Coffee and Crime Time: Eric Richins Poisoned By Wife

Coffee and Crime Time: Eric Richins Poisoned By Wife

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she's lack of sickness in my brain Vision standing by the wind of pain to Ripples through the blind in a day it's in the way her body moves me remember and the toxic pain until the signals in my in my mind forget to operate [Music] I take my pleasure for my alcohol never give you any time at all she just comes and goes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Hello everybody welcome back to my channel and thank you for joining me for another coffee and crime time just as a quick disclaimer I don't usually record my videos this late it is currently 4 30 I usually record my videos first thing in the morning when my energy is uplifted but also consistent usually after three my energy becomes inconsistent and wildly chaotic so between like three and four I'm usually you know kind of like in a slump and very tired and then between four and five I become a little bit goofy so we are in the we're in the goofy area of the chart we're in the it we're in there we're in goofy territory um yeah so let's wish us all luck today and today's case has been a year in the making and it brings us to picturesque Camas Utah a small mountain town in Summit County there's about 2 000 people living there and Camus is located 18 miles east of Park City and 46 miles Southeast of Salt Lake City now this is one of those Stranger Than Fiction cases you almost can't believe everything happened the way it did you can't believe that the perpetrator ever thought she would get away with it it's hard for me to believe that the person who committed this crime allegedly because she is of course innocent until found guilty in a court of law but the person who committed this crime allegedly it's hard to believe that she thought she was going to do it and like emerge unscathed from the the wreckage uh the wreckage that she had caused it's very very difficult to kind of comprehend how she thought this was going to go well for her but either way she must have right she must have because I think that that this person put in actually a great deal of of forethought into her crime and it still didn't work out for her on May 8th 2023 33 year old real estate agent and mother of three Corey Richards was arrested and charged with aggravated murder and three counts of possession with intent to distribute and control the substance in connection with the death of her husband of nine years 39 year old Eric Richards who passed away on March 4th 2022 after his wife made him a drink to celebrate a house that she had just closed on when it was discovered that Eric Richards had five times the lethal amount of fentanyl in his system law enforcement began to look more closely at his wife Corey and they would soon find that she had more than one motive to want Eric gone as the investigation into Corey Richards continued she had the audacity to write and publish a children's book about grieving in the wake of losing a loved one called are you with me and at the time of her arrest she was getting ready to publish the sequel to are you with me which would be called Mom how far away is heaven I know it sounds ridiculous it sounds absolutely ridiculous I agree and it gets worse so remember last month I think it was last month or the month before we talked about James Craig a dentist in Colorado who killed his wife Angela by poisoning her protein shakes and now we have this case in Utah which is very similar you know just kind of on the other foot instead of the husband poisoning his wife it's a wife poisoning her husband and it also looks like the motives of James Craig and the motives of Corey Richards are very different and this is something that you'll often see when it comes to women if they're killing their husbands or their romantic Partners it's usually because money is involved like they want their man's money and if a man is killing his wife or his partner or his significant other it's because he has somebody else that he would like to be with um or you know he's got he's got someone on the side and he wants to get his wife out of the way so that he can be with this new person but I guess in a way it's also about money because then you would just say get a divorce and you can be with this new person and you know you can divorce your wife but I think in these cases the husband maybe doesn't want to pay support or alimony or things like that so does it always boil down to money that's a very interesting question but before we dive into today's video let's have a word from our sponsor Magellan TV if you've been watching me for a while you've already heard me talk about the documentary streaming service Magellan TV but let me reiterate for you why I love Magellan TV because the documentary films and series they have on their platform are not only entertaining and educational but extremely relevant to the place and the time that we find ourselves in for instance a crime like we're talking about today most likely would have gone unsolved and unpunished 50 years ago because we didn't have the technology to really go beyond just the statement moments of witnesses and the potential perpetrator we couldn't really prove that people were lying we just sort of had to take them at their word forensics has been a game changer in the field of criminal prosecution and that's why I want to suggest the series forensics which you can find in Magellan TV's new releases section this fascinating 10 episode series explores New Zealand's most puzzling crimes which investigators hope that forensic science will finally solve pulling straight from the experts and the police files this in-depth high-tech series focuses on crimes that have occurred in recent years which were solved by forensic techniques I really loved this series because we're talking 10 episodes and you know with me the more the better and I'd never heard about any of these cases before because they're from New Zealand so I was fascinated and sucked in immediately and you can watch forensics and so many more 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Science True Crime everything you could want Under the Sun Magellan TV has it so thank you so much to Magellan TV for sponsoring today's video make sure you guys check out the link in the description box try Magellan TV for yourself thank you so much let's dive in to today's case Camas Utah is known as the gateway to the Uintah mountains and that's a mountain range in northeastern Utah and Camus is less busy and populated than other nearby areas in Utah like Park City which if you're familiar with Utah that's a bustling ski resort Town very big for tourism but Camus is considered an excellent place to live due to its relative isolation and Vivid natural beauty it's just not as much of a tourist attraction and Camus is known for its Ranch mentality which carried over from the town's earliest settlers which were a handful of Mormons who settled in the area in 1859 I think 20 Mormons to be specific situated in a valley surrounded by the Uinta Mountains to the east the Wasatch mountains to