COVID-19 Updates, Help, Blood Donations, Tourism, Hotel for Healthcare Workers, The Gene | 4/3/2020

COVID-19 Updates, Help, Blood Donations, Tourism, Hotel for Healthcare Workers, The Gene | 4/3/2020

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Entergy, is proud to support programming on, LPB, and greener, practices. That preserve, Louisiana. The. Goal of our environmental. And sustainability, initiatives. Really is to ensure that our kids and future generations can. Be left with a cleaner planet. Additional. Support provided by, the Fred B and Ruth B Ziegler Foundation, and the Ziegler Art Museum located in, Jennings city hall the museum, focuses on emerging Louisiana, artists and is an historical, and cultural center, for Southwest, Louisiana and. The. Foundation, for excellence in Louisiana, public broadcasting, with support from viewers, like you. It's. This heartbreaking, and unprecedented. Coronavirus. Doctors, at war with little ammo 60. Percent of the nation's blood, supply comes direct, from local. Businesses, churches high, schools and college, campuses businesses. And churches are now closed, and blood. Donations, are way down it's. Gonna be something, we've never experienced, before, Louisiana, tourism, on hold millions, being. Lost, hi. Everyone I'm Natasha Williams, and I'm Andre Mauro we are on day 13, of a stay at home order, of Governor, John bel Edwards because of the corona, virus outbreak, the state's case is now pushing to over, 10,000. People with, 370. Deaths as of today the, governor addressed the state this afternoon as he does daily. We. Knew and have, been telling people for a long time that getting through this crisis, would resemble, a marathon, not a sprint. So. I'm, again asking people to be patient to, stay. In their, homes and. Take the stay at home order. Seriously. Your. Neighbors life depends, on it quite. Frankly so, might, your own we'll. Have more on the governor's news conference, in just a moment but first a look at some of the other stories making news across the state, Senator. Bill Cassidy announced. This week the federal government is fully funding, the Louisiana, National Guard's, efforts to combat coronavirus. About, 1,200, Guardsmen, are assisting, with disaster, relief efforts like, assisting, with testing, food prep delivering. Supplies and setting. Up emergency shelters. Texas. Became the first state to extend a mandatory, self, quarantine to. Louisiana, drivers, crossing, into the Lone Star State, it, began Monday but with few signs of how Texas, was enforcing. The order Texas. Governor Greg Abbott then, began beefing, up the patrols of state troopers to, stop anyone with Louisiana plates a few. States to our east Florida, also expanded. A quarantine, order to include Louisiana. Governor. Ron de Santos who had allowed Florida, beaches to, remain packed during, spring break says. Florida, Highway Patrol and, sheriff's. Deputies will monitor, travelers, stop, them at check points and screen, cars from Louisiana, this. Week saw a pastor, from the city of central, arrested, for ignoring orders to, keep crowds away from his church but he was not taken into custody more. Than a thousand, worshippers, continued, to pour into Life tabernacle. For any, service, held there reverend. Tony spell is accused of violating the governor's order at least six, times over, two weeks, state. Lawmakers. Returned to the state capitol tuesday for a short introduction, of last-minute bills but, they didn't stay long that. Was the last day they could introduce legislation. For the regular session, legislators. Distanced. Themselves in, the House and Senate chambers, to read in those bills. Representative. Ted James from Baton Rouge tested, positive for kovat 19 battled. Pneumonia, and was in the hospital but, announced Thursday, he was feeling better and going, home he, will remain in isolation at, home while, he continues to recover I'm.

