Central Europe by Train: Heidelberg, Munich, Salzburg, Vienna, Budapest, Prague

Central Europe by Train: Heidelberg, Munich, Salzburg, Vienna, Budapest, Prague

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Central. Europe by train this, trip will take us to some of the most interesting cities, in Germany Hungary. The. Czech Republic. And Austria were, visiting, Heidelberg. Munich, Salzburg. Vienna, Budapest, and, Prague we're. Presenting. You here a summary, of the trip showing, you how you can do it you'll. Find these fascinating, cities, are loaded, with wonderful. Attractions. Castles. Palaces. Cobblestone. Streets, and medieval markets, abound, in the historic, towns in each of our destinations. And we. Will take the time to see them properly. Traveling, by first-class, train and staying in centrally. Located hotels, will. Give us the luxury to really experience, the local culture and, see, it as it, really is imal. Berg is the first, city, in our tour Heidelberg. Is one of the prettiest, and best preserved towns, in all of Germany 7. Picture, postcard. Perfection. Alongside the, Necker river with. A classic, castle, towering, above filled. With old-world charm it's almost like, a fantasy, version of, an ancient German, town or something, dreamed up by Disney, but this is the real thing, Heidelberg historic. Centre of picturesque. Early, 18th, century buildings about, one mile long and, four blocks wide is an, ideal sized, pedestrian. Zone to explore, on foot. Heidelberg, has, a pleasant, old-fashioned. Appearance, with charming, four-story, buildings, that share a similar architecture. Matching. Facades and, harmonious. Earth tone, color schemes topped. With clay tile red, roofs no, two buildings, are exactly, alike and yet, they all blend seamlessly, and, a simple Baroque style while. The exteriors, may be centuries old they are maintained, spotlessly. With fresh paint and modern, fixtures. Two. Days here, can be easily filled, with walks through the old town streets, and into the main squares, visiting. Shops restaurants, and, bars and of, course exploring, the castle up on the hill. The, number, one destination for every. Visitor, to Heidelberg. Is the castle there's. Something, magical, about castles. Especially. A romantic. Ruin, that, sits majestically up, on a hill looking. Out over the old town. The. Main lane is the hub Strasse which extends, the entire length, and is lined with shops restaurants, bars, and cafes, this, is one of Europe's greatest streets, for walking, another. Good place to take a walk is up on the hill along. The Philosopher's. Path where. You'll get a great, view looking, down at the old town it's. The scene that you'll find on every postcard. Rack back in heidelberg town but. Why not get up here, and see, it for yourself, in reality, in person, we. Are staying at the hotel Hollander, HOF conveniently. Located in, the heart of the old town right next to the bridge with, the main Lane and Market, Square just, minutes away we've. Enjoyed our two days in Heidelberg and now we're taking the train to Munich in Bavaria. Southern, Germany enjoying, first-class. Eurail, service, on a scenic. Route Munich. Is a spectacular town. To visit with a great, history that goes back more, than 900, years, this. Unique city occupies, a special. Cultural. Niche, because. It's right in the middle of Europe it's. Midway in spirit, between the. North and the south between, Germany. And Italy, with. Elements, of both the nations joining, together, in this unique mix, of order and passion, the. Main pedestrian mall, of town extends, about one half mile, from marienplatz, to Carl squats lined. With shops and cafes, all the way with. Intriguing, side alleys leading off in various directions first. Called coughing er Strasse been, changing. Name to Neuhauser, Strasse this, is probably Germany's, finest, pedestrian, area with a wonderful, atmosphere and, many, interesting sights to see. This capital of Bavaria offers, the best of both worlds the. Efficiency, of Germany, with. The easygoing, lifestyle. Of southern, Europe served, up in a medium-sized, city that knows, how to have a good time. The. Historic, center of the city is ideally, laid out in a compact. Scenic, way that makes. It very easy to get around on foot and cover. Most, of the important, sites in a couple of days, the. Marienplatz, is a lively, Plaza right, in the heart of town with its large city, hall called, the neues rathaus which, is their most famous building, and the very symbol of Munich the. Rathaus looks, like an ancient medieval, structure, with, its gothic spires, statues. And arches, but actually. It was first built in the neo-gothic style during, the late 19th, century then. It was rebuilt after being totally, destroyed, by American. Bombers to our World War two the famous glockenspiel. Puts on an elaborate, show three times daily with. Knights on horseback justing. Each other and merry dancers, spinning, around as they parade, by one. Of their most famous landmarks, is the hofbraeuhaus a, massive, beer hall where they serve their own draught beer in giant, liter mugs, accompanied.

