Cooking SWAMP RATS in Louisiana

Cooking SWAMP RATS in Louisiana

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swamp Rats clean and cook BOS skito for the boys tonight up a time baby time baby we're back in Louisiana last time we were here we met a National Treasure we've been invited into my friend's home here sker hi I'm sker I'm the head cook Chief bottle washer around here this is to it that's the lady of my life one hell of a glorious meal if it got any better than this the good Lord kept it for himself originally our plan was to hunt and cook swamp rats but we couldn't find any it's now 3 years later I give sker a call to see if he remembers me sker R yeah it's Mike Cory the YouTuber hey man what's happening Brother what a hell of a phone call on a [ __ ] Monday morning boy I had such a good time with you last time and uh would love to come back and do those crawfish uh those main lobster crawfish style maybe try to get some of those swamp rats again some of those nutria think we can make that happen I a when you're ready come bud you know the door open to you perfect man all right thanks man speak soon we got a sequel on that note we jump on a plane and head straight to the Bayou where I'm told we will have no trouble at all finding swamp rats welcome to Paloma Lake in lisiana we've got shaon we got Jordan we got Ben and we got Mike a fearless and far your adventure travel host we're on our way now to do a varmint hunt Shon what is a varment for those who maybe don't know the first time here in Louisiana so for us in Louisiana varment or anything that kind of upset our equilibrium of our property and so we have lots of animals here that have brought been brought in over time that have thrived in our uh kind of Cajun Community down here and so a varment would be like a raccoon what else so raccoons nutrius possums um at this point even pigs because they're invasive as well have have been uh thrown in as varmits in our categories and so that you know Nutri is by far the worst because they cause the most damage they they destroy the marsh on a regular basis the way they dig holes and and consume all the vegetation and nutria is the famous swamp rat right it is it is up to 30 lbs huge orange teeth um pretty good swimmers lots of fun and pretty gross do you know why their teeth are orange I I I know it has something to do with the way they could with what they consume and the um in some sort of microorganism that changes the color I heard that it's actually because they're a rodent so they have really strong inzersdorf [Music] rats I didn't know if we need a day two days sometimes we take 3 days to find the animals but here it's like a God damn shooting gallery they're everywhere nutria were brought here from South America in the 1930s for their valuable waterproof fur but with no natural Predators quickly overtook the landscape we grab our 22s and we start the hunt we've been walking around on top of these levies driving around too and I think the nutria are getting suspicious there not much activity out here normally and now they're getting a bit more shy so we're going to tuck along the right side of this Levy pop up and uh take a shot but they know something's up we spot one but then Ben makes a mistake got the whole te here it's very serious moment we're trying to get this shot Ben stepped in a pile of ants I was like oh these branches are really sharp look they're all over your sock now like stinging and biting look like fire ants yeah feel like it oh [ __ ] there's a there's a an alligator right there right about 8 footer Jesus man the threats are everywhere but the biggest threat us for oh he left you're kidding Ben no I'm fired you when you're jumping around up there dancing there's lots around and we spot another I think I've shot more uh homemade bows and arrows in Africa than I have actual guns man all right 5 4 3 two one I think we both do I get more shots yep you get them [Music] yeah was [Music] so we got our first swamp R um now we have our retrieval process so you know if you're a typical Paloma Lake guest I'd go out there and get it for you but seeing your videos and KN what you do we want to want a little more excitement for you so we're going to make a water retrieve you and I together and so we have to be careful as you've seen we got got a few uh pesky animals out here we seen Ben get eaten up by the fire ants we got some pictures of the alligators got water moccasins and copperheads and uh rattlesnakes so we got our fair share snakes too that's fun it's not the first time we've been attacked by snakes no no it happened in Congo once not looking forward to it again honestly is it cold Poss here we go okay it's not so bad just a little chilly looks like Al Alpa Sprouts we did we call this duckweed down here but I've never tried adding it to a salad you ever have duckweed fights we have so sticky [Applause] that's a nutria also known as a swamp rat probably weighs what like 25 lb 20 lb yeah probably 20 lbs look at those orange teeth right I guess probably should watch my fingers because they they can take off a finger with their iron teeth they sure can I've seen quite a few dogs up and