Colosseum: The Whole Story | Preserving the Past (Episode 2)

Colosseum: The Whole Story | Preserving the Past (Episode 2)

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Building. The Colosseum was, the culmination of, the career of Emperor, Vespasian, and what. He built still. Stands. Two thousand years later. Today. One. Of Italy's noted, industrialists. Has stepped, in to preserve it for future generations. Workers. Busy, scrubbing, the grime off the white travertine, facade, which. Is only now starting to. Divulge, many. New secrets. Dawn. Rises. On the Colosseum under. Restoration. Men, and women are already at work cleaning. The facade. The. View from the highest point gives, a unique perspective. On the engineering, of how, the world's, largest, amphitheatre. Was, constructed. Travertine. Is extremely. Resistant, to water and has. Provided support, for the rest of the Colosseum, structure, for, 2,000, years. The. Job entrusted. To Conte, and her team is not, only to restore the ancient glory of the stonework but. Also to, ensure it has remained impermeable. And, where. It is fractured, make. It waterproof once, again. With. A resin, hammer or. With the wooden handle, we. Checked the whole surface, to. See if the fragments, are in situ stable. We. Do it using percussion and, sound like a, doctor listening, to lungs, but. Also using, tactile, sensations. Because. When we put our hand on the stone we. Can feel the difference, in the vibrations, and the. Extent, of any detachment. Over. The centuries, various. Kinds, of materials, have been used to repair the Colosseum. Today. Restorers. Are using stucco, made of a mix of limestone and marble powder, which. They have determined will best match the ancient stone, known. As yam wallop all very thoroughly feel okay sorry we, don't use travertine, powder, we. Should have been coherent, as an idea. Because. Aesthetically. Travertine. Powder, creates. An opaque paste when dried. So. We use marble, powder. Now. I will, show you the dried powder and, you. Can see a variety of the colors we use so. That the workers, have a range of hues to arrive at the same color as the limestone. The. Stone changes. Color naturally. Over time so. Cleaning, it also, means, not. Destroying, the natural color of the original which, has been subject, to weathering. Every. Step needs to be monitored so, as to avoid turning the monument into, an unnaturally. White color. Cleaning. Between the stones is delicate. And time-consuming. So. Sad, this. Layer that seems to have some tonal, discontinuity. In the ivory, white of the travertine. Represents. However the, passage of time it. Is like my gray hairs from my black hairs it, is an aesthetic, choice, I can. Dye my hair I can, also dye the hair of the Colosseum, we. Have to allow the visitor, to understand. That time has passed. The. Patient, and laborious, work of cleaning, and restoring the, facade of the Colosseum, is barely. The beginning, of the massive renovation. Project. Just. As getting the travertine stone to Rome was. Just the first step in building, the, biggest arena of the Roman Empire. They. Used the large depression, caused by the lake to, build the foundation. Which. Was an enormous structure, an, elliptical. Structure, with a central, space a sort. Of doughnut, shaped foundation. Layer 13. Metres, wide. In. All it, took 10 years for, Vespasian. And his sons, Titus. And Domitian to, build the massive arena, which. Was called the, Flavian, amphitheatre. After. Their family, name although. This Bayesian died just, two years before the, massive job was done this. Great Roman, generals, legacy, has, survived, to this day. It. Was absolutely. A short time if you think about the square metres, of structure. Built and considering. The tools and equipment that. They had access to. Once. Inside, the Colosseum, engineers. Used the existing inclined. Planes, inside. The cavea, to, haul slabs. Of travertine to the highest parts. While. Slaves, did, much of the heavy lifting, experts. Believe specialized. Artisans. Were overseeing. The work. You. Can have slaves. That can be employed as the stone carvers, or what not for something specific, and technical, but, it, just wasn't convenient, for the state to. Have slaves or employ slaves for, this kind of activity the work the building of Rome is done, by soldiers. Is done by. Associations. And groups, of carpenters, and Mason's and, so forth, that could have slaves, but, again, this is not a say that's built by slaves for. Different, companies are believed to have been contracted. To build the Colosseum, working. Simultaneously on. Different. Segments.