At South Baton Rouge Presbyterian. Church and to, show you how the. Corona virus has changed things as we all know it has changed many things there. Was a funeral this morning for, the wife of the assistant pastor woody, markers she, died non related to coronavirus, but the virus did definitely have, an impact on what happened at the funeral services, because no one was allowed inside the church except for the immediate family for the services, and with the congregation, as you, see is trying to do is offer their love and support is there, doing a drive-by greeting. Since they couldn't be with them as they, typically would be. Now, let's go back to some of the briefing from the governor today that includes what the models they are using say about our kovat 19 rates and if we follow the stay-at-home orders, everybody. Can do better but, if if we did adhere, in. A real positive. Way to the, current, orders. Around sheltering, in place keeping. The schools close and, that sort of thing we, would be down along to the Purple Line and, and, so where. We are right. Now is somewhere between the worst case scenario, and the best case scenario but, to the degree we get compliance we start moving and keep moving and get closer to the best case and, less. People will die that it is really that simple because sometimes we can we. Can kind of lose ourselves, and the numbers and the graphs and and so forth but, to the degree that people comply, with the orders then, less people are going to die. Dr.. Rebecca gay former state health secretary, and now CEO of LSU healthcare systems tells, me she has searched high and low for basic supplies for, doctors staff and patients, and no luck we, talked this week about what's facing people in a world of Kovan 19 how. Would it be as a doctor, for you to go into a, medical. Setting where you're taking care of a patient but. You don't have the tools needed. To give, the care that you need to give. This. Is this, heartbreaking, and unprecedented you, know I was. In. New York City on, September 11th, of 2001, and saw the, second plane hit the World Trade Center it, was part of the efforts, is that then is a medical, student who helped ready the healthcare system for the, needs of the patients, of the city of New York and you, know that was a situation where we had tremendous tragedy but we had the resources to. Handle that. Tragedy, I mean here is a case where we have a tragedy, and. Unfortunately Louisiana. Is the bleeding edge of this problem for the nation and we, are going to be along. With Washington State and New York one of the first states. That run out of. Resources. And our health care workers are going to be left with decisions, of who. Lives and who dies I mean the governor has asked, for 12,000, ventilators, he, the president, Trump told him yesterday he's sending 150. I mean. It's. If you don't have a ventilator and you're a doctor and someone isn't breathing, that, person will die, so. This, is really serious. And and the nation, has not it. Was not prepared, for, for. How quickly this spread, and is, not prepared, either from, manufacturing. Capabilities, of ventilators, I've, spent the past week trying to source these they're just simply not available just, imagine, dealing. With the tragedy of patients dying alone. Without, their loved ones and in addition, you know being asked to reuse. Your mask reuse your gowns wipe down your gowns, I'm fear. Fear, of not having enough protection we're, sending these, medical, soldiers into battle without, the armor they need to protect them and without the.

The The. Weapons ie the the, tools to. Fight this battle which are the ventilators, and critical, care needs and our. Nation. Is engaging, in efforts to ramp up but these, are too late for. Areas, that are going to run out of ventilators, and that's what the governor and my. Former staff, members do extremely capable at. The Louisiana Department of Health have said will happen without, those ventilators, and and this week it just after. Working. All the chains the National supply chains the private. Industry trying, to work this problem through organizations. Like n95. Org, it, doesn't, just simply, does not appear that these ventilators, are available, you know at times like this we can get. You. Know we have new solutions, to problems that we never would. Have envisioned and we also have, you. Know opportunities. To create a new, connection so, so there's a lot in the positive is that of all the people that are helping each other and and doing. The best they can the negative is that this is a problem that simply is overwhelming, this. World in a way that not, only this country about this world in ways that we've never experienced. And hopefully never will again. Rebecca. Good to talk to you we'll talk to you again thank you so much thank. You and. A problem that did not have to be this way besides. Her work as a public health leader dr. gray has a medical practice and a family to look after so she knows crisis, management and when data showed a grim outlook for, patient care in New Orleans she, scrambled into action with a call for volunteers the, result a partnership. Between LSU, and the UL system, and a team of sophomore, engineers, at Ulf yet to develop the kovat 19 volunteer. Management, system, the. System that researchers, developed, in five days allows, college, students, majoring, in healthcare and non, healthcare to, sign up and almost immediately, give, their support and it, doesn't leave out current, or retired health professionals, either dr.. Ramesh kolleru, is UL lafayette slice president, for research the. LSU UL, partnership, he and dr. G forged quickly, became. A statewide hookup, Rebecca. And I I reached. Out to the, president of the University of Louisiana system, dr. Jim Henderson and she. Began working with dr., alario a, the, leadership of the LSU system, because between the two university, systems here at the, UL system and LSU system, we covered the geographic, footprint of.