the west and the Provo River to the South Camis is often used as a supply station for people who are passing through to go camping hunting or fishing in the surrounding Mountain areas and it was here surrounded by all of this natural beauty in fresh Mountain Air that Eric rich and met and married what he thought was going to be the woman of his dreams Eric who was originally from Bountiful Utah where nearly 80 percent of the people living there are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints known from here on out as the LDS church as a result Eric and his very large family were all Mormons and well known locally for their participation in local politics and for obviously their participation in the LDS church and after graduating from Wood Cross High School Eric spent two years doing missionary work in Mexico where he learned to speak Spanish fluently in 2009 Erica graduated from the University of Utah with a bachelor's in international studies and a minor in Spanish and that same year he and his close friend Cody Wright started a company called c and e stone masonry this was a business that focused on doing intricate outdoor stone work pavers and tile work in high-end homes so basically putting down patios they did like bathrooms and stuff anything that has to do with stone work tile work things like that a few years later Eric was introduced to a shy young brunette named Corey Darden who worked at the local Home Depot where he often shopped for work supplies Eric and Corey were introduced to each other by a woman named Linda King who worked with Corey at the Home Depot and who thought that the two would be perfect for each other Linda said after Eric and Corey had their first date they hit it off and they had what she described as being a fairy tale relationship saying quote it just seemed beautiful end quote and Linda often refers to Corey and Eric's relationship as perfect to me based on what I saw from Eric's Facebook page it kind of seemed like he was in the mind set to get married he was in the mind set to meet somebody around that time he posted something on Facebook saying I'm single and ready to mingle so he was just looking for somebody to settle down with he found Corey they you know apparently hit it off but I do want to caution anybody who looks at a couple and says they have a perfect fairy tale relationship usually if it looks very very very perfect on the outside there are cracks underneath the surface because nobody has a fairy tale relationship nobody has a fairytale marriage because fairy tales are not real therefore a fairy tale relationship is not ever real and on June 15 2013 Eric and Corey tied the knot in the backyard of their Camus home located at 282 West Willow Court and they went on to have three sons together reportedly nothing was more important to Eric in the world than his family especially his children and he happily coached all of their Sports from soccer to basketball to baseball an avid Outdoorsman and the life of the party Eric owned just about every motorized recreational vehicle you could think of from snowmobiles to four wheelers and it didn't seem he was overly cautious when he was playing with his toys because he held the record in his family for most collisions as well as most stitches received from one incident 200 stitches to his face to be exact But Eric was more than a big kid whipping around on his four-wheelers the business that he and his friend Cody had started had become very successful and lucrative and Eric gave back to the community often he'd even been involved in search and rescue efforts in the nearby mountains so it just seemed like Eric was kind of this rugged guy he liked being outside he liked you know maybe doing things that were a little thrill seeking but he also seemed like a very big Jolly kind of happy guy who you know his family made it seem like the party didn't start till he showed up and he always had like a crazy story and he was always getting hurt or he would like crash his four-wheeler and he'd have to call somebody to come and get him and it was kind of just like he was incorrigible but in the most charming and sweet way possible so by the time that she was married Eric's wife Corey no longer worked at the Home Depot because her husband was running a very successful and financially lucrative business so instead Corey you know started her own business becoming the owner and operator of K Richmond's Realty where she focused on buying and flipping houses and apparently or reportedly according to Corey on the night of Eric's death that's exactly what this perfect fairy tale couple were celebrating the fact that Corey had just closed on a great house in Midway Utah and trust me we're going to talk more about this property because in my opinion the house was a big motive for Corey in getting Eric out of the picture that house was the linchpin the you know last bit of pressure that that marriage needed to crack and Corey would later tell the police that she had mixed up a Moscow Mule for her husband to celebrate the closing of this house and she'd served it to him in bed because that's exactly where you drink a Moscow Mule to celebrate the closing of a house in bed right that sounds perfectly reasonable and after that Corey was summoned out of her bedroom that she shared with her husband and into one of her son's bedrooms because he was having a night terror well she got into bed with her son and she ended up falling asleep in the other room with her son and when she woke up and sleep Lee made her way back to her own bed around 3 A.M she got in she snuggled up to her husband only to find him cold to the touch and unresponsive so she called 9-1-1 Summit County Sheriff deputies and EMTs found Eric Richards on the floor at the foot of his bed and although they performed several life-saving measures Eric remained unresponsive and he was declared dead now I couldn't say whether or not law enforcement was immediately suspicious of Corey but I do know that after they received the autopsy and toxicology report on Eric they certainly were because the medical examiner said that he had found five times the lethal dose of fentanyl in Eric's system and if you don't know what fentanyl is what where have you been right where have you been because Fentanyl is um is a big deal right now and for some reason this drug has been flooding into the U.S at an alarming rate honestly and Fentanyl is now considered to be an epidemic in this country fentanyl is an opioid which is a pain medication like Vicodin but it's stupid strong it's up to 100 times stronger than other opioids like morphine oxycodone I think it's even 50 times stronger than heroin so take that in you know extremely op and extremely addictive like most opioids and this is a recipe for a disaster and according to the Department of Justice fentanyl remains one of the deadliest drugs facing this nation with a record number of people dying from fentanyl overdoses in 2021 2022 and onward just two milligrams of fentanyl which is the amount that could fit on the tip of a pencil is considered a potentially lethal dose and when I said we're being overwhelmed by fentanyl in