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guys wednesday waffling on wednesday celina's food here t-bone steak for lunch tebow steak oh beautiful isn't it uh i'm having some chocolate some fresh vegetables um and some broccoli i'm just looking down here at my food it's pretty cool there it is nice broccoli nice beef they do this sizzler plate here really really worth the money yeah it's 220 pesos i get some java rice stir-fried beef soup chop soy in this black bowl like this full off and then i get two cokes which is cool anyway so line is just coming and we'll [Music] stop [Music] they had they had the special order this girl ran out of the place went somewhere just to get me a knife for my state i stayed though it's a uh 4a plus so lesson learned don't order the steak very enjoying lunch waffling on wednesday and it's busy unlike the a bruiser this week and it looked really quiet i've been to a breeze three or four times very very quiet i was at sm yesterday very quiet there are more people in sm city than the other mouse yeah it is a very nice mob it's on the other side of davao for me but it takes me about 20 minutes to get here [Music] lots of news in the news what's going on in davao so how about just received their first order of um vaccine oh there we go who went on a plane yesterday okay 100 000 i think for that's 100 000 to supply to uh 1.6 million people each other oh yeah but anything in this country anything is a start that's that's saying something right yeah i suppose if they actually mix it with water it'll go further of course that's not even the business right what was the big news over the weekend good news was that the government had it now no more testing no more travel documents classes needed i'm not jabbing up the nose no more medical certificates yeah they were gonna there were they were gonna harmonize travel domestic travel right that's the number one complaint here in the philippines it's harder than hell to get anywhere to travel across provinces and borders but do you think that can you believe it no you can't just because they say that doesn't mean it's gonna happen well i traveled to travel a couple of times over the last week and it seems to me is that if the government are going to turn around and say we're going to harmonize and we're going to uh open up the borders then they need to give a definite or a defined list of responsibilities and the lgu are the ones that make up their own regulations and their own rules but then the day after they made that announcement about harmonizing the rules for domestic travel then they come out and said wait a minute new travel protocols confuse people in the philippines new travel protocols now have triggered confusion the philippines interior department in this there's a need for more comprehensive information dissemination on the new policy what's that mean does that mean the lgus and the provinces don't understand the new rules pretty simple to me how can you not understand no testing no travel documents right but if you read the announcement on point one it turns around and says no there's none of this none of this none of this and then in the brackets the last bit it turns around and says unless the local lgu seemed fit to implement other changes so yeah but that's the stupid thing about that is it's been that way for months so why come out with an announcement that basically changes nothing because the lgu's still have the power but somebody at the top needs to turn around and say point one no vax no qr pass required two no medical certification required three no no changes to the rules by lgos local governments or anything but they don't do that they will this is what we would like this is what we're going to announce but it's a local government or the local lgu's or the local authority want to change it and add some more on what they can do and i think that's the problem the philippines is a great country but christ do they know how to make paperwork that's all that's all they do though it's all talk and no action i mean we don't want to specifically target the philippines government because other governments around the world are also guilty of talking outside of their mouths right saying this one thing and then doing another or saying this it doesn't happen they just need to get the vaccines into the philippines vaccinate the people start that process well they're doing that right they've got they just got first order back even though most people don't want to sign of that they want the visor or they ask for xenica well because people look at the rest of the world and the philippine people aren't any different well you have to remember there's a little bit of history here right which is and we haven't talked about this but uh philippines the people don't trust vaccinations and it all goes back about five six years ago when the french french company announced they had a cure a vaccine for dengue fever which is a bad problem here right well when that came out the french government said we're willing to test the vaccine we're confident it's good it works so they picked the philippines and decided they were going to test and use it here in the philippines well didn't turn out they started with vaccinating kids not adults and i forget where it was i think it was i think it was someplace near visayas it wasn't i don't believe it was the size island but kids died wow kids started dying and immediately they stopped the vaccination process and blamed the french vaccine company for marketing and unsafe vaccinations got it out so long story short they didn't the vaccine disappeared they stopped using it and to this day there's still lawsuits international lawsuits against the french government and the france i forget the name of the company that created the vaccine it's not the pasteur institute i mean the philippines tended to exaggerate it make it much worse than it really was wasn't that many kids that died but i still died yeah they still died from the vaccine i would fight a child i wouldn't want my child to die so you can see why philippines people don't trust vaccines no matter what some