Caught In Snowstorm - Antarctica Expedition Part 6

Caught In Snowstorm - Antarctica Expedition Part 6

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what's up guys it's uh day two expiration  but this time I'm going kayaking all right guys so hey oh I love your glasses okay because we're brother  and sister oh okay let's go   I heard you guys saw whales yesterday it was who are we and what do we want foreign [Music] yesterday with you paddling this is my mistake  I didn't say some of you were passing really   high they were your body like this we tried  to keep the paddling always below our eyes so   we battle here not here when you feel your  paddling too high the blade that is out of   the water that can is too high what is the  problem with that waste of energy waste of   energy you can hurt your shoulder because  there's a lot of weight in the shoulder   Plus the ball becomes less stable again pure  physics the tiger you are in your boat the less   stable it is so you want to make yourself small  yeah yes so we want to be as short as possible   so we battle with the can in front of the chest  we say read the watch is it still okay but more   than reading the watch not okay to keep it  low low angle all right guys you got that it is a beautiful day yeah it's very bright  actually without the Sun but still a bright day probably different conditions because it  makes the whole experience very different so to start yesterday was amazing no wind very  sunny yeah yeah but most of the days are cloudy   okay yeah okay not normal it's so cloudy but  it's not normal to have a really sunny day here okay guys people are unbarking here oh this  is my first time so everybody else I think   everybody knows are accustomed to doing this  already okay hi hello did you guys take pictures   of the whale yesterday yeah we have an amazing  video I will share with you oh yes it touches um why did I didn't go yesterday  don't be pity because today we   will see more okay positive I like that positivity we need to coordinate foreign [Music] of the ship guys in front and I'm just a  guy that steers the boat Wherever She Goes okay snowing while we're kayaking right now it's not my first time kayaking but it was  my first with a partner what I learned from   the experience was communication is the key  when paddling it's easy to get out of sync   so keep that open line of communication  that way you guys can have a good session   guys there is a sea well in front of  us hanging out living his best life   okay my battery is almost dead I didn't  know I was recording that much all right all right guys it is super snowy  well it's not I don't know if you   can see that but uh we decided to cut 20  minutes early yeah good run though yeah   yeah good one beautiful birthday  right you get to see this land okay just water fresh water all right guys so we  made it back to Mainland and uh there's another   research building we're gonna go check out and  maybe see some other animals lands High this is   Horseshoe Island [Music] this is our research  building was ponied for two years in the 50s seven okay oh so we're really back  in time right here right yeah this   is the closest you get to a time  machine so this base was built 1955.   they started to work a little bit before that  but 1955 and it was occupied until 19 is it   working is the red light on no I'm just making  sure it's not blurry because they could do that it's good now uh the base was built 1955  uh it was sort of occupied permanently   until about 1957 and then um they used  it as a kind of like a station Hut so   they would come Expeditions that would  go through the area they would stop by   um and use it and they used it right up until sort  of late 60s and as you go through this is one of   the most complete uh Huts used by the British  um back in the last century and so you will find   uh approximately 10 000 conserved items in here  wow so it's like all the furniture the food oh   this is different from what we saw yesterday  this is very different yeah this is very   different this is one of the best preserved  British Huts uh in the Antarctic the the   only one that comes close to this is possibly  Port loughri which is base a this is base y all right so good to see um some old uh  housing it's like super cold here [Music] we go sorry guys it was this has been looking so  blurry here but uh yeah this is a another base   what is this prepare dry vegetables and fruits  prepare fruits so on the way this is a pit stop to   get where they need to go yeah so they use it as  a bit of a pit stop after the late 50s but it was   kind of preserved as like a refuge Hut so all of  the food is still here and you'll recognize Brands   so there's like Maxwell House Coffee for example  or um Birds custard so you'll you'll find all   sorts of things and the beauty of the Antarctic  is subtle there aren't many places where humans   um left their mark on the land and this is  one of the earliest and it's yeah it's amazing   really really cool upstairs is not available we  can't go say it's too dark and to be honest we   don't know what's up there okay but there is a  Radio Room there's a generator room the kitchen   oh they have the flag here too yeah there's the  British flag the Union Jack waiting to fly again   one day any alcohol found here I haven't seen  any booze but I'd imagine there was a little   bit that's something that they made sure they  use they definitely use all of that up oh check   out this old newspaper from um what year is  that oh 1957 1957 August August 30th 1957.   