CBC NL Here & Now Wednesday January 24 2018

CBC NL Here & Now Wednesday January 24 2018

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The rest and it has a really nice creaminess, too. And. Then. I'm gonna add half, of an avocado this. Is also to help with that creaminess, and also. Avocados. Are full of good fat and then. I'll put a little bit of real maple syrup in and then. Finally. I'm going to add some full fat, coconut milk, so, these fats are great, to feel satisfied. You want to have fat in your smoothie, because it, will really satisfy your. Belly so, we'll put in this whole amount here. Now. That looks nice and creamy but I really, think I need to taste test it to make sure it's perfect, let's, see if it's chocolaty, enough for me, mmm. So. Good that, is really really. Delicious I like, serving this smoothie for dessert so let's have a little fun with this I'm gonna rim it with some coconut and I'll show you how to make the coconut flakes stick so you just take a little bit of lemon you want to put the lemon juice around the top of the cup and then, put it into some coconut. Shreds. Just. Like that. Okay. That's perfect, we'll. Do the other glass you. Could also toast, your coconut, to in. The oven just for like under 10 minutes and it makes the coconut nice and sweet and crunchy too okay. There we go all. Right let's, pour our smoothie, into our cups oh, look. At that so, thick, and creamy. And. Let's top it with some little rock account. Absortion. A. Few sprigs of mint because, it's always nice to eat food that looks pretty and, I'm going to taste tested again. This. Is CBC. Here and now. We've. Been sideswiped, getting, federal money for summer students, hasn't, been a problem till now if. We ticked it we would be false we. Would be lying a high. Profile, lawyer, is locked, up after his third drunk, driving, conviction, mr. Bray should be treated no more. Harshly but also no more leniently, than any other individual. Monde. Researchers. Make the grade, but. Gives me much. Much pride in our, University, and the things that we do. Well. The big warm-up today the big freeze, up tonight and through, tomorrow across. The island temperatures are really going to drop lots of ice on the menu for the island the snow tapers to fluster flurries, in Labrador, I've got your forecast, coming up good. Evening and welcome to hero now I'm Debbie Cooper. And. I'm Anthony Germain live from amoral University's medical school the federal government today announced millions. Of dollars for medical research I'm going to introduce you to two people who really hope the grants they receive today are going to help people in our province that's coming up later on here and now but first back to you Debbie with our top news stories, thanks, so much Anthony, well. A change in the application process for federal, students. Employment, program, has, put some religious, groups in a tough spot they, must now check a box on the application form that says, their core mandate respects. The Charter of Rights and, women's. Reproductive rights, here. Are now is Carolyn Stokes reports. During. The summer months these glass cases at the Basilica Museum. Hold pieces of the provinces, history. Religious. Artifacts, that are on display for locals, and tourists. But, these doors can't open, without the help of student, employees, who are hired using. Government funding, first, thing they do is they come and, they. Take the items out safely, and put, them out for display after. That task the 8 to 12 students, mainly work as tour, guides describing. The history, of the artifacts, and of the building, if we didn't have these students we can't share this building this summer and right now the archdiocese. Can't submit. Form needed, to get those students, because of this one little box to, get the funding, the archdiocese. Must affirm, that its core mandate, respects. The Charter of Rights and. Reproductive. Rights the, right of a woman to have, an abortion. We are pro-life we, are. Opposed to abortion that's. A part of our core mandates, everyone in the country knows what our core mandate is if we ticked it we would be false we. Would be lying, so. We simply can't do it it looks like the government is trying to impose the, their, views on, us, and other religious, organizations other. Churches, and by, doing that Monsignor. Frank Podesta, feels government, is actually, infringing. On their rights, freedom. Of religion freedom of worship freedom of, expression. Freedom of, conscience, he says the student employees, won't, be promoting, religion, just, explaining, history.

