Chuck's Big Adventure I Niagara Falls

Chuck's Big Adventure I Niagara Falls

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[Music] hi I'm Chuck Lofton and welcome to beautiful Niagara Falls both in New York and in Ontario for over 200 years this has been one of North America's key tourist destinations but there's more than just water to this region on this edition of Chuck's big adventure from Carousel museums to raging Rapids to to of course the beauty of this wonderful spot Niagara Falls from the ground is awe inspiring can this possibly be real but to truly experience the magnitude of this natural wonder you've got to see it from above helicopter Pilots Buzz passengers around the falls from both the United States and Canada the views are breathtaking and a bucket list trip for many rainbow air has operated on the US side since 1995 giving thousands a jaw-dropping view if you want to bring more friends or family with you check out Niagara helicopters I would think for a lot of your guests this is the first time they've ever ridden in a helicopter and they get a view that very few people on the planet really get to see much 99% of the people are first Flyers right the helicopter pretty unique flying experience from zooming around the natural attractions at 2,000 ft to a zippier view a little closer to the ground have a [Music] going ju I'm sure this is a great zipline but what a view it is it's amazing view yeah [Music] byebye 2,200 ft of natural wonder and accessible for all yeah we're also the only zip line in the world that lets guests with accessibility uh to come on so let's say you're in a wheelchair or you have uh movement problems in your legs you are still able to enjoy our zipline a beautiful perspective and a great way to take in this natural [Music] [Music] wonder one of the things it seems like to me is that you could come here every day and you see the water but it's almost a different experience every day right why is that you is it is wow the conditions the lighting weather a visit to Niagara Falls is all about seeing Nature's power the most popular view it's from the water aboard an iconic vessel you have to do made of the myth it's the thrill of a lifetime the ma of the Miss first challenged these perilous Waters is a border crossing ferry in 1846 1848 it became a sightseeing vessel since then different boats same Mission get passengers close to the [Music] falls I'm going to ask you the question that everybody who's ever ridden this boat is wanted to ask you here we go how in the world do you navigate this vessel when nobody can see anything with this myth well to be honest I'm still trying to figure it out just so just letting you guys know actually Captain James strawber operates this boat with laser focus The Falls demanded you get quite a bit of M coming on right through here off the American Falls and then as you approach the Canadian Falls you'll see a Shield of just straight Mist looks like we're about to head right underneath at some spots The Falls drop 675,000 gallons of water a second be prepared you will get wet real wet well we're in the meat of the ride if you will with hurricane for wind I totally believe it [Music] the mate of the Mist is now in its 177th year of operation a powerful tradition then and a screaming soaking we wondrous thrill now Robert thank you so much for visiting us from the 7 1950s wow it's my pleasure is it possible to really understand the Niagara area without first understanding Old Fort Niagara no I don't think it is um this was very very early settlement by the French they built the what we call today the French castle they built it in 1726 and their objective was to keep the English out of the Great Lakes there are barracks rooms there's a trade room where we have trade goods trade between the French and the Native Americans there are officer quarters there's even a chapel in here but I think what we're going to see first is the infamous well uh that is right inside the door let's go all right the Old Fort is a Place full of lore and more than a few Haunted Happenings so the story goes on the nights of the full moon a headless ghost sits on the edge of this well bemoaning the fact that it's lost its head everybody in Western New York knows this story and they want to see the well and they want to see the well and after hearing the story I'm going to say check [Music] [Laughter] please at night when you close up here in the winter it's it's already dark yeah and so you have to turn off all the lights and then make your way down this l long dark hallway to the exit door none of us believe in ghosts but we all walk a little faster when we're going down that [Music] hallway Niagara Falls is a demonstration of the beauty of Nature and draws Millions every year on the Canadian side of the Niagra river just up the hill though come face to face with the of the cus is a collection of kooky eclectic Canadian kitch in this very small area we have everything from Nature's Beauty and quiet to all this you know what that's that's snagger Falls Clifton Hill is part Las Vegas part Gatlinburg and all fun that really is the main draw that anything you want to do basically you can with within