Central Asian Food - TEARDROP SOMSA (SAMOSA) and HUGE UZBEK DINNER in Tashkent, Uzbekistan!

Central Asian Food - TEARDROP SOMSA (SAMOSA) and HUGE UZBEK DINNER in Tashkent, Uzbekistan!

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Hey everyone I hope you're having an amazing day at smart Queens I'm in the beautiful Tashkent. Uzbekistan this. Is day two of our trip and today. Is going to be another food tour we're gonna eat at some of the best places but then tonight for dinner is gonna, be a highlight, where we have a Chow Hana which is a social, gathering, guaranteed. It includes some incredible. Food but. It's then just the time of fellowship and food and and learning about culture and so it's gonna be an amazing day and I'm, gonna share everything with, you in this video and we have actually just arrived, for. Breakfast this is the spot, I. Can. Smell breakfast. Droplets. Of happiness. The. Tears of happiness. Joy. Kind. Of come back in this area. Feel. The heat just radiating. Off of them and you can smell, the aroma of just the freckle there is a fresh. Fresh. Batch right, there. Slapping. It on to the side of the oven does this starts to cook because of the lamb fat and the ingredients it, starts to droop down in the oven and that's where it gets the teardrop. Shape. They. Actually have their own butchery. Here the, freshness, of the meat okay. They, sprinkle, it with water like shoving. A bunch of water I think that will sort of help to steam it first before they crank up the heat and create the golden edge and, that will like melt all that Lam together. Just. Cool it um so okay. Big. National Samsung, Samsung okay, okay sure sure. Sure. I'm, saying it's enough, not, much and then. They have kind of a patio garden section proceeding bit crews had to just run an errand, real fast but, we're gonna yeah. We got a plate, of them they're almost like blooming, like a flower, well you have to do is shake it you. Can feel the meat rattling, around in there that the fat mixes, with the meat and kind of coats the the bready wrapper, oh that. You can feel how crispy, that is too. Mmm it's, even better than yesterday's right it's. So good the. Bridge is perfectly, like crispy, like. Crispy all over actually, I didn't even reach the meat on, that first lap but the bread is incredible, a little bit of this chili powder on top or, in the center fill it into the pocket kind. Of let it shake her up and then also some of this like tomato it's.

Like A tomato yeah, is. That gonna be nice and spicy it's. Like a tomato eat chilli maybe -, is that good or you've got a lot in that's good okay just, to try it first. Mm-hmm. It's. So unbelievable god I really. Experienced, the mix of the fat and the meat the, ratio in that bite the onions but then for spice it's mostly he. Said it's just human and black. Pepper enough. It's. Like the greatest meat pie, maybe. I've ever had the. Bread. The the, dough the wrapper is just perfectly, crispy. All. That Bill's still right I. Ate. Three. Back-to-back-to-back, without, even like without, even thinking about it without even like knowing, that I actually ate three of them and I wanted to eat like, three more back-to-back but I I resisted. Because there's gonna be a lot more food today but those are, unbelievably. Good. Right, across the street from the film sob place is a mosque made of white marble it just shines in the sunshine, and then, just, the the. Articulate. Design, okay. It's really beautiful but just the contrast. Of the white and the, blue tile work. You. Don't say I need one portion, you saved my kilograms. They, say 1 2 kgs, of that and 2 pieces of this so hopefully gonna enjoy now we are on our way to lunch we're gonna have some meat. And there's, a car, wash at the bottom I think, around the world if you if there's a restaurant, where there's a car wash in the same parking lot you, know it's gonna be a local. Properly, good spot in the restaurant I think it's in this complex. Right here on the top floor. You. Can see from the whole thing. We're. Heading upstairs to have a meat feast. Okay. So we're sitting down they have multiple dining. Rooms the first section and then we came to another section they have an outside section but, we chose this section because they have these cool bucket. Seats sofas, that we're gonna sit on and this, is definitely a meal where I think, I I'm, almost positive that after we eat we're gonna need to lean, back so I'm planning. Ahead here one day I was passing by enough so a lot of people in the hood a lot of people did standing, and eating we assume that if they're standing and eating if it's worth yeah I mean it something. You must be good yes, and, that's how I discovered, I came here and I saw on ladder, they able to meet what. Is that. Okay. So, that's just like customer for every single time you began a little, tea ceremony. This. Is just an appetizer this is just to get the stomach juices flowing, before the main meat dish comes smell so good you can smell that sizzling fat the onions. Smell. Even better than taste. You. Need it right off the middle skewer just look at these beauties. So. Soft and tender and. So. Juicy ugh you. Actually barely need to chew. Em. Did you get one kilo yeah, yeah we all get one key monkey, loaf lamp, and one kilo of fries. Next, to it yeah meat fried on its own fat and they use this oil, fat. For for a long time so okay they keep it they, don't waver, flavor, deep, Sun brewing. Away. And. Then they fry the fries exact. In that same fact. Mm-hmm. It's. So. It's. So mediate so perfectly. Solve you really, tender but after same time it's almost like dick and like almost, like bouncy, in Dexter. Just. Like. Your, such succulent, no get some meats from going some vinegar to the salad to the onion salad oh, that's. Like a dill and chili. Infused vinegar, yeah, it, looks like it's. Not 50 though. Today. Go. Each. Other the onions they provide that refreshing touch it kind of cut the oil and then also give you that that, crunch rice. And, again cooked in the lamb fat. You. Know they're so powerful they're as flavorful as that lamb because they taste like lamb you can immediately taste the difference yeah like, vegetable. Oil would. Not do would, not do for these fries. Combination. Of the lamb, and. The fries that's just it's. Actually dangerously, tasty like.

For. Me it. Looks big and it, is big but, we like the like one person could eat this all and legia. Likes it. And. Feel really good at least while you're eating it. Even. Just a little bit of salt or none it, refreshes, with. The heavy meat. Now. Would be the time in the meal the point in the meal where I utilize. This sofa to the maximum, and just sit, back sipping. On tea to wash it all down. Car. Wash pit stop. So. Yeah definitely, get, your car washed or if you don't have a card just skip, the car wash and go straight to the restaurant but, man that's crazy. Good food and those little mini saute, kebabs were we're, insane but that meat old, man if you love me we're on our way now to a place that thought. Of as we were as we were eating. Okay. Was. Like this, is a place we have to go you almost forgot about it we have to go right now to are on our way it's a little on the outskirts of town but it's another another. Meat stop. Five. Fingers. On. A spur-of-the-moment change, of plans while we were gonna head out downtown to eat at a neat spot that Matt Cruz knows about but then we decided to actually stop by a place to eat the, five finger kabobs first him. And. Its fat, meat fat meat we're coming back to the kitchen he's about to throw that on the grill. I've. Had quite a few different kebabs in my life but I have never had the 5x5. Fear kabob so I'm very excited for this one. It, is an entire hand of a kebab I can do a little bones like. That right. Yeah, sure. So. This is the Tashkent specialty, yep yeah Tashkent, special, please, welcome. Conceded. You. Never go hungry. It's. Almost like a steak, but then at the bottom of all the skewers, is a bone, that you like skewered, through so, they're all still attached I got one chunk of fat one one, chunk of meat. Will. Have fat. That. Just, melts. There's. Some locals. We. Pre approve it it, is what it is yes the, fish injure its best. What. Is it called in fish, Punjab that's, fats make it with onions yeah. It's. So good that is. That's. Why I'm candy. Down. The road like right next to her we just had the Fivefinger kebabs there's a place that serves these donuts well kind of like fried, fried. Like dumplings, donuts, but filled with a mix of organs, organ. Meat innards. They. Also served with the tomato sauce. All. Right. Oh yeah. They are hot, they're like oversized. Egg shapes. Is, it good I never. Tried them, really. Haha. It is like a donut but like a savory. Donut and then you do have like the different texture of all the organ, meat in there. Well, yeah. I was, dozing off on the way here that was like a 15 or 20 minute ride but we've. Had so much food today I was dozing off in the car but we made it as soon as you step out of the van you can smell the meat oh yeah. This looks like a spot. Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho. I. Feel. Good so, it basically, tatin. Newly meet with. A juniper. Tree, spice. That herb on there that's a janitor's, uniform, yeah. Yeah, we call it our chair so, it gives that little. Door. And the. Taste. But. Actually, this is an entire little market, here oh there's, like a bunch, of different food that you can choose from. Palette. A, bubbling. Vat of cow, feet, just, bubbling. Away you can see that collagen, just juicing. And just like it's, it's thick and so he just sliced, a piece of it's, very, wobbly this is the cow like gelatin. Tastes. Like like, tendon that's cow foot jelly. What's. The name of the sausage soup. That's a hussar pasta, it's like a blood sausage but there's organs in it there's rice and there's chunks of fat it's jiggly its jiggly it's very jiggly let's go for it let's go for it. Well. Well. That's pretty hardcore, that's, like mmm. Yeah really good flavors. Cannot. Concentrate on water oh my gosh, we'll see you and then a fried potato. Or, is really good, you. Practice snacking, paradise, there's just like hands. Full of chicken, and lamb legs and potatoes, and sausage, then. This is beautiful, oh and the cow foot which we already sample. Looks. Like an oily sauce it's a dry like. Like dry spice rub, to it but then at the same time it's kind of like mmm. Oh another. Potato not fun well, this one is more like a it. Feels a little more like like, juicy. Never. Get it uncle just. Handed me a pickle. And by, the way this is a 24-hour, market you can come here 24 hours a day it's on the side of the highway really. Good meat they're so friendly. That's. A very cool spot and it's just places, like that in Uzbekistan. Where the the culture, where the the. Generosity, and, kindness of people just shines. Can, you quickly tell us what is a Tirana yeah, yeah Shahana, is a quite, a culture, we, can call it like a gentlemen's, club occasionally. We gaze it with a friends, and we can discuss some issues and, they can bring their own ingredients, and there, are really excellent chefs and they cook the meal but the same time typically there's not it's, not a restaurant it's not a restaurant no they do prepare, food yeah it's like a restaurant as a service, we are here for a very special dish, this restaurant.

