CBC News: The National | Ukraine drone strikes, Grocery prices, Xi Jinping

CBC News: The National | Ukraine drone strikes, Grocery prices, Xi Jinping

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[Music] tonight new Russian attacks on Ukraine's Capital this time delivered by drones it comes out of nowhere people are running all over the place and they don't know what to do where to hide anymore why Russia is using drones and who's supplying from name brand suppliers to grocery stores who is to blame for the rising cost of food I used to spend like 40 dollars a week and then ended up becoming like seventy dollars a week China's steady March from one party rule to rule by one man Mr XI is consolidating all the power of China into his own old person XI jinping's break with tradition this is the national the chief correspondent Adrian Arsenault thanks for being with us waves of so-called suicide drones brought Terror to the Ukrainian Capital while Russia struggles on the actual Battlefield it showed yet again it can still kill people in their homes infrastructure like power and heat was hit but these drones also plunged into buildings in one assault at least four people were killed in a moment we'll look at what makes these attacks different but first Briar Steward is in Kiev where the skies again brought fear and anguish foreign of choice self-destructing drones more than 20 of them targeted the capital lying low overhead as police and soldiers aim towards the sky on the street people ran for cover as gunfire mixed with the sound of explosions it just comes out of nowhere you know people running all over the place and they don't know what to do where to hide anymore Ukraine says it managed to shoot down the majority of the drones but not all of them one hidden apartment building trapping residents inside [Music] at least four were killed including a young woman who was pregnant this man lived in the building next door after the first explosion people started shouting second blast third blast fourth blast he says rescue crews spent hours going through the rubble the latest Residential Building hit and what Russia has called an attack on Ukraine's critical infrastructure the Russians want to make the humanitarian catastrophe in our hometown and also at the same time destroy the buildings Ukraine says Russia bought these drones from Iran analysts say Russia isn't using them widely on the battlefield but rather in urban centers it mostly sits to keep ukrainians and by that I mean Ukrainian citizens on their toes and inflict as much damage as possible to civilian infrastructure basically to make ukrainians lives miserable I think officials say what happened today is an example of why this country needs more sophisticated air defense systems and NATO countries say more are on the way in the meantime officials are urging residents to not try and shoot down the drones themselves and leave that up to the military Briar Stewart CBC News Keith the use of suicide drones on this scale also known as loitering Munitions is new in this war David common is here for a closer look at them Adrian they are deadly but not that sophisticated best used against non-moving targets that means civilians are getting hit Ukraine believes Russia ordered 2400 of these drones from Iran the Shahid 136 they cost about twenty thousand dollars each that's cheap for military hardware they can stay airborne for hours giving the Russians time to find a Target and then they crash those drones into that Target packed with explosives they cause significant damage Russia is turning to drones because quite simply they're running out of missiles sanctions are making it hard to Source parts to build new ones these drones fly Slow and Low and that's why we saw Ukrainian soldiers firing at them today in one attack they took most of them down but these drones are cheap so Russia uses a swarm of them multiple drones in the same area all at once only one Adrian needs to get through so David what's the strategy here well strike fear for one civilians are getting hit where they had been relatively safe before also hit energy infrastructure especially as Colder Weather demands heat and prevent Ukraine from exporting electricity to Europe freeze those others out too in the hopes the Ukraine the Europeans will buckle and push Ukraine to negotiations this is Russia's War but others have been Dragged In NATO is indirectly fighting Russia by providing weapons training and Intel to Ukraine now Iran is part of it too and that makes this a bigger conflict and a more dangerous one too all right David Common thank you Canada has now announced sanctions against 34 individuals and one media Organization for their role in spreading Russian disinformation they include Russian broadcasters actors and various public relations figures as well as TV's Viesta a news channel operated by the Russian Ministry of Defense they are now barred from doing business with Canada Iranian officials have updated the death toll from a fire at tehran's notorious Avene prison they now say eight people died there up from four state officials have variously blamed the fire on a fight between prisoners or on agents of Iran's enemies evine is known for the detention and torture of political Prisoners the fire comes after five weeks of some of the most intense unrest in the history of the Islamic Republic here in Canada a promise on prices today from a major grocery chain after Canadians have been getting slammed by food inflation loblanc now says it will freeze hikes on some products Nisha Patel looks at some differing views on industry profits the grocery