China Street Food is Not What I Expected - Ultimate Beijing Food Tour

China Street Food is Not What I Expected - Ultimate Beijing Food Tour

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so first time trying black tofu oh that's  going to be amazing on the that is unreal   string flavor going on oh good crunch hi guys  welcome back we're on torges if you're new here   we're full-time travel Cobble from the UK we are  currently in Beijing China the capital city and   we are down one of the most famous streets here  wager fuin street she just asked me how how she   how to say it I forgot forgot straight away so  this street is like a pedestrian street loads   going on loads of people loads of tourists and  loads of locals as well but one thing we we have   noticed looking on Google Maps is there's a snack  Street there's a street dedicated to snacks so   this day it's going to be all about trying food  yeah we love food let's go well supposedly this   area should be like a night market I don't know  if it's closed down or maybe it's a weekend thing   so we're going to have a little explore see  if there is anything but looks like it's not   going on anymore it's all closed down that's a  bit sad isn't it so because the street food is   closed off in the area there's mainly like  restaurants in that and this is not what we   want to try and do so we're going to head to  another area but on our way we've come past   these really good looking food places we've got  the traditional look stuff by so we're going to   get a couple of them yeah why not oh wow hello  hello hello hello uh she two yeah two what oh um cheese yeah whatever I don't know what do okay hot hot spicy a little bit I think you put feeling it oh wow yeah oh man yeah these look good oh they do look good you can go oh no I don't me so we've  actually got two of these so we can both have one how much uh eight eight two 16 16 yeah oh let's go over and try this and then  there's another store next to it we have to   go there as well we were literally about  to leave I'm so glad we spotted this we   going yeah we're going to head down the Hong  area after we've finished off all these ones   because apparently that gets quite um quite  busy and there's a lot of street food down   there and I feel like I need some of them  sugar fruit oh SW up but these are really   unique I've never actually uh seen like this  no I reckon you could have had the sausage   in there yeah I reckon as well yeah that's  what he was saying so is it yeah it's almost   like a pirata if you know if you've been to  Pakistan or India you know P I'm going to try it I've lost a lot of it on the floor it's got  the Chinese spice that crep sort of thing it's   crusty and and there's an egg in there as well  delicious boiling not I'll give it a Char um I   think we got like a vegetarian version I think the  store next to it had like bow buns maybe look we   see what that guy gets it's kind of our thing we  watch what other people get all right I'm going   to try and give it a go but as been said is really  hot I'm not sure what these are oh my gosh is well like potato yeah I'll take it back cuz  I said it was cheese but it's definitely   not cheese no and we got like lettuce in  there yeah don't listen to me get out of my [Music] video oh my God that's  SM good it's like a thin deep   fried crispy with an egg on top and you  got your LS oh wow this is really good M it's nice cuz you got the cold and hot put  together but this outside is on I think the   eggs like in the middle of it in the middle of  this so maybe it's like the flaky pastry egg and   then pastry on up and then flatten down that's  how I can imagine it it's really good I'm so hungry that good hey eight each they were eight  each as well I think so good these are massive   yeah so we're like total virgins when it comes  to Chinese food well like like proper Chinese   food um so any anything and you know what it  is leave it in the comments so we know for   future that was really delicious we're going to  check out the next St and see what then one one   and one one one you make it more confusing every  time yeah know ooh look at them oh look they're   freshly made look at them everything's  freshly made here you can get also get a dayes yeah one two two then just stop confusing   it okay sh sh alip alip it's um  the green one I haven't got that be seven seven is that right right let's give these a try back on the  spot yeah this one's got bare light and come   oh they're hot as well fresh out of the  oven I'm going to call that an oven I'm   guessing it's like a steaming po steamer  yeah I would call it Ste stopped on top   of each other and I saw him looking  at the bottom so there must be like   I'm not sure thought they might have had like  rotin on it that might be a rotin but we're   not really sure I'm going to say it's probably  duck cuz he pointed at this one straight away   and Duck's really popular here so I can imagine  this one's duck rip it do I rip it or bite it   rip it and then boite it it is hot oh oh good  look at meatball oh wow we go boy into the meat m oh that is Juicy it's like a beef  meat wall could be donkey cuz I   know they have donkey here it's really  nice and that's a really soft bun and hot good it's kind of like a Gravy Sauce in there  thing with Chinese food I really like it cuz it's   not spicy like not all their foods like there is  a Kake to food but none of it unbearable it's not   like Thai food I've really enjoyed every single  thing I've at here at moment it's really good   and they were only 350 are they the same I think  so Ben's double checking if we got two the same we   food did yeah yeah yeah so it's like a beef burger  