this country for some reason I was being slightly facetious we know where this shit's coming from and we're pretty sure we know the reason that our streets are being filled all of a sudden with this very dangerous and very addictive drug and why people all over every single day including very young people are losing their lives from it even though a lot of this doesn't make sense but that is a story for another day it is not what we're here to talk about today but in Eric's case the Emmy was able to determine that the fentanyl in his system had gotten there orally as opposed to intravenously and that this fentanyl was not medical grade it was the illegal sort of fentanyl that one would purchase from a drug dealer on the streets needless to say it was pretty clear that era could not accidentally overdosed on some pain pills his doctor had legitimately prescribed him and I suppose he could have taken too much fentanyl on purpose you know to take his own life but if that was the case then he must have let his wife Corey in on his plan and had her facilitate his plan because the police took Corey's cell phone and they found out that she'd been in contact with someone arranged to buy you guessed it fentanyl so if and I think she might you know try to pull this out later and say oh well Eric did this to himself remember James Craig did that when he killed his wife Angela said she had him buy the stuff and he just didn't think she was going to ingest it and take it so if Corey tries that and Corey says well Eric had me purchase the fentanyl for him because he wanted to take his own life why didn't she tell the police that right from the beginning that's going to be my question if she tries to use that as a defense but before we talk about Corey buying fentanyl let's talk about what else Cory's phone showed the police first of all her cell phone was able to Discount some of the details of her story because Corey had claimed that when she went into her son's bedroom to sleep with him because of his night terrors she'd left her phone plugged in by the bed but because phones are creepy stalkers now we know that this isn't the case her phone status told police that during the time Corey had claimed to have been out of the room and away from her phone and like fallen asleep in her son's bed her cell phone had actually been unlocked and locked several times and there had been movement detected on the phone and text messages had been sent and received by the phone unfortunately law enforcement claims they were unable to see the content of these messages because by the time they got suspicious of Corey and got a warrant for her cell phone and other electronics in the house she had deleted those messages along with many others in fact Corey deleted all the messages on her cell phone from January 2nd to shortly after her husband's death honestly I feel like if my phone is stalking me to the point where it knows when I'm lacking and unlocking it there's probably a way that law enforcement can retrieve these deleted messages and maybe the police have done that already and if there's a trial we'll find out what messages she was sending but what they were able to initially get from Corey's phone was the number of a person she'd been in contact with throughout January February and March of 2022. they took that number they reverse searched it they got a name they put put that name into the system and lo and behold the person Corey had been contacting who's been identified in police reports simply with the initials CL this person had multiple charges of possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia so we have Eric dying from a fentanyl overdose we've got his wife Corey in contact with a person who has a history of possessing illegal drugs and you put you know two and two together so Summit County detectives had a nice sit down with cl and she told them that Corey had contacted her in January and February of 2022 asking for pain medication for an investor she had in her business who was suffering from back pain on February 12th Corey reached out to Seattle to see if she could get the pills CL then reached out to a dealer and was able to secure some Hydrocodone pills that she then hand delivered to Corey and hydrocodone is just Vicodin not as strong as fentanyl not even close two days later it was Valentine's Day and Corey being the good and don'ting wife that she was she made her husband Eric a sandwich and she left it along with a love note on the seat of his truck during the work day as a nice you know Happy Valentine's Day surprise but when Eric got the sandwich and started eating it he immediately had a horrible allergic reaction of some kind he broke into hives he was having trouble breathing and he had to use his son's EpiPen which was luckily in his truck after that Eric said he took some Benadryl and he laid down and he passed out for several hours but when he woke up he texted a friend and claimed that he believed his wife had tried to poison him and according to Eric's family who he was very close with of course this had not been the first time a few years prior Eric and Corey had been together on a trip to Greece and at that time Corey had made Erica drink he drank it and he became violently ill and Eric told his family that if anything had ever happened to him it would be Corey's fault this is so very similar to James and Angela Craig from the video we had had covered you know a month or so ago if you haven't seen the video I'll link in the description box but Angela also was suspicious of her husband James because he had attempted to poison her in the past when Eric didn't die on Valentine's Day after eating his sandwich it appears that his wife Corey went back to CL contacting her again in late February and saying the pills had not been strong enough for her investors back pain and Corey requested some of that Michael Jackson [ __ ] now the reports actually state that she said stuff Michael Jackson's stuff but [ __ ] sounds better you know you have to agree sounds definitely more like something you would say to a drug dealer like I need some of that Michael Jackson [ __ ] stat ASAP now Michael Jackson actually didn't die from a fentanyl overdose he died from acute propofol intoxication and propofol is an anesthetic that feels weird when you say it in your mouth propofol but Corey did actually ask for fentanyl by name so she said give me something Michael Jackson [ __ ] and then she said Fentanyl according to CL the drug dealer person that Corey knows so CL reached out to a drug dealer in Ogden Utah and she was able to get 15 to 30 fentanyl pills which she then delivered to Corey in exchange for 900 I don't really like how they do this 15 to 30 fentanyl pills like when you're talking about fentanyl pills which are very expensive it's um it's a bit a wide range 15 to 30 like was it 15 or was it 30 and why does CL not know if it was 15 or 30. I don't really understand what's happening here it really matters a lot I think because if it was 15 I don't know maybe it doesn't matter as much either one I feel like either 15 or 30 pills would be enough to overdose somebody if you're giving all of that