Come To Mexico With Us! Our First Family Vacation

Come To Mexico With Us! Our First Family Vacation

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[Music] so [Music] i'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello you guys and welcome to the puerto vallarta vlog we just arrived to our hotel room a little bit late and our luggage isn't arriving until tomorrow this has never happened to us before so we're going to be chilling in our airport looks for the next day or so but it was worth it so it should have only taken us like i don't know four hours to get here but it wound up taking us like six hours at almost eight hours total so we are kind of exhausted we haven't eaten all day i'm gonna give you guys a quick tour of the room and then we're gonna go have lunch okay so this is what it looks like when you first walk in elena has been so good hasn't she done amazing oh my gosh she's been in such a good mood all day long excited to be out of the house yeah she's happy to be just like doing something new look at the crib they set up for us not that she's gonna sleep in this maybe for naps but it's so beautiful so gorgeous so this is what the room looks like from this side i changed my camera settings i don't know if that's me better but you gotta show the view yeah we're gonna get to that this is a little sitting area they brought us some fruit okay i'm gonna get to the bathroom because it's also very beautiful a beautiful tub and look at our view from the bathroom it's very like rainforesty here look at this gorgeous it actually does you guys are gonna see once i show you outside i love this style in the hotel room it's so beautiful shower super nice let's see oh there's outdoor shower too okay let's show you guys the best part this is our little patio area it is so stunning you can see the ocean from here oh i just almost dripped there's a stuff there i missed but anyways you can see the ocean down there wow that is so relaxing the waves this pool is actually heated and it feels so nice i cannot wait to swim and it's super private and get elena in there with her little floaty i'm so grateful to be here it's so peaceful comes a little off here's the view of the sun loungers it's so gorgeous i'm so excited to just relax and wind and enjoy but first we're super hungry so we're gonna go grab some lunch late lunch let's go good morning you guys it's actually almost afternoon it's like 11 30. we just got back from breakfast and it was actually really really good i had a avocado toast it had this really good cheese on it and then i had some scrambled eggs and elena she had some yogurt and eggs with me bad chilaquiles what is that omar what is chilaquiles it's basically like corn uh tortillas kinda like fried they put sauce on it there's it had a fried egg and then it's like green sauce that sounds so good we're still waiting on our luggage which is so annoying because we're down to two diapers which is kind of an emergency so i don't know what we're gonna do i think we need to just at this point go ahead and get some diapers because we were thinking that we were gonna get our luggage like first thing in the morning and it's almost noon now and we're still in our airport outfits and i just want to like get my swimwear and like go in the pool and go to the beach and i feel like it's kind of like we're just enjoying we had the music going i turned it off because of copyright issues but it's been so nice just like relaxing and just enjoying the beautiful view let me show you guys what we're looking at you can hear the beach from here i know it's so nice hearing the waves i don't know if you guys can hear it and all the tropical birds so beautiful and elena is living her best life i don't know if i updated you guys yesterday and i don't know how much i've told you guys but she did so good on the flight alhamdulillah she was in such a good mood and our first flight got delayed by an hour and then the second luggage got stuck so they said they would bring it with our put the second flat out of tyler yeah and then that other flight got delayed next flight got delayed so that's why our luggage is not here by like two hours so we were delayed total like almost four hours yeah so she did so good mashallah and everybody's just been complimenting how good she is i'm like you guys listen like she's not always like this she's just happy to be out of the house she loves being out and about and doing stuff she can be a loose cannon what does that mean like she can just scream and shout really loudly oh yeah yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah for sure shooting that we weren't home and getting scared maybe maybe i don't know she slept in between both of us so she's got her top two teeth we didn't update them oh yeah yeah you can feel them now you can't see you can't really see them so probably still painful for her we got our luggage it's almost is it 3 30 what time almost oh my god you guys we wasted half the day just waiting on the stupid luggage but we made the most of it anyways we're just kind of relaxing the room and all that swimsuits i know more stuff so we are gonna change into our swimsuits [Music] so extra now we have ice swimsuits we have a baby and it's really cute show them the back of it it has a little cute little bow oh my goodness elena you are adorable and now she's got a swan we got our little swan floaty let's go swim swim i'm gonna get into but i'm not wearing my modest swimsuit so i will just show you guys the fun part do you want me to hold the floatie over here yeah probably here is that so fun wow elena you are so oh my goodness elena what do you think the water does it feel good omar yeah it's perfect what do you think mama whoa we're swimming okay i'm