basically walking distance it is really a One-Stop [Music] shop from The Soaring views of Sky wheeel to Ripley Believe It or Not to a rooftop roller coaster Clifton Hill is a fun family themed destination you've got everything for every age [Laughter] group we've got things for young families and couples to you know people that are retirement age they still come down and have fun and finally I'd like to mention that I'm somewhat of a big deal Ron back to you this area is open until 2: a.m. giving tourists plenty of time to see the beauty of nature at The Falls and the nonstop wacky Unforgettable fun at the hill it's the greatest show in Clifton Hill Family Fun for all [Music] [Music] ages Kenny I'm so excited about this because when I think of Canada I do think of maple syrup as does most of the world well yeah and that's what we wanted to do here at Maple Leaf Place we wanted somewhere people can go and kind of celebrate Ontario maple syrup in their Harvest okay let's do some tasting because there are really three pronounced different kinds of syrup that you sell here absolutely so we do offer these little tasting flights at our in our tasting room so you got golden in the middle we have Amber uh on the one side you get the dark I'm going to pick up my golden maple syrup all right and let's swish it back M just take it in Amber maple syrup and this is what Canadians have grown up with Amber we we like to keep for ourselves and golden we like to send out to other countries okay keep the good stuff the family right cheers the dark is great for culinary it's great to cook with so I want you to try it cuz it is a stronger maple flavor all right we're ready to go oh wow yeah there's different maple syrup and tasting them side by side you can really find your favorite maple syrup this is an art form and my favorite by the way is the Amber is the Amber so you're a traditionalist yes yeah sounds great in more ways than one I guess so I'm a serum trediculous [Music] [Music] from above Niagara Falls looks peaceful and Serene but there are plenty of ways to get an up close experience just prepare to get wet the Niagara Parks Power Station lets you see the history of how this natural wonder was harnessed for power production down was a service shop but we'll be seeing all the underground infrastructure as we go so we're going way down we're going way down wow you can even take a trip down to an old water tunnel and where the lights are today is roughly where the water would have been how high the water was when the plant was operating so where we're at this is all underwater we'd be underwater here wow there it is so here we are David with a view that really up till now people didn't have before right that's right this is never before seen view wow the lower Naga River the American fall straight ahead and then to the right as we come out you'll see the iconic horses Falls wow what a payoff that's right so this was an industrial purpose before a Hydro power station now we've turned into a visor [Music] attraction if you want to get even closer you can Journey behind the faults Nature has a way of overtaking reality and it it look at those get soaking wet on the viewing decks or actually go under horseshoe falls through a series of tunnels to feel the power of the Rushing Water on the American side cave of the wind it's the thrill of a lifetime oh my God can this possibly be real can walk through the White Water wow right up to the front 10 ft from the base this is the hurricane deck at Cave of the Winds since a child I've always wanted to experience this a deck with hurricane force winds water blowing sideways and that's why I'm sending photographer Steve rhs to check it [Music] out one of the most popular things I hear down at the bottom I can't believe they're letting us stand this close you get so this is our arrival Gallery imagine yourself arriving here to the city of nager falls in the early 1830s what would the landscape look like what people would you see who would you come in contact with the Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center Works to answer answer those questions through the conversations about a tumultuous time in American history Niagara Falls is a great tourist destination but do many people really realize just the role that it played in the Underground Railroad um they're starting to know more you know and thankfully we've established this institution it's the first black cultural institution within this city in over 30 years I I've got goosebumps on me realizing that just across the street Harriet Tubman was there and crossed into Canada and she was just one of many Freedom Seekers who were able to cross into Canada in this location the footing for that bridge to Freedom still exists today the museum details the challenges of this journey with interactive displays including the recreation of a luxury hotel that hosted dignitaries even presidents so imagine you come into a location that has marble fireplaces velvet curtains it's about the sides of a square block and the staff are all people of African descent John Morrison was the head waiter and he was able to successfully coordinate his staff to live double lives