to them all at once like 15 or 30 it doesn't matter but she gives Corey 15 to 30 fentanyl pills Corey gives her 900 not long after that Eric Richards was dead from a fentanyl overdose one plus one equals two Eric Richards died in the early hours of March 4th and then reportedly on March 5th his wife Corey threw a party at the home that she and her late husband had shared with their three children now it wasn't a party to celebrate his death although I understand how the timing of the party might make you think that considering it was the day after he died seems like she was definitely throwing a party to celebrate his death right but no this party was to celebrate the good news that Corey had finally closed on this house in Midway this Mansion calling it a house is like calling the Grand Canyon a hole in the ground it's a enormous overly enormous Mansion like a mansion that's so big and ridiculous nobody needs this okay so Corey said that she and Eric had allegedly been celebrating the closing of this house the night that he consumed a lethal cocktail a vodka ginger beer and Fentanyl and then she throws a party the next day to once again celebrate with like her her friends I guess and and have some drinks and like celebrate this closing and I just don't understand I just don't understand I almost feel like this can't be real like is this a real part of the story or is the media just reporting improperly because who in their right mind whether or not they were guilty of committing the murder of you know Eric who in their right mind would throw a party within 24 hours of someone they claimed to love dying who who would do that but several several news outlets have reported this and they've also reported that during that party Eric's sister Katie stopped by and she basically got into a fight with Corey and When Corey asked Katie to leave Katie basically said no you leave because this isn't your house Eric cut you out of his will but I guess that Corey didn't believe Katie because the next day March 6th she hired a locksmith to come in and drill into Eric's safe which held at least one hundred thousand dollars in cash as well as Eric's will so this was When Corey found out that what Katie had been saying was true Katie was right Corey had been cut out of the will and then Katie who I guess was there again on March 6th told Corey to leave the safe alone she was like you don't have a right to touch the safe Corey punched Katie in the face and neck according to a civil complaint now this is very complicated because I don't know how much of this is real different sources report the events of these two days March 5th and 6th differently so just for the record this timeline could be off but the events are the same the things that are being said the things that are happening are the same no matter when they happened and the important thing to know is that Corey found out she'd been cut out of the will by her husband and she became enraged now why would her unsuspecting husband have done this not knowing that his wife was up to no good well I mean he clearly knew or suspected Corey was dangerous or you know had some nefarious intentions and he kind of felt that at least on two separate occasions she'd tried to poison him but it's also a little bit more complex than that and it goes back even further and to understand how far back and how deep the contention between Corey and Eric goes we have to follow the money Trail it appears that Corey started making some sketchy Financial moves as early as 2015. moves that some people might view as premeditation I would I would view it as premeditation Maybe maybe not premeditation to murder but premeditation to something where you're going to screw over the person that you're with and benefit yourself definitely some sort of premeditation happening here between 2015 and 2017 Corey purchased at least four life insurance policies on her husband Eric totaling nearly two million dollars now allegedly Eric never even knew about these policies but he knew about some other things that his sneaky sneaky wife was up to in October of 2020 Eric met with a divorce attorney and an estate planning attorney and he made some big changes without telling his wife Eric had learned that Corey had taken at least one hundred thousand dollars from his bank account and she'd racked up over thirty thousand dollars of debt on his credit cards Eric also found out that Corey had borrowed 250 000 against the equity of their home and she had done this by forging his initials Eric's initials on a document giving her power of attorney to act on his behalf and basically what that means she borrowed against the equity whatever she and Eric had already paid into their mortgage so let's say you owe five hundred thousand dollars on a house and you've already paid three hundred thousand dollars towards that mortgage you can borrow against that Equity you can borrow towards what you've already paid on a house you just have to pay it back or else you know you'll go into default so that appears to be what Corey did but without consulting or asking her husband Eric which is not not a good thing to do if you're married you shouldn't do things like that these are Big financial decisions and you shouldn't do them without you know Consulting with each other it also turns out that Corey had stolen at least one hundred and fifty thousand dollars from her husband Eric's business account and this money had been what he'd set aside so that he could pay his company's federal and state income taxes now Eric did confront his wife Corey about the missing money and she promised to pay him back but that also didn't stop her from continuing to do some ridiculous and sketchy [ __ ] as it turns out Eric and his business partner Cody Wright had taken out life insurance policy these on each other and this actually seems to be very common when two people are in business together because if one of them unexpectedly dies the other partner will have the funds to buy out the deceased Partners half of the company so I guess that they do this in in situations where an Unexpected death might arise and then the other person's not going to be left kind of answering to the wife of their former business partner or whoever else kind of got the the deceased Partners half of the company when that person died so in January of 2022 Corey secretly logged into Eric's life insurance account and changed the beneficiary on that policy from Eric's friend and business partner Cody to herself but Eric was actually alerted to this change and he went in and changed it back to Cody it's also been reported that later that same month January of 2022 Corey filed an application for a new 100 000 life insurance policy on her husband so at this point we got like something like six life and insurance policies floating around out there that she either has taken out on him without his knowledge or tried to like get herself to be the beneficiary of and by 2022 Eric already felt like something was up you know like I said he'd met with some lawyers in October of 2020 and we know that he must have been thinking about starting divorce proceedings or at least trying