coming come on i'm coming hi you swimming bubba are you swimming over here she's taking her legs and she's swimming i know she is come on mama i mean now she really warmed up to the water now she loves it she's splashing elena splashing oh my god she didn't like it at first but yeah now she likes it that's so funny good morning good morning we are up early for a walk and we're gonna just walk to breakfast it's a long walk so we thought we might as well just get some steps in and get some fresh air and yeah it's 8 a.m we're gonna try and make the most of the day we were just talking about how like huge the palm trees are here yeah i was like have i just never been up close to a palm tree before they just seem really spread out i don't know like they just seem huge compared to the ones i've seen before the trunks aren't that big but the you know the tops of them i don't know what kind of fruit that is maybe someone in the comments yeah let's see if i can get it no your yeah let's see yeah i'm not sure what kind of i can't say that i've ever seen that before elena what do you think she's just ready for breakfast i also wanted to show you guys how the trees here are like bronze they're like this reddish color yeah the bark the outside yeah we're just some of them everything here is just so different than any other place in mexico we've been it's so interesting [Music] [Music] it's a little bumpy mommy i'm sorry wow wow oh wow no i'm getting my workout look at this hill you guys [Music] oh my gosh have you guys seen those videos um where it's like a prank and they have an empty stroller and they just let it roll down a hill and then people freak out and then people like literally just chase chase after it in a panic that's such a cruel joke it's so cruel but i was dying laughing it's like it's really funny watching it but man we found a mango tree you guys i want to pick one and eat it okay i finally get one on camera so this is a white nosed cody they're everywhere on this resort it's basically like a raccoon we just made it to breakfast and we're sitting on this little bar area so we can see out but look how pretty this view is yeah the view is we need to take them down there and show them yeah oh yes and the beach we're gonna hopefully go down to the beach today yeah but this is like their main pool for the hotel yeah and look how gorgeous beautiful infinity pool got some mint [Music] teeth [Music] oh my god some black coffee and orange juice just got our breakfast i have some gluten-free avocado toast omar ordered some french toast we have some eggs for me and elena to share this is called the mexican breakfast it has some scrambled eggs and veggies yeah it's like an open omelet and some tattoos yeah this beautiful view i got myself ready i took a shower in the outdoor shower and oh my gosh it was so nice and then i went ahead and put my makeup on and got dressed because we're shooting a little h m campaign while we're here and i figured the pictures would turn out so much better and like a beautiful location so i decided to just bring this stuff here so we could shoot it here i'm about to um go get the camera stuff and then we'll go outside and start shooting but oh my gosh elena's dress is so cute let me show you guys what i'm wearing this is a dress it's a beautiful knotted like shirt dress with buttons all the way down it has a collar i just love the cut of it i'm wearing a medium and this does come in other colors i'm not sure if the white is still available but there is definitely like several other colors including black i think like a green maybe a yellow i just paired this with some white leggings and then these sandals by dolce vita they are so gorgeous so comfortable they do have a little bit of a heel but like i cannot believe how comfortable they are and i love the color of them so i will link these i did find an amazon dupe for these as well so i'll link those too we just finished taking pictures for the h m campaign they turned out so cute and i just got finished getting ready for the beach i don't think i'm even gonna take my makeup off because i don't think i'm gonna get my whole body in the water but let me show you guys the swimsuit look so this is the la nuke swimsuit that i showed you guys during ramadan i think it's just so pretty it's this really pretty like petal design i love it because it has a built-in bra and i just love the colors it's just black and white and simple and then i just paired it with my nike hijab because i just find it to be the most practical thing to wear it's one of those sunscreens you guys oh and maybe all baby sunscreens are like this because it's mineral yeah [Laughter] we got to make sure we leather up those thighs huh no no you're fine thank you [Music] we just made it to the beach elena are chilling out we're about to order some lunch omar's actually at the spa so we're just having a mommy daughter date it's a little bit too like sunny i feel like i don't really want to get away now in the sun so maybe we'll come back and we can like let her experience the ocean for the first time and like dip her toes in the water i'm definitely not going to be like getting in the ocean with her because that kind of freaks me out i love your swimsuit say hi to the camera she was grabbing the camera again it's bright isn't it it's bright out here right out here yeah that's my daughter so i just pressed that elena she fell asleep i have a little portable fan on her which is coming up really handy and they have the portable sound machine [Music] those are two baby travel beach essentials i would say come in really handy my food just arrived and there is some in here for elena too but i'm just gonna have to keep it take it to go for her but this is a kale