CBC NL Here & Now Thursday March 8 2018

CBC NL Here & Now Thursday March 8 2018

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You. This. Is CBC. Here and now. She. Always had a really kind hurt more, gut wrenching stories, about murdered, and missing indigenous women. And girls, she. Made sure that the time we have with her was special. We. Do heavy legal, duty for your safety public. Payout a killer gets, a settlement, from the province. This. Snow that's on top it, breaks away and, how to survive going through the ice. Pretty. Nice Friday shaping, up for most of us but for the weekend, travel plans will be impacted, so there's snow on the way the timeline and the details are coming up let's. Get to our top story the murder of women in this province has had a lasting, impact, on friends, and families. Today the inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women, and girls heard what it's like to lose a mother or a, daughter here. In nouse Peter Cowan is live now from happy valley-goose Bay Peter, what, message did they have for the inquiry, Anthony. In many ways these are two very different stories one, person lost a mother the other a daughter for, one had happened in name the other in st., John's at the other end of the province but they both surged similar, stories, today about the lasting, impact, that these deaths have had on their, lives for example Rudy, lamp talked about losing her daughter Kimberly, jure RC who was killed in. 2010. And Lukas. Abel was sentenced, to, seven years in prison in, her death he since been released and, is living in st. John's but, for lamp the, impact, of losing, the daughter has lasted, way longer than, the sentence, for Abel. Today. It's. Been 8, long years On, January, 12. Since. She's gone and. We've, had to learn, to. Live a. Whole. New reality, we. Thought her, especially. Myself. And, my daughter and, my, granddaughter. Cara. Now. Amina Evans Harlech spoke, to The Enquirer, today she's from st. John's her mother was originally, from Northwest River not far from here but was adopted, as a baby and grew up in st. John's she, was killed in 2002. When, Amina was only, six years old it wasn't until later in life that she learned exactly what, happened to her mother and that's, had an impact on her because even though the man who, killed, her mother is still in prison, she finds at times being, worried, having to look over her shoulder wondering. Whether, or not he'll eventually come after her I thought. That she would end up counting as well I remember. Being really scared that, it stuck with me since that day. And. I wish things were different because. I I don't want to feel that scared, I don't want to feel like. On, high alert all the time. Wiry. Is wrapping. Up as we speak right now and, this, is the only, stop that it's expected, to be here, in Newfoundland, and Labrador the. Next stop for the inquiry will be to move to Montreal and, we'll, have to see when that final report comes out the.

Timing Of that a little unclear at this point the federal government, has been asked for a two-year extension before. They take what they've heard here along with everything else in the country reporting. Live from happy valley-goose Bay I'm Peter Cowen for here and now. The. Emotional, day of testimony, began, by recognizing. The strength, of women before, the inquiry got on your way this morning a performance, of the First Nations song called, strong. Woman's song and that, marked, International. Women's Day. In. St.. John's an, event to mark International Women's. Day brought, together women, from the local business world they, reflected, on the past year and looked ahead to the future here, annouce carolyn Stokes was there. Looking. Around this room you see dozens, and dozens of, entrepreneurs. Women, who are here to celebrate all, the progress this, year has brought but, also feels so much more is left to be done I asked, them what International. Women's Day means, to them in a word dignity, I think. Camaraderie I mean, if you look around the room here today you, know there's there's so many people so so, many amazing women, I actually was joking like he's running the problems today because they're all here International. Women's Day for me means believing in the next generation, I would say celebration, what I love about this day is that so many people are celebrating women their heroes and who, inspires them and, all the things that women accomplish in our community so for me even though there's so many issues to address it's, also a day for celebration, empowerment. Even. Though we've seen some challenges, and there's been so much I brow raising, moments, in the last year I think in the end we will all be better for it because, it's. An opportunity in, it Avenue for women to put up their hands and have a voice, necessary. Energizing. Not. Done yet the, time is now for us to contribute. The time is now for us to, participate and. We're just going to make it happen my, one word will be action it's time, for people to really take action move things forward, no more complacency. Enough is enough keep, awareness, top of mind not just on this one day International, Women's Day but throughout the year because we need to make progress a lot more quickly Carolyn, Stokes CBC. News Saint, John's. Dozens. Of people are lining up for more than an hour to get drinking water from a roadside spring in Stephenville the, popular spot attracts thirsty, people from all over the port a port Peninsula they, say the water is pristine, but as here now is Colleen Conners reports the, government doesn't see it that way water. Gushes, from this black pipe all day long. Very. Good, everybody, comes here the. Gesso is drive 45. Minutes to get to this spring water on the Hansen Highway in Stephenville, so. Cold, and so. Oh. So, it doesn't leave any stains. Behind I mean killing off. Dozens. Lineup to fill buckets, with, what they say is runoff, water from a nearby well this, guy here gun oh yeah alrighty shit milk and. It's come from the artesian, well it's over floor people. Living in Stephenville wait up to an hour in line for this water they, love it compared to the tap water they say that tastes gross but, the town doesn't, agree if.

