Christmas Moscow: Red Square, The Nutcracker & Alexei Yashin

Christmas Moscow: Red Square, The Nutcracker & Alexei Yashin

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Hello friends welcome to Russia tips tricks and travel as always at your buddy Tim Kerby and today, we are in one of the most expensive cities in the world the best place to celebrate New Year's in my second hometown Moscow. Unfortunately, the budget period for this year is kind of running out so we're going to celebrate New Year's here a little bit on the cheap but hopefully we'll show you some really cool things to do in this, lovely city. Well. In America for Christmas we have Santa Claus and Russians, have for New Year's yet models, and this around, me is his, village, yes the village of Jin Manos you don't think my kids love it here and hopefully you'll like it too so let's take a look around and see what they have. Happy. New Year's by the way. Alright, here we are guys indeed my roses personal. Post, off up to 8, you stop that, indeed. But roses personal, post office as you could see hundreds, of thousands if not millions of, kids all across the former Soviet Union write, him letters and, we're gonna write him a letter somewhere, wish can come true our wish that we'll have a bigger budget for, this video last. Year, most. The block still be episode day tomorrow so. Boss. Spasiba. Alright. Did. Friends. We have unique opportunity to speak to the man himself ded, Moroz and his granddaughter's nagura and maybe our. Wish. Oh. No. We prestige, to be will chat firm please smoke I'm broke, Mitch, tea spoon, of each, de la. Una. Tori. East Varma, guava process KB for pros move assist Chilliwack, nakooma. He was with santa clauss torn. Farm, broke, concurrent. After, rockslide, yeah yeah. Yeah. Missus, new guru screen or, delusion, settings, immature, children, per, se da. Lamia. Lucky break ik omega, phi. D dat, cilia which coming, up on mal are avoided to knowledge in kana Maya Siva. Movie diem sir Sir, she gone. Well. Friends that's it from dead mom hold, on got. A message here. Someone. Ordered me a taxi, no wonder who maybe, it's did morose answering my wishes, whatever, but what. Oh ho. Ho now. That is a, taxi, well. Guys let's. Go see the city in style. All. Right Rudolph let's do it. Wow. I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised, that writing the ded Moroz actually, worked until. The stroke of midnight our budget is unlimited this is way better than writing to Santa he, never gave me that Super Nintendo that I wanted cheapskate. Anyways. I've always wanted to try one great, winter sport that is becoming popular in Moscow, but never really had the time or money well, now, I do. Rest. You know. You're pretty sure Tygra. Sally gentlemen, ski sports curling. Our. Show no Steve oh not you not. Sonic. Pat sort of chest, we. Are all set we have some sort of plastic slipper, one, knee, pad and a, vest so this is already proving to be a very interesting and unique, sport, all right let's get going Oh. Rusty. Jim. Nobody. Nobody, not your Egret the crusty killing Donna not. If. I'm up but you were slide there know, what, a girl Nick I mean car creamerum evolve our side. This. Curling stuff is really fun and although it looks easy on TV during the Olympics holy, cannolis. Is it hard in real life this, is way harder than something like bowling it is truly a game for, refined graceful, gentlemen and I'd recommend giving it a try, although don't expect to score any points your first time out I sure. Didn't, now. I understand, what the challenge of this game is over, throwing, it and under throwing it like the distance, in your arm, strength between completely, overthrowing it and completely under throwing it is like this then that is the real challenge throwing. It as hard as, you need to throw it because I'm either completely overshooting it or completely. Under shooting it the whole time so take. A lot of master that oh that was awesome a true New Year's dream come true but now my next dream is to get something to eat something, in Russia and filling because I'm very hungry after all this exercise things Russian foods always so simple. Home-cooked. I want something Russian, but elegant. Expensive. VIP. Moscow. Style I wonder. What I can do about that where, can I go.

