oh that one's pimp I like that one touch you can touch okay this is just 200 how much 200 200 yeah oh man you want to try it I can do try it first okay let me try it let me try it is this all ceramic a ceramic ceramic okay it's hand work hand work it's not m in China no Chinese okay good we are against China we got to stay we got to keep them away bro they trying to take the whole world man the price yes how much this is one it for each oh bro that's more expensive than I I was paying earlier yeah how much can you spend good price no for I do 50 each one each one each one you kill me what's up everybody welcome back to another evening here in Marakesh now today I'm in the Medina I actually just got done filming a video exposing the scams for you here in the main square but I'm no longer going to talk about scams guys unless we do of course come across any more in this video but now it's time to show you guys all of the beautiful things that I love about Morocco like the medinas these are what keep having me coming back here they're so beautiful so vibrant and you find literally everything inside of these places wow look this is a cotton candy man I wonder if he's open hello sir are you are you open right now yes okay how much okay cool I want to try it thank you I've never tried a a cotton candy in Morocco before one uh one please I've never actually seen how they make cotton candy this is impressive how many years have you been doing this yes sir how many years you do cotton candy yes yes your your business your business yes so there's green blue purple or pink man that's such a cool little setup huh all right guys well we're going to have ourselves a little cotton candy and then we're going to jump on in but the goal for this video is to go on a crazy Market spree now I have $100 a th DIN and we're about to blow that here in this market and of course I'm going to support hardworking vendors just like just like these ones oh this is uh P palm palm bum palm tree palm tree da list no no English no English Frances Fran okay okay no good for me I need I need practice man no I need to learn French man I really do French is a beautiful language you can ask let's see how this works so he put the sh sugar inside of like this ooh wow oh it's starting to web up that's cool man man that's a pretty cool system huh so I think he's waiting for it to warm up before it starts spooling out a bunch of cotton candy all right let's see oh dang that's crazy that's awesome you know usually in in America we buy this already made I never get to see actually how they make it really that's pretty damn cool I've traveled the world and I've never seen how they make cotton candy imagine that unreal wow that's an incredible setup that's awesome youber youber is yes yes yes oh you put blue as well two colors very nice thank you sir very nice dang that is that's a big cotton candy too oh man it shoots out as well I just got hit by some of that what a what a system oh that's huge okay good good oh man he's going one more he's putting green I don't know what we're going to do with all that cotton candy are you going to be able to eat all that I don't think so but it's a colorful cotton candy seen a c candy with two colors dang that is sick yeah usually they're just pink or blue huh thank you so much thank you wow that is amazing you know what let's try this bad boy no no change bro no change thank you all right let's try this bad boy I forgot what cotton candy tastes likees it kind of just disappears when you put it in your tongue man that's nice yeah it tastes like yeah it just disappears try it let me see it just like melts in your mouth this is huge like look at the size and look at my face it's bigger than my face it is okay let's see M yeah it just go go goes away so fast as soon as it touches your tongue huh it's been years since I tried a proper cotton candy so I had totally forgot about I forgot about it like I just forgot that's cool all right now I don't know what to do with this I feel like I just want to give it to somebody but here should we why don't you hand it to one of the kids look right there look hand it to one of them why not I know it's because um where we live like you know you can't just hand stuff to people because people are like you know they won't take it and I think here is kind of the same way um you know you don't just hand a kid a bunch of candy here like you're like here here here little girl have some cotton candy no I will I will I will the parents will be like what are you giving to my daughter I will let let me ask them let me yeah you should why not all right let's see if they actually accept that from Gladius now they don't want it's just too much for us it's big it's a huge cotton candy but um I was expecting it to be a small one cuz you know it was 10 Durham $1 but um that's a lot of bang for your buck I think cotton candy gets quite expensive in the US they're probably like I don't know maybe 10 bucks for one really yeah let me try with this GI but yeah guys this here is the entrance to the Medina you can basically go right or you can go left and I think today we're going to go left because last time I filmed a video for you I filmed it over in this direction should we go that way or should we go this way I don't know hard decision like I'll let you decide uh let's a coin let's flip a coin let's flip a coin all right all right all right so we have um what Tails heads no heads is this heads is the half okay okay so if it's half we go that way if it's not we go this way okay oh that was a terrible flip really you got to like flip the coin okay like with your thumb okay what is that not half so not half what what did we say not half so let's go this way all right let's go this way forgot I got to teach you how to flip a coin glattus come on now you can't be