in in there like a gravy let see what you think of it yeah it is like do you know what it tastes  like if you're British you're going to know   exactly what I mean but it tastes like [ __ ]  oh really yeah tastes like [ __ ] and gravy   if you're British if you're British you know  what I mean if you're American you'll be like   what did you say all right we're going to jump  on the Metro now and head to like the really   good food Street these is amazing all right  we'll see you on the other side and we're   here that was the smoothest transition I've  ever seen yeah along here there's all like   restaurants quite quite nice Posh ones we're  going to head where left or right left left   we're going to head left and um hope find  some food stands and stuff but yeah quite   busy tonight plenty of people out wow look  at it look at that it's all lit up it's well good that's definitely China generally looks  amazing at night they do do they do their like   lights very well so this area seems to be very  popular for hot pots not life young people loads   of young people and it's really busy here there's  a hot pot all these restaurants are like yeah as   I say like major busy everyone's out enjoying  theirself temperatures like really cool now so   it's quite comfortable wow look at this place here  all open we got another one here this one's empty   I don't know why but the one next door is like  full like every table is full yeah this one's and   this one as well pretty obviously not as popular  I could smell like stinky tofu I think it might   be that one's just trying to translate it what  is it choose point for it and go for it right   I'm going to go for that one and that one see  we get that's black to yeah I think that's what we one this one to translating  through Google Translate this is scan the Cod not working is it what scan   the code to place an order  oh do you yeah how'd you do it thank you a sh sh what a nice guy you see we  were struggling he just done it for us do you want   anything else no it's okay thank you one thing  in China right they are so so so helpful honestly   they they are yeah it's really really nice yeah  thank you so what I think we're getting is black   tofu and by the smell of it it's stinky so  it's very very popular here you have to do   the order online and as Ben said he helped  us conly do it so I'm quite excited to try   it it seems to be one of the like dishes  you have to try here B gra the food I've   took a little seat here side the road I love  this all these places over there uh sat down   like queing to go in there they have all  these like little stores along the side of   the road it's really good idea it shows that they  obviously don't get rain oh my God is there a pet   cat over there Ben P stay there there's a pet  cat I found a cat wanding around there you go Ben so we've got black stinky toe food it's  like stuffed and it smells like garlic and   spices he said to if this isn't spicy enough  we can go back up there and it'll put some   more on there got some flavors there  and some coriander py or something but   I'm putting it off I'm delaying it cuz  I can a little bit smells but with all   the marinate in it it smells like quite  refreshing so first time trying black tofu it's t you all right is it yeah it's got  like a really soft middle a little bit of a   crunch on the outside but you got like a burst  of flavors from the like chili garlic some fresh   herbs and it's like quite really juicy inside  actually don't mind it see I want to taste it   because I tasted stinky tofu in Malaysia  and I didn't like it for ran to like it   I'm going to think it's going to be quite nice  so go on let's try it oh it's going for a full wax it's not like pungent in your  mouth like the stuff in Malaysia was   it just didn't taste very nice it it had a really  bitter horrible taste I don't know if it's cuz of   the marinade and the stuff they put on it but  it's really moist as well is it soft in the   middle delicious yeah really nice so this is the  place we went to I think this is the best place   if you want to try some sinky Toe Through black  stuff we got loads in there and this cost us 15   and we're just sitting outside here in our little  seats trying it we like stinky to through yeah   oh Ben's carrying on really enjoying that like  scraping it clean i' L it that's you're all right   I think we might need something sweet now some  ice cream or some sugared fruit hello hello this one I think you can add them in there can't you so   it's a roll and you can put it  in there yeah I just pick one um yeah P yeah p uh little bit okay you speak English  little I speak Chinese say very NY oh wow Lo going in there nuts getting all the flavors in there alled to that  yes any any go go for it oh that's going to be amazing oh my God thank you 25 yeah bye what a lovely lady she spoke a little  bit of English but she was like her bandlet was   like very good not even tried our next food  but we've seen this store so we're going   for we're actually not sure what we're going  for we're going to do some point point yeah   chicken yeah yeah okay just give oh  what's you start yeah yeah we have that one 15 she like a thin pancake that one  yeah oh it's a like a pink mix pink mix uh just that one yeah just one no no sure uh yes oh smells amazing smell Marin it want that uh   H yeah yes not mushroom though you got got  mushroom mushroom uh do you want some of that yes no I don't know what that is so okay loaded fully loaded yes oh wow wow look at the size of it  oh she's doing it separate CL thank you thank you got this see there sorry but we can't tell  you the name of any of these Foods we're eating   because this is all