of secret underground railroad agents preserving these stories are vitally important because if we're not telling these stories then someone else has the ability to control that narrative and you never know what what stories will be told or how people would be depicted in the public domain close your eyes listen for the music if you're of a certain age it's the sound of your childhood join [Music] that was very likely crafted carefully in this Tiny Town 50% of all wooden carousels in the United States were built by the herel companies my name is Ian sella and we are at the Hershel Carousel Factory Museum Ian to me this is a jaw-dropper how old is this uh Welcome to The Roundhouse yes okay this is our 107-year-old Carousel built in this building in [Music] 1916 just a few miles from Niagara Falls it's a don't miss stay for hours kind of place oh yeah once around is never enough and that is for all ages so you're never too cool for a carousel even if you believe a visit here transports guests back over 100 years when these finally crafted attractions were a big part of American life we have a volunteer here who says that we don't have a carousel we have a time [Music] machine you could even get a look at where and how the work was done inside a carousel carving workshop and I've noticed there are so many different looks of the horse heads was that just what they felt like of the day just what they felt like the alen Hershel company is pretty much known for happy animals Amusement is all about family the family that's no longer with you or it puts a spot in the future for these kids to be able to look back on in their past and that time machine takes you back to a fond time right yes it does uh it's a fine fine [Music] time there's a little jolt when it takes off all right chu it was just a little [Music] joke very excited about this ride and very excited for a lot of reasons one it's a one-of-a-kind trip but also so this is Real Canadian history here isn't it this is this unit dates back this Cable Car dates back to 1916 I cannot imagine what in the year 1916 people who got on this what they must have felt because there was nothing like it yeah you're absolutely right it's oneof a kind and more importantly what you see around [Music] you the beauty that you can experience when you're on this peaceful ride and peaceful and tranquil up here certainly not below us why is this whirl pool so dangerous there's a combination of water going in different directions that kind of hits each other the water is powerful it's traveling at about 50 km an hour we're over a very treacherous Waters but we are able to enjoy it from this height safely and right now I feel like I'm breaking the law I did not bring my passport we're crossing through the US and Canada and then we'll do it again right exactly so there's four times where you're doing this so about the middle here you're actually going across the US border then when we come to the end we're back to Canada and then again on the way back so the RCMP is not going to be waiting for me over here I don't we Chuck as long as you've been good we're good thank you Marcelo thank you Chuck class 5 Rapids a whirlpool swirling with Nature's Fury take a boat ride through it all sure why not well first off we got to talk a little about about where we are and what the Niagara River does there is 330 ft of drop in elevation between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario now obviously 170 ft of that drop occurs where at the fall however that still leaves us about another 160 ft of elevation drop to be made up somewhere and that's because of the white waterer Rapids so we're going to jump that 160 ft of elevation drop in one of these hot rod Jet Boats here today Whirlpool Jet Boats has been conquering this stretch of the Niagara River for decades the main stay of our program is what we call the Wet Jet and you see that they all have windshields on the front of them I wish I could tell you that that wind shield was to keep you [Applause] dry it's actually a perfect launching ramp for the waves to be deflected onto the guests on on board smacked us smacked Us in the face like aami just like a big wall of water the next thing you know you're water you're underneath water completely underneath you get it in the mouth a little bit a little bit the boat we do have an alternative and it's called the freedom jet where you're free to get wet or free to stay stay dry we go to exactly the same place you get to experience the waves but you can go dress dressed as you are now so I claimed my constitutional right to stay dry I stayed dry but it was a wild RVE I think I'm like 10 lbs heavier from how wet I am right now what people mostly say to me is that that is something that I thought I could never do that's a place in this world I would never have thought of myself going to absolutely soaked and it's really cool that these boats make it safe and enjoyable for the wide breadth of people that come here to Niagara well we hope you enjoyed our visit to Niagra Falls many other stories coming up in the next few months on Chuck's Big Adventure w [Music]

2024-09-29 13:46

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