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CBS Miami Live Stream

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Okay. The, gift certificate. You see now this. Family sending our Lord. And. Friends, at a memorial service at, Washington's, National Cathedral, joining. Me here in, our Washington, bureau is CBS, contributor, Bob Schieffer. John, Dickerson the, co-host, of CBS, this morning and CBS. News political, correspondent at. O'Keeffe it's, so good to have you all here I know Senator. McCain was so often, at, the table talking to so many of us here, and Bob. You've. Known him for so many years you covered, him what we're watching today, it feels like a head, of state, it. Really does and when you look, at the guest list for the funeral, here today the people the foreign, leaders, who have come here it's, like when. A president, dies or, something I can't recall when, a senator, has, had, this kind of a turnout. I mean people from all over Eastern, Europe the president, of Ukraine. One, after, the other coming, here and I think is just testament, to, the high, regard in which he was held not, just in our country but around the world presidents. Prime ministers as, you say from Eastern Europe in particular the, the symbolism not lost that John, McCain was a, defense, Hawk but a strong, sort, of moral leader on the diplomacy, side John when. It came to staff standing, up to Vladimir Putin, that's. Right and we'll hear today the kinds of words the big words that we use in American, life to talk about the, key American things courage, honor Duty, patriotism. And it won't just be the kinds of words that a speechwriter writes, I mean John McCain, carried, it in his bones the, broken ones his. Duty courage and honor in the service of his country and, so this. Is a it's, all the people who are attending but also just in the language and in what we're gonna hear, really gets at the core of what, we celebrate as a nation, and, that's a part of the what's happening today as well and no part of today's ceremony, is accidental. The senator himself really. Orchestrated. Each step of this that's right well his famous last kind, of big speech in the Senate was about regular. Order the idea that Democrats and Republicans would, fight like heck but still, follow some basic rules. And his having a democratic, and a Republican, president, speak to people against whom he fought like heck, echoes, that message and that was all designed by John McCain and and we, are waiting, for the. Senators, coffin. There and casket to be carried out of the Capitol, it was of course where he lain in state yesterday. And also served for more than 30, years what. Do you think his legacy is as, a legislator, I arguably. The last old Lion of, the Senate or old bull one. Of those real institutionalists. Who held the place together and had great reverence, and respect for, for, Congress and for what it is what. It is supposed to be for, the country and, someone who frankly, in the last 18, years especially. I, think since his 2000, campaign, to. Quote from Hamilton was always in the room where it happened whether it worked or not he, was someone who was always involved and and someone you needed to, be involved, in order to get things done especially in the Senate you know that's such a good point because you. Know I've heard some people actually say I like John McCain but, why is he getting this, much attention, John. McCain, was involved. Was a voice or a participant. In most. Of the major events. Of the last 50, years starting. With, his time as a prisoner in Vietnam, he, was a part of the debate he was one, of the proponents he was an opponent but his, voice was always part. Of. The. Conversation. He was always in the fight I know. Outside, the Capitol we are seeing the McCain family, arrive. I want, to go now to, CBS, News correspondent chip. Reed who is standing by at the US Capitol where the Senators casket, will soon be brought out in, preparation. For the. Motorcade, chip I know you covered the senator for many years on the campaign, trail and. This last journey today, what are you seeing what. I'm what. I'm seeing behind me is over here the waiting casket, and over here is the, motorcade, members. Of his family are arriving, in just, a matter of minutes his casket, will be carried, down the East Steps, the East front steps of the Capitol, by what are known as the Armed, Forces body. Bearers. A group of servicemen, who trained endlessly, keep your eye on them they are absolutely flawless. Every move is made, with military, precision it's, a way of giving the dignity, and honor to people like, John McCain who, have really, earned it they will place the casket, in the hearse it will exit, by, the north exit to.

The Capitol Plaza followed. By the motorcade, and one interesting thing to keep your eye on is, as he makes that left-hand, turn on the Constitution. Avenue where, people are already lining up to pay their last respects, he will pass the Senate Russell, Senate office building, there is a proposal, in the Senate now to change, the name of that building to the McCain Senate, office building there are only three, Senate office buildings that would be a high honor indeed, it's not clear, that it will pass there has been some resistance including. Some from members of his own party it's really being pushed by Democrats, more, than Republicans but. What an honor it would be if that becomes, the McCain Senate, office building you said he spent a lot, of time here he loved this place I believe it was 32 years as a senator four, years as a member of the House and. Two years at least as the Navy, liaison. To. The to the Senate he loved, this place it's going to be hard to imagine it without him Margaret and we are watching the, casket, here let's let's, pause as we watch the military honor guard escort. Him out from the Capitol for one last time. We've, been talking about the senator, and, his, history. His legacy, as a legislator. But really the. McCain family, has such a history of its own with the military. John, mccain himself the son and, grandson of four-star, Admirals, one. Member of the McCain family, has fought in every u.s. war going all the way back to the Revolution and, his. Sons continued. To serve as well as his daughter-in-law so, we we talk about him as a prisoner of war as, a decorated, naval officer, but as someone who has deep. Ties deep, respect, and. A lot of service, to. The history of defense of this country. Tom. McCain was brought up with. The idea that he would serve just, as his father and his grandfather had. That's what his mother expected. Of him it. Was it was just a family tradition and. He. It was what made it was, the lodestar, of his life, service. To, his country he always said, the. Best life is one where you become, part. Of something larger than. Yourself that's, why his favorite. Novel. Of course was for Whom the Bell Tolls and, he, read it first when he was 12 years old and it, remained. What. He has aspired. To be like today. On. The campaign, trail he would take that message and say to people I've.