Is Very well known for oxtail. Yeah. So it's very exotic this you posed big people so let's, give it a try if this is like a power slipping place. Marley. Come hello hello, good, how are you. Well. There goes its plate of food but this is beautiful, you've got this inner courtyard. Rival. Like, Cabana rooms. Already. The table is filled with food there's fruit, there's. Some. Meat dishes and cheeses, and drinks, and then just you know already tell it's just gonna be a feast, piles, of fruit there's a platter of more sausage, there's, some cheese there's like sculptures. Of vegetables, and herbs a. Tree. Of herbs and then just the display like, the community, the the, social, aspect, of it it's it's beautiful, and something like I've never seen before. My first time breaking that was Vic bread, is. There a method you should do it don't know it was kind of break it up and then. You have Tabler chunks, that is comfortably, the pound for one person, yeah something, like perfect, handheld. Chunky, and you know, pasta. You can do it yeah I didn't. Cross the table yeah. Thank, you. Hello. Hello nice to meet you nice to meet you too. Traditional. Rice soup, masala. Mm-hmm. Well you can really taste the carrots, in there and then also the dill and then either there's a bits of meat mixed, within the rice and you can add a little bit of that cream to the soup as well oh. Yeah. That, pickins it up that makes it a little come home got that like kind of sour yogurt he tastes okay next step for the the some stock course. Giant. Platter and check out these they. Are, they. Are both there's, two sides they're like little twins one, is vegetarian, side one is meat and then I'm not totally sure which one is the the meat which one is the vegetable but we will just take a bite and find out. I. Got. The meat first. Okay. Next up for the delicacy which is a horse sausage is called puzzie and you have to take off this this skin. And there's always hope. That's, the fat right there that, little chunk of white horse, fat but, then it's like a it's. A salty, preserved. Or sausage. It's so good. So. So. Rich and succulent, anyhow that fact it, is like meat butter and it has like been in salt here to it Wow. We're. Gonna share a pair together he, has organized, this entire Cana. The food all. Of us gathering, us together and so I want to say a huge thank you it's it's, a huge honor to have, this opportunity and, to experience. This part of húsavík. Culture. And hospitality. And it's it's, an honor thank. You thank you. We're. Gonna go back to the kitchen now where they're gonna prepare the main dish the oxtail. An. Entire. Ox tail which has been cooked and braised in its own juices for over four hours that smells, unbelievable it's. Like soupy. From. Fat, and that Merrill that's cooked out and, that. Was the kitchen now we're going back to the table to eat the main course. Is. Why our. Sport. At, Brookes fight off like a baby. Skin you know we call it baby skin. We. Call it baby skin. It's. Just falling, apart and there's so much that it's. Yeah and they say you've got to eat it really fast because, it will freeze in the, in the cold air look. At the tenderness that's almost insane you almost cannot even use a fork because, it just barely, even pokes. Whoa. Unbelievable. Ooh this is like one of the most tender softest. Like. Gummy things I have ever tasted.

I. Think. I have a cure I have a cure it's so soft it's so tender. Literally. It's unbelievable, that, might be the one of the richest things I've. Ever eaten. Literally. Melted. Fat all right. An. Entire mouthful of melted fat I need to wash that down with some hot green tea. To. Balance, of course. Okay. So the next course is the PLAAF course, which is the rice course, we put it onto a plate and. Then he topped it with some of the horse sausage, some quail eggs some, dolma, some. Crispy. Lamb chunks. And that's. The next course good guest it's really an honor to to, take the first bite but yeah you can just see the every, grain is just oiled. Good. Guest. Has been served the wall has gone. That. Is like just meat covering, rice and, it's so good it's salty, you. Can taste the onion the carrots it's the caramelized carrot in there. Thank. You so much. Let. Me tell, you how it unfolded. But we met baha yesterday, hello. Hello. Hello how are very, good he watches our videos, he. Through. Some social media he found out that we were in town and he. Took it upon himself he took it it was his initiative to put the entire event. Together he, he. Supplied the food he got everyone, together he. Organized, the entire thing, and so I want to say a huge, thank you it was incredibly. Special, it was such an honor to have a chance to experience that to, to. Experience, the, ultimate. Generosity. And kindness of, Uzbekistan. Dov, Baha, and the, whole the whole crew, and thank you to Beck crews for, all, of his organizing. For for, doing. So much for us as well again, it's been a very long day I'm very sleepy, so I'm gonna head that but 10:00 tomorrow we, are on our way to Samarkand, which, is a historical. Centre along. The Silk Road of with Becca Stein but I'll explain much more about that tomorrow in the next video thank, you so much for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if, you're not already subscribed click. Subscribe now and also click that little bell icon so that you get notified of the next video that I publish that's it I'm going to bed goodnight see you on the next video tomorrow.

2018-10-19 12:43

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The people are so generous and welcoming.


That feast was so mesmerising

I did not think day 2 would be as epic as day 1, but but was this another 10/10 video. KEEP IT UP!!!!!

When do you go to a Brazilian steakhouse?

Next time you come to Uzbekistan, I'll take you to a place where they cook the best KEBAB.

Uzbek is where I need to go ! love meat with loads of fat on it ! Thanks Mark !

I actually did not watch this i just commented

Only $6 for that 1 kg cooked lamb, really? Foods in Uzbekistan looks cheaper than in Nepal.

Not many food YouTubers have been to Central Asian countries, and I just love your work. Great job.

Kolesterol dah makan daging mulu

Video contains dinner with Uzbek Mafia lol


Hello Mark! Greetings from the Philippines..

wow, the gentleman club reminds me when I was hanging out with all the Turkish people, we share a main dish with a massive platter & pass things around.

Horse sausages wtf!!!!

It is our country Uzbekistan. Please visit and try to all of food like Brother Mark. We say Welcome Uzbekistan.

Uzbekistan culture and foods are amazing.....

Great food beautiful people! Greetings from India

I so want to recreate it with the indian samosa masala in it..it will be another level of awesomeness..:)

man samosa had many shapes ... first time seeing drop shape samosa instead triangular and you are such a cruel man always got my mouth watering when saw your signature one side lean posture after a bite.... well i bet every one watching right now got water in their mouth

Wonderful Amazing

Wish to visit Uzbekistan one day , love the food culture really great place love from kurdistan❤️

Now I'm hungry

Your enthusiasm is wonderful! Thank you.

can you name the places you went to eat in?

If any indian guy is using his hand for making dough or batter all haters n bastards would have spam the cmmnt section but when it comes to other country everything is acceptable.. lyk wooah!! No offence at all n literally loving Uzbekistan....but my problem is wid d audience... U need to hve unbiased opinions abt any country.. Orelse just shut ur mouths

great videos



I'm just saying,wow

the country is so clean.


You can tell that Uzbek people are very proud of their culture.. awesome content Mark

this trip definitely make me wanna go uzbek now!!! such an eye opening. thank u so much for making a great content.



my fav channel my fav host mr one n only MARK

great video mark

“Guest has been served, let’s go!”