flipping coins like that look you got to go like this with your thumb you flip it with your thumb look that one would have worked look you flip it like this a yeah that's how you flip you learn something new have a good one oh man so funny all right guys well let's get into the video then we had some cotton candy that was fun but now it's time to really have some fun and do some shopping now I actually want to purchase some soup in yours because for those of you guys who missed um well the good exciting news I just recently purchased a house in Southern California and now it's time to take home some actual souvenirs now I got a place to take home souvenirs to so let's do some shopping look there's some magnets here some scarves hello sir shoes now they actually sell like a lot of um you know a lot of like knockoff items here like Louis Vuitton Gucci all the big Brands but I'm not messing around with any of those Brands anymore in my videos because YouTube doesn't like it when I do it and let's be honest um the people here don't like it when I make those videos either because you know those people can get in trouble for selling those items but um yeah today we are going to actually purchase some souvenirs and take home some stuff for the family wow look at this restaurant it's beautiful you wouldn't really expect to find that inside of the Medina but the Medina never fails to surprise you EXC some Moroccan clothes yes what jalaba yes Jala hello how are you you good bro how are you what's your name headman yeah Chris what's your name Adam Adam Chris your name you Chris welcome Hamza Hamza Chris okay well look at the style this is the style what's the what's what's the best style the best style the most the most popular style is this for is this for wedding or every day for wedding Mor wear this when when you want to sleep in in the heat in the heat in Ramadan in Ramadan you wear these yes and oh and eat eat oh during the holidays yes holay what is the price for one of these 300 300 oh man I didn't want to spend 300 Mor price price okay I need some you have a cheap cheap cheap one and I buy one from your business I need a cheap one I I I I don't think I will ever wear it to be honest these ones are cheap ones yes okay how much is a cheap one oh that one's pimp I like that one touch you can touch okay this is just 200 how how much 200 200 yeah oh man you want to try it I can do try it first okay let me try it let me try it can you help me take a picture of you oh you want to take a picture okay here can you hold this let's take one I you watch my videos thank you let me get out of here love meting all you guys for you to do the picture thank you for saying hi are you from Morocco yeah beautiful country thank you oh man I always love meeting you guys all right let's try this I try it on thank you bro is this my size yes you can try it all right we have small one this is called jalava gandora gandora this Isa oh that's the jalaba SOA has a like a hat oh this is this is fly huh I look good huh I look good all right all right I like this damn I didn't think I was going to walk out this fight I like it how do I look good yeah perfect all right all right all right now what's the price the good price man the good one let's do 120 120 200 I got to go half bro I got to go half in the beginning look my friend 100 180 okay okay oh man we got to start bargaining in Morocco it's hard 15 and I take it from you how many of you want no just one I don't bro you called me in your shop man I wasn't even going to buy a j or I wasn't going to buy one of these okay all right thank you thank you here uh I take it off right now because today I'm showing off my hakeim Jersey tomorrow I wear this one yeah thank you bro appreciate it what's the name of your shop how can people find your shop if they want to come and buy here if if they want to come here to buy from you the Olive Market that's the Olive Market Olive Market okay in Fr so right in front of the Olive Market you can find his shop the most welcome thank you you heard that you guys are all welcome if you come to if if you come to mares come and visit their shop okay all the fun of this man we're going to take this just you heard that 150 I did the bargaining for you okay thank you brother here I I pay you you're Are You The Boss yeah all right he's the boss you see that yes he is the here bro here's another 20 for for the boss all right that's for you thank you all right see I share love man I share love just like you all right now we're ready I got myself a nice outfit good take care okay how old are you me 17 bro 17 and he's already a businessman you see that how old do I look 27 you're not you're close 29 29 I'll take 27 though some people say 40 and then I feel I feel I feel old I'm going to see myself in the Vlog you want to see yourself in the Vlog yeah um travel with Chris on YouTube Chris YouTube Facebook travel with Chris okay welcome all right thank you brother I'm sorry take care are you just chis than brother you just chis um travel with Chris Chris with Chris c h r i s when I'm going to see the Vlog um in two weeks no one week one week here oh baby can you pick that up for me look I show you my channel travel with Chris travel with Chris yes I I saw yeah right there okay welcome all right thank you guys goodbye nice meeting you guys take care wish you the best all right let's continue oh man I'm so grateful to have gladus with me a lot of you know you know what people complain in every one of our videos how when you're filming they're like why don't you show attention to Chris when I'm filming why don't you show attention to glattus guys this is a 3040 minutes out of the 24 hours a day 7 days a week that we spend together okay before before we start filming we talk about what we're going to get into what we're going to