CES2021 Omron Introducing VitalSight

CES2021 Omron Introducing VitalSight

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environment healthcare we have a lot of  exciting information for you and a lot to cover   so we respond to any questions you may have at  the end of our presentation please submit your   questions through the q and a feature on the  system as many of you who are familiar with   omran know our mission is going for zero that's  zero heart attacks and zero strokes our mission   is at the heart of everything we do and going for  zero is a big bold mission and the moves we make   to accomplish our mission must be big and bold too  consider the scale of challenge we are taking on   1 billion adults globally are hypertensive that  includes 116 million adults in the united states   of the 116 million american adults who  are hypertensive more than 37 million of   them have uncontrolled stage 2 hypertension which  carries a greater risk of heart attack and stroke   hypertension comes with a higher risk for  heart attack and stroke and it's also a   leading underlying health condition for greater  risk of complications from covenant 19. for   those at the higher end of the hypertension scale  that risk is even higher now during this pandemic   in fact recent reports have shown that heart  attack deaths have more than doubled during the   covenant pandemic with fewer patients going to  the hospital when they're experiencing symptoms   this is really scary it means that many  of these patients are not visiting their   doctor during the pandemic and they're not  managing their hypertension it means that   the heart attack and stroke fatality rate which  is already at a crisis level is even higher now   if you've heard me speak before you know  that i've talked about 80 percent of heart   attacks and strokes are preventable and that  requires active management of one's condition   over the last three years you've seen omron  introduce breakthrough innovations here at ces   we introduced heart guide the first wearable  blood pressure monitor and complete the first   blood pressure monitor with ekg capability  built into a single device as you know   we made good on our promises heart guide  complete were launched after review by the fda   as medical devices meeting high standards  for accuracy performance and reliability   all you have to do is look around ces to see  that omron has transformed the global heart   health marketplace there are more wearables more  health tech designed to fit into our active lives   yes that means there's more competition but  the way we see it is there are more offerings   to address this massive health challenge this  year we focus on our mission we look to those   at the highest risk of heart attack and stroke  the 37 million who have uncontrolled hypertension   with them in mind we created vital sight and  we developed this new offering from omron by   tapping into the power of our 40 years of category  study physician collaboration and patient feedback   i'm a creative vital site for more active  condition management and more patient to   physician dialogue if you're one of those patients  we created vital sight to help you live a longer   healthier life we created it to save your  life i am joined today by jeff ray omran's   executive director of business and technology  who will tell you more about vitalsight jeff thank you randy our team has spent several  years working closely with physicians and   listening to their needs to make our remote  patient monitoring services easy for clinicians   to use and easy for patients to build into their  routine as randy mentioned vitalsite is designed   for hypertension management and developed to  foster greater patient to physician communication   so that we can simplify data sharing to improve  treatment engagement and health outcomes   we knew that physicians and patients were  looking for easy to use accurate services so   we made vitalsight easy and simple physicians can  use their electronic medical record system also   known as an emr to enroll patients with high  risk levels of hypertension patients receive   a kit delivered to their home that includes an  omron connected blood pressure monitor a data hub   that are pre-set to securely share measurements  with the patient's physician and care team   the kit is plug and play and ready to use right  out of the box without the need of wi-fi or a   separate cellular connection so let me show  you a quick video on just how vitalsight works vitalsite by omron puts the power of home blood  pressure monitoring into the patient's hands   eligible patients can be easily enrolled in  minutes via the electronic medical record system   at zero cost to the patient or doctor and  it's reimbursed by medicare patients receive   a kid at home that may include a digital blood  pressure monitor with cough weight scale digital   medication tracker and data hub the plug-in place  system arrives with all components ready to use   and link to the physician's emr system patients  measure their weight then their blood pressure   and take their medication as ordered data is sent  to the doctor's emr in real time if all's well   it's stored for reference if there's a health  concern the physician's office is alerted   vitalsight is securely encrypted we tip a  standards and is compatible with epic and other   leading systems omron provides complete patient  technical support and we even help the clinic   manage billing from submission to reimbursement  physicians get simplified patient management   while staying connected to the patient at home  patients get peace of mind and personalized care   ultimately helping to improve health  outcomes make vitalsight part of the   patient's ongoing care and  join us in going for xero so as you can see vitalsight can be integrated  directly into the clinician's existing electronic   medical record system or emr or through omron's  doctor dashboard vital site sends automatic   notifications through the emr that signal when a  patient has readings that indicate if action needs   to be taken both the emr and doctor dashboard  systems allow patient registration and onboarding   order management and financial reimbursement  guidance this includes things like an automated   patient