The State of Louisiana. We immediately co-opted. Dr. Kim Hunter Reed the. Commissioner, of higher education, for the state of Louisiana Board, of Regents, so, that we could also expand, this to include community. Technical College's, because we have strong nursing programs throughout the community, colleges, and we wanted to reach out to them and simultaneously. As you were doing it Rebecca, reached out to, Tulane. And. Dr.. Fitts and the leadership actually and was firmly on board and so we we brought all of the leaders of higher, education, because look at the end of the day while we educate these students, and these, at our universities, our goal, is to turn up the next generation of leaders leaders, who care about those communities lenders who engage in our communities, and our, students, have always led from the front in the days following the, blows from hurricanes, Katrina and Rita students. Jumped in wherever there was a need and it seems they're doing it again remember. This website, to reach volunteers, has, only been online a matter of days and already, almost, 3,000. Have signed up so just just seemed like a natural, way, to tap into the, passions, that the, spirit, of volunteerism. When, what we do very well in Louisiana, neighbor helping, neighbor in. Good days and certainly in times of need, and so. We, put this infrastructure, together and. Working. With and when, the governor made, a call to all. Students. And and. So on through his tweet and a campaign, working with the Louisiana Department of, Health it, just seemed like. Students. Responded. To that call in a big way so. Big that, more players, had to get involved, it, was also important. For us to not only look at this from the supply side of volunteerism. But. From the demand side waiver needs, that. Were. Becoming visible and available and what. Needs these students would be able to fill and to make that happen we. Partnered. Immediately, with quality, of Louisiana, which is an initiative that. Runs or that is run out of the lieutenant governor's office and the unite. Of Louisiana which, are really during. Good days and bad the, United Way's our, community. In each of our communities are, really the. Anchors when it comes to. Helping. Communities. Remember. Some, of them Ramez. Some of the logistics. Who's. Going, to coordinate. All this and to where they go where, will they stay how. Will they be fed some. Of the basics, like that we are working with what, I would call channel partners, if you will so all the non-healthcare. Volunteers. That come from guard. Disciplines, like communications, and social work and. Marketing. And business and, entrepreneurship, helping, any of those kinds of areas we. Are going to, connect. Those through volunteer. Louisiana, and. These. In all likelihood, will, I mean what, I mean I could step back we. Register. These students so they were healthcare students, or non-healthcare students we, ask them what types of services, do they want to get involved in what type of volunteer, services, would they want to get pardon and also, ask them do you want to get physically, deployed or. Do you want to do this, from. The comfort of your homes as you're socially distancing, and I'm, I'm, pleased, to tell you that more than 70, percent of the students that quality, it said. They will jump both feet and they will go and get deployed where they need, to be deployed and that surprised, me because I would have thought that in in. The context of code nineteen people would be apprehensive, I mean that speaks volumes, to, deaf. Spirit of volunteerism but, we want to make sure that we don't put them in harm's way booklets Indians talk to you as this, evolves, thank. You so much for your time I appreciate it, thank. You thank, you for all that you are doing to get the word out we really appreciate you, everybody. Here is that website, it is kovat. - 19. La. Volunteers, dot, o-r-g, remember. It. As. The, corona virus pandemic has grown here in the US the u.s. blood drive cancellations. Have grown to at an alarming, rate officials, with the American Red Cross say, nearly 3,000, blood drives have, been cancelled across the country due to concerns about social, distancing, we talked to officials at VY Talent Blood Services to find out what they're doing to try to continue collecting the much needed blood during, this medical, crisis there's.