You Look at our water quality from our taps it is clear it is pristine and it is safe, the, mayor says Stephenville has one of the best systems in the country our. Water systems are tested and we, have checks. And balances quality. Control we. Use the latest technologies. Than. The short at the water going up to the residents evil is really good the, water in Stephenville comes from an artesian well system, it's high in calcium and tested, on a regular basis. The, mayor encourages. The public to stop drinking from, the roadside spring. Well. Right now behind me as you can see there's a line of cars waiting, to fill up their empty jugs from this water at this roadside Spring, now, the provincial, government, and the Department of Health says water, from these roadside Springs across, the province are not fit to drink they're not regulated and they're not tested, they say the best water to drink is the, treated water that comes out of the tap, Colleen. Connors CBC. News Stephenville. A, convicted. Killer is 45 thousand, dollars richer tonight. Kenny, green has been awarded a settlement from the provincial government, it comes, two years after, Green, sued over a violent, riot, at her majesty's Penitentiary. Here in aus Arianna KELOLAND has our story, when. These inmates filed, into the chapel they, weren't here to pray, instead. They were waiting to unleash a violent, attack on Kenny green they, tried to cover it up unsuccessfully. Revealing. A brutal pylon a suspected. Retaliation. Attack for the death of a man Green killed the year before it. Was a threat that both Kenny green and Correctional, officials knew, about beforehand. That, was 2014. Two. Years later after Kenny, green left the penitentiary. He lawyered up and sued, the province, he, alleged correctional, officers here knew a threat was coming two days in advance but, did nothing to stop it to counter that the province says Kenny green knew too about the threat but still went to Sunday service. Now. The two parties, have reached a settlement with green awarded. $45,000. Regardless. Of who you are if you're within the you. Know one of our institutions one of our buildings we, do have a legal duty for, your safety and in, this case it, was felt that a settlement was much better than going through court and possibly, costing the taxpayers, significantly. More, parson. Says he understands, the public, may not like the settlement, but says it was for the best, Kenny green has served his time in a federal prison neither. He or his lawyer are talking, tonight ariana. KELOLAND cbc, news st.. John's. Negotiations. Between the province and Kewpie are at a standstill, Finance, Minister Tom Osborne says there's what he calls a pause in the talks the, sticking point he, wants kewpie to agree to the same no, layoffs deal that nape did I can. Say is that we are looking for the same assurance. From. Kewpie that we have from knee, that. Clause and as, well as the, the. Public-private. Partnership, cause no. Taxis, on Patty's, Day a group, representing, cab drivers, says its members, are prepared, to stay home on the busiest day of the year the. Issue is an, insurance, rate hike that, came into effect this month the, Alliance of taxi operators says, drivers are being squeezed, out of business and wants, the province to step in, taxi, drivers recently, held a protest at confederation. Building but to no avail. Now it says unless rates, are rolled back taxi. Alliance members will refuse, to drive on Monday morning if that, action is unsuccessful, then, it will take aim at st., Patrick's Day, Patrick's. Day is by far, the. Busiest day, of the year it's, even, greater. Than New Year's Eve do, you expect that all the taxis in st. John's are going to go along with this done well if. You own your, own car and you operate, with a major company, the major companies, have all agreed that. There. Will be no taxi service if we don't have, a successful, meeting with the government.

