Coega Aquaculture Zone launch

Coega Aquaculture Zone launch

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are very excited and with that i just want to thank again this mec for for taking the time to come out and i'll hand over to lunga quickly to just explain the construction process thank you so much so now the aquaculture development zone is at construction stage we started with the construction as you can see we busy with bush clearing and the pegs that you see that to the aquaculture zone is going to start the infrastructure which is the electrical infrastructure the sewer lines the water lines which will support the aquaculture development zone and the roads that are associated with this development it will also service the other investors the tank farm that's gonna be adjacent to this road and also the desalination plant at the bottom which is coming so this infrastructure will support the zone thank you yeah thank you very much program director well we're equally excited about this project here um because it is in is in line with our provincial economic development strategy but also it talks to our oceans economy um so that's what makes us to be excited and i'm sure that's one of the reasons why we're able to fund this this kind of a project um covet has affected us in many ways and there are many um enterprises that are not going to make it closing i know that within the department it's a a platform in which they could indicate that situation so whatever they uh projects and programs that would benefit especially the small medium and micro enterprises uh as a problem we become very excited we're hoping that with this with this we have a long way to go in terms of capacitating many of our projects smes creating because the most important thing that we're having now currently the most important thing for government is to save jobs but to go beyond saving jobs and create new jobs and without me talking about that because we do have programs that are doing that currently we use the very same stimulus fund to find a lot of enterprises that could save jobs and give them money like ten thousand rent if you save a job if you have a ten over more than twenty million we've done that and it's a good thing but anything that then creates jobs becomes very important that's why we are as a provincial government about i believe that in with the with the oceans economy master plan there is a lot to be tapped and if if we tap a in in that master plan they uh we will benefit will create jobs it is the potential of us creating jobs in the in the eastern cape we've got a very um i mean if we look at the activities there are very few activities happening in most of our if you know you know along the the sea in the eastern cape so we're hoping that together we will unlock that master plan and ensure that we create more projects of this kind more projects to create jobs so i must say to you congratulations for it i know that covet affected uh that's why we're doing the thought training now but we want to congratulate you i will only come back now when things have been done correctly when you're at the end of it so congratulations to koha all of the person thank you very much thanks a lot uh mic now what what we're going to do colleagues is that i'm going to ask the mrs kenjana the embassy as well as our action ceo to just please take positions uh from these uh shovels that you see here in preparing for the images uh that for the for the sword terming unfortunately can i just have the embassy i've been flanked by the acting ceo as well as the mr schengen to join them please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you everyone in in so far in terms of our program we we are going to make our way to the off port vessel limits which is at the port of mukha the media is going to go in one in one vehicle as well as the delegation that has also received authorization the rest of us are going to go and wait for them at the at the blue water bay sunrise hotel that's where the meter briefing will be taking place all right then thanks a lot [Music] [Music] [Music] i just want to check what if there's any incentives that i'm going to put on the table to try and attract investors for this particular project the project the aquaculture all right thank you very much good afternoon ladies and gentlemen it's exactly what i said when i was coming in here that the guys that are supposed to be talking about the questions you are asking actually should uh should be responded to by these guys because they they they applied we we created in the province a stimulus fund when we created that stimulus fund we're creating the stimulus fund to ensure that enterprises and entities that could contribute towards a economic development would would find access of funding our role as the provincial government in fact the role of government in general is actually to create a conducive environment for economic development that that that's the bottom line so the entity stimulus fund we created for that stimulus fund i mean the stimulus fund we created for entities and enterprises that have that objective or that could take it further so these guys a cdc applied and they got funded i think it's 260 million rent over three years before if we from if i'm correct so uh and and and this has to do with the with the oceans economy i think on the one where we come from that's where this is the first stage of creating the infrastructure they're bringing roads they do roads water electricity and all of that because there they will have two projects that have to do i think the one is abalone and the other one is fin fish they're quite numb those figures you wanted are right there they're they're somewhere there they should have given you that they've got figures on how many jobs they're going to create but those are the projects the second one we visited was the one on the uh yes the maritime with that potential it was more of an acronym so we saw the vessel um that was was built here for for for that purpose of assisting with the with the bunkering i suppose here so that's the second one so they will talk deeper about it but our role brings the fund and they can continue with such pro projects so i'm not going to give it back to you i just want the mr causa or keith whoever you will delegate who to speak to talk on the very um specific question for instance the jobs uh what they intend to do on the two things and the jobs uh and you are asking for incentive that's an incentive giving them 260 million renovated as an incentive so it's up to them now to maximize the 260 the projects they proposed actually get get realized and they are for the benefit of the people here in the eastern cape and the people especially of the nelson mandela bay thank you very much thank you very much program director thank you very much and you see msc is correct that indeed there will be incentives because this zone is within a zone so the entire kucha set receives incentives now the money that we got from provincial government to the stimulus fund is for us to create a conducive environment by providing infrastructure so when the tenants come in now with the