This time Mark's having the host with equal sense to taste food. Nice

And I paid $5.48 for Big Mac here in USA. That's it I'm packing to Uzbek for a month of meat eating.

I am not a fan of meat dishes yet I fall in love with this country and its people for their affinity, generosity, humility, and great hospitality. Thumbs up and loads of blessings and love to Mark for showing us the true culture of Uzbekistan!

Best video keep going on :)

What would Borat say?

Uzbek people's are very kind, and loving.... I like this video so much

Uzbekistan. Meat, bread, potatoes, tomatoes, onions.

mark weins you have to visit lampung,in sumatra island, indonesia, because in lampung have the food taste good and any other .


Uzbekistan one of the most fucked up countries on the planet. Before you liberals bitch and moan at me do some research

uzbek is such a beautiful country

Meat lover's paradise

Uzbek people are so good. Nice to see Uzbek, it’s food and culture. Tashkent is the place where our former prime minister Shri.Lal Bahadur Shastri died under mysterious circumstances.

You eat so much but u so skinny


People of Uzbekistan so nice and humble....Assalamoualaikoum to all of them...I hope to visit Uzbekistan one day InshaAllah

That’s it! BOOKING tickets to Uzbekistan lol

Very good and mouth watery food

23:25 is he drunk or just tierd lol

Nice people

Is this place part of Pakistan?

But Where are the girls .???

No matter how much Mark says wow or its good or anything, when as a Indian I tried best of the best foods from even the most celebrated foods in other cultures, I almost vommited everytime. Irrespective of the photography and narration and wowing it, they nowhere taste any good. Most of them taste and smell like dead animals. Whereas Indian food has an extremely flavourful aroma nd taste. Sorry I'm not singling out anybody, nor self praising my country, but truly speaking Indian food has unparalleled taste and aroma.

Poor you

i want that horse sausage... its look so delicious...


Ozbekler anglo-saxon Markin gotune girirler neyi var ozu de sabunsuz!!! Anglo-sax Mark da kabablari yeye-yeye ureyinde deyir ki, agziviza soxum sizin,ozbek agziviza)))Gijdillaq yigini sizin hesabiniza lirtimi doldurub kef edirem Amerika xiyaristanina qayidanda sizin bostandan aglima geleni yazacam.. Bu ravshandir davshandir nedir onun butun hesablarini odyerek umid edir ki ,bu anglo-saxon xiyari ondan nese xosh sozler deyecek))) gedin haminiz sikdirin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do you edit these videos after you’ve Eaten so well??? I would be drowsy as heck.

Mark when you say Assalam u alaikum... It sounds very interesting and nice ☺

The Tail, Wow Wow Wow, Oh God, why we humans don't have a tail???

Uzbek people is really hospitable.

I want it all, one of each please. Never heard of Uzbekistan but now I'm intrigued.

U knw what mark i keep searching food around the TAN countries on you tube always seek to knw wht they peaople eat ..but thanx for ur video... U r doing grt for their tourism

Mark,actually they said it is samsa but you write it down like somsa and samosa ,why?is it the anglo-saxon manner for misunderstanding everything or stupid anglican towards everybody who is not anglo-saxon ?

Красиво жить это вкусно жить!)

Wow this is the first time i heard about uzbekistan .... base on your vlog i think its a beautiful country people are so nice......

Mark, if you could introduce us to Russian food, I will be happy.....

Really loved this video! Such a beautiful country and culture. The food looks outrageously delicious!

20:36 when mark feels awkward. LOL :v

Muslim hospitality loved it

People are just handing you food to try. They just see someone who isnt from there and they want them to try it. That is really kind of them.

Yummy delicious food ,,,,

Love my Brilliant Country Uzbekistan My Uzbekistan I miss You My Motherland !!

Pakistan people are very friendly loving and beautiful please visit food is the best I bet you that

Pakistan is very safe please visit

All this food all your videos you will do injustice to 210 million Pakistani people if you didn’t visit and try food I promise you you never had that tasty food in your life

Pakistan visit I promise you you will all this food tour you did so far best food

Very friendly Uzbekistan people.. Love from India,

Handsome boy, beautiful wife & great food. What else can a man ask for???

Mark pls come to Pakistan .

https://giphy.com/gifs/1Xg1b3Cks0SRQ3zcgD --- "Mark"

you know food is average when marks not closing his eyes and just laughing

I am impressed Uzbek people so hospitable, and nice city, not much traffic or Graffiti.

So friendly people! Uzbekistan - Respect!!

Nice video

This Uzbek food looks lush

Very generous peoples n everything look so yummy n DANGEROUSLY tasty.

Man, everyone has been so friendly and the host who's always wearing a suit seems like the most genuine person.

A great video, everyone is so friendly. ❤️❤️❤️

https://giphy.com/gifs/5EWzkm6lgbMiCwFeUo === Nice Quote in the Video

Not only are they some of the nicest people but the food!!!! Also it is so very clean! I only wish I could visit there one day!

Waiting for your pakistani vlog and peshawar food

I didn't see any females outside on the road neither in the resturant. Except at food market. Another great video Mark. Is it safe to visit alone as a female?

Awful eating horse meat - so gross!

I just finished my dinner and I feel hungry watching ....

Is there any options for vegans?? This youtuber's expressions are fake

restaurant staff, all men. restaurant clients, all men. where are the women in that country?

A piece of meat in europe tastes same to another piece of meat in uzbekistan. What the hell is the difference

Welcome to Pakistan don't leave until you visit the mighty mountainous Northern Areas, Most welcome ... Viewers next videos are coming from Pakistan

21:30 там Амиран за кадром смеется паходу

Wow amazing food I never ever before seen mark

but i think am in love with you

I am freakin jealous

Fantastic Samosa. Thankyou so much dear brother.

Wheres baby mika I want see him love ur channels keep making with mika

As Uzbic people love pilav we Pakistanis love biryani

These people love oily, fatty, and fried foods. I would be right at home!

we have eat that gelatin looking cow's feet in african cuisine-dont like it tbh

please visit bangladesh also

this video really made me feel like i need to visit uzbekistan....i really loved their food ♥

Mark please come to my beautiful country Pakistan

Uzbeks are in second place in the world for eating meat after wolves, and in Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya areas, wolves are in second place

Wow! Once again, everything in Uzbekistan looks amazing! All the food looks incredible. Thanks to Baha and Rashad for helping bring this to us.

Mark I'm glad you are in Pakistan these days, any chance you might come to Karachi.

It looks like meat paradise....

13:38 what meat was that ?

Hi mark weins, you really doing amazing my family really like all your videos, fantastic

I hope i would be like you brother mark salute to you and your vlogs

hie marks recently seen ya picture that you visited Pakistan (Peshawar) please also visit Karachi & Lahore

When you’re watching this at 2 in the morning and you get so hungry that the best thing you’re gonna get is Del Taco.

14.54 mark wanted to cheers the sausage but the other one did not bother


U came to Mardan, Pakistan. R u still in Peshawar? I am from that area and wana meet u.

Saw in the newspaper that u came to our area Mardan. At least, u should have informed us.

6:21 but why

To speed up the brewing and it works because every time it come out darker and darker

You were in Pakistan recently!!!! http://images.dawn.com/news/1181083/thai-travel-blogger-mark-weins-enjoys-chapli-kebabs-in-khyber-pakhtoonkhwa?preview Next time do stop by in Karachi.

Such lovely food culture the Uzbeks have! the music really complements the video. another great video Mark.


I absolutely adore you and your family. I have never seen such a genuinely happy person such as yourself. I literally watch your videos when I am down and find myself not only enjoying the travel and food aspect of your videos but enjoying the happiness that you are so graciously sharing with the world. You show not only the different cultures, food and livelihood of these folks but you allow us to see how these individuals live by going to the villages/homes. I love how you treat everyone and how hospitable everyone is to you in return. I can honestly tell you that I would have never personally visited someone’s personal home prior to watching how much you’ve learned during your journey. You have opened my eyes and my heart to a new way of traveling. May GOD continue to bless you, your family and your friends during your travels and keep you safe. Please continue making your videos. You are my favorite food channel. Please include Joel and your wife more. I know she likes to be behind the scenes but I truly enjoy watching you guys together. Have fun and keep doing what you are doing. I wish I could travel and show my child what it’s like living in these beautiful places.

Hi Mark, you can visit Gangtok (Sikkim in India). Pakyong Airport is fully operational

Nice video mark

When u will upload Pakistan vlog ? Can't wait.

Ur meat fest

please come visit Edmonton Canada

A 24hr market in Uzbek, must be interesting at 2am.

