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good morning everyone I got to tell you I am super  excited we headed up the hill from Carrera and we   have made it almost up to the marble mines and  this has been a fascinating ride up to the town   you can look up and see the mountain side all of  a sudden it goes from Green and Lush to just white   from the marble and you can even see here the  river is lined with marble and this right here   sort of at the base of the mountain is just where  some of the the the marble Mine Workers over the   years have just carved these little statues and  so it's kind of a these aren't for sale but as you   come up through the road you can see all sorts  of processing plants you can see where they're   cutting it into blocks for the sculptures there  sculpture pieces for sale also there's marble   slabs for floors and for wall facings we even went  through some parking lots and saw some curbs made   from Marble so this is the famous Carrera marble  and I got to tell you that this is the place where   even Michelangelo used to come to to get the  marble for his famous Stones so if you think   about David Michelangelo's David it came came  from right here on the side of this mountain so   we're going to check out these statues and then  we're going to head up to the hill we're going to   try to get a look at the marble mines now it's a  little bit rainy overcast today so hopefully the   weather clears but there's also a little town  up on top of the hill that's difficult to get   to that has a very specialized Regional product  that I'm excited to try and if you like B you're   going to want to hear about this so come on  guys let's go explore these awesome marble [Music] mines this guy is far the best face but the notice tipped off but he's  got the best h facial feature and I think   this guy practicing his noses he's got the  pointed out nose yeah he's got all different noses it's like a marble totem pole yeah it's pretty fascinating this is where you  come to practice to see if you're sculptor or not all right ready to head up to this little town  see if our van can get there or not well I did   see a bunch of Hall trucks going up and here  comes an RV down two of them three of them all   right let's go we can make it we can make it  so we've made it up maybe a half a mile from   the little town we're headed to and we saw a nice  big parking lot on the side of the road where the   other motor homes were parked so we're gonna  Park here and walk up the hill now at the top   of this hill is this town the mining town and  it's got a cool culinary dish which we're not   going to tell you about till we get up there  right ctie but Kurt is stoked and it history is Kurt's giving you hints but its history has a  lot to do with with the mining up here so let's go   check it out all right we could see the marble  mines on our way hold drive up here absolutely   fascinating but down there is our van H our house  half mile walk up to the city uphill but it is   steep and it is switch backy and it is narrow  but we're going I think I can I think I can the   [Laughter] train all right I have a confession to  make we have not been as active in the last month   or two as we were in South America and we've got  all sorts of excuses mostly it's been wintertime   rainy and cold and so in our age if you don't use  it you lose it true so this is a steep climb you   may not see seem like much but especially with  Snow's heart condition you know we got to slowly   work our way back up to Fitness and uh so this  is starting to rain starting to rain this is a   good exercise and unfortunately she got wind this  parking sign up here towards the top and so no we   still did the right thing the easy parking for  our van was down at the bottom and the walk Up's   good for us to just got us both breathing hard  and taking breaks but I can see Tom so let's   go wow look at this as we get up here into town  you can definitely see the marble so here's the   parking up here you can see it's kind of skinny  there's basically space for two Vans up here but   it is very steep so we did the right thing we did  the right thing down where we're parked there's a   nice area where we can get the cats out especially  later once the H trucks stop running we made it to   the lard Rock Cafe this is the place we planned  for our culinary delight for today tell you about   it when we get in here all right bad news we did  not make a reservation and he just said they are   complo meaning they do not have a spot so we're  going to walk up through this town look at this   place we're going to walk up and see maybe if one  of these other restaurants doesn't have a space   for us and look we walked into the center of town  and the whole entire Plaza is marble all right we   did find a place that's open it's a little cafe  as we come in you can see all the little marble trinkets look at this guys [Music] all right we're up in the small mining  town of colada and all around this is the marble   mines but that's not the only reason we came  here we kind of saw something on the Google   Maps called Lardo so I saw lard Rock Cafe Lardo  area lard lard markets everything kind of all   the restaurants were Lardo themed so I Google  searched it and it turns out Lardo is kind of   a form of bacon if you will