Architects. Have studied, the joints, where, the different, construction, companies, segments, came, together and. Inside. The monument itself we. See different, engineering, solutions. Applied. To the same problem. The. Goal was to build this giant, building, as fast. As possible, not. To make it particularly, elegant, or beautiful. They. Believe the work was divided, in sectors, and given. Two different construction. Companies, that worked at the same time. In. Various, points we see these joints, there. Are several places where the arches, are deformed, with. Their heads at different, heights and, you, can see that this is where the different teams came together. Rahman. Engineering, had already performed. The miracles, of the aqueducts. And the Roman roads and although. No designs, of the Colosseum, have emerged the. Basic, principles. Of Roman architecture had. Been codified. The. Arch was introduced by the Etruscans. But the Romans understood. Its potential, and used. It everywhere. Such, as in aqueducts. And bridges the, arch is a great structure because, with a small amount of material you can cover large spaces. The arch works, because, it creates a horizontal. Force between. The blocks that, is compensated. For when, they touch the ground. The. Strength of crossed arches, was already, known to the Romans. There. Were two kinds of arches involved, in the Flavian, amphitheatre. The. Barrel, vault made, of Roman concrete and bricks which. Was built using wooden, molds, and the. Crossed arch in travertine. Stone. The. Distribution, of forces, gave these arches, incredible. Strengths, especially. When, supported, by adjacent, arches. Roman. Concrete was, more resistant. Than its modern equivalent, because. Its component. Parts. Solidified. When, wet. The. Arches, the, concrete, and the, travertine all. Worked, together to. Make the Colosseum. Extremely. Solid. In. The Colosseum, the horizontal, forces that each arch. Creates is, compensated. For by the next, arch down, so every, arch compensates. The forces, generated by. The neighbouring, arch, lead. Officials, see the. Building, was held together thanks. To geometry. These. Huge, columns are made of great blocks of stone and. The. Interplay, of arches. Keeps. The whole structure, standing. The. Solid, structure that has survived, to this day is. Not only the result of the advanced, Roman engineering techniques, but. Also shows signs of their very practical. Application to. Speed up the building work. For. 2,000 years the, Colosseum, has defied, the ravages, of time to. Remain standing. But. It won't last forever without. Regular, maintenance and key, structural. Repairs, which. Are finally, being carried, out today, thanks. To a unique, public-private. Partnership, for its restoration. The, construction, techniques, used, for the Coliseum are, the same as those used in, kapwa, and Verona, the. Internal. Surface of the building is covered in brickwork, which. Functions, as a lining, for the stone structure, adding, uniformity. Support. And lightness. From. This viewpoint you see the, exterior. Grande height of the Colosseum which has disappeared, on the side it's, been damaged, by an earthquake that materials, been carted off we, get a view, into the interior, ring also, travertine. Stone but, then it Peters out and becomes, brick that's been, reconstructed. So when you look at the Colosseum we're getting all kinds of different views into the history, and, the reconstruction. The shoring, up and the stripping out of this, brand monument, this.

Is Where one construction. Segment meets, another the, difference, in the stonework, is clear, to the naked eye the. Romans. Were very pragmatic. They. Paid attention to, detail, only where, it could be seen. Wherever. There were places that couldn't be seen or wouldn't, be noticed in the overall, building, they, didn't spend too much. Because. Precision. Has a cost. In. The interior, of the Colosseum, is different it's not travertine, stone, it's the brickwork, but the brickwork, is clad, in marble. So the marble veneer, has all but disappeared but, you can imagine the entire interior. Space shining. With marble the top of the. Colosseum. Still visible today and, you can see a lot of the stonework its place looks a little not. Quite so neat from the exterior, of it of course it's, perfectly carved, and wonderful and well. Organized but on the inside it wasn't, going to be on view that, particular arrangement of the stone blocks so that cut to, the, perfection, that they could have done no, one's gonna see that part so who cares we see it today exposed. And we we, ask questions. The, inside, arches, betray. The junction, of the segment's. The. Way the barrel vaults, are built can, be seen clearly here. The. Brickwork, would have been supported. By wooden, molds, that held, the bricks and mortar together, until dry. Of. Course it's on a day long sit-down the, construction. Of amphitheaters. Not. Only of the Coliseum, but of all theaters, and amphitheaters. Was. Made possible, by the massive, use of Roman. Cement, concrete. That, allowed the Romans to build barrel, vaults, in series. Such. As those you can see in the amphitheatre, evolved. Our Cormack willette proposed their million, for the afterlife. The stones were, laid one on the other without cement. So. The masonry had to be extremely, precise. Today. When you go inside it's, been partially reconstructed. Now there's even the idea to, reconstruct, all of it to allow more access, to explore, and experience the Colosseum, but in ancient times, it's all wood, and then, you have the trapdoors, and up pop the, protagonists. The gladiators. And many of the wild animals. Historians. Believe the format, for Roman games involved. Animal, hunts, in the morning. Executions. Of criminals, at midday and.