engagement time tracker patient reporting  health data management personalized patient   alert threshold setting and finally data and  financial audit capability for the physician   but the most important part is that vitalsight  fosters that stronger patient to physician   communication and it helps to focus the care  team on the patient's health at home and alert   them to any urgent situations so clinicians know  when actions need to be taken to do this doctors   personalize blood pressure reading thresholds for  each patient and receive receive direct alerts for   high readings that are integrated through  the doctor's emr or omron doctor dashboard   printable reports are available through the omron  doctor dashboard as well to show patients more   information about their condition and motivate  them to make healthy behavior changes the   benefits of remote patient monitoring are clear  and vitalsight makes this process even easier   i'd like to introduce jane sarason khan a health  economist advisor and blogger of think health and   health populi blog to explain how preventative  care impacts health outcomes and health costs i think what's very exciting and and timely about  this as a service slash product like vital site   because it really is morphing between a thing  and service and driven by data is that it bridges   the consumer patient caregiver with the healthcare  provider and that brings everybody into alignment   for one key mission the better health of the  patient the outcome so when we have that alignment   between the person in self-care owning their  health care having more control and self-efficacy   and confidence about managing it at home and then  the provider armed with data from bits and pieces   of the vital sight experience the blood pressure  cost the uh weight scale data moving through the   cloud through the algorithm to the provider who  then can see oh mrs jones may have gained some   water weight today or her blood pressures through  the roof or what have you so that in real time the   supply side of the provider and the demand side of  the consumer come together through something like   vital sight and that's a beautiful thing because  we prevent emergency admissions we present we   prevent inpatient admissions and we prevent even  preventable visits to the doctor's office that mrs   jones may not want to make because again she wants  to save time have convenience maybe she can't   get to the doctor's office or of course in  the era of the coronavirus stay away from the   brick and mortar health care office or hospital  clinic so i think it brings people into alignment   both the patient and the provider side because we  love our doctors but we don't need to see them all   the time and they don't want to see us older so  in this increasing value-based environment for   pay the payment of health care self-care at home  is one of the keys to providers taking that on so   it's really a win-win in terms of financials for  both the patient and the doctor patient experience   and that i can stay home and take care of myself  and for the physician really the benefit for his   his or her workflow to focus on patients who  need to be in the office the sickest patients   the patients who need that one-on-one  face-to-face real-time encounter   so i i think it totally is is a win-win and it  brings a new era of uh empowerment to patients   and greater satisfaction for clinicians which  lord knows right now clinicians really need   in an era of burnout the benefits to the  patient through the eyes of an economist   are direct benefits and indirect direct costs  indirect costs and benefits so if we think about   we'd take some of those off directly mrs jones or  you know mr d glace is likely in a high deductible   situation for insurance bearing more financial  risk more out-of-pocket costs perhaps co-insurance   for specialty medications what have you and more  and more drugs are getting more and more expensive   the new novel personalized medicines so health  care costs are rising for the individual in this   environment that we're that we're in right now  particularly in the us so for the patient to be   able to self-care at home and prevent visit after  visit after visit through just using various easy   to use technologies at home the weight scale the  blood pressure cuff and data streamlining easily moving device through the cloud through bluetooth  and the cloud to the physician time saving   is the indirect cost saving for the patient  aggravation the the logistics of getting to the   doctor's office the time cost of somebody having  to drive 10 20 45 minutes depending where you live   the parking the parking expense right all of those  patient experience service design moments uh in   a patient journey are avoidable through remote  health monitoring so you have the direct costs   of the medical care the health care whether  i don't want to pay for my deductible it's my   money darn it and i want to keep it and that is a  thing uh that people feel and then the avoidance   of having to go to the doctor when i don't need to  to get a check a blood pressure reading whatever   we do that at home now so for the patient the  benefits are indeed quantifiable in terms of   financial quantifiable in terms of time hassle  and then the idea to raise the patient experience   with that clinician that health system  could show up in a medicare star rating   could show up in a press gaming survey that's very  important to the provider who benefits from that   as well there was a move toward value-based  payment a slow migration some metro markets   in the us moving faster than others but that  means that providers would be paid based on   some aspect of value a bundled payment a payment  for an episode say for heart management or stroke   prevention what have you the pandemic has  accelerated this move toward value because the   health systems are strained by uh kovid and if you  look at anything from standard and poors or fish   credit ratings for hospitals all the way through  to every month coffman hall has been assessing   their hospital flash report looking at hospital  finances the margins of hospitals during the age   of the coronavirus have been eroding even faster  than they were before particularly difficult for   rural