top structure that's when the incentives will then kick in yes is right what they've given us it's an incentive for us that is one on the incentive on the on on the economy of the province as we know we've been talking about this issue of coastal community benefiting from the coast because it has not been happening i think this one is opening that opportunity and my colleague spoke earlier on about 900 jobs that will be created in phase one for both for both the the abalone as well as the fin fish 700 and 700 and and the 200 jobs and we believe that over and above jobs there will also be opportunities for for business people to be able to do business particularly the small business enterprises but if my colleague want to add he can they can help okay just before before follow up just like this yes uh thank you yes yes okay so um i'm sorry so um uh maybe maybe also on incentives um uh government through the dtic has got an incentive called the aquaculture development enhancement program and i think a lot of the um a lot of the companies wanting to enter into uh aquaculture especially the the smes they can tap into that particular fund which is a a a grant fund that is also obviously have to be supported by my own funding and i think that is a very important one to mention i think mr kosata's touched on the on the on the on the jobs um we see another 200 jobs being created through the infrastructure development that is going into the zone um and that's and then another probably another 200 250 300 jobs to be created through the construction of the actual fish farms so we see in around about another 500 jobs being created in the construction phase thank you all right thanks thanks for that okay just follow up for you mr infrastructure will you guys be putting in place for ee aquaculture operations thank you very much be bringing in okay we'll be bringing in amongst others your roads your sewer your power will be bringing in your roads amongst others your your sewer lines your electricity storm water all of those will be bringing in there we'll be creating a mini township so to speak and we do have a master plan that talks to that where what road is going to be that's what we'll be doing do we have plans to expand no certainly yes we do the we we are a 15 percent sold in one of the companies that are operating in the bay and also over and above bunkering the service industry we want to play in that space that boat is one of many to come wherein we we are playing in the space of providing services to this bang bunkering companies yes if i may from an environmental point of view obviously papangan does does put threat to the environment but before we get the license uh the the samsung make sure that all is well and all is in place so we will not will be very responsible in how we would do the bunkering all right if i if i may take the next round i will continue i just want to give an opportunity if i may just take the next round i've got to kevin um i've got two cc clearly it's either you the third one all right um there's a question on with regards to the um agriculture i agree a quick culture sorry about that um you mentioned that there were four companies that were had already shown interest in starting their operations can you maybe just explain a little bit more about what exactly those companies would be doing and what that would entail um and then i think that's all for now for someone who's sitting at home can you please explain what is aquaculture thank you four as well as what what does aquaculture mean to someone no no let me see no let me see what through the last one okay so so uh what what did the aquaculture companies be doing so so the first two companies that we've signed up was uh is um abalone farming company so uh what would be happening is that they will have the rearing of abalone which is a obviously a species that is under threat at this stage being poached um uh so obviously when we do it uh on land it would be it'll actually be assisting the environment in terms of uh in terms of environmental uh responsiveness effect responsibility they can put it that way so that those two companies will be rearing abalone and then obviously most of that abalone will go to the to the eastern market um all right so then um when i say most uh probably 99 to 100 of that of that product and then um the other other other companies will be rearing fun fish so that's your your your typical your species that would include things like um drought um salmon cob those type of species would be would be your fin fish species and that would be for import replacement so as you can imagine we are importing a lot of especially salmon from from norway and those type of countries so so we're looking at at assisting the local market basically by providing from from our own farmed species what is aquaculture aquaculture is um it's like a farm where you rear fish so or even plants of plant species such as your algae grown that that grows naturally in in the environment but in this in this instance it's like um growing these species under controlled conditions making sure that these environmental and also making sure that you get the maximum efficiencies simply because obviously when when you uh obviously like when you rear a say a a chicken uh if if you do it free range you'll take longer than when you do it in a under control control condition so i think that is that is uh you know in layman's term yeah okay let's see kevin's gonna follow up um okay so yes that the the areas have been uh identified so when we sign these lois with these companies we do what we call a site reservations and these and obviously we we use the stimulus fund money to unlock the areas obviously that we want to to um to have developed first and that's why i think i've showed on a map the route of the of the of the road how it will follow and then obviously typically alongside this road we will have the first sites to be unlocked typically we want your abalone farms to be close to the sea because they use high sea water as a fin fish is using recirculating aquaculture systems low lower volume so we don't need to pump so it's it's not a question of pumping costs that will be too high but for abalone as close as possible to the sea because of that so um we are trying to align the the the infrastructure development that is currently ongoing with these investments so hopefully i think within the next i would say about uh eight to nine months we will hopefully start breaking ground in terms of of one one or two of these investments um it might be sooner and it might be slightly later but it will be around about i would say about ten months yeah all right colleagues i'm mindful that the msc has another engagement but i appreciate that there was something that you wanted to you want them to translate in this course [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign just ask that we end our session now um it's already indicated has other engagements that he needs to get to after this we'll be having lunch upstairs so everyone is invited so thanks thanks please [Music] you

2022-07-20 10:00

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