to get some information about how he would go about doing that because one of those lawyers was a divorce attorney and the other was an estate planning attorney now at that time without his wife knowing Eric made some big changes and some big moves first he changed his will and he cut Corey out completely he then formed a living trust which is a legal Arrangement that you can use to transfer assets both during your lifetime and then to your heirs after death a trust is actually great because it can protect you and your estate and it can easily be changed if circumstances in life change like the birth of a new child a divorce or if you think your wife is robbing you blind and trying to kill you but the trust gives a person control over their estate and what happens to the wealth that they've accumulated during their lifetime for instance they may not want their kids to get all of this money right away so the money goes into a trust and the beneficiaries which would usually be the children and or the spouse would have to ask the trustee for money and tell the trustee what that money's for and then the trustee has to approve these requests based on instructions that you left behind for instance what if I didn't want my daughter little Susie to spend my money on drugs and strippers she can only use it for housing a vehicle to get to and from work living expenses Etc so little Susie if I'm dead and she wants money out of the trust has to go to the trustee whoever I've assigned to be the trustee and say hey I need a car to get to work can I have X amount of dollars to purchase a car so that I get to and from work and then the trustee will approve that based on instructions you've left behind and the trustee will look and say oh well Stephanie says it's okay for little Susie to get a car so I will prove this not only did Eric cut Corey out of the will but when he formed this living trust he made his sister Katie the trustee and then he basically funneled everything into that trust he transferred the partnership interest in his business into the trust and he also designated the trust as the beneficiary of his five hundred thousand dollar life insurance policy so now everything's in the trust which is under the control of Katie and we can see more clearly why Corey may have flown into a rage and punched her sister-in-law because that was not part of her grand plan not at all now you might be saying to yourself damn this relationship sounds exhausting right so much secrecy so many lies so much going behind each other's backs it doesn't sound like a good relationship why not just get out of it and it does appear that Eric was looking into doing just that we know once again that he consulted with a divorce attorney but he also may have been considering staying and trying to work things out I think that Corey probably took advantage of the fact that Eric was a Mormon knowing that in the LDS Church you're tied together not only in this life but in the afterlife and Mormons usually try really hard not to get divorced unless you're Lori valo and then you get divorced as many times as you want but typically being divorced is not you know something that's super accepted or um you know encouraged in the LDS church here is Greg scordus an attorney that the richens family hired to be their spokesperson and representative in the wake of Eric's death kind of explaining why Eric may have wanted to stay and try to work things out with his wife well there's some allegation that Chris that she had a Paramore that she had a boyfriend the entire time they were married um Eric was a fairly well to do man she came from a life where she didn't have the same means that she had once she married him um and so there was some hint at least some motive there that there was some Financial gain for her by doing this uh well if he was so worried he should have left is it true that he was worried about leaving because of the kids they were young and he thought that they would have been left in the care of the mother and he didn't want that either yeah I mean he would have done anything for his children and he would have stayed in a miserable relationship for his children I mean this man by all accounts everything I've learned from him and about him is that he that being a father was the most important thing in his life and you know this and I'm sure a lot of your viewers know this you know divorce breaks up families and it makes it difficult for parents to see their children as often as they do uh when they're together so he he apparently just tried to tough it out tried to try to to stay stay the course and maybe see if things would get better for for them and and raise his three boys and and by all accounts he was an incredibly incredibly good father and what Greg scordus is saying makes a lot of sense I think many people men and women alike stay in marriages where they're not happy or where it's not always working because they're afraid of losing their kids or even just not seeing their kids as often as they did when the whole family was together I know for me personally the thought of not being able to tuck my kids into bed every night or see them every morning it might make me think twice about getting a divorce even if things were really bad you know I just would not want to be separated from my children so it makes sense that somebody like Eric who is really invested in family Dynamics and having this like you know together nuclear family a dad a mom the kids all together you know not split up putting what he believed to be a good example of a marriage and a family in front of his kids I can understand why he may have tried to work it out and we can look and say the same thing about you know James and Angela Craig because Angela knew or was very suspicious of the fact that her husband James had already tried to poison her he admitted to it right he didn't say I poisoned you so you would die he said I poisoned you so that you would fall asleep or I drugged you so that you would fall asleep and then I could um you know take my own life which he never ended up doing but like I said this is a whole different story but it's very similar to the point where both Angela Craig and Eric Richards seemed to know that their partners that their their life Partners were not like the most stable and we're not the most trustworthy but this was the person they'd chosen to spend the rest of their life with and they were going to try and make it work at the time of her husband's death Corey owed a lot of money to a lot of people she owed almost 2 million dollars to these various people and the day before Eric died Corey spent a ton of time on the phone with some of the people she owed money to including A lender who she was reportedly 1.8 million dollars in debt to and she also had a long