Lived A life of service, and you, can too even if you don't go in the military that, he would try to be a bridge between the the. Commitments, of the military, life into which he was born and the commitment every citizen, can, make and that's what drew people to him this idea that there were causes greater than your self-interest, as Bob mentioned it, and that, we are all as Americans able. To get involved in those causes and that we all should and that's what you saw catch, fire for him as a political, candidate. When he ran for president you. Can see just to explain what you've been watching us they put the casket, into the hearse there because. It is a drizzly. Day in Washington, there was a plastic covering. That blew, off onto. One. Of the, men. In uniform, there and was removed quickly you see them now still, marching off with such precision. Senator, McCain the, 31st. Individual. To lie in state at the US Capitol the very first honor given, to such, a senator, was to Henry Clay back, in 1852. And. A. Decision. Senator McCain made he wanted to have celebrated, yesterday, and what many saw is a. Decision. To emphasize, bipartisanship. At, a time of great division in our country absolutely. And the, laying of the wreaths from members, of both parties that, lead the house of the Senate. Small. Token of that bipartisanship, and the strong. Turn out there from current and former members. Several, governors were, there Rick Scott of Florida. Larry. Hogan from Maryland. Former. Senators. As well that's, right we, still live here in Washington, but others flew into town Phyllis and. A fair. Amount, of the diplomatic, court here in Washington, we forget that they are always, invited to these types of events and he's. One of the few people in that rotunda who might have made it might have known all of them by name and showed up. A. Great advocate for American, diplomacy, as, well I want to go to chip Reid our correspondent, there at the Capitol right now, chip.

Can You describe for us what, the, feeling, is there, I mean we hear, the silent itself that is so powerful, but tell us what what you are seeing it, is the, silence itself is so powerful, I am seeing family, members get. In three, vans that. Are positioned. In the motorcade to follow the hearse out, onto Constitution. Avenue where, people have already gathered to pay their last respects. I saw Meghan. McCain who we have all seen as, has. Been extremely, emotional. Through. This when I covered. The McCain campaign back. In 2008. She was there constantly. She, was always by her father's side, Cindy. McCain, Senator. McCain's wife also got. Into the vans yesterday, there were about twenty-one members of the family not quite as many this time I don't think there were any grandchildren, here, he has five, grandchildren. And seven children as you know and lots, of spouses, and a brother, and a sister and of course his 106. Year old mother. Roberta, oh who, is listed in the press guide as 106. Years young which. Is very very much a statement. Of fact I did, not see here I'm not sure if any of you did but they're waiting, for the hearse, to begin moving behind a police escort and. Then head out on to Constitution. Avenue this, the final goodbyes to John, McCain from the place that he loved so much and. And. I know you'd. Been doing. Some reporting around this Roberta, McCain, really. Captured, so much attention yesterday because she appeared so, stoic, absolutely. And and really gripping the hand of Megan McCain through most of that ceremony in the rotunda I was told by somebody. Close to the family that afterward, she, actually gave to the pep. Talk and told. Everyone in the family and some other friends don't be glum don't be downtrodden. Her. Son had a great life she said the. Family has great faith and they're gonna be strong through all of this she lives here in Washington. Which is why she wasn't in Arizona earlier in the week but. It was quite, a sight to see yesterday, and you think about people. Who are iconic. In American history and then you think about the people behind them well, you don't Lee she's a woman who you know mother, of a senator. Daughter-in-law. Of an Admiral wife, of an Admiral somebody. Who played a critical role in propping up really, important people and we think of him being the son of an admiral and the grandson, of an admiral he was really a mama's, boy to. Hear him tell it she was the great influence. In, his, life and he, just loved, her he'd, loved you, know I can remember you know when I was up covering the Senate I mean sometimes she'd do something he'd, stop you say you, know what she did this. It. Was, it was really fun to talk to him about and he just he, loved her today on. This day of somber, remembrance, it's important, that imitation Bob just did. He. Was always having fun he was always stopping you tell you a story always out of the side of his mouth a little bit and that spark, and that fire that energy that comes from his mother and. You know he was nothing if not irreverent. I mean he, would have gotten a kick out of this thing about are they gonna remain, the the, Russell Russell donors is I know when I came to Washington those, those buildings, didn't have a name they were the new Senate office building, and the Russell was the old Senate office building and McCain. Always pointed it out he always called it the old sob which, is where. Google. Even already renamed, it if you if you pulled up your Google map here in Washington, this week it's called the McCain Senate office maybe there. Was a makeshift memorial when I was in the office. Building this week there was a memorial people, had just come to the edge of of the Russell Senate office building, to leave flowers and to, leave notes and letters in remembrance, of the senator and there's some debate, over exactly. How to honor, Senator. McCain and I know Johnny, were talking to his dear friend Lindsey Graham this week about, just, that and, he said he'd actually like to see some legislation result, from this moment he he well he suggested, maybe immigration, reform, might be something that was said one of those we were talking about McCain being at the heart of every fight that was certainly one of them immigration, reform will tick off some others later but Lindsey he never quite won no if I did in one just like he didn't win the tobacco. Fight just like his fight for campaign, finance reform, was essentially, hollowed. Out by the courts and will a lot, of those fights are fights that he that. He tried and and and either won and had to push back or was unable to win but Lindsey said that he he, wanted to name the visitor. Center at the Capitol because one.

It Would be aware all visitors, to the Capitol would see and they'd learn, about the life of John McCain but also in. Keeping with the irreverence, that Bob talked about. John. McCain didn't like the, first time I ever reported about him was about budget matters he didn't like overspending, he didn't like the Capitol Visitor Center at all Lindsay, thought naming. It after him would, be the nice final, little ribbing, to him. Because. He hated the, expenditure. Of the people's money on that Bisson, a. Sense. Of humor there, as, we watched the. Motorcade, proceed, we know that the. Senator, had spent a great deal of time over, the past year, that, he has been battling 13, months exactly that he has been battling brain, cancer to. Think about how he wanted. To spend these this, final trip through Washington, Bob and, what, he wanted to pay homage to with his life and I think you. Know it is very significant. A, decision. On his part to go from the Capitol to the Vietnam War Memorial before. He goes on to, the cathedral. Itself. Not just because of the history he has with five, and a half years. As a prisoner, of war in Vietnam you were talking about his mother I know, and some. Of his own writings, about his his parents he said his mom didn't at first she, didn't think he'd survived being, shot down and it, was his father who said no he he's. Survived. But. Can you imagine as, a parent through. All of that well. She she. Always said, we're Navy tough for. Navy tough that's what you would say and she. Certainly was. Well. We. Know that the motorcade is as I said heading next to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial some. 58,000. Names inscribed. There, on the walls of that memorial, to. Those killed to those missing, and. John McCain used to make regular visits to the memorial in the morning, just. Quietly. Without any. You know fanfare, or anything but made kuo quiet, and regular, visits to the memorial to remember to, visit with other. Families. That were there so. This is a part of his you know this would have been part of his regular Washington. Life to stop, by the memorial I want to go now to our correspondent who, is at the Vietnam Veterans, Memorial, mola. Lankey mola what, are you seeing there I know yesterday, there were veterans lined up at the Capitol to pay their respects, what, are we seeing at the memorial, today. Well. Good morning Margaret you know despite the imperfect weather out here on the National Mall we're seeing a similar line that we saw yesterday at the Capitol right over my shoulder you can see folks, lined up sort, of establishing, a wall there, between us and the and. The Vietnam Memorial all out here to to, pay their respects. People. Looking on trying to get as close as possible it is it is quiet solemn, out here at the moment some, veterans out here Vietnam veterans we've seen sailors. In their dress whites all. Waiting, for the McCain family, who as, you mentioned on their way, arriving. Here at any moment to pay their respects, it's a nod to the senator service coming out here to lay the reef and, to, pay their respects, to as you mentioned the 58,000. Veterans. Whose names, are engraved on, that wall. Behind, us you. Mentioned this is a very conscious, stop, deliberate. Stop that is being made here, at the Vietnam Memorial in, the late senator as you guys also mentioned like to come out here without any sort of fanfare without any publicity, like to come out here sometimes. Early in the morning to, pay his respects, and I'd like to come out here late in the evening as the Sun was setting he said and, described. This location. As a as a place of healing but he. Did admit that it took him a while to sort of come around you know at first he. Described, thinking. The design was. A little bleak but then he'd. Tell a story about coming out here one morning and on, and looking on and seeing a couple of veterans who clearly. Didn't seem to know each other but. Struck. Up a conversation and, he, sort of looked on as they, talked. A little bit and came to quickly realize, that they. Served. At the same time in the same location, in Vietnam and they. Embraced and before, the end of the conversation they were emotional and they were embracing, and the, Senator McCain described as, knowing, that was the moment where he realized that this, place was everything that they, had hoped it would be everything that they wanted it to be it was a place of healing and, a place of, reconciliation.