of the governments say yeah i don't trust the french at all but i used to live 20 miles away from them i find that uh through history they've always lied been deceitful and corrupt but anyway that's just my personal opinion about the french businesses here in the philippines are not trying to bypass the government because the government's being so slow yeah about vaccines so they're uh they're ordering their own vaccines philippines said to roll out cyanoback hold it back 19 vaccinations but businesses can't wait six hundred thousand sign on fact doses started this week on monday private firms throughout the country have secured their own vaccines and we're not talking cynobat chinese hundreds of companies have now bought millions of doses of astrazeneca about the whole kobe thing interesting is that you have these countries and you have these uh continents and they don't order enough vaccines for their population you know it's like in europe they were so late ordering their vaccines for germany france italy spain and their whole eu but didn't they uh do they have to stop didn't they blame the brits well they but they blame dr zenica so it's not our fault it's your fault but the brits have turned around and got 29 24 million people vaccinated in europe got maybe 8 million and the vaccine for astrazeneca is made in france but astrazeneca is that large not to mention the french were developing their own vaccine and now they stopped well they and they couldn't get their vaccine to work so other countries other vaccines were on the market before they got got to where they should be so they stopped but what gets me is like these countries don't over enough it's like you've just turned around and said there's 600 000 coming to davao but there's like three million people that live on victory now there's nearly one and a half million that live in dubbo well obviously they're supposed to get more more vaccines are coming yeah i think they said they're hoping by the end of march they'll have another one or two million doses and they're saying oh yeah we have we have deals in place with astrazeneca pfizer uh kobovax the indian uh sputnik the russian special worst card they always name things are sputnik after space yeah i wonder what as spicy as you are you become wasted but as people here discovered just because the government says they have deals doesn't always mean they do just like we were saying a few minutes ago whatever the government says you don't necessarily haven't gonna believe no so what you need to what you need to look at guys is see this hand this isn't the hand you should be watching you should be watching this because this one is the one that's doing the deal this one is the face of the public well i was talking as i was saying earlier about those i mentioned it yesterday in my vlog that there were two guys who i had seen on youtube that have traveled one from manila back to the uk the guy in manila did a vlog about makati uh what i found interesting about that was the values were the same the protocols were the same however all the parks were open you could actually go out and you could exercise in the park you can't do that if you're gonna do any exercise you either have to do it in your condo or your house or in the compound or out on the road i don't understand why parks are shut down well i mean i have to assume uh they're following the concept that a gathering crowd a group of people all together is high risk right i mean isn't that the thinking behind the alcohol ban that you sell alcohol in your data and a bunch of people are going to all get together in a group and get drunk and spread corona well yeah i think the thing with the alcohol is because i think the customer without uh drinking alcohol in in davao or mindanao if you have one glass with ice and you just keep topping it up and you pass the glass around so you don't have five or six glasses you just have one glass and you share that glass while you're sharing snacks and you're having uh oysters or you're having a sick sig or you're having leftover knife or you're having bad boy but the drink is yeah as you and i were discussing before we started filming a ban on alcohol in davao doesn't mean that you can't get alcohol no you can go to davao del sur you can buy as much alcohol as you want you can even buy it in the city as i discovered yeah there's there's little old ladies with bad teeth walking around they can find it for you you give them 150 pesos and i've got 150 pesos and they come back with a bottle of san miguel yes they do hilson not like i know i wasn't there so don't come and arrest me okay i'm not going to tell you where but it was well within the city right yeah well it is a big city isn't it yeah so well i think yeah i've i think if he if they're going to make an announcement then everybody needs to follow one rule in one direction i think there is too much as you said that either too much confusion too much misrepresentation there is too much fake news you know you know you see all these channels going i mean i'm one of them but i'm not turning around and telling you you can travel i walked around telling you is it's hard to travel in the philippines it ain't easy but you go outside davao and you go to somewhere like digos it's really easy to travel you might have a qr i mean i showed you that video on sunday i got a qr pass but the picture was a woman it wasn't me and they would accept that so you just have to understand that there has to be one rule you know the philippines do you honestly believe that's going to happen no i don't i think they call it the philippines but every every island has a different rules and regulations it's all philippines our however in mind you know it moves on it's phil if you go down to lady it's peens and if you go to davao it's lupin's and if you go it's all it's not one set of rules that governs the whole country you know if you had one set of rules you and you could you could freely travel without worrying about getting back to your home you would turn around and travel you would spend more money in the next province you would go and see somebody or you'll