but hopefully we  can go over to a lardera where they make it   so we can learn more about it we're also going  to try to learn about it by tasting so I don't   know everything about Lardo other than I know  I like bacon I know I like Piggy so we came up   here to try some and this particular area  they made larda rather than bacon or Pudo   for the miners here in the marble mines so  this wi dates way back to centuries and it's   specific to this area so we got some food  coming let's try and see what this stuff's   all about it's a little 1912 local beer  nonfilter from right up here so should be interesting and a little nonfiltered  water for me water Al natural for me   lady CT's going to have a  little too but mainly for me how is it it's good it's like  a full body it's not too strong   it's a blonde and I don't like it too  Poppy so for me this is a delicious Beery okay all right the first thing we ordered is the  starter kit of Lardo and if you guys look at this   Lardo you can tell it is mostly fat with just a  little tiny strip of meat on it it's supposed to   be aged very specially here in marble B it's also  sliced razor thin oh and then another starter this   is some kind of Penta I believe an eggplant  room a lot some crustinis with some tomatoes   and I don't know what the other stuff is we got  a variety of different tastes let's go wow so   what I think is happening on this plate is we have  different flavors of Lardo now from the research   we did this stuff absorbs flavors like crazy so  as we eat these we'll try to tell you what we're   eating you going first Kurt I'll definitely  try some this one here is supposed to be the Classic this ought to be  interesting I get some bread just in case I can tell you it is Lord is it cold it's room temperature the fat is very buttery and subtle  and the little hit of meat on there is chewy   but the stuff actually melts in your mouth  and there is definitely a hint of salt and   rosemary That's a classic and it's actually  pretty good I have no idea what flavor I   just got but it's got a little dollop of  some sort of sauce on [Music] it here we go it just goes [Music] away you could eat too much of this I  think it's something you only want to eat a few   bites off I have no idea what flavor that was  but it was good what are they we don't know I   don't know if this is the palinta cake or if  this is like a flan but it's a fried little bit it's uh it's good I don't know I thought  you like this I don't know what it is but um   I don't know if it's the palenta or the flan or  what it's it's fried probably in the Lardo and   it is very Savory and it's better than french  fries it's like smooth and creamy oh it's so good so I can tell you for me if you just  eat the slice by itself it's a bit much   but when you put it on Christini it's  like it's like a butter almost cheese   buttery cheese that just melts into the  bread and one of these has a little bit   more of a sweet doce flavor than the first  one that I tried which was more like a salt Rosemary Mario that's how you eat it on the  bread all right we're digging in all right for   the record we did not eat all that Lardo but the  sampler platter was absolutely dish delicious but   after that Lardo we did feel like we needed like  a salad we also have a little ravioli coming to   kind of top off our whole meal so we're full  and CT is on his second beer but this Lardo   will go back to the van because I eat breakfast  potatoes in the morning and I can tell you that   melted down in a skillet is going to make those  potatoes off the charts smell so good in the   morning too but we're putting some vegetables  on top of all that fat well I do have to say   that in my opinion was probably the most unique  culinary experience we have been on in our four   or five years traveling the world in the van and  I wouldn't necessarily describe it as the most   delicious um but unique unique it wasn't bad by  any means uh very flavorful but you just really   only need a piece or two of that just like if  you're putting butter on a potato or on a piece   of bread you just want want to spear one little  piece on there but uh what was really cool is   as we were leaving Galileo whose dad apparently  owns that and the lardera across the street said   that he would give us a tour of their laboratory  area now I think he saw us doing all the videoing   and heard about our YouTube channel and it might  have been a little bit of a special tour that not   everybody gets to do but he took us in the first  thing we had to do is put these little surgical   looking booties on our feet to protect that and  uh then we went down some stairs and we went and   we saw of course where they prepped everything  they cut everything very clean surgical looking   uh kitchen area where they slice everything  up but then we went down some more stairs and   we went into a room where we had to duck and go  under and there were a lot of small boxes made of   marble and they had different numbers or names on  them and this room the first room was the special   recipe Lardo where they make it specifically for  certain restaurants in Rome or Florence or around   the world so that restaurant would have their very  own box their very own secret spice recipe and it   all gets aged at different times so that was the  first