do like um who's going to help who how we're going to help she helps me with the camera she helps holding my stuff if you guys want to see gladish shop around go watch her Channel please and please go watch it like support both of us but yeah we got to we we we help each other out this is what what Partners do she helps me I help her anyways let me show you guys around the Olive Market real quick and then um we'll continue on with the shopping but yeah this here is the famous Olive Garden in Morocco and it's not like the Olive Garden in America this here is a legit Olive Garden look at this they sell all kinds of different olives I didn't even think you can find these many kind of Olives it's it's incredible and the smell here is amazing man it smells so fresh so good now to be completely honest with you guys I'm not the biggest fan of Olives I think here they call them Zune uh but you can tell that the people here in this part of the world definitely love the olives man these shops are beautiful but yeah like I said I actually don't really um crave olives all that much so you'll never see me purchasing them but I like them all right glattus you ready to dive on into the market let's go do some serious shopping now what's the name of your channel uh travel with Chris bro huh travel with Chris can you f me yeah bro of course what do you want to say okay uh Viva Morocco Viva Morocco take care brother Viva Morocco man this place is a special country like I said um um the first the first video I created here in the plaza was kind of like a different vibe because I was trying to show you the people that you should stay away from that way you have an enjoyable time but um besides that inside of everywhere else man you find lovely people and of course you're in a market so you got to bargain you got to um people are all in the grind so of course they're not going to give you the best price right off the bat it's like anywhere else in the world you got to bargain okay um but yeah look here they sell like traditional um shoes more traditional clothes souvenirs thank you sir I just bought some clothes though thank you thank you brother he said if I want to change my style he's there but I already got one outfits I'm not going to try and buy um a bunch of clothes I want to buy a bunch of different things you know what I'm saying wow look at these pillowcases they're beautiful huh those are gorgeous hello sir how are you how much are the pillowcase this one 150 150 each one each one oh man chose how many pieces you like how about for two pieces what's a good price 250 the price two pieces 250 price okay all right thank you thank you how much it's okay thank you thank you we'll just continue walking wow yeah $25 $25 for two um which you know might not seem terrible but trust me guys that is a a a big up Market but I was hoping he was going to negotiate cuz like I said your boy just bought the house and man I could actually use some of those but you know what we're going to go with some people that actually want to make some money and like negotiate a little bit wow this store is beautiful look at this I like this let's come on inside and see what we can't find hello sir can I come through thank you thank you wow your store is beautiful I like these little mini T beans wow look at these plates guys is this all ceramic a ceramic yeah ceramic okay it's hand work hand work it's not for m in China no Chinese okay good we are against China we got to stay we got to keep them away bro they trying to take the whole world man no more no more Chinese uh products man we got to start making our own wow these are beautiful look how much is something like this sir how much are the um Amic cash plate this it's uh this it's the artist it's not like ceramic oh it's the artist you cannot find it in other shops not possible okay how much are those you can find this you can find this but this no not possible okay look what you want the it's the big the small the middle they're all different prices huh yeah okay wow this one's beautiful that is beautiful okay well how much is how much is this one here for your brother I I it for you for 500 500 oh man big big big only 200 oh that big plate is 200 okay wow so these ones are about $50 guys so yeah that one's a bit expensive for me but I definitely want to purchase something wow these are beautiful what you from wow I like these where you from I'm from the United States ah you are welcome thank you view he student in Boston really in Boston uh this like 15 years ago okay Boston's nice place he know it's married with American woman really believe me yeah and he has a small uh small baby baby a son daughter daughter oh beautiful because uh our brother it's dead he has the eyes blue oh okay this small has the same eyes like my my my brother my father like your father yeah okay the world is small man you're you're a good-looking guy man thank you very much Moroccan people Moroccan people we are the first people very beautiful I am we are the first people in Morocco I am bear you're bear not Arabic okay okay Sahara people yeah sah okay wow these are beautiful okay and how much is a coffee cup like this this is the green Hanah you know Hanah yes and natural color and Grave does it's hand work okay for my brother I'm a good price give me 120 for you 120 believe me you want do big do big do big do big like that only 50 40 40 only 40 for you can washing in machine you can washing in hand never change no problem it's nothing 120 it's okay okay just for you that I ask for French people I ask 100 eat 170 okay all right so I get American price okay all right all right you know what I like this should I get the coffee cup glus it's nice huh or do you like something else what's catching your attention okay and what okay what about this set right here sir what about