Meanwhile. Taxis, in st. John's got a rough ride from the RNC today, many. Cabs were hit with a surprise, inspection, blitz. At the village mall and at the st. John's Airport, the, taxi Alliance called it payback, for the insurance protests. And accused, the provincial, government of ordering, the inspections. Justice. Minister Andrew Parsons, laughed, off the suggestion. The, RNC, says the taxi inspections, were long planned, and not related to the insurance, issue but. An RNC spokesperson. Acknowledged, the timing, could have been better. The. Federal government is defending the way it really. Controversial, surf clam quota DFO. Took 25%. Of it from Clearwater and gave it to Nova, Scotia base, Premium, seafoods, and an unknown. Coalition, of First Nations a fish, plant in Grand Bank processes, most of those clams with, such a big hit to a lucrative fishery, Clearwater, is now threatening, legal action, and. If a company doesn't own in perpetuity or quota Canadians, do the, word expropriation. I understand, is is loaded language it's designed, to make a point but a point is not entirely accurate, you, can't be expropriated from a property you don't own, and. And with respect with. Respect to the legal action I took, note of their news release and Canadians. Are entitled to go to their the, courts and tell their story so I respect. That and I'm not surprised or worried about that they're. Supposed to be an indigenous partner, in this province as required by the license but, just who that group is remains, a mystery. Canadian. Metal workers are celebrating, tonight, US President Donald, Trump is imposing. New tariffs, on steel and, aluminum. But they won't apply to Canada, or Mexico for. Now due. To the unique nature of our relationship, with Canada, and Mexico we're, negotiating right, now, NAFTA. And. We're gonna hold off the tariff on those two countries, to see whether or not we're able to make the deal on NAFTA, national. Security, very important, aspect, of that deal Trump. Says if a deal can't be reached on NAFTA he will terminate, the agreement. The. Federal court has dismissed, ocean x's challenge, of subsidies, given to marine Atlantic, the, privately, owned ocean X asked the court to force the federal transport, minister to reconsider. That 94. Million dollars, it provides to the ferry service between Newfoundland. And Nova, Scotia ocean. X argued that it can't offer a competitive freight service while its rival, is being, subsidized, but, the provincial government countered, that shipping rates and the cost of goods would, increase, without those subsidies. Okay. Now before we get to the weather coz it's that time of the show we have to tell you that next, week we're, going to be starting 30 minutes later than usual that is because, we're the olympic broadcaster.

And We'll bring you the Paralympic. Games will. Still be the same full, hour show and we'll be on between 6:30, and 7:30 island, time and, we'll have all the latest on st. John's Paralympian. Liam, Hickey who's playing for Team, Canada hockey and a, wish, that, was years, in the making have a look at this I have. Another dream, I. Guess. Instead. Of Stanley, Cup is, to go to the Paralympics and play for Team the men's team it's. A younger, liam Hickey who had just started playing with the sled dogs there's a men's sledge hockey team yeah isn't, that something, to look back this, Saturday he'll, be playing out that dream as part of Team Canada at, the Paralympic, Games in South Korea. It's. Quite something that's, so awesome see, him at Yonge and Wow. So, you see he can actually pursue dreams also he's, really interesting because in, the winter we can talk about sledge hockey and in the Summer Paralympics talking talk, to him about wheelchair. Basketball cuz he's on the men's national basketball team. Awesome. I can't, wait for that and of course our coverage in next week will be all over that now, we'll, be all over the weather situation next week as well which it looks interesting but we've got to get through the, weekend, which it definitely, looks, interesting, have a look at the weather map again, the. Maritimes, is being hit, with that same storm that hit the northeastern parts of the US yesterday, this, not. An issue for us blocking, hi-oh over Labrador, is keeping, us shielded, from this one though we will see some very light snow across places like Porter bath tomorrow and the wind's picking up especially. Late tomorrow wind. Warnings have been prompted for the west coast as well as reck house by. Friday morning again, still some of those flakes along the southwest, coast everybody, else it's a pretty quiet day some Sun breaks in the mix and then, we get into the mess as we were all into the Friday night and Saturday, morning time, period that's when that steadiest, snow will push across the avilon Saint John central, parts of Newfoundland, to Corner Brook and that. Will continue into the afternoon though, it will ease off as that main, snow band will lift off to the north as we roll into a Sunday time period this low will be tracking to our south and we'll continue to see some lighter snow for most, of Newfoundland but a steady snow band looking set for somewhere along that North Coast that's, still a little uncertain we'll nail this down we'll have a complete timeline for Saturday and more details on your forecast coming up in just a few minutes Debbie and Anthony thanks. Very much to Ryan well as, some. Of the snow navigating, the streets of st. John sent about on a bike can be challenging. In some parts of the cities such as Allendale Road at Rollins cross which has been in the news of late can be downright. Frightening, on two wheels and now more universe the professor, is looking for ways to make cycling a little bit easier with an app it's, called bike, maps dot, org it uses an interactive map, of the st. John's area, and asks, cyclist. To add incident. Reports, of collisions. Near misses road hazards, and even, bicycle, thefts, maaan assistant, professor, daniel fuller says, the data may be used to determine where, cycling, infrastructure. Should, be built he believes separated. Bike only lanes, work best a natural. Progression of these sorts of things in cities is, you. Have, some separated, lanes usually us up as a pilot project that pilot, project tends, to work better, than people expected, and, then those lanes end up staying and then you sort of build on your internet work from there so. I can't, say for sure that that's gonna happen in st. John's but that's the experience that we, see in the research in lots of different cities I noticed.

