay how much are your bracelets bracelet yeah  $55 and this one big size and all like this $   small size $3 small size you can make smaller and  biger okay you make yourself you make my brother   make your brother makes okay my brother how old  are you 20 years old oh yeah you look very young   okay really yeah you look you look like 18 yeah  yeah thanks to yeah how old do I look how old do I   look 25 oh very nice very nice 29 29 okay well you  know what um let me see these bracelets are all   very cute made from CID and it's one from Silver  this is made from what silver silver yes you can   do every day you can take a you can color and no  problem oh oh man this is beautiful too FL inside   what's inside flowers yes wow those are beautiful  which one is your favorite which one's the best one I see like this you like that one yes yeah  that one is beautiful I agree beautiful that one   is nice huh very nice how you say beautiful  in uh Kamai beautiful kamayan stanan Stan   Stan yeah this one's ran okay you know what  I just don't like whites I think white gets   dirty very fast yes all right you know what I  take this one $5 right uh this one small size   $3 and one big size $5 okay okay you take  this one how much for two small small two   two $6 okay okay you know what let me do  I'll do this one just one one piece thank you no no bag no bag I have thanks J thank you   thank you okay so $3 how much real  12,000 12,000 real there's 5,000 10,000 like this uh this Oney oh here  this is 1,000 let me 10 for you 2,000   okay okay thank you thank you where  you from I'm from the United States   California and you Cambodia but Sim  I live I live in my bir oh okay okay awesome I don't know why I'm making her get the change  because I'm just going to let her keep it no   it's okay you keep it keep keep 2,000 keep  it's okay thank you thank you so much thank   you have a nice day okay uh no I just always  like to make sure that they're actually going   to hand me the change back before I let them  keep change everywhere I everywhere I am in   the world because there's some dishonest people  that would not give it to you but she was legit   about to go look for some change for me but  yeah very beautiful market tour guys you know   what maybe we got time for one more item over  here in this area let's see what we can get   our hands on these purses look really nice as  well they got some nice Cambodian hats these   are cool to be honest I could go for like a  nice traditional hat like this but yeah you   know what maybe that's it guys maybe that's  going to be the end of today's video I hope   you guys enjoyed oh I accidentally kicked that  out of the way hello you know what I'm going to   buy something now cuz now I feel bad that I  did that hello how are you I'm fine I got a   question I have 25,000 reels left what can I buy  something small I only have 25,000 left what can I buy oh don't forget your shoe oh those those are cute how much are these  this one what's price about 25,000 25 yes oh   man that's beautiful okay 25,000 hm that looks  nice what other styles you have you have more   Styles oh these ones pink red yellow okay let  me let me check my let me check my money real   quick so I got 20 10 15 oh man you know what  I don't have 25 left actually um I have 10 15 17 what can I buy with 17 can I buy magnets no  you buy okay I give you you give it to me yeah oh   thank you you didn't have to do that thank you  thank you so much how much are your magnets $1   for $1 okay so that is about 4,000 4,000 okay and  um what about these actually cuz I saw these at   the hotel yesterday how much are these $38 $38  but it's all wood yeah all wood okay man those   are beautiful I want one of those $38 yeah  you can pay how many hours does it take to   make one of these or days how long to make oh  man this is very heavy yeah that is beautiful not not this one's not heavy yes oh yeah that  one's lighter okay okay maybe I come back okay no not now about now I I'll come  back I'm going to be here for a week   thank you Aon thank you so much thank you  all right so I'm going to give this to my   niece hello how are you no Tu today  a littleit hot it's hot bro it's very hoty it's okay right now maybe maybe another  day thank you bro enjoy your relax enjoy your   day than all right well we're leaving the Old  Market and yeah I felt bad because I thought I   had 25,000 but I didn't I had 16 177,000 something  like that but yeah guys the whole conversion has   been throwing me off man I was just walking  through that market like hella confused and   then like there was even parts of those bargaining  like interactions where like I was offering more   money than they had initially started off at and  I was like wait Chris you got to chill man but   yeah we bought a lot of goodies we spent about  $75 $80 in there it was a good time and let me   know if you guys want to see a part two there's  still a whole another side of the market there's   still a bunch of markets over in that area  we're going to be doing a a lot of shopping   here in Cambodia because as you can tell it's a  super fun place to do so all right well for now   I'm going to go home relax for a little bit hide  out of the Heat and I'll see you guys later on   for another adventure from here in Sim reap later  guys you are always smarted I was the one to take

2024-03-29 07:00

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