providers and even the most uh urban states  have many role providers look at illinois as an   example lots of rural hospitals there remote  health monitoring is a solution and a necessary   solution not just a nice to have anymore to help  care for the continuity of patients wellness   health and medical needs because people can't get  to you and if you're being paid in the base of pop   and the basis of population health you need to  adopt these technologies that advantage you to see   only the sickest patients when you need to  and manage people at home so that you can   keep the financial viability of your organization  going we have been seeing and again the pandemic   accelerating a move from hospital to home as well  and with the advent of medicare advantage programs   allowing systems to provide long-term social  supports technologies like vital sight food   benefits which are really important when  we're thinking about cardiac and heart care   um this all comes together for the homeless health  hub so that the health system financially benefits   and as i said there are these other halo effects  of patient experience which really we are in this   consumer experience world now where more and  more patients is saying if i don't like that   experience i'm going to switch doctors and there's  more evidence even in the age of the coronavirus   thanks jane our team makes ease of use for  physicians and care teams a priority as well   we're actively listening to physician feedback  and partnering with the most forward-thinking   hospital systems and independent physicians in the  us including places like mount sinai in new york   and northwestern medicine in chicago early  feedback from physicians show that vitalsight   is quickly helping doctors improve engagement with  patients on their treatment plans northwestern is   now conducting a clinical study of vital sight and  the outcome that we can achieve with this service   we are working with dr stephen purcell the  director of the institute for public health   and medicine at northwestern and we've invited  him to share his impressions on vitalsight the next really exciting thing is that because  medicare now supports remote physiologic   monitoring along with remote management we  can use that information to assess patients   level of blood pressure control this could be  used also in heart failure patients where you   may be monitoring weight and blood pressure and  then have interactive communication with patients   and modify their treatment plans as needed to  reach their clinical goals and do that you know   even multiple times over the course of a month or  two so that you can make multiple small changes   you can advance medication adjustments rapidly  and for patients it's fewer visits to the office   i mean i think we're all looking to avoid trips to  the office during the time of the covet epidemic   but i think even before we were dealing with covid  we realized the burden of multiple frequent office   visits for doing something like adjusting  blood pressure medication so this gives us   a set of tools to get the information directly  into our record to interact with patients and then   to make adjustments and then track their level of  control what we really wanted to do was to partner   with the product that could really seamlessly  get us from ordering remote monitoring for   hypertension to integrating into  the electronic health record and   what we've set up is really a fairly streamlined  way to identify patients who may be eligible   prompt the conversation between the clinician  and the patient and then to get the devices to   the patient and then get the data directly into  our record so that's really you know what we   would hopefully be able to do and that was a very  exciting set of outcomes to see come to fruition thank you dr purcell according to recent reports  30 of prescription medications for chronic health   conditions are never filled and nearly half of  filled prescriptions are never taken as prescribed   vitalsight fosters greater  patient-to-position communication   and data sharing which engages patients  more in their hypertension management   patient data is securely shared  with their physician and care team   to provide clinically relevant information that  evolves treatment as we roll out vitalsight we'll   be announcing more health system partners across  the country as well as globally back to you randy thanks jeff in summary let me uh add some  closing points here omrin has worked closely with   physicians for decades our work with healthcare  professionals has helped us become the number one   doctor recommended and number one pharmacist  recommended brand of blood pressure monitors   we've committed to developing our products as  medical devices because we want physicians to   trust the data and to help them make treatment  decisions using data from our technology the   dialogue has been occurring for almost half a  century and it's helped in the development of   vital sight now with vital sight our first  patient remote patient monitoring offering   a physician can easily enroll you in the remote  patient service as and as we continue to roll   out vitalsight to more physicians across  the country you'll see our world partners   begin to introduce similar programs globally  maintaining a dialogue with doctors continues   we seek feedback from them and we want to  hear about how vitalsight is helping them   engage patients with treatment evolve treatments  and improve outcomes we want the proof points in   order to show them to you as we have done  with the promises we've made here at ces   i want to reiterate vital sight represents yet  another step toward our going for zero emission   37 million americans have uncontrolled stage two  hypertension the services developed to help them   manage their hypertension and reduce their risk of  heart attack and stroke we're excited to introduce   vitalsight and to work with more health systems  and partners across the country to serve patients   who will need to manage their conditions we  believe the vital site will make a difference   we believe what will help these patients live  longer healthier lives and we believe it will

2021-01-25 12:16

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