Show your wife more Mark, she's beautiful.

New subscriber to your channel here, Mark, and I'm loving every bit of it. Have watched 6 videos so far, so pardon me if I ask what language does your wife speak? I heard her speak English, but she spoke a different language in 2 of the videos that I've watched.

How welcoming and Uber generous of everyone involved to Mark’s passion! Such humbling experiences. Mark, again, I thank you a million times over for sharing your “love” with us.

in uzbekistan there are a lot of retarded nazis

Visit to pakistan...mark

Mark you ar a lucky man in this world.....

Ministry of Uzbekistan have made a good effort to promote their foods. Thanks to Mark for showing us the great locations to eat. Uzbekistan would be in my bucket list to visit. :D

Wow...Uzbek People...they are friendly, informative & generous people! Thanks Mark!

Hi Mark, the samsa maker is spelling it samsa, not somsa. great video!

Gary Mai in Uzbek language its Somsa in Russian spelling which is actually in most places is samsa the same with capital name Toshkent vs Tashkent , tosh means stone in Turkish. Remember karandash from Kara tash or tosh black stone

Woah awesome video sir


Why do you always take such Hugh bites?

With the amount of food that he alone eats in a day, a small size family can survive for a week for sure

aren those long grapesss?? O.o


Thanks for sharing Uzbekistan and their culture Mark! Looks like a well organized and neat place. And the food! Oohlala.. I can almost taste them from here when you describe them

All the food looks sooo good

Delicious food and very nice people

Everything will taste good. It doesn't matter what they are. They all will taste good and Mark will go "Oh wow". Let's see if I am right.

oh my god, even cheaper than my country Vietnam !!!

Does this guy eat anything he doesn't like? "Oh man these boiled undies taste fantastic"

waiting for your trip to Kazakhstan

Masha Allah may Allah bless all Uzbek people. Very respectful kind and generous people

eating out of another grown man's hand? imma pass on that one

00:18 Feed me papa.. Yes, baby boy..

Whenever i want to tourcher myself I watch your viedeos

S-A-M-S-A okey


Isn't Borat from Uzbekistan?

Awesome journey bro

Can woman go to the dinner place in the video? Somehow I get a feeling that only man is allowed.

Hi there visit to my country and you can get culinary orgasm:)))

So much meat lol. I see no veggies at all. How can they eat so much meat only?

Droplets of deliciousness

Whoa! The guy who organized that feast is definitely organized, eating them organs...

Best vid for ages Mark!

Wow! Yummy

Welcome to Uzbekistan . I been in Uzbekistan till 1. December

And now go to Hungary.

I think that was one of the foods.

Beautiful video

That oxtail looks so delicious. The entire meal...awesome

As always fantastic video Mark. I have reached a stage that I need to see your video every day. You are a global phenomena

Mmm mmm, cow foot.

Turks and Uzbeks brotherhood !

Wonderful guide, fab company ❤ Uzbekistan seems like a fun place! Thanks Mark

Love it.

Thank you for uploading such a great video! I’m from Uzbekistan but live in the US. Very glad to see my country and its’ food!

Loved this video!!! thank you for sharing!!!

That was borat with you there ? xd

From the bottom of my heart I want to express my gratitude and respect to all the generous people who put together such a nice representation of our Uzbek culture! :) I have traveled all over the world, and objectively the best climate, food are in Uzbekistan. Have I already mentioned fruit and vegetables? :) It is God's blessed place for my beloved countrymen I have missed for so long...

Are you getting a belly ? Hee Hee ! just kidding buddy and thank you...

Hi dear come to quetta Pakistan

Me: Saves money for Europe......... Mark: uploads the video........................ Me: 'sorry Europe'...( heads eastward instead) Salom, do'stim!

Course after course after course after course and look at how thin they are... wow. I love seeing the food Mark, but I kinda balked at hor** meat. I am not sure about that. LOL. I am Caribbean national so you can understand.

Do visit Islamabad I'm a big big fan of you

U are in gilgit??

What's with the hounds yapping?

So few women!

Mark will be horsing around.


Is it just me who loves this channel

The food looks like delicious and the guys so handsome

https://youtu.be/NV2vkF5SIeo .....sir watch this kalibali thali

Assalam alaykum Raxmat

the same old picture in Kashgar, Uygurs capital in China, seems like Uzbek accustomed to capitalizm despite Communist roots..those Donuts is called Baursak, fried dough ..Mark, would you show uzbek beautiful girls, they clamed them to be the top beauty in the World...

myra carra yes and talented like Lola Astanova pianist

they pay too much time and money to their so called religion, which makes them backwards so fast

i sear this guy with the suit has the accent from the Dictator movie

mark, we're waiting for your new zealand and abu dhabi travel vlogs

Beautiful. ..beautiful country and wonderful food

Woow!!! Everything looks soooooo delicious. not only looks but also tastes even better!!!!Wooohooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mark nice OX tail dinner , you missed me there

Hello Mark! How are you? I was surprised to know that you are in pakistan. I am from islamabad and I am a huge fan of your vlogs. Wish i could meet you . Thanks for coming to pakistan. Hope to see the videos soon. Are you still here?

Another reason to come to Uzbekistan is hiking and skiing https://youtu.be/P9Svae2U8pY


The guy eating with mark @ 2:50 is so cute

I see ur videos regularly and enjoy the way u eat . I wish u could taste Pakistani food

Hi mark u r amazing ur facial expressions omg

Eagerly waiting for your Pakistan tour videos. Super excited

Your so lucky to travel to these amazing places that have what it looks like delicious food. How did you get into this?

Its just like .... Kachori

I m amazing the way uzbakestani people are very humble people i love you guys good peole nd food is very cheap then ather countrys country's

I don't know why the man got so mad at Mark at 2:12 maybe he wasn't pronouncing it right

Bekruz assistant boy is really cute. J's.

Mark, I'm hungry

Thanks for the good video. It made me learn the national food culture. And practice English. I like your pronunciation very much. It's charm. And make me want to speak English as well as you. Finally, I hope you make this great video. I will follow you.

that samosa look like it fried crisp in that baking oven. I probably die from overeating if i get to that place. Damn that a good looking baked good there.

Love uzbekistan from Pakistan.....

I would have a tummy ache after all this

I definitely want to visit Uzbekistan, surely many other will be lured by these amazing dishes and lovely people. " Rahmat" for this video.

I would like 5 dozen Somsa shipped to California, please. Those look amazing. Love the last meal together, so kind of Baha and Rashad to put it all together for our enjoyment. I wish I could visit, the foods look amazing and the people are so kind. Foods and cultures from other lands is what makes love and peace in the world. ♥

Oxirgacha kôrolmadim, bu ovqatlarni kôrib ishtaham ochilib, blet olib uzbekistonga ketgim keldi

I love samosa..That crisp..! Yumm

Welcome 2 Pakistan..

i must say this people love baking

What meat

да узбеки удивили

waauw !! respect for the people they are so friendly! yummy food! enjoy!

not good for vegetarian but whatever

I think the Chevy Spark must be the official car of Uzbekistan, they're everywhere!

Mark, when will you visit Jamaica?


will be there as soon as they start a direct flight LAX-Tashkent

Such a great culture wish mark bumps into one of thier street music band best vibes

I think I should visit Uzbekistan love the people food and kind hospitality and off course Love to see Mark to sharing such a great information

I'm gonna tell you something - It's not SOMSA do you understand it's SAMOSA( its S A M O S A )!!!!

How he is acting like mark xD 20:00 funny guy hahaha

Good looking food for sure, but I would miss the alcoholic drinks to help wash it down.

Thank you for letting us discover Ouzbékistan cuisine!


i love how the people touch their chests/hearts when you thank them. beautiful

The people in Uzbekistan are so friendly ❤️

you are great mark showing us whats hidden :)

That gentleman club is another name for a uzbek state run mafia club thats all

Nicd bifro

My day is incomplete without your video Mark Love u and ur videos,,, Chao love from India!!! :D

Hai sir I like your videos. God bless you sir. Warm welcome to kerala.


your food partners are attractive

Even though I didn’t like their food at all, Uzbekistan is in my list now to visit definitely for their amazing friendly people

Uzbek people can keep the animal fat and export the meat to other countries.

Such a lovely and beautiful country with some great architecture. But looks like they prefer chunks of fat then the meat.

This is definitely the most animal fat loving nation in the world

hey mark! come to Mexicali for a delicious food tour!

All that food looks awesome and people are very nice. Looks like a great place to visit

Loved their way of greeting guests

This man is sitting down with some important people. Keep doing it man!