go and see your family people aren't doing that what people are turning around and doing is they just turn out okay we'll do that next year but if you don't see the kogi 19 virus getting less you still see it at that same level wow that just goes back to the uh theory their lockdowns don't work governments are you have been doing them for a year now they don't work but they keep doing it yeah they just keep doing it well it's like germany germany have turned around and done lockdown this you know the last two weeks however for the first time in 30 years germany have turned around and closed their borders to stop people coming from russia italy uh the balkan states in europe into germany and bringing bringing with it new strains of poker 19. well really what should happen is you should get all those kobe 19 straight out into the market you shouldn't be an insular coded 19 state because when you get the brazilian or you get the south african or you get the uk variant or you get this other variant coming through the front door your body needs to be part of that it needs to understand that it needs to fight that new strength rather than keeping everything outside but anyway where do i go i'm just retired yeah i'm an old kid i'm living in dubbo and you're a brit i'm a brit cynical old fart in the meantime uh the economy is getting worse and worse we've talked about this before yeah government says government said last month uh inflation was only 4.2 percent

i think you and i commented yeah filipinos has admitted they got it wrong oh i've not seen that they say now inflation is expected to be as fast as 5.1 rising fuel and food prices even though they got a capital fuel or food yeah on pork and chicken yeah so and they're blaming it not on government policies not on they're saying upward price pressure for the month comes from chinese fishermen global high global crude oil prices and elevated fish prices wait a second they they were only talking about pork and chicken now they're saying fish yeah going way up smells a bit funny that one that's a bit fishy that one isn't it there's a fishy tail going on there guys and that's critical because filipinos rely on fish that's their mainstay but that means that 4.2 percent was wrong 5.1 percent is also wrong it's going to take them another month to admit they're wrong on 5. well they are working on figures from january 2019 aren't they yeah well i noted i went out to a restaurant yesterday over in sm and i used to turn around and have tuna fish two rice and it is in some shrimps with some soft drinks and it usually cost me 320 pesos yesterday 615. wow double for the same deal it isn't just in the philippines it's all over the world food prices faster than inflation and income so it is bad enough you got inflation much worse than the government is submitting food prices are soaring so high faster than inflation much less your income it is wrecking havoc on economic growth people are now worried hunger and malnutrition are rising quickly around the world well if kobe doesn't get you then starvation will and then lack of employment so you've got those three levels you've got to turn around and break into so all this circles around back to what my favorite topic passports right and you and i were just talking about how well israel was doing and israel has their green passport yeah israel has cut deals with greece cyprus spain they're talking to portugal israel has openly said they'll talk to anybody they want to set up a travel problem with any country and they're actually willing to trade extra vaccines to do it it wouldn't surprise me if israel turned around and say we'll set up a travel bubble with spain come here on holiday if you haven't had jacoby vaccination you can have it here while you're here for two weeks and you can have your booster when you go home they may even offer shots yeah i think now i'll be the way yeah they in fact got the point i think countries well we already know the airlines are at the forefront of us they're pushing real hard to accept vaccine passports to open up countries to international travel well i think there's going to be i think like even though germany is against opening up their airline's not oh what's that stuff lukanza is setting up duty-free vaccination center in moscow twelve hundred dollars for your flight and your shots it's inside moscow airport people can fly and get the sputnik vaccine without going through immigration or customs and then coming right back it says because germany is facing a chronic shortage of any vaccine well yeah see even though the pfizer vaccine was developed by a german company by integr for pisa i think it goes back to the paperwork again the paperwork in the eu and germany is so much that by the time they get the paperwork sorted out there's like 20 other countries that are ahead on the ordering spectrum so america all the millions the uk all the millions and germany are still reading the detail of the contract even though the the vaccination and the pharmaceutical company turns around and says if you take the drug we have no responsibility we're not liable i think that the because of what i just talked about the french debacle here and five six years ago in the philippines it's not being mentioned much but all the vaccine companies whether it's pfizer whether it's they all make a country sign a indemnity contract meaning you won't hold them liable yeah for failure any failure it all goes back to that original mess of the vaccine the punishment they tried here a few years ago so that means you can't sue them no matter what the thing is there was a statement made by president macron in france back in january turned around and saying that the astrazeneca was uh was it innocuous and something something something else meaning that it was a waste of time taking it because it didn't work and now the french no one in france wants to take the astrazeneca vaccine so they're all holding out for everything else rather than taking the vaccination and that all comes down to the french president having his head up his ass about a really good drug that is a vaccine against kobe 19.