this one right here I can give you the beautiful one okay the beautiful one because May okay this is the blue cobalt okay you know blue cobalt and blue indigo blue indigo and sand it's like son oh yeah like a star my English star a star okay I speak French English I but you speak better than I do French this saffran saffron this is green turquoise okay this is Han for hair for woman be bear okay original give me one 30 for for together oh bro let's let's do 100 and I take it right now okay all right all right I'm bad at bargaining but you got to bargain a little bit but Love American people I love Moroccan people man Moroccan people are my brothers you know the first people in the world the world the world in in the history you know the history or no I don't know too much history but tell me tell me between B people and America you know the history no no I don't the first people in the world in the world till America America exist it's the bers it's us wow it's for that we are always good situation between America and Morocco okay okay I love that I love Morocco Morocco is a special place for me we don't need a bag bro we have one yeah yeah thank you brother thank you very much have a good day okay oh we leave that one thank you brother have a good business okay nice to meet you if you like something you like one I like it but it's expensive man and I I don't have cash on me today when you come back okay I'll come and look at for you okay thanks brother all right well you know to be completely honest with you guys you could definitely work the prices down a lot more than that I don't know what's wrong with me today I think I'm over here thinking like it's my first rodeo but you know I'm not trying to go too too hard as well because man I also respect respect the hustle and I know how hard it is to own a business and run a business and guys here in these medinas everybody sells the same damn thing you can imagine it's hard to it's hard to compete I mean everybody's selling the same thing but yeah look at this beautiful shops oh my God that is lovely I go crazy for the bags yeah they're beautiful come and do as H woman's pre yeah why not right look at those wow look at these guys absolutely beautiful those are lovely huh they're different right like you don't every day you know all of the souvenirs here in the country are extremely vibrant extremely vibrant and they all take like capture your eye right away but you know what let's keep it let's keep walking a little bit before we spend all of our money right at the beginning but I really want some of those pillowcases what could we use those pillowcases for I love the pillow that says Habibi you can put it on your bed that does say Habibi look at that the Habibi pillow hello sir how much these ones hey these ones how many do you um well depending on the price man it's good price how many pieces do you want want four want two two pieces uh maybe uh four four I have four yes but uh all the same color want different or should we get two two colors right two and two two and two please two uh blue like this and two orange yeah two blue two orange why not oh two blue two orange two blue two Orange yes yes the price yes how much this is0 for each oh bro that's more expensive than I I was paying earlier yeah how much can you spend good price no for I do 50 each one what each one each one you kill me sir bro I know the 50 not just for the zip and the I know I know I know no sir no give me a good price I broken main price I make it 150 for each one each no I can't do that 150 for each I I broke I broken I dude I know but I can't I can't do that it's too much price can you do I do 200 all of them no you say 50 you change the you change the price me I change the price but but you got to give me a better price than that that's expensive I best I best the price I do most most most 225 if you can't it's okay bro it's for each how much can you spend for each for each most 70 each one what do you do sirve I broken my price good price yes 100 100 no it's expensive man I I broken my price 140 140 280 280 I give you 280 sir sir sir 280 is good price 280 is good price for you not for me not for I want G my life it's difficult life here in bro but you but you have a good store in the Medina the money is this for 20am is nothing I know 20 dham is nothing okay say 280 for say I I broken my price 400 Jam for four Now give me 380 oh dude man I can't do that we don't even have that much on me I can't do that one I give you 300 final price or else I walk away bro okay I'm sorry but I can't I can't sir sir not for me not for you it's good for and little 350 no no no 300 final answer it's okay brother thank you thank you brother all right let's go let's keep going thank you sir no no no thank you thank you it's okay brother thank you come all right guys let's keep going 1 2 3 4 You you do 300 I got to ask glattus for the ATM money man and to be honest I'm still overpaying guys this is the crazy part but hey you got to I got to do I got to take them thank you bro I wish you good business okay I wish you good business how much is the Habibi for for you for me 80 80 okay let me I'll come back for Habibi I come to your shop okay 2 250 2150 okay I come back to you okay what's your name Muhammad Muhammad 2 250 okay brother all right thank you I I'll come back and look for you okay I need a Habibi pillow in my life all right you know what let me check these um colors out all right I got one orange so all right well I think that I can do okay what color should I get I should I need something gray blue or dark blue to match this right to match like what like I don't know like a plate or you know something to put in the middle of a of a living room or something this for the living room no not the living room like maybe just uh I don't know I was thinking