When. I arrived in Moscow some 10 years ago it was nearly impossible to, find a Russian food or restaurant, for some reason there's only foreign, food but thankfully the times are changing and here it with what they offer real. Russian. Cuisine done, at the elite way and it's actually all thanks to a friend of our channel who is oh wait he's actually right over there. You. Guys, may remember chef, Victor he's been in a bunch of our videos in fact you can watch them if you click on this thing above my head over here no chef, Victor installed to to Nazca koi so please Mina, both. Talking years you didn't Nick up the new video at the video magazine are, no at the store so mini as you don't see what the first two Bush paid Minya what mala call me they stopped. At. The han-shan almost okay so let me take my seat here and see, what masterpieces. Of chef Victor oh wait I. Want. To see aha. -. So touch kind. Advocate. Along with the stay on my speech if that me learn a little of what, he paid one is why it's no restaurant, quite, what. You like it aha. Thank you sir oh you. Know what guys I think money can buy happiness. Yeah. I'm right again oh oh oh so good. Well. Friends we have a lot of good stuff in front of us here we have a she, soup which is like a sour cabbage soup and of course it has some sour cream for it and the dark stuff on it is actually a salt. That they kind of like baked I didn't quite understand how that works but it looks good we of course have moonshine, because why. Not have moonshine and this, is warmed, milk that gets its brown color not from chocolate but from slowly being warmed in the oven and here's what I think is the piece de resistance a, few, different types of bread with a butter, candle, yes the candle, is edible we're going to eat that candle very, soon and. We also have some Russian pies over here very traditional, and this is me Moses salad, now most is a type of flour so why does a salad, that as fish and mayonnaise in it have like a flower as its named don't. Worry about that one this, thing is made of something they called ethica I don't know what that is but I know it's a vegetable so, that's. The main thing and here we have the. One thing that might scare me holid yets if you know me you know I don't like how it gets very much but I have a, lot of faith in chef Victor and hopefully he's. Been able to do the impossible I'm a college it's taste, acceptable. Well. Guys I've personally impressed chef Victor made college yet stew tastes good he's done the, impossible. But anyways I'm starting to get fun I think it's about time to go and relax, and see the city in style but I hate to look this food go to waste, hey posture could you help me out here we got to get this in our gullet alright come on there you go there you go. Alright. Friends, I'm gonna recommend to you when I recommend to everyone who comes to visit Moscow, take a boat ride it's the best way to see the entire city well doing nothing and sitting on your butt it's a pretty. Good idea and I think you'll enjoy it so come on let's take a boat ride and see the city. Levi. See the cool thing about these votes is they go 365. Days a year as you can see there's some chunks ice over there not too many but the boat just goes right through them so I mean you can do this in summer you can do it in winter whenever, you feel like and to be honest in winter there's nobody out here it's, kind of like we've got our own private VIP. Zone that just happens to be really. Really, cold. Friends. Sometimes I'm a bit critical of Moscow, real, estate prices are mental rush, hours brutal, and city life makes people stressed out to say the least but, times like this remind me of why I came here, this is the Golden City a former, communist, land of opportunity, that glows its wealth at night I think I'm starting to fall in love with the city all over again. Well. Obviously guys we're passing what everyone wants to see the, Kremlin, of course and what better way to see the Kremlin then on a boat, what's, windy yes. Well. Guys I'm actually a bit tired from our big time New Year's Eve VIP, extravaganza. Here in, fact I think it's about time to get back to the hotel and take a little break. Yeah. Well. After a long day of adventure it's, sure nice to be home and by home I mean of a five-star, hotel in fact we're at the Metropole, which is one of the oldest hotels in Moscow. And it's located right downtown but as you can see the. Interior, is definitely not very old-looking at all but. Anyways guys I'd ask you while I enjoy. This wonderful bed to like comment, share and, so, on especially. Share, it, does good for my heart and for my career, but anyways guys i'll see you tomorrow. Oh guys. I, could.

Get Used to this this. Is great I'd like to thank all of you especially dead models for, making this happen I, could. Really get used to this but, anyways I'm, gonna sit down enjoy. My coffee and then we're going to carry on with our New Year's lugs. Your adventure in Moscow. Oh it's. A little bit nutty. Alright. Guys well. This. Is Red Square this. Is some skating and we're gonna get a hockey lesson, from a real legend. See. Those girls don't believe in you posture they don't believe in your talents alright come on. I meant. To say that there were two girls terrified, of cameraman Pasha crushing, them as he skated backwards, with the camera, little, do they know that Pasha is a very, experienced. Hockey player and speaking, of experienced, hockey players our instructor, will be Alexi, Yashin who has won Olympic gold medals and been a star of the NHL, playing, for the Ottawa Senators, and the New York Islanders, for many many, seasons, I really. Enjoyed this hockey, on Red Square with a real NHL, legend, this, is just awesome something, you can only do in, Moscow, this exercise, is to help us learn how to stay in position if you lean too far for you slide forward if, you leave too far back you slide back or not I'm sliding forward sliding backwards, but, anyway so neat, I never really thought about it that way this is the best hockey position, the state perfectly. Still. Because, I recommend this to everyone, Alexei Yasha is a great guy there's this tons of fun but if you do try to do this learn how to turn around faster, than I do, that. Took like five seconds those terrible so learn how to turn around and then learn how to play hockey the right way tons, of fun and you like to keep it short the, training that we did was very general, the real reason that people show up is not to make a major breakthrough in their puck handling skills but, to meet Alexi, and take pictures with him and get his autograph like. With any profession, hockey players are a mixed bag but, Alexei reminded, me of my uncles as he was a very big yet soft-spoken, gent, there, were a few foreigners, who seemed to be really big fans of his and everyone got to keep their signed shirts and sticks by, the way in a month you are going to give away the signed jersey, you see on me if you, want to have your name in the drawing right Alex see a Yasha in the comments, but do it in Russian, and spell it correctly Alex, in hockey. Players travel all over the world you know it's New Years you're on a team with Estonians. Swedes. Canadians. How to hockey player celebrate, New Year's is it a working day for you I mean, for, me was very difficult because usually we play on the December 31st and, January. 1st somewhere. I remember, the food from Buffalo to Boston and we celebrate, right on the plane so we open, the bottle of champagne get, a little cheer with the guys and it's actually been, like New, Year's on the plane flying from Buffalo, to Boston and well what are your wishes for our audience, for their New Year's again I wish, you all the best. Cappy Merry, Christmas Happy New Year's I hope, all your hopes and wishes will come true and, again. It's keep. Keep. Pounding in in your life you know I know it's not always like, look.