And This morning it is a place where as. We said a few hundred folks are out here waiting. For the McCain family so, they can look, on and pay their respects and say their say their farewell say their farewells and we're looking at some of the photos that. You know we're released of his five, and a half years in captivity three, and a half years, in solitary, confinement during. That time at. What, is referred to as the Hanoi Hilton as. A prisoner, of war and, I know Bob you covered the. War firsthand. And and so much of the. Conversation about. The war has changed in, this country and, John. McCain played, a very big role in doing that in ending the war about, the war he played an enormous, role in that he was as. You all know was. Was. Very. Very. Important, and and played a key role in getting the remains of many of the missing back, into this country and then of course John. McCain went. To Vietnam, and asked for and forgave. His, captors, the people who had tortured and, because. Of that it's speeded, up our ability, to reestablish. Relations. With Vietnam we would have done it it would have taken time but he he. Sped, that along and played a key role in that and I always thought that John. McCain, through. Forgiveness. Accomplished. What we were unable to do, with all of our weapons of war he, was able to establish. Relations. With, the person, with a country that turned out to be a key ally, for the United, States and if we ever needed a key ally in that part of the world right, now is the time and. He is celebrated. There. When. He campaigned, in, 2000. Particularly, but in 2008, as well, he. Was telling the story of the Vietnam War from, a different angle this is obviously, a war that at the time split. America, there were protests, if there were it. Did, not we, talked about the greatest generation that's the World War two generation Vietnam. Has had a, bumpy. History and when you saw people at McCain rallies in 2000, in particular he. Would tell the stories of service. And sacrifice that he witnessed with his own eyes and people, would would, tears. Would come to their eyes and they would leap, from their seats to applaud when he was done telling these stories it. Was infusing, in the Vietnam War all, the traditions, of Americans service and sacrifice, which had, not always been the case with that war and so his personal, story and his campaigns, also. Changed the way people thought about the Vietnam War that you could disagree, with the war but not dishonor those who had served in it that's exactly, right and that's exactly right and that you were keeping faith with a certain set of enduring, American goals. Even. In the service of a war that people might have that debate about one of the things that was said about John McCain and I can't remember exactly who said it is he could have lived in any time in American history which. Is to say he would have fit right in with Teddy Roosevelt's, America, he would have fit right in with the with the revolution, because. Of his dedication to those kind of basic American, principles I, want. To bring. In now to the conversation, CBS, News chief congressional correspondent Nancy. Cordes, as. We move from the Vietnam War. Memorial to, the National, Cathedral which is where we, find Nancy, this morning that is of course where the motorcade will be headed next to begin the, service Nancy. Margaret. We've already begun to see people streaming, into, the National Cathedral for about the past hour, or so, dignitaries. From across. The country we spotted Secretary, of State Madeleine, Albright heading, in a few, moments ago the actors Warren, Beatty his wife Annette Bening, journalists. Conservative. Thinkers, liberal, thinkers, there, are 4,000, people who have been invited to this ceremony and it is invite. Only and, as, you pointed out earlier Margaret. Everything. In the program you will see today was. Dictated. By McCain. Himself and, so when you hear, the, famous. Opera singer Renee. Fleming, belting out Danny Boy that. Is no accident that is exactly, what John McCain himself wanted, that's the way that he wanted to be sent, off I'm.