store shoppers are looking for Relief I used to spend like forty dollars a week and then it ended up becoming like seventy dollars a week Frankly Speaking it jeopardizes our monthly budget having a hard time living and keeping up with inflation food prices go up no name prices won't guaranteed now Loblaw says it's freezing prices for its no-name food products until the end of January though they could still go on sale food bills are up almost 11 percent in a year and with major grocery chains seeing profits increase they've become a target for Consumer frustration Rising profits is not a contributor to inflation this economist took a look at the numbers and says there's no evidence of price gouging the price increases that we see at the grocery store are reflecting higher costs of producing those goods and services but other experts say looking at the core operations of the grocery business companies are still coming out on top margins are actually pretty high and the return on Equity of companies like lobloss has been very very strong and not just Grocers but some of the companies that Supply them take beverage giant Pepsi which said it's faced higher costs but it's had no problem passing those on to Consumers hiking prices on its snacks and drinks by 17 in the last year Our Brands are being stretched to higher price points and consumers are following us those who track consumers say there's a reason they haven't shifted spending during economic downturns people are willing to buy affordable luxuries like their favorite snacks people want to be able to spend that little bit of extra on those those products that they feel are a bit more treat based but at some point stretch Shoppers will start to push back switching to cheaper generics perhaps like the no-name brands at Loblaws though for some the gesture comes too late I think it's largely a symbolic measure it will not have a dramatic impact on the overall grocery prices that Canadians pay Nisha could we see more of this sort of price freezing happening Adrian lobla is the first Canadian grocer to do this and it can freeze prices on its private label brand because it controls the supply chain from start to finish now I just got an email from Metro which says it is also freezing prices on its private label brand from November to February no word whether any other Canadian competitors are going to follow suit but one thing is for certain the debate and the discussion over prices and profits is far from over and the pressure's on you bet all right Nisha Patel thank you you're welcome there's been a delay in efforts by Telus to add a new surcharge for customers who pay their bills by credit card Canada's Telecom regulator says it needs more time to review the company's application to add the fee and it may not have a decision until December tell us as it needs the 1.5 surcharge to help cover processing costs a telecom giant from Finland is moving ahead with a major new Canadian project Marina Von stockleburg shows us Nokia's plan for research and development Hub in Ottawa in a way some say more investments just like this one are desperately needed wow Nokia plans to pour 340 million dollars into a facility to expand its Wireless technologies that includes research in cyber security 5G networks and artificial intelligence construction will finish in four years this cite what we are talking about here will be among the top five in the whole world for Nokia all levels of government are chipping in a total of 72 million dollars companies like Nokia keep investing in Canada because they know we have the talent and forward-looking vision that they're looking for this technology is becoming essential in all aspects of life not just in cell phones and computers but for transportation medicine energy and finance we're thinking how R D Performance has fallen basically to the bottom of the oecd this expert says Canada needs to do more to ensure it has a stronger stake in technology as Canada touts spending Millions China is spending hundreds of billions this is an area that requires massive amounts of funding and we just don't spend anywhere near enough and it's essential Canada work with trusted companies especially after Advanced Chinese Tech Giant Huawei from its 5G networks earlier this year over spying concerns Canada was the last of the five eyes countries to drop Huawei Nokia will be a solid partner Huawei we were pretty worried about it it also gives Canada the advantage that we can line up better with our partners because we can say hey we're going with the uh with the good guys not the bad guys Canada has long struggled with a brain drain of tech Talent who go to school here and then work elsewhere Nokia plans to create 340 new jobs to entice some of them to stay Marina Von stockelberg CBC News Ottawa an email sent days before Convoy protesters arrived in Ottawa is shedding new light on what officials and police were told was coming their way it was revealed at the inquiry into the government's use of the emergencies act Rafi bujakanian shows us what was in that email Ottawa Police seemed to be caught off guard by the size and scope of the Convoy protest that rolled into town last winter today a public inquiry heard they were warned Ottawa city manager testified he got an email from a hotel group detailing what a protester told them basically that they will leave their trucks in place chained them together and attempt to block all access to the city [Applause] not only that he said protesters were looking for 10 000 hotel rooms for a month or more this information received from the hotels Association was passed on to