The, Role they have is, non. Religious, it's they're, not promoting, our values, problem, is federal. Employment minister patty haidu has, a different. Interpretation, of what core, mandate means, it's. About the activities, of the organization and, the job description, this is not about beliefs or values by. That interpretation. The archdiocese, should have no problem, ticking the box and getting the grant but, that's not gonna happen the, government, should, have worded the application. Forms differently, tend to be very focused and specific, we've. Been sideswiped, in all of this I think sideswiped. And at, a standstill. Monsignor. Puddister sees only one way forward, I would, like to see a new application, form issued by the government, with these parts. Removed so. That we can apply for grants, the way we always have whether. Or not that happens is up to the federal government. Carolyn. Stokes CBC, News st., John's a. Well-known. Defense, lawyer is in jail tonight jeff, brace was sentenced, today for his latest impaired, driving conviction. Here, annouce Peter Cowan explains. Jeff. Brace walked in today dressed not for court but for jail this, is his third conviction for, drinking and driving he knew he'd have a prison sentence the, court heard how in December 2016, brace. Over on his motorcycle on Ken Mount Road an, officer saw him and noticed he looked impaired, he, blew point 220 almost three times the legal limit it was 11:30 in the morning, I knew, my readings were high he told the court I hadn't stopped from the night before the. Crown and defense agreed to a sentence 75, days in jail a three, year driving prohibition, and a, year of probation that, includes counseling I'd, like to apologize, for my stupidity brace told the court saying, he was careless and reckless I'm. Not looking for pity I don't, deserve it frankly, Bray. Says he gave up drinking in 2012. But started, drinking again to deal with a difficult situation involving. His youngest daughter the. Crown hopes that jail time sends a message to more than just brace other, people who drink and drive, know that there's a possibility that you're gonna go to jail and. You know everything that has follows. From that you know it impacts your family, life your career so you know people had to stop drinking it and driving, race, was led away in handcuffs just. Like any other person convicted, of a crime the, crown insists braces job as a lawyer and his high profile didn't, affect the sentence mr., Bay should be treated no more. Harshly but. Also no more leniently, than any other individual. Brace. Told the court he's been getting counseling for his addiction to alcohol and plans to continue that when he's released, Peter, Cowen CBC News st., John's a, 23. Year old is going to jail for 15, months for his role in a highway crash that killed another, man, Sheldon. Gray of Shu Cove pleaded, guilty to dangerous, driving causing death, an initial. Charge of impaired driving causing, death was, withdrawn, after the guilty plea was entered the. Accident, happened on the highway near Lucy on July 1st 2016, the, vehicle, went off the road and struck an embankment, injuring. Gray and killing. His 25, year old passenger the. RCMP, said speed and alcohol were factors in the crash when. He gets out of jail gray won't be allowed to drive for four years. Well. Despite the rain and mild temperatures today, the land on a residential, road in Deer Lake did not shift, the sandy, edge of Pine Tree Road has been slipping. Into the Humber River. Temperatures. Of up to 7, degrees today made for a slippery, road but, the land there did not move residents. Believe their properties, are safe for now but nearby water and sewer pipes are just feet, away from where. Erosion. Has taken place crews. Spent the afternoon moving. Power and Internet lines to the opposite, side of the, street. So. Ryan you've, been keeping an eye on the water levels, on the mighty Humber, what what's, the story well good, news really, that no, big dramatic rise today and I know that it may take a little bit of time for of course the creeks, and the rivers and, the streams that is to run into the Humber, but today rainfall, amounts, we're really only in the 5 to 15 millimeter range some good news there a little bit lower on the lower end of some of those ranges we were talking about temperatures.

Yes Did get to that 7. Even 8 degree, range but as we zoom in and take a look at the levels, along, the Humber over the last 24. Hours or, so first, starting in readville again, some fluctuation. Here at readville, but overall. Not, a dramatic, rise and certainly the. Latest trend has been downward, which is good come down to the Deer Lake generating, station you. Can certainly see, where the downward trend has stalled a little bit kind of leveling off and we'll certainly be keeping an eye on this but, again nothing alarming here over, the last 24. Hours or so and down, towards, the Humber, Bridge this. Is down closer to steady brook and you can see where again things have leveled off not, quite that drop that we were seeing but, nothing to be too alarmed about here of course we'll be keeping a close eye on this over the next 24, hours as those. Creeks and streams do run into the Humber but we'll, keep you posted on that and we'll talk about your full weather forecast, which includes a big cooldown not, just for the west coast but right across the island the details are coming up Debbie thanks. Ryan well cutting-edge. Research, at Memorial, University was, given a boost today the, federal minister of health was in town to make the announcement, and my co-host Anthony. Germain spent most of the day at the Mun Medical, School that's where we've reached, him now Anthony how, much money are we talking about. Well. Coming up in just a bit Debbie I'm going to introduce you to two researchers, who are big beneficiaries. Of today's announcement they're, going to tell us exactly, how they hope this funding, is going to help them crack some, of the mysteries, of the illnesses, that they research but, we're talking to answer your question we're talking about two million dollars is coming right here to researchers, at Memorial University and the federal minister says new money means, new jobs and, new hope. But. Most importantly, investing. In health research saves. Lives. This. Investment, will be used to support over 500. Cutting-edge, research, projects, leading, to new treatment, scientific. Breakthroughs, and creating, new knowledge that, is at the core of health, advances. Some. Very interesting science to tell you about later on here and now to researchers, who are looking at two very different types of illnesses who really hope that today's announcement means, down the road their, science, is going to help people. Thanks. Very much to Anthony, we'll be back to him shortly well the people of northern arm have spoken and they said no three-quarters, of eligible, voters cast their ballots last night and they, voted against, amalgamating. Was nearby bought, would, 136. To 66, these results, are not binding but they clearly tell council how a majority, of people feel. There's. Another municipal, move to tell you about the, province, has given the go-ahead for, the local service district, of georgia's Brook Milton, to, incorporate, and become, a town that means, the community of about 800. Near clarin Ville will, be able to access more money from governments, for infrastructure. Projects. To. Labrador now where caribou, are once again a point of contention new, nazia vote is asking, the province to enforce, the five year old ban on hunting caribou. In the big land and that's. Because, the in-you nation says it is going to hunt the animal and it's, pulled out of the indigenous management. Plan for the George River herd Land, Resources Minister Gerry Byrne won't say whether the province, will strictly in, the ban he, says they'll continue to monitor hunting. There that was earlier this month the endorsement. Isn't the full solution. What. Will provide, a better result, is, for. All those that have a stake in this, to. Feel part of this but as well to be proactive, participating. In self-discipline, self-regulation self-command, and. And adjusting. Hunting behaviors. To. The and Norris murder trial now where today the jury watched more than three hours of video, of, Norris, from, May of 2016. Hiren as Glen Payette explains, on. May 8th 2016, and, Norris, went into the Walmart on Topsail Road there, she ends up buying a yellow handle, hammer she, would admit she used it to kill Marcell, Reardon, the next day then.