By Oompa. Music from, a live brass band with, lots of sausages, and other basic, foods to satisfy, you but the. Good life here is not limited, to chugging. Buckets of brew for. This is a sophisticated. Cultural. Center with many entertaining. Attractions. Opera. Art. Symphony. Smart. Shops and museums. All. Of them essential, elements, in the munich scene our. Hotel. Choice in munich is the mercury altstadt, just a couple of blocks away from marine Platz in the, heart of the old town from. Munich we continue, by train, further south to, Salzburg. Austria, enjoying. 90-minute. Scenic, ride Salzburg. Is a town, of castles, church towers, elegant. Gardens, and pedestrian. Lanes lined, with alluring, shops all, located. In the well-preserved, historic. Center nestled, in the Alpine foothills of, north-central Austria. This cozy town is a unesco world heritage site and has, been ranked, among the world's top 20, cities by, Conde, Nast and Travel, and Leisure magazines. There, is one main street, in the old town called, Katrina, Gaza one. Of the most fascinating lanes. You'll ever see the. You try to gossiped it's very busy, during the day say. From eleven, o'clock until three, o'clock especially, it's packed with tourists but if you come earlier or later it's less busy it's. A narrow pedestrian, street line with medieval facades, that shelter, modern shops with many attractive, alleys, branching, off inviting, you to explore. Further you. Could spend hours me and ring through these many lanes. The. Center of town is given, over to the pedestrian so, you can have a good look around by simply, walking wear. Comfortable, shoes there. Are certainly a lot of interesting. History, you may absorb here with visits to some of the museums to, the castle, the palaces, but, really, it's the ambience, of the town itself that is most attractive the lanes. Courtyards. The little shops the. Gardens tucked away and, small. Squares, are the most rewarding, part of the Salzburg, experience, the. Cathedral, is magnificent. Because Salzburg. Was founded, and nurtured, by the Catholic, Church and, was, ruled by bishops, rather than secular, nobility. Considered. To be the finest, early baroque church north of the Alps it, was built in the early 1600s. Much, of the interior, artworks, were added, in the following century, resulting. In a rich display, of ceiling, murals, statues. And stucco. Design. You. Will really enjoy a visit to the castle on the hill the, famous, hohensalzburg. Fortress. This. Citadel is claimed to be the largest and, best-preserved, medieval. Castle. In europe it's. Not enough to just simply look at it from down below you. Need to go up and walk through the grounds, and perhaps. Pay admission to visit inside the, exo, Historical. Museum then. Step out on the terrace for a grand Vista, well, behind me you get a classic, view looking down into the old town of Salzburg, from, up here you'll see how large the cathedral, is and yet the, old town is relatively, small in the, distance, is the mirabell, gardens across, the river where we're going next the beautifully, manicured flowerbeds. Are ablaze, with bright, red and yellow colors that. Contrasts, sharply with the expanse, of green lawns, interspersed. With many statues, and large, fountains, take, a stroll sit, on a bench listen, to the fountains that look at the palace beyond for a complete, experience, the. Afternoon will be a perfect, time for an excursion, out of town to, the scenic, lakes and mountain, district, just one hour away after. Enjoying, the countryside, you take. A half-hour boat, ride across Lake, Wolfgang, a pleasant, excursion. That passes some small, village, clusters, along the way and, wonderful. Mountain scenery in the distance, the. Boat soon arrives at the quaint little village, of st., Wolfgang, where you have some free time to browse, around perhaps, have snacks at a terrace, cafe, overlooking the water the, hotel, in Salzburg, that we love to use is the 5-star golden, or Hirsch it serves, a great breakfast, has a friendly, staff and it's right on the main pedestrian Lane that you tried agasa from. Salzburg, we continue. Our journey through, Central. Europe by train. Traveling. To, the capital. Of Austria, Vienna. Vienna. Is a historic. And yet modern city it's. A living museum of, monuments. And memories connected, to a long rich, history, but. Also a sophisticated. Place with glamour shops, and cutting-edge, design, here. Will present, the major sights that you should not miss him and point you to the little back, alleys, and minor attractions. Where you can get away from the tourist mobs and discover.

