Cedar Point's Valravn roller coaster: A view from the top at 223 feet high

Cedar Point's Valravn roller coaster: A view from the top at 223 feet high

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Okay. So. Is Gio's are. We, streaming, on here. That's. Gonna be through the phone. Okay. So. We're gonna okay. And, then show everybody half way up when do we get to the top and run didn't explain that it's too wet to go out but. That if. It clears, up that, maybe we could go after the. Show and do it digitally. Do. You love you I mean if it stops is that okay or is it I mean we don't we just exactly. Yeah. Oh. Yeah yeah no you got me no, but this makes for exactly extra, content yeah that's a Shirley area. So. We are. Okay. 628, okay so, we can go heavily up yeah no, oh, yeah are, we coming up straight. Up. So. We're starting. It. Straight to us there we go. Oh. Here. We go so, if we are streaming. Live okay. We're, live we, are live, we, are bothered so, Derek's, camera, and yeah, body. Or Theon. Where's. Derek there he is. Okay. So we are we are on our way up right now whirring what do you think. I. Don't, know, I'd. Be, able to like walk out on a platform whatever. My power it's our sit. There for a couple, seconds, before you go, down I just love, looking around yeah at the entire park so but, it always goes so quick you don't get to experience, a. Long. Period of time so this is gonna be amazing. That's. The cool thing about this is you get that extra time to not yeah. You know it's, based on yourself my figures it has to rain. We're. Not even halfway. T. Now coming right on to us. Yes. Welcome. Back here at 6:30, on your Friday morning we are live at, their point not only are we live at Cedar, Point we, are headed to the top of the vowel Raven, didn't, get an update that, we are a no-go when it comes to walking out onto the platform, but we are in the elevator that leads all, the way to the top so we're gonna give you this look right now at what we're seeing and Dave every weeks pretty much see every inch of the park it's incredible, so it's a 10-foot platform, and there's just too much rain right now to take the risk lot there even though you have a harness on you could still slip and fall so it's too dangerous to actually walk out but right now we, are on our way up to the top and as you mentioned the views we were just talking wearing like when you're in the power tower you, have about, a couple seconds to see the entire park and and the lake and everything that's around you right now we are experiencing. That view, it's incredible, so this is the top right here as you can see live. At, the top of the valve raven and then, all around us we can see the lake in the park and everything around it yeah yeah. Holly. And, can. You see I know I want to show you out this way over, here you really see, just. How far up we are I mean we are above all of the roller coasters we're above the parking lots were above the lake, so. It, is it's, extreme. All. Right yeah Holly back, to you and we will be back in moments, for more as we continue our journey here, yeah well we'll show you where this look out over, the park our, man Tony. How. Long how. Long can we stay up on the elevator all, day all day. Yeah. We can spray thanks like 15-20 minutes okay. Yeah. When's. Our next hit Jenny. Okay. We're doing, a weather trip I was gonna say. I. Have mine that. I can go on to strap on. Instead. Of the cell phone it would be a lot nicer your. Audio and everything we can so much better yeah so there's time we can't go all the way back down grab his camera and come all the way back up, anyone. That if you want a better shot. Now. That we're not getting out.

