County Dublin: Ireland Explained

County Dublin: Ireland Explained

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hello and welcome to episode 10 of this 32 page Series where I explain every County on the island of Ireland this time it's County Dublin Dublin is a coastal County located in the east of the island of Ireland in the province of Leinster much of the county is taken off by Dublin City the largest city and capital of Ireland Norwich kayak by the real Capital anyway Dublin borders the counties of mead Kildare and Wicklow the county is only 922 square kilometers an area making it the third smallest and the island larger than loud and kylo and smaller than Longford however Dublin is by far the most populous County being home to over 1.5 million people which is more than the entire province of monster or nearly three times as many people as Connaught it's also about 27 of the state's population and 20 of the islands or around the same as 16 of the counties with the smallest populations combined about 1.2 million of these people live within the Dublin open area which takes up the southern half of the county Dublin's Irish name and English name are different but connected when the Vikings arrived in the area they built multiple settlements one was around where the river puddle entered the leafy where Dublin Castle stands today they named it Dove Lane which is the Irish for Blackpool the Irish name for Dublin comes from another settlement further Upstream called Balia Balia is the Irish for Town while means the fight of hurdles this void a crossing point of the leafy stores where father Machu Bridge stands today some nicknames for Dublin are the Dobbs the leafy ciders the first Sushi the Big Smoke and the pale referring to the area under British control in the 14th and 15th centuries the County College Elation date blue and the county Marshal is by trivia or puriha which is Irish for Action to match our speech the Marshall for Dublin City is obedientia CVM urbis Felicitas which is lashing for The Obedience of the citizens produces a happy City some anthems used for the county include Mali Malone Jacqueline Road and Dublin in the railroad times the kai registration play code is D there's a lot of local newspapers some of them are shown here as well as local radio stations keep in mind that being the capital and biggest city in Ireland many national stations and papers are also based here such as the Irish Times and ite the boilers of County Dublin are too interesting to the South most of the town of gray is given to Wicklow from here the boy that follows the Dublin in Wicklow mountains the boiler divides the Hazel hatch and selbridge train station between Dublin and Kildare as well as the runway of Western airport the boiler with Mead straddles the entry Village and then the delvan river out to the Irish sea Dublin has a time for a climate and is much less rainfall than the western coastline it is also one of the Weimar counties boosted by the urban heat island effect the Phoenix Pike weather station has long-term monthly average temperature of 4.9 degrees in January with the July high of 15.6 degrees annual mean precipitation is 773.7 millimeters

Dublin has a varying topography the South along the border with Wicklow is mountainous engine is here where the highest point capua can be found most of the forests in the county are located here so keep in mind that most and monocultural plantations of invasive carnivores are not biodiverse native Woodlands the night of the county in comparison is very flash with the few low-lying Hills and is mostly used for agriculture the topography means that the expansion of Dublin City is mostly Westward and northwards only staying near the coast to the South the main river in the county is the iconic Liffey which divides Dublin City into its north side and south side the daughter and Tarka Rivers also joined into the Liffey before it enters Dublin Bay the bay is bounded by Joel key point and Kalani Hill in the South and horse head to the north halt is a former Island which was connected to the mainland by the social tempola this is Lambe Island which is the easternmost point of Leinster the site of the first Viking raid in Ireland and home to a colony of wallabies other official Islands include islandsai dwalki Island and United's ball Island which is unempoise in bird sanctuary we are sure if the coast of scary is we also have rockabill which has a lighthouse and the latest colony of Rozier towns in Europe returning to the mainland in the north we find some white bears and inlets such as the Rajasthan S3 white Meadow Estuary and baltoyl Bay this Newton area called finger oil is extremely flat the highest point of the Noel Hills is only 176 meters above sea level Dublin has many beaches such as Kalani for the Fort sandymount Point minecartrain and Welsh the geology of the county is mostly hiberniferous Limestone the oldest rocks are the Cambrian shells around Horseheads while the igneous vanish of the Dublin mountains dates on the closing of the ancient diapolis ocean around 400 million years ago which pushed up the battle list forming the mountains the county is these special areas of conservation and these special protected areas Dublin Bay is also a UNESCO biosphere Reserve despite being smiling tightly urbanized Dublin is a strong agricultural Powerhouse especially the northern region of Fingal Dublin has the largest average Farm size of 47.3 hectares 41 of the county is used for farming with a high proportion being tillage such as wheat potatoes and barley pastoral farming also takes place and cheap by weird and the highlands to the South Fingal has the highest proportion of myocardialing in Ireland growing fresh food and vegetables to sell to the large open market next door as mentioned earlier some forestry takes place in the mountains fishing is also important with Landings coming into Halt and skerries but this industry has seen much decline due to pollution and overfishing Dublin is the latest industrial center in Ireland this ranges for modern multinational technological electronic engineering and pharmaceutical plants such as IBM Pfizer and dipsin to long-standing factories such as Guinness which has been viewed as Saint James's gates in 1759. when is the Guinness got a 9 000 year lease on the side three million pints of the black stuff are brewed here every day the Guinness toy house on the site today is the most visited tourist attraction in Ireland with the name Dublin on Guinness merchandise all over the world most manufacturing takes place in modern industrial states by the M50 Motorway on the outskirts of the city such as in sandyford blanchardstown and ballymount as well as around the point Dublin is a major veto center with the busy CBD as well as major shopping centers including blanchardstown and Dundrum it's also one of the largest Financial Centers in Europe being home to the Irish Stock Exchange the Irish Central Bank and the ifsc ESS in the redeveloped docklands the International Financial Services Center employs over 35 000 people and generate seven percent of the state's GDP many International companies have flocked to Ireland due to the local operation tax and settled in Dublin due to the large-skilled workforce major offices for Google Facebook Amazon Microsoft Trisha and others can be found in the city Dublin has multiple universities such as Trinity College Dublin which is the oldest in Ireland as well as UCD DCU Tut and the Royal College of Surgeons the largest town in County Dublin is Dublin City Island capital and largest city home to the doyle Enchanted Leinster House most government departments and the president in Phoenix Pike the main quest of the country are located here as well as the National Library the national broadcast.ite multiple