Here This morning with, Senator, Tom Udall of, New Mexico, a Democrat, served. In the Senate for the past decade, with, John, McCain but you go back so. Much farther than that with, I really. Do you know Nancy, I knew John. When, I was much younger when, I was a teenager, because my. Uncle. Mo talked, a lot about him he talked about. The. Relationship they, had working, across party, lines. And. Really revered, by a, young, congressman, McCain, and then Senator McCain, the wonderful. Story is that Moe is. 14, years in the House and he takes John, in under his wing and travels. Around New Mexico with, him and Arizona, and the entire southwest, and says this, is what this. Southwest is about because John was new to the whole region he said and Native Americans, we've got to work together on these issues and from, then on that's, what they did together, and what was it about a young, Republican. That. That. Led, mo Udall to take him under his one eye I think, he saw the promise, in John McCain and saw that he had a real core and that he really. Cared. About. Bipartisanship. Really, working, with the other side and tackling, the big issues that's the thing to me that is just so different, about. John McCain, is he he, he had those core issues whether. It was climate, change or immigration. Or on the issue of health. Care we said you didn't follow this the, regular. Order so I'm voting down, the. Health care I mean he was just a special person, to do all of us but, especially on, the Democratic, side where we we don't have much. Of that anymore that's, the thing I'm going to miss the most I think I know you'll miss him on a personal level and a political level Senator, Tom Udall thank you so much. Thank. You Margaret. Nancy. Thank you and we are watching there on, the screen not only the, split. Screen of the Vietnam Veterans. Memorial there's, more than 58,000. Names inscribed, there those who served alongside the. Senator on, the battlefield, but, also on the right side those, who served alongside him, in, Congress you. Were seeing a number of sitting, senators. Gathered. From both parties along. With some celebrities, I mean the guest lists here about as you were saying it, reads like that of a head of state. Governors. You've got presidents foreign ministers, prime, ministers, and of, course John. We also see prisoners. Of war you, served with him yeah that's absolutely right and there'll be his pallbearers, also on Sunday those, prisoners of war who who. Served with him and I talked to one of them John fer this week it was in the Air Force he was in captivity for, almost six years as well and, he. Talked about seeing. McCain every time you saw him on TV you know he would he, would stop and just and and, and watch him and and he said he never forgot us all the people that had been with him and. And. That's. They're paying honor to him today, you, know alum that group, well. Edward, Alvarez it, was the first, prisoner. Of war the first he was the longest in, in, prison, there but, what. A remarkable, group you're. Watching now Widow, Cindy. McCain. Walk. With a. Number. Of Trump administration, officials, surrounding, her there you see a secretary of fence defense, Jim mattis by her side, and. Another. Marine the chief, of staff to President Trump. General. John, Kelly walking, beside her Kelly was, also a friend as was Jim mattis, of. Senator. McCain surrounded. There as well by all. Of his children, channeling. And it. The. History of service, the ties to the military, there. They. Are paying, honor at, the, Vietnam, War, Memorial to. All of those who have fallen and. You. Know Senator McCain was. Often credited with visiting. The battlefields. Up, until, the very end he, would show up in Afghanistan, I remember. Was breaking news he crossed into the battlefield in Syria of all places I think one of the very first US, officials to even consider doing that his, age did not, give.

Him Any kind of pause there. Well. You, know I remember asking, him once on Face the Nation when, he, was in gap. Or, someplace and I said, you. Know. Aren't. You putting, your life in danger and he just started laughing he said Bob I'll die in bed I'm, gonna, die in bed yeah. And he's, you, know on plane flights he used to do that too when you've campaigned with him you know you never read you never fly, around whether in campaign, planes and he would always say no don't worry about it I've crashed two, planes myself, and our, three I think actually it's, like it's not we're. Gonna be okay McCain's, don't you know that don't. Go out and plane crashes so he, had fatalism. To him and. You. Know he wanted to go Lindsey. Graham talked about this this week he wanted to go and speak. Face to face with the generals he said and and and, the people up and down the rank. Because. That, was the only way you could really figure, out what was truly going on it's. Like we, were talking about this yesterday Margaret. You know it's like we. All know in the business who does their own work who does their own reporting. Who, depends, on others to do that for you John, McCain did his own work he did his own reporting, he went he, saw he, talked to the people involved and then he came back and I reported, I want, to underscore, just the importance, as well of, acknowledging. That, both. The Secretary, of Defense and, the. Chief of staff to President Trump, are there with sending came today because of course when. We talk about the, deep. Divide between the President and Senator McCain it was that moment that, comes to so many. Where. The, president, said, he didn't respect. The King because, he had been Catholic let's. Pause for a moment as Cindy social. Prayer. Trailing, behind Cindy. McCain along with chief of staff Kelly and general, mattis Secretary, of Defense are. The other members of the McCain family, and as you can see in his navy whites his son Jack, who. Was active. Duty naval, officer, his son Jimmy as well I believe is there who, was wearing an army uniform he, started as a Marine he continues in his service, now as an army officer so, that tradition. Really does continue. But. Just, to, pick up on where we left off, you know President, Trump has been an advocate he said for the veterans community which is why it it. Really, was such, a. Shocking. Statement when he questioned. Senator McCain's service, it was in 2015. And of, course we all remember thinking. Well that's it for battle Trump it'll be over in a few days and of course it wasn't and that was the, realizations, are so many involved. In American politics that we were in a different space and and, ever, since of course they've been at. Odds on just about everything from temperament, to policy, and no. Surprise that it. Continued, this week spoke. To somebody because of the family who said they in, no way were. In contact with the White House this week or conveyed their concerns, about how the president. Comported. Himself last, weekend especially but. I think the presence, of secretary, Madison chief of staff Kelly is a sign that certainly. People close to the president to work with him regular basis understand, the importance of today and, the respect that the senator deserves we, might want to point out to people who these other members. Of the family are if they're not, as initiated, Andrew McCain, from. His adopted. From his first marriage is a, taller. Gentleman, with the dark hair the one wearing glasses is Douglas McCain the other son from, the first marriage Bridget, McCain, is Cindy. And the Senators adoptive daughter as. Well and then there's a woman Sydney McCain with brown hair who. Was the daughter, from his first marriage to his first wife Carol, they've, all been there throughout the week a. Round. Of applause their. People. Gathered.