Gladiatorial. Combats, or recreations. Of famous battles, in. The afternoon, and evening. The. Big stone, structures. Down below, in the foundations. Held. Up the, lighter structures. Above where. The public sat to watch the games. As, the. Archers rose upwards, the, construction. Materials, used, were, lighter and lighter. The. Colosseum, is held up by traversing, stone. Which. Are the travertine columns. And. It. Becomes a lighter fish as the structure, rises, to the upper floors. So. The heaviest part, is. The first level, because, it holds up the whole of the upper floors but right now the missing. Superiority. O to make the base or not so no more Tamina, the entire, amphitheatre. Was richly decorated in, marble, and bronze with. Statues, in every. Arch. The. Whole Colosseum, was capped with a sale like awning, to, shelter the spectators, from the Sun it, was. Held up by ropes and poles, resting. On ledges, all around, the construction, each. With, its own drain. To, stop the wood rotting, in the rain. It. Can't fall inwards, because the radial walls resist, inward, horizontal. Pressure. While. Forces, that are pushing outwards. Are more problematic, because there, are no outer structures. That's. Why the Colosseum. Is not cylindrical. But, slightly, conical, and, gets. Narrower, towards, the top and this. Means that the center of gravity of the stone masses, are displaced. Inwards, and this. Makes outward, collapse more, difficult. This. Is where the less affluent, people, of Rome would watch the battles, in the arena but. Even then they. Would still be no further than 60, meters from the combat. In. 80, AD. The, emperor Titus, inaugurated. The great arena with. Lavish, inaugural. Games and feasting. That, lasted, more than 100. Days. Exotic. Animals, were transported. From the wilds, of Africa for. Special, hunts, and the. Best fighters, were called into service as entertainment. Mon, amis weeks. Months. Of continuous. Games thousands. Of animals killed. Hundreds. Of men to fight in that arena, but. There is one story in particular of, two gladiators, who get called out of retirement to, come back and fight for this big event a. Bit. Like if we were to inaugurate, a stadium today if. We were to call back Pele, and Beckenbauer. At. The time of Titus inaugural, games the. Sellers were built of wood not, of brickwork they. Were made of wood so that they could be dismantled, the. Arena stage taken, down for sea battles, and then, rebuilt, for the gladiatorial, combat. And the animal, hunts. The. Games that would go down in history as the most lavish however, were, those held, by Trajan, when, he celebrated, the conquest, of Dacia, today's. Romania. The. Most spectacular games. Were Trajan, celebration. Of the conquest of Dacia, which lasted. 120. Days and over, 25,000. Gladiators. Fought each other, the. Colossus, statue of Nero was preserved, and, Hadrian. Had it moved from, near his palace, to, a place by the amphitheater. It. Was the Roman's memory, of that massive, sun-god statue that, gave the Flavian, amphitheater. Its nickname, the. Colosseum. Just. Off to the left you see a couple of little cypress, trees there, stood the Colossus, it was an enormous, statue. We're, talking about the size the Statue of Liberty except. For the arm was not up raised it was resting, on a pillar, over time. When. We hear, of it no more, altars. Start to call the. Flavian, amphitheater the Colosseum. Someone. Will team or others in piazza, del colosseo can, oh yeah the last use of the Colosseum, that we know of comes. After, an edict by Han aureus in 404. A dia. Here too let's, remember that there is no perfect, recipe for a good gladiator, for, a good amphitheater. For the beautiful, battle we. Are talking about a practice, that began in the 3rd century, BC.