these uh rodents in general like like this or like a Geral or a hamster they have this curse almost where they always have to be using their teeth or else their teeth actually get too big and so they're always gnawing on things it's like two two pliers two knives that smash together and they cut up the foliage they cut anything including fingers right keep my hand away cuz sometimes they still bite when they're dead all right I get back swamp route number one let's find number two all right number two great shot Mike thank you man helping coion and feeding this at the same time dinner and saving the planet right we're back at Paloma Lake and we got one two three nutria so normally how does it work here you guys actually you take hunting trips out you do deer you do pig you do what else absolutely Mike yeah we take everybody so we'll do varmint hunts to you know help with the nutrius armadilla raccoons we also do game animals we do ducks uh pigs deer kind of anything you want to do that we can do down here in Southern Louisiana and then generally you would skin them prepare them and cook them but hold on we got a cooler because remember last time I was in Louisiana I met a colorful character named sker Ray well sker Ray actually is a master at cooking these and he's invited us to come back to his place so we're going to put them in the cooler bring them to sker and then we're going to have a cook off cookout how do how do you say in [ __ ] ass way I say cookout a cookout yeah nutrient cookout before you leave I've got something for you you we talked about being a [ __ ] ass and while some people are [ __ ] ass by birth I also think you can be [ __ ] ass by state of mind and so you coming out helping us shoot the uh shoot the neutr rats shoot swamp rats swiming our har mud and do all that kind of good stuff entitles you to be a uh an honorary [ __ ] and so I present you with the uh [ __ ] Nikes otherwise known as the white shrimp boots I hope you take those back to Canada with you and enjoy the [ __ ] ass I can't guarantee I'm going to keep them clean of course not part of the point right yeah oh and they fit like Cinderella's slipper nice all right click my heels that's it that means you can come back whenever you want back in this small That's it man thank you so much all right got my kunas Nikes got a freezer full of swamp rats and now we got to find sker it's a long drive to skers and we arrive an hour shy of midnight he's usually up shooting the [ __ ] with the boys so we decide to pop in we've arrived this is the first time I've seen SK skay in 3 years let's see if he's happy to see me gentlemen my e dog told me look that son of a [ __ ] with his Nick with his look at look at him with some [ __ ] uh what do they call that what do they call that Scott that's marriage shoes where I come from Mar Sho yeah that's what you go to church to get married at are you getting married ton hi how you doing bu all right I miss you thanks for the kiss We join the boys have a few beers and we return the next [Music] day three mostly fresh swamp rats hey peanut you miss me forgot about me hey sker how you doing buddy to go back here wait how you doing oh got rub this morning [ __ ] yeah did have some breakfast damn oh there he is welcome to skers to it whenever I come visit sker it always feels a bit like home home sker sharpens his knife and almost gets the cameraman bent oh got look good knife where that I got him [Music] Mike so we got three right one big one two small ones all right here we have some beautiful Neutra that's I call a beautiful gry hold him up like that Mike let me cut that [Music] leg oh yeah there it is there it is baby good groceries good grocy I love it before we get started a visitor stops in it's one of sk's friends named Dobie and he has a toy he wants to show us oh my God [ __ ] hold on hold on I got to get these boots 30 somehow $530 well spent by the way well spent so you mount that thing on a gun it's that's what it's Bas for and you take this handle off and it mounts on the r of a gun you actually shoot and shoot flame and the bullet carries the flame further no way so so the Bullet gets gets uh wet with with petol and it sucks yeah the vacuum sucks and so you shoot a flaming bullet that's right not only you can kill them but you cook one my favorite state in America Louisiana we realize we have an emergency that emergency is that we're at a beer so we're getting in sk's pickup we're going to solve the emergency skoter what's the emergency the go get cold beer go get cold beer yeah all right we can fit [Music] right for the for the shooting I no problem we stop into the store for some more ingredients yeah yeah I Ed that D because I know it you know what I'm saying liquid crab mix oh uh for B shrimp crawfish and crab I have never seen these ingredients before yeah [Music] 24 how many you need oh I'm going to get three of them for sure you know what I mean they go to going down good Mission successful uh but as the adventure unfolds we found another side quest one that is leave that out I'm Pi a little more explosive let me show you rock the baby rock the baby look one B water CH made clato made