China's CRAZY New Year Celebration I S2, EP68

China's CRAZY New Year Celebration I S2, EP68

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Hello everyone Welcome back to the channel Today is the 12th day After the Chinese new year And I am in Guangdong province In chaoshan region In Jieyang, Puning, mianhu town I've just reached my hotel room And this is outside my window Mianhu Town There are still more travel videos in Hainan But today I decided to cut in Because during the 1st lunar month There are a lot of authentic Traditional celebrations in Chaoshan area And this can hardly be found In any other regions Except for in Guangdong and Fujian province So I'd like to take you with me on this authentic cultural trip Up till now I believe that Most part of China Has already gone back to work But in the eastern part of Fujian and guangdong province The new year celebration is still going on And can last the whole 1st lunar month This is such a big thing here that Every village has their specific form of celebration On a specific day So if you have already watched my last video You'll know that this event called ying-lao-ye deity parad It is a serious religious event But it's like a carnival the whole community will get involved They will get themselves organized As a team And take their deities from the temple To patrol over his own territory People will worship him And he (the deity) will protect his people And during this parade There will also be different performances e.g. there will be lion dance Dragon dance, drum band And what's famous in Puning is A powerful, infectious dance, called Yingge dance I came here mainly to see Yingge dance In the neighboring village called Yue-ku village And their perforce is tomorrow But in the afternoon I still want to see the village first And see what they are doing right now Hi sister, may I ask Tomorrow's Yingge performance Where will it start? I don't understand I don't speak mandarin well This feels like the central area of the town Uncle, I'd like to ask Will Yingge dancers start here tomorrow? yes, from here How many people will be here? Yingge dancers. More than 400 So many? Yingge dancers (Teochew language) The whole parade has over 400 people About 40 Yingge dancers 40. are they all from this village? Yes, all from here Around 11 am tomorrow We will leave The parade team will leave From here And 8 am To invite the deity Yes, invite deity around 8 And then we take a rest I see All have to be here, and make up We have to get prepared And around 11 am The parade team leave Do you know Yingge dance? Yes. Really? Here, all kids know it. Really?

Yes They don't belong to any official team But they all know the basics Do they practice regularly? Last year, our school morning exercise They all dance Yingge dance! Really? Yes, that's why they all know (He wanted to show me) So tomorrow We will see the whole thing The kid just performed a bit That was cute There are still A lot traditional houses Those houses seem quite identical All of them are square like of almost the same size And stand next to each other in one row, 2 rows, 3 rows... rural life nowadays are quite nice. Yes See, that's the farm around Wow, that row of houses is pretty! Yes, that's very typical to this region The ancestors of Chaoshan people used to migrate from China’s Central Plains through Fujian So the buildings here inherit the traditional layout of A courtyard house This just one Typical courtyard So the middle part Is a bit lower It's good for water drainage There is a little hole there Through which the rain can go through And there are a lot of paintings Almost everywhere That again some stone lions And a fish A fish, look That's also for rain drainage When it rains Water comes out from the fish mouth What's that on the roof? A phoenix? it's a fish! Also a fish? It spits I see, it spits water exactly Both are fish Wow, that's fish! And also in every house In Teochow (chao-shan region) They have tea tables Where they can drink tea And treat their guests This is very similar to southern Fujian Every house has a tea set They drink at anytime of the day At any place As a guest I was also offered a tea Early in the morning the dancers gathered at the ancestral temple for the make up both makeup artists and dancers are amateurs from the village they have their work but during the lunar New Year they come back and perform for the whole village So mostly it is white foundation And black strokes Combined with some very bold colors Such as green blue yellow red Yingge dance means Hero dance this folk dance derives from the classic novel outlaws of the marsh In which legendary 108 heroes rebelled against the corrupted government Different face make up and dresses represent different characters this is boy Shiqian and this is adult Shiqian he has a snake on face He is the scout of the team and wields a snake to ward off the evil In dance, he stays in the center and coordinates the changing scenes this is Songjiang he controls the whole team with drum beats Those two with pink cheeks and eyeliner are the only female characters Sunerniang, Husannaing but since traditionally Yingge dance is a powerful male dance they are also played by men (But there are also female dancers now!) this is the monk luzhisheng with a ‘buddha’ character on forehead they are some of the leading dancers (Kids also join the parade) (Teochew language, I don't understand) (Teochew language, I don't understand) It's too small, you need a big one Yes, but the small one is stable grandpa What's your position in the team? In the front or at the back? Us? Definitely in the back I see, the back Who will be in the front? The Yingge dancers are in the front Hurry up, they are... They already left! Thanks! The Yingge dancers have already left I think they are going to the temple now To qing-lao-ye To invite the deity to come And join the team Guang-wang-gu-miao So the deity is San-shan-King That's the seat for the deity Yingge dance depicts the story of liangshan heros united together to rescue one of their brothers by force Either Lu Junyi, or Song Jiang It’s a dance of battle of masculinity and power there is no music They dance to the drum beats Young boys and girls follow the dancers They take the deities to the ancestral temple They circle around the ancestral temple And perform in front of it So finally They've invited the deities to the ancestral hall So again, everyone is worshipping They are burning incense After a short performance By the Yingge dancers Everyone is quite tired So very soon Very soon they will have lunch together (Lunch time) So all the tourists Who came here to see the show Were also invited for lunch And after lunch They are getting prepared For the parade in the afternoon What's very special about Yingge dance Is that its movement combines martial art Because in Chaoshan area People are fond of martial art The ancestral temple Is the root of the community And the starting point of the parade in the afternoon The parade team Will go through all the important places So the next one is a school This is the moment Where I felt my heart is touched School is the place Where young kids get educated It's a place For the future of the kids And the whole team Went through one classroom Then they came to the village government Wherever they go They dance in And dance out Bringing in immense energy And good luck Now I am very jealous of those Who grow up here Because for every Chinese New Year They'll have so much fun And it's so nice to do one thing together with a group of people With the whole village The deities are also taken on tour by its people to bless the town with peace fortune and harmony The parade team will pass by almost every house in this village and before they reach people set firecrackers And offer food and beverages To welcome them Some families placed a red pocket on the table this is a signature to invite dancers to the house as the dance is considered as can ward off evil and bring good luck The sun is burning in the afternoon Everyone is sweating And they have to dance every 10 minutes It's really a lot of work And I bet they'll be so exhauseted After a whole day's dance and parade (They'll be dancing for a whole day!) (From one house to another!) Now it's 4 pm There are still continuing the parade Maybe it'll take them another 1 or 2 hours But I will go back now Because I need to move to a different place For the next celebration So to be honest I am really envious who Who grow up in Chaoshan region I wish to have A new year celebration like this Every year Now I have to go back Before it's getting too late I hope you enjoy today's episode

2024-03-10 05:20

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