Try south Indian foods

Don’t go here if you’re on a diet seriously

Very good hospitality from the people in uzbekistan..

mark is so humble

Before Watching this Video, i was thinking that Uzbekistan is only famous for Fruits, like Water melons, but they have some extra ordinary meaty foods.

This would be such a great way to make Indian vegetarian Samosa (instead of usual way of frying them) - this Uzbek style of cooking/baking looks so amazing, maybe Indians can use Tandoor (clay oven) to make samosa with regular potato filling but then cook it this way! That would be such a great alternative to those (like me) who don't like deep-fried foods but love Samosa. And only $5.89 for that ENTIRE lunch meal platter?????????? Hot damn! I wouldn't have imagined it to be that cheap!

Oooohhh! Love the drone shots, the people looks so nice and kind ❤️ and the food!

That was like food porn :) lol very delish

oh wow

Respects to Gentleman who gave the last treat.. Superb

If I can hit more like buttons, I'll definitely do 10000000000000000. You are taking me to world tour !!!!! More I watch your videos, more I want !!!!!!!!!

Mark wiens u find out about nnn versions of food with ur wife nd son. Hats of to u. I love to watching ur videos

Hi Mark you have made hundreds of videos all of them good but these videos from Uzbekistan are just ultimate peak. I worked in this amazing country 6 years it turned me as 30 kgs but worth to each kilo :)

Ying is glowing! Your a lucky man mark


I have been gaining weight since i discovered your vlogs

thanx for coming to pakistan eagerly waitingfor your video?

A plate of kebab, a kilo of lamb and fries and salad cost only 6 bucks? really ? I feel like there's a 0 missing.

Inter sucks

Loved it

It's beautiful when people share food like brothers.

I have never heard of this place...but I want to go so bad!

looks like a beautiful, peaceful country

affordable looking good foods, clean city, good looking people, nice architecture

i feel so hungry every time i watch you lol

Please sir come Pakistan .....

Are u still in Peshawar ? We want to invite you home

Was hoping to see a video from Mark on this beautiful Sunday morning in New York.

Remarkable thing about Mark is, he insanely positive about food, people, places he visits and most importantly his simplistic approach like eating food by hand and lot more.....Lots of love Mark

Yo you sure do make food extraordinary lol

your best upload to date

That oxtail, bucket list!

Waiting for your pakistan tour vlog.when are you going to upload ?

seems that Uzbekistan locals are hospitable and nice :-)

Mark mark mark! I wanna Meet you

Mark i heard you are in Pakistan. Well! I am in peshawar, i will love to meet you and take you to my favourite food spots. Contact me if possible +923059266689

I thought Muslims can't eat horse meat?

you're killing it with this one. fantastic. must get there!

Hey hi Mark, i’m from Kazakhstan, you can come here as well) we’ll wait you)

How about handshaking to greet? Haha

Mark, I think you love uzbek ingredients like fruits, meat tastes, and many others. You prefer restaurant than Chaykhana.

roasted mutton,It's only 5-6 dollars a meal~~~~

I think you should visit ALBANIA!

Afghanistan and Uzbekistan have same culture

Link up in Jamaica


It's totally awesome to see you immersed in the culture good job and a job well done

All that meat. Some folks are gonna need a good cleansing.

Uzbekistan is amazing! wow!

I can even imagine feeding myself without using spoon or fork .It is so good to see this culture .They are very kind .

Love you and your family

Bro you to mech eating

Funny, all the uzbek people in the video speak Russian...

I have to commend you for RESPECT for culture!!!

Watching this series of video makes me want pack my bag and fly to uzbek.

Wow, that last feast looked amazing. From the food to the presentation everything looked wonderful. Such nice people and great looking food.

Bekhruz got to take it easy with s-a-m-s-a

all the people - the folks that ate with mark as well as the vendors - seemed super nice!

OMG. Uzbekistan is totally beyond my imagination. The food is amazing and people seem so nice. I have to go there.

What a mouth-watering and appetite boostins vlog again here. If I were that man, I will do the same, I will organize a fiest too and let you in. I just want you to visit our place here in Maguindanao, (Southern) Philippines, nothing much here, I just want you to taste our Tilapya fish (St. Peter) and our very own Dodol, our version of chocoloate. It's basically made of rice and coconut milk mix with sugar. I've been quite watching your vlogs Mark, and I just thankful for every vlog you've uploaded because you're taking us veiwers with you to all the places you've been, you introduce us to many delicacies and so, so many delicious food and boosts our appetite, and it's quite a remedy for every person like me with disability but with passion of making vlog but I have no equipment to do so. Anyway, you know what there's this one thing that amazes me after watching your vlog, I always get hungry, so ridiculuos.

mark you have to come to argentina

This was like kabob school. Great vlog as usual! Don't ever stop!

SAMSA. Not SOMSA as written on the title of thie video.

Such a pleasure to see this awesome video... great culture and men at dinner.

Why Uzbek people speak Russian language?

Его эмоции - самый лучший переводчик!

Mark is the new Anthony bourdain you should work for cnn

Hey sir Please visit Bangladesh.


I invite you to visit my country Bangladesh..

hello mark wiens please come to pakistan you will eat the food that you are in heaven please come to pakistan

PLEASE stop your over acting

that is real food...wow

Greetings from Kazakhstan, come also to Kazakhstan to try nomad's food:)


Simply the best food in the world!

Mark; you have opened my eyes to a part of the world I did not know existed. You are an amazing young man!! With all my respect. Tim Mendez

Thanks Mark !! ❤️

what cam he is using for filming?

Anybody want to go let me know

Wonderful people

Amazing dishes. Mark must have a strong tummy for the chilli.

Delicious food


imam Bukhari tomb there

we have similar food like somsa here in the philippines it's like empanada.. you should try that one..

very nice and generous people ... the best video ever mark

I am Indian and am in love with their cuisine looks very similar in spice section and yes I would definitely love to have some Uzbek dishes... Good job mark for unveiling a new culture and traditional dishes

Hi ,Mark you make amazing videos we suggest you to come to kashmir

when do you come to Finland?Finnish food is so good and fresh :)

SAMSA! Самса мать твою!

You like spicy food mark, try go to manado or makasar city of indonesia, they have the hottest spicy food in Indonesia.

$5 man that's cheap.

спасибо за видео, очень интересно показываете.

Mark, u are making me very interested in visiting Uzbekistan. Never knew their cuisine look so interesting and yummy!

Do Uzbeki people really eat that much meat on a daily basis? Or did they just serve him special dishes because he is a guest?

It's nice video, Mark super food bloger

Узбеки просто красавцы,уважение!Пацаны очень достойно себя ведут и очень хороши в английском!Сама атмосфера видео очень добрая,блин хочу в Узбекистан, живу в Сибири=)))

That moment when u understand uzbek and russian language and men from chayhana making a fun of him)

I love this Video a lot ❤️love the food ❤️

а почему до сих пор нет ЛАГМАНА?????????

That is one giant sausage fest!

I love bread it's so flaky yum

Call it Samsa ok!!! Puts (Samosa) in the title low key savage

We not only saw you going to places and eating food but also saw your kid grow! It’s just something

Hi Mark! Thank's for video of Uzbekistan! Did you tray eat korean food in Uzbekistan? It's so testi- kuksi. Kuksi in Uzbekistan number one summer food!


''ITS SAMOSA..S-A-M-O-S-A '' lol :))))) Uzbekistan is number 1 on my list to travel for food , always was saying that. I love my muslim brothers and sisters uzbeks ! Salam from Qazaqstan

Hey Mark, how do the Samosa compare to the pepper pork buns you tried in Taiwan night market? I tried those in Taiwan and it was one of the best things I tried. So I'm curious how they compare.

Make food not war

Uzbek...my Next travel. Amazing people and its seems to has very good food culture

Darshan Namaste mr. Mark I am from Nepal and this food series is one of the best one from you. Keep it up and stay safe. God Bless u n ur family.

Wow with the amount of saturated fat you eat, what is your cholesterol level?

Can't beat the hospitality of the east !

Судя по лицу Бекруза, он не любит гумму))), я её тоже не люблю

Extraordinary beautiful and nice program you make a very good shoot out, God bless you guys.

The people are so down to earth, kind, nice, sweet, and amazing

Bekruz is the best!!!

"To balance, of course"

Uzbek didn't expect of being soo good! thats amaising!

Warning do not watch this video if you are hungry in the middle of the night

I want to go there in my honeymoon. Looking forward to meet Baha and Rashid

Mark, we will go just for the people, very generous friendly people!