And That, ended at the end of the 5th century AD an, incredibly. Long space of time arranged. At the empathy. Semen, in. A Coliseum that, the sources, tell us was already, partially, buried, by the events, of time battered. By earthquakes, fires, and lightning, and the, removal, of marble, in, 528. AD at the time of the longer, bards in Rome a hunt, is organized, with, this hunt in 528. In the Coliseum was the last recorded, event of its kind. As. Rome. Declined, the. Coliseum, was put to many uses as. Here. At the theater of Marcellus, houses. Were built inside, the structure, but. They did not stay for long, the. Coliseum was rich in resources which. Over the years would be pillaged, and reused, in other ways. If. You look at the stone on the exterior you see the travertine, blocks, oftentimes, have, holes, in them and those, holes tell. The tale of people, in the Middle Ages. Extracting. The metal pins that were originally joining, one block to another block so in the end this, large. Abandoned. Site is becoming, a quarry, is becoming. A free, shopping mall people are coming and taking, material that they can use again the. Molten lead that held the stone blocks together was, hacked out. Travertine. Was, burned in lime kilns, to make mortar. The, urine, of horses, stabled their eroded. The stone for, uses, saltpeter, and gunpowder. Worse. Was to come. When. We look at the exterior, of the Colosseum, we, don't see that massive. 50. Meter high exterior. Around, the, entire structure it only exists, on one, side what. About the other side what happened, a massive. Earthquake and, a large section here on one side tumbles, down in the middle of the 14th, century so, by the time we get into great, documented. Periods like the Renaissance we've. Read about cart, loads of material being. Taken, from this job site or this ruinous. Site over. To st.. Peter's facade. Hospitals. Bridges. Palazzo. Venezia was, built for the Cardinals, of Venice in the 1500s. With, stones, from the Colosseum. They. Were also used for the larger of the city of Rome's cathedral. San, giovanni inlet adano as well. As today's french embassy, palazzo. Farnese II, finally. The, Colosseum was saved when, Pope Benedict, xiv, declared. It a monument, to Christian, martyrs. No. One could touch it any longer. Although. Coal fires, and, traffic, quickly. Covered the white facade, with, a soft black layer, of soot locked. In Sean ad Questacon, Tierra Aquila. The goal of this work site is not. Only to take away the deposit, of black soot but. Also identify. All the cracks and create. A single, map this. Has never been done, there's. A difference, between a small, crack at this height and a, long crack that goes up to the top. We. Have to see if it goes all the way up. The, layer of black grime, LED. Previous. Restorers. To use dark, cement, to fill in the holes and cracks in the facade. Dr.. Conti must, renovate, the renovations. Of the past. Much. Of the stucco laid in those years the. 1950s. And 60s is black, not. Because the restorers, of the time were incompetent or, color blind but. Simply because we have to imagine that the surface, was black. They. Return the color and, integrated. The stone with black filling. The. Color of the stone and it's dirty surroundings. The. World's, most famous monument, is not only getting a cleanup but, is also due to be modernized, inside. And out amid. A storm, of controversy. Restorers. Are hard at work with, nebulizers. Brushes. And sponges, cleaning. Away the grime of centuries. Renovation. Is due to take two years and the. Problems, that face the ancient, amphitheater, before. It can be fully open to the public are still many. Doing. Conservation work and a site like the Colosseum, is going. To be multifaceted, it's not just one issues, you've got to always worry about water, infiltration, here.