the Ottawa Police Service it was this information was shared with Auto police I know that this week's first witness to the emergencies act inquiry faced some tough questions as well we understand that though for protests the city does not require permits because that's an exercise of uh Charter rights and freedoms correct one of the benefits of the perimeter the purpose of the permit is to understand even if it's a protest what the plants are of the protesters so we can mitigate some of those effects in advance but we can't force a protest group to buy a permit from the city but for an event we'll shut them down that's right do protests typically have fireworks no uh or barbecues or hot tubs no they sound a bit more like an event would you agree with me Mr kanaleckis those kinds of things no I don't agree with you on that in the context it was a protest the city is also critical of the Ontario government who it says didn't show up at planning meetings with the city and the federal government the premier says he's not been asked to testify I stood shoulder to shoulder with the Prime Minister uh the these uh folks were you know camping out everything from whirlpools disrupting downtown disrupting the lives of the people of Ottawa and Rafi you know the story of how things unfolded from the city's perspective that just continues tomorrow that's right Adrian we're expecting to hear from Ottawa mayor Jim Watson now he says his testimony could take up to six hours and there is a lot to ask him about including the story of former police chief Peter slowly's resignation and Watson is expected to discuss the details of his deal with the Convoy protesters to remove some trucks off residential streets which we heard a bit about today all right we know you'll be following it thank you Rafi some Saskatchewan First Nations moved a step closer today to being able to have their own police forces but as yes mean cranea explains after so much recent trauma there some say change just isn't coming quickly enough and Panthers with signing three two one with pen to paper Federal and provincial promises to help the Prince Albert Grand Council build community policing we need to create the space to empower you to keep your community safe ministers say they will advance work on indigenous-led Public Safety initiatives tailored to the needs of 12-member First Nations and 28 communities including James Smith cremation if you have members of your Police Service that are actually from the community that in itself could go so far with respect to prevention of crime James Smith is still reeling after last month's stabbing attacks which killed 11 people losing a brother sisters nephews aunties uncles it's so hard because a lot of it a lot of it goes back into the community it took about 35 minutes for the RCMP to get to the community after the first 9-1-1 call it wants its own police officers stationed on site to respond to incidents more quickly we had our own First Nations police we could have addressed you know the situation within minutes since those attacks people are still living in fear local residents are patrolling the community 24 hours a day time is of the essence this agreement could take years to become reality but leaders say immediate supports are needed including a healing facility the federal government says it's going to introduce legislation this fall to make First Nations policing an essential service with long-term funding in place but before that can happen it says more consultation with indigenous communities is needed CBC News Prince Albert Saskatchewan a local emergency has been declared in the Southwestern Ontario County of Essex over how long paramedics are waiting to offload patients at hospitals it is preventing them from going to new calls in all my years of working in EMS and that counts two years dealing with covid I've never seen our local Health Care system in such a state of crisis for a three-hour stretch last week Essex Windsor EMS was in a code black meaning there were no ambulances available for anyone in need the service wants the province to create incentives for hospitals to offload quickly and to require them to triage those patients first well it is mid-october but wildfires are still burning in and around BC polluting the air for millions of people Southern parts of the province remain under an air quality advisory from the smoke caused by fires in BC and Washington State it is not expected to improve until rain comes and that's not happening until later this week newly elected members of Quebec's National Assembly are set to be sworn in this Friday but not everyone is happy with the oath they must take the leader of the party quebecois says he will not swear allegiance to King Charles III as Allison northgard explains he may have to if he wants to sit in this video well-known quebecers are rejecting any allegiance to King Charles swearing loyalty instead to the nation of Quebec musicians Sebastian wants Quebec's elected officials to do the same population otherwise he says they're turning their backs on the population who elected them to pledge allegiance to a foreign monarch as Quebec politicians prepare to be sworn in there is renewed debate around their obligation to pledge allegiance to the Monarch it doesn't make sense the leader of the Sovereign doesn't want to take that out there's a legitimate and interesting conversation right now everywhere in our society across Quebec there is a conversation right now on whether or not this makes sense and what we can do to change that he's urging other parties to pass a motion to allow elected officials not to