One Thing missing from that report what's, that no mention of a bike stolen, from the CBC. I'm. Laughing, it's too soon Debbie no jokes. There. Are team goos biggest, fans and, we found them in Regina cheering. On their, team. You. You. Fred, gives his biggest fan for making, a splash that's, a breyer affectionately. Dubbed pushes. Girls the six friends from gander have traveled all the way to Regina, where, they are hard to miss in the stands and we've reached them at the rink well. Jeannie you're. Going to be speaking for, the girls, there, introduce. Us to your friends. Okie, dokie well I'm Jeannie I'm the G and then we have you Alice. S. H. And, E. And. I have to tell you that there are seven of us but, sadly one, of our number is ill this afternoon, Doris Johnston, a very, important, part of our group we have a thumbs up sign you see aha so, how are things going so, far, so. Far so good we're, delighted we're here we're, in the. Final. Setup for the for the Brier and Brad is on the I so we're, delighted yeah you know you're famous your. Pictures, are all over social, media. Yeah. We're. A little we, started this to, Breyers ago in Ottawa and we were a little surprised, at the reaction but. We're getting a little bit used to it yeah and I understand, you changed, your shirt color, to pink it's very distinctive. Now. I understand, you are all, avid. Curlers, ourselves. Yes. We all curl at the gander curling club week we are, great, supporters of our ladies curling, so. Jeannie how does this Brier compared, to past events who said you were in Ottawa, and of course you were at Mile, one last year how does this one compare. Well. To be absolutely truthful Debbie, and I hope nobody around me hears me nothing. Can compare to last year's Byron say John that. Was stupendous. But, it's a great Brier as most briars out west are, but. As I say nothing, confession. Nothing. Can touch the John's. So, Jeanne last night Gucci played Gregg Smith's team an historic.

First For, having, two teams from this province what was that like oh that. Was absolutely, wonderful and we had a little problem because we had divided loyalties, so we, sort of handle it by switching, shirts about each end we would be good you supporters, one end and team Newfoundland, the next we had green. Shirts, for Newfoundland it's true Newfoundlanders. So. The playoffs, are just ahead what, are you all watching for, next. Is. Going to just taking to the ice. Well. This, is particularly, good shot that we had to tear apart we're, in the second and now at this box. So. I just will, just conclude, Jeanne. With what you guys are all looking forward, to now well, naturally we're, looking forward to being here for the playoff game and khushu coming up on top and repeating. Last year's win. Well. Thank, you all Goo's, girls, for joining, us your. Enthusiasm. Is infectious have, a great rest of the Brier well. Thank you very much Debbie and good bye from Regina. Never. Having a boy. And. I, wanted to mention that I recorded, that interview, about 90 minutes ago as you can see in the background Team, Canada, which is Brad's, team is playing, Manitoba. It is now in the sixth end and Gucci was winning five one okay go. As they said go T because you go and team Smith to a. Terrifying. Situation. Falling. Through the ice and it happens all too often, in this province, up next an underwater, rare, look at what can happen and what you need to do to save yourself. You. You. Welcome. Back to hearing now well it's been a tough winter here on the Avalon, fickle, temperatures, rain freezing, rain not, a whole lot of snow not, great for outdoor, activities, like ice, fishing, joining me now Paul, French volunteer. With the Rovers search-and-rescue. And. You've. Seen, a lot of action over, the years out on the ice you pull, people, out of the water we're. Here now Long Pond today what, are the ice conditions here, Paul. Those, conditions, here in this particular pond today as you see here I just took a little chunk just from, onshore here, and there's. Probably about two, and, a half to three inches of, clear. Ice what we would call and I was still rot nice but. What. We want people to remember is that this snow that's on top it, breaks away it's, it's. Not always it's just snow and.