Hey Jenny can you hear us. After. This hit we. Could go back down and get, the camera. To make it a better shot and be live in the elevator. Okay we're, next when. We see gate keeper Raptor. Blue, Streak please - max. There's. A regular. Camera so you can better. Starbuck. Not. Open that Starbucks. Here. We go. And. I think that's, well. We are safe no doubt about it as you're looking live here, and I mean that's crazy to see the parking lot with no cars yes I see, thousands. Of cars in there you see the Raptor the gatekeeper, the most amazing, coasters, of course now we know Cedar Point's more than just the coasters, I mean there's so much more here. Family-friendly. Stuff, I mean the breakers, and you can see the breakers out to the left and the beach so. Much didn't do here well yeah and if you want to do what we're doing right now we've been talking about these fun rise tours and here's how you can do it. Okay. Okay. So we're gonna wrap and then we're clear for when. We. You will position ourselves if you want to see us yeah yeah. So over there do. Or. Do you stay there so. Then we're, tossing back to Hawaii baby. Yeah. Um. Do you want to say like this platform, would have been do. You she wants to see us straight. Yeah it's, a jewel box and then, then, you guys will go down we'll get. And. It is an amazing experience to be this this. High and see. The park from this view so if you're interested in the sunrise tour I mean, it's a it's a no-brainer you, get to see the behind the scenes which you don't get to see normally, and, then you get to go 223. Feet high, into the air, unfortunately. We're not going to get to go outside right now but we are at the very top right now with the incredible, views that you can see nowhere else right and then you get to ride some coasters along, with that during the morning yeah so it's a different time of the day it's an incredible, journey no doubt Holly. Danielle well make it out here one morning. Okay. Cleary all right go get the camera hold on. See. So you can see those little. Yeah. That's, what those things are flapping all the way up, now. When people want these. Stairs, that's only in, vacu, Asian situation, okay if we can that the elevator won't move what, about workers, no great like they inspected, but they inspected with the elevator okay and if they have to get out look at something they can maybe the maintenance guys are mine is completely different than we are they could actually tether to the track. Itself. And. Actually climb on the track of thing is you. Could. You imagine. Yeah. That, means that I mean I'd be nervous, it. Would have to be an extreme situation for us to use these stairs let me look at that way this elevator exists, for multiple purposes the primary purpose is really to evacuate, at the top between between the two but. The stairs are there of course. May. Be a dumb question do they need the other coasters, have an elevator there's. Two that do but they're not listening so, one top-load, rags are another tiny. Metal box in the middle of the, structure. That goes up and. Then Millennium, Force has, a bucket, that's like this that's it's not enclosed it's a smaller basket. That. Goes up the same way. The. Stairs are that far apart see your legs get a really, nice workout. They. Don't you. Get halfway up up in here like yes. Yeah. Okay, so running at that camera. We'll. Wait here. Are. You using the screen on this. Okay. So do you want us to keep this up. No. Matter what Jenny do you want me I. Know. Do. You guys. Yeah. He's gonna get him out for it. Just. Lusty alleles still exist about, what. Seriously. My brother always got lost always, made, us just link we, go to Cedar Point we'd ride this ride my brother would get lost then we go and it's, good because. There. Is only one yeah. Yeah. What's. In there I don't think I've ever even business, it's. A we do a wild-west review.

Like. It's now it's more of a French can-can kind, of show oh okay, so it's, it's. It's kind of lusty, Lil's. Version. Of a of. A French review it's not, really you know this has to be funny like it's not really a real. Deal yeah. But. Frontier town in general is kind of kitschy funny, not. A completely. Accurate representation. It's like Cedar Point's representation. So. We. Don't a lot of work back there especially. With steel dungeon some characters. That walk around now and the, frontier festival which is new this year yeah. It's, a really cool place to spend time now is. It what. Are the characters, there. So, we have the three characters from steel badges okay, that were part of you know this order. And. We. Also just have other. Westerby. Kind of characters. That make an appearance that are part of like the bluegrass Jamboree, that plays on the stage they, come out and meet people. We. Have some additional characters, that show up during the summer festivals, like you know get photos, with guests. And things like that so. This. It's it's. Cool it's trying to we're trying to view the whole more than more, than just rides it's. All kinds of immersive, stuff that is. Unexpected, like. This. This. Was kind of the first step, thinking. That you know you know in getting those better experiences, was this this thing right here yeah. It's. Amazing. Yeah. I. Can't wait to. 2. Minutes, and 23 seconds, for the length does that have anything to do it the height, being. The same I mean that's. The, high it's a, coincidence. I would say right yeah. There's. This, is a bit simple just go oh that's. Rosie it's it what was up. All. Right so, after this break. We. Throw a doorstop. It's. Basically, what's new I think it's the view, that. You guys did this morning, toss. Out to weather. Then. They do then, it's a break they do a speed feed and then we say goodbye we toss to the weekender. We're. In the elevator, oh. I. Believe. I. Saw Derek, walking. Derek. Is walking, towards us right now so I'm, assuming that means he's going to use his camera but I don't know that because we haven't spoken to him we. Do have the phone in here Jia left it with us. He's, bringing a live view Pak I see him walking now, if. You want to see. It's. The the, tag-team right there. 90. Oh. So. They want to know what camera, we're going to use on, the next shot those new by Derrick's Derrick's, camera, will be used, Derrick's, camera. Talk. Okay. Do they need mics. Yes. Okay. I have I have a, computer. With. Can. We do it as we go yep okay, can you stay. For a second well. Yeah. What's new. Okay. Okay. Are. We. Okay. Though. But, the baby ain't. Seen nothing yeah you really haven't yeah I'm, never saying. At. Cedar Point, and. The wonkavator is best -, right that's what it feels like Willy won't this chocolate back and read it done and we are moving right now we, we are making. Our way right to the top of the bell Raven we went down we picked up a few more crew members because. Hey you, can't miss this, view. This morning there, are so many new, things here. At Cedar Point for the past couple of weeks we've been talking about the, Monster, Jam Thunder, alley that's where you get a chance to ride in the monster truck that's right but that's not all people are getting excited for the brand-new forbidden, frontier, on Adventure Island opens, Memorial, Day weekend, it's a little different for the park because it's what they call an abstract, attraction. Watching. It. Tony. Also says there will be two new restaurants making, their debut this, year as well and what's interesting about this Tony was telling me is it usually Maureen Cedar Point wants to say hey this is the tallest Ryan or the fastest, ride you got come do this but with this there's. Some excitement, because you don't know exactly what you're gonna get and they don't want you to know well, and we've been talking about Tony who's in the elevator with us all morning long and really he's, been telling us about how they want to make this such, an event an immersion, event for families. You don't want everybody. Wants to come and ride the roller coaster but what else can they offer and they've really been focusing, on that so, you, know for me then it feels, like okay I have a young family we're not providing the huge coasters but we can still come and be busy all day long that's right I this, year this summer I'm gonna take what we got and go to the breakers yeah okay because the beach out there you do not feel like you're in Ohio, it's incredible. Out there so there's a lot to do besides, just the coasters here of course the colors today.