universities tier shows and museums and the National Gallery of Ireland with its direction Architects your fascinating history and Lively pobs it's also the most visited destination in Ireland Domino's UNESCO world city of literature being home to four Nobel Prize winners foreigners and the oldest library in Ireland this large green space is Phoenix Pike the largest world Pike in Europe well known for its heart of fallow deer it's home to Iris Sanuk Devon Dublin Zoo the Wellington Monument which is the latest obelisk in Europe and Stock Island survey the next Leisure settlements all serve as commercial towns to Dublin these include swords while drinking Malahide skerries Rush pointik Lusk and donabate the high cost of housing in the capital has forced many to move out to these dormitory towns and those in surrounding counties such as Caldera meets wiklolish and louth also notable at Dublin suburbs many former towns and Villages which were swallowed up by the grown City some of the largest ones such as tala and blanchardstown have populations equivalent to Limerick Or Glory cities Dublin is often divided by its numbered postal districts best known being the upper class D4 by Dublin fire the postal districts in the South Side have even numbers while those in the night side have outnumbers The Stereotype historically is that the north side is more underprivileged than the wealthier South side but keep in mind that this is very generalized and there are of Christ's exceptions during the beast from the Eastern 2018 a snowball fight took place between both sides across the Liffey the night side has won in 1994 a county Dublin was divided into four areas for local Administration these are Dublin City South Dublin John Leary down and Fingal to the north the county towns of each of these are Dublin tala John Leary and soyd respectively politically the County's place of 11 Doyle constituencies and the Dublin EU Parliament constituency the county is also historically been split up into the baronis which you can see on this map the Barony of that town was divided when County Wicklow was created in 1606 along with the former Battle of Don Leary it gives its name to John Leary that down the county Dublin is home to Dublin Airport which is the largest busiest and most stressful in Ireland serving nearly 33 million passengers in 2019. it's the 12th busiest in Europe and serves as the headquarters of Ireland's flag carrier Aer Lingus as well as Budget Airline Dragonair it's also one of only two airports in Europe to offer U.S border free clearance to other being Shannon County Clare smaller airports are found at Western and case modular map baldarna which is home to the Irish air quiet most violence motivators of insulation variation about Dublin connecting to the infamous semicircular Ring Road to M50 which is known as the biggest co-pike in Ireland in 2021 Dublin was ranked the 16th worst city in the world for traffic congestion the M50 connects to Dublin Port via the 4.6 kilometer point total which opened in 2006. Dublin coil is by far the busiest in Ireland and from here Kai ferries can bring you to Liverpool poly-headed whales and Douglas on the Isle of Man fairies used to also operate from John Leary for deceased in 2015. Ireland's first passenger Railway line connected to John Leary to what is now pure station in 1834.