Great And sometimes, but try to find something great in your life well thank you very much sir and thank you for this wonderful lesson, no problem either Red, Square mr., Yosh and Alexi show up learn to play hockey. Ah. That. Hockey at Red Square was awesome, I had a really good time and the main thing is I didn't even fall down even once so I feel fantastic. So we took a short little stroll over to here at the Goom which, stands for state. Universal. Store. Whatever, that means basically the big department store from great to communist period but the building was built before that but it doesn't matter this, is where all the elite brands are and in, fact they actually have some of the most elite, ice cream in Russia made. In a very classic, recipe, so I'm gonna grab some ice cream blow a lot of money because, baby it's New Year's in Moscow. When. It comes to shopping I have a stereotypical male, attitude, towards it. Boring. But. When you get to use ded Moroz as magic to pay for everything and you are in such a lovely. Environment right next to the Kremlin all of a sudden it gets a lot more interesting, shopping. In a pre-world War two world was a lot more classy, this my friends is no Walmart, so. Friends behind you they sell the famous guilmet ice cream which they say had you know the recipe hasn't been changed in generations, it's the best ice cream you'll ever have well the one thing I can tell you is it's one thing if the boom that everyone, can afford alright. Let's test out the legend. Especially. By Shia. It. Tastes a lot more natural, than, your average ice cream you know your average ice cream when you get like a fruit flavor the woman said this is like a cherry flavor it actually tastes like real cherries, not like a cherry chemical, flavor so uh good. I. Don't. Know for something you are traveling for a rush or four but. It's, good. Well. Now that my consumers, desires have been satisfied I've blown the equivalent of my salary it's time to take a short stroll over to the ballet and get culture. The. Way they decorate, the city for New Year's in Moscow is just, superb. Everything looks magical, downtown. It is something you can only do, if you come to Moscow, the, lights the. Magic, friends. As someone who wasn't designed to be I can tell you that the way they turned all the streetlights there, into these like sparkling. Glass of champagne that's pretty sweet that's a fantastic, like, designer's, idea I love it but my favorite Christmas decoration and, not because it's alcohol, the little illa me. If. There's one thing that Russians, love to do it's trying to copy the West and because some countries in Europe have Christmas, markets that, means for some reason, we must have them in Russia too I guess, they are cute but they seem very unnatural, and, a bit expensive, anyways. I think I'm going the wrong way, because I want to take in some culture, while I'm still on ded Moroz is dime. Alright. Friends here we are at the State Kremlin Palace and if you hear that music you might know where it's from yes we're here to see that Nutcracker the ultimate, new year's ballet, this is gonna be great and most importantly it's going to be classy. For. Some reason they had some military uniforms. Of yesteryear, on display at the entrance to the ballet, weird. Flex but, ok, friends. Here's the exclusive, look at the members, of the ballet as they warm up before their performance, normally. They don't allow cameras, in here but I am persuasive, and my, foreign accent, is so gosh-darn appealing. Anyways. Much like hockey, and football players, ballerinas, need to warm up and start their day hours. Before. They perform. Pose, telling me that I should try to participate. I guess, what guys I'm not going to be doing any splits anytime soon maybe, after I'm dead you can cut it cut me into that shape but not. Happening. The. Candy data could you believe, perishable, basically, athletes candy. Yes. Apparently candy, burns up quick in their body so they are allowed to eat it especially, when it is someone's birthday and. It, was someone's, birthday on, the day we filmed too bad they didn't get the day off to celebrate but. That is life in the ballet baby, hardcore. Katya. Was not who I was expecting at, all I was, thinking a prima ballerina from, Russia would be like a drill sergeant from a deaf core of Krieg however, she, was a very chipper bashful. And optimistic, person and she, was nice enough to not cancel, on us she had a 38, degrees Celsius temperature. That day but, you sure couldn't tell she's, a real trouper.

Milosh. CML dear Milania. We. Prima, ballerina, at KU devoted his violin a premier familias sumo, yes, Rachel vapor beautiful CM Turner of own Yokozuna, at of what summer version a couple. Shades of it's Vanya, Pasha. Pasha see, ya. Good - laughter -, awesome. My. Linker. Machinist, lit he. Dumped. Iluminage, instance about that with the shock party that, doesn't spectacular. Oh sure. Booty. Benefits and ellos van a premium bleeding what, not a patroness, millennium food yet. Paul. Jalan. You a. Chance, to put the most of the morstan's watch in little capatch it was a great party, it should be talking in the booth really no, joke, Akita, Brazilian Akrotiri version, in which condition. Para. Ver. D respectively pressures. Resnick reading of strongly. Spitz, alumnus, Gustavo. Person did romanovski. Various capacities. Criminal. Coup Yahoo Conejo. Valley respect. Official, kou epitome, of the divisiveness cause each night. Storia. Bhramari. A kunio-kun, clash invite improv, aristocrats. No Prince and I will not the Deaf Kaskaskia, terrorist. Attacks watch lives rosin the Shogun Chico Gnostic that bone is now as out as some embellish or a species news like. Any Russian girl Katya wants to look lovely on stage she, let us go to her very Imperial, dressing, room to take a look at how she gets ready for men. To go on TV or stage they slap a flat color and makeup on your face smash your hair down and you're done for the ladies this is a much bigger and delicate process. Tchaikovsky's. The Nutcracker is, probably. The most New, Year's Eve of all possible, stage performances. Whether, you know it or not you've, probably heard the music from the spell a in movies, and advertisements and, not just because the rights to it are free but because it is truly wonderful, music, the, performance, was pure, holiday magic that you can only experience, in Moscow, I'd recommend, that everyone, come and make an evening of watching this beautiful, performance, Bravo. Ladies and, gents and especially, Katya, Bravo, to you too. And. For. Who, maybe, that's French I don't know method, levels. The. Other stop, watch. But she was not procrastinate. Or videos clapping of a schism. Washu. Schism, being dramatic, at name by. One. I think it's what time for me to I get, dressed and actually watch the show. Well. Friends I think we could use a little bit more that New Year's Eve magic. I have. To say this much better so, let's. Go take, in the ballet. Well. It looks like I'm about to enjoy an amazing, performance. Ladies. And gentlemen we are at the insight, restaurant, 84, storeys above Moscow. Proper, and we, are going to celebrate New Year's the right way. The. Stylish, way. Well, friends from everyone at Russia beyond I wish you the absolute most. Merry possible, Christmas at a fantastic, new year now I have a couple pieces of advice about visiting. Moscow, the first piece is that Moscow, is absolutely. Massive. You should never ask if something is closed in Moscow you should always ask how. Far is it because. The territory, of Moscow, is very, very big and guess what guys there's four different international, airports, here so you really want to pay attention to where your hotel is located and where your Airport, is furthermore, get your Yandex get your uber on your telephone because visiting Moscow means using a lot of taxis and although, the ruble may have lost its value recently, making the dollar and euro much stronger here and buy a lot more well.