The Real heart. And soul, of the city the. Vast ensemble. Of visitor attractions, in Vienna, is actually. Very, compact. Covering, about one square mile so, you can, easily see it all in three well-planned, days. There's. A quick summary of how, to spend three. Days in Vienna our, suggestions, for your three days in Vienna will keep you busy having, fun and give some structure to your visit but this is a loose schedule, that allows plenty of free time for, you to pursue, your own interests, on the. First day walk, the main pedestrian mall, of the city along the cart, nernst raza and Robin. The, Grabbe is, the main lane of the elegant, pedestrian, zone that extends, through the middle of town it's, lined with the most glamorous shops, restaurants and, cafes, and framed, by elaborate, building facades, people. Love sitting outdoors here in nice weather in the, early evening it's, quite beautiful with, the Twilight and street lights and, lots of people out you'll find some musicians, on the street and the shops are open cafes, are going it's, the perfect time, and place for stroll at, night, many of the Enna's monumental, buildings, are beautifully. Illuminated so. It's a great time to go walking, around such, as to see karlskirche, and the. Up bra right in the heart of town you'll. Also enjoy taking, a tram, ride around the Ring Road and spend. The afternoon, immersed in splendid. Art at the quinces distortions. Museum this. Museum, has one of the finest, art collections, in the world with, particular. Strengths in paintings, of the old masters. It's. Spectacular architecture. Begins. With the front staircase and, continues. Throughout the building, notice. This elegant, cafe. With. A dome looking, something like that of a church, on. Day, 2 we, can visit schönbrunn, Palace and Gardens the, glorious residence, of the Hapsburg is, similar. To Versailles, schonbrunn, is a highlight, of any visit to Vienna, and after, schönbrunn we can visit the belvedere palace, a, fine art museum with glorious, gardens, that we can stroll through leading. Back into, downtown in the, afternoon, we'll take another walk in the pedestrian zone. Wandering. In the little quiet lanes can be a profoundly. Moving experience if. You pick the right places and don't. Just randomly get, lost in some boring streets. St.. Stephen's Cathedral, symbol. Of Vienna was first constructed, early in the 12th century unlike. Many other gothic churches the, interior, is quite bright with light shining, through large, clear windows revealing. The many artistic. Treasures within, on day. Three there are plenty of other things that could keep you busy in Vienna for this grand, capital has so much to offer such. As you could visit the old imperial, palace, of the Hapsburgs, which, has grown over the last six hundred years into the largest, structure, in town with nearly two and a half thousand, rooms perhaps. Come back to the palace in the evening for a concert, of classical. Music in. Austria. You will find pastry. Shops galore, and they, take extreme, pride in creating. These artistic, visions, tamil. Is certainly one of the most famous, pastry, shops, in the world and it's. Not just for tourists so, this is a treat, for everybody. Another. Fun, option, is take the tram out to, the suburbs, to drink fresh white wine and outdoor taverns, called, high Riga often, accompanied, by live music you, can take your pick from a number of wine villages, but the most popular is the grin, zing Vienna. Is the only major city in the world with extensive, vineyards, you can, get there on your own by tram number 38, easy, half-hour, ride time. To go in Vienna, we like to stay at the hotel von dole it's. A nice, independent. Hotel just a block from, the main grubbin, pedestrian, area, from.