the french president's just been how do they say in france a prick you know what a prick is it's a penis oitin he's the president of uh france uh but he's around now he's having a backtracker and i say oh it was taken out of context it wasn't meant like that well no you turned around and said it was uh a waste of time taking that yeah you know what here's some good news i thought this one you know indonesia has been vaccinating since last january uh with uh sinovat right they prior remember i talked about this previous they prioritize young people right it's getting better work yeah so the economy could get back on track then they did the medical workers well now of course they're moving into regular people and they're off this is something philippines should consider valley because valley's the number one tourist they're pushing so hard to open ballot in fact they've said they're going to open very soon they're not giving a date right but it's tabali yeah so now they're pushing to fascinate all the travel workers and they're offering to do it by having a drive-through vaccination that's covering it yeah you just drive in in your car they give you a shot you drive away yeah isn't that smart yeah and then the police arrest you because you're over the limit but i thought that was pretty clever i think there's lots of countries coming up with alternative ways of opening their tourism but the one thing is is that it's the return back to your destination that becomes difficult when you go out more it's the positive and the negative we started this weeks ago right where i was saying i'm more positive than you are yeah i'm more negative but the positive i think the positives are winning out and it's starting to look like uh the positives including countries like israel right being positive and countries like germany being negative right it's spilling over and i think the positives are winning right i told you previously who world health they're negative yeah they don't want but it's in their title isn't it who are they who are they they don't do anything they don't do anything so everybody now that's positive is pushing really much much harder to open up well i think people we've mentioned thailand several times people thailand the travel industry in thailand is suffering worse than any other country yeah because they defend so much thailand and the government announced they were targeting october 1st to open up this year right that's not good enough that's not good enough for the workers and the tourism industry now they watch july 1st look at that but the only downside to going to thailand is that their entire airways went broke as i said you earlier they used to have a fleet of around 27 airplanes flying around the world now they got five that they actually actually own the rest of all had to go back because they've not been able to however once they open up and they start getting cash coming through the front door yeah because the royal family in thailand said we're not going to keep putting money into the airline and keep all these people employed i think they employed like 32 000 people and the royal family were actually paying all their weight wages so the royal family have pulled the plug so more you're seeing i think the positive side is winning i think i still i still think it's 20 22. i think it's going to be 2021 yeah it just depends on the country what kind of arrangement there is whether it's a travel bubble or travel corridor i think of the country i personally think the travel bubble that you take somewhere like cebu or you take somewhere like singapore or you take somebody like cyprus or israel or something you fly into it that's as you were saying the americans are going to be fully vaccinated by argus they've already said fauci the head of the cdc center for the he's announced america the us will be have heard immunity by argus so you've got all of those americans with all of that money all that money ready to travel ready to travel where money where are they going to travel they like you know what they they're i didn't know this but the number one travel location for americans the eu paris well i don't know there's the eu and guess which part of the world is lagging and vaccinating and doesn't want to open up you yeah but that's why i said to you a couple weeks ago the french economy they had they turned around and it shrunk by 81 in the last year because they rely on tourism in paris so much from around the world that's that's what they've turned around for all their focus on now you can't get into it i think like i just was saying it's going to depend on individual countries they're going to have to take the initiative and basically they're going to have just like thailand right you're going to have to do like thailand you're going to have to announce or spam or israel you're going to have on your own you're going to have to announce we're opening up international tourists on this day you can travel no quarantine so here's just individual i already mentioned i think last week hawaii state of hawaii is going to open up i believe at the end of march now guam the island of guam which is very close to the philippines guam is a u.s trust territory so basically it's owned and controlled by the united states yeah juan has announced may to restart tourism we could go over there and turn around and see if they've still got that excited with all that war ammunition get hand grenades yes while we're out there we could sit around and get an inoculation yes and it would be a pfizer but not because that's what the us is using yeah so you wouldn't have to worry about taking a sinus well i think the thing is they'll still turn around and say well we haven't got any record of that can you can we just give you another shot and then i saw this this morning just this morning china proposes free travel to us based on kobe vaccine china wants to open up two american tourists yeah they want cut a deal with the americans yeah what's the first place they're opening don't tell me china has proposed to the us a mutual agreement for coven 19 free travel baby it's not is it if you're vaccinated the china wants your skirt you don't know you don't have a sense of humor today so you can go to wuhan you can get you can get a bat you can take the bats home with you and you're gonna get in your front room get a frozen frozen fish yeah the eu there we go so you go to eu and you get nothing apart from 14 days in the airport or you can go to china you can get a rubber bat you can take back to los angeles or sacramento and hang it in your house or you can turn around and just internally travel in the u.s so then