There's Sort of two ways to visit Moscow someone asked me if they could come to Moscow on $2000. For two weeks of course you could see everything go to Red Square all that but, can you live the high life on $2000, in Moscow, that's. So much. So. Anyways guys our New Year's fantasy, is over you know Moscow, is a very elite, cool. Hip trendy place but the, reality of my life is, very, uh, elite. For, me new years it's getting, drunk with your relatives, and with each shot you start to like the more and more it's eating 15 different salads that all contain mayonnaise, and considering them to be a delicacy. And it's spending time with your wonderful children, even if they've been very bad in the previous, year so anyways, from, everyone at Russia Beyond especially, for me and these kids it's, happy new year's time. Well. Posh. Merry Christmas. From Russia, beyond Merry Christmas. I. Love. You ty, treasure. Now.

2018-12-26 06:05

Show Video


As usual, you do an excellent job!

fantastic presenter i had a laugh!

Чудесное видео!!!!))

+tkirby3679 Давно подписан.! Смотрю с удовольствием!)

Спасибо! Нажмите пожалуйста на subscribe + share!

Russia so beautiful especially in holidays time! MERRY CHRISTMAS Russia!!!!!

Yeah they do a great job with Moscow for the holidays. Around the country most regional capitals also try to do their best.

Can't imagine many Americans wanting to visit Russia with the political climate..

+Светлана Алексеева, I wonder if Prigogine extended the employment opportunity straight to a psychiatric ward. What a great idea to employ all kinds of schizophreniacs! Not only they are busy but who can object or contradict brainless typing machine? LMAO Prigogine's wretch! Are your hands tired at 2:30 AM? How is the graveyard shift in prigogine's barn? There is nothing to eat in Cuba. Needless to say, if there is anything to treat... The only one aspect that makes Cuba very hospitable is its ubiquitous and highly affordable prostitution. What else communists can be up to... LOL Yea, Western countries are very impoverished. But Russian minimum monthly wages have been increased by 117 rubles ($1.7) or 1% to 11,280 rubles ($165). According to the Pension Fund data, an average Russian pension has been increased by 164 rubles ($2.4) or 1% to 15,400 rubles ($225). What a prosperous country! No matter what BS you are going to push out it will always end up in vain! LMAO Your English is next to zero. Do not waste letters! LMAO

+John DoeII You're behind the times.Many rich people are going to Cuba for treatment, China and Viet Nam on vacation.Propaganda hatred and intolerance carried out by west media has not prevented supporters to visit Russia had a great time.None of the above-mentioned countries have not made globally war . While Western governmentsfor blocking financial capacity reasonsfor their business for political reasons - China playing every angle to develop.Now, China is economic number one on world for many indicators.what's western countries and their citizens more challenges than opportunities.The number of people has increased/In Western countries has increased the number of people who need social assistance and food stamps/ is that not indicator impoverishment?

Russian citizens are litterally getting arrested in the US for interacting with americans...Like Maria Butina... The US has a track record of abducting citizens of other countries! like the CEO of Huawai! The US and the EU are oligarchies and are the least democratic countries on earth!

Only shallow-minded folks travel to the autocratic iniquitous impoverished ideologically charged with hatred countries like Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, and their main ally. Alas, there are quite a few of those.

I get sick to my stomach when I see a tattoo. I have failed to puzzle out why they do such disgusting pictures on the skin in the first place.

"Being different by being the same"?

Very nice video!!


Yes I am and there will be plenty more of me in 2019 thank you for watching my videos!

It's good to see you being able to spend whatever you want, for a change, and show how the other half lives in Russia. I hope it continues into 2019, along with big salary increase. You produce the most entertaining travel videos out there, bar none. Keep up the good work. My only complaint is, and I've mentioned this before, would it be too much to ask for some subtitles for those of us not up to speed on the local lingo? I think we're missing a lot of interesting dialogue, especially when you interviewed the ballerina.

Click on the Closed Caption button near the lower right hand corner of the video. It will turn on the subtitles. In the future we need to make a little warning graphic that explains this. Thank you for bringing this problem to my attention. In the next video we will have it solved.

Wonderful video Tim, I want to go there so badly! Алексей Яшин for the win :)

It is just a matter of saving up for the tickets and the visa, you can do it!

Super video. Glad you got to live the good life for a change.