for your bed like oh see glattus is thinking different because you got to have we have to and then the this one yeah you know that's a good idea and after this you can put the Habibi pillow on the middle okay all right all right I like the way she think so I was thinking differently but the colors I think we chose good colors man they're very beautiful and have the chips on white white sheets and then you can you can switch the pillows man it's just everything super beautiful but guys I've been to Morocco many times and I bought these before and I got them for 50 in agader and um I still think they were still making profit off of them and guys I'm going to be completely honest with you those Ceramics like the cup that I purchased those are not all handmade guys everybody has them they're everywhere there's hundreds and um last year when we were here we ran into so many honest vendors and people were telling us like bro these are Chinese like they're just super honest but everybody has a different sales tactic oh wow look at these this here is something I wanted last time I was here where these custom signs and they all have like a different profession on them but I don't find one that says YouTuber oh my god look look they do have one man that is clean that's cool huh the YouTuber how much bro 150 you do a better price okay never mind thank you thank you he kept telling me like to turn my camera off but I'm not turning my camera off guys uh this is my job they're doing their job but you know for as many people that don't want to be on camera there's plenty that don't mind but yeah I got to make my money man and and I'm here to show you guys the world and you know interact with people and I want people to interact with me and I don't mind you know paying even over pain for an item like it's not a problem with me but yeah let's keep on going man that YouTuber one was awesome though huh yeah I hadn't last time we were looking for one of those we actually found a place where they make them and um we didn't find one that said YouTuber did we I love the journalist the journalist one yeah you do live in a house wow these are beautiful you know what I think I'm going to buy myself some babou nice why not to hang around your your bathroom yeah exactly why not I think that's a good idea but as you guys as you guys can see like a lot everyone sells a lot of the same items so it's kind of hard to see how there's so much like you know how everybody can make a significant profit that's why I said I respect the hustle because it's hard isn't it yeah I mean every shop is selling the same items yeah but at the same time this is full with tourists look at this they are so blessed yeah exactly you know I think a lot of a lot of times inside of these shops they forgets how blessed they are with tourists I've been to a lot of places around the world where there's you know no one actually no one visits and um those people you know they have you know not a chance to you know make money selling souvenirs and items like this but here in Morocco that is clearly not a problem because well there is a lot of uh tourists here and it's lovely to see because this country is beautiful and it should stay that way like some traditional snacks here man I can't believe how um how that cotton candy was I totally forgot what cotton candy tastes like I mean I haven't had one since I was a kid very and it just disappears in your mouth it's wild wow these items are just beautiful look at these shops oh look here's another shop with more signs I wonder if there's one here look oh they have one that says cameram man hello hello how are you sir F beautiful store beautiful store yeah thank you do you have a um a sign that says a YouTuber YouTuber yeah I would like one with a girl oh only with the girl okay wow these are beautiful look this is a vigon dentist Captain yoga instructor agriculture lady H Tupac that one's awesome no hakeim h you have a Hakim know he said that he had a YouTuber girl if he has that one I'll get that one for guys I have I have my stff in your shelf huh I have my okay what are the price the price 150 150 diram okay will you do one for 100 and I'll take it from you 130 130 120 bro [Laughter] I like I like the in Morocco come on you got to bargain a little bit a little bit you know you make them or No Yes or another artist no no I make them oh okay if you have time you have I can make you anyway oh can you make me YouTuber with guy too yes if you have those time okay well I can come back tomorrow m absolutely I would love that look they even have the Volkswagen motorcycles man these are cool wow you have so many huh every job in the world look at this one let's see if glce actually likes this one that one's funny huh I like it with the selfie stick it's funny isn't it it's just like me with red clothes it does look like you should we do it yeah all right let's take it how you say this YouTubers YouTubers YouTubers YouTubers okay same in in in Arabic is same same okay wow YouTubers thank you bro what's your name Abdul Abdul man thank you bro here we come all right yeah let's take that one that's awesome all right let's see where's my money okay you said 120 thank you bro thank you so much welome man you these are beautiful man what is this spices oh those are spices some spices I don't need spice right now thank you you like more like this no no more Jersey I only need one like more I have more no no no more right now just one thank you thank you Abdul nice meeting you thank you so much nice meeting you I wish you good business today nice shop if you guys want one of these signs come and check out Abdul nice guy and his shop is beautiful look at this glattus just every time she sees a purse she she runs crazy about these because they are so so unique they are they are unique so beautiful