Climbing Little Adam's Peak in Ella !!!

Climbing Little Adam's Peak in Ella !!!

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good morning Sri Lanka so today we are going to little Adam's Peak which is a very very cool hiking site here in Ella in Sri Lanka and its name resembles like Adam's Peak which is a very important pilgrimage side here in Sri Lanka but uh this side is mostly for just for hiking which is a good thing as a morning sports or something I have read many things about it and I have it also that sometimes it gets really really busy over there so hopefully we will not uh find many tourists and we will be able to have the site today for our own now I'm making my way to the Village where I will meet my friends and then we will go to the beach [Music] [Music] right now I'm waiting here this is the way and actually through this way you can go to two places you can go to the Monarch Bridge if you go turn left you go to the Mount Arc bridge if you turn right you go to Adam's Peak and from Adam speaks there's lots of climbing point to the viewpoint Adam speak little Adam speak so yeah I'm waiting for my friends still and this is our way to little Adam's Peak there are many tricking ways there are many houses over there in this point and you can see that the Tea Plantation over here and all these houses all these mountains and in the other side you'll be able to see the yellow Rock the place where you can have a better View overall this City but for the moment this is our way we'll just carry on until we reach the beak it's 10 and this is our view and the more you go up and the more you will get things like this thank you everywhere I don't know if you can get some of this and boil it how it will taste should I try it twice I think right now we're approaching this point from where we will start trekking off to the mountain yes this point so yeah we still have more to climb but hopefully we are being almost there they're having these hotels here the pool in the swing this site stand under that zip line over there foreign get to this point you don't have to take all these stairs hello I'm fine kilometer Hyundai okay why not come I don't I don't know just a little bit from I am from uh I'm from Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt photo yes I'm taking I'm taking a video of you so beautiful mine I don't have change [Music] the point the zip line and you can hear the people are screaming over there thank you [Music] this one here this is the zipline point and we still have to climb more until we get the top of literally I don't speak [Music] so actually this point here is not the zip line but it's a point for some other games and this point over there this is the point for zip lines and these guys so I will be recording [Music] and uh so the more light you get up the more you're having this View and just feel amazing but we will have the bits review when we get until the top of the peak itself but for now I think my friends do you want to take the zip line I don't know if it's in the way up or in the way down but anyway that'll be something thank you yeah it was really nice [Applause] different foreign Birds this is not for us [Applause] okay some people really have to have some rest do you know who lives here in this area no no he didn't hear Tarzan yeah [Music] now you know okay we're climbing can we are heroes we can do it so whatever we'll just you make them going down is harder than going up I'm very glad that you told me that for me for me [Applause] [Applause] we're still not up yet right we are having some views is it nearby really five minutes is too much so are you doing welcome Heroes you are heroes wait foreign [Applause] foreign you're doing it this way is a little bit sleepy and it is dangerous so we're very glad that it is not raining today yesterday it was raining very heavy very heavy rains thank you for recording me back [Music] what's up what's up what's up I give her a hand give her a hand give her a hand thank you [Laughter] foreign [Applause] oh shoot how pretty cool yes come on he's telling us go up a little bit the picture will be much more better when we reach to the top my stupid heart you know I tried to let you go oh we would be having a wonderful day over here [Laughter] good so I don't know can you take just this or we have to take this way let's see you're making it no I think it is that way but this shortcut you want to try it hmm we just arrived we supposed to arrived foreign oh my God it is Peter this is beautiful and this is me inside the beauty in the middle of the beauty let's go everything yeah up up up let's go up up up up because I'm happy man put your hands really yeah it's okay in my defense I will never hesitate to ask for help in my defense only in my defense ladies and gentlemen I think we should push the flag and touch the flag and I think we can also can follow this area you made it you made it he made it he's a hero so my potato is gonna be healed point where where where where where where where where and yes this is point where you can see all this Beauty around us oh I can hear my echo this way I can whoa whoa I kind of stare at my echo it's working whoa good I I can hear my echo yes I'm trying my ankle I think one more time good I'm having a very good voice oh yeah I don't know should we not do it should we do Tarzan again okay at one two three no no I won't count I will [Music] no no do it again I didn't like it do it again but three two one three two one [Music] yeah this is the perfect place to go definitely it is it's worth it yes right now we're supposed to keep walking on this path till we reach this point over there it's so narrow s I think because of the tourist condition in Sri Lanka these days so this busy is not this place is not busy as it is supposed to be which is a very good thing [Music] is it okay with your sandals I think it should be fine thank you thank you a video during King's day or not I wasn't there okay man that's so [ __ ] crazy were you there yeah I always going to be your dad on Kingston it's just mad at the boats and everyone is and uh we went together so I was there in December Christmas and then we went together to Iceland oh yeah yeah careful careful don't die today yeah don't die today got one more day a couple more day good I think we can go all the way there yes I'm so excited about it to do the Adam speak actual Adam speaker he did it do you know that yeah it is you have to be there so early like extremely early nice picture I'm the king of the world good it's not me he's the king of the world foreign [Music] yes someone is coming down here right yes thank you I think I think I think this way will be a little bit sleepy but we're going to make it to making it yes I went to my money back too I don't know if there's an actual way down here is there is a way down there okay there is should we take it okay he did it uh here it was not for everyone oh so there's another way from here to take up there really there is a way they made it he made it this is a hero he made it well you guys are coming back okay okay and this way is a little bit interesting this is our way to the other side [Applause] this is way yes I still have to get down and they get to that point over there oh wait can I write my name here yes all right I'm sorry I never went there that's my name that's my name okay what okay you can cross you can cross okay that's my name and this is my channel over here foreign and this one here is my signature okay just to remember me great let's carry on yes we have our named Stone here now right my name here foreign this is my Mountain you can see my name everywhere thank you this one is a little bit sleepy so let's be careful and foreign laughs oh foreign [Applause] to this point and don't forget You'll Always Find a pencil in the way to use for writing your name hey come come foreign because you're making it all right [Music] wait wait wait um try to work it out first okay need all of my food hey can you get her as a hair glasses please give me my glasses hey give me a hand yeah for sure okay okay oh I'm sorry I can do it with this one can you try this yeah that was already pressure too thank you made that one foreign This Is How We Do It [Applause] oh my God who made it any words we made it we'll have to make it back again huh your phone is here in your bag though whoa that's nice for a long time we're left tip of the mountain now we're going to climb this other one look at this big girls oh hang on it's weird oh my God who wrote my name over here so remember once you reach there's a full truck you're safe all right you're not safe look at this guy look at this guy he's making it all right what do you think I'm losing all the balance I've ever had in my life [Music] hahaha [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

2023-08-02 16:44

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