room and a lot of those boxes were handmade   boxes some of them dating all the way back to  1700 I mean and the marble boxes were made from   Marble you know that was mined right here and  some of that stuff had been Aging for 3 years   already so but then we went into the second room  which was much bigger with much bigger uh boxes   and that was the production room where they make  the Lardo to sell and uh and then in there they   had drying racks in the back where we see all  different cuts and everything they had some for   the cheeks it was made for like carbon some from  the rib it was just really really cool he let us   smell some of the herb mixtures he would not tell  us those mixtures of course we knew some Rosemary   and some other stuff was in there but uh really a  special cool little behind the scenes tour we just   got of of Lardo and he did tell us that this is  the main area in all of Italy Europe or whatever   that they make Lardo now there are a few places  that have popped up here and there but this is   the famous place that has made it since way back  enrollment times some of these Lardo rest come   all the way back to Roman days and the Lardo was  made because the good portion the good portion   of the meat was cut off and sent away but they  needed to f um feed all of these marble miners   so they saved that behind and figured out a  way to turn it into something that could go   up into the mines and not go bad and and kind  of give some food to the miners here so that's   how it developed but it definitely turned into a  delicacy and it was a really cool experience and   and it's time to walk a mile down this road to  the van before we get caught in the rain you got   anything else Kurt I would just say that this is  one of the Delights of traveling in a van I know   this is probably not on everybody's bucket list  and would be kind of something that'd be hard to   get off the beaten path and do but it's one of  those special things with a special story that   just really makes our traveling unique people too  and how cool was Galileo Galileo amazing G so yeah   that was his dad's business thank you Galileo we  appreciate it your English is awesome he said his   dad had been doing this since the 60s quite a  while good morning everyone welcome to morning   face well I'm pretty excited today because well  we had the Lardo yesterday and we could not eat   all that it was rich it was good it was unique  but we did bring some extra home and for those   of you who don't know I'm a breakfast guy and  most of the time I don't bring you along for   breakfast but this morning I'm going to use some  of the Lardo from yesterday to cook my breakfast   potatoes so here's the leftover Lardo now I think  this is quite a lot it's compressed some over   last night but we'll put this in here start off  with a little bit turn the stove on now we have   a in duction cook top so I'm going to put that on  six and let's see how this Lardo renders [Music] down all right here we go I season it up a little  bit I use a little garlic powder a little th and a   little pepper and this is going to be yummy right  here now I'm going to cover this up and let those   potatoes Steam for a while maybe like about 5  minutes let them crisp up on the bottom take the   top off flip them around and it won't take long  until we have some yummy potatoes all right guys   there it is right there breakfast potatoes cooked  in Lardo with two over easy eggs ah I'm going to   get my day started off right I will tell you my  Lardo potatoes were excellent this morning with   my breakfast and my eggs breakfast of champions  don't judge guys it's what I do anyway it rained   a lot last night all night last night even this  morning it just now kind of stopped but you can   see sort of the Milky water coming down the river  that's from the marble up the mountains that comes   down all the marble dust is white you can even  see it on some of the cars from the roads and   stuff now we're going to try to get up and see  this marble Quarry I've been to quaries all over   in the United States as part of my job back in  my previous life I visited gravel cories lime   rock cories granite cories all kinds of quaries  I've never ever ever visited a marble quy so if   you're wondering why these marble mines are so  fascinating to me that is one of the reasons   amongst another is the popularity of this Italian  marble all over the world and specifically in some   of the famous statues and works of art that we all  have heard about so anyway we're going to go down   here we don't have a tour officially scheduled  so we're going to go down the mountain see if   some kind of way we can magically work our way  into one of these quaries to get a tour if not   hopefully we'll be able to tell you a little bit  about them we found the tour guides on the side   of the road but unfortunately there was no room  for us on the tour today it is the off season   here and they are only running two trucks which  were both already full so we will do our best to   share with you a few things we learned about the  mines while we were here first from a distance as   we were driving in the apuan Alps in this region  look snowcapped but that is actually the white   marble the Carrera marble Basin is some of the  most sought after marble in the world