Vienna We travel, to our next, city, Budapest. The capital of, Hungary on, another scenic, train ride this. City on the Danube is a bit different from the other great capitals, of Europe in, a pleasant, old-fashioned. Way that fills, it with more, authentic. Charms, shortage. Of money has, prevented, the city from, becoming ultra, modernised and, even sterilized. But instead we have these grand old structures, that, have been nicely. Renovated and, restored, in. Recent, decades, resulting. In a city, filled with real character. There's. A wide variety of architectural, styles on, display, sometimes, combined, in that unique hungarian, eclectic, that. Blends elements of classical, gothic. Renaissance, Baroque. And, Art, Nouveau in a single building. Budapest. Consists. Of the formerly, separate. Communities, of Buda on the western bank of the danube upon, the hill contains. The former, royal, palace and, the old castle, district, and Pest. On the, east a flatter more, modern, side of town and is, the site of the main shopping, areas, the, Museum of Fine Arts, Parliament. And the, National Museum, no. Other city along europe's, longest river, and braces. It as much as budapest does with, nine bridges linking the two sides and a, major promenade. Along the river offering. Sweeping. Views to the pedestrian pours, Marti square is right, in the heart of the city so begin, your, visit on day one at Bors, Marty Square surrounded. By shops, and restaurants with. A central, location giving. Easy access. To most of the city's sights the, main pedestrian street, in, the heart of town is vasty, itza which leads right out from Boris Marti Square this. Lively promenade, is lined with shops and cafes, and, filled, with people all day it, extends, about a mile to the Central, Market Hall a huge, structure, that's primarily. Food market with, all kinds of fresh produce chili, peppers meats, and packaged foods while, the upper level is heaven, for the shopping tourists with a big variety of clothing and souvenirs. On offer with, restaurants. And food counters, where he can get a traditional. Affordable. Meal we'll. Also visit the, castle, district, up on the hill on the Buda side of the river you, can get over there simply by walking, across the Chain Bridge it's, very scenic and then, that will lead you to the, funicular it, began, operation, in 1870. And still, quite old-fashioned, it's a scenic, ride looking, back over the bridge at the best side of town take, a walk and absorb, the historic, ambience, of this charming, neighborhood these. Streets, are the oldest, in Budapest, and date back to the Middle Ages when. This was a hilltop. Refuge, some. Kind of palace has been on this site for seven, hundred years but. Due to frequent warfare. It has been leveled, and, rebuilt, many times, inside. The royal palace you'll, find an art museum and, a. History museum, specializing. In artifacts. From the Middle Ages the, castle district, is only one mile long and four, blocks wide mostly. Consisting, of narrow cobbled, streets lined with old homes and quite, a few shops selling, traditional, Hungarian. Clothing, handbags. Ceramic. Fabrics. Jewelry.

Antiques And, souvenirs. You'll, also find intriguing. Little side alleys to explore, some, featuring, inexpensive. Restaurants, with local cuisine. Several. Important, structures are worthy of a close look especially the star attraction, the, Matthias Church in, the town center behind, the church is the famous Fisherman's, Bastion lookout. Point that provides, a dramatic, view across the river to the pest side of town from, here you can easily leave, the castle hill by walking, down back. To river level another. Fun activity is, taking, a stroll along that. River promenade. You'll, see a number of fancy hotels, and, nice restaurants, maybe, some street musician. And while, you're down there you could get on a boat and take one our river cruise that's a very popular, activity here, it'll, give you some grand views looking back at the city and especially, when you go past the beautiful, Parliament, building heroes square is a landmark, to the nation's history, with monumental, statues, and, typical, for Budapest Street, peddlers, offering, items of clothing they've made themselves jitinder. Little bargaining here and get, good prices it's, also the location of the Museum, of Fine, Arts which has an excellent collection of old master, paintings, along. With statues, and several, galleries of Greek Roman, and Egyptian, work. An excellent. Collection, and, housed, in a grand old building, in, addition, to all of these heroic, sites, and monuments one. Of the finest, pleasures, in Budapest, is simply, walking it's. A wonderful, urban, atmosphere, with many boulevards. And lots, of interesting neighborhoods to discover, at some point you'll want to ride on one of the many trams, that you'll see buzzing around town especially. At, Twilight. Along. The river with a view in the distance of the castle. Budapest. Has many restaurants. With live gypsy, music. You. Carpathia. Restaurant, is a hundred and thirty years old here's. A little taste and we'll show you some more, of their music at the end of the program. Another. Great evening activity, is going to the concert, of both music, and dance. After. Two wonderful, days here, enjoying the 5-star, luxury of. Our silky gel hotel, located. Right next to the Chain Bridge we. Take the train to the final. City of our tour Prague. Capital. Of the Czech Republic, we'd, love to travel, by train in Europe our group, pitches, in and puts the bags on the train easily, and we're on our way more. Comfortable than a bus less. Hassles than flying with. Lots of nice scenery gliding. By another. Popular, way to travel here, is the river cruise, but the problem, is you only stay, in a city for, a, day or less so you really don't see that much on a river cruise traveling. By train gives. You that flexibility. To stay, in a city for two or three days as we do in our trip producing. A more authentic. In-depth. Experience. Imagine. A beautiful ancient. European. City that. Looks like the 18th century, never, ended, with, cobbled, lanes and, majestic, old baroque, palaces. Statues. Everywhere, fountains. Gardens. A brooding, castle, on the hill a river, crossed, by historic. Footbridge, and with no automobiles, in the center to shatter, the time-warp illusion, this. Must be Prague. Capital. Of the Czech Republic, Prague. Is one of the most picturesque, and.

