Colombia Largest Water Park Piscilago - Big Slides

Colombia Largest Water Park Piscilago - Big Slides

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wow wow what's going on guys today i am going to a water  park here close by bogota and i wanted to start   to show you how you get there first thing first if  you are in the city of bogota you would have to go   to one of these companies here and purchase your  ticket if you are not a local all right for me   because i have a columbia bank account it's  a lot easier to purchase my ticket online   but if you're not from columbia it's going to be  difficult but if you go to this company right here   you can purchase a ticket once you purchase  your ticket they're gonna ask you to do all   this different registering it's a little quick  and then they're gonna tell you where to meet up   uh for me they told us to meet up here there's  several different locations you can meet up but   this is where we're meeting up early in the  morning the bus leaves at seven o'clock uh   so last girl so i checked the line and they  said it would be over a two and a half hour   ride maybe three hour ride depending on traffic  uh i don't think we'll have any problems but um   right now they're just checking to see if your  name is on the list you have to register online   all right because of the whole situation with  the pandemic and everything they have to limit   the amount of people that come to the park so  just make sure you do things by order all right   and if you can if you know you're going  to do this make sure you go here okay   because that place has different hours so you want  to get there early as possible just plan it out   right and you have no problem look at this guy  this got an old man in here mvp in the building   oh man yeah so guys prepare to wake up early  if you're gonna do this all right like at least   five o'clock 5 30 or something so you don't miss  the bus all right guys we are here for only one   problem it's raining all right so it's we're gonna  find out if we can still have fun during this rain   this might be your situation when you  come here i'm gonna still try to party   but uh let's see what we can do  right let's talk about the all right as you you can see there are plenty of other  people here got one two three four five six seven   eight eight-ten buses here pretty much so it  should be a good crowd of people just here and uh   we'll find out so these buses will be  back to pick us up if you're wondering   at five o'clock all right they're gonna give  you a pass so make sure you keep that pass   so that way you don't have no problems getting  back to the town you're from it is currently 9   57. I'm not too sure because we already have  tickets do we have to get back in this line   again so I'm gonna see you going over here  just in case MVP is in the line just in case okay okay so guys she said if we already  purchased on the internet we can come here   see i i thought you didn't you  couldn't come here if you didn't   purchase but obviously there are  people here in the line so well go really pack it's like a theme park  guys there's also a zoo here too so   these people are already having a good time this is very confusing we'll  follow her huh all right oh okay here we go guys another adventure hit that  like button if you like what's going on okay they're just looking  through the phones and everything it's like it looks like a roll they got  roller coaster rides here and stuff right it just um slides water slides and then  they have a zoo let me get this paperwork we actually printed out the paperwork but if need  be if they want to see it on me while I got it   as well on my cell phone go ahead  y'all know better look what happened   maybe we got to get back in the line or something oh looks like this is the line we got to get  into huh all right let's go a lot of confusing   happening guys this is why I'm making the video  so you don't have to go through this all right pretty much um you got to go through this line  right here with your paperwork and your id and   so you can get the proper ticket right here okay  that's how it's set up so if you're in the group   they're not going to ask everybody to go in the  group just the person that purchased the um the   ticket and so you got all the kids  hanging out here waiting for their parents   to show that's why you got people just  hanging out here to get their tickets I don't know what she said but there you go   okay all right guys we finally made it here  we did bring our drones but they just quickly   shut that down basically telling us  that uh there is a military base nearby   and they will shut it down and so nobody got time  for that so this is the only footage you're gonna   get but this is the park pretty much you'll see  uh it's a lot of stuff you can do here the man i'm   trying to see where okay I feel like this is where  we're at and yeah this is a circle as you can see   so you have so many different water parks here  I'm trying to figure out is there a locker area all right let's take somebody  about the lockers and then   what's going on right here this  guy is getting attacked by a parrot the paradigm in the time for this guy oh is yeah there are lines here and everything  works yes they got some real animals over here   man I hope they ain't out like a bird oh look  we walking past this I thought it was real um these are animals that you can find um in  the plains that are between venezuela and   colombia right here new things are huge those  are like the largest rodents in the world   they're rodents they're they're considered rodents  let me get a little closer so y'all can see   where we ate and it was like sweet meat i kind  of feel guilty looking at them right now oh   man what's up players i ain't me to do it to  you like that oh y'all don't see me come on   man and they got a turkey over there man it's  the first time seeing turkey in colombia that's   how the animal looks guys i think that animal  is called chihuidu what's up player player   what's going on hell now oh hell no looks like  the way to travel and i'm walking what's up what's   going on hey what's up before we get on the slides  they have a tiger here you got to be careful here   i can see some kids trying to just go through  here and putting their hand in the area they   don't need to be what's up player what's going  on player player he pounces he's like i eat all   you guys y'all even notice y'all even know it i  tell all y'all get the player up get the player up   bro come on what's up come on player what up cameo  all right guys so we made it to our first slide   but we are still trying to look for a place to put  our bags and i think we might have found something   oh okay right here we go this is nice i think this  is might