okay guys well let's continue what have we purchased is that how much money we've spent so far 67 bucks no problem no worries you heard that no worries it's a vacation spend your money all right guys let's continue on down the streets all right so we still got a a few more dollars that we can spend let's see if we can't buy some babo okay well they look like they're a little busy in that one you hello how are you bro H me bro yeah I would really like to get some uh babush actually you know what though I still have mine from uh from tunia not good oh he threw another one H hakeim is good right he's the best he's the best in Morocco in the world in the world okay yeah of course everybody misses at least once bro you only missed you only missed the ones you don't try hakeim number one take care guys hakei right very good I'm telling you hakeim is the best in the world thank you he is the best huh yeah what are you selling sir you sell these yeah is this your shop yes yes okay what what is this oh that's nice is this for cigarettes yeah or joints whatever you want to use it for okay um how much let me see I can Read's 108 oh expensive expensive Maybe sh okay okay good quality that's good quality okay all right thank you brother all right thank you have a nice day okay nice guy but yeah that is that is expensive and I don't smoke so you know I would have no purpose for that one but the babush is something that I definitely want man look at these items guys just so beautiful let me know what you guys think of this U Market isn't it extremely beautiful super vibrant definitely a great place to come and kill some time hello bro how much are the Lums like something like this one 500 okay wow that one's beautiful okay thank you bro man dude I don't know what's happening they're taxing I swear Mor Morocco used to be a lot of a cheaper destination for souvenirs and stuff but yeah I guess supply and demand man the tourists are here they'll spend the money but to be honest I'm going to Istanbul what in a few days and in Istanbul you buy those lights the same Turkish lamps like that um they're 10 bucks but yeah here dude 50 like I said I'm not complaining obviously they say those prices because people buy them man and if that was my shop I'd be saying the same thing though to be honest why not right if you can make the Mone H why not yeah exactly I mean who's going to knock it they're free but I'll tell you what I ain't doing it all right let's continue where can I find my shoes that I want wow these are beautiful as well oh here's the bab shop hello sir hakei that's me how are you good how much are the babo not expensive not expensive but what's the good price price 120 okay I won a pair no bargain 120 let's go oh I don't know uh 10 and a half us American 10 and a half uh 40 46 I think 46 I think you know what let's try these babush is uh Berber Berber Nike Berber Adidas another oh man these are awesome yeah good size size 46 46 okay can I see maybe another color you have which one's the most traditional traditional oh I like no I don't like the blue really black brown is good okay can I try both how you wear babo like this or open oh I can use both ways okay man these are good huh Adas uh Berber Adidas yes okay I like these let me try this one I think I'm going to take them yeah but sometimes one foot bigger than the other very good okay Amer americ my girlfriend Venezuela nice to meet you okay 120 see no no bargain because good man Moroccan price for me because hakeim for the lady you do you do two pairs 200 and I get one for the lady one pair for the lady I I give you 200 for two pair no okay all right Fair he gave me a good price thank you brother thank you thank you welcome how much is these ones 15 15 man this ones are nice though you don't want a pair for women lce doesn't want a pair right now women thank you brother thank you how do you say how you say how you say thank you and Berber Muhammad Muhammad muhamed thank you thank you I want to know 10 10 m 10 m yes 10 I know 10 10 brother 10 10 thank you nice meeting you okay welcome thank you brother welcome welcome thank you tan that's how you say it man I knew that too yeah that's the right way to say it all right guys well you know what I think right now we are you know we're approaching we're approaching the Finish Line all right we're approaching the Finish Line it's been a good run here um but yeah to be honest hakeim that's me it's me it's you it's me bro long time no see my friend long time how are you no picture okay all right no picture nice meeting you okay brother nice meeting you guys I love the I love how everybody just started screaming hakeim as you're walking down but um where's glattus I think I think Miss hakeim I thank you brother I think that um you know what we'll be bringing this uh this little adventure to I think it was a good run we had fun but to be fair I shouldn't be spending any more money I think I'm good right now I've thank you bro that's that's me man same we look the same okay I don't know what hakeim looks like to be honest I need to look up a picture of hakeim but um yeah yeah guys this is it all right I'm going to see you guys again soon for another adventure from here in Morocco glattus thank you so much for helping me with all these things of course thank you for inviting me it was very fun it was interesting right it was fun let me know what was your favorite parts and yeah guys I'll see you soon for another video from here in morocc oh here is hakeim look that's hakeim oh man we don't like the same that guy's a lot better looking than me I his pockets are probably a lot bigger than mine too that man is probably swimming in money but um yeah guys with that being said um hakeim World Champ later guys you always SM I was the one to take I remember how we started
2024-05-27 21:38