take the oath and still take their seat in previous sessions PQ members have pledged allegiance to the queen but added the caveat until Quebec is independent in 2018 Quebec solidar members took their Oaths behind closed doors Premier Francois Lego says he too would prefer to swear Allegiance only to the people of Quebec and end the obligation to take the oath to the king as well through a spokesperson Lego said when the National Assembly resumes we can work with the opposition on how to make this change this constitutional law expert says to do that Quebec May seek to change the Constitution like it did when it passed its controversial language law there might be a wish from the government of Quebec to change the Canadian Constitution as it did in Bill 96 the swearing-in ceremonies begin this week Allison northcott CBC News Montreal Canadian companies are struggling to hire in the face of record retirements retirement has that affected you guys much you see the oncoming tsunami so what are businesses doing to prepare and China Xi Jinping tightens his grip on power Mr XI is consolidating all the power of China into his own person as a kind of overwhelming dictator but are there cracks in his leadership and one woman's remarkable recovery turns out I had a super stroke that the master stole her journey from a wheelchair to a racetrack we're back in two actor Kevin Spacey was in court in New York today responding to allegations of sexual abuse made by another actor who was 14 at the time Anthony Rapp is suing Spacey on allegations he first made public in 2017. Spacey has denied them the trial is in its third week and Kanye West who was recently locked out of Twitter might soon have his own social media app the rapper is in talks to buy the right-wing platform parlor the Network's parent company announced the deal today revealing no details about the amount parlor is popular among conservatives and describes itself as the world's uncancelable Free Speech platform after weeks of political and financial turmoil the UK government has scrapped nearly every part of its controversial economic plan Abby cucarassan now on the major policy U-turn and what it means for the embattled British prime minister Jeremy Hunt has only been in charge of the country's finances since Friday he was busy doing media rounds over the weekend in a bid to calm Spooks markets and reassure the public and today he's dismantled his boss's economic agenda by reversing most of prime minister Liz truss's tax cuts the central pillar of her Premiership and the biggest bombshell of all hunt says the energy price freeze will end in April pending a review Tross had recently promised that electricity bills would not rise for two years we remain completely committed to our mission to go for growth but growth requires confidence and stability which is why we are taking many difficult decisions starting today even before his announcement the pound and government bonds rallied Hunt is getting the credit for calming markets for now but doubts about Liz truss's political future are growing she's been taking Flack ever since her government announced her disastrous mini budget last month her policies started being peeled back one by one to stop Britain's Market turmoil she was also forced to sack Hunt's predecessor quasiquartang and then there is the internal Rebellion that's Brewing some Tory MPS have publicly called for trust to resign reports suggest about 100 letters of no confidence have already been submitted but the conservatives can't seem to agree on what to do if they manage to oust her bring back Boris Johnson or look for another replacement or give up and call a general election that's what opposition leader kierstarmer is demanding I guess under this Tory government everybody gets to be prime minister for 15 minutes foreign Mr Speaker the countries in an economic crisis made in Downing Street because they've lost all credibility there seems to be a real sense now that Liz tross's days at number 10 are numbered ABI cuadas in CBC News London despite the growing pressure tonight Liz trussen says she has no plans on leaving here's what she told the BBC that I am completely committed to delivering for this country and that's why I'm in the job and will you lead the conservatives into the next German election I will leave the conservatives into the next general election trust also apologized and said she accepts responsibility for mistakes she made she said those mistakes have now been fixed meanwhile there are no questions about who will remain in power in China [Music] particular policies in a weakening economy what does that mean for Canada next [Music] police in the UK are investigating after a Hong Kong pro-democracy protester was attacked on the grounds of a Chinese Consulate it happened yesterday in the city of Manchester police say men emerged from the consulate drag the protester onto consulate grounds then assaulted him he reportedly suffered several injuries and then spent the night in hospital that protest in the UK was time to coincide with the start of a crucial political meeting in Beijing the Communist party's week-long Congress China's president Xi Jinping is expected to secure a precedent-breaking third term as leader Sasha petrusic now on his message and some potential challenges it's China's scripted spectacle of power and at this Congress Xi Jinping is clearly in charge out of the Communist party and government for 10 years he's set to continue for an exceptional third term over the weekend he doubled down on his signature policies full control over Hong Kong promising to do the same over Taiwan