with clato orinal lime juice only thing missing is a little bit of garlic s hello we got some right here hold on SC good SK give me some too hold on yeah give me a little slap of that stuff I you Che drink drink boy drink I didn't Rock the Baby enough sker [Laughter] oh what I get for pcking around with Y and I W all my God damn you w all my C on you bastard he ain't nothing but trouble you can't do nothing right don't care just me and you baby oh my man earlier while we were cutting skeer grass with fire got together do be said that we could stop in later to see some other cool things at his house so we pop in on our way back just like that put the hole baby put the hole baby all right well I mean you shoot for further shots you you line up the target uhuh with the with the barrel yeah so tell me tell me what this stuff is again all right so this is tenot and it's exploding Target tenorite exploding Target well this one Sonic Boom it's uh that's the brand name it's an exploding Target so we'll shoot it with a you shoot the whole the whole thing yeah one shot and then it goes He knock the PCT pictures off his wall at that house he's going to come outside after we shoot one time right let the games begin let the games begin right there that's right doobie takes his [Music] [Laughter] shot I felt that I felt that in my lungs he's coming out his house he's putting up his pictures back on the wall there damn near Sonic Boom man holy [ __ ] that's why we don't get now act cool everyone act cool put away the guns drink some beers it wasn't us then my turn which is a little bit less explosive oh got a nut right there smell that sulfur every every little every little you can tell you can tell let's see that would be one yeah uh the big one this is me woo that's that's one that's nice got a good bit that's a that's a good bit man so we were here uh looking at our the damage we did to the Target and there's a smell smells a bit funny but what were we saying do this just a dead coyote you shot out here soon we learn just how much doobie hates coyotes I shot the leg and the the guts was hanging out okay fun side quest now back to the cooking that's your kid [Music] is that's the hide gone that's it that's like $6 right here right yeah to get $67 for One Piece like yeah that's real dog food right there you got any tattoos yeah yeah where I got a dollar bill on my dick I that doesn't surprise me no I don't want to look I don't want to look no no look right here some warm I just you got that ah the heart a heart you know what I'm I'm I'm talking a tough game sker but I've actually never skinned an animal before that's all right you ain't hurt nothing no oh that's a sound I'm not going to forget tough work up there right yeah sker has an ongoing joke that Ben and I should get married finished product done by you Future Husband That's How Daddy does it Ben then Dobie swings by again to take something off our hands and so what are you going to do with it we're going to make a little a little CH for the coyotes I'm going to put it out here yeah I put it on there I'll go set that for tonight that way it's set up I got some coyote lure on here it's called Death coyote gland deathy what does this do results matter what does it do it uh it's actually you put that on a uh a trap for coyotes and they smell it and they start uh digging and seeing what uh what the smell coming from and they get their foot caught in a trap a leg trap but we're going to just shoot them I see so you put that they dig for they dig there's a trap there and they they'll be in that area right at least come to it they smell it see you later yeah oh yeah I'll be back thereby side quest I love these Adventures that unfold come here for one thing another opportunity presents itself then all of a sudden you're shooting Flaming Bullets at coyotes at midnight hopefully it'll pan out let's go to it some people call these hedge clippers yeah what do we call them SK those are not head Clippers those are Branch trimmers Branch trimmers yeah but they've got other uses right there you go ready yeah all right turn them loose good I honestly can't tell you if it's a joke or not but there's going to be a wedding this Saturday we were invited to a wedding but it's going to to be our wedding mine and Ben behind the camera's wedding yeah and so uh we were discussing what color wig Ben should wear to our wedding cuz apparently I'm the bride obviously apparently obviously he's the bride oh I need a cut are you going to be the minister Cedar are you going to yes sir I'm going to bless you get the cutter baby come on get the Cutters baby come on cutter man that's right so what what would be a good a good kind of proposal you think look here girl if you promise to behave your old ass I'll marry you but you got to be good all right no [ __ ] I want my food cook right and you can take lessons from ska he'll give them to you with no problem but you got to learn how to cook keep my clothes clean and keep me warm in the bed at night that's what I'm talking about and stay out of my damn money PS will you marry me oh no it's your hubby yeah no I'm the hubby it's my wife uh honey bun honey bun honey