Me too ;)

Cheapish gobbledygook for toddlers. By the way, KGB's ID opens up any door in Russia and makes anyone very friendly and talkative. LOL

KGB ID may only open you a door of a nuthouse, they'll even provide you a room next to Napoleon's one.

+Lord Shango , Of course, I do. We all do. Because only Russians were guaranteed a ticket to heavens by Putin. Have you received one? Use it! Don't lose it! Hurry up! LMAO

Who Where, you must be having a very, very miserable Christmas!!!

Алексей Яшин. Great vid again!

Алексей Яшин

Dude this video is super awesome. You did a great job and I wish could spend new year Moscow :)

There is always next year! :D

Great job guys, love these videos! Tim, you are awesome.

Another fantastic video Tim. Following your video instruction for Peter in a few days. Thanks for all the great ideas.

Hi Brian! I was just informed that Doggy Dog has gone bankrupt. However everything else is an option and thankfully the stadium is domed. If you need any extra advice or have questions I am happy to answer.

Merry Christmas and happy New year to you Tim and all RBTH team


Fantastic always

Thank you for watching our videos!!!

алексей яшин

и да я немного говорю по-руский плохо )

Nice, thank you for the Christmas video.

Делайте пожалуйста субтитры и на русском языке. Для вас это не проблема, видео делает же русская команда.

обязательно сделаем

Very nice video. Well done and reminds me of my life in Moscow nearly 10 years ago. С Новым годом !!

Мне показалось или он воск на хлеб намазал?

Это масло, он же сказал.

Btw, any other cities on your bucket list? Ie samara? Ulyanovsk? Even saransk Just hoping you can cover all the ones i went to this year

You're in the drawing for the prize!

Ах, Москва кажется другим городом, чем когда я был там в последний раз.

+tkirby3679 Тим, а что в худшую?

С момента когда я приехал в 2006 году много меняется и в лучшую и в худшую стороны.


prolly not the best day for Snegourochka 16:11 LOL

​+tkirby3679 Soviet style shop should also meet soviet service standards, which includes disgruntled sellers.

I think it was all the loud music... she did not seem thrilled to be on camera either.

Great Ustyug, the house of Ded Moroz. Also visit Ufa, it's cool there)


С Новым годом!!!!!!!

Great video. I hope to visit Russia one day. Money CAN buy happiness, freedom, and yes even love. I've experienced being poor and through hard work, saving, and investments. I'm now doing well and wouldn't want to be poor again.


Well done! You're name will be in the drawing!

Great video. Wished to see more of moscow city.

I would like to thank the channel and Tim for helping give me enough of an idea of what happens to be willing to visit Russia. Maybe do some videos talking to people on what it's like to go through customs and rent a car. Things like that. There seems to be a lack of recent content on doing that stuff on the tubes.

Алексей Яшин)))) Awesome vid as usual, and this time featuring insights on some more expensive places and experiences for those who can afford it

+Светлана Алексеева , Prigogine's trash of humanity! 1. English is my second language while your English is almost garbage. 2. According to Russian statistics, 20% of workers live hand-to-mouth receiving a monthly salary of 15,000 rubles ($220) or less. 3. The Russian economy has been growing at a snail pace of 1% per year for the past 10 years. And there is no end in sight to this economic slump. 4. You forgot to mention Russian friends such as Cuba and Venezuela as the best states of all. 5. Social Security is a federal program. States are required to contribute in some cases. Each employer and each employee contribute to Social Security fund approximately 10% of the gross salary. Choke on your lie! 6. There is no Real Estate in Russia since the land does not belong to the occupants. 7. It took me a lot of efforts to find one happy camper in Russia: Shove your torn and worn metodichka deep in your ..s! No matter what BS you are going to push out it will always end up in vain! Your lies have no chance to prevail! LMAO Your English is next to zero. Do not waste letters! LMAO

+John DoeII LMAO? Не можешь? и виагра не помогает? Хреново тебе - остаётся только ржать как конь.

+John DoeII Look who's talking You also learned English not in Oxford .Immediately obvious - a graduate of the school of foreign languages ​​Marina Poroshenko. And on their English can laugh as midawn animal. Why in poor Russia more than 80 percent of citizens have their own housing, and in the US only 65 percent, in the EU countries the percentage is even lower. And the number of owners in Western countries tends to decrease.In addition, 60 percent of Russians have land with suburban housing.Real estate taxes in Russia does not exceed 0.3 percent of the value of the object. Retired General tax-exempt by one city properties, one suburban and one garage. Pensionery also have various social benefits and compensation - medical service,, utilities, travel.The average social pension is that the state undertakes to pay its citizens who have reached a certain age — women from 55 years old, and men from 63 years old. In Russia, these contributions are paid only by employers for their employees. If a person wants to have a higher retirement income, he can invest his own money. For example, in the Netherlands, where the pension is one of the higher - both the employer and the employee make retirement payments (50 to 50). For example, in China, there are no pensions at all. In the US, the state is not obliged to pay retirees There are private funds in which employees make contributions at their discretion and under their responsibility.The size of the minimum wage in Russia is needed only to calculate social benefits for people who do not have official work. payment of unemployment benefits, sick days and mothers raising children up to three years.n Russia, not only wages are lower, but also taxes. . The income tax is only 13 percent, the tax on real estate and personal transport does not exceed 0.3 of the value of the object. The bulk of the citizens do not pay other taxes. Education, including higher education, is free of charge; most medical services are free.