When I do look like solid ice from from above when. You actually drill into a hole and check, daily sickness this, is what you're looking for from clear solid, okay. So it's definitely, not safe to be out these conditions, here today are not safe is open up here behind us there's, spots. All across this pond holes rotten spots in the pond and, in the river ways. And outflows it's. It's definitely, not safe conditions, here nor, many other ponds across the products what kind of calls have you gotten, this winter this, year has been very busy, not. Just for the Rovers but for the fire department here in town. Local, fire department, detachments. Across the province and other start teams across the province has been very, very busy with. People, going through the ice and and near misses as, well so well. Let's, talk, about going, through the ice snow CBC teamed. Up with you guys at the Rovers to do a demo, video of, what, predicament. Somebody can get into, one of your volunteers, actually. Jumped, in the water for us a few times let's, have our viewers, have, a look at it. We're. Out here today to show. People how to get, out of the earth so they fall through. When. You go to do is the first reaction is to. Get your breathing under control. Once. You go through the water we want you to turn, around and try. To get out where it would you anything. That's. The safest place that, we. Know of we, know we walked across - and and. It gave out at that certain point so, if it held your weight on the way in chances, are it'll hold your weight on the way out. To. Really get out you, want to kick your feet as much as you can get, as much of your body weight up on top of that ice and once you get up there just. Roll away as far as you can stay, low stay horizontal. As, far as you can and get on the dry, land. The. Second scenario a, gentleman, actually had on a set of oysters. What. It is two handles. With, sharp, ends on them once, you fall through it always is slippery and you have absolutely no grip so I always recommend for, people a voice picks and you.

Really Dig them into the ice and, you. Can grab your way out with. All different types but, basically it's just a pointed end and it, really grips once you push them down into the ice and these, are fixed you can pick up at any outdoor store, here around town I also, have a homemade, pair here just, two old screwdrivers. That were bent up I just. Cut them to a certain length it's how a little string on you and that's, where you're getting your your grip to when she fall through. In. The third scenario we. Had a friend. That was nearby. He. Just grabbed an old dead tree that was laying down on the ground. He. Ran out so far he got down on his belly he spread his weight horizontal. Got over his clothes he could we thought it was safe till he could reach him with a stick and he given that as a grabbing device so, that the person in the water can grab themselves out and, you can also help too because you can pull them out as long as they can get their hands on it your, body can pull you. So. Paul what, a fantastic. Look, at the struggle, that somebody, goes through, what. A predicament to be in yeah, it's, it's not very good. When. Some goals for the ice I mean it's, the panic sets in is getting your breathing under control and, getting back out of there. You. Know it, happens, but we wanted people to remember to 110:1 principle, and what is that the one time one Debbie is is. It's an analogy, that we want everybody to remember so, you have one minute to control your breathing you. Have ten minutes of meaningful, movement and, one hour before how you ceremi it takes over there's. A myth out there that people, believe you fall through the ice within a couple minutes you. Know it's gonna end and what have you and, that's not the case if, you can get past the first minute, I keep. Your head above water and get your breathing under control you have a very good chance to getting out of there to ten minutes if. You don't feel you can get out of there within 10 minutes or shortly, thereafter we, want you to stay put and conserve your energy as you can see in the video the, gentleman was kicking his feet he was exerting, a lot of energy there's, a lot of cold water rushing up around his body and, you lose a lot more a body, temperature, from, your body in the water than out of the water so we want you to huddle up you know get, comfy and get. A hold of the ice and stay, up out of the water as much as you can and wait for help to arrive. Well. I was playing I did find today's absolute terraforming some fantastic, information there, definitely. It's very dramatic and good. On the fella who. Go in the water he's wearing a wetsuit but still at his head and everything, went down, by. The way I just want to add this Paul worries, that this weekend's, snowfall. That's coming might lull, people, into a false sense of security they, want to get that one last Norma Beal trip in or ice fishing, he says. And stresses. No, pond, in the province, is safe it right now don't be fooled by the snow, great. Stuff. Okay. For. Reminding. Me there, is no sting okay, so weather, don't, be fooled by the snow. Yeah. So I trampled, all over that and he backed over with the car a couple times now. I'll get a stick and pull you out of the hole thank you thank you I need a snow shovel please. Okay. Now, as we take a look at the let's start with the special weather statements and the wind warnings that are in effect mention. Those off the top there they are there how, about the winds that are gonna be gusting for Burgi, Oh - Ramya Porter. Bask in the 100. To 110, region, at 8200.