I want to go to uzbekistan


You sure know how to make something that I would never ever want to try seen so tasty. Lol Change my way of how i see certain food.

Mark, you are such an inspiration! Keep it up!

Place for meat loves

Realy i wana visit Uzbekistan and try all this...luv frm India

Njoed this video also, plz upload more frm central Asia

Mark is gonna need a heart transplant by the time he gets back home..I never knew Uzbekistan consumes so much meat

Wow! Amazing food!

Can’t wait to se Lahore and peshawar

Waaaaaooooww!! I want to go to Uzbekistan NOW!

When are you going to upload Pakistan Vlog

Chaikhana means a "place to gather and drink tea/chai" that's the direct translation but it's a place were men gathers, talk, eat, sometimes play cards, chess etc. Its not only common in uzbek, but turkish, kurdish, arabic culture generelly.

uzbek food is more of kenyan food......i cud see ...chipo na nyama choma...samosa...mutura miguu za ngombe....watermelon......KENYANS PLS CONFIRM THIS... uzbek was born in kenya

Too much enthusiasm for mundane food

Foodie heaven

awesome food at a very reasonable price.

Beautiful table.. surrounded by wonderful people


This is one of the best food vlogs!!! I wanna go Uzbek!!

Bekruz looks he's really enjoying his job. Good vibe

Never witnessed Uzbek food vids...great content!

Actually Uzbekistan is post Soviet Union country! Russian language is the second language

Somsa, not samOsa

Amazing video, hospitality, and people great for tourism

Love the vlog from Ethiopia..

Amazing way of cooking samosa, Never thought about that!

Now I'm super hungry... Lovely country.

Mark can eat more spicy food than most Asians do.

Omg i felt like i was eating that food too

But why isn’t anyone taking about the wild pack of dogs barking in the background??!!??!!

suppose to pass the food to the older folks first..

Mark is such an inspiration for foodies and travellers.

My favourite episode

Uzbek food is a mixture of Arabian and Indian styles. Just average food . Nothing to rave about.

A huge fan here! Ive been watching all your videos like forever, and every time i tried dieting i literally ended up eating a lot after watching all your food videos it makes me droll. hahaha

Wow Mark. That's all I can say. The quantity and quality of food you get for the price is mind blowing (loved those food feasts). People are very generous and Tashkent in an awesome city. Great city shots (drone and ground).

You never gain any extra weight. So happy for you

did you know Genghis khan last ruling dasendent ruled in 1911 to 1920 Mohamed Alim Khan

This was among my favorite vlogs so far...and that's saying a lot. The food looked divine; but what captivated me was the generosity and gregariousness of your hosts. They seem like really awesome folks to just hangout with. This one definitely put Uzbekistan on my list of must-visit destination. Well done Mark.

Fk those dislikers....i love uzbakistan afghanistan and pakistan and many more traditional food countries just awsm experience of uzbakistan now i m hard fan of uzbakistan foods its 4 am right now and i am super hungry.....cant express my expression and feelings thankss you man ...

This is my favorite video! I love this culture!

you must go to Ukraine next!

They all speak in russian?


I have read somewhere that “travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness”. I think that Mark is trying to say exactly that through his videos.

Mark gaining so many Muslims fans

Under $6 for the meat and fries

Bekruz is meant to be in ur video. Love his vibe and excitement

Wow! Mouth watering food!

Love u and ur family Mark

Wonderful food

That tour guide is class!

Not THAT much but still lots of)) If you dont have meat in your refrigerator it means there is nothing to cook from))

Рассмотрим предложение следующим летом!А у вас когда от жары не высыхаешь !?

Приезжайте к нам мы всегда рады гостям тем более если это гости из России как говорится старый друг лучше новых двух))

Firstly these food are not only Uzbek food, but these food and kitchen belong to Kazakh and Kyrgyz kitchen too( which are neighboring countries). If you visit to Kyrgyzstan or Kazakhstan, you will see exactly the same food.

love u mark am watching ur all videos u are so nic man... am from pakistan

Beautiful country with tons of lovely foods as well awesome people love from India

Amazing people and food

I,m from Pakistan,Mark i truly enjoy your videos..Muslims countries are amazing and their people are friendly..I like Uzbekistan


Another mark's new phrase : dangerously tasty.

The guide was visibly in a food coma towards the end of the video lol

Indescribable feeling! Way to go Uzbek hospitality!!!


This country is haven for meet eaters

Im eating my lunch while watching Mark's videos..ooohh yeah..i m sure my chicken taste like meat..haha

This country looking good Food amazing I love it great job Mark


muslim people,,they always nice,,proud of them,,,

I like how you advised everyone to skip the carwash if they don't have a car to wash

Omg everything looks amazing

It's funny: I just commented on the previous video saying that Minor Somsa is the best spot in Tashkent for somsa, and here you are in this video eating at Minor Somsa for breakfast! When I lived and worked there, I used to swing by Minor Somsa on the regular to enjoy five for myself while looking at Minor Mosque across the street during sunset; and I love how cheap it is! I miss it so much, and will hopefully get to visit the country again in a few months. Planning a trip to Khiva as well. Uzbekistan is an awesome place that I'll never forget. For those who think that the people are unfriendly: they may seem so due to the language barrier and a lack of understanding. It is nearly impossible to make it, even in Tashkent, without knowing some Russian or Uzbek. Only a small portion of the younger population knows English, but it is slowly gaining popularity as some schools begin to teach English. Just give it a little effort and you'll make lots of unexpected friends who are more than happy to welcome you into their home for some tea and a "small" homemade meal.

I’ve never really thought about visiting Uzbekistan before, because I never really heard much about it. But these videos are making me want to go very much!


+Stels music Лучше приезжать в середине мая или конце августа в мае клубника и черешня а в августе ваще все кроме клубники и черешни)))


Напиши тел номер я Сибирь нахожу поехали самной

We invite everyone to Uzbekistan

Тресковые друзья у переводчика

Mark, Mark, Mark. Dude, through the universal, unifying glory of food, you're opening my mind and my preconceived notions of nations around the globe. I can't remember how I stumbled upon your site but I'm forever glad that I did. Thank you for your love of food and your humble, joy of a child (complement) enthusiasm of sharing that love of food, cultures, and people with us. Man, you're a joy to watch and the people and food makes me want to travel more. Again, thank you.

This asia food not chinees dog food..

I love Uzbekistan !

Everything look so clean in Uzbekistan. From now on I have to save money for travel to Uzbekistan. They had a lot of beautiful mosques and delicious food and friendly people. I’m in love with Uzbekistan

ээээээээ гап йук

Anyone else get scared Mark was going to slice his mouth when eating the kebabs

wow tashkent looks like a very nice city to live in, very green and clean, and the streets look well organized. Id like to go there one day

U r Like a turtle Little neck and big head

2:49 dat guy so handsome

Do Hermanus in South Africa!!

Salam from Indonesia..to my muslim Uzbek brothers. Uzbek girls are gorgeous haha

This is awesome Mark but the tour is amazing mashallah

Я тоже хочу хочу самса


The food is cheap yet so yummy :O

*Who Loves All kinds of Street Food ?* Say it here, Coz I luv 2 hear ya aLL...

I am a Huge Fooodie

That ox tail

Yes I haven't been to my darling uzbekistan since 2015!!! Ahh I miss those old days

Uzbek people seem so generous and kind

Looks superb food...I really want to eat .pls invite me ...

beautiful country...clean and quite...nice food also...yummy

The man is in anger for calling Samosa as Samosa...what an idiot he is...its not Samsa dear its Samosa.

He is not idiot! Maybe you call it samosa but in Uzbekistan it's samsa!

mark..what's your secret how you stay thin???

Uzbekistan is a country that was part of Soviet Union. It was closed to foreigners for a very long tme. Now that is open to foreigners, the local people feel excited to see anyone visiting from abroad. The people from Uzbekistan genuinly want to show the best they have. Notice the lady from the market in the first episode not willing to take money, as she felt proud of foreigners eating her food. This is genuine hospitality. Mark shouldn't stop here and try all the ex Soviet Republics. He will be amazed of hospitality.

They will get offended if you call it samosa. It's more like CHAMSA. :-)

Aziz Abdusalomov wht did they say?

RA ME ...Uzbeks insist that it is called Somsa..

Uzbekistan you won my heart, saludos desde Mexico

I am really really wanna go there . OMG

What a beautiful culture and people out there! Congratulations! Mark and the Uzbek!

I said him idiot because still its not a thing to angery about.

