China is NOT at all what we expected! First day in Beijing

China is NOT at all what we expected! First day in Beijing

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welcome to Beijing China oh my gosh this is crazy  our first time in China has been nothing short of   spectacular the most policed place I've ever been  with a few hiccups here and there we're currently   stranded we don't have a place to stay tonight  today we take you on a journey to the capital   city ticking off one of the Seven Wonders of  the World off our list this is truly Monumental   getting slightly emotional too I've got a little  tear in my eye what surprised us the most was   not how vast and historically Rich China is  I can't get enough of it but how the locals   have treated us every step of the way China  is fascinating alluring and worth discovering   why are they shouting what's going on join us  today as we continue our journey here in Beijing China and welcome to Beijing China we have finally  made it to the capital city and it is the second   largest city in China with 22 million people  second biggest to Shanghai which we were in   previously where we explored the modern city of  Shanghai and then took a high-speed train for 4   hours to get here in Beijing and this has been  the capital for 850 years and we are actually   walking through the heart of Beijing where all  the thousands of History lies so there are over   3,000 years of History steeped into all these  walls now don't get me wrong we aren't history   Buffs at all but you can't help but feel  like this place is absolutely fascinating   and Beijing is known as the gateway to China most  people come to this part of China because of all   the history and the sites that are here so we  are going to some of the most famous sites in   Beijing that they absolutely cannot be missed we  will finally discover the Tiananmen Square the   Forbidden City and the Great Wall of China and  I cannot believe I am saying that we are going   to visit one of the Seven Wonders of the World  we were lucky enough to see our first wonder of   the world the Taj Mahal in India but first  look at how beautiful these streets are of Beijing so we're walking now to the Tiananmen  square and let's give you a first glimpse of   what an average Street looks like here in Beijing  so obviously very clean as it is is everywhere so   far in China look at the little stools lots of  these grey bricked walls on all of the building   these old houses some of the most Charming  Alleyways I've ever seen I think there are   over 2,000 of these Charming Alleyways scattered  all over Beijing City it has a much older look   compared to Shanghai but we still have loads of  bicycles everywhere look at all the grey bricks   it has that old Chinese style architecture  and the streets are very busy we're now in   the center of Beijing this is where all of the  tourist attractions are so lots of people are   coming out most people take the bicycles and the  transport in Beijing is phenomenal what you kind   of Envision China to look like I think Beijing is  where Shanghai is just way too modern it's like a   modern Metropolis you've got the old style charm  of the traditional Chinese architecture but you   still have all the modern amenities that China  offers so right now we are walking around where   all the history lies just a few minutes away from  Tiananmen Square which is our first stop of the day oh they look so good this is quite a good indication of what  Beijing is like look how old the buildings   are but then all of the taxis are electric so  you've got the complete modern side of China   but they've still kept their traditional  architecture I see a lot of the stores   have peking in front of it like peking chamber  or peking sweets or whatever and Beijing's old   name used to be peking hence the very famous dish  peking duck so we're going to have to try that   here in Beijing as sh said there's some peking  duck oh wow hanging right now that's awesome look   at that I know that here in Beijing it's also home  to the Beijing pie and the Beijing duck so I think   these are the Beijing pies that we're also going  to have to try ooh so many good things to try okay so we're both currently standing in the  line to the Tiananmen square and I cannot   believe how many people are here from where we  stood at the entrance to the actual entrance of   the Tiananmen square is 500m so we are 500m  away from entering the Tiananmen square the   line is that long obviously this is one of  the most visited spots in the entire world   so we should have actually come early so this  is the line and the entrance you cannot even   see it's about 500m all the way down there here  is the Metro station look how many thousands of   people have come and this is obviously the wall  surrounding it so we need to get all the way down there okay so we made it through our first  round of security and you have to bring your   passport you have to book an appointment a day  or two in advance so make sure you do that don't   just show up here cuz there is a long long line  of people getting turned away for not having an   appointment yeah yeah uh hello where am I don't  you wish it was that easy to transport yourself   to a fabulous Beach destination well it is  with level 8 that's why we'd want to thank   level 8 for sponsoring this video if you've been  with us from the start you know that we've been   traveling out of a bag for the past 4 years  we don't own anything that could fit Beyond   these cases but having upgraded our suitcases  to the level eight Voyager set has been a game   