+Who Where, you've truly and really proven yourself to be a first-class idiot and imbecile!!! Congratulations!!!

Yes that was me who asked about doing Moscow on $2,000USD for 2 weeks and he’s right you can explore and see the city but you ain’t going to live the high life. Moscow is very upscale and a massive city BUT I still had a great time and met a lot of great people. Im happy I went I am definitely going back more prepared. Thanks for all your advice and great videos.. Wishing your whole staff and you a Happy New Year brother! Much love from Los Angeles CA U.S.A! -Mike

I absolutely love these Russian travel videos. We get to see different cities around the country and a look at what life is like on the outside.

Алексей Яшин!

Молодцы! спасибо за видео!

Very nice video, Tim!

Чувак, ты лучший

KGB???ha-ha-ha!welcome to Russia,приезжайте в Россию


Mashed turnip.

спасибо за новое видео! :) .....пролёт камеры 3:25 - краны в Зарядье, айяй - уже можно было бы и заменить кадр)))))

I've been visiting Russia Saint Petersburg area for the last 19 years every year and never once had any problem finding local Russian/Ukrainian cafes and restaurants. you have to get off main tourist strip and go a few blocks into sleeping districts to find them and they are usually in basements of building

+Command_Unit That is not true. Dont be a fucking hack

You dont have it figure it out because it does not concern you. Live and let live.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful atmosphere of New Year's Moscow!

+Jaypee Desuyo , Is there anything you can say besides this BS?

+PAPA BEAR , Do not pay much attention to the cheap lies of Prigogine's scumbags.

+John DoeII Whatever Ignorant yank, Keep your shallow minded mentality inside a bubble and never get out.

+PAPA BEAR , It is none of your damn business to place boundaries on my concern. There is nothing wrong with trying to understand some weirdness of the world around. Keep yourself to yourself.

The legit polar opposite of Santa

+Gor Mor , Prigogine's retard! Who authorized you to speak on behalf of anyone but yourself? Remember for the rest of your miserable and pathetic life that unlike serfs who are only allowed to kiss a master's ..s, free people are entitled to their own opinion on any subject or matter and have a right to express it. Get lost, turd!

+Second to None then why don't you keep yourself to yourself and stfu? no one cares about your "understanding" or impolite opinion over anything, yet alone what people do with their own bodies, which is non of your concern.

How exactly Belorussian service open up doors in Russia?

The love that gone with money worth nothing.

Happy new year

Yes that was me who asked about doing Moscow on $2,000USD for 2 weeks and Tim is right you can explore and see the city but you ain’t going to live the high life. Moscow is very upscale and a massive city BUT I still had a great time and met a lot of great people. Im happy I went I am definitely going back more prepared. Thanks for all your advice and great videos.. Wishing your whole staff, your family and you a Happy New Year brother! Much love from Los Angeles CA U.S.A! -Mike

Уже сделали..

+John DoeII This is a travel and tips show it's not about political or domestic problems, Speaking of which, Every country has it's own domestic problems even developed countries has it, So you better shove your BS claims right in your ass you imbecile retarted moronic russophobe!

+Intelligent Leopard, Not in a million years!

*On December 28 of 2018, US CITIZEN Paul Willan was taken as a HOSTAGE in Moscow by the Russian fascist misanthropic regime!* All Western foreigners and especially the US citizens must start preparation for leaving the country. Better safe than sorry!

+Jaypee Desuyo *On December 28 of 2018, US CITIZEN Paul Willan was taken as a HOSTAGE in Moscow by the Russian fascist misanthropic regime!* All Western foreigners and especially the US citizens must start preparation for leaving the country. Better safe than sorry!

и так все понятно

Счастливого Рождества!!!!!!!!!!! Привет из Сибири!!!

русские любят копировать запад??? да нет это запад копирует восток.ярмарка это русское.и западу очень далеко до восточных базаров. напросился на 3 этажный.но получишь только ДИЗ.

+Who Where ну ты и дебил...

Позитивное видео.

Тим 10 лет живёт в России и так ни чему и не научился по хорошему. Так себе видео, многие моменты показаны глупости и поверхностно, некоторые в корне не правильно, а самое главное твоя команда тебе ничего не поясняет и не исправляет твои ошибки. Мне как россиянке было не приятно смотреть как ты иностранцам своим не компетентным видео мозг пудришь. С каждым разом мне твои видео нравятся всё меньше и меньше, поэтому и не подписываюсь.

Алексей Яшин - первый российский капитан клуба НХЛ на постоянной основе.

Учи английский чтобы не задавать глупых вопросов. Он сказал что это съедобная свеча - фишка ресторана

5.43 the Russian guys face lmao

Тим 10 лет живёт в России и так ни чему и не научился по хорошему. Так себе видео, многие моменты показаны глупо и поверхностно, некоторые в корне не правильно, а самое главное твоя команда тебе ничего не поясняет и не исправляет твои ошибки. Мне как россиянке было не приятно смотреть как ты иностранцам своим не компетентным видео мозг пудришь. С каждым разом мне твои видео нравятся всё меньше и меньше, поэтому и не подписываюсь.

+Елена Ник. Вот и у меня сложилось такое же впечатление, вообще такое ощущение что набрали каких-то бомжей с подворотни, дали бабла, аппаратуру и послали снимать чего захотите и как получиться не важно. Я понимаю что западные люди в основной своей массе достаточно примитивны и не образованны, но не до такой же степени. Я уж точно бы таких липовых рекламщиков своего ресторана больше никогда на порог не пустила, настолько всё тупо и не профессионально сделано.