call with the IRS who she owed almost two hundred thousand dollars to and of course she still hadn't paid Eric back for all the money she'd taken from him which has been estimated to have totaled about 515 thousand dollars and if that wasn't bad enough it looked like Corey wanted to go into debt another two million dollars by purchasing an enormous unfinished mansion in Midway Utah it seemed like a lot of the money that Corey had stolen from her husband in in the past had maybe been used to purchase homes that she could fix up and flip and this Midway mansion in the Heber Valley would be her crowning Glory if her husband would just let her buy it but according to sources Eric didn't want Corey to buy the property he thought the two million dollar price tag was just too high and according to his family he was going to tell Corey that he would not be signing the paperwork to close on that house yet the day that he died or the day after he died Corey did close on that house this massive 22 000 square foot mansion located off of State Route 113 near the Provo River at 106 North Legacy Way sits on 10 acres and construction began on it in 2017 when a man named Doug Roy Lance decided he wanted to build a dream house he envisioned eight bedrooms 12 bathrooms two kitchens a therapy swimming pool golf simulator and a rock climbing wall even an indoor volleyball court the works but apparently locals were not as enthused about the structure complaining that it was an eyesore in the gorgeous and wide open Valley where it was situated especially because Roy Lance seems to have abandoned the project and moved to Guatemala leaving his larger-than-life dream home completely unfinished foundations ceilings stairs and patios have been built and installed but no one could realistically live there at this point the unfinished Mansion also Drew attention in 2019 when the Wasatch County Sheriff's Office announced there had been an unattended death on the property the Mansion was sold to a young couple who were relocating to the Heber Valley in 2022 and this couple was planning on finishing construction and occupying the Mansion but then the husband unexpectedly died shortly after closing and his young Widow put the house back on the market using a company called K Richmond's Realty to get it sold which is apparently how Corey entered the picture now a lot of people say this house is haunted because we've got the young widow's husband dying after purchasing the house we have Eric richens dying basically so that his wife could purchase this house that is my theory at least that Eric got in her way and she wanted to buy the house and he said no so she was like all right well the only option is that I've got to take you out of the picture I've got to remove this roadblock and then you have this other unattended death that the sheriff's department talked about in 2019 so a lot of people are saying this house is cursed and anybody who becomes involved with it is going to see you know some death in 2022 when the Mansion went back on the market it was listed with the understanding that any buyer would be responsible for finishing construction at their own expense and that could take roughly six months or more depending on the weather and I mean I can't even imagine how much money that this house would take to complete that's not even something I want to think about the listing for the house States quote finish this architectural Masterpiece to create your perfect retreat by adding your personal touches to this already framed home create your Paradise complete with a Butler's Pantry swimming pool therapy pool exercise room golf simulator full-size indoor volleyball court climbing rock wall two Commons rooms two kitchens and even a room dedicated for virtual reality experiences enjoy covered patios by taking in your breathtaking unobstructed Mountain views the eight bedrooms with adjoining bathrooms can sleep up to 60 people for those business Retreats or family reunions what's more this property also includes an additional 3 600 square foot three bedroom three bathroom caretakers home end quote I will say I've seen pictures of the house and it looks like the caretaker's home is more put together more finished and complete than the main home but I mean what's funny they call it a caretaker's home it's 3 600 square feet three bedrooms and three bathrooms their caretakers home is bigger than my real home take that in how does that make you feel how does that make me feel I'm not sure so like I said they have pictures of what the house looks like currently on completed but they also have this video of what the Mansion is expected to look like upon completion and maybe it was this pricey and Far Away Vision that captured Corey's attention and heart and made the massive property something that she felt she needed to possess the house was listed for almost five million dollars and we know that Corey purchased it for two so maybe she was like this is an amazing deal which I agree honestly for the size of not only the the house itself but the the land that it sits on that is a very good deal but maybe Corey felt she could complete construction and flip the house and make a few million dollars in profit and this would have solved all of her financial woes it would have given her the money to pay back the people that she owed money to and it would allow her to still have several hundred thousand dollars to play with to continue buying and flipping properties maybe but as I mentioned earlier in my opinion this house was the straw that broke the camel's back for Corey I think she saw it as her Oasis in the desert the solution to all of her problems and with that All or Nothing mentality like I'm screwed if I don't get this if I can't get this house if I can't flip this house if I can't make this large profit I'm screwed I'll never dig myself out so having that All or Nothing mentality feeling like this was her only option she probably snapped when her husband Eric told her that they just could not swing the two million dollars for it and a lot of that to be fair probably had to do with the fact that she had already funneled so much money out of his accounts and credit cards that she'd already stolen so much money from him and the fact that he most likely did not trust her at all and had an interest in minimizing the strings that connected them legally and financially you know in case he did need to file for divorce why do you want to get into this large Financial purchase with somebody that you aren't even sure you're going to be with for much longer now I think when Eric told her no which in my opinion he most likely did that night March 4th she realized that while he lived and breathed the house which represented her Lifeline in her mind it would always be just out of her reach I think that he'd been telling her no he'd been telling her no and she just kind of went along with it had the paperwork you know pulled up or had it drawn up and then she thought that if she couldn't get him to say yes on March 4th if he did not sign those papers of his own free will and if he didn't agree to go along with her plan and her vision I think she knew she was going to kill him and I think on March 4th as Eric told his family he said no he said he would not give her the signatures that she needed so she poisoned him she signed his name to the documents and the day after he died she closed on that house and then celebrated now I don't even know if Eric drank this Moscow Mule willingly um I don't even