new to us oh my God we're  pretty certain we went for duck we got to pick the   outside and I went for the pink one and they like  as you saw put an egg in it um so many ingredients   it was 34 in total let's go in and try it but  look that does look good don't even know where to go M I'll go bit like crispy bit that's well  nice I'm trying to see ah it's more of like a   stretchy instead of a pancake outside like  probably G done with like rice it's more   starchy and then we got the meat that is dark yes  we did it Ben we got dark get on the dark in the bite oh that is unreal it's so many flavors going  on that duck is like smoked duck so it's got so   much flavor to it this is so good and this is  half of it so we've got like one each amazing   right so I'm going to try the fal we got she put  pork it but I'm just going to dive straight in and   try it look at the wiip on that though look  at it look look at that that is good that a 2 the juice that squared out of that it  was like did you hear that it was like right downloading the data processing the the  outside pancake is a little bit different it's   more like stretchy and spongy and probably similar  to what ran had is sort of like made like a like   a rice flowy stretchiness doesn't overpower the  taste of what's inside there's like peanuts and   stuff you I taste a lot of peanut don't know  if there's like a sa in there and then you've   got like the pork and the pork's like a little  bit crunchy give me yeah it's it's um very it's   very moist and delicious ious but let's let taste  it just the way you speak of like that thin roll   not even powering it that whole reason for it is  just to put loads of ingredients in it so let's go in it's cold yeah it's cold I didn't expect that  that is full of some amazing flavors though that   pork is unreal it just like falls apart and  it's got so much flavor if you saw it it was   in like of pot it's obviously been stewing fres  but we got like cucumber Bean CHS and then we've   got like a Nutty flavor absolutely delicious you  just can't beat the food it and the size of them   the things are massive it doesn't beat the duck  pancake rollway the other day it was about this   size but oh so good go back and watch a couple  of videos back I think it so good all right we   passed the fruit with the sugar on it so we got  get one should we get which one Ben this one   the chocolate one yeah strawberry right that one one thank you oh my god of course  Ben went for the strawberries and   chocolate one it's got like Caramelo sugar  on the outside oh good crunch M oh my God   good I don't have chocolate I'm not sure what that is I'm not sure in the middle it's  not got a lot of flavor reminds me   kind of like pure dates something  like that oh my God this is so nice it's like a sweet and sour flavor  put together couldn't not have one   of these how much 15 yarn yarn yarn 15  so ran can't actually go past anything   like dessert she's like oh what's that  um they look like what they like lemon   tarts um what you get what's really  famous in China think these are AR they one one one one oh look nice little  fancy box I can't believe how much food   we're eating today but that was 11 for two  oh B thank you so we got like the lemon   one I think it's got like flaked almonds  on and the purple one this is the one I picked it's warm oh I'm real it's got  like a custard middle then on the top like a i there is another cost like a warm custard  on top oh and you got some fruit at the bottom   oh God it's just falling apart my hands look at  that you got some sweet fruit the flaky pastry of it's Lally warm crusted you some fruit  and then a flaky pastry on the outside oh   my God that is unreal I think the Warmness just  makes it amazing right you're going to let me   try the other one yeah so yeah this one just  like an like an egg tart very famous in China apparently it's got like a custard egg custard  tar middle slightly sweet not too sweet and then   the flaky outside it's it's sort of like um like  a puff pastry delicious but the tops a little bit   like crunchy like obviously where it's toasted  I don't know they like you use like a flame or   something to toast it up delicious yeah is it  warm your one uh not that oh yours is cold mine's   obviously Fresh Out the Oven yeah oh my god oh  yours is like a sweet lemon flavor so now we've   tried so much food it's made us so tired we're  obviously taking some of it away oh that's our   little secret so when we do these food videos  we um try it for you guys and then we take it   all over and then we have like a proper meal in  bed we have a mun chops lay in bed put Netflix on   and then yeah that's what we do we were going to  get some noodles but I think we've done far too   much and we tried noodles quite a lot on previous  videos so go back and watch your previous ones if   you want to see what the noodles are like here  the unreal the food is amazing out here I have   to admit yeah the food is blowing me away cuz  I was expecting like Chinese food to be like a   sweet and sour blah blah blah but like the  pastries are unbelievable oh like the pies   and oh I really didn't expect it do you know  what we haven't had our daily ice cream and   you no we haven't and oh that was our Target  being him we've actually not had one today   tomorrow's another day right anyway make sure  you watch the next video because we're going   on the bullet train for the first time I cannot  wait I've heard Chinese trains are amazing so subscribe yeah perfect want me like twirling on  it yeah do it again cuz I didn't really get it light bed that's fine yeah [Music]

2024-06-29 21:41

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