changer as we need a trustworthy sturdy and  reliable travel luggage that's Sleek durable   and crafted for adventure we opted for the  perfect travel couple set featuring a larger   check-in for Dev and a Sleek carry-on for Shev  in our favorite color baby blue of course and   the Highlight is the 360° spinner wheels that  are silent so they practically glide on the   airport floor plus we love the ease of the super  wide handles they make travel so much easier the   high quality hard shell is light strong and solid  with an anti-scratch surface plus a smooth inner   lining on the inside easy to pack smaller valuable  objects so when you're ready to transport yourself   to that magical Beach destination make sure  you head over to level 8 to get your perfect   travel companion which come in an array of  beautiful colors use our code Shevanddev10   for an exclusive 10 % off and click the link in  the description below as we entered Tiananmen   Square for the first time we had some pretty  rigorous Security checks but having a brief walk around we then met some very interesting friends  who explained more to us about where we were you   look so good no no no no okay uh uh the king uh  will send some order in here oh really yeah over   here or there oh okay to all the people what's  your name my name is apou apou nice to meet   you meet you you're so beautiful gorgeous three two together together three two one go what does it mean uh uh congratulations for   being rich oh wow wow that's a good  one I like that that's a good one bye-bye but now we've gone from the  Tiananmen square and the reason we   stood in that line for so long is  we're now in the Forbidden city look we're going through all of these little  tunnels from one Courtyard to the next for this   segment we're just going to be filming on our  phone no microphone so our audio is not going   to be as good but that's just for security  reasons you're obviously not allowed to   film for obvious reasons understandably but not  like don't look like the media you can film you   can take pictures you can do whatever wow and we  have made it to the Forbidden City wow this is an   absolutely breathtaking place I think the rest of  the tourists and locals have the same idea as we   do today to just visit one of the most fascinating  places in the entire world this is the Forbidden   City I think over 10 million people visit the  Forbidden City alone per year and um I guess   all 10 million have arrived today this place is  absolutely packed with tourists tour groups people   from all over the world we met some lovely people  from Singapore from Malaysia from Indonesia from   the Philippines and of course lovely South Africa  so this has been very very special and a once in   a lifetime moment to be in one of the places  that has thousands and thousands of years of History the Forbidden City is also known  as the Imperial Palace complex and if you   didn't know why it's called the Forbidden  City it's because most of the subjects were   actually barred from entering this area  and of course only the emperor and his   families were allowed here apparently  only the emperor could go everywhere   even some of his family were barred from  entering certain sections of the palace so apparently there are over 9999 rooms in the  Forbidden City and because nine is a very Divine   and lucky number so the emperor was thought  to have the most power in the entire world   so of course he had to have everything with  a number nine including the amount of rooms   so that's very very interesting I don't know  if there are actually almost 10,000 rooms so   you might need to fact check me on that it's  crazy to think that this 178 acre compound   is pretty much the center of Chinese power for  over 500 centuries so something that I really   love in general but also what I love about  forbidden city is that it strictly comprises   itself on Feng shui so that means that the  palace is facing south towards the direction   of the Sun and if you look behind me it is very  symbolic of the element so you will see that the   walls are red and the roofs are yellow so the  yellow comprises of the element of the earth   which is a super powerful element to the emperor  and the walls of red symbolize Fire and Fire is   one of the elements so it's really really cool  to see how they comprise the elements on Earth to   symbolize that the emperor is the most powerful  being on Earth the more you learn you realize   that it's not just a complex fascinating  absolutely fascinating and it's amazing to   think that maybe 3,000 years ago how different  life was if the emperor lived here and all the   important family members of the emperor lived  here can you imagine what life was like back then we've now entered another square of the  Forbidden City and it just shows how big it is   it's actually the largest collection of  well preserved structures on the planet   and it's about 720,000 square metres look  how huge this complex is this is only one   of them and in terms of architecture and  how well preserved it is it's absolutely   pristine to think how many hundreds of  years old this is you can see all of   the bricks and the cobbles are still in very  good conditions for being thousands of years old we've just walked through another gate  and there's just section after section and   right be behind this wall you can then  see some of the skyscrapers and that's   obviously the modern Beijing so you  can see how this is still preserved   right in the center and now you're  surrounded by all the new modern buildings there are thousands if not hundreds of  