Это и не ошибки, делается намеренно, чтобы несильно конфликтовать с западной русуфобской пропагандой

Не ссы в трусы, хохлятский тролль.

Для иностранцев Россия дешёвая страна, а вот для русских она становиться пздц какой дорогой за последние 5 лет... Так как зарплаты не растут, а цены как на дрожжах растут..

Кто это о химии говорит? У них в мясо добавляют всякую херню, гамбургер пластмассовый. Не плохо, козёл, наша мороженка самая. Америкашка.

Добрее, нужно быть, добрее. Особенно, если учесть что "ярмарка" - это от немецкого "Jahrmarkt" (ежегодный торг) )))

+Господин Товарищ , Ты главное не обоссысь вместе со всеми рашкованами, когда выкатят реальные санкции. МС-21 приказал долго жить, а поставки в Иран SSJ100 навернулись медным тазом! Очень хорошо, что этого меряканского му...ка взяли в заложники! Теперь каждый человек подумает сто раз прежде чем ехать в Рашку! И самое главное, инвесторы ещё быстрее будут бежать из Рашки будут! Так что до прорыва (штанов) уже не долго! Хавай Соловьиный помёт!

Не не идите на свою землю и там радуйтесь айфону .мы будем рады тому что есть.

+Тим Керби: Вопросы Родному Иностранцу Давно подписан.! Смотрю с удовольствием!)

Вот Вам лайфкак для просмотра видео с любыми субтитрами: -откройте сайт YouTube в браузере Google Chrome -запустите нужное видео -в поле комментариев нажмите правую кнопку мыши -выберите из меню "перевести на Русский" Тогда все комментарии под видео будут показаны на Русском и субтитры на видеоролике - тоже

+Тим Керби: Вопросы Родному Иностранцу Тим, а что в худшую?

​+Тим Керби: Вопросы Родному Иностранцу Soviet style shop should also meet soviet service standards, which includes disgruntled sellers.

+Alex Moon за совет спасибо, не знал. Но я в основном с смартфона смотрю ютуб. Да и вопрос немного в другом был, почему видео делают в России, русскоязычной командой, а такой просто вещи как субтитры практически под всеми видео нету.

+Alex Moon да это понятно, что для иностранцев делают в первую очередь. Но просто у нас не так много проектов о внутреннем туризме, выбор не большой. А тут неплохая подача и нетипичный ведущий, и поэтому тоже хочется посмотреть)

+Poul Hromchenko Я так думаю, что надо поблагодарить ребят за то, что делают хорошее дело: популяризируют туризм в Россию и вообще улучшают её имидж. Их целевая аудитория - иностранцы. Кроме того, в западных странах принято сопровождать контент субтитрами (для слабослышащих). Поэтому субтитры по-английски. Или ты хочешь, чтобы весь экран был забит субтитрами? :(

Thank you very much mike and I hope you had a great time!



We will do a summer video to show the cheaper side of Moscow.

Hmmm well that is a good idea. Customs is actually super easy, it really just depends how many people are in line. We can look into that one!

А Вы не знакомы с Джоном Уорреном? Он тоже в России долго живет.

QUEAD QUEAD зарплата называется зар. Платой потому что ее зарабатывют, зарабатывай больше ,тогда и вырастет, сама только лысина образуется.

так он как раз и говорит что наше мороженко лучше и натуральней их)))

I like this series a lot. Wish that I can visit Russia one day and use the tricks :D thank you, Tim!

When is your next video, I'm a big fan of your vid's

Pfff you said “like comment share and sub and I’ll see you all tomorrow” like a proper outro just for me to go to exit out and realize I’m only 10 minutes into a 30 minute video haha

+Intelligent Leo, Not in a million years!

@Господин Товарищ , Ты главное не обоссысь вместе со всеми рашкованами, когда выкатят реальные санкции. МС-21 приказал долго жить, а поставки в Иран SSJ100 навернулись медным тазом! Очень хорошо, что этого меряканского му...ка взяли в заложники! Теперь каждый человек подумает сто раз прежде чем ехать в Рашку! И самое главное, инвесторы ещё быстрее будут бежать из Рашки будут! Так что до прорыва (штанов) уже не долго! Хавай Соловьиный помёт!

@Тим Керби: Вопросы Родному Иностранцу Давно подписан.! Смотрю с удовольствием!)

@Jaypee Desuyo *On December 28 of 2018, US CITIZEN Paul Willan was taken as a HOSTAGE in Moscow by the Russian fascist misanthropic regime!* All Western foreigners and especially the US citizens must start preparation for leaving the country. Better safe than sorry!

@John DoeII This is a travel and tips show it's not about political or domestic problems, Speaking of which, Every country has it's own domestic problems even developed countries has it, So you better shove your BS claims right in your ass you imbecile retarted moronic russophobe!

@Jaypee Desuyo , Is there anything you can say besides this BS?

@PAPA BEAR , Do not pay much attention to the cheap lies of Prigogine's scumbags.

@John DoeII Whatever Ignorant yank, Keep your shallow minded mentality inside a bubble and never get out.