On This hillside overlooking. The Colosseum, you see what happens over time is, that water, is gonna run off and that runoff can eventually lead to a collapse, occasionally. You'll have seismic. Activity you have the threat of earthquake. So you have ongoing threats. And of course you, have traffic, you have pollution, but, you also have a metro line passing, underneath you, have the cars and the metro better, creating, more seismic, activity, to. Remain a lobby, but it's you naturally. The vibrations. Of the heavy traffic go, the irregularity. Of the frequency. Of the vibrations. Can. Produce problems, for the surface, only. If the surface is already weakened, but future Oh Lathika. Aide Romina Trotter. Some. Of the most advanced, monitoring, of water infiltration, and. Seismic, activity inside. An ancient, Roman arena is already, being done in Verona, to, the north. Here. The Romans, had designed, every, seat every stair. So. That water would run off into a complex, system of drains. The. Romans, had designed, the seats very differently, in that the, way the seat was carved. Reduced. The points of contact, and at, the edges there, was a small protrusions. Carved. Into the stone to. Stop water filtering. Under it. But. When the later engineers, in Verona replaced. The damaged marble, seating, they. Left gaps that, allow water to seep through. This. Situation was not respected. When replacing the material, and consequently. From this, kind of placement we, have serious, problems today. The, water infiltrates. And goes and damages, the arches, threatening. To erode, the material. We. Are only filling up the larger cavities, that threatened. To let rainwater, through the stone facade. Into. The area of the barrel vaults which. Are the true weak point of the monument, that. Need to be protected from water and vibration. Any. Damage, to the Roman mortar that holds up the barrel vaults, poses. A mortal. Threat to, the whole structure. Nicolas. Aoki there is no longer a roof on the Colosseum, so. The water enters. But. We try to maintain the, floors below that. Are the roof of the arches, that are beneath. Aside. From the nebulization. As. We turned on the tab to wash we. Also stuck a surgical. Tube in every, hole to see if it went through. There. Is a chair Omnicon Tomita. The, delicate work of gently, hammering, the stone to, find empty spaces, is time-consuming. Once. Identified, the. Hole behind the facade has to be filled up with marbles stucco to make sure water does not filter, through to the vaults and further, damage, them as they. Remain, the structure, on which the, whole of the Colosseum, still, stands. We. Is that they fit the stucco, done here, as you can see has. A different, color tone from the ones we saw before. Because. It is getting close to the true amber, color of the travertine. Once. The job of consolidating. The Colosseum, is completed, the. Next step will, be to decide, what. To do with it. The. City of Verona has more than a century of experience, using. Its arena, for, modern events. They. Have struck, a balance for making necessary, repairs, to the monument, while, making healthy, returns, for, the city the. Verona Opera season is an important, source of revenue for the whole city we're, talking, about four. Hundred and fifty million euros, of turnover, associated. With all the activities, of the foundation but. Most stage, managers, aren't accustomed, to, holding events in a structure, 2,000. Years old. City. And government, officials are, responsible. For preserving the monument, and also. Protecting. The spectators. Our. Experience, acquired over the years is that the, organisers, of events, born for stadium, environments. Are not flexible, in adapting, them to archaeological. Sites such. As the arena. Can. Be. 2d to tailor. Indeed. Over the years the whole of the arena almost. As large as the Coliseum has, been rendered safe. And functional, using, sensors, like this placed. In cracks in the vault under the public seating to, register, the slightest, movement. The. System set in place is the most advanced, of its kind. Monitoring. The structure, is done through instruments set up in the arena aimed. At, verifying, the static, and dynamic behavior. Of the amphitheater. Just. A few days after, the system became operational, the.

City Of Verona, experienced. An earthquake, registering. 5 on the Richter scale. To. His delight the. Team were able to verify the mathematical. Models used to build his system. The. Earthquake, was quite large but, did not damage the structure of the arena. Later. His, team were able to verify the effects, of rock concerts, in the arena and reassure. The culture, ministry that. This precious, Monument was safe. There. Was a doubt that the sound levels, could create problems, with the structure but. With this system we, could see that in any situation the. Level of disturbance such. As from the sound, levels during the concerts, was. In any case smaller, than that registered, in the earth. In. A rare visit, to the tunnels under the cavea, mr.. Menon illustrates. How the verona, arena worked. We. Don't have traces, of how the animals. And shinnok rafi were put onto the stage but. We know that this. Space did, have two