On May 13th. Four days after she killed Reardon, Norris, goes back to the same Walmart and takes, her time selecting, hammers, trying, them out in the air, apparently. Not satisfied. She goes back and gets another, hammer by, now the police have, her under surveillance and, make an arrest at the store, Norris. Has admitted to killing Reardon, but says she is not criminally, responsible because. Of a mental disorder at the time tomorrow. One of Norrises lawyers, Rosaleen, Sullivan will. Cross-examine the. Lead investigator, on the case, constable. Ryan Pitman Glen pay yet CBC, News st.. John's. Canada's. Highest honor today, for Khan River nygma chief missile, Joe he, was awarded the Order of Canada in, Ottawa by Governor General Julie Payette. Traditional. Medicines, and healing practices, he's, deeply committed to keeping its people's roots alive, mr.. Joe. Chief. Joe was recognized, for his long-standing, work, preserving, the language cultures. And tradition, of his people for, more than three decades he's, been an ambassador for, the nigma as well as the, announcer said today he's inspired, his community, to grow from. A place of isolation to, one of prosperity. This. Is one of the largest single, investments. In health research that, our government, will be making this, year some, of it is going to research, at Mon that may make a difference in your life that's coming up on here and now. You. Welcome. Back to here and now I'm live at Memorial University's, medical school where there was a major funding, announcement, for Scientific Health Research today two, million dollars is coming to Memorial University to three researchers, but two of those that I want to introduce you to one, of them is focusing, on multiple, sclerosis and I was surprised to find out that Canada, among countries in the world has more cases per capita of MS than any other country, and here's, the kicker the, Atlantic, region has more cases than any other part of Canada and one of the doctors I spoke to dr. Craig Moore he, hopes to change that he's one of the people who received, $600,000. Today and he hopes someday, his, science is going to make a difference, dr.. Moore MS a very serious illness a lot of people see what it does to people what's, the gist of your research so. Here, at Memorial University we've, just recently. In the last couple, years started. Developing, a longitudinal. Database. Of the MS patients in this province this is the first time is that this has ever been done. To this extent, in the province and over. The past couple years we've been collecting clinical, specimens, from these patients, mostly their blood and serum and we've. Built up kind, of a dead a data, bank of of these materials. And we're, finally, ready to put them to use okay, so when you have this research we say put them to use what does that mean in language, most people can understand. So ms. Is an immune, mediated, condition. So it's where the immune, system actually attacks, part of the brains and spinal. Cord so, we. What we do need to understand, better is how immune, cells, target. These organs, and target the myelin which is the important, factor the, fatty substance, that insulates, the insulates. The brain and spinal cord and we. Really need to understand, how these cells are leading. To both mechanisms of, damage. But, also immune, cells and inflammation, can also be viewed, as a good thing to and can promote repair, and what. We really need to do in MS. Is to, learn how the. Brain will repair, itself so as part of this looking at a defense. Within the brain against those cause things, that cause MS not, necessarily, a defense, but more of a reaction. So, we, don't necessarily know if we can necessarily, stop. The. Immune, attack in the brain but what we do think that we could be confident, in is that we can change, the way that the brain itself responds, to the inflammation so it can choose to respond negatively and, result. In the symptoms that we know classically, come with MS or, potentially. In another, manner that actually would, potentially. Lead to repair, and good. Symptom management what, kind of toll does ms take on people who are afflicted with it ms.