Watching. The team family walk away from the memorial. And. This is a public. Memorial that, anyone, visiting Washington, can go to the mall and visit themselves, and you see these crowds of onlookers they're, turning. Out this morning to. Pay, their respects. You, know you were talking Margaret, about how, and John how he used. To go down there you know by himself he just got, nothing. It was a press photo op or anything like that that. Was so much John McCain he used to do the same about going, out too well after. Walter Reed where, all the war wounded, were he didn't tell anybody he was going he he. Called, me up one day and said I'm gonna go out there he won't go with me and you, I, knew it wasn't to do, a news story or anything he just wanted to make sure that I saw, what was out there and, he. Would just go and he would and he did that a lot, it was not just every once in a while he, just felt it was part of his duty to go out there and kind of check on the guys and see. How, they were that's, right and he saw that as both in, keeping with his military service, that your service doesn't just begin and end in the beginning and ending of when you're active that, you are a steward of a long tradition and he felt that in politics to you senator Udall was talking about mo. Udall his, uncle and McCain. Used to go visit mo Udall who tutored him just, as the senator said in what bipartisanship, was, that. That you shared more as Americans, than as political, opponents from different parties and he went to go visit mo Udall when he was in the Veterans Hospital with. Parkinson's. When, long after he left the house. Because. He was still tending, that relationship. He saw the stewardship. That was required and a big. By just simple friendship not just the, stewardship, required, when you're in the service but that, things that that, life is long that there are these things that are worth paying attention to even if they get you nothing politically, because. That's what being honorable, person is about and. Despite. That. Statement. We talked about then candidate, Donald Trump making, about Senator. McCain's service. And questioning I don't you know I don't. I prefer those who weren't captured. The. Senator never asked for an apology for, that if anything he said he thought that veterans, heard it and knew. What it was he. Saw that as an offense to other veterans, who had been captured and, killed and active. Active, duty because, if you are god forbid in the service and captured, what sustains, you is that everybody back home thinks, you are a hero and thinks you are were, captured, in the service of your country maintaining. All those ideals, that we put at the center of our public, life and that, tending, those at home is part of an American duty and so to, suggest they're somehow lesser, is an offense not just a John McCain but everybody. Who is, who. Is serving presently and has and I'm not just making that up this is what people POWs. I've talked to have said and members. Of the military have said that was their reaction to those remarks well. I mean you. Know if that is how you felt about those who were captured what, was your female about those who were killed I. Mean. The logic, of trying to sort all that out is well. This. Today, is about John McCain. Exactly. Talk, about that well we want to go to one of those veterans as well down there at the memorial, and to CBS, News correspondent, mola, lankey who has been there throughout. The visit mola. Good. Morning guys Charles. Sterling here I'm joined by a Vietnam, veteran one of a few hundred people who came out here to pay their respects to the senator and, his family, mr., sterling good morning out good morning why did you come out here today well, first, of all I believe that Senator, McCain was definitely a hero to our country what. Did you think of the event, what did you think of the the quick memorial happen I think, it was real quick and.

I And I would like to have seen, a little bit more but, but, it's, it's not it's, not what I want it's what the, maybe. The public ones but also, mrs.. As well you, called you called the late Senator a hero he's one too often say he's not a hero he served in the company of heroes but he's. Often denies, the you know the idea that he's, a hero and that's why I like him he. Denies the fact that he is not he's, not a. Narcissistic. Individual. He is a person, of true. Well. You see, of McCain is McCain. What. Does the late Senator mean to, Vietnam veterans what does he mean to veterans what does he mean to the military. There. Was a lot of sacrifices. And this man sacrificed, much more than, many of us did and. So when. I see that and know that he was. A. Instrumental. Leader of. Prisoners. Of war I feel. That he was, showed. The. Strength, that, this nation is all about. Certainly. Thank you thank you for your service sir appreciate you stopping by thank you very much thank you one. Take but obviously that's. A perspective. Of feeling that many veterans feel and we've, seen some of those folks out here today Margaret Thank. You Maura and I'd I don't think, it was by accident that, the senator, knew. All of us here. Networks. Across the country would be showing that shot of all of those names that. They came, and laid a wreath saying. To all those who have served that. Was not Senator McCain's name on that wreath that, was everyone, in. That conflict, so that was very. Deliberate. Choice by the senator, we know now they are moving to the National Cathedral to begin the. Service the formal service honoring the life of, Senator. McCain, and. You can see inside, that Cathedral. The. Episcopal Cathedral, I think it's the only Cathedral, John was established, by an act of Congress if, I'm not mistaken. And. That service, if. They can see something like 4,000. People inside, of it you. Would think that that those, pews are going to be packed today so many wanted to come out and, pin a is so beautiful, I mean if there's, no better place to have a funeral than the National, Cathedral, it is just well, look, at the pictures it's. Just. Stunning. In, any event that draws the likes of Madeleine Albright and jay leno is going to be a good person, that's, how varied the guest list is of. Course the former presidents. George. W Bush and Barack Obama will speak but Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton fresh, off of yesterday's, Aretha Franklin funeral, or here, in Washington, today former. Vice President Al Gore former Vice President Cheney. And. You know Warren Beatty who's a pallbearer and a good friend of the senator among, those there Gabby Giffords of course the former. Congressman from Arizona, and, an. Array. Of foreign, dignitaries as we said that's right you see the top diplomats from a number of Arab, countries in particular Saudi, Arabia, from Qatar I'm looking though what stands out here if there is a theme and Bob you touched on this earlier of the foreign leaders, they. Are from countries who feel very much at risk of, invasion. Or aggression, by Russia. Senator, McCain really, standing, out part of his legacy was, being very much a. To. Vladimir. Putin of Russia, he. Has here on this list the president, of Ukraine, the. Head of NATO. He's, got the president, former president, of Georgia, all, countries, small countries, countries, that wouldn't necessarily be John, you know on the list of world powers, but those who felt that they needed a strong ally, and found one in. Senator McCain that's right and he would, and he did this while he was sick while he I mean really and until, he went, to Arizona, for treatment he was still flinging.

Himself Across, the globe, to, tell little countries, and people keep the faith America, won't forget you and and, you know something, like NATO for. Me NATO, the Senate his military career are all of a piece and what is that piece that piece is you have these agreements, these institutions. These, alliances. That, you tend because. It's not always. Wonderful. In the world and you need your friends in moments of crisis and you, and you need a beacon for small, countries under oppressive oppressive. Regimes to be able to look to a beacon and say perhaps, we can get, their assistance there is a better there is somebody out there who is on our side and, if you don't tend those fires if you don't keep, those alliances, and keep the structures, that. Those. People, in faraway places lose, faith. It's. A it's. A line of defense that the senator, felt that the United States was. Weakening. On which, is why he felt so strongly about defending, it in the past few years and he never apologized. For, the United States playing a major role in the world, the. The president, former president of Georgia said he. Got a call from John McCain when Russia had invaded and said just, say you won't surrender say you won't surrender and, he said what what does that mean he's people, like to stand with those who say they won't surrender just, say that it'll be like Churchill. We. Saw just there, former, House Speaker John Boehner there's, the current House Speaker, Paul Ryan we saw former House Speaker John Boehner talking to Mitch McConnell boy, I'd love to know what they were talking about lots, of interesting, conversations today, amongst people, with an aversion for sitting still so they're gonna. Bloomberg. And Jake Tapper's, and. Lindsey. Graham told a story of just what you were saying murder it was they. Were McCain, and Graham were on the road somewhere he couldn't remember what country they were in but he McCain, read a news report, about an, adjacent, country in which five hundred people had been killed and he said we got to go there and Lindsey said when. Senator Graham said what, do you want to be the 501. And 502, who were killed but he was he wanted to go because, he saw people who were being oppressed. And wanted to say America, stands with the oppressed and that that, was that was that's what made his itinerary where, were people being oppressed and where did they need to see that, there was a possible, lifeline for them there's, been a number of op eds and pieces written by those honoring, the senator in the past few days one of them that stood out to me I saw, just yesterday was a former prisoner of war in Egypt our prisoner, I should say political prisoner in Egypt, who said you. Know he had, never been a Republican, he had never supported, a Republican, and he saw his name in, he heard, senator. Stand, up and say his name this American citizen jailed, in Egypt and he said without that I'd. Probably still be in jail and who, will that voice be now, because. As we say wasn't just about defense, it was defending. American, values and that is a question from so many about. So many of these elected, leaders who are gathered.