Interesting, Cities in Europe it is one of the few major historic, places on the continent, that, was not damaged, by either world wars and so. The well-preserved buildings, that you see are the real thing. Not a reconstruction. Or some, tourist, bureau fantasy. And the. City has taken such, great pride, in his architecture. That, they have maintained, it perfectly. You. Will certainly run into a lot of musicians performing. On the streets. There. Is nothing rundown. Or broken, here in the heart of Prague's, old count everything. Looks. Like it was just painted yesterday. The. Center of Prague is the old town square, surrounded. By beautiful, eighteenth-century. Palaces. With. The glowering, twin, gothic, towers, of the team. Church looming. Over the scene on one side and the. High clock tower of the, Old Town Hall on the other day. And night this, square is the most lively center, of action in Prague. Just. All around us our, former, palaces. And they're, mostly in the Baroque style you. See the beautiful decor on each and every one of them a, few, of them are a little more recent, in the Art Nouveau style in particular this, yellowish. One over here. We. Have the Renaissance, represented. In this church, of st. Nicholas the big white church, many. Of the old palaces, have been converted, into restaurants. Bars and cafes, with, outdoor, tables, spilling, onto the square the. Old town halls astronomical. Clock has been putting, on its show every, hour for. The past 350. Years with. A germanic display, by the 12 apostles, who come marching. Past two windows on either. Side, of the, elaborate. Large, clock. There's. Always a big crowd that, gathers. On the hour for, the show and watching. The people is part, of the fun of being here, at this, spectacle, it's over before you know it and you're. On your way or, you could buy a copy, of the clock at one of the open markets the, largest, of the street markets is a long block at bubble sky located. Just 200, metres south of the old town square with, many stalls selling souvenirs. Along with produce, stands for the locals, the, next most entertaining, site, in Prague is the famous Charles bridge spanning. The vlatava River, the, bridge is not only the best way to get across town it is a destination, in itself for the splendid views the, street musicians. And. The. Shopping from the outdoor kiosks. That stretch along its 500, yard length on the, other side of the river you'll find Prague Castle high, up on the hill where the city began way. Back in the 9th century the primary. Sights in the castle, are the, st. Vitus Cathedral, and the Royal. Palace and the. Golden Lane all. Of which should keep you busy for a couple of hours or more especially. If you want to see every nook and cranny st.. Vitus Cathedral takes, its place as one of the great gothic. Churches of Europe with. Vast pinnacle, soaring, high, above the huge nave it's. 400, feet long and 200 feet, wide making. This the largest church, in the country. It. Was built over an incredible. 600. Year period, and was. Not completed, until early. In the 20th, century. Well. When you finish the castle the best thing to do is exit. From, the back gate there's. The long castle. Staircase, that will lead. You down hill to. The malá strana which is the most historic. Neighborhood, that it feels like a peaceful, little village from, times gone by, well. Keep walking, straight, through, to the lush green Park of compa Island it's. An, island surrounded by the river and a canal and. It's, a very exclusive part, of town from. Camp Island you get a great view of the charles bridge and, the old town with its towers, and domes it's. Refreshing to be out of the city for a moment as you stroll through the lawn there's, undoubtedly dogs. Running around, there's. An old waterwheel, that still turns on the side of an abandoned, mill. Prague. Is a walker city that invites, detours, and aggressions, the, whole neighborhood is ideal for the aimless stroll. Shoppers, will find many. Small. Stores offering. Local crafts clothing. And antiques. You'll, probably run into some. Artists. Displaying, their, work on sidewalk. Stalls, another. Good reason to have enough time to go wandering in the little back streets, rather. Than only focusing, on the main tourist sites, the. Historic, center is a, labyrinth, filled, with quiet narrow, alleys, little. Squares, charming. Old buildings, and numerous. Mid-block covered, lanes and passages. That lead you through little. Courtyards. Providing. Glimpses, of, behind-the-scenes. Life in the city Prague, is even more magical, just after, sunset in, the Twilight, when the lights come on and you still have that deep blue color, of the sky the. Buildings, are lit out beautifully, a couple, of the best places to experience, that, are the old town square and, the, Charles Bridge find. A little cafe, terrace near the bridge and enjoy, the grand Vista, of the castle. You can. See the bridge at Twilight. It. Makes a nice way to complete.