Is Very. Heterogeneous, meaning. It's a very, mixed disease no two individuals. Diagnosed, with MS have the exact same symptom. Ology this, is a very this. Is very taxing for clinicians and being able to diagnose. The disease and the different subtypes, of the disease. That. Come with a diagnosis, it's, essentially. At. This point in time impossible. To know the disease trajectory, and whether a patient will be stable, in ten to five right five to ten years or whether they could be wheelchair-bound. So you're the recipient of several hundred thousand dollars to assist, your research at the end of the five years what do you hope to have accomplished, what, I hope to accomplish is, to make a regional. National and international. Contribution. To, understanding the disease mechanisms, of multiple sclerosis and, hopefully. To identify better, therapeutic. Targets, for, patients suffering from this disease all right well doctor congratulations yeah thank you very much. One. Of the other big winners to today's announcements, with dr. Francis Ben Beco he studies post-traumatic, stress, disorder, as well as depression and he wants to get a better understanding of those two illnesses and he hopes that his research might actually prevent, people from killing themselves. Dr.. Ben pico congratulations, thank, you very much so what will these funds mean for your particular research, into, PTSD. And depression it's. Certainly, gonna boost, the. Capacities. The capabilities, of the lab to be able to do more, research into, the, nature of these disorders, depression. And PTSD and. Be able to eventually develop, identify. Ways. To be able to develop novel. Treatment, approaches, that are much better than what, we currently have, now, in our news program here, and now we've spent a lot of time covering suicide. Of late yeah PTSD and depression often, linked as causal, factors, what, are your hopes for what your research will accomplish yes it says suicides. Always, been associated with depression and PTSD and, we hope you accomplished, a minute to minimize the, incidences. Of suicide, because well one. Of the the pressing issues with, depression for instance is that the. Drugs that are available to treat depression antidepressants. Take a long time before the benefits, kick in before the therapeutic, effects kick in so, you have to have incense, adman religiously. Take, the, drug for at least a month before you, experience, the benefits. And for, people who have are suicidal, that's not you know it's it's alarming, for them because too much time too much time like yeah before, getting the benefits like they live will have killed themselves so maturely so specifically you have people start from depression others, who suffer from post-traumatic, stress. Disorder don't fully, understand why some people get it and some people do not so you're looking at brain chemistry, but looking at brain chemistry, and the, chemical processes, that the molecular processes that occur within neurons, within brain cells associated. With these disorders okay so best-case scenario, at, the end of this research period in five years what. Would your what was what a success look like success. Look like what. What success looks. Like is eventually, be able to identify some. Are some molecules inside. These neurons. That, we can actually target using, new, drugs. And that will give more, effective. Outcomes. In terms of treatment for depression now, a lot of people don't realize how competitive it is to actually get this kind of funding what was your reaction when you found out that okay dr. ben Biko gets the cash of, course at first it's, how I couldn't believe it because that's like that the success rate is pretty minimal. Miniscule. It's, just, now that it's starting to seep, in it's still until. As when they told me about it I was. Of course overjoyed. And I went out with friends and celebrated, but. It's just now that you know heading. Into that so but it's also it also gives me, much. Much pride in our. University, and the things that we do and gives, me more stimuli, it's a motivates. Me a lot to like do. More for the future engage.

In Research that is gonna be helpful to our, society medical, scientist this is what. It's, all about this yeah yeah congratulations. Yeah thank you very much yeah. Lots. Of celebrating, here at Monde today two million, dollars here almost, three hundred and fifty million, dollars across the country what, guarantee, is there that any of this research will actually pay off I'm, going to put that question of the Federal Health Minister later on here now. NAFTA. Talks, this, week could spell the last days for the Corner Brook paper mills famous. Whistle, US, newsprint tariffs, threatened, the mills future. You. Or caste has been brought to you by Newfoundland, and Labrador tourism. 5,000. Kilometers of groomed trails are waiting to be explored, and breaks winter today. Back. To here now you know Brian the weather can really point out to us how. Big, does Provinces. Labrador. Completely. Different, than most of the island today yeah for sure we did see a mix transition. To some rain in the extreme, southeast of Labrador but primarily this, has been a snow and wind event and love. To hear of course from everybody in Labrador, and Ken Nelson in Northwest river says bit, of snow here today I love, that the hummingbirds still coming to the window. Nice. Little, decoration. There all right thanks to Ken by. The way about 15 centimeters in, through happy valley-goose Bay and, that neck of the woods today in the upper make Lake Melville, region, we still do have winter storm warnings in effect a Labrador, City as, a 4, o'clock around, 19, centimeters, there mackovic, around, 10 centimeters, but the worst is yes yet to come for that coast of Labrador where blizzard warnings are still in effect we. Are talking about another 20 to 30 centimeters, on the way Hopedale. Down through makovica will show you the snowfall map in a minute wind, warnings are still in effect for clarin Ville Bonavista and the Avalon Peninsula with, some potential, to see some gusts upwards of 100 kilometers per hour over the next couple of hours it's 8 degrees right, now in st. John's at 0 and Corner Brook minus 1 in Stephenville as the, colder air wraps back, in on the other side of this system of course the main story becomes, from. The warm-up today to the freeze up tomorrow and there's going to be a ton of ice on the go across. Newfoundland, by the time we get to tomorrow even, the morning but especially the afternoon, in the East sustained. Winds near 50. In st., John's right now gusting, closer to 60, and we, are gonna be seeing those gusts in the along, the coast of Labrador continue, to ramp up 72. Right now and named gusting. Closer to 100, through the overnight and into tomorrow morning there's the low which, again you can see that rain is departing, from the Avalon we're seeing this dryer punch come in behind but it's a cooler air, mass coming, in on the other side of this system as this low spins up a counter clockwise and continues, to move to, the north. Watch your timeline, in terms of the temperatures, through the overnight tonight there's 11 p.m. just, starting to drop closer, to the freezing mark in st. John's and by the time we get to tomorrow morning we, are well below freezing for, most of the region, still. Just, getting the freezing mark across st., John's and note temperatures, tomorrow morning, will. Continue, to fall for st. John's this is the next 24 hours, potential. For some icing even through the overnight but the best chance of some of that black ice forming will be early tomorrow morning, and then especially through, the commute so do keep that in mind that, there will be some.