be one of their biggest water parks in   colombia if not the biggest one of the biggest so  this is the food area this is where we need to be   uh we need to put our bag right by the restaurant  so that's why i'm trying to put the bag in   eat that's it yes we're looking for an area  it's like a mini market he said there it is   this is a mini market where you can go ahead and  buy certain things you might have missed out on so   i'm just looking for a phone case and uh yeah  that's pretty much it so let's check this out   all right all right pretty basic if you want  some chips here uh let me see oh okay they got   some stuff for your of your eyes if you need it  you're going to go diving you see right here okay no this is like uh inflatable items here all right here we go all right so here we go guys  we're oh it's like 20 bucks so he said it works really well so you  got to be careful with these some of   these are mickey mouse straight up you know I mean   just to prove that there's nothing wrong with it  and it's a pretty thick casing to put in there   all right wiping everything down just  to make sure we got something good it is dry guys it is dry, not bad all  right okay all right guys time to get   on our first ride and check this out man  the sun is out perfect let's do it y'all ah so guys I can't wear my shirt mucho ghando yeah baby oh oh oh man hey that was a good one that was a good  ride ain't me go live guys you probably can't   hear me on this one you can get me on that one  that was a good ride guys really good man make one the sun has come out it's a  beautiful day in this tropical area   here we go I kind of messed  up by not having a ring hey your face man's gonna come out you know I'm saying you guys already I'll shoot hey you always ready amino all right guys this is for my boys you know what I'm saying I couldn't be  here so I had to hold it down for y'all all hey it's one of the biggest in Colombia  my god oh wow oh we slow it down baby oh yo i'm so big it goes all the  way to the end I gotta get out all right guys so because of social distancing and  everything around the world this is how they offer   you the food they had options like fish burgers  um baked chicken I just went with this all right   me a double cheeseburger with some fries okay  and a drink all right this costs 24 000 pesos if   you're wondering yo so they got a social distance  even when you get on here guys so it looks like   we're gonna be hanging out for just a little bit  minute okay uh just to let you know they're trying   their best to keep up with protocols so this  is how it goes down man I'll break that's how   it starts you know what I'm saying he wanted  to check on my board because he felt like hey   he actually bitched his motherland before you  know what I'm saying he's looking at you too   man he's like what's going on player you been in  the money land you but you been to the motherland all right guys this is a fly that I'm not going  to it's like a kitty slide that's not happening   I'm a see what's up with these two  slides I think there's two of them here   and so let's do it it's probably one slide but two  different experiences so we'll try both let's do   it all right guys check it out all right so  we're going on this one right now and then   that one I love how big these things look huge wow he was screaming over there all right I love this scenery this is  really dope this is Colombiaa guys okay guys I hope you guys can see okay oh all right guys so here we go okay all right all, right guys, it's raining now but we're  not done with the fun I heard there's a slide   over here I need to try so let's go check  it out yo hit that thumbs up to two more   crazy slides oh my god I can't believe  this what's up ladies how y'all doing   I told her if she wants I  take her up she says no see wow guys I am literally the only one in this line   everyone else is just trying to get over  there is this ride that lame it's crazy all right guys here we go oh wow wow look at everybody crazy to get here  oh they're going on the other one oh wow um um just finished talking to the attendant here and  basically, she told me that there is one more   slide and I don't want to miss anything so I heard  this slide is really tall so we're going to check   it out she told me five-minute walk this way I  need to walk anyways I've been eating nothing but   burgers for the past couple days so let's do it I  thought this was a stuffed teddy bear this ain't   no stuffed teddy bear this is a lioness sleeping  her butt off she is huge all right she is a huge   dad that's how you gonna do me when I show  up you know you all you ain't feeling me,   Leon, in the building you  ain't feeling your boy oh let's sleep on your boy huh that's all you do all  right oh and they go to the other one right there   they're sleeping too they both sleep man like  I said man you gotta be careful because even   though this thing is gated up children  can try to walk through this mess but uh   you get to see that they're doing  well and they're looking healthy   that's orlando yeah this one's  pretty high up guys too let's do it yeah we're getting pretty high  up here guys check this outlook   at this is awesome this is probably  the best way to end this whole trip   just seeing this horizon look at this odd  statue I don't know if you can see it over there   this place is dope man and I know I really didn't  have enough time to check everything out because   they actually have like juice here other animals  I saw a lion here as well it's a really dope place   man so if you are in the Bogota area you got  some time come out here all right now let's get   down to the slide right here one more slide  my bus is going to leave me if I don't get   it all right guys check this out and I met some  people from the states North Carolina can't go   they got family there man so  that's dope look at this oh my gosh all right guys and so I get to pick which one and I might go for the straight shot so y'all can see  how it goes we've done this straight shot before I want to do that one but it might be too dark  I don't know let's see when we get up there   he said hey he told me by everyday  man that's what's up man I love   what people say Miami-dade that's what's up huh yeah we used to work over there that's dope that's  awesome you see Miami people everywhere guys   super dope yeah that's good man this reminds you  of South Carolina right here wow and that's a big   company I didn't realize it's like a Disney uh-huh  uh chur church yeah man this is I feel like I'm   in everglades or something or I feel like I'm  somewhere else it's similar but um no alligator yes yeah maybe I see it before I leave okay all right guys oh you

2021-01-11 18:59

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