Your Visit to Prague we. Have reached the final morning, with time for breakfast before we depart. To the airport and fly home our, small, group of 17 people has, been staying, together for, the last two weeks on, a tour, that started, way back in Heidelberg, Germany always. Nice to enjoy breakfast. At our centrally, located hotels, in, Prague, we've, been staying at the hotel, Maximilian. It's right in the old town of central. Prague just a few blocks away from the old town square very. Comfortable. Modernised. Small boutique, style hotel, with an excellent breakfast, and that. Concludes, our brief, summary, look at this grand tour of Central. Europe from. Heidelberg, to, Prague by train also. Visiting, Munich, Salzburg. Vienna, and Budapest. While. We listen to a little more gypsy, music from carpathia, restaurant, and Budapest, I have some suggestions, for you about, this trip, if. You'd like detailed. Information, about how you can, do this trip yourself either, alone, or with a group look, at our website tourist, by train calm for, some practical, information that, you can use in taking, a trip like this. And. There. You apply in the itinerary with. Lots of specific information. Including. Many videos and a free hundred, page book all, about this trip that we're giving away, also, itinerary spurred some other trips through Europe by train that you might be interested in taking for yourself we're happy to freely, share this, kind of travel information so, that you can get the most out of your journeys.

2019-02-23 11:41

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Thank you for your videos! I am Russian, work as an English tour-guide. I find your videos very helpful in learning new words. I always put them down and try to use. It makes my language more up-to-date.

Marvellous Job, I enjoyed it a lot!, check my live band cover or guitar(solo)+vocals cover of 'Rock the Night', you might like :)

Thanks for Sharing - I have seen all of your travel videos and found it quite interesting because it is of my taste and liking, your commentary is very nice and it transports us to the virtual world of our past. Stay Blessed.

Dear Dennis Callan, Feb. 2019. My wife and I have Downloaded your Youtube clips for a few years and enjoy them. Butttttt, please not too many "SELFIES", as as a cinematographer I don't do it at all. Also please do have a few seconds of silence. And for Nicolleta, he does "run" an Hawaiian travel business. God bless, Juan Carlos, an 83 yo in Brisbane, Australia.. =========================================================

Beautiful video!

Go walk in Liechtenstein

Do you have a travel friendly job? Really enjoy your content!

He runs a tour company out of Hawaii, I'm pretty sure.

Great movie, great trip.

Thanks for watching and commenting, Juan. I do try and find places for silence in the narration, but want to keep the viewer informed...I will look for more of those chances to pause for a moment, which makes it easier for me anyway -- writing and narrating is the hardest part. Some travel filmmakers egotistically put themselves on camera all the time, which is pathetic. I only show up once in a while so the viewer knows who is doing all this non-stop talking.

Yes, I've been leading tours of Europe for 32 years, taking small groups from Hawaii where I live, and shooting lots of video along the way. My travel movies are based on this experience, learning how to get around and discovering which sights, restaurants and activities are the most interesting, with lots of research for my street talks and video narrations. The trips are open to everyone. In the early years I would lead four annual trips, but now I'm just doing it once each year, staying home to edit more movies for you.

Europe my fevrete country hungry (Budapest) is so beutifull places I LOVE my country Europe

Thank you for another wonderful video Dennis. I like to see you and your group in the videos you do. Your knowledge of places is incredible, and I enjoy your commentaries very much.

I just found your travel series and find them very well made and will be of use -along with Rick Steves for my Summer 2020 2-3 month trip through Europe.

Always a wonderful post. Thank you.

Odd question... What walking shoe do you prefer to walk the streets of the European towns of men?

I wear New Balance running shoes, 990 series.


I love to watch your travel videos

Your video is amazing brotha more of this we want

Excellent video! This is the only one we watched from the beginning to the end. A very informative and descriptive video done by an experienced travel agent. Thank you again!

It’s ok Dennis to show yourself so that we can put a voice to a face!!

Awesome video, Mr. Callan! Comprehensive, very informative, and at the same time - precise. Many thanks for this, and your other videos.

I'm glad to hear from you, thanks. This is one of my better case studies of a complete tour, similar to my trip summaries of Barcelona to Rome https://bit.ly/2JB8Fab and Rome to London https://bit.ly/2JzdTmW and Switzerland https://bit.ly/2Gff5tw

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