know if there's proof that he that he had a Moscow Mule you know I don't know if any of this is true I can't imagine knowing that he had said no to something that was very important to her that he would have been willing to drink anything that she made him especially considering the grace trip from a few years back it feels probably like she tricked him some way into consuming this fentanyl but I don't know if it was in a drink like I said I just don't know if any of this is true because I feel like he would know something was up when she just randomly brought him a drink in bed right you would know if that's not her normal behavior and she's just being nice to you all of a sudden like oh I made you a drink you know I feel like you'd have a little PTSD from that now it does appear that Eric's family were side eyeing Corey as soon as he died and they couldn't say for sure that she'd been involved but they certainly weren't going to dismiss the idea without properly pursuing it and it's been reported that the Richmond's family hired a pi a private investigator to put Corey under surveillance and see what she was up to and they started doing that in July of 2022 and while we don't know for sure what this Pi found we did hear that the lawyer for the family he mentioned something about Corey possibly having a relationship on the side someone she's been seeing outside of her marriage for an extended period of time but we don't have any details outside of that what we do know is that Corey and Eric's family have been locked in a legal battle since shortly after his death When Corey contested the changes to the will she tried to remove Eric's sister Katie as trustee and she sued for more than 3 3.6 million claiming that according to their premarital agreement she was still entitled to Eric's assets if he died before they were divorced now it is worth noting however that Utah law prohibits those convicted of a homicide from profiting from their crimes which brings us to the next level of Hell In this case on March 7 2023 a year after Eric died Corey published a children's book called are you with me according to the synopsis are you with me was written to create peace and comfort for children who have lost loved ones it's to reassure children that although your loved one is not present their presence will always exist and they walk through life with you as if they were here wherever you go whoever you become their Love Remains with you it's a heartwarming and reassuring book that gently guides children through the difficult experience of losing a loved one written by a loving mother who personally faced this challenge this book is designed to offer comfort and Solace to Young Minds in a way that is both accessible and engaged so yeah it sounds exactly like it is Corey killed her husband for his money allegedly don't come for me she's innocent until proven guilty and all that jazz but she in my opinion killed him right she killed him and she stole her children's father from them and then she wrote a book about how to help children through their grief of losing their father and I remember she said in the interview like oh when I when I was trying to help my children get through the the death of their father I couldn't find any good resources for children who are in that position so I decided to just write my own that's a lie there's tons and tons and tons of resources for children out there who have lost a parent or a loved one so she's full of [ __ ] she just wanted to get attention and she wanted to capitalize off the death of her husband which as it turns out isn't even the death of her husband it's the murder of her husband which allegedly I think she committed now this book was being sold on Amazon for a time but this is what you see now when you click on the link to buy the book on Amazon so they have taken this book down and they are no longer selling it that's probably a good move because you literally know there's people out there that collect like memorabilia from crimes and like murderers and stuff and this would be right up their alley now it's funny because Corey had a Facebook page for her book Corey Richardson's author and she would post reviews from the book and I promise you I promise you I mean I can't promise you I think I can't say for sure right but I feel for sure that these reviews were either a all made up or B left by friends of Corey after she told them what to say or see all made up and written by Corey is a and C the same that's the one I think happened that's the one right there there's all these reviews already for it you know in the very short time that it was out all of these reviews as if she was the most Poppin why author of our time and people are just waiting for her book to drop and to be available so they can buy it and review it like stop stop so for instance one of the reviews says quote this is a book I will absolutely read to my children I do want them to know their loved ones are always around that they still cheer for them constantly love this book and would recommend it highly to anyone who is struggling with the loss of a loved one end quote or this one this was one of my favorites actually quote this book dedicated to the author's late husband is a sweet reminder for their children and that their father's Spirit lives on it's a beautiful tribute to their dad and serves as an amazing memory for them to hold on to Forever end quote Yeah Corey definitely wrote this [ __ ] okay she definitely did um it sounds like they're very very scripted these reviews like they're hitting all the Talking Points um and it's just it's messed up man it's messed up because not only does she write a book about how to help children grieve with the loss of a loved one but she makes it basically about like her husband if you ask me you know it's about a little boy whose father died and the father who seems like a rugged outdoors type he's got on like a trucker hat I think a flannel looks like he likes to spend a lot of time outdoors hunting and riding four-wheelers the father is like kind of always in the picture and always watching over his son and things like that like she literally in my opinion murdered her husband and then wrote a book about how her dead husband was always going to still be with her children this is like psychotic right this is this is like next level psychotic and then it gets worse right because Corey wants to go on TV and talk about this book promote this book so more people buy it right in my opinion that's what she was doing and on April 6 2023 Corey appeared on Good Day Utah in Salt Lake City to promote and discuss her book referring to the shock that she and her three sons experienced at the Unexpected death of her husband Eric during this interview she wasn't wearing her wedding rings she remained very composed and calm throughout he was 39 it completely took us all by shock and we have three little boys ten nine and six and um you know we kind of my kids and I kind of wrote this book on the different emotions and grieving processes that we've experienced last year dad is still here it's just in a different way just over a month after this TV appearance