Sounds awesome, what work were you doing there?

Then its Somsa from now on :)


Now that im wondering when i see this video i look hungry and hungry

We know when Mark likes a food ...... That 20° - 30° head tilt ....

Смотрел все видео Марка. По всей видимости про Узбекистан - самые теплые! ЗЫ. Жду русских субтитров, как в прошлом видео! Не сказал бы, что ничего не понимаю, но все равно лучше на родном:))

Great visiting to Uzbekistan! A lot of food, variety tastes and kind people..assalammualaikum from Malaysia..

i think Mark is loosing weight.

23:23 the face on the right though. Love it :)))

Big fan. what time of year where you there? ( what time of year is the best time to visit Samarkand?)

It can be your guide if you're planning to visit Uzbekistan in winter

19:12 Mark you don’t just grab food from the center of the table. Someone needs to offer you or put it on your plate. Table edicts are very important in Uzbek culture but because you are a foreigner they wouldn’t mind you doing that

Miguel Salazar viva Mexico y Uzbekistan cabron!!!! hermano debes visitar Uzbekistán

+miraj Hossain I was with the U.S. embassy while I was there.



Very nice

I’d love to see you come t eastern Sicily and eat our traditional food, it’s like if Greek Italian and middle eastern food had a baby


By the time we know it little Micah is going to be giving his opinions also. He is getting big! Really like the fact you are traveling to countries like Uzbekistan which no one thinks about traveling too

Do they have a club for ladies too? Genuine question

Very good video Mark! Uzbek food is N-1 in the world (from Discovery channel)

S A M O S A !!!! I'm coming!

somsa recipe looks tasty, please mark go around the whole world cultural food tour

That last meal got me over here drooling

It might be Mandela effect - I have seen you somewhere wearing a

I'm off to the Uzbeks...thanks for the tip Mark !!

I love your channel ❤

Could you mention if the food that you tried is halal or not, just in case so that your muslim viewers can get the information.

Assalomu Alekum Men asli Uzbekistonlikman lekin chet ilda yashaeman Uzbek taomiga keladigani yuk har taomida uzgacha mazzasi bor Uzbekiston nomber 1

22:29 pizdec. oni bi esche nogami jrali.

U make the food look so yummy and appetizing with your expressions..that makes our mouthwater ,hungry to eat that thing.

I am scared because i think they are terrorists

Hi from USA, just paid 9$ for a subway sandwich :(

Mika has grown up

samsa ... afiyet olsun... çok yaşa özbekistan

Tashkent is the capital of Uzbekistan, you'd be surprise what night life they have.

another fantastic series Mark!

It is samsa not somsa

Who told you that? Media? Peace place you can’t found in the world like Uzbekistan.

Uzbeks are peaceful nation, very hospitable people.

Muhammad Daud uzbeks are muslims


At the restaurant for dinner where was Ying? I was curious if she was at the hotel with the baby because his bedtime or are women not allowed there?


Deliciosisimo . Gracias Uzbekistan!

What a great food tour! Thank you mark weins for let us taste the food and feel the generosity of Uzbekistan

When are you going to come to Louisiana?

Somsa or Samsa?

Meat meat meat only meat...

Tnx for showing the mosque


Please, fix description, it’s not samosa, it is SAMSA, or SOMSA.

Those oxtails!!!!! #WOW!!!! (**In Mark's voice**) :-)

Thanks Mark, I’m amazed by your ability to eat so much and still keep the shape

I had dinner a moment ago but watching this, I am hungry again.

my paradise!!! , Mark, you make me come back home every day!!! Please dont do it

After watching the vedeo I feel Uzbek is the best food in the world.love from India


This makes me go to Uzbekistan

make more samsa videos please thank you.

Did he say “NAMASKAR” at 23:42 ?

Lots of countries have samosas but i never knew im from pakistan and ours is so felicious

From Philippines wow who would be the one who will bring me to UZbekistan wow amazing food good people

I love how he embraces all cultures. It helps me see a different side of what culture really is. It’s So beautiful and it’s amazing how different their dinner table looks compare to what I’m used to.

It is not Samosa. It is Somsa (in Uzbek) and Samsa (in English).

Horse?? But muslims dnt eat horse meat..just goat cow fish chicken lamb

Total price was 5.89$ for all those kabab skewers and 2Kg of meats, are u serious?

Uzbeks are so much like Pushtuns of Afghanistan and Pakistan. They touch their palm upon the chest to show respect, its so beautiful. Love from Pakistan to the land of the Mughals. 15:56 Chaikhana 16:32 Identical culture. 22:40 A friend feeding the guest himself out of love, unfortunately the west ever understand this culture .So very beautiful.

*Most people don't know what Samosa actually comes from Central Asia*

The beauty of Uzbekistan is its women workforce. Learn Pakistan Learn.

love you uzbekistan♥️♥️ the best in the world

Absolutely beautifull. Uzbekistan and the food has really surprised me. So rich and clean. Greetings from Pakistan.


Every minute of this video was exceptional but the feast held in Mark's honor by Baha was extremely moving.

I didnt knew your that much deaf he spelled SAMSA and you wrote somsa

Let's go Uzbekistan...fromThailand

Very good Uzbeks are very very hospitable and friendly wishing once visit Uzbekistan...

Are Uzbek people from heaven ?

I want to live and retire in Uzbekistan it is simply amazing beautiful and just heaven on earth . Which has been now exposed thanks to Mr Wien

In Pakistan we have many common foods with Central Asian states and not so much as we move Eatern Asia Samosa, Polov (Pulao) Naan etc

0:19 For a moment I felt he's gonna break your jaw.

Sexually dangerously

Uzbeks are so much like Pushtuns of Afghanistan and Pakistan. They touch their palm upon the chest to show respect, its so beautiful. Love from Pakistan to the land of the Mughals. 15:56 Chaikhana 16:32 Identical culture. 22:40 A friend feeding the guest himself out of love, unfortunately the west will never understand this culture .So very beautiful.

I've never thought about traveling to this country, but it seems so cool! The food looks amazing and somehow it looks so spacious wherever you go

Ma shaa Allah Uzbek people r so nice the place is so neat n clean.so hygienic

Excellent video clip! Sitting here at Y&S FOOD! we adore to discover this amazing contents. We create Travel & Food video as well, throughout the planet, so we are constantly aiming for inspirations and ideas. Thank You.

Malaysia hadir

who's need for fish and chip when you can have lamb instead?

My great grandfather was from this region. We still make these foods but now learning about the history and culture behind it.

He's eating all the animals in the world.what's next a giraffe

Enjoy everytime watching you with your lovely Family traveling to different countries to eat great looking Food! Sanook mak mak !

Want to visit this place.

wtf that fest was cheating they just decorated the whole table with fruits so that it feels that there so much of food

I love his face expressions

Thanks Mark i like your all program around the world and i like this when you taste enni food you eat properly and enjoyed which contri food you never liked please reply me

excuse me? did he just say *HORSE SAUSAGE* ?! 19:35

I wish I could go there. People are so hospitable and lovely. Their culture and food is one of the best in the world.

Uzbek series is one of the best food videos ever!! Wish to meet you one day Mark

Сомсани тишлаганда кузи чикиб кетаман деди

Why is he so weird

Is that the mosque where imam bukari is buried?

Imam Bukhari was buried in Samarkand.

beatuful country .

Mark you really like all this food? Your ohohooo make me think yes or no,

Watching this while eating instant noodles

Dude, come to Kyrgyzstan and try Beshbarmak (literally means Five Fingers, because you are supposed to eat it with hands). You don't need visa to go there by the way. Good luck!

Uzbekistan I'm coming

I never thought that Uzbekistan wd be so cleàn and nice. Love the place and simplicity within.

Mark Taste Meter: level 1: nod level 2: nod+mmmmm level 3:nod+oh yeah level 4:nod+wow level 5:nod+widen eyes level 6:widen eyes level 7:widen eyes+mmm/wow level 8:widen eyes+tilt level 9:widen eyes+tilt+dragon breath level 10:widen eyes+tilt+dragon breath+laugh+wow+comments CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL!

Uzbekistan I am coming

Go back to Uzbekistan! You didn't make enough videos!!! My kids and I love your hosts!

All that fat....my gall bladder groaned...oh wait i dont have a gall bladder anymore so ....shovel it all in my mouth!!!

Awesome looking food, man

Muslims are generous and hospitable people. I think a video is due by Mark just on how generous and kind Muslims are around the world which is a common theme you will have come across around the globe.

You should also give details how to organise a holiday the destination you visit.