Slippery, Spots even for tomorrow morning but especially into the afternoon as any of that standing, water does, freeze, up so your morning outlook, well below freezing for, central, western Newfoundland happy. Though the Goose Bay at minus 5 nein at minus 8 temperatures, are gonna fall or stall, for most of us tomorrow as that colder. Air continues to wrap in will bottom out in the morning recover, a little bit into the afternoon but generally temperature, stalling in central parts of Newfoundland along the west coast as well falling, in through Labrador, and falling. Here across, the Avalon, as well minus five by home time tomorrow, afternoon the high temperature. Around minus. Four degrees winds, in from the southwest gusting, 60 to 70 there's a chance of flurries tomorrow across the Burin in the Avalon primarily. In the morning, some. Sun into the afternoon certainly, but her chances some Sun and less chance of flurries through Central Newfoundland and of course onshore flurries, develop tonight along the west coast we're talking about two to five centimetres to. Start your day by the time to brush off the car tomorrow morning, and then another 2 to 5 centimetres in those westerlies gusting, to 70 through, the day tomorrow primarily. Gross, more down through Corner Brook towards Stephenville, but, again. All along that West Coast the potential to get into some of those flurries there's, the snow that does continue along the coast of Labrador winds, will ease through, the day but it's a very stormy day along the coast tapering, to flurries tonight happy valley-goose Bay Labrador. City, Churchill, Falls and there's the bullseye over the next 24 hours generally, lighter snowfalls two to five for Labrador, city over the next 24 happy valley-goose Bay 5 to 10 as well as the, west coast more, on your long-range right through the weekend coming up Debbie thanks. Again Ryan well, as Canadian and American NAFTA. Negotiators. And in montreal 25. Newsprint. Mills across, the country are facing millions, in tariffs, this, after, a Washington, company, accused Canadian, producers, of dumping. Newsprint, into, the u.s. in Corner. Brook the mill has been struggling for years and as here in aus Chris O'Neill Yeates discovered, the community, fears these tariffs, could mean the end of the last paper mill in the province. You. Can set your clock by the mill whistle and quarter Brook for, almost a hundred years it's marked the start and the end of, the workday at the paper mill that, whistle rings at 8:00 and for everyone. Else a time my 8 year old. So. It's very much part of the community beyond the, economics, you. Can say one thing about real estate developer, Trina burden, she's, not short on optimism, this. Is my first project her, plans for a 40 unit condo development, and several, streets of homes have fallen way behind now. The Trump administration's. New countervailing. Tariffs more, than eight million dollars, a year on paper, coming from Corner Brook has, burdened concerned, about, who'll buy her housing, units the, Trump dialogue. It's. All over and the, way I felt like I was going to be able to survive it was just say, he can't, but. Now it's staring. You right in the face the, 10% tariff, on Corner Brook pulp and paper began. With a Washington, mill who filed a complaint and, it, alleges, that the lone Newfoundland. And Labrador gave. The parent company kruger in 2014. Was, a subsidy, there. Was no subsidy. Given to carve upon paper then. Premier Tom Marshall announced the 110. Million dollar loan with much fanfare, now. In retirement. Marshall, emphasizes. That it was alone, we, charged interest on the loan. They've. Been paying interest is my understanding since day one as, collateral, Marshall, says Deer Lake power a 200. Million dollar Kruger, asset, was put on the table if, they default in payment of principal and interest. You know the government can take the power plant sell it and pay, the. Taxpayers back the, amount of the loan so it was a business. Transaction not, a subsidy by no means over eight, million dollars a year is held in trust until, the outcome of an appeal in the US and that could, take years, 300, jobs are at stake at the mill, then. There are the hundreds of loggers who cut the wood that, is trucked here every day we've, had the struggles. The last few years in trying. To keep that mail going in Corner Brook and with. This additional cost, you know the fare is what. Cooked well it could lead to Wendy. Vincent was a logger for 25 years, he, represents. A hundred and fifty loggers in operations. Spread across Newfoundland. Got. Membership, members. Know in, approximately, 50. 50 small communities, you know so they're, not all not, all based just, in Carmel what, other options have we got left to us there's, a lot of concern, from.