on May 8 2023 Corey was arrested and charged with her husband Eric's murder and then the ladies who interviewed her on um I think it was a good day Utah they interviewed her on television they did some strategic and quick backpedaling and they were like we had no idea when we interviewed her that she was a murderer like obviously we know that guys like come on this is not something you should have to say we obviously know that you would not have interviewed her on TV if you knew that she was a murderer or if you even knew that the police were suspecting her of being a murderer but you know they kind of really wanted to make sure that everyone knew we had no idea which I guess I understand because they probably did get a lot of backlash from internet trolls who don't like to you know use the logic that they have in their brains and they go after these people as if these three you know women on on this like daytime TV show sought Corey out as the murderer that she that they knew she was so they could interview her on TV like these people on the internet go so ham about this literally the book is still up on Goodreads and it's not even the book you can't buy it you can't read it there's nothing that you can get from this book besides see the cover of it and the synopsis which you can see anywhere else online and there's people on Goodreads being like Oh my God take this down what's wrong with you she's a murderer take this down take this down okay let's just erase it off the internet let's just erase it off the internet because it offends you that it is still somehow searchable on the internet like it's just ludicrous how people really um internalize their own like negative feelings and then just like project them onto anybody who's within projection distance so anyways these three ladies they're like listen we noticed that she didn't show a ton of emotion but then we also thought you know everyone Grieves differently and they also made sure that they let us know that they had not pursued Corey they hadn't you know tried to find her so she could be on their show they said Corey had reached out to them asking if they would have her on to promote her book and to discuss the upcoming sequel of her book which she was in the process of writing and getting ready to publish at the time of her arrest so looks like looks like that anticipated sequel is not going to be out anytime soon okay we're gonna have to wait at least like 65 years to life and that is where we are now that is where we are now she was supposed to have another court date um coming up in May but they had to reschedule it and push it her lawyer hasn't really given any comments here I know there's so much more about this case we haven't heard yet which will come out should Corey Richards decide to not take a plea deal and take this to trial which if I was a betting man I'd say she's going to take it to trial okay I'd say she would she's not gonna be like yeah you caught me you got me I did this she's going to just see if she can get away with it if she can put any reasonable doubt in the jury's mind to get away with this and in my opinion I'd say her defense team is probably going to do one of two things they may argue that the state has no proof that Eric did not take this fentanyl himself in order to take his own life and although the prosecution can prove that Corey was arranging to buy fentanyl pills she could say well how do you know they were the same fentanyl pills how do you know that these are the fentanyl pills that Eric took or she could say you know Eric had asked me to get them for him like I said in the same way that James Craig from Colorado tried to do when he killed his wife by poisoning her protein shake or she could say I had the fentanyl pills there and then you know I didn't know he was going to take them I had no idea that he was going to take them he must have found them and and just taken them I didn't give them to him or Corey is going to claim that she was being physically abused and she she killed her husband in self-defense because she just couldn't take it anymore she just couldn't take his abuse for one more day she will try to get out of this she will try to get out of this I just don't really know if with all the evidence if that's even going to be possible I don't know but let me know what you think let me know what you think about this case in the comment section below do you think that Corey is going to be able to successfully bring this to trial and raise any reasonable doubt in the jury's mind if she can prove that there was some sort of physical abuse that may be something we've seen cases before where this has worked so if she can prove that there's physical abuse like if she has people who can come forward and say they've witnessed it or if she has pictures where she is bruising on her or if she has a video or audio of her husband raging at her there there may be something she can do but I just I don't know like it clearly looks to me like she stole a bunch of money from him got herself in a hole had to pay him back didn't have the money to pay him back didn't have the money to pay anybody back and had honestly been kind of setting this up for years because why would she take out between what is it 2015 and 2017 why would she take off four insurance policy life insurance policies on her husband Eric without telling him why would you do that if you weren't planning that he would one day be dead like prematurely you know what I mean I don't know it just seems like this premeditation went back real far and not as if she was in 2015 2016 or 2017 saying like oh I'm going to kill my husband in 2022. but almost like she was saying well you know he's not like my favorite person and if I have to kill him then at least I'll have this money that I can benefit from if push comes to shove and I just end up having to kill him you know because I just can't be with him anymore that kind of seems more like that like it was her backup plan um it just doesn't make it better doesn't make it better this is so messed up I can't even believe it it's just ludicrous once again it's ludicrous that you would think in this day and age that you could tell the police your phone was plugged in by your bed this whole time when you're in your son's room and not know that they couldn't figure out that you were using your phone during that time it's ridiculous to think that they wouldn't do a toxicology report on him and find out that he had fentanyl in his system I mean she may have tried to discourage an autopsy she may have said like oh because of religious or family reasons I don't want him autopsy then she thought that that would work but because it was like a criminal investigation it didn't work I don't know maybe she didn't think that they would it would actually go through with the autopsy in the toxicology report I don't know but I don't know how she could think that she would buy fentanyl in a very obvious way and then her husband would die from Fentanyl and the police would be like this is just a big coincidence this must be a really big coincidence

2023-06-02 19:18

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