the Democratic Island China claims as its own saying again he'll use China's rapidly growing military force to invade Taiwan if necessary Mr XI is consolidating all the power of China into his own person as a kind of overwhelming dictator but for all his power there is grumbling on the streets over she's tough zero covet approach to the pandemic I really hope these regulations will ease up soon he says they're frustrating ever since kovid first appeared in China in 2019 much of the country has experienced some kind of lockdown even now more than 300 million people can't move around freely as Beijing prefers lockdowns and apps that restrict movement to widespread vaccination that's also stifled China is once booming economy with the World Bank predicting only about three percent growth this year property prices have slumped one in five young people is unemployed and so if the economic heft which China has relied on for so long uh what's a falter or stall or if it kind of goes through uh you know kind of a recession with Chinese characteristics then I think there will be consequences while they fully understand party loyalists insist most in China support that trade-off in xi's covert policy they still want to continue to practice with a dynamic zero Kobe policy because they put a higher premium on human lives but on the eve of the Congress one protester dared challenge that party line he unfurled a banner on a busy Beijing overpass calling she a dictator and demanding an end to zero covid the banner was removed by police but not before his men message went viral on China's internet with words of support behind heavy security at the Congress those reservations may also be whispered but she's position won't likely be challenged after all he's already purged most critics from the party quite possibly setting sights on being China's leader for Life Sasha petrasek CBC News Toronto and Sasha's story just now you heard references to theater and political theater at the Chinese party Congress well there are lots of messages in all this Pomp and ceremony so we wanted to get a little closer look at who's on the stage a place reserved for the most important in Xi Jinping Circle this man jungli right in the front row accused of sexual assault by Chinese tennis star feng shui that allegation initially kicked off a Chinese metoo movement feng shui all but disappeared from view for months the whole sporting World afraid for her but here he is his power and reputation unchanged then there's son of Deng Chow Peng one of the most important people in China's modern history some of whose policies have been overturned by Xi Jinping to see the sun there may squash Rumors in China that the formidable family is opposed to XI jinping's leadership and finally song ping 105 years old a retired politburo member who recently released a video implying XI jinping's vision of China might not be the right one and yet he's here the message their presence appears to send they are now in line XI jinping's China is the only China and so what does that solidified power mean for the rest of the world what does it mean for Canada Victor XI is an expert in China's Financial policies which makes him perfectly positioned for this question so Victor thank you for being with us let's talk about what Canada needs pay attention to so today China was supposed to release its National economic data it didn't it says it will delay it indefinitely what message does that send to the rest of the world uh thanks for having me yeah indeed it's not really a good sign uh China is the second largest economy in the world it has uh the world it is the world's largest trading country has a reputation of having a very competent bureaucracy so for the bureaucracy to not announce um a standard set of figures like GDP growth that is really surprising uh the only conclusion that one can get is that likely the numbers are not good and since China is having a party Congress right now the authorities likely decided that these bad numbers would be inconsistent uh with the celebratory mood of the party Congress and therefore decided not to announce these numbers so uh but but you know of course the world can guess what's happening and the News likely is not very good so I and his connection to China has been economic one you know this country has a trade surplus in agriculture for example but but when China is prioritizing security and state-run Enterprises as we heard in Xi Jinping speech what does that mean for Canada so I think for Commodities trade likely you know that will go ahead um as normal unless you know of course China were to impose additional sanctions on Canada which which it has done in the past of course um but you know for kind of joint ventures between Canadian and Chinese firms that may have to go through additional red tape uh perhaps on both sides you know certainly in the Chinese side and potentially on the Canadian side but the slowing economy overall of course means that consumer demand is going to be weaker in China and that there's just going to be weaker economic activities in China which will indirectly directly affect Canada and I suppose briefly you know a lot of people have pinned hopes on this covid zero policy ending it's not what's the effect of that this policy is not going to change overnight uh it's not going to change the change in the foreseeable future so that means in terms of short-term tourism uh in both directions you know both people from North America going to China and and Chinese tourists coming to North America that's really not going to resume in the foreseeable future they're not going