China's MOST Popular Destination - Yunnan Dali I S2, EP74

China's MOST Popular Destination - Yunnan Dali I S2, EP74

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Today, the old Dali City Has become a touristic enclave Although it's very touristic It's still worth visiting Because there are so much good food A lot of cheap but good souvenirs Good morning everyone Welcome back to the channel And today I am in Yunnan, Dali Dali Bai Autonomous prefecture Dali is the starting point of my ride From yunnan to tibet And yesterday, I picked my bike And I changed the tyre I prepare my bike a little bit And then i stayed in a small guest house This small guest house Near Er-hai lake And speaking of Dali It is extremely popular Among china's domestic tourism Many people have already visited Dali And it is a historical place And for over 300 years in history So starting from, I think 10th to 13th century Dali was the capital of Dali kingdom And by then Dali Kingdom covered Yunnan, Guizhou, sichuan And even parts of India Of Myanmar, of Laos, of Vietname So it was quite prosperous kingdom And part from the rich history Dali is simply very beautiful And look at here Outside my window That's Cang-shan mountain range The highest peak is over 4000 m And here, outside my window here Behind those buildings That's Er-hai Lake So Dali is entirely on Yungui plateau The elevation is about 2000m And speaking of climate It's never too cold nor too hot But it's also sunny and dry all year round There are lots of flowers and fruits And I guess why it's so popular Today I will be riding from Dali to Shaxi You can barely see it on the map Because it's only 100 km This is Dali, this is lijiang And Shaxi is somewhere inbetween And by the way This is a very useful A wester self-driving map That covers provinces of Yunnan, Guangxi Of Tibetan autonomous region Of Xinjiang uygur autonomous region Thanks. Safe trip Come again if the chance come sure And I'll go to the market And then check out the old city Finally back in the main street Wow, this is beautiful Today, the old Dali City Has become a touristic enclave Although it's very touristic It's still worth visiting Because there are so much good food A lot of cheap but good souvenirs My favorite thing is to start the day with a walk through the local market It’s the perfect place to get instantly versed in the diversity that Yunnan produces Dali’s market has bright colors beautiful fruits veggies, meat and even flowers Everything looks incredibly fresh and everything has a reasonable price Ethnically, Dali is also very diverse The main ethnic minority is Bai people if you ever seen women with flower hats It's very likely that they are Bai people And there are also Quite a lot of Hui people The muslim population here So for those woman For those who are wearing scarf They are hui people There is even a mosque in the old city There are also halal restaurants Halal butcher shop In my last online stream People asked me which part of china Has the best food Although it's hard to say which one is the best I am pretty sure You'll never be disappointed by Yunnan food Because first of all The ingredients are just so fresh And so diverse There are also a lot of mountain delicacy This is ferm Bamboo, beans Xiangchun (Chinese mahogany) And then this is mushroom And rose Yes, people in yunnan eat rose There is simply too much vegetables Yunnan province, because of the climate Has a lot of mushrooms And this one Sister, may I ask How much is Chinese bayberry 15 half kilo 15 half kilo, and how about mulberry Same, 15. It's sweet, try it And this blueberry? 30 I see, blueberry is more expensive Let me try it They sell for 50, 60 half hilo My price is cheap, try it Chinese bayberry is native to china I rarely had it outside China And that's mulberry enough 10 yuan There is cherry now? The cherry is on the market only recently I see. This is small cherry Your hometown might have bigger ones We have the same But it's too early I see. Here it is on the market now

