Come With Us To Guadalajara | 2 Year Old Birthday Party | Vlog

Come With Us To Guadalajara | 2 Year Old Birthday Party | Vlog

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Hello guys we are back from our family trip in Mexico, I apologize, it took so long to edit, with. The whole Kovach 19, settling, into home life again. And working from home it took me a little bit longer to edit and plus, it was a lot of footage but I hope you guys enjoy it it starts off with us shopping, for fabric and then. We'll take you all the way to our, birthday, party celebration for our two-year-old hope you guys enjoy it if you do don't forget to like and subscribe see, you I'm at Joanne's work I'm gonna meet up with a friend we. Are getting. Some fabric. For. One of Lunas, custom. Outfits, for her second birthday so. Let's, head in let's check out what they have and, I'll. See you guys in there. Now. We just kind of have to look into the fabric. So that one's kind of sturdy it's okay so dressy. Was. That very thin thin yeah. But underneath yeah. No, like a velvet, over there, we. Don't want velvet, here. Luna sitting, lousier, skirt Luna. Yes. Cues the look I'm doing, nighttime routine with Luna she's. My friend is actually gonna be coming over soon to do her, second. Fitting Oh. Should, I get another dress off so. She's like we're gonna take this thread out obviously this is too huge yeah, let's see how it's right above the knee to one another sure has a little bit wanna pick too much off the skirt just getting everything, ready, it, is about oh, I don't even know what time it is but we, don't have to be in the airport till about 3:30 I'm gonna finish getting everything ready, and, then I'll see you guys at the airport. In. Lahaina, we made it we, got, we. Got here really really late last night, it was like I don't know what. I think. It was like 12, we're going through a tunnel right now so. It's so dark but. We're gonna head over to my mother-in-law's house, to eat some breakfast. Homemade. Homemade. Anything, is good here and. Even street food we had some street tacos last night he just quickly, before bed. Luna, did really good on the flight stay tuned for more. I. Need to eat. Good. Morning we came to. A little medically. Toll we're, gonna get some fresh fruit. And some, fresh orange juice for, Luna I just, love this place, I used to come here when I was young. You. Know I've been thinking. About this, all day got. That table, for two saved in our names so, 15, on further get, to your base you. Know I've been thinking. About this, starting. What. Do we want to believe in. You. Know anything. You. Know that perfume. All right. Great. All, right so we've had breakfast. We. Went, to the mecca etho we. Are on our way to my cousin's house we're, gonna go what my husband has a dentist appointment, Luna. Is back. There, anyway. My husband just stopped by to get some coconut. Water and, some. Fresh coconut there's. So, many places to stop around here to get anything, I apologize, that it's been kind of slow I haven't really been filming. And it's just because like we've been just, up and down and with the family and just trying to be present just waiting for the hubs in that coconut.

When. I was enjoying some coconut, water coconut. Cream, I. Thought. My, coconuts just how I like it like, falling, apart, he. Likes his chunky and chewy and. Then we got some fresh coconut waters. We're. On the road on the hunt for a. Party, store we're gonna get candy, and then the candy, bag for. The pinatas and for, the, goody bags that the kids take home that's what we're headed, to right now we. Haven't. Been here before have you been here, I. Don't. Know how many years ago yeah. All. We need is all the sugar to feed the kids under. Birthday. That's. What we're headed. There's, record. We. Are literally kids, in a candy store. Shopping. For kids me. Won't. Get it. Hello. How. Much they owe me. Basically. Mas. Siete. Ocho. Anymore. Oh. No. This, is what the hubs used to do when he worked here they, used to make up strips. For. Shoes. So. They were turning the strip. For, the shoes and then this is the factory. This. Is the final product. My. Sister-in-law's house, and we're gonna start putting all the candy, and the. Goody bags together, for, the kids. The. Can. Luna. Funes, running around chasing the bunnies. Let. Me get started on this open, up all the candy and then just lay it out grab. Handfuls of it instead, of in the, pinatas. Which are over here but this one. So. Traditional, dish here in one Anahata our tortoise all galas which is where we just stopped by because we sent it always. Wants to have some. Senor. Got, some, salsa some. Onion. With habanero. Chopped. Up onions it's. Really yummy Ubisoft, stories, and you think I saw you pour that salsa, like. The tomato sauce over it and then the really really hot sauce I think, I showed you guys in a vlog before when we bought something when. We bought some in Las Vegas but, they, are nothing, compared to the ones here. Came. To my aunts to have some food we. Are walking to. Go get some fresh corn, and. Got. Here. She's. Been running around all. Day. Good. Morning guys we, are headed out we're, at my sister-in-law's house and, we're. Gonna go over to one of the plazas which is a mall and. Just. Get out of the house for a little bit Luna's party isn't until tomorrow so we just have a day two. Days to kill and then we head out we, fly out Monday. So that's where we're headed right now I'll try to get all the mom stuff ready. And. Then. You're. Gonna hit the road and. That's over here making a mess. Made. It to the plaza it's called Plaza immitis, it's.

In A nice little bougie side, of town here in one hada. I'm, in search of some coffee because I haven't had coffee yet. Got, restaurant, Vincent right behind us. Got, a weight up. Got. My coffee, you. Can go take on the shopping, day. It's. Party, day. And. Luna did not sleep. She's. Ready to go. We're. All ready to go we're. In cleanup. Mode. Hey. Guys so today is, party, day everything, is set up and ready we're just waiting for our guests to arrive, but. This is what it looks like we, stopped and put the food out and it's a little hot but. This is the decoration. Party. Has started. I, can't, even eat anything at, such a bad stomachache, earlier. Everything. Looks really good. I. Don't. Usually fall. For, someone. I. Don't. Even care. Run for. Oh. And you know I'm broken, but. Your. Afraid. Of heights. And do my smile. Make. Me mom like. No. It's. Too much sicker. I. Don't. Usually like. People. I. Just. Think they got, too much, dude. Oh. The, day after the party and we're in the city of black Ibaka, we came to listen. To somebody actually and have some lunch, right now. Traditional. Candy. It's. So good. Luna, likes it too.

2020-03-29 15:44

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