thousands of people right here and I can totally   understand why I think obviously if you come to  Beijing this is something you have to do I have   a fun fact for you about the yellow tiles on the  roof as you can see there are no birds that are   landing or perching onto the roof is because the  actual roof tile is glazed and it is so wide that   the bird's claw cannot actually hook onto the roof  tile so that means they would essentially slide   off and that is how back in the day they wanted  to preserve the roof tile so this is an example   obviously now it's all been rubbed off from the  people walking here every day but this part is   really slippery and I guess this is wide that the  bird's claw kind of can't fit on this is the bird claw it's impossible great demonstration great demonstration we've now made our way out the  Forbidden City which was incredible but it   took us almost 2 hours to get through all of it  it's way bigger than you expected but now we're   going through some of the Alleyways you can see  all of these bricked walls and just how old the   city is so not only in the Forbidden City to  get to see that old Chinese architecture but   just walking daily on the streets it's crazy  to look at the grey bricks that are absolutely   perfect even though they're supposedly supposed  to be older and can I just mention the sound it   is absolutely quiet just compared to the Forbidden  City where we were there's no cars no engines no bustling and it's just a quiet quiet  and quaint little neighbourhood   here's a little three-wheeler how cool is that a little delivery truck it says  China Post on it EMS so it's a postal   service oh my word it's a postal service  and these are what most of the bicycles   are like in Beijing so they do have  the modern scooters that are electric   and obviously lots of electric cars but  lots of people use they all bicycles now I also want to point this car out look at the  color look at the design look how these tires   are they're like this big there's a lot of  cars I've never seen before but they all   look insane like the rest of the world  is missing out on these cars throughout   our time in China we've seen so many Chinese  brands of cars and they've absolutely blown   us away from luxury cars to sedans SUVs  they're all electric and they're amazing so all throughout China you will actually see  lots and lots of signs for public toilets now   that is something that every country should  get behind you will see loads of public   toilets around these streets from signs over  here signs across the street and I'm sure the   bathroom is just a few meters away I love that  about China and they're very clean and they're   very very clean nothing that we've seen has been  dirty broken just casting nothing has all been pristine good morning from Beijing we are about to  do something very very very special today which is   see one of the Seven Wonders of the World which  is the Great Wall of of China we've taken about   an hour on the Metro an hour on the bus and we  have finally made it here we've just bought our   tickets from the ticket counter and I don't know  if you can see behind me but we can see glimpses   of the Great Wall this is so exciting what we're  going to do is take a sliding car or cable car   all the way up to the top I can hardly speak  because my lips are so Frozen which is going   to be quite interesting to be on top of the wall  at this temperature and apparently at this part   of the world there's 65,000 people that come every  single day so let's get on the cable car and we'll   tell you more when we get to the top okay so this  is what it looks like there is the wall above us   and we're going to be walking past all of these  Street vendors here selling souvenirs snacks some   food today is a very very very special day because  we're about to see one of the great wonders of the   entire world and I can already see it this is so  insane we're walking by we can see all sorts of   souvenirs they're selling food I'm sure there  selling hot street food as well there's just   so much food here and you can see all the buses  that have arrived to come and see this they're   all selling ice cream it's freezing what is that  guy making is he making some candy he's making something is it me or does it seem  like it's kind of quiet I feel like   there's nobody here maybe maybe we  have come early maybe we're going   the wrong way oh dear it is the  whole one Dee it is freezing here wow me wow so good what is that before I got  distracted by the cool food it is a whole 1°   C and it is I think a 10° difference from the  center of Beijing we can barely feel our fingers   or our faces so obviously the Great Wall is  extremely long but we're going to a section   of it called Badaling which is Apparently one of  the most famous most popular parts of the wall   and it's also one of the most well preserved  and well-kept parts and even though we're   going to the toboggan we've had to climb this  entire Hill can you see the Great Wall in the back are you sure we're not climbing this thing   you're on the wrong side girl oh no this way oh  no I'm on the wrong side we haven't even reached   the wall we're nowhere near it and all we've done  is climb but it's keeping us warm and the section   that we're going to is only 3 km long I think it  being so cold kind of creates a special atmosphere   wow look at the toboggan oh my word wait so we're  going to go up we're we're supposed to to take the   cable car oh I guess this is it here we go we're  going on a toboggan uphill oh here I go this one okay ah like this oh my