At The Cathedral who steps, up into that role and in some ways that's, the question is is that the challenge, that John McCain is putting forth here give me a week and I'll come, up with a list you. Don't have one ready, well. No there isn't I don't think there'll ever be another John, McCain, but who will become the conscience, of the Senate. It's. A test, I mean this is the, these. Five days have been a test which is that all of these characteristics, have been lauded by people, continuously. And so. Often. When you hear that you, say okay who's gonna step up and if you are one of those people, what, of John McCain do you see in yourself that's what senator Graham was talking about it he was saying I need to be a little bit more like John McCain and so if every member. Says. That for whatever their cause is. You. Know / hey can they pass the test can they pass the test of whether they kept their values and didn't just talk about it but acted on it I'd. Argue there may be two, senators. Who are close to McCain who. Can fill some of the void certainly, Lindsey Graham I think when. It comes to national security, issues and representing. The country overseas but I think you, know Susan Collins is another one who, especially this year has served as a mediator between the parties on Republican, senator from Maine yeah, somebody. Who is, quite close to him and. Has lent, her office to some pretty serious discussions, this year but issues that needed to be, addressed and and in, some ways was filling the void McCain would have been filling had he been there you. Also saw there in that last shot the Director, of National Intelligence dan. Coates former, senator you see there the Governor, of Ohio John, Kasich as well, who. Served as, a congressman, when Senator. McCain and. He worked in a few things together, I mean this really is. On, weekends, in Washington, particularly, on Labor Day you do not see elected, officials, here in the nation's capital they, have all stuck around because. They all wanted to be here to pay their respects, in this final public day, of. Celebration. You see there the president's daughter Ivanka Trump. Counselor. To the President and another. Top advisor to President Trump Jared Kushner they're, holding. Her hand. So the Trump family not. Just the Trump administration is, being represented today, we. Know the, President himself. Deliberately. Not part of the. Services. Well it wasn't it boy that's. Right to be fair he, wasn't it that's right, when. I say deliberate, I mean on behalf, of the McCain. Yes. And. And that. Goes to a series. Of disagreements. Disputes. Over, the. Past few years and really we. Don't want to make this about the president this is about Senator McCain but Senator McCain's last book restless wave was largely about what, you saw happening, in this country yes and he talked a great deal about President, Trump and some of the forces that he saw him representative. Of a. Symptom. Really. Is what he described him as some of the frustrations, he had with nativism. As he called it. He, really, was. Frustrated, with the direction of the country and some are saying that maybe today this orchestration. Of bipartisanship, is his, counterpoint, to that, to some of the things that were in him well, and it'll be interesting to hear we saw some of this in Arizona. At the surface for him there from. Vice. President, Biden the. Extent, to which President, Obama and President Bush speak. To that or do they keep this just about John, McCain I mean you. Again. What John McCain is a symbol of something and so what is he a symbol of and then what do we do with that do we just say well this is nice or is that a beacon. That Americans. In public life all of us engaged in public life that if, we move towards let's. Put that question there too Nancy, Cordes our correspondent, who is accompanied. There by Senator, Jeff Flake of, Arizona. Senator. Flake thank, you so much for joining us, today you have been such an integral part of all of these, memorial. Services, this, week and so I guess I just start by asking you. What. Has struck you most about, the, outpouring. We, have seen from both sides of the aisle from public, officials. To people who never met the senator well. We're. Not surprised at the outpouring, from the Senate from his colleagues. Everybody. Loved John either. Side of the aisle whether. They agreed with him always or not but, what's been just, completely.

Mind-blowing. Is the reaction. Across the country it's, as if they're, wanting. To remember, politics. This way, when. When, people saw the humanity, on the other side and. And. I think that's why this week has been so, special, just. It's. I think blown us all away at the reaction, he. Was in so many ways an inspiration. To you when, you came to the Senate six, years ago probably even, before that but do you think that someone like John, McCain with his political profile, very conservative, on some issues willing, to work on. Other issues could get elected, in. It. It. Won't always be this way but right now there's. No political reward. For. Doing what. John McCain did reaching. Across the aisle, and. You. Know not, demonizing. The other side all. The incentives. Are wrong, right now but. It won't always be that way anger. And resentment, are not a governing, philosophy and. Sooner. Or later the. Voters will again value. Somebody. Like John McCain who. Stands, on principle that. Understands. That you need to work with the other side and you. Know somebody who can forgive his, Vietnam. Tormentors. And. Tortures. I think, tells, us we can certainly forgive each other for little, offenses, and and. Work together in the Senate and, yet we, know that, he personally was. Disappointed, in the tenor of the, GOP, primary in Arizona, for, your seat because you're retiring at the end of this term and, he was frustrated, that the, debate, was. Not conducted. Along the lines that he felt was. Of. The standard, of someone. Who wanted to be a senator, it's. Not just this race I think it's been across, the country and so. It it. Is disappointing but, it won't always be this way this. Feature I. Think. We both felt this way John and I have sat down a few months ago on his deck for over an hour, talked, about, Arizona. Politics, and politicians, come, and gone and, he, talked about his optimism, that people would rise up again. And and. That that you know their service would be valued, people. Willing, to work with the other side that we we, have no choice or, big issues that we need to solve that. Can only be solved, if we reach across the aisle and so I think that that's gonna force. Us together nothing, else and I, think weeks like this, tend. To remind people what. Really matters, and when. You when, you see you. Know the outpouring, from both sides of the aisle I think, maybe, it will remind people more what we need to do thank. You for your optimism, and thank you for stopping, by Senator, Jeff Flake of Arizona, margarett, Thank. You Nancy and, you can see there the motorcade. That we have been tracking as it drives across Washington. Proceeding. There to the National, Cathedral here, in the nation's capitol. We've been watching who's gathered, to honor Senator. McCain inside, that church as he and his family now begin. To arrive and. You. Know and you heard senator flake. Strike. An optimistic, tone. It's. A hopeful, one but you know in many ways what, we've seen in the past two years is this revolt against establishment. Yeah revolt, against the exact kind of Republican, that Jeff Flake and John McCain both are and who, both so publicly, spoke out against the president, in books and speeches and why not flake, one of the most humble kindest. Members of the Senate I was with them in, at a nuclear plant in Arizona last May and he, told this roomful, of workers a story about being the other senator, from Arizona, that they boarded a flight home to. Phoenix together, and he sat down and this woman says did you see who's up front oh my, gosh oh my gosh John McCain is on the plane he says yeah yeah so he is and the. Woman looks at him and thinks well. I seen you before. Have. You ever seen him before if you're for fly to Washington off he goes about as often is John McCain, silence. And the, man in front of the two people in, front of the center and the woman says hey lady that's your other senator, from Arizona, that's, why he looked so familiar ago, he, knew his place. And. He considered, himself the other senator, from Arizona.