I Feel like I'm in Ohio. True. Stories, high likes to say true story yeah. We. Traveled yeah. All. Right we're just gonna switch out right here. They. Go through a, program. It's. CIE. They they, basically. Excuse. My experience. Yeah. Oh. You. More, English or learning. Our culture. They. Now they we're here but like the islands they know. Folks. Over there other. Attractions. Commuted, you. Know. There. Really is a lot of cool what's one down here I would say just like this. One. Just come here and just go through this of all the park all the coasters, you have to walk to your left. Domi. Go ahead you down this. Time. Didn't murder Green was, the last time you know, when, I was a kid I don't know what was your, last. Like. To come in who's been today the cemetery here yeah because that's a my pick. That's. Why that. Still. Got scary. I. Know. It's weird because you're just, when you're riding they're just a different feeling you know you're still walking this ain't right yeah strapped, in in you. Gotta. Let me know when a party. High. In the sky. Because. The. Big. Like. This. Yeah. Nope. And they were in. And. Then it shuts down when you get right to the front that happened to me. Happens. To me too. They're. Over. Please weather, and then it's us just goes into the weekender so we're at dump that's all we have right you just have to toss, to the weekender. Chill. Take. It off, pan, around the park. Lovely. Viewers. You. Can see it all over ready. Everybody. We're. Live here at the top of the platform. See. People we work together. There's. There's been something fun about just being in the Oliver English, experience. Yeah. I. Know. Might make it boil, should, we have, a better background. What's. Better than to actually see the guy think that yeah I. Just. Look down baby. Can. You imagine if it wasn't like a cloudy day what it would be like. Now. We've got. We. Actually have to go down. Yeah. Now. Here's a question if, we were allowed to would, you guys have gotten out. What. About you mom yeah, yeah. I. Don't want to employ, the shop. Well. Holly, I have to tell you live live report, here live, weather report the clouds just, rolled in so you can't even see how to park, anymore that's how high up we are so we're showing you the top of the codes they're super tough how we raise it right you can see why for safety reasons they told us we're getting to the top of the elevator but we're not walking out I mean I'm literally looking down to the bottom of the park right now and there are stairs right here this is the top of the coaster right here I mean you only get, to see this okay, if you do the Sun Rise throws.

Towards Sunrise girls tour we're good we're gonna hang and see if we can get out there and sometime, today but I think we're just gonna have to come back on a sunny day that's right in the meantime we, always love looking back on Friday have a great weekend everybody. That's, it. Down, we go. Nice. Job, Thanks. If. Super, close if we waited an hour is there any chance that we, would go out there, look. At the radar he's. Gonna look at the radar. Jenny. I have to tell you to pick it up I mean like. This. Is what you see - we, are descending. From. The platform. Okay. Because. If you get out there is what you gonna see milk. And. This is what you see today you'll see. It's. In the hands of Cedar Point. Actually. Well. We'll we'll. Give them a nudge hey. Does look like pork work down hey great job everybody, Peck legs good hustle great job. Yeah. Just, to be. Was. Like talking to a cop now fighting ham. There's. The top of, Valerie minutes we just getting. To, the bottom. Thanks. Everybody. Yeah. We. Got we, got a good experience. All. Right thank you everybody for tuning in, all. Right. Hopefully. We'll be able to go back up. You.

2019-05-05 12:13

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