Our Membership under standard, on the tariff situation. But in states, and you. Know I, guess there's a lot of worry. At. Greenville, college Robert, Scott teaches his students about sustainability. For, Corner Brook to be sustainable, we need to have a strong, economy some. Of these students, hope to go on to work in forestry, this could. Impact. The sustainability, of Corner Brook for, sure if, we lose jobs as a result of these tariffs, employment. In these spin-off companies, could. Go down as well I mean so it could mean that some of our graduates are. Our. Losing, employment, however, the mayor of Corner Brook is one of the most optimistic, people, in town that, the mill will weather yet another storm, our mill on, all the county is very efficient, it, has the power, supply of course at deer-like power the. Dollars been relatively weak over the last number of years so. There's a number, of things that have been going in our favor neither. The company nor the mill workers union is talking, so. Just what the company plans to do to stay afloat is unclear, but. This town has seen bad, times before it's, always a struggle I feel like we've been in survival, mode decades. And. Over the years we, certainly seen the operation, decrease. In size that. Malygos then. Soul, goes the forest industry and. There's. Any million-dollar you're hit that's going to hurt you're. Trying to survive in a very very tough, and tough. Environment, the. Start of another day is marked with a comfortably, familiar sound, for. How long more nobody, knows that. Too is an all-too-familiar feeling. In this pulp and paper town, chris, O'Neil Yeats CBC. News Corner. Brook. The. Province signed a deal with Ottawa today and got 72, million dollars in new health care funding coming, up in 15 minutes the Federal Minister of Health is going to tell us how that money is going to be spent here in Newfoundland and Labrador. You. Welcome. Back to here and now I'm live at Memorial University's, medical school the federal Health Minister was here today to announce some major funding, for healthcare research but, she was also here to meet with the premier and sign, a health Accord that was agreed to in 2016. Semester. What was the significance of your announcement, and meeting with the premier Dwight ball well, we're very pleased, to be in Newfoundland and st. John specifically, today to sign the bilateral agreements. With the province of Newfoundland this has been long. In, the making and today we were just very pleased to come and to finally do the official signing ceremony, to, ensure that Newfoundlanders. And Labradorians can, get the share of the money with respect to the Accord. That we signed today we're talking about how much funding I know we're, talking 72, million dollars over a five year period and that is specifically to cover areas.

Of Mental health and community health care so. It's above and beyond the transfers, that we're done last year and we're, really pleased because this money is going to specifically address the needs that are that we've oftentimes, heard that are needed the Canadians are telling us at the issue of mental health and community health care is an area that often times is underfunded, so this money will certainly allow provinces, and territories to put the money where they feel exceed it and you also made a major funding. Announcement that certainly got the attention of Memorial University Medical School as well as I think medical schools across the country why did you choose st. John's to make this big announcement well, I was delighted first of all I was in Newfoundland, for the signing of the bilateral agreement and also, with this announcement that was pending I said why not come to Memorial University I, was thrilled we have three researchers, that have received money to do the research and they're from Memorial University here, so we just thought it would be really a great opportunity to do the big announcement, nationally, but also to showcase the work that's being done here locally, now what determines success of a funding program like this and what I mean by that is some, research work some research doesn't, it's. Kind of hit and miss but what a success look like at the end of five years of spen, hundreds of millions of dollars if we don't invest we're never gonna know what the results are so we really want to invest in the brightest minds and the brightest researchers that, if they're better available and when people qualify, for cihr researchers, we know they're the best of the best so we really want to see what are the outcomes and the many possibilities, that they're going to come up with and also solutions to possibly save lives of Canadians, the other thing is well it's really important to recognize that these jobs and these researchers, really contribute, to our economy as well we really want to make sure that we can keep them here in Canada, keep them here in Newfoundland and Labrador so, it's important to also invest in them and for them to come up with the solutions, of the many problems that we have on a slightly different topic my last question, you're a minister from landok Canada so I think you might be more sensitive to this Newfoundland. And Labrador as you know has a some, troubled economy, and economic issues right now some. People think, there's a chance the province may go bankrupt in. The event that Newfoundland, Labrador couldn't, afford to pay for its medical system its healthcare system what, role would there be for the federal government we're. Really pleased that last year we were able to sign the Canada health transfers, with all the provinces and territories and, the announcement that we've made today with the signing of about the bilateral agreement its funding that's above and beyond that initial investment so, this money today that we're investing is specifically in the areas that are of concerns to Canadians and concerns to people from your province here and that. Will you know be able to help, them with respect to areas of mental health and whole the community healthcare so, together we really want to get to you to work in partnerships, to support Canadians. And to support, Newfoundlanders. And Labradorians alright madam Pettibone Taylor thank you very much thank you so much preciate that. Healthcare. Still, ranks as a number one issue for people in this province as it does for many people in the country some big news today Memorial, University obviously. A lot of excitement in the medical community and also some excitement about how many jobs spin-offs, they'll be so it's a big day here with researchers, hoping that their science down the road will, really help some people Debbie.