Well. We as, Nancy alluded to there in her conversation. Both. Of those seats. Have. Nope have been opened. You, know this isn't just about the president, it's it's, we're. Gonna see you know starting, next week a fight over a Supreme Court nominee, and that, will encourage, all of the people in the Senate to revert, to that structure, that Senator, flake was talking about that encourages. People to behave, in a way that is not bipartisan. And that's why John. McCain when he talked about regular order, Bob and. Know. About this from covering the Senate for so long what is regular order it is a system, of doing things, structure. It forces people to compromise, when, you take away that structure, and everybody. Has all their self interests not the compromise then, the system doesn't force you to get in the middle, former. Colleague of mine David plotz described. Talked, to McCain about boxing, once and boxing. Is fighting right but there are rules you don't hit below the belt you don't kick. The guy in the shins and that, he thought that was a nice metaphor for the way John McCain believed you should keep the rules sometimes. You can then have a really good fight and then and then at the end of the fight figure, something out and but, that's why he was so focused on the order of things because the order is what allows the compromise, to happen in. Late 2012, when they were there was a proposal, among younger senators to do in the filibuster, he spoke. Out I offend this in might not just a name to your point John he. Said if a senator wants to block legislation he, or she should go to the Senate floor and voice their objection, it, wasn't that you were going to win that fight it was that you could at least have the conversation, and if it didn't go your way so be it those were the rules didn't. Mean you had to ultimately prevail and that of course part of the frustration that he voiced around, his. Decision, to vote that that thumbs down in the middle of the night on the president's, attempt, to repeal. What, is often called Obamacare. That. There wasn't regular, order, that there wasn't a process, that there was an actual conversation. To. Be had to talk through a very significant. Decision, he felt was being made but. John McCain Joe. Biden, the people from that, particular, generation they. Could go out there and have a knock-down, drag-out and. Then walk off the Senate floor and leave. All the the. Bad rhetoric, and stuff on the Senate floor. McCain. Himself would, tell about you know when he and Kennedy, Ted, Kennedy would go at it and he said one day we, just ran these two freshmen, off that it started, the debate out there and said we went at it and we walked off the floor and in, Ted put his arm around me and said boy we really put one on for him today didn't, we John and, and and, that was that. Was what, you liked and what attracted you did the people of that day because, they knew while they may be fighting like cats and dogs today over one thing tomorrow they might be working on something together and, that life was long that there was a continuity, and that you had to recognize, that that it wasn't always about the next news cycle the instantaneous, news, cycle you needed them for long, cycles, and relationships. In the Senate are always transactional.

Yesterday's. Opponent. Is tomorrow's, most. Critical. Ally and you heard. McCain. Brought an intensity, to the people's business I want to go back to the Cathedral now to hear CBS. News Nancy, Cordes who is watching, the. Procession, and the motorcade, as it arrives there at, the, National Cathedral Nancy, who, are you seeing what are you seeing a. Very. Solemn scene here at the entrance to the cathedral, Margaret. The hearse has pulled up as you see at. The front doors there, is a military, honor guard waiting. Here to remove the casket, from the purse and carry, it into the Cathedral the guests of course already. Arrived, and have been awaiting, this, moment, a, moment. That, we have seen play out several. Times this. Week now, at a church, in North Phoenix, at the. Arizona. State Capitol, in Phoenix, so. Much respect, being paid to this. Man who was just a senator but. You, know the the the bearer of a family. Legacy in, the US Navy and, and. Who loved the military so, much you. Know even, after he served, even. After he came back from Vietnam served. As a Navy liaison, when, he entered Congress, he was a member of the, Senate Armed Services Committee, for. Decades he led it for the last three, years of, his life the. Military, was so incredibly, important, to him as you've heard Bob. Talking about today. But, also government. Waits was very important to him as well and it was very important. To him that the military had what it needed but also that. The, military, and other parts of the government didn't waste, the, money that they had either. And. We. Don't want to, canonize. The. Senator, either, you. Wouldn't want to see me there by the way. Too. And, I hear Nancy laughing there but and you've, talked about you you had a great descriptor, you said he you, know he had some scuff marks on his legacy and he was open about them well right which is itself rare that, politicians, admit mistakes, he, sometimes, would say here come sit down and let me tell you about all my mistakes. His view was and that's what made his character, durable, it wasn't, just this thing set off in a case that everybody's. Supposed to admire. It was something that had been out there and had been beaten up it had been in, first in the five and a half years he would tell and be very specific about where he felt he let himself down in his country down during his, time. In captivity but, then on legislation, and in battles he would you, know when he was too hot-tempered. Or too short-tempered her when he bore a grudge but, he was constantly, trying to get on the right side of that trying to get back in the grooves of that standard, that he tried to maintain and, that, is the that is the human thing that is what people. Are complex, and he was certainly quite complex, and he was always looking at his complexities, and trying to make it better. And even. His blind spots that his friends would recognize that he still had till the end were. Ones that he would recognize and, then maybe just not be able to fix but that, was absolutely a key part of his character but he would really get man I mean. Temper. You know I mean he and he always laughed about it later but I mean there's no question about that and he said things he should not have said, but. In in the heat of battle but I mean he was the first to say look I'll never be elected Miss Congeniality out, of the United States Senate but he. Managed, to get by I remember. When seeing a profile of him in 1999. And asking him do you take medication for your anger that. Was not it he didn't enjoy he. Did enjoy that question, but you, know in his colleagues. When he ran for president who, didn't like him because, he behaved that way said. He lacks, the temperament to be President because he's, such a because.