what happens is right as each country or state in the case of the us announces that they're opening on this date you're going to end up like you're going to see i think you're going to see what spain wants to do right spain has basically given the finger to the eu and said we're going to do our own deals we're going to cut travel bubbles with whatever country we want to me as i look looking at it from the outside i think there will be israel us the uk and then other high vaccination companies and countries we'll turn around and have these countries that will go on this list you can come here you can come in you can come here you can come and there will be a list and the airlines will then turn around and start traveling to those destinations but you can't travel outside those festivals you can't go through the borders that's why they're locking the borders down so you can do loads of travelling inside the country you can't do anything outside outside that country you go from san francisco to madrid or barcelona or valencia or seville or whatever oregon or little ball or whatever in the meantime and i think actually this is actually pretty smart because as i just said the eu is the number one destination for american tourists this summer american tourists are ready to travel vaccinated hurt immunity they want to spend their money spain is way ahead of the curvier spain's going to cut a deal with the u.s and say tourists come come here come to spain and the uk will be the site yeah uk will do the same deal greece cyprus portugal yeah they'll all start cutting deals on their own yeah and taking the money they want tourists they want places like france and germany they've got nobody vaccinated they've got nothing actually happening they don't they don't acknowledge passports they don't acknowledge anything they're just going to be left in the cold yeah and then they're going to watch to watch their gdp go down through the floor and then the americans will turn around so why should we buy bmws why should we be buying mercedes cars when they're not letting us come and see their country they're locked down yeah and it'll become like a third world country i doubt germany will go that far i think that i think they will they do say when their exports are here when their export market is crippled like the french vegetable market germany will go into another recession a huge recession because they rely on exports yeah and if they're looking at locking stuff down and border checks and border controls that takes time to get stuff through and backlogs everything up but anyways my whole point of talking about this yeah is the philippines needs to be like thailand the philippine government needs to step up and say we want to open by this date that's what we're looking for because we know the people are suffering we need to open up the economy we need to start making money instead of doing these stupid announcements we are doing this but nothing happens yeah we're gonna do this and believe us we're the government but now it's getting to the point where people say it's just talk it doesn't mean anything well the big one the biggest announcements last week was actually having a public holiday on the 2nd of november of the 24th of december that was the biggest announcement that came out from the president otherwise it's it's to the point where i told you this previously in the back of my mind i'm starting to think the government the philippines government is irresponsible they can't do it they can't they cannot see yeah they cannot seem to get it done they're not going to step up they they haven't they have quietly announced they're going to accept vaccine fast forward they don't say man yeah they don't say what kind they said when you get vaccinated you will get a government passport there's no timeline no timelines no announcements on when this is going to happen in fact yesterday i think duterte disappointed most people in the government when he said he doesn't think the economy is going to be back on track to 2023. i know i saw that are you kidding me that's almost two years away yeah do you think the country's gonna survive for another two years before they finally get going again no they're not they're already crippled they're already on their knees they're already just surviving and i think a lot of things will change by then there'll be a lot of things that come through the front door that he won't he won't be able to turn around and manage or he won't be strong enough to turn around and uh fight against he's done his turn you know yeah like trump roll over let somebody else come in that's gonna turn around and do it you need to vaccinate everybody in the philippines it's gonna cost you a lot of money yeah it's not gonna cost you the amount of money that your gdp is going down the pad you know they're borrowing they've been borrowing the money to pay for the vaccine they're gonna have to continue to do that well the uk borrowed the money