From A porta Basque up to Corner Brook except. The wreck house area that will gust up to, 160. On Friday, night and in through early Saturday morning winds, are going to be ripping in through the wreck house region special, weather statements, still in effect for everybody except for the, west coast where snowfall, amounts are not going to be quite as high thanks. To those easterly, winds with, this system. Coming in you don't quite get that snow that the rest of the island will be seeing and not looking, like warning criteria which, is 15 centimeters, or more by the time we get to Saturday evening, but certainly. Approaching. That threshold by the time we, get to the Saturday evening time, period here, is how it will all play out this is the low that again has been snowing itself, out over the Maritimes and mixed terrain there this. One really won't be an issue for us though as we roll through Friday, very very quiet conditions winds, though, will, be ramping up through the day along the west coast some gusts upwards of 80 kilometres per hour for exposed areas of the coast even tomorrow morning, pretty, quiet through most, of Labrador cool start - 13 to 15 and, - three two - six with mostly cloudy skies across the island for tomorrow, those mostly cloudy, skies continue into. The afternoon winds. Now for, the southwest coast already, starting to approach 100. Especially. Corner Brook south down towards Porter Basque and especially, in the wreck house region winds gusting, picking. Up certainly through the day easterlies through, 50, to 60 km/h especially. Towards, the Burin Peninsula by the end of the day tomorrow, watch your timeline, here's Friday evening, snow, now underway, for poor tabasco, cross through the Burin peninsula and approaching, the southern parts of the avalon, after. Midnight arrival, for st. john's but before, 3:00 a.m. that looks to be the time frame this is where we'll see the heaviest, snow, bands here you see those dark, blues. That's where we're really gonna be seeing the heaviest snowfall, through the early morning hours of Saturday winds, I think will be a little bit stronger than what are projected, here in the 60, even 70 kilometres, per hour range across, the Avalon Peninsula and, even, into the Burin Peninsula region and that snow by 5:00 a.m. tracking, up towards corner Brooke there are those gusts very. Strong for the southwest coast that snow continues, through the morning any morning, commute is going to be definitely a snowy one and a slick one with the snow coming. Down at a pretty steady clip through this Saturday morning time period as we roll into the afternoon that, snow will start to lift to the north, looks like after or in and around the lunchtime hour definitely. Has changed to drizzle for st. John's and the Avalon down towards the mirror and peninsula the light snow continues, across, central. Parts of Newfoundland, at times a little on the steady side no question about that and then as we roll into the Saturday. Night time period well that snow will continue for, the North Coast and we'll show you that in just a second there are your temperatures, again rising above zero for the southeast, with that mix to drizzle 10, to 15 centimeters, of snow before, that mix - drizzle looks like 10 to as much as 15 centimeters, especially, on the North, Coast a little, bit lighter down towards buckins the Humber Valley and the west coast where I think amounts will, be closer to 5 centimeters, here and a trace to 5 centimeters, up towards, the northern peninsula this is through Saturday, evening and again. As I mentioned for Sunday the snow is going to continue, but where it tracks on Sunday is a little more or less certain. We'll be a snow band set up to the north but whether it's over the northern peninsula with the north coast still a little uncertain and as this low tracks to our south could see some additional light snow across even Central, and Eastern Newfoundland on Sunday but again a little less certain as to where exactly those snow bands will set up but amounts, should be, less. Than 10 centimeters in most of these areas but the potential, for 10 to 15 or a little bit more along, the north coast we'll talk more about that with your long-range forecast, coming, up.

An. Aquaculture. Accident. Prompts, another state in the u.s. to ban open, Penn's salmon, farming. You. Big. News in the world of salmon aquaculture the, state of Washington, has moved to ban net, pen fish farming of Atlantic salmon this, after, a salmon, cage collapsed, and. 250,000. Fish escaped. Washington's. Target is a Canadian, company cook, aquaculture here, in this province where Cook has operations, a judge, forced, the government to conduct an environmental, review into, a large aquaculture, project. Conceived, by Greek international that. One's for Placentia, Bay as one, jurisdiction bans, net pen operations, the government here is keen to approve putting more salmon cages, here for, his perspective, on this I'm joined by Neville Crabb he's the director of communications for the Atlantic salmon Federation, welcome to here now thank. You very much well, could you briefly explain the significance of, what's happened in Washington State well. Washington now, joins with California. Oregon and Alaska as. Jurisdictions. That will, no longer permit open, net Penn salmon, farming it's. Clearly, a significant. Development, for. The state itself, for, the company involved and really. For the industry, overall and I think what, it shows is when, a company, fails its basic duty in this case do keep its fish contained, and loses. The trust of the public there, can be severe, ramifications so, how did Cooke lose the trust of the public in Washington, State. Well. The the. Number of fish that escaped, it's actually up to two hundred and sixty three thousand. And a, state investigation, by three agencies, found. That, by. Failing to clean, the, Nets the company let a hundred and ten tons of mussels. And other aquatic organisms, build. Up in. July, of last year about a month before the total collapse the, cage itself was actually picked up and moved by tides, breaking. Ten, moorings free, at, that time it would have been possible to avert this, whole, political. And environmental disaster. By harvesting, the fish early. It, didn't happen. I think, in the aftermath, of that and. With, the results of the state's investigation, there. Was no there, was no public trust left in Washington, for the industry so does this decision the united states and washington particular, to to ban this, kind of aquaculture does that have any kind of ripple effect into our country I think. It should have a ripple effect for governments. In Atlantic. Canada the. Atlantic salmon Federation, is not calling, for, an outright, ban of, the industry, here that's, not really practical, or realistic given our current political climate but, we can do a lot, better there's growing. Awareness of the, negative, effects and risk that the industry.