according   to UNESCO this marble has been used since the  Roman Empire for buildings and sculptures it is   a billion dooll industry that employs over 1,000  people from the local area and yes even today the   miners still eat Lardo throughout the day the area  is home to over 30 active mines which leads to the   question will the Carrera marble mines run out  of marble well the Italian government actually   regulates how much marble can be mined from  this area per year with those regulations it is   predicted that the mine will not run out of marble  for at least 400 years without those regulations   full-blown mining in these 30 plus mines would  likely deplete the marble within 200 years now   what makes this marble so special well the marble  in China and Greece has very big crystals which   makes it too hard the marble from turkey has very  small crystals which makes it too fragile but   the Carrera marble is the perfect balance and is  Coveted around the world in the mines they cut the   marble into into large slabs and then transport  it down the mountain to the port of Carrera where   it can be shipped around the world it takes 4 days  to cut one slab of marble and then a full day just   to drive that 20 to 35 ton slab of marble down  the curvy Mountain Road to the port now imagine   in the Roman times where they cut all of this  by hand and then rolled it down the mountain on   wooden Wheels the things they managed to do back  in those days is just simply amazing today marble   from this area is used for many products tiles  countertops art and even toothpaste so maybe you   get a taste of this marble every time you brush  your teeth now Michelangelo visited these bins   often to procure marble for his sculptures the  marble for the famous statue of David came from   these mountains right here now now as we leave  the area and drive towards our next destination   I have a pretty good feeling we'll be seeing a lot  of the marble from this area well we have switched   drivers we're about an hour into our 2hour drive  to our next spot we were pulling out this morning   the Google lady did what she is notorious  for doing took us off the main road put us   on some teeny tiny little curvy narrow road going  through neighborhoods and mountains sometimes it's   a little scary when she knows that but this time  it ended up being a pretty really really pretty   drive through there seeing the Terra seeing the  neighborhoods seeing a little bit more of what we   like and the road never did get too narrow but  every time she does that there's always that   fear of oh no is she taking us under some short  Bridge or down some oneway alley she did okay today but we're skirting Outside The City of  Florence Italy and it's really pretty interesting   drive through here through the neighborhoods  through some of the commercial buildings a   lot of little motorcycles and scooters a lot of  tight roads a lot of kind of crazy turns and one   thing they love in Europe is the roundabouts and  they're actually pretty efficient 3 tons 2.5 m w Jesus Christ am I okay over there you  got 8 in you got a foot on this side this right here is a little tight here feel I can throw up you want me to drive they're almost out of it close over here those seals over here you're almost got it got it [Music] right in 200 M turn left turn left okay yeah but you got a big bump here right there at that yield sign  where you're going to turn around left here yeah out just easy easy little  more you're good you're good you're good [Music] things got tense even G picks up on it we uh ended  up on a very narrow road squeezed through there   literally um and then we're headed to where we  want to park and came up on a sign that said 3 m   height we're 3.2 so I had a mini meltdown which  we weren't videoing so y'all didn't get to see   the mini meltdown but they do happen sometimes  when we're driving this big old van so Kurt has   taken over driving we have gone through this  road with the Google Map we think we can make   it under this tunnel up here as long as we stick  to the middle so yall keep your fingers crossed   and then after that we'll have to see what  happens but we're still 2.4 miles from where   we're supposed to park and it's been quite the  adventure on these old narrow roads all right   that was a stressful culmination to our day's  drive here to our camp spot but we are at the   train station here and we did find a little  place to Snug in here there's no no parking   signs right here we're tugged against the fence  there's plenty of room to get in and out around   us otherwise the parking lot's pretty full we  assume this will probably clear out as the day   goes on but we plan to take the train down into  Florence to have an amazing day exploring the   city but guess what guys we're going to do that  in the next episode if you haven't already don't   forget to hit the Subscribe button hit the like  button turn your notifications on and we will   see you on on the next next one cheers guys if  you like this video be sure to subscribe to our   Channel and hit that notification Bell so you  guys know when we put out new videos and don't   forget you can always follow us over on Instagram  to see what's going on in between videos cheers guys

2024-02-05 19:22

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