well my dear we're off to South troll or Tyrol however you would like to pronounce it Tyrol we say here um it's a rainy day now but it does get better it does get better we're just stopping off having a quick break and this is where we're staying tonight before we reach our destination it's beautifully located up really quite High very peaceful as you can see absolutely tin Little Village there not much happening perfect for sleeping actually I had a lot of Dreams because the air is so clear it was just intense dreaming this is a beautiful sort of Chalet situated and connected to the hotel beautiful really nice accommodation actually very modern warm clean wonderful so this is a museum once we reached South troll uh isn't that fantastic it's like a farm yard Farm like a farm Village and it's a love the detail on this look the people are there outside of a Tavern they're having their lunch the farmers and their wives isn't that wonderful I love little model towns and Landscapes absolutely amazing there's the church o I like this I really like this vesa isn't that sweet oh I could definitely see odet and myself scooting around on that oh yes definitely going to get one of those one of these days when I have more time to ride it not working all the time and there's a little BMW Isetta I think it's an Isetta isn't that sweet little bubble car and these are all just artifacts from South tro um that from the 50s 60s '70s just Nostalgia it's an old tourism placard must have been an automobile show yeah I guess people from the region they would recognize these you know if they were of a certain age they would recognize these things of course we're too young we're too young of course yeah so this is a little sort of Tavern retro they sort of replicated a tabern and what they would have back then in the old fridge but we're going to a much more interesting Museum soon and this is outside of the same first Museum The View that's also connected to a type of garden they have a Gardens you can go around which we did really quite interesting they have sort of trees and plants from all over the world so this is the museum it's dedicated to Empress Elizabeth of Austria commonly known as empress [ __ ] or kaiserin [ __ ] and this guy has basically bought this old sanatorium just to house his obs excessive collection not only of [ __ ] memorabilia but other things too wait till you see this place absolutely incredible let me just tell you the quick story about this guy he had so much stuff not only connected to [ __ ] which is his passion collecting memorabilia anything to do with her but anything he has got all sorts of stuff so he was looking for a place to house his collection and he found this old bath house like sanor which had been empty for over 20 years it was derel he bought the place back in the 80s I think it was the 70s I think he bought it in the 70s he bought the place and Empress [ __ ] had actually came here and was cured of her lung disease by bathing in these Waters these Waters were apparently Healing Waters they had been the the actual spring was discovered in Roman times so he bought this place the actual bath that she bathed in was still in there he's kept it you'll see it soon and he has attached a restaurant a Grotto restaurant which his daughter runs fabulous really great restaurant we went and had lunch there afterwards and the guy lives above the premises this is ancient this building so what happened was the spring stopped running I think it was in the 19 oh early 1900s there was an earthquake and it stopped running anyway after he bought the place in 2003 there was another earthquake and then the spring started running again the the actual the natural baths started running again so you you'll see them as well what an amazing story so we're going through the entrance mad collection there's empressissi there the portrait so a lot of people in the region who were very loyal to Empress [ __ ] they donated stuff to him these are just other stuff that he has he collects everything old doll houses look at that's like a general store isn't that fantastic a little General Store amazing and this place is hidden away you you know the main Museum was supposedly dedicated to [ __ ] and we didn't we saw one Statue broken head that's all they had and allegedly a night gown that she had but this guy's got so much more look at that isn't that amazing I love all that look there's another sort of U butcher shop old stoves more dollhouse stuff I love this I mean this guy has just been collecting and collecting for years what is that there oh it's a little cafe sort of Tavern isn't that sweet amazing everywhere you look he's just got stuff I think Empress [ __ ] actually sewed this this is her embroidery these must be all part of the hapsburg family Dynasty ah marcelin got here before me ha Odie it's just as well we meet again because I have decided to call a truce over Christmas the destruction of the planet Earth and the annihilation of all its people will begin again in the new year until that time you are safe neither are I nor my mannequin minions will harm you I wish to extend my best wishes to all your viewers and let them know that we look forward to killing them again in 2024 take care safe [Music] travels see you later marcelin take care until next time so there there we have another portrait of empress [ __ ] look the guy just got wine corks all over the walls wow so this room is really dedicated to her so if you don't know the story of empress you go and check it out uh on Wikipedia or there's other articles about her she was assassinated in 1898 in Geneva Switzerland by an Italian Anarchist who stabbed her with a pointed file so there we have [ __ ] and she was she didn't realize At first she had been stabbed until some hours later when she started feeling weak and ill and subsequently died because of the attack and she was staying at the hotel Bo rage I was standing pretty much outside of the hotel Bo rage in one of my tours you can see that and she was assassinated not far from from that spot and this is the hapsburg dynasty who she married into that's their tree some of her enemies say she wasn't attracted but I've saw photos of her she she definitely was she was very vain apparently so this little cabinet here is detailing