today the two main terminal stations are kindly induced in serving Intercity and commuter trains the Dublin area of Rapid transition or Dash follows the east coast and stretches from greystones in Wicklow to hold the Malahide in the night then there's Dublin bus with well over 100 votes and the lowest rail called the Lewis which is the Irish word for Speed which is two intersecting lines for decades there have been plans to build a Dublin Metro the current Metrolink plan would join the city center with the airport Dublin is currently the only major European Capital not to have a real connection to its airplanes Chiles close to cast turning feet rapidly just like the National Children's Hospital phone Lee for transportation worth mentioning the ruling van canals which were unrest from Dublin to the River Shannon once heavily used by fish and passenger badges today they are used for recreational purposes some places of interest within County Dublin include the Guinness toy house the general post office Dublin Zoo these Cathedrals these castles these lighthouses all of these museums these pipes and Gardens Phoenix Pike Trinity College and the Book of Kells the famous 9th century Illustrated religious manuscript containing the five gospels those also the massive glass-level Cemetery the national botanic garden jail Saint Stephen's Green folk Pike these monuments Hatley Bridge the spire on O'Connell Street which cost 4 million and the overflow's tourist trap District of Temple pie also there's the pool bag chimneys which have an icon of Dublin the 206 meter toy commission chimney Stacks are visible for much of the city there's even a model of them in the new Lego Store on Grafton Street speaking of heights the tallest building in Ireland is capital dock in the redeveloped docklands which is 79 meters tall the nearby hype-shaped Samuel Beckett Bridge next to the iconic Convention Center can turn 90 degrees to allow ships to pass through some lesser-known spots include a tree eating a bench the haunted hellfire club in the Dublin mountains scary's Mills the mummies of Saint Michael's Church and a little built it up Viking ruins the remains of Saint Valentine are said to reside in whitefire Street Church while Christchurch Cathedral has a mummified cash in Vash the oldest pub in Ireland is said to be Brazen Hades while Johnny fox is in the Dublin mountains claims to be the highest in altitude just don't tell them about joint inspiring athlone or the top of Comb On the koikeri Border O'Connell bridge is whiter than it is long and has a fake commemorative plaque to a fake priest which was mysteriously installed in 2004 speaking of bridges randomly on Google Maps they stumbled across Island's most bashed bridge in malhot only 2.6 meters in hush the bridge is frequently battled by unfortunate trucks fans and ambulances and if you're from koik the main destinations include the urquish and Ikea the major festivals in Dublin include St Patrick's Day Festival longitude Temple by tradfest Dublin theater Festival Dublin International Film Festival clam stoker Festival topic Finch festival and bloomstick based on James Joyce's Fame slit rework Ulysses which is set in Dublin now A Brief History there is evidence of human habitation in Dublin for the last six thousand years the first Vikings in Ireland landed at Lambe Island in 795 A.D when they rated a monastery there around 50 years later they established a settlement on the banks of the Liffey which would soon turn into the largest slave my kitchen Europe the many Viking artifacts have been found in the area around what key Dublin celebrated its official Millennium in 1988 and I was told by a subscriber that you can still buy the milk bottles from it on in 1014 the Battle of clantif was a sign of the end of Viking rule in Ireland and also saw the death of Irish hikingra in Peru the neumans from England invaded island in the 12th century and built open Castle but over the following decades their rule was reduced to this area around Dublin called The Pale Henry VIII got sick of Irish Rebellion so he declared himself king of Island in 1542 with Dublin as its capsule Dublin thrived in the 18th century with its new Georgian architecture white streets and Grand squares replacing much of the medieval city after the 1798 Rebellion the Irish parliament in Dublin was abolished and Ireland firmly became part of the UK Dublin soon went into extreme poverty becoming one of the poorest issues in Europe the many Georgian houses were turned into tenement slums this was worse than showing the Great Famine when Dublin saw a great increase of play migrants from this diving Countryside while top impressed by mass immigration Irish nationalist sentiment grew after the famine but this was put on hold due to the first World War this leads us nicely into the most defining event in Dublin's history the Easter rising of 1916. on Easter Monday

