Cheap Getaway to Sunny SPAIN (Malaga) Experience The Sunshine*? #petrolsmellofficial #travel #viral

Cheap Getaway to Sunny SPAIN (Malaga) Experience The Sunshine*? #petrolsmellofficial #travel #viral

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hello and good morning everyone this me Holiday watching Federal smell I'm in Manchester it's windy and uh you know all sorts of thing going on Manchester it's cloudy windy uh it's a bit warm though and I'm going to Malaga come with me to Malaga man see the [Music] changes welcome to Malaga just arrived now in in airport uh after 3 hours flight I got to this Sunshine no rain no wind no nothing you know and to be honest with you it only cost me 14 quid you know from uh Manchester to here one way and uh going back return is going to be 26 lb which is to be honest PE not it's like a it's cheaper than the Uber I PID from Manchester City Center to the airport you know yeah so I'm going to be here couple of days I'm going to film a a lot of things for you and I show to you so the way if you wanted to uh me to tell you how to do it like the cheapest way you can comment and I'll tell you I've been working hard for like all the way to New Year Christmas and all that you know so I thought I'm going to give myself a little uh treat you know why not I think I deserve it yeah thank you very much going to speak a littley theame for see you loads of bees in it look at this view here [Music] [Music] a [Music] I came to this uh small restaurant takeway kind of thing and uh I'm going to have some food because uh I'm just next to my hotel to be honest I was R and was walking so this one was close it's better to eat now and then going to go to this my hotel to check in theyve still got plenty of time it's 1:00 now you know uh so I have to check in after 3:00 anyway yeah I'm just going to show you some of this food it looks nice it's called San Pala which is I think it's isn't it man thank [Music] you it's all right for the price they give me 650 [Music] y the chairs are on the tables the floor has been swept it's closing time and I'm a little tired it's a long time since i' slept the things I'm moving forward I'm ready to move on heading for a brand new start at the break of down here I come you better watch out you better bew the rumor is out nothing can stop me I'm going C I'm out of the dark I'm out of the cold here I come you better watch out you better bew the bo is out nothing can stop me I'm going for C I'm out of the dark I'm out of the [Music] cold tomorrow's getting closer yesterday is gone destination nowhere I travel on my own here I come you better watch out you better bew the rumor is out nothing can stop me I'm going for cold I'm out of the dark I'm out of the cold here I come you better watch out you better be where the rumor is out nothing can stop me I'm going for cold I'm out of the dark I'm out of the [Music] cold right happy people I'm ready going to go outside uh I'm not sure if I'm going to go by a bus or you know taxi I'll decide outside you know I need to check it if they get in the bus I going to go in the bus to be honest cuz I got plenty of time so I'm just going to take my time and enjoy this place uh yeah and uh going to take you there show you a bit of the city you know and uh probably till sunset and all that you know if I can uh yeah then I going to do the rest tomorrow thank you very much for you know watching so far spee [Music] sh [Music] foreign [Music] fore [Music] [Music] for [Music] all plate [Music] [Music] never [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] after your heart I lunch this [Music] [Music] afternoon [Music] foreign foreign spe [Music] speech [Music] meet each other so they [Music] have [Music] more [Music] a [Music] f [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] spe Chate choc yeah thank [Music] you hey can I on water as well you got botle water water please and cold water cold please I love mates I'm going to end up here this is uh just got a coffee so I just uh been walking all over the place good tired so see you tomorrow hopefully today this up thank you very much for watching have my coffee now here to go to my back to my hotel and have a lovely evening a [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] w

2024-02-11 10:16

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