Thanks. So much Anthony as you say very big day for Health Research at. Memorial. Thank you and we'll. See you tomorrow that's, our Anthony, Germaine live from medical, school at Memorial. University, well. If you have a community, mailbox, and you were hoping you'd, get switched back to home delivery, you're. Likely out of luck, Julie, Van Dusen has that story. You. You. Tonton. Noose our young athlete, of the day this is Jesse Kelly of winter 'land seven, years old loves, to play hockey with Mary's town miners, Jesse. Also enjoys soccer softball, and, karate. Congratulations. In. Stereo. Hi, Jesse here today's young athlete, of the day. The. Weather update is brought to you by Beltone. Hearing service. St. John's helping. The world hear, better. Jesse. Got the first in, stereo. Whoo, shout. Out anyway. Back, to the weather there's, a lot of the weather on the go a lot of weather on the go but I can, see a big North. American, map over there yeah kind of setting the stage for what. Has been a pretty, turbulent couple, of weeks across eastern, parts, of North America where the cold air and the warm air have been doing battle that continues, over the next week or so signs. That maybe a little more winter like into February we'll talk about that in the coming days but certainly, the trend continues, especially, across the island, where I think we're going to be continuing to see these mix type systems, and you can see where the warm air is certainly battling, back across the, northeast parts of the US and even, Calgary, at 4 degrees today now as we look at the satellite and radar map, pretty. Quiet stretch. Here to, our south and west and that is going to be the, name of the game for us over, the next few, days but into, early next week, watching, some pretty, unsettled, weather moving in exactly. The impacts, yet, to be seen but let's show you the timeline how this will all play out no through. This evening the winds will taper off as that rain departs, still, a little on the breezy side certainly, to start the day for tomorrow as winds are in from the west southwest we're, going to be seeing some gusts into the afternoon and the 50, 60, even 70 kilometer, per hour range along that West Coast the snow does, taper off the winds slowly easing, along the coast of Labrador as well. Fast-forwarding. Now into. The Friday time period winds, even lighter but, still a cool day as we'll see those north, Shirley wins on the go certainly, easing, through, the day but temperatures, will be cool so as I mentioned earlier these are your afternoon, temperatures, will be starting, at or, even, above these temperatures, in the morning especially for the coast of Labrador down through happy, valley-goose Bay as well as the Avalon where we start near zero, falling. To about minus 4 into, the afternoon a look ahead to Friday very similar, temperatures, minus 4 to minus six across the island perhaps a little bit warmer along the south coast chances. Of flurries put some Sun in the mix as well onshore, flurries for the west coast more Sun in the mix for Labrador, with a brighter day as. An area of high pressure builds. Into your neck of the woods things, will clear out for the island on Saturday, just, as our next system on the leading edge anyway rolls into Labrador, some light snow with this one across the island for. Sunday we're, talking about the chance of some showers mixed. With flurries temperatures, are gonna edge, just. Above, the freezing mark enough, that I do think we'll see some showers mixing in for the Burin and the avalon this is where things get, interesting for. Monday Tuesday Wednesday of, next week, forecast. Models are showing this basically. Frontal, boundary stalled, over our neck of the woods we could see some rain in the southeast, with the potential for some snow over central, and western parts of newfoundland the exact setup of this track. And and. The whole weather setup overall with an area of high pressure building, in the Labrador are obviously. Going to be key but one, of the main themes, I want to hit here as we roll into the Monday Tuesday, Wednesday time, period is that it does look unsettled, and there's certainly some snow potential right, now the best chance appears to be for central towards, western Newfoundland what. They think a bit of a better, chance of an icy air mix. Or perhaps, rain, here across the avila at least that's where I'm leaning right now with temperatures above. The freezing mark in the Labrador, against, that snow tapers off tomorrow chance for some lighter snow again Saturday, into Sunday but generally a much choir look quieter, looking seven-day for, you folks Debbie Thank. You Ryan well good news if your mail is delivered to you at, your home, and you like it that way the, federal government says 4.2.