He So. Gets. Into these these. Fights he doesn't he's, violent, you know he's or, not finally he's quite passionate, which which. Left some bruises for those who ascribe, that to his time in captivity you know last weekend, we were talking to Karen Tumulty who, had written. In-depth. Obituaries. About, John McCain and said no no no his mother said when, he was a toddler, he. Would get so mad he would hold his breath until, he. Passed, out literally, and that the Navy doctor told her to dump him in cold water to get him to stop, he. Was. Stubborn and remember, Johnny. Bob can appreciate this you, know being called the jerk by him in the halls of Congress was, based on as a congressional reporter, could earn and it sometimes meant he wouldn't talk to you for a few days or weeks I never, happened to me but I can recall some cop approaching, him in bowties all right I'm not over it I'm. Not talking to you I'm not talking to your organization, but within months, and in some cases years he, finally would bring that reporter reckon but you know the other part was he he had a great way to needle, I mean he was always asking, me and I investigated, assisted. Living. Well. You know we're the same age and he always accused me I mean we were these two old guys up there with all these young people in. The halls of Congress and. And during that 2000. Campaign what. I. Remember. In that campaign he point back to us on the camera stand and and and he'd say well that bunch of Communists, back there and but. He was kidding you know and everybody knew he was. Staffers. That worked for him as the best you could get people. Who are out on work release program. And. You know while. We're on the McCain, humor, I mean I went back when I was writing about him a few years ago and listen to those town halls and they would always begin with 15. Minutes of basically Catskill, humor again. Going back to when he was a storyteller in the in the in Hanoi. Entertaining. People with all that needling and all that joking mm-hmm, we would say come, down here to the front for, the speech and it doesn't matter you can get a nap up here and we won't we, won't disturb you, didn't. Take himself too seriously, some. Of that where Congress is so unpopular that we're done to paid staff and. For. Senator yes. There are a lot of them on memory or some of them we can't repeat. And. I, want to say this is the public. Funeral. There will be a private memorial service, tomorrow up. At Annapolis where. The Naval Academy is, that, the senator attended, of course many many years ago as did his father and grandfather. But, today this is about, celebrating. His, life and, he has brought some pretty, distinguished, people here together we know that some, former, presidents, of this country of course are going to be eulogizing. Him we've. Been talking about foreign leaders but the. Two men who. Quashed. Senator. McCain's bids, to become president himself Barack, Obama and before, that George. W Bush our. They're at the Cathedral and we'll be delivering, eulogies, we know they're inside. Right. Now, we're. Looking at Ivanka. Trump Jared Kushner the president's, son-in-law. And, daughter going. To leave, that's. Who they're speaking with, Kings. Probably. Closest former sporadic former, senator from Connecticut, one of his closest partners so Democratic, partners in the Senate I was going, back and looking at the McCain's, concession, speech when he lost to President. Obama, and. It's. All in here you know he talks, about right off the top I had the honor of calling Barack Obama, he. Talked about the fact that that pred that candidate, Obama commanded. His respect, for his ability and perseverance. He said he admired him, and commended. Him this is just in the first two paragraphs. Recognizing. After a bitter fight. And one in which he expressed on behaved in all of those ways we were just talking about it that you, know that that very, pointed, behavior he could have but, immediately, recognized, that his duty as the defeated, was, to honor and raise up and commend in public, the person who had just won my, president, his president, that's right called him my president.

That's. Very much a part of him and I. Noted. You. Reference that concession, speech. Also. In the final, letter that the senator released. At. His time of death it had echoes of that literal, quotes were that that last line, Americans. Never quit, we, never surrender. We never hide from history, we, make history and. Deliberate. And referencing. That now, his former. Colleague mark Salter you, know we. Should mention Salter, and some of the others which is what. Do leaders do they, pull other people along, with them in their wake and they inspire, and impress, and press their will upon other people and Mark Salter, channeled. The kind of core of John McCain who by the way John McCain left to his own devices could, tell a great story, sometimes. In a speech could. Could. Not actually nail it and Mark Salter took everything that was the essence of John McCain all of those beliefs, and put, it into the kind, of more musical, language of politics. Which, then McCain, repeated. Their relationship. Was quite, extraordinary but, you know Margaret, the thing that I don't think we what, we do appreciate it the fact is he's having Obama and and George. W Bush speak, here those. Campaigns. I mean the 2000, campaign was, even nastier it was than the one with. Obama. And the fact that he could move past that, and understand. That that was in the past and now we're in the future and you don't and nasty, with isn't within his own party yes, yes, and and, when he lost I remember, asking George, McGovern, once. Do. You ever get over getting beat when you run for president he, said no you you, never do he said you just never get past that but, Kane just went back to work right, he, got over I mean. I'm sure it would always be a part of him but he. Went right back to work and it was almost like this therapy, in, some ways he didn't miss a beat you, can see there, former. Secretary of State former senator, from New York Hillary, Clinton. Inside. The cathedral as well to pay her respects, Nancy. Cordes is outside. The Cathedral and and Nancy I was recently speaking to Senator Tim, Kaine Hillary Clinton's running mate of course in 2016. Who said just what Bob was, referencing. There that after, what was a bruising. 2016. Campaign that I know you covered. That. It, was actually McCain who said to him best, thing you can do just get right back to work don't lick your wounds too long just get right back to the work in Congress. Nancy. Are you seeing. The. Clinton family as well I. See. The Clinton family I see the Obama family and I. Think, the fact that Joe, Lieberman who you saw a couple of minutes ago who will be speaking today as well who McCain considered. As a running, mate back, in 2008. And had to be talked out of it by Republicans, who said you, know you just can't do that you can't have a Democrat, as a running, mate and so he he acquiesced and later said that that was one of his his great regrets, I think, if John, McCain is trying to send us any message, this week it. Is something, that he said about mo Udall who we were speaking about earlier many years ago he said we disagree in politics, but, not in life and at. Every, memorial. Service this week whether, it was in, Arizona, at, the US Capitol the p

2018-09-08 21:35

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