the assassination you see stabbed her with his sharpened file but she just thought he had pushed her she didn't realize he had actually penetrated her heart it went through her heart but didn't kill her instantly as I said before there you can see the weapon there and that's the Assassin this is this Italian Anarchist so apparently he originally wanted to assassinate the Duke of orene and and couldn't find him or couldn't get to him so he found out that she was staying in Geneva and decided to go for her instead as I say you can read the full story on Wikipedia and other sites for his motives after he was arrested he thought he was going to be executed that's what he wanted but Geneva had abolished the death penalty so he demanded to be tried in luten they refused and he was sentenced to life he tried to commit suicide in prison with the sharpened key of a sardine tin that didn't work and instead he hanged himself in 1910 so that was the end of him well that was the end of most of him but apparently they weren't satisfied with just burying him so they cut his head off and popped it into a jar of falahi where it languished for decades in Switzerland apparent the eyes were open and the mouth revealing the teeth so it must have been quite a freaky sight then in 1985 it was handed over to a museum in Vienna and they put it on display until the year 2000 when they thought it only right and proper to give it a burial so his head without the rest of his body is now buried in the central Cemetery in Vienna well I couldn't find an image of the head infam Malahide and I'm sure there are some seeing as it was floating around until the year 2000 but I couldn't find one I looked on many different websites couldn't find one I would have loved to have annoyed the Pearl clutches at YouTube with that and so the lunacy continues no doubt they have classified his head to come under the data protection laws and so we'll have to imagine this beautifully gruesome image is [ __ ] holding the head of the person who dispatched her from the physical plane prematurely and on that note my dear onwards we go and so we continue our journey through this very interesting Museum full of everything ah but they're being silent at the moment they are obeying the truce the Christmas Truce but you know know that they're watching always watching waiting until Christmas is over and they can continue the destruction of Earth so he's got all sorts of stuff I mean he's just collected and collected and collected Keys he's like a magpie he's just picked up everything that has come across his vision it's quite interesting in some of the cabinets and has some really nice stuff I wouldn't have mind if they had been for sale I would have purchased some items but as you know with obsessive collectors SL hoarders they don't like to part with their goodies but I know that myself but I I you know I sometimes I can part with stuff but if it's something I really like then no money will tempt me he's got some old tins here too there's a ble beer Ram te that's from Switzerland from the Canton barel all sorts of old tins perfumes some of these old perfumes are quite expensive to collect Nivea cream that hasn't changed much has it this is his erotic cabinet full of naughty things that will make YouTube blush and take money away from me because of it yes all sorts of phallic symbols novelty items and generally rude stuff I like him he's got a sort of lace curtain over it this is outside in his backyard as you can see the the mad collection continues he's just stuck stuff all over the the walls outside every little square inch is covered he lives up up there actually inside there he lives there wouldn't it be great to live here I would like it he's got this beautiful garden attached to the back too it's like a Lost Garden stuffed heads from unfortunate animals of long ago so here running down from here is Glacier Water icy cold glacier water so you'd never run out of fresh water wonderful to drink too no additives no fluid yeah I can heartly recommend a visit to this Museum the main ones are boring this little one tucked away in the middle of nowhere is a treasure a real treasure I love eccentric people and this guy definitely is eccentric but he I'm glad that he's making some money out of it I mean the restaurant does really well I've heard the food is fantastic his daughter and her team create some wonderful Cuisine there's an old German Helmet with a rust and perhaps a bullet hole just there's so much to take in really you're bound to miss stuff no wonder we had to find this place and buy it to look he's even got like knives and forks and spoons just stuck on the wall just random stuff so this was the actual bath that [ __ ] used this was the one that they found it after they bought the place it's had it's a bit battered but that was what she actually was lying in so I said to odit why don't you strip off jump into that icy glacier water and we can pretend that you're opilia but for some reason she wasn't very keen on the idea H well let's hope [ __ ] had some warm Jets to heat the water unlike Elizabeth sadal who ended up catching pneumonia because the candles went out and she was modeling for John Everett Malay for the painting ofilia and she she nearly died so hopefully [ __ ] was kept warm during her baths in the aformentioned glacia spring water so this is above the little cave where the spring source is there we see some Roman paintings it was the the Romans discovered this it was actually outside at the time and they built this building which extended over decades and here we have it you see um now it started flowing again after the earthquake which obviously freed the blockage and here we see the the natural source of water this healing water that apparently healed siss now it used to be a wine seller during the blockage because they didn't have a use for it anymore so they kept the wine and once the Water started flowing again he just left the wine there so as a curiosity you can still see the bottles underneath might be some good vintages there again we are outside looking at all the stuff he has stuck on the walls mindboggling isn't it so this is in the actual Grotto restaurant Garden um and he's got a little 1920s car stuck there under in in the shelter there into all sorts of