gosh oh my gosh this is crazy we're completely  straight in here I go upwards on a toboggan this   is insane so to start off we're going through  this tunnel and we're literally going through   the mountain okay this is making me slightly  nervous because we're going higher and higher and   higher up I feel like I'm on a roller coaster it's  actually really really high higher than I thought   like I'm a little bit nervous because we're just  going up and up and up really steep this is so   special and slightly scary and then we're allowed  to walk completely freely on top of the wall there's s oh I'm about to get off that was awesome oh get off okay wow that was oh I go up here wow that was how  cool was that it was both incredible and I thought   like I was on a roller coaster like we might  just drop at any moment can I just say what's   the most surprising there's nobody else on here  they're all empty don't you think that's kind of   crazy like over 65 million people visit the Great  Wall we've come in low season this is the number   one tourist attraction in the whole country and  there's nobody here okay let's go let's go this   is entrance to the Great Wall so you can already  see it snaking all the way up and down this part   of the mountain and it actually goes all the way  further on into that Valley I am freaking out um   I'm not sure why but I'm feeling a bit emotional  we haven't even gone through the gate but we're   we're at the Great Wall of China this is the most  incredible place the most notorious structure on   the planet this is all we've seen and I'm already  feeling lost for words I've got a little tear in   my eye you too yeah it just hit me we haven't  even gone through we need to still go in we got our ticket look how cool this  ticket is we have got to keep this forever and now we hike just like that we're  officially on the Great Wall immediately we've   come to this sort of viewing deck so we've got  the wall leading all the way on this side here's   one of the fortresses and then the wall leading  on this side and then here is a vending machine   want even on the Great Wall of China they have a  vending machine and recycling I love that I love it so steep already so steep already we're in like some sort of  guard Tower it's a it's a bar it's   a what a Barrack we're in some sort  of Barrack some sort of Barrack so cute oh my word look at this I don't  even need to say anything I don't   have words out of all the places in the  world I thought I'd visit I never ever   thought it would be this one the best part  about videoing the Great Wall of China is I   don't need to tell you anything this incredible  structure speaks for itself everybody on the   planet knows about it I pretty much don't need  to say anything except show you what it's like   to walk along this wall we are actually walking  along the Great Wall of China that's over 21 km   21,000 sorry 21,000 km did I just say 21 I  can't tell you how special this is the four   years that we've been traveling I never ever  thought we'd step foot here for a long long   time maybe in year 10 not like this and it  is just a pinch me moment it is a pinch me moment the great world you know so much about  but when you get here and you see the size of   it you really appreciate the enormity of what  this the structure really is okay goodness   look cool I think so we're about to find out  hold the hand come come come some more some more wow quite special quite special thank  goodness for cameras because I don't actually   know how we would capture this any less but  we are here we are on the Great Wall of China   it's happening we are walking along the steps  and the route I don't even know what to say I   keep fumbling my words so if you didn't know  this is what most of the Great Wall is made   out of these big bricks and Earth if I'm holding  the camera straight this is the angle that the   side of the wall is made how they built this  I have absolutely no idea over 2,000 years ago Shev of course making friends already  making friends and now this is what you   do you just walk along the wall I must say  that this part is preserved very very well   because we've read and seen pictures of  some parts that are almost completely   broken of course this was over 2,000 years and this is actually quite steep up here and   today we're so lucky even though it's freezing  cold no clouds cuz apparently it can get very   foggy up here there's ladies going backwards  that's actually quite a good maneuver thank   goodness they've got rails because this is  quite steep got to watch a step ooh I need a boost obviously this is quite strange because  this was built as protection from like the   Eurasian step the Mongols Etc but for us it's just  like an amazing moment and a really special thing   this is truly Monumental oh we got someone to  we got someone to pull for us thank you oh she's   such a good camera lady so good thank you wow  look at this we made it thank bye oh she's so sweet to put into perspective how long this  wall is because it's difficult to put into   your head 21,000 km if you had to walk 20 km  a day it would take you a, days so it would   take over 3 years to walk the entire length  of the wall if you did 20 km a day that is   absolutely Madness I'm still in awe we've only  walked for like 5 minutes I can't get enough of it so we're going through one of the watch  towers and Barracks now inside of here it's   absolutely freezing and it echoes as well and  I'm sure during the winter months it must have   been incredible to be in here and obviously they  use this to look out oh my word