That's all kinds of rice noodle and wheat noodle The round one is Er-kuai It's basically rice cake Dali is also one of the very few places in China That eat cheese They produce cheese and eat cheese And they This is a local cheese called Ru-shan And sometimes there is even rose petal in it Flower jam, this is rose petal jam Manager, what is this? Osmanthus flower jam i See, osmanthus fragrans And this smaller one is rose jam How much is that? 5 per bottle I'll take a small one You want the rose one? Yes Is that sheep cheese? yes Which is sheep, and which is cow milk This cow, this sheep milk cheese What a long queue This must be another internet celebrity shop And they are selling Wan-dou-fen Bean curd Which looks like this Yunnan cuisine tends to be spicy and salty That's the famous mushroom... Seasoned mushroom They are sliced and then Fried and then cooked with chili pepper Salty The most typical local breakfast is Pa-rou-er-si A rice noodle soup topped with melting tender stewed pork shoulder and you can get it easily in restaurants But I got liane-ji-mi-xian A cold rice noodle with pulled chicken and some spices and a typical Yunnan desert My dessert is flower cookie It's a sweet pastry It's so crumbly with rose jam in it Those 3 white pagodas are Are chong-sheng-temple towers That's the landmark of Dali It's also an evidence Of the rich history of Dali Just some very brief information Those 3 towers Were built in different dynasties The one in the middle Was built in Tang dynasty That's about 1200 years ago So this tower has a style of tang dynasty It's rectangular If you see the section And the other 2 smaller towers Were built in Song dynasty And by then Dali is called Dali Kingdom If you see the section It's ba-bian-xing, octagon Aha, it's getting crowded now every one is taking picture of this building What a nice house Dong'an gate All the fabrics here Those with blue patterns That's the typical Bai-people tie dye A traditional dye technique You'll need to tie and to stitch This is tied but without dyeing This is already colored After coloring The part that was tied Once untied, are not colored Those tiny white dots on the fabric Were tied The price is the work The more white patterns it has The more we have to tie So it's more expensive You even feel this This uneven Uneven touch Similar to Dali old town Xizhou is a lovely place with plenty of cafe eatery, and shops after a brief stay I continued biking This navigation isn't so promising Where are you going, brother? To Shaxi Shaxi Where are you going? This goes to Lijiang That way goes to Shaxi that way? See, that's to Er-yuan To Er-yuan, then to Jianchuan Ok, I see I'll trun Thank you! bye Ok, hopefully This is the way right This is exactly the way Now I am in Dengchuan town Dengchuan town is particularly famous for one thing It's cheese product But I should, I should see some Near the road If I see any cheese factory I will just stop by And order a cheese China isn’t famous for cheese but in dengchuan town the native bai people have been producing A special cheese for centuries in this small factory two women are working magic they roll the milk into A smooth, stretchy mozzarella ball Sister, what's in the water? There is nothing special It's acid milk Sour milk So you mix milk with sour milk And you heat it up And it turns that Yes, there is some chemical reaction It separates the water from the milk It separates So I was thinking maybe they use some special stuff To solidify the milk But they told me It's the acid liquid from the milk It's naturally fermented I have been to the cheese factory in Europe That they use a special product From the, e.g. cow stomach But here, they don't use that at all They only use this liquid from the milk So I've got this ru-shan ball They also gave me chopsticks It looks like mozzarella to be honest I feel I am eating noodles And actually the taste Feels like mozzarella , it's very fresh Not salty And a little bit sweet After getting the mozzarella-like cheese ball The Rushan cheese is stretched on two bamboo sticks dried for a couple of days Until it gets a leathery, crispy texture After stretching the cheese on the bamboo sticks Now all the cheese are dried in this room For one or two days This one is quite special There is rose petal in it Compared with the fresh ones This one has a stronger flavor It's not stinky at all It doesn't have a stinky aroma Like many of the aged cheese But, it has a natural sweetness And the fragrance of the rose petal I really love this cheese So this area is called Xihu (west lake) There are many smalll villages by Bai people There are very few tourists It's so quiet I really love it I still have 90km to cover Now it's about 4 pm I really have to hurry up About 2 hours This road doesn't looks so promising though Maybe I'll have a very long ride tonight Wow, actually the road isn't too bad It's just there are a lot of curves Because Shaxi is on the other side of the mountain I hardly see cars I guess this isn't the fastest way It's not the fastest There is even a cafe here Just for a quick look It should be here There is even a very beautiful courtyard It's all real flowers beautiful And today, I actually arrive a little bit early Than I expected While I was on the mountains It was so windy And I can feel the temperatures drops So I think I am going to take a shower Have some dinner And take a good rest I am going to end my today's video I hope you enjoy watching it And tomorrow, I will start from Shaxi And ride towards lijiang So thanks for watching And stay tuned

2024-05-27 13:32

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