No Way to sugarcoat it blood donations, are badly, needed so we are down the demand, that hasn't increased, much but the supply is depleting. Normally, we keep a four-day, supply of. Platelets. And all blood types on our shelves we're down to about half of that right now and to, combat, that we are setting up emergency blood, drives all around the Baton Rouge Lafayette, and Morgan City area adam, Fontenot is donor recruitment supervisor. For vitality, blood donation center he says these blood drives and the donors that come out are critical, to replenish the life-saving, blood needed. In all types of emergencies, especially. During the Kovach 19 pandemic, we, had a blood drive at our immediate Mercy Catholic, Church here in Baton Rouge and from, 9 to 3 we saw over 50 people come, through our doors they all had set appointments in 30 minute time blocks to mitigate crowd control and social, gathering, as well Fontenot, says staffers are taking extra steps to make sure those trying to help others stay, healthy, our staff, is you. Know they're taking all of the necessary precautions, it's taking a little longer than normal to, donate, blood right now because of all of the cleaning, for having to use a much bigger space than we normally live you know would need to so, that everybody, can you know be six or so feet apart he says they're doing their very best to make the process as streamlined as possible by. Allowing donors, to complete most of the paperwork before, they come to give blood everyone, is signing up online. They're also doing a fast track health questionnaire, so they're going to be deferring, their, own self basically if they have been through any. One of the number of countries that have you know been majorly affected by, this virus, so they're going through a full biometric, screening, with our staff as well so before they actually sit down they're. Cleared Sudan and they are fully healthy as well Fontenot. Says giving blood has been established as an essential, service and by giving your donation, you could be saving lives during this unprecedented, medical, emergency. The reason that we're having such a blood shortage is 60, percent of the nation's blood supply comes direct, from local. Businesses, churches high, schools and college, campuses so you, know three of those four have been completely, shut down to the time being and now most of our local businesses, that. Were scheduled, for having, a blood drive on the books are now, down either down to essential staff or have completely, closed as well so, now we're having to rely on going. Out into the community at. Churches, that have a parish, hall that don't mind us coming in for the day that, they have a you. Know an email listing, that they can blast it out so their entire congregation or, parish. Blood. Donations, are badly needed please, donate, if you can. A local. Hotel owner is doing his part to help those battling the deadly coronavirus Raj. Patel got an idea after a conversation with, a friend and turned that conversation. Into action, we talked to Patel whose plan could, help prevent families, of first responders, from, getting sick Raj. Patel is a hotel, owner on a mission, I have a doctor, friend who helped. Me come up with the idea or the initiative to start this particular program.

He, Was basically sleeping, in the garage and trying to keep his family in a wife and kids safe after working an entire day at the hospital patel's, friend is a doctor, on the front lines in the battle against, the corona virus so, I figured in order to help the helpers let's go and provide rooms so they can get some comfort, and some good rest so they can go ahead and do, the work that they do at the hospitals again the next day Patel, took his idea to oil corporate, and they all agreed they wanted to help our hotels. In the Bayou State and more than 300, nationwide, are, now offering, free rooms, to first responders, they, have to provide the, proof of identification. Notifying. That showing. That they are first. Responders and. They can make a reservation for five consecutive days, take, a two day break and then again five consecutive days and it'll go on for as long as they. Need it those, two days are used to deep clean the room used by the first responders, keeping, them and other hotel, guests safe we, have dedicated sections. At each of our hotels just dedicated, to first responders, keeping, them away from the regular customers, all. Of our hotels we're following the CDC guidelines to keep them nice and clean and you know in, disinfected. Patel says this is just his company's, way to give back something, we should all try to do it feels good to be part of a solution I'm. Not saying that you know what, we do is gonna be enough but, I'm hoping that this motivates, other hoteliers other individuals, to, go ahead and take the initiative to help out in whatever, you, know, manner. They can or. Your hotels are also dropping off subway sandwiches, to first responders, at testing sites they just want to do whatever they can to help those working, hard to keep us safe. Tourism. Is a billion, dollar industry in the state but with the corona virus pandemic many, planned trips to the Bayou State and popular spots like New Orleans have, been canceled but, tenet Governor Billy Nungesser says, they're already working on plans to ramp up tourism, as soon as Kovan 19, is behind, us, New Orleans almost, never looks like this streets. Empty bars and restaurants, closed tourism. At a standstill. Lieutenant. Governor Billy Nungesser says, the coronavirus. Effect has been nothing short of devastating, it's. Gonna be something, we've never experienced, before after a hurricane, or a storm or a flood we. Gather up and go back to work and get people to come back and enjoy Louisiana, the whole country, is shut down so we're gonna be scrambling, right after this event has passed to. Get people back in our bed and breakfasts hotels. Swamp. Tours the, lieutenant, governor who serves as the state's tourism, czar, says his office will begin to push to get tourism, dollars flowing, again right, here at home when, the virus threats are over one, thing we're going to focus on is Louisiana's.