salad with roasted veggies and goat cheese [Music] foreign [Music] wow thank you thank you so much [Music] oh [Music] it's beautiful [Music] in emergency situations we do what we said to this and we resort to the bone which we said we'd never do but now we get it desperate times i know good morning you guys so today i wonder if you guys can even hear me properly because i feel like the ocean is so loud it just sounds so beautiful um but we are up and dressed and we're waiting on elena to wake up because we want to take her down to the beach today's our last full day and we just want to have her like experience getting her toes in the water i have my spa treatment today so i'm super excited since we have a baby now it's a lot different omar and i usually would go to the spa at the same time but now we kind of have to alternate so today is my day and yeah i'm just gonna try to enjoy the most out of today while i'm waiting for elena to wake up i have my tea i brought my own lemon balm tea and then if you guys have watched any of my other travel videos especially the um the maldives vlog you guys know my obsession with mini bananas and they have them here i will say they're better in the maldives why am i a mini banana snob but they're so so yummy so i'm gonna have a couple of those and drink my tea and then hopefully elena will be up soon and we can go to the beach just got to the beach and there's nobody here we came in like the perfect time yeah this would be a good time for me to fly my drone too i know it's your first time at the beach putting your toes in the water oh look at that you can't see it very well on the camera you ready elena what do you think what do you think look at the water [Music] yeah different isn't it there it comes [Music] we're in the middle of breakfast we've got the same thing you've got in the past few days eggs and all the conchos and elena's eating some eggs [Music] i just got back from the spa and it was really nice and then we just ordered some lunch to the room omar got a burger some sweet potato fries with sweet potato fries and then i got a catch of the day which i believe is snapper and then mashed potatoes and spinach and elena will help me eat some of that as well and then tortillas i guess they bring tortillas with everything it's like we rest with everything yeah so we're about to dig in and then we have our kobe test so we're gonna they're gonna bring that to our room and and do that here for us my name is cesar i'm the doctor on call today all right um what we're going to do is the coveted antigen test have you had one before i have yeah we have okay what this is about is i'm going to take a sample from your nose or nostrils with a swab okay okay and we're gonna do the test it takes about 15 minutes to show me the results okay okay after that we're going to generate a report that is the one that you can use at the airport i'm gonna have to get mine next your turn now let's hope they come back negative actually that'd be great if they were positive then we could stay here oh my god i'm just kidding so i actually have gotten a coveted test before but and that one was negative so i've never gotten it thankfully and omar has gotten a test tested twice but oh my gosh that was the worst experience like the last test that i got was nothing like that they must not have done it correctly like they just like just like you know oh no very quickly and i was like oh that's not bad this one he just like kept it up there and like i'm twisting it that's the right way to do it oh my god i can still feel like see i was telling you the that's why i feel like like you jump in a pool you don't close your nose you just have the water rush yeah it's the same sensation i mean it doesn't have to have it yeah so anyways a lot of people were asking me about how that works as far as like going to mexico and coming back you have to have a covet test um before you touch a negative test before you enter back into the united states so yeah we're leaving tomorrow so we just had to have this documentation of a negative test we are bringing elena to the kids club they said that there's lots of fun things to see so butterfly we're just walking apparently yeah apparently there's like a little butterfly garden or something so we're gonna check it out and see if there's anything fun for her to look at elena you look so cute in your hat and you forgot about it and i'm so excited because you can keep it on they cycle um to turn like a butterfly yeah it's shorter oh we have more butterflies now oh wow the weather is more like cold the cycle or the process to get just one butterfly can take like 45 days we are heading to dinner i have on this dress it's kind of old so i don't know if i can link it for you guys this is our last dinner i'm gonna go have italian food i have on these amazon slides that look like valentino i'll link these for you guys let's go look there's a there's a crocodile you guys they're making a place for elena to sleep because she fell asleep right over here oh my god talk about hospitality you guys look at this setup for elena oh my goodness [Music] somebody woke up we just got our food elena's food some pureed peas and mint typing let's see is it good yeah camera's about to die and we did catch the sunset and it looks so pretty we wanted to share that with you so the camera died but thank you guys so much for watching i'm sorry if this vlog was all over the place it was hard like trying to balance filming with taking care of elena and trying to enjoy but i hope you guys enjoyed this vlog give this video a thumbs up if you liked it and subscribe if you're new and we'll see you guys at home [Music] you

2021-06-01 22:38

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