curious objects everywhere gives it a certain Ambience this is the actual restaurant inside and the smell is Heavenly wonderful and I don't know if you can see there on the floor he has coins glued all over the floor why I don't know it's just a part of his uh expressing his eccentricity this is also in the restaurant these strange objects and there we have the original fountain with the name of the healing baths BD egot 1730 so they've kept that there I do hope you enjoyed our trip to the museum so this is the town of brixon in trol a beautiful old town or city I'm not really sure which it is but again no traffic I love that people can just walk around leisurely that's my favorite type of town this is also behind the scenes in brickson I found this interesting old villa which is abandoned and this looks like it has been like a little kiosk for selling cigarettes newspapers and stuff like that it's obviously been long abandoned so there we are a cheap fixer upper I think that's going to cost a lot of money to fix up probably needs all the pipe work and the electrics replaced probably crumbling stonework bricks yeah not for the faint-hearted I would love to know what's inside of it though this is our final destination we are now in Austria and this is the ski resort of s anon on alberg and this is our hotel overlooking the forest they've obviously been doing some logging but not when we were there it was very quiet beautiful clean crisp air wonderful absolutely wonderful and very Charming host and Hostess fantastic this is the same ski resort in the evening we're going out for dinner Taxi Driver taking us there and back and uh it's very quiet at the moment it kicks off in winter so this is obviously summer not much happening but then it gets crowded with tourists and Rich boarding school kids get sent here you know to learn skiing Etc um yeah and so that was the end of our journey with our friends and we were with a very loquacious taxi driver who chattered the whole way and they were making fun of me in the back seat because I was up front with him so a little bit of junking here we have an assorted array of coffee grinders Coffee Bean Grinders love them I do like them they're very decorative here we have some Bricker bra all sorts of cameras and things outdated obsolete stuff this is a advertisement for try Triumph bras and lingerie it's a really old one looks to be from the 1930s or 40s this is a cigarette uh basically holder and the engine at the front is the lighter you can actually light your cigarette with that can you see where the funnel is the main stack that's where the flame comes out of really heavy too a nice piece saw this lovely old BMW had to take a photograph of it have you ever seen one that old before it's a really really nice example an absolutely solid 1950 6-cylinder only done 130,000 km guaranteed um but still a solid car they really made them well back then you can just see everything is heavy duty nice lines I sent this to my father and he said he would love to drive that so some more junking here we have some assorted tins tins used to be a big thing decades ago I can remember even when as a kid every christm Christmas you'd have these big tins of assorted biscuits and chocolates it was it was huge back then you don't really see that many now it's all everything sort of plastic packaging what about in your part of the world do you still get the big tins like this that's a nice one Bel Loa hon for coughs yeah sort of like pretzels I've got one of these a big one like the one underneath I've got the same one as that from the co-op this is like a sort of kaka coffee Kaka Union this is a friend of ours he's uh 80 years old and we do pop in from time to time bring him food and supplies because he's not really the same since his wife died um we're going to go and visit him again when we get time off at Christmas he lives a fair distance but uh he sort of let himself go but he's an artist you can see he does some amazing stuff he doesn't only have his own art which a lot of it is but he he collects other people's art this keeps him alive he says but you know it's a danger he's got Nails all over the floor and he and he falls he falls a lot he trips over and Falls so it's quite dangerous but we've owned this is his Barbie tree he says uh We've owned him budy he doesn't take any heed he's got all sorts of projects he stays up basically all night and sleeps during the day he gave me this as a present the Mickey Mouse magazine here he is yes he he's a very eccentric uh he always pretends he's ignoring you but he's not he's listening to what you're saying I'm to give a Christmas message for all the viewers in the world see if anybody understands what he's just [Laughter] saying [Laughter] [Music] talk [Music] [Music] on an autumn day in 1760 a woman's funeral was held in London so many mourners crowded outside the church that the crowd was estimated at 10,000 so many that it suggests a royal burial but the deceased was far from Royal she came from an impoverished family and was raised in obscurity in Ireland yet during the second half of her short life she would have been well accustomed to adoring and curious crowds this ethereal vision and her sister were beautiful no doubt but their effect on the population was extreme bordering on bizarre now showing on patreon my friends and wishing you all a very merry Christmas and all the very best for 2024 don't forget to check out my new non- denominational Christmas Mark macabra history now available on Zazzle Link in the description let the curtains rise [Applause] my dear friends thank you so much for joining me the whole year in oddi's theater of fickle fate I do hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have enjoyed having you as my audience and so it is that time to wish you all a very warm and loving Christmas celebrating with your friends and family and if you don't celebrate Christmas I wish you the same a warm and loving time with your family and friends and wishing you all the best of health and success in the new year it is now time for the curtains to close and we will go out with a lovely Christmas tune to get us in the mood take care my friends God bless and [Music] [Music] bye-bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
2023-12-28 11:07