Getting Out and supporting, staycation. And something we promoted, for the last several years and ask, those Louisiana's. To share it with their friends and family around the country so, we will start locally, in promoting, tourism right out the gate he, says our tourism challenges. Come after record-breaking, tourism, successes. 1.9. Billion, our. Largest increase, ever in tourism the. Last year we have numbers 2018. That's over a thousand, dollars profoundly. In taxes, that you and I didn't have to pay we. Got a long way to go to catch that up it's, also devastating. You know we could see a third. Or the restaurants. Closed down that is what makes Louisiana, special, our food our culture, as. Well as a lot of the private businesses, that, rely on tourism Nungesser, says, the state has fought back from tough times before and he's confident, we can do it again we've come together Katrina. The lost bill the, 2016. Floods nobody, does it like Louisiana's, we, reach out and help our neighbor we're. Gonna have to dig deep and really do that again lieutenant, governor says our journey back won't be easy but Louisianans. Our hardy and our, love for our state will make us fight to get back to normal I'm confident. We'll come out of this thing bigger and better than ever but. There's. No light at the end of the tunnel yet, and we're hoping to see that in the, next 30 days and, and. Then we can get, back to work but it's. Going to be a trying time for the whole country and Louisiana. Is going to be no different. Beginning. This Tuesday LPB, will broadcast the first of the two-part series the gene an intimate. History it's the Ken Burns documentary that, brings to life the story of today's. Revolution. In medical, science, science. And personal, stories bring, together the history that, has made today's genetic, breakthroughs possible. Over. The past two weeks we've been sharing the importance, of genetic research, among our Cajun population. There, Chris Durance is director. Of the show and he joins us for a brief discussion Chris. Welcome to you first, have to ask why, is the gene such. An important, documentary. Well. Thank you so much for having me we're. Speaking obviously, at the in the middle of a, pandemic, selecting. Louisiana, affecting, so many states affecting, much of the world at the moment and, I. Think people have to know that this virus is made of genes and made. Of genes just like us and so. Everything, we need to know about, how. Its transmitted. How it works why. It makes some people just. Have a mild cold and some, people you, know have their lungs collapse, and force them into intensive, care or even take their life I mean all of that knowledge is gonna. Come from genetics. It's gonna come from the work of scientists, and that, builds on decades, and decades of research of trying to understand polio and trying to understand, AIDS and, trying to understand even the, flu and the common cold, and, so. What, we're gonna hope now is that the scientists, bring all that to bear to tackle the, crisis. That we're that, were in the middle of yeah the. Film tells the story of how. We got really how we got to today how we got to the point where we can bring, this whole armamentarium. To tackle this well they asked you quickly what was the most surprising, content. Perhaps that you discovered, in your, work for, us, I think the most surprising thing, was was. Seeing the dedication. The, curiosity. The, into, ingenuity. And, and the passion, of the scientists, who work in this field I mean this really is an inspirational. Group and for, your viewers who've been following what's been going on with the pandemic you've. Probably seen Anthony, ouchy. Yeah, he you, know leading. The effort really to help, people understand, the extent of the crisis, and what's being done to combat it we. Know people like him all over the. Scientific. Community, and what, we try and do is bring stories, like that to, life in the film and and, I think people, are gonna find a newfound respect for, for, scientists for the work they do yes. We're really looking to them today to tackle, this it's something we can't wait for look forward to it and it's great to talk with you Chris, thanks so much for being here with us we appreciate it, thank. You you take care you can. Chat with mr. Doran's louisiana, genetic researcher, and get a sneak peek of the gene and intimate history online, this Monday at 7 p.m. visit, LPB org slash the gene to, register, you. Can also view the two-part series on LPB it begins Tuesday April 7th, also, the 14th both at 7 p.m..

Legendary. New Orleans musician Ellis Marsalis jr., died this week he battled pneumonia, brought on by Kovac 19 now he had six sons including four well-known jazz musicians, Branford. Went among them he was an educator, who taught generations of, jazz musicians, LPB. Louisiana legend Ellis Marsalis jr., was 85, years old and everyone, take, care out there that is our show for this week goodnight. Entergy. Is proud to support programming on, LPB, and greener, practices. That preserve, Louisiana. The. Goal of our environmental. And sustainability, initiatives. Really is to ensure that our kids and future generations can. Be left with a cleaner planet. Additional. Support provided by, the Fred B and Ruth B Ziegler Foundation, and the Ziegler Art Museum located in Jennings City Hall the, museum, focuses on emerging Louisiana, artists and is an historical, and cultural center, for Southwest, Louisiana and. The. Foundation, for excellence in Louisiana, public broadcasting. With support from viewers, like you.

2020-04-04 19:29

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