semicircular. Niches. Where, there was a lift and police'. System. Initially, moment. Today. This system, of cables and, rods keeps. The floor stable, under the orchestra, pit making. The arena suitable, for concerts. So. Far the Colosseum, has not reaped the benefits of, show business, but. One day the, Colosseum, Kavya could be covered too and concerts. And events held. There. Absolutely. Rosato seguramente, between the new flow could be used for cultural, initiatives. So. This could give the monument, a greater value, to the public, enrich. Its use and its relationship, with the public. A, pavilion monumento. De portago La Caleta Vita. In. Fact whole, new areas, of the Colosseum, that were not accessible, to the public before are, going to be opened, for tours after renovation. Is complete. The. Total renovation of, the sellers will, allow us to open them to visitors which, will be limited, to small, groups because. It is a labyrinth, like structure. That requires, a guide unless, I said that I, saw the method you agreed that, as. The, rest of Rome gets, a facelift thanks, to private money restoring. And, using, the holy grail, of Roman. Monuments for. Marketing, and promotion, is, subject. To controversy I. Think. Companies. Get get. The fame with the recognition, they, it's getting publicity so. Todd's. Todd's todd's you hear this over and over again because. Of what, they're doing in association, with the Colosseum, the Colosseum. Restoration. Accord calls, for not just restoration. But, also other initiatives. Such. As the establishment, of a nonprofit organization. Friends. Of the Colosseum, which, will operate the external, aspects, such, as managing, the monument. Esatto, brevis Abravanel aqaq agreement, on the Coliseum allows, for the creation of a nonprofit organization called. Friends. Of the Colosseum. And. This association, has actually, been created to, help the spread of cultural, activities, around the Colosseum. No. Question it's at you Friends of this organization, Friends of the Colosseum Friends of the Louvre and so on and they, are recognized, as individuals. And it's organizations, because they too want to help preserve this. World heritage, is not easy era guarda Plataea meant a local solution enchantra, service CK developer, tired we're going to build a Help Center, that will take out the activities, that are at present inside. The monument that aren't really compatible, with the monument, such. As a small, book shop the ticket office and, toilets. Clearly. We can't create large, enough spaces, within the monument while. Outside the monument we, will have more space to help visitors, that, we know are at least between five. And a half million, and six million a year. My. Serene, I'm not rushing pavilion image the same in your knee Diego. Della Valle is the CEO of, Todd's, group an Italian. Manufacturer, of shoes, and leather goods who. Has long been tempted, to enter, the political arena. The. Maverick, shoe maker struck, a deal with the Italian culture ministry, that, allows him to use the Colosseum, as a marketing. Tool. However. He denies any such intention, and indeed. Thinks. More private, entrepreneurs. Should be trying to help the Italian state at this difficult time. Your. Continued. I would advise, my friends, the Italian, intrapreneurs. If, they, haven't already thought about it to. Take a minute, to think about what they can do for this country, because. If we do things as intrapreneurs. It, has a practical effect because. Things get done you know cause if we're gonna fight a law sponsoring, the sponsor, who in this case is de la vie or, whoever, else it might be wouldn't. Have been able to give more doesn't.

Necessarily, Have to give more because. What is made available is, the cost of the work to be done it, doesn't have to cover the entire monument. Nobody. Gave away the Colosseum in terms of image or property to anyone, of. Course. The Colosseum, remains the, property of the state of Italy, nothing. Has been sold, and. Private. Sponsorship, doesn't, take over the. Protection. And monitoring, and so on of the Colosseum, the ultimate, decision and the ultimate control, remains, in the hands of the Ministry of Culture and the, superintendency. So as long as that happens and you, have the transparency, so people know where the funds are going I think, it's a win-win situation for, everybody. One. Thing everyone, can agree on however, is the. Pressing, need to preserve what, is perhaps the most iconic and, haunting. Image of ancient, Rome. The. Colosseum is. One of the wonders, of the ancient world, and still. Stands, 2,000. Years after it was built. And theaters. Like this one were, venues, for gladiatorial. Entertainment. In every. Roman city of the Empire, there. Were no less than, 230. In the, four corners of the Roman world. Rome's. Coliseum. Is the, largest arena, still standing, today. But. It is in need of imminent. Repairs. Man. And nature. Have, eroded vast portions, of the monument though. It still attracts millions. Of, admirers, every, year. Restorers. Are diligently, cleaning, and consolidating. The ancient arena taking. Care not to destroy, the marks of history. Beneath. The floor of the Roman arena was, the Empire's, most, powerful. Propaganda