Mark please show your wife and baby eating as well please

Oh my world. Marks stomach and still thin.

Ok, I get it. Uzbeks love their lamb.

Uzbekistan's people are so generous

I so love this channel. It makes me hungry all the time. Haha

Sheep organ doughnuts

Why does Mrs Wiens don't eat

Mark its the most amazing video in all ur videos. I liked it alot

Love it ❤️

You are truly the best for going to places we never or rarely hear off. The food seems really cheap over there.

Wow!! Food looks so delicious!! Looks very similar to Pakistani cuisine❤❤❤

I think I watch this video 100 time I miss my Uzbek food I cant wait to get back there

I have to stop watching Mark, he will kill me with this delicious and wonderful food

Do uzbek muslims eat horse? Because the were eating horse sausage.

Tq tq tq Mark for awesome video

There food looks very clean..yummy.

Wow we also have samsa in Algeria but it is a dessert stuffed with nuts and fried and then dipped in honey

Come and visit my country Azerbaijan, too. We have super delicious food/meals.

Wow ! what a lay out and spread great yummy . So well prepared the bread shaped.

Why they never use handscoons when cooking or mix the foods ???

Love Uzbek, from uk and Bangladesh, 1 day want to visit

Meat is Uzbekistan heaven

love uzbekistan from pakistan

Mark, could you plz stop eating like a monkey.....

Assalam o alaikum brother Why do you write your name like this, why not use the full word Muhammad ? It's such a beautiful name but when u write it in short form, the name changes. It won't have the same meaning and writing it like this is a Disrespect to the name itself and our Prophet Muhammad ( Sallal laho alaihai wa aalayhe wasalam ) ..... (Maaz Allah) The changed / short form of the name , won't have same blessings that belong to the full form of name. Why you write it in short cut ? Why not the full form ? Please think on it, what are you doing and why ? Jazak Allah

Simply beautiful

SAMOSA is afamous dish in Saudi Arabia Hejaz Region , we call it Bukhari food

Siti Ruchayati tradition

Just awesome, love your video's. The generosity of these people and kindness they extend is awesome.

I think you should discover North African countries' foods! I'am sure you won't regret it !!

I hope this was not all on the same day. Sashlik, Besh Panche are good but hard to beat tandoor lamb with somsa a close second.

Please make a tour in Georgia tibilisi

if you visit Kyrgyzstan you will get lots of food made of meat

I love watching your Videos but I do hope You have Your Cholesterol checked

With such wonderful and outstanding culture, people kindness and beautiful food preparation and tasty description, I feel like I was already there with these crowd. Bravo Mark!


19: 50 he sad prok ????

Someone get me to Uzbekistan noww :D

После нескольких видео, его реакция на любую еду, честно говоря, начинает надоедать.

It's Samsa. Not somsa, or samosa.

I wish you could taste Yemeni delicacies foods Unfortunately, the situation is unstable over there ☹

My country

Simply amazing...Vow

After watching this video i just wanna go there and become fat, is anyone else gonna join with me?

eye opening cuisine and culture :)

All of the food looks yummy! The food table at the last place was gorgeous! Make me hungry.

I was born in Uzbekistan and emigrated to Germany in 1996. I miss the culture, the food and the weather. This Video made my day, I feel happy to see, that the people are still nice and kind like 20 years ago. This is an example for true islamic people!

somsa is like Indian snacks samosa

Whoa! I don’t eat meat but these somsas make my mouth water. I am not sure how does it compare with Indian Samosas and Samsa but I’m gonna give a try when I get a chance. Are there any veggie somsas?

Their place and food is just clean and fresh! So happy finally Uzbek food was shared into a famous blog as this. By the way you have a beautiful family, how sweet it is you bring them together in all your experiences and adventures. Better than memories of discoveries alone, is to make them with your love ones ❤

I'm learning so much about Ubek food, soooo much love for fat.

Wow this is a amazing country with amazing food and people ❤️

It looks like a MEAT HEAVEN. Sorry for vegetarians. There are less options for them!

i am so happy to see central asia getting more recognition :D

23:09 hmmm

"The social aspect of it is just beautiful"... but where were the ladies, Mark? Are they not allowed to dine with you???

Türkiye und Özbekistan Kardeş ( Bruder )

Tashkent is the city I was born and grew up ❤️

2:12 That guy sounds so rude!!

You're a handsome guy

Ассалому алайкум дустлар бу сомса узбекистони кайси шахрида тайорланади илтимос айтиб куйинглар олдиндан рахмат . Кыргызистондан салом узбекистон халкига .

In your life before die please come to Uzbekistan at least one time to see generous Uzbek People and eat Amazing Lovely Uzbek foods enjoy it u can feel good if you do my suggestions and u will die as happy human i said these with my soul welcome to Uzbekistan

I am Uzbek I am proud of it Uzbek foods best foods i the world


There's a reason why the uzbekz/arabs/indians have lots of sons.... they ate so much meats......


Great video

I love the people of Uzbekistan..they are so kind n generous...May Allah shower his blessings on them...

If we had such a market in my country Kenya, then I would never buy dinner. Straight our of work, walk around and by the time I reach my place, I just take a drink and blackout.

The tourism representative can show me around anywhere

Hi. Is anyone watching now while hungry. I hav a dream of visiting that place

Micah ♥

Filming yourselves putting food in your mouths and chewing...I wonder what kind of sickness is that...Like there is any viewer who wants to see that... Wow! chewing people! - That's something new!... OK, I know what it is. Its called narcissism.

Guys, do you know that in Uzbekistan there are some uzbek fast food brends like Les Ailes (instead of KFC), Evos (instead of Makdonalds) and indeed these uzbek fast foods are much better than famous kfc and Makdonalds...

Man that fat killing

What a beautiful Muslims very generous and respectful people

You're wife and son so cute

Wow Uzbekistan has some really amazing food and people and their food is looking clean and fresh.

20:07 is this guy trying to get his own show?

What a cool tandoor oven. They don't have those in Pakistan.

Тошкентга келиб истаган миллий таомлар ошхонасига кириб томчи сомса сурасангиз бор булади

Какие молодцы наши парни как поиняли прям вообще восторге браво

I love my Uzbek culture! People when they see camera, they know it’s gonna be on YouTube! Our union is never shy

After watching all your videos, I feel as if I’ve been there. Tasted the food and smelled the different aroma’s. You represent so well! Thank you Mark

Look at Mika mark I’m sorry if I spell your son”s name wrong look at Mika 11:47

Omg they all want to strap you down to a table, how much did you weigh after getting home

Why do you always bring your wife and son when you travel? They don't want to stay home? Your son grew up travelling. Your wife don't work?

The Samza looks amazing! Your videos of Uzbekistan is going to increase tourism to that country.

Having visited Uzbekistan already, I can guarantee everyone who is watching this video: YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED. GO TO UZBEKISTAN. NOW.

Uzbek taomlari har qancha maqtasa arziydi Juda ham mazali

Dat guy feedin u

Chris Is actually choyxona (gentlemen’s club) only for mens

Saludos desde mi país Chile

Que comidas MAS RICAS!!

I am from Uzbekistan I lived there for 8 years and I came to USA 4 years ago but I still visit it and it was pretty fun to watch this

Mark! Can i get a like from u plzzzzzz? Love from pakistan, hugs to mikka hi to yeng

Very nice people and nice food of Uzbekistan. Hope one day I will also visit Uzbekistan and will enjoy their delicious food.Thanks Mark,You have made me greedy for enjoying delicious food of Uzbekistan. Love Uzbek brothers and sisters from Bangladesh.

This ox tail drop my jaw!!!!it's really mouth watering Mark!!! Love this video!!!

Мехмондуст Узбекистонликларга салом. Қозоғистондан.

Love you Uzbekistan

Ozbekistonga koz tegmasin...toshkentliklar mehmoni gap yok zor kutvoldila baraka topila....gap yok......

Mark Wiens, no offense at all but was wondering how your blood work is after all the heavy meat and fat dishes. Love your videos man just curious about your health.

One word stunning God has made amazing places. People have such a big heart same as in india

Samarkhand history of great warriors from millennium's

Thanks for this wonderful video i think i will visit uzp.

So friendly

Добро пожаловать Узбекистан друзья.18:00. Столь накрыт от души!

I love my Uzbek people


Is that guy with mark a blogger himself? I love how enthusiastic he is.. Very entertaining..

Qashqadaryoliklar bormi?

5:31 whoever never met/eat dis plate must go to uzbeck and have to eat it BADELY

I live there its a awsome place to be born in

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