@Command_Unit That is not true. Dont be a fucking hack

@Светлана Алексеева , Prigogine's trash of humanity! 1. English is my second language while your English is almost garbage. 2. According to Russian statistics, 20% of workers live hand-to-mouth receiving a monthly salary of 15,000 rubles ($220) or less. 3. The Russian economy has been growing at a snail pace of 1% per year for the past 10 years. And there is no end in sight to this economic slump. 4. You forgot to mention Russian friends such as Cuba and Venezuela as the best states of all. 5. Social Security is a federal program. States are required to contribute in some cases. Each employer and each employee contribute to Social Security fund approximately 10% of the gross salary. Choke on your lie! 6. There is no Real Estate in Russia since the land does not belong to the occupants. 7. It took me a lot of efforts to find one happy camper in Russia: Shove your torn and worn metodichka deep in your ..s! No matter what BS you are going to push out it will always end up in vain! Your lies have no chance to prevail! LMAO Your English is next to zero. Do not waste letters! LMAO

@John DoeII LMAO? Не можешь? и виагра не помогает? Хреново тебе - остаётся только ржать как конь.

@John DoeII Look who's talking You also learned English not in Oxford .Immediately obvious - a graduate of the school of foreign languages ​​Marina Poroshenko. And on their English can laugh as midawn animal. Why in poor Russia more than 80 percent of citizens have their own housing, and in the US only 65 percent, in the EU countries the percentage is even lower. And the number of owners in Western countries tends to decrease.In addition, 60 percent of Russians have land with suburban housing.Real estate taxes in Russia does not exceed 0.3 percent of the value of the object. Retired General tax-exempt by one city properties, one suburban and one garage. Pensionery also have various social benefits and compensation - medical service,, utilities, travel.The average social pension is that the state undertakes to pay its citizens who have reached a certain age — women from 55 years old, and men from 63 years old. In Russia, these contributions are paid only by employers for their employees. If a person wants to have a higher retirement income, he can invest his own money. For example, in the Netherlands, where the pension is one of the higher - both the employer and the employee make retirement payments (50 to 50). For example, in China, there are no pensions at all. In the US, the state is not obliged to pay retirees There are private funds in which employees make contributions at their discretion and under their responsibility.The size of the minimum wage in Russia is needed only to calculate social benefits for people who do not have official work. payment of unemployment benefits, sick days and mothers raising children up to three years.n Russia, not only wages are lower, but also taxes. . The income tax is only 13 percent, the tax on real estate and personal transport does not exceed 0.3 of the value of the object. The bulk of the citizens do not pay other taxes. Education, including higher education, is free of charge; most medical services are free.

@Светлана Алексеева, I wonder if Prigogine extended the employment opportunity straight to a psychiatric ward. What a great idea to employ all kinds of schizophreniacs! Not only they are busy but who can object or contradict brainless typing machine? LMAO Prigogine's wretch! Are your hands tired at 2:30 AM? How is the graveyard shift in prigogine's barn? There is nothing to eat in Cuba. Needless to say, if there is anything to treat... The only one aspect that makes Cuba very hospitable is its ubiquitous and highly affordable prostitution. What else communists can be up to... LOL Yea, Western countries are very impoverished. But Russian minimum monthly wages have been increased by 117 rubles ($1.7) or 1% to 11,280 rubles ($165). According to the Pension Fund data, an average Russian pension has been increased by 164 rubles ($2.4) or 1% to 15,400 rubles ($225). What a prosperous country! No matter what BS you are going to push out it will always end up in vain! LMAO Your English is next to zero. Do not waste letters! LMAO

@John DoeII You're behind the times.Many rich people are going to Cuba for treatment, China and Viet Nam on vacation.Propaganda hatred and intolerance carried out by west media has not prevented supporters to visit Russia had a great time.None of the above-mentioned countries have not made globally war . While Western governmentsfor blocking financial capacity reasonsfor their business for political reasons - China playing every angle to develop.Now, China is economic number one on world for many indicators.what's western countries and their citizens more challenges than opportunities.The number of people has increased/In Western countries has increased the number of people who need social assistance and food stamps/ is that not indicator impoverishment?

@Who Where ну ты и дебил...

@Intelligent Leo, Not in a million years!

@Who Where, you've truly and really proven yourself to be a first-class idiot and imbecile!!! Congratulations!!!

@Lord Shango , Of course, I do. We all do. Because only Russians were guaranteed a ticket to heavens by Putin. Have you received one? Use it! Don't lose it! Hurry up! LMAO

@Alex Moon да это понятно, что для иностранцев делают в первую очередь. Но просто у нас не так много проектов о внутреннем туризме, выбор не большой. А тут неплохая подача и нетипичный ведущий, и поэтому тоже хочется посмотреть)

@Poul Hromchenko Я так думаю, что надо поблагодарить ребят за то, что делают хорошее дело: популяризируют туризм в Россию и вообще улучшают её имидж. Их целевая аудитория - иностранцы. Кроме того, в западных странах принято сопровождать контент субтитрами (для слабослышащих). Поэтому субтитры по-английски. Или ты хочешь, чтобы весь экран был забит субтитрами? :(

@Alex Moon за совет спасибо, не знал. Но я в основном с смартфона смотрю ютуб. Да и вопрос немного в другом был, почему видео делают в России, русскоязычной командой, а такой просто вещи как субтитры практически под всеми видео нету.

@Тим Керби: Вопросы Родному Иностранцу Тим, а что в худшую?

​@Тим Керби: Вопросы Родному Иностранцу Soviet style shop should also meet soviet service standards, which includes disgruntled sellers.

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