to spend all this money that they used to spend in North America uh fortunately for us in education the students are staying for the longer term they continue to come but zero covet also will slow down economic growth in China because China Chinese cities will see a whole series of rolling lockdowns in the foreseeable future it goes on all right Victor she thank you for joining us thank you across Canada baby boomers are leaving the workforce in droves but some companies are trying to lure them back we see it as a big opportunity and the number of baby boomers retiring right now is pretty significant how companies are trying to deal with mass retirements amid labor shortages next employers looking to fill job openings right now and there are many of those are dealing with a two-pronged problem they are competing with each other to recruit workers while also losing older workers as Joanna meliota shows us a wave of retirements as some companies bracing and one seeing opportunity so we are so right now we're in the west the West filter area because the tent filters on each side these ones were installed in the 1930s Gord Mitchell runs the city of Toronto's largest water treatment plant with labor shortages these days keeping it running is always top of Mind how critical is it to make sure that this place is always staffed it's absolutely critical we can't function without our staff our plant ones 24 7. you know we really have to maintain our service to the city of Toronto for fire protection for public health for all the reasons that people enjoy our clean drinking water workers here and in every field are in huge demand so for the first time ever Toronto water recently ran a recruitment Drive come to join Toronto water you can make a difference hitting social media platforms to Target younger people I'm proud to work for Toronto water knowing boomers are about to make the job boom even harder to fill and demographics retirement has that affected you guys much uh it's been a slow trickle I would say but you know you see the oncoming tsunami maybe down the road and not that long we have a lot of Staff over 30 years of service luckily it's a great place to work people don't want to leave but you know sooner or later everyone leaves then I see that over the next little while being a greater challenge maybe than historically it has been for sure Mitchell might be worried about workers about to leave but the statistics show hundreds of thousands have already left how much of a role do demographics play in the labor shortage that we're seeing Robert kafsik is a senior Economist with the Bank of Montreal I would say demographics are the single biggest Factor uh we're losing probably about 300 000 people per year right now just to retirement or near retirement a record number of Canadians have left the workforce at a time capsic says when more workers are needed to meet the post lockdown demand for goods and services regardless of the age cohort participation in Canada is pretty much back to where it was pre-covered if not higher across every age category so it's not it's not a case of people not wanting to work people are back to work participation is back employment has fully recovered this is a much bigger structural issue that's going on with the demographics of the job market we are now going to go to uh part of our expansion manufacturing facility expanding a business while the workforce is shrinking might sound unlikely but it's happening here so this is proof that you guys were not only surviving you're growing Jason tasse runs Lee Valley Tools and its manufacturing arm Veritas business boom during the pandemic as more people took up Hobbies like gardening and woodworking the strategy for the Ottawa based company has been to keep growing so how many people have you hired in the last year so across both companies we've hired 230 employees 130 just in manufacturing alone an arrest on the retail side and head office side there are a lot of draws good compensation and benefits automated Machinery like this sounding robot to make the work itself less menial but critical to it all is flexible shifts and on the manufacturing side especially hiring newcomers with no experience and encouraging them to bring in friends and family too so what we're seeing here now is more on the job training so this is a great example of our strategy to bring people in who don't have specific manufacturing work experience so as long as they have that desire and keenness to learn we're willing to bring you in and teach you how to operate so basically if somebody's willing to work you're willing to have them yeah tail side is Staff traditionally with older workers most left during the pandemic because of health safety concerns but incentives like seasonal work contracts and flexible shifts are bringing them back and some of the Boomers who recently retired from other fields are ending up here too most commonly with retirement people after they get the list done and the travel is underway as they're looking for something and if we could plug back into that flexible Workforce plan give people the you know opportunity to come back on their own terms we see it as a big opportunity and the number of baby boomers retiring right now is pretty significant so it's a good match for us and you used all those kind of strategies to get them and it's paid off I feel like we're ahead of the Curve staying ahead of the retirement curve can be a full-time job in itself the city of Toronto isn't just hiring at its water treatment facility constant construction has created vacancies for engineers and city planners too