Million Households. Will get, to keep that counted above service, but the. 840,000, ended up with community, mailboxes. Are out of luck the, true to a government, outlined, its plan for future mail deliveries. This morning, Julie, Van Dusen is following the story joins us now from Ottawa, so Julie how does this plan fit, in with what the Liberals said leading, up to their election, in 2015. Well. Debbie if you were following, along during that campaign you. May have remembered they, made a promise, and if you're forgotten we, have the handy-dandy campaign. Book here on page, 34. They promised, to well, here are the words we will save home mail delivery, and Judy. Foote who was the minister responsible at, the time and your local MP who's now stepped down she. Sat in the house two months after the campaign that if you lost your mail delivery, you'll, get it back now. As you mentioned in the intro some people who. Have it up. To four million people will not lose it but those people have those community, mailboxes. Well, they're out of luck they're stuck with them and we know Debbie, that a lot of Canadians don't like those, community. Mailboxes, because often in the winter they're frozen shut it's hard to walk to them if, you remember Denis Coderre the mayor of Montreal took, a drill. To one of them and blew, it up because it was too close to a park the, minister says today, that she's. Going to have. Accessibility. Help. For people the, disabled, the elderly who have a hard time getting to those community, mailboxes, but, they are here to stay so, she was asked is this a broken, promise we'll hear what she has to say followed, by her critics, who, say indeed it is, Cle. We're, not gonna put the toothpaste back in the tube we're not gonna we're not going to reverse, these decisions, that were made by the former government but, we are going to guarantee, exceptional. Services, they, were going around writing, saying they were going to reverse the the conserve. Initiative, and clearly, for 800,000. People in Canada that is not the case that the Prime Minister has broken his promise to restore door-to-door. Delivery. He. Was clear during the election campaign that. A Liberal government would restore home mail delivery, to those that who lost it, and. It appears the government is backing away from that today, so. Julie how does the government planned a plan, rather to pay for this to, maintain service, for over four million, households. Well, that's a big challenge and it's always the challenge and then, there's a politics, of course but the government says, that, the good news is they have a bit of breathing space because. Parcel, delivery is, way, way up even though mail. Is down because a lot of people are emailing, but. Also the, government is putting together new management, team and they will be tasked to look at how other countries do it look at new technologies, and so. On so they're their marching orders are to cut, costs and save money but still provide service.

Julie. Thanks very much for joining us with us this evening and that is Julie Van Dusen senior. Reporter at our parliamentary. Bureau in Ottawa. Well. In other national and international news tonight, former, US gymnastics. Team dr., Larry Nasser has, been sentenced, to between 40, and a hundred and seventy five years, for, sexually, molesting, athletes, it came after a week of impact, statements, from dozens, of girls and women who, accused him of assault the. Judge dismissed, a Nassar apology, to victims as, insincere, and, castigated. Him severely, it, is my honor and privilege to sentence. You, because. Sir you do not deserve. To. Walk outside of, a prison, ever again. Nassar. Was with the US team through four Olympics. And also, worked at Michigan, State University the. Minimum, 40, year sentence, was previously. Agreed to by NASA, when he pleaded guilty to. Seven counts of first degree sex. Assault, he, still faces sentencing. On three other guilty, pleas in another, jurisdiction and, he's, already serving a 60-year. Sentence, on child, pornography, convictions. Well. NAFTA talks continue, in Montreal, today with, Canada, the US and Mexico meeting. Behind closed. Doors on the, agenda some of the toughest, issues in, including so-called rules of origin which. Will decide what percentage, of the product should, be made in North America, it's, especially important, to the automotive, sector also on the table is a so-called sunset. Clause the, US is pushing, for the clause which, would have the NAFTA agreement expire. In five years, automatically. Unless, the three partners, agree, otherwise. Pretty. Lovely scene here. Which, was snapped over the weekend, now this caribou, herd is on the island but as, we know there are only a few so, if you can guess where, this picture was taken bonus. Points, to you there's, not much in the way of clues, there but have. A stab at it I don't, know where it is but that's more. Caribou, that, we have this week and they're gorgeous they are and will reveal where this was taken right after the break. You. And. Welcome. Back to, hearin now the Norwegian, Olympic curling, team, first became famous for their crazy, pence back in Vancouver who, can forget they, were called the sartorial. Stars of Sochi, and now, they're bringing the tradition, for the third Winter Games running, and shaking, things up on the ice once again, they've. Unveiled. Their outfits, for Pyeongchang. Now. Here's a little preview. Lucky. For us they say if all goes well for them, they have 12, funky. Clothing, changes, to get through through the medal, round Wow. Just. Another thing to look forward to as we head into the Olympic, Games. Suits. For the forecast, Wow looks something like your Santa. Claus suit I. Think. That would work all winter long oh yeah, okay. We'll work on that Ryan. Well. They're not your average neighborhood, gang. The town of. Edgewater. BC, that is has, become home, to almost, 100. Wild, turkeys, here's. What one homeowner, had to say about the noisy, invasion, we've. Had turkeys in Edgewater for at least three years probably. Came to town because people were feeding them I'm not sure people are still feeding them but, they do a lot of damage to anybody's. Trees that they roost him, Wow. They roam the streets roost, in trees and often cause property damage to yards, oh my. The, birds have become such a problem the, town is considering, a bylaw, that would prohibit people, from feeding, them. Talk. About running afoul. I'd. Say I wonder ever would they be good eating. Yes. Taro. For a while and yes, yes they are now. Have a look our, picture, of the day comes to us from just north of Bajor, where. A caribou herd is on the go this picture was taken over the weekend, Hodges, hill caribou, herd Walt, Gill snapped this beautiful, shot of the caribou, on the run Raja's. Hill well thanks a lot well great shot and thanks. To all of you for being with us we'll see you tomorrow, good. Night everyone.

2018-01-31 15:50

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