machine. The. Equipment, used, for stunning. Visual, effects, that wowed the public over, and over so the analytical, sail saw. Not, the. Colosseum's underground, cellars. Represent. The Emperor's machine, for illusions. Obviously. The scenery was impressive. Just. As the shows which, were given to the citizens by the Emperor's, to maintain, or to increase their popularity were, spectacular. Or, para, aumentar a probable, sense, the. Challenges, of opening, this maze of tunnels and, niches, to the public however, are, enormous. Among. The only priests, you know and figured out a little piano delicious. Are you confident before, restoring, the cellars of the arena, a lot, of work needs to be done, above. All draining, the waters. We. Must never forget that there's a river that runs under, the Colosseum, and the, water floods, the Colosseum, when it rains heavily the ground. Appreciated, Shoni al, internode. Sot ronnie Allegan, dolly. The, controversy. Surrounding, the private, funding, of urgent, restoration. Work on the monument has, opened, a whole new discussion. On, how Italy manages, its cultural, heritage. All. Our clients when, they buy our products, somehow, they also contribute. To the renovation, of the Coliseum. Private. Sponsorship, is not the solution it, is a solution, and it's a great solution what they're assuming the things that need to happen and can happen, hopefully. With this private sponsorship it's jump-starting. The conversation, getting more people involved more levels, of participation involved. That's what I'd like to see. Italy. Holds, three-quarters, of the world's great works of art and yet. In the throes of economic. Crisis, the, Italian state is expected. To maintain this, cultural, heritage of the whole of humanity alone. In. Such a difficult, moment for our country for. The whole world economy but also in, Italy I'd. Say that the situation, we see is very worrying, and we hope it will pass well. In moments, like this the, most famous people the strongest, companies I think they should place themselves at their country's disposal, they, should do what they can and they should do it without asking, for anything back, the. Message is what. Can we do for our country today. Across. Italy, major. Monuments, in need of repair, are being, restored, with the help of discreetly. Branded, sponsorship. The. Iconic. Trevi, fountain made. Famous in the Fellini, film la dolce vita is, today, covered. In scaffolding and, workers. Are chipping away at calcium, deposits, to, reveal the original sculptures. Again. A major. Fashion, house made, the restoration, possible, the. Colosseum, is no, different, say, those who support, the initiatives, if. You maintain, it, if you invest in it if you shore it up get a dusty help this won't stand here forever on its own you, will have something that can be. Around as long as you know humans are around but, you need that investment, you need that care and the Coliseum is finally getting it. Given. The sheer breadth, of Italy's, cultural, heritage, and the, dire need of protecting. It for future generations a new law, was passed in 2004. Allowing. For several new types of, public-private. Partnerships. Elko.

Nevada Mint Odell privado. Native. A public in actual fact the role of the private comes, in two forms. Either. Via, a donation or via a sponsorship. Surely. The sponsorship, of the Coliseum, is one of the best examples. Of this. Grandpa. Diputado mr. proper delat apology, our sponsor, Edith Sione if. Every. Big Italian, brand adopts. A monument, very. Soon there, could be renovation, work all over the country, lightening. The load on, the staff of the cultural, ministry. The. Question is how, far the sponsors, will be allowed to go to recover, the investment in global, communication, as far. As the cultural, ministry is concerned, the, issue is simple, what. Will it cost to. Get the job done. In. Lebanon, seed or a de Laval illa sponsor, ah ah country. Entrepreneur, Della Valle the sponsor, contributed. A sum of 25. Million euros which, is the sum needed, to carry out all the work that had to be done to save the facade, of the monument, to, create a Welcome, Center and to do the work inside, the monument it. Was budgeted, at 25. Million euros so. What the sponsor, offered is exactly. The sum that needs to be spent to do the work. What, I would like is to be recognized. As having shown, that the time has come to stand, up and work for our country, and not, complain. Path. Restoring. One of the wonders, of the world is no, small, feat but. It is not the first time the Coliseum has been restored, or, rebranded. And probably. Won't be the last. Rhetorical. May the, restorer, is like a doctor, and, served. Society. To. Maintain the monument, memento, over time and this, gives enormous, satisfaction. Never. Forget the prophecy of the venerable bead, an English, monk who said as long. As the Coliseum stands Rome will stand when. The Coliseum, Falls Rome. Will fall and, when, Rome Falls so. Will the world. The. Whole story, of the world's, most famous stage, is, a. Constant. Work in progress an. Ongoing. Saga. Of epic. Proportions. You.

2020-02-20 11:09

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