bun it's your honey bun honey bun looking for something to eat I believe that's why she's looking in that window she's hungry I don't know I don't know how much you're joking I mean we could show up tomorrow and you could have a wig and a wedding dress for for my wife here and I wouldn't be surprised I was playing on we might all do that and be ready for doie ass one thing I love sker is there's no measuring cups there's no teaspoons and TBL spoons is just I never made a [ __ ] in my life just a happy dog you want that I'm about daddy going to break it for you okay here you go you better eat it I'm going take it when sker starts cooking friends always seem to arrive how long since you ate nutria Mike I don't know it's been four five years all right okay I'm I'm going to say thank you thank you thank you so much for doing what y'all did and bringing that here you know man unbelievable bro you know that makes my my part of cooking for y'all and accommodating y'all hey mother listen if you would have seen how many shots I missed you you wouldn't be you wouldn't be so generous with your compliments you know what sker I always smoke one of these when I'm going through a big life change it's like a like a big change in my life oh when uh when life when you do something good perspective that's it when life's been crazy and uh there been a big break through yeah usually smoke one of these one big thing in Louisiana is the [ __ ] you were saying right that's right so what what is the [ __ ] right so let's say there's someone watching from the other side of the goddamn world which there definitely is and we're here in Louisiana and you say the the bullshit's important what's the [ __ ] what does that mean when you talk [ __ ] when you laugh and pick at each other like we've been doing all day like I've been picking at Ben about you [ __ ] okay that's [ __ ] oh you got one you ordered off YouTube no I got one here apparently no no hey Mike Mike we got to have a we going to have we got to have we having a win Saturday night yeah we Mar them too right there but the bullshit's equally as important because the [ __ ] is like the decompressor right I might not know what an air compressor is but I know what a decompressor is which is just sitting back with the boys shooting the [ __ ] there you go just like playing fun with each other taking people off their high horse a little bit you know what I mean and just just relaxing it's just like we've been bullshitting all day about you and Ben well actually poor Ben has been absorbing all of it today if you want to know the truth you bastard you ain't got nothing you didn't get no [ __ ] at all poor Ben been taking it been taking a lot of [ __ ] oh yeah have to change that SK and I'll tell you what when you come back here we'll be married if you don't bring Ben with you you can't come hey Ben hey up on the board for Ben baby H him p on him godamn it if you don't like it it's a little chilly in Louisiana luckily sko's got a fire pit and luckily doobies got the flamethrower lights camera action that'll do it I bet you that's with the campfire now lit we add the last ingredient the magic ingredient beer from what by the way have you seen what this pot looks like oh it's looking good boys that's all I'm going to tell you yeah give me the big chunks man nutria swamp prepared by Godfather of the bayu there you goer M Ray don't get no better than this boo man so tender D oh yeah oh yeah that tastes like anything else like a chicken leg or like oh I know man I told you it was unbelievable oh my God hot mhm well it's good I know stuck that bone boy I'm going to tell you you going to see she's starving too yeah give there you go toots look look at that look quit falling my dogs any final words for the people watching there's people watching from India from Australia from Africa what do you guys to say clean it clean it right Wash It season it marinate it for about 2 3 hours hours 4 hours if you can and put it in the pot Brown it and cook it slow low and slow doesn't matter what it is no matter what it is that's right anything you clean right and you cook it slow is going to be good for you could be a nutrient could be a rabbit could be a pork chop yeah that's how you do it don't miss the next episode where we try something new this a 6 lb main lobster cooked Cajun style here like a crawfish and I'm wondering sker is this going to be good if it ain't no good I'm leaving town me too and duie finally takes us coyote hunting as well with night vision oh all right he's enjoying it thank you so much you're watching furless and far the most adventurous Channel on YouTube we got a sequel another one coming up don't miss it it's my man sker ray right here that's right God for by you Master Chef can't wait to see you at the next adventure yes sir I'm going to eat thank you I'll see you next time yeah it is we got it we got to quit talking cuz I a poor cameraman is about to St he got to kick over there you know he's so hungry the poor thing uh he he's so skinny he pass a good shower under the clothes line you know what I'm saying later

2024-05-01 15:08

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