Brings. There's, growing public criticism. Of it and I, think that, governments. Could introduce, more, transparency. More, accountability here. I mean, we're constantly asking. Our public governments, to be transparent. And accountable right, and I believe it's fair to us the same of companies. Operating, in our public waters as I mentioned the introduction, Grieg has a major proposal, to operate a large fish farm with many cages here in Placentia Bay what should lawmakers, in Newfoundland and Labrador conclude. About this this ban in Washington, I. Think. People are paying. Attention and, it's. Partly. That rising, awareness that's, led to the situation we have now with. Grieg as you mentioned it took, a judge to order it but, ultimately the, Newfoundland government, has done what no Atlantic, Canadian government has done before and that's to order a full environmental, assessment. Of this, project, actually, the, the public meeting on it is going to be held next, week it's it's, a step I think in. Showing. The public what's involved, here, bringing. In public's, opinion, and ultimately. Making. Incremental. And realistic, improvements, to the way the industry operates in our coastal waters of Atlantic Canada mm-hmm. And obviously the government's got this big decision to make about how many jobs it creates so there's tension but, we'll certainly pay attention to that public hearing and Mary's town that you mentioned, there next week mr.. Crabb thank you very much for your time you're, welcome thank you so. Anthony this, event of Mary's town is not part. Of the environment yeah yeah, that's right Debbie it sort of happens before this is basically an anticipation, of that so it's a public information session, where Grieg I my, understanding as they're bringing in some experts from around the world and they're going to present, and explain their project, and try to answer questions so that's a Tuesday as, you saw 7:00 p.m. at st. Gabriel's, Hall in Mary's Town. She. Was 24, years old, coming. Up more on our provinces. Missing, and murdered indigenous women, and girls. You. Welcome. Back and it's time now to shine. The spotlight on a local, young athlete, this is 16 year old Nathan fleet. Comes, to us from ghouls and, he sure hits the bullseye with his favorite, sport. Yes Nathan, maybe odds forever, be in your favor to give you a little Hunger Games he's an archer who's competed, at a national, level winning, over fifty, two medals across Canada, Wow and keep, making your mark Nathan, congratulations. On your achievements, and for being chosen as today's young athlete, of the day the. Weather update is brought to you by Beltone. Hearing service. St. John's helping. The world hear, better. Okay. Well we, want to hear more about what's, coming yes, before we get to that though we had some visitors we did they, were a newsroom. And then, you kindly, had them here in the studio. Yeah. So. Of, course the studio and the green wall were the big hit, for the fou kind and, great folks at Vera Pearl in a, great. Group, of folks who, loved. The newsroom, was I think they loved the studio in the green wall more, yeah yeah, for sure and there's a couple of big weather geeks in the group here, apparently. I see one in the back. Yeah. Yeah. Apparently. Weather is a topic, of conversation, at every. Gathering and of. Course some of them were asking there's a big bowl of thon happening on Sunday, um and I. Assured. Them that the weather was not. Gonna be an impact for them on Sunday, so that's some, good news we're gonna able they sort of bumped into them upstairs the news room so it's great meeting you yeah always. Great to have visitors, here through the studio and entering. The building so thanks. To a Katie Roe who hooked that up and of joong-gu Xiu who walked them through as well okay, so weather forecast time and have a look this, is the system that again, has been tracking through the Maritimes that won't, be a factor. For us as an area of high pressure holds. Strong and a pretty good-looking Friday, if you have some Friday, travel, plans it's, a new low that develops. Within. The, within. The borders of this first. Load that, pates over the Maritimes and here comes our our weather maker winds, ramping up as we mentioned wreck house will gust to 160. Friday night in through Saturday, morning gusts up to 100 km/h for, the southwest, coast as, well as the west coast of the island south of Corner Brook wind warnings are in effect Saturday.