this shows you   how cold it is at the bottom of this Watchtower  this is all ice this is ice from the great world   of China no ways should I eat it no should I eat  it yeah go on ice from the Great Wall of China   you just ate ice from the Great Wall of China this  is very special ice oh my gosh probably not a good thing look how steep these  steps are going all the way   up here you actually have to take really big  steps to get up here wow look how it curves   up there I'm sorry but you can see a bazillion  pictures of the Great Wall of China there is   nothing compared to being here walking here  in person in real life you will be lost for words okay so I guess we're about to  come up to a really really steep section why are they shouting what's going on  everybody's super excited we' learn   that it's a great wall of shouting I don't  know why everyone is just as excited well   I'm not sure about excited but  everyone is certainly um elated enthusiastic yes I know me as well I  agree I completely agree so oh goodness  hi hi oh thank you you're  so sweet you're so beautiful byebye hello everybody's so sweet I love everybody   they're so sweet everybody is so lovely wherever  we go here in China they're always willing to let   you know that you're welcome here most welcome  Ducky look here's a cable car how cool is that   what we were me to take yeah I think we might  have made a mistake but we took the toboggan   and it was awesome that was very cool but  here's the cable car that looks fun as well   so here's a section which shows how old this is  it obviously was built all the way up there but   that's fallen down and crumbled and now you  cannot access cuz this is disconnected oh oh wait bye-bye and look at all the stairway up  there okay now this is where the Steep part   happens everyone's actually holding on to these  little rails and I don't blame them because can   you imagine being here in the dead of winter and  it's snowing can you imagine how slippery this   might be even I'm struggling a little everyone's  like bent over trying to just maintain not falling   cuz I think that could be pretty nasty if you  do actually fall here even Devon's holding on   trying to keep up with these Granny's yeah look  at the Granny's they're going faster than you are now this girls got a good maneuver I'm making it we're  not only on it it's defeating us okay everyone's still in good  spirits though and they're smiling wow look how steep it is oh that's very steep  that's Madness holy cow I definitely see now   that the crowds are starting to pull in just gone  after 11 thousands of people now crazy people are   doing well to go all the way up everyone is  lining up over there to take some pictures   with the wall they're all touching the wall and  then you can also go all the way down there and   you can keep going all the way down along as it  snakes over the mountains as far as the eye can see so steep crazy it's difficult to show on  camera how steep this is but hopefully this   angle which is the angle that I'm looking  down shows you how steep it is coming up oh my gosh watch your step really is that  some of the world's most famous leaders have   visited this part of the wall in particular which  is badaling such as Queen Elizabeth George Bush   and of course because we're South African we  are very privileged to know that our very own   Nelson Mandela has visited this part of the Great  Wall of China that's really special to us South   Africans Madiba Madiba and Shev have visited the  great Wall of China people actually have to go   backwards down here because it's so steep they've  got quite the technique though like that's quite clever so as I'm standing on one part of the Great  Wall lots of people think that that the Great Wall   is just one long big wall but that's not actually  true it's actually a fortification of many walls   because they've been constructed in the Ming  Dynasty in the Qing Dynasty so it took over   2,000 years to construct in total and you know  what's so interesting is this is 1 hour away from   Beijing City and we are just completely surrounded  by mountains do you want to take a photo a picture let's take a picture together so cute turn perfect oh so sweet thank you look at these they're  so cute by far the best part of my day best   part of my day so many this pocket is full oh  my gosh all this they're so sweet for giving   us these little right White Rabbit sweets  so sweet oh they're so lovely absolutely great Kitty you think this is like an  Emperor's descendant or something from   the royal family could be oh he's  one of the guards are you a guard   guarding the Great Wall oh he's doing  his Paces are you guarding the Great Wall okay now this seems rather intimidating  are you ready for this you can CL when you picture walking the Great Wall you don't  imagine climbing it look how steep These Are Holy   Moly this is quite hectic on the knees I made  it can you believe that people actually run a   marathon on the Great Wall of China every single  year be running up those steps and now we're on   the toboggan on our way back down woo this will  go down as one of my favorite favorite days in   the entire scope of our traveling career and  I really hope you enjoyed this video because   we've just had the best best time and I hope  we've been able to capture it to the best of   our ability because this place is unbelievable  and everybody in the entire world should see   it so please give this video a like subscribe  and we'll see you in the next video in China

2024-07-03 23:27

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