Rebels occupied multiple strategic buildings around the city being headquartered in the general post office on Sackville street now O'Connell Street this is where Patrick Pierce read the proclamation declaring an Irish Republic the fighting was fierce but hostilities would be halted every day to allow for the feeling of the ducks in Stevens green after a week of much destruction the rebel surrendered and the leaders were executed in kilmainham jail Buller holes from the Rebellion can still be seen in the GPO today the executions only increased nationalist sentiment to fast Island the first oil was established in 1919 in Dublin's mansion house by Sinn Fein MPS who refused to take their seat in Westminster on the same day the Irish war of independence began two of the most infamous days of the war took place in Dublin on the 20th of September 1920 the black and tans ravaged the town of balbriggan burning over 50 homes and businesses and gaining much into National condemnation on the 21st of November that same year Ira leader Michael Collins's four of Assassins killed 14 British Asians and informers in retaliation British voices including the black and tans opened fire on a Gaelic football matching folkpike killing 14 civilians including two children and injuring at least 60 might this day became known as Bloody Sunday the Hogan stand in folk Pike today is named after Tipperary player Michael Hogan who was shot dead on Bloody Sunday a truce was called in 1921 and president avalara sent Michael Collins and Arthur Griffith to London to negotiate a peace treaty the new free stage only consisted of 26 of the 32 counties six of the nine counties of Ulster which remain in the UK as Northern Ireland disagreements over the tree she led to a bloody Civil War which stated when poetry forces attacked anti-treaty ayode who were established in the fight lights the Civil War ended in 1923 and subsequent governments worked on dismantling the trishi with Islands becoming a republic in 1949 Island state neutral in World War II but Dublin was bombed multiple times by the Germans in 1941. it may have been a navigational mistake whereas retaliation for Dublin fire brigade assisting Belfast in Northern Ireland which was bombed severely Dublin was not left unaffected by the troubles in Northern Ireland after Darius Bloody Sunday in February 1972 protesters burnt down the British Embassy at Marion Square the 17th of May 1975 saw multiple bombings in Dublin as well as Monahan by the loyalist uvf 26 people in Dublin were killed with the attack being the worst in the history of the Republic following decades so much Urban expansion and economic growth especially after Ireland joined the eec in 1973. Dublin City was awarded European capital of culture in 1991. Dublin is home to the headquarters of the GAA in folk Pike which is the largest stadium in Ireland with capacity of 82300 it is also the third largest stadium in Europe each holds the main GAA finals as well as concerts and even a need celebration Dublin GAA also plays home games at pinell Pike the Dublin senior hurling team have six oil Island wins the last in 1938 and three National hurling liquids historically they've also had a very successful camogie team with the last oil Island win in 1984. Dublin is an absolute Powerhouse County for Gaelic football with the second highest number of total wins with Hershey just behind Kerry's 38. they even got a six in a row from 2015 to 2020. the ladies team first won the Oil

Island in 2010 and since won four more times soccer is also huge with Shamrock Rovers being the most successful winning the league of Ireland 19 times and the FAA cup 25 times other teams include the United States rival Bohemians as well as shelburn UCD and St Patrick's athletic the largest soccer in rugby stadium in Ireland is the Aviva formerly Lansdowne Road the Leinster Rugby plays here as well as after IDs other sports present in the county include golf Cricket tennis hockey boxing basketball and twice racing Dobbin has the highest population of residents being born outside the Republic of Ireland at 21 with the largest groups coming from the UK Holland Romania India Brazil and Lithuania many languages can be heard in Dublin but one which can't be is the extinct fingerlian which went extinct in Fingal by the mid-19th century and was derived from Middle English Roman Catholicism is the largest religion at 69 but keep in mind that the two most famous Cathedrals are Protestant ones there's too many famous people from Dublin to name but some of the most well-known include Molly Malone James Joyce Oscar Wilde Samuel Beckett wb8 bam stoker George Bernard Joy Jonathan Swift Brendan Gleeson Colin Farrell Marvin O'Hara gay burn Bano and you too Sinead O'Connor the Dominos Westlife the script philina foil lamps and hog Conor McGregor Kelly Harrington Frederick Harrington Robin Keen Harry Clark a lot of t-shirt but only one president joined Teo Kelly and then there's played Rick Pierce Joseph Mary plunkish Roger casement kahul brewerytone and the MGM lion who was born at Dublin Zoo some of the most popular surnames in the county include doors from wildover Island such as Murphy Valiant Kelly Walsh burn Doyle John Kavanaugh Mary O'Riley and Nolan due to the diaspora traces of County Dublin can be found all over the world for example you can find Dublin in Ohio Dublin Georgia Dublin California Dublin Belarus Dublin South Australia klantive New South Wales drumkantra Victoria vandala Argentina Fingal Tasmania and Dublin Sierra Leone the Big Smoke the first issue on the Liffey with the big city in a small County with some room to spare for beaches flames and mountains the center of Irish politics media history Revolution tourism sport literature transport Finance industry and Guinness the capsule Norwich can't buy for the next episode we'll be going back up north to Ulster for County for Mana if you have any facts or information for the next episodes please comment below or email counties GW thanks to those who helped with information and subscribe for more videos about Island and the world [Music]

2023-03-03 01:46

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