Morning Travel certainly impacted, right, across the island from the Avalon to Corner Brook into, the afternoon certainly, better travel as we mix to drizzle for the Avalon and the Burin peninsulas lighter. Snows certainly. Into the latter half of the afternoon into the evening for, central western parts of newfoundland, and up towards the northern peninsula in, case you missed it this is what we are looking at in terms of snowfall projections. Lighter, amounts along the west coast thanks to those easterly, winds bit of a Down sloping effect, there do. Think that 10:00 to as much as 15 centimeters certainly, through Saturday, evening and the best chance of that certainly, looks to be towards, the baver peninsula, and down towards White Bay and then across to Bonavista, north as that band kind of stalls out there through the later parts of the day and really. That band is gonna be the, central, focus for Sunday and where exactly it sets up it, does look like it'll be somewhere along the north coast but whether it dips down into Central through Sunday, or waits until Monday, it still, remains. To be seen it does look like will see some snow rate through Monday remember yesterday I was talking about a coastal, system Tuesday, into Wednesday latest. Forecast, models starting to pull that further east that, would then allow for, a Thursday, into Friday system. However I still, have that snow in my forecast for Tuesday into Wednesday though, want, to see at least, two. Runs in a row that have that idea so right now just, a little bit of an asterisks there on that Tuesday Wednesday forecast. But, certainly quiet. Through Labrador even with that change. In the forecast potentially. Looks. Very quiet there for the next seven days Debbie and Anthony, thanks. Again Ryan returning. Now to happy valley-goose Bay it was the second and final day of the testimony, at the inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous, women. And girls earlier, Peter Cowen introduced, us to a young woman who lost, her mother at age, six Mary, Evans Harlech an Inuit woman from Northwest, River was strangled, in 2002. And, her daughter Amina, traveled, from st. John's, to give this testimony today. She. Always had a really kind heart and. She. Made sure that my brother had a best life that we could and. Made, sure that we were always happy she, would um. She. Used to bring me to this door and get me caramel, squares and, now, they're my favorite snacks. We. Used to make rice krispie, squares and. I'm. Sorry. Um. She, used to, hide. Toys around her house as a little surprise so, there was a dinosaurs, under the couch one time and snow, pants on top of her lamp and everything and she, she made sure that the time we have with her was special. She. Was 24, years old and. At, the time that, she was murdered how old for you I was. Six years old and my brother was, five, years old I. Remember. This clear. As day. There. Was one. Day that my father, had asked me and my brother to come into the room because he wanted to talk to us and, I. Knew that it was kind of going. To be a little harsh I could just kind of sense. It so. I ran, and grabbed a toy from my, bedroom thought. She had given with me and, we. Came into the room and he. Said that mom. Well we won't be seeing mom anymore. She. She, had passed away and you. Won't. Be able to see her, when. I got older I was able to do a little bit of research when my family would tell, me that. Tonight. Thought it had happened she was, at. A friend's house and. She. Wanted to go home or something like that and. She. Threatened, to call the police because this man wouldn't let her leave and. He. Kind of freaked, out because he had a warrant, for his arrest in Ontario. So. He. In a article. And an interview, that he did he, said that he punched. Her in the face and then it. All snowball, then he said well now I'm gonna have to kill her so. He. Strangled her with her. Rawhide. Necklace. And then put, her in a sleeping bag and then, put her underneath. And a, crawlspace under, the stairs. You. I'm. Interested to see our photo of the day that's right and then a curling update right yeah make sure we get the photo in first have. A look this is a beautiful, one taken along the west coast of the island I. Know. It hard to guess. But given that there's not a lot of terrain in that picture but I wanted to show the picture first and then we'll zoom into beautiful, st. Paul's along, the west coast, and. Just, in the cow, head area and a, beautiful shot there taken. By saffron, Bennett yeah one of the first iceberg, tourists to get to the island this year is right there. Those. Are magnificent. Animals it, the. Way it's backlit, and our small monitor, here. I guess. I'm correct in saying it's a Carol yes yeah. Good eyes. Anyway. Saffron, thank you very much. We did we, did just get an update the, Brier of. Course, Team Canada team. Goes ooh right, they are in Regina and, he.

Has, He, and they have, just, won the game against Manitoba. 5-2 they, were leading five, one I guess Manitoba. Made a big comeback but. Anyway. There we go all right great fantastic. Onward yeah, great. That's. Where your pink shirt tomorrow. Actually. I'm going to be away tomorrow, that's all good reminder, Carolyn Stokes will be here for me right and I'll be back up taking the Brier Goodyear's. Not. Anything as pleasant, as that we'll. See on Monday okay have. A great evening everyone, take care. You.

2018-03-10 16:33

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