this city is bumping up hay where it can to compete with the private sector and offering flexible and hybrid work Arrangements says City spokesman Brad Ross So retaining the talent we have and attracting new Talent young Talent right because people are going to retire people are going to move so we need to continue to keep that pipeline open the city hasn't been hit with a big wave of retirements yet but it knows it's coming how critical is it to keep that pipeline open especially since Boomers are retiring at record numbers it's absolutely critical so in addition to you know just having an immediate need we do need to be strategic we do need to look ahead back at the water plant Mitchell hopes his team will keep growing this is the best place in Toronto to work but maybe not everyone sees that from the ad and from the paper right I think that's why we made the video to show people how great Toronto water is to work at the economy is expected to cool which will ease some pressure but an aging Workforce means people will keep retiring and that means employers here and elsewhere will keep hiring Joanna bromeliotis CBC News Toronto thank you so we are not letting go of this story there are many layers to this labor crisis and many perspectives as well so as part of that we want to hear from you send us your struggles and crucially your Solutions you can reach out on Instagram or by email the national cbc.ca a new stamp honors the man who went from a residential school to the battlefield one [Music] celebrating one of the most decorated indigenous war heroes and it's long long road that still isn't over a stroke nearly ended her life but her determination rebuilt it in our mind [Music] so the members of K-pop boy band BTS say they will be joining the South Korean military for national service in South Korea all eligible 18 to 28 year old men have to serve for two years we don't know when they will start but it ends years of questions about whether they would be Exempted recently all seven members of the band say they would be stepping away to pursue individual protests Sergeant Tommy Prince earned nearly a dozen medals during his lifetime now the longtime Soldier is being honored again posthumously with a stamp Karen Pauls takes a look at his legacy and how he's being remembered today and to the representative of Canterbury Manitoba Sergeant Prince Sergeant Tommy Prince volunteered to fight for the country that had forced him to attend residential school now Canada Post has created a stamp to honor one of the most decorated indigenous war heroes I'm sure he's looking down on us right now with a big grin on his face saying rickwich thank you oh what a meant the world to him he would have been doing cartwheels and a jig or whatever he excelled as a sapper with the Royal Canadian engineers and later as a paratrooper after two years he joined the first special services Force an elite Canadian American unit that specializes in reconnaissance and raiding it became known as the devil's Brigade I didn't go too high in school I think it's worth it to me uh I think it's more or less my Army Career that helped me out he earned 11 medals for his heroism including one presented to him by King George VI that Buckingham Palace one of the few non-americans ever awarded the Silver Star of the United States Prince was one of over 12 000 indigenous people who fought in the two world wars and the Korean War but when they came home they realized they weren't getting the same benefits as other veterans it's something Prince fought most of his life to rectify he inspired a lot of leaders that followed him to carry on that fight he's also an inspiration to his community where his school has been named after him for us it's very important that we share his story and allow our children to understand that he is a hero a hero who had a hard life when he died in 1977 he was homeless but his family and Community say this stamp is one more way his heroic Legacy will live on Karen Paul's CBC News Winnipeg take a good look at this woman this is Windsor's Lucy clover as she completes the Detroit Free Press half marathon over the weekend that alone is an incredible feat but for Lucy to do it is astonishing that's because about four years ago Lucy was unable to walk or even speak after suffering a massive double stroke her unbreakable resolve to run again is Our Moment ever give up just put one foot in front of the other every single day four and a half years ago it turns out I had a super rare massive stroke I was in the coma and completely paralyzed on the right side of my body but no memory whatsoever unable to recognize objects not great acts but whether it's learning how to talk eat walk dress yourself we only have two choices in life you either gonna give up or you just gonna tough it out and and just push through it went step step by step from a wheelchair and and then a walker and then a cane and just this summer I started running to actually make it to the to the finish line all their emotion came all at once it it everything a flood of emotions if I can run 21 kilometers after four and a half years anyone can do anything they want amazing so Lucy says when she talks about not recognizing objects she means literally if someone put a fork in front of her she would have to figure out what it was and then learn how to use it she says in terms of the run she wasn't running for herself she was running for anyone who ever thought about giving up that is a national for October 17th thank you for being with us have a good night [Music]

2022-10-27 00:14

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