to do in vaccine but at least they've got people going back to work and boosting their economy but you know they're doing trade deals all over the world now and the thing is the government here it's not thailand they're they're not gonna do with thailand i don't think so that's what i said i'm back in my mind i'm getting worried but can't see no matter what they say they cannot seem to organize domestic travel they want people to travel they want they say they want people to spend money go help hotels resort and then they they announced like they did over the weekend that no more rules travel but it's just words it doesn't really happen just the fact is maybe the packages you've got these guys that are in power sitting there and then they're listening to this medical examinator examiner over here but if you do this you could see a massive spike in kobe 19. you know who it is it's the doctrines and that's scaring everybody off yes the doctors are the ones that keep saying that doctors keep coming out saying be very worried about the uk mutant strain it's here in the philippines it's going to spread and kill a lot of people but the thing is but it's speculation doctors don't know that well the thing is but i was reading it after listening to an article on the radio about a week and a half ago about a guy from a young boy from toril 10 years old who was tested positive for the kovid 19 uk variant right okay he tested positive for it nobody in his family tested tested positive for coking 19. this guy had v put b dot 1.17 uk

variant murrah they put him into quarantine he did 14. 10 days in quarantine then they sent him home and then his family were tested positive for kobe 19. not the uk straight and they were all surprised the doctors were surprised medical stuff real surprised that this ten-year-old boy had the uk variant strain he'd never been out of the uk i'd never been out of philippines he'd never been out to real traveling but he still had that so it mutates on its own in your body depending on your dna and your molecular structure your chemicals or structure of your body and then you've got these doctors that are getting paid a shitload of money manila going well you could do it yeah yeah yeah you could end up with a meteor landing in people's hearts you could end up a lot of curves a lot of kids make up nothing exactly actions speak louder than words yep don't watch this sound watch this hand do it do it and do it so and this goes back to why i said and you agree block downs don't work i don't because they don't have the answers they don't know what they're talking about well i look at it a different way i look at it and turn the lockdowns don't work because kobe 19 doesn't lock down kobe 19 doesn't stay where you want it to stay so you can put the people where it wants to stay but it will kobe will go and get you but now where you bloody well are it will go and get you so the doctors don't have the answers the obvious flip side about open up open up get coded out there get everybody's immune system working get everybody infected get everybody ill if they die and they die if they don't they don't but that's the way of the world the strong survive it's not you and me though yeah so you know you look at america 250 000 nuclear warheads can wipe out the world how many times over will it kill kobe i don't think so china all of these boats what are they using it for shooting up ship their fishing vessels we talked about this before several weeks ago where we said it's good coven 19 is going to be with us forever yeah it will be it's not going to disappear uh we're not going to vaccinate it out it's going to be going to be like the cold yeah it's gonna be like cholera it's gonna be like smallpox it's gonna be like yellow fever and herd immunity is not gonna eliminate it so i saw a story the other day where scientists said yeah we're 90 sure uh the coronavirus is endemic and always grilting yeah we're gonna have it forever it's here so trying to lock down people every time a new strain or a variant comes out every time there's an outbreak somewhere that's the answer is not to shut everything down shut the borders lock people in their houses kill the economy kill jobs no i talked to annie you might know annie because she's in my other my other videos and i talked to annie i like toronto kobe 19 is like premenstrual tension it comes around every month and it gives me a pain in the head okay hey pre-mental tension does not go away okay it's here all the time and that's covered he's gonna be here all the time so we need to just get on with life and move forward if we have to wear our masks all the time then we wear our masks all the time yeah look i've got it here but it ain't going away guys we will be taking inoculations every month every two years every three years like yellow fever like colorado colorado light type and i said this about three months ago when i used to travel to india and i just have to go through pakistan international airways and i used to have all these inoculations in my arm to go into the country because of cholera yellow fever jaundice malaria yeah hit a hep b kobe 19 is going to be like that anyway i've enjoyed my lunch i've enjoyed chatting to salina again we're we're ranting today yeah we're off on our bubbles in our little bubble yeah we're in our bubble we had to have a rant yeah we're we're nearing the end of our weekly box correct so what we're going to do is in three weeks time we're going to set up another channel my channel gary neil davao city 8000 will continue doing my travel vlog and it will continue doing my davao and whatever there's going to be another vlog and it's going to be called well sanding my shorts that's the working title yeah [Music] you

2021-03-09 04:28

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