but it says Russia throws aside West disarmament  plan in no it's no with a snow well that's kind   of crazy because how long it would have took them  to get this new flavor here well this would have   been secondhand news right yeah so by the time  a ship arrived this would have been months old   yeah that's something to read right something to  read yes I'm gonna go through of course they had   a radio set where they could also receive news  the divorce rumors oh my God they were doing   that right now they were discovering that news  about Public Training oh Lord no more sleeping   oh you don't even know it's just tons of food  up there this is my food wow oh excuse me it's just so dark wow my mind yeah a little bit full of the traditional  Brands okay this is the Radio Room [Applause]   codes you would use maybe they made  it a Haitian made Landing oh man   there you go, guys, most definitely  Walking Through Time guys what do you think oh this looks like a cozy room okay wow they have the queen here says the following are a few hints you may find  useful in cold there should be some bags of coal   outside the front door if not the rest are on the  Rocks down by the boats uh kindling wood is in the   workshop water the water tank is in the kitchen  is not connected up to the stove but given time   in several days it will tear out food is to be  found scattered throughout the Hut mainly in the   old bunk room if you run out of flower there are  two bloody great piles outside the Hut if you run   out of flour there are two bloody great piles  outside the hunt whoever like left that is he   has a sense of humor and then who are these oh  we got the good stuff now there we go we got a   little sexy mama oh this is how they pass the tide  where we go Laura Morton in the house baby baby   looking floor in the house [Music]   ah much better than yesterday's snow  yesterday snow was kicking my butt   this this is fresh from last night now I come  to make my first snowball my first snowball [Music] oh pink one over there you were recording it  or you took pictures I've got videos because   it lasts you could go like this when you  record she likes to record like this you   need to record this wig it's better like a  portrait or landscape the landscape landscape   is better yes okay all right this is day two  stop number two currently what they're doing   is they're sending a scouting team right now  to see if the conditions are safe for us to   make landfall this is what they'll do every  single day whenever they get to a new place   uh just to check to see if the conditions are  even worth us um trying to make landfall also   because I'm part of the kayak team we also get  notified and so we just got notified from a kayak   team they're saying that the wind right now is  just too much for the kayaks to go in the water   but Zodiacs might be able to do it it all depends  depending on the conditions on the island and so   forth so I'm just gonna have to see yesterday  around this time it wasn't feasible for us   it was really foggy it was raining it didn't make  any sense but today who knows I don't know where   they're gonna make landfall but this place is  amazing and you can you can see all these ice   glaciers surrounding this whole area right  here full of ice it's a beautiful thing man   this whole thing look at that I'm showing you this  because if you're taking a cruise regardless of   cruise lines or who you're going with you need to  understand something conditions are key all right   conditions are not perfect they're not  right I can determine whether or not   you are going to be taking a trip okay  I see the they're coming from that way   looks like they're looking at that uh patch  of land so yeah if conditions are not correct   there's a possibility oh yeah this is well over  there I just seen the spin yeah if the conditions   are not right you won't be going online okay I'm  telling you just uh say this I met this woman   southerly woman she just came from a trip here  in Antarctica and she gave me the best advice   and the best advice was to go with the flow  enjoy yourself enjoy it all but don't don't   get uh stuck on Plants because say you're bound  to change it might not happen all right but if   you go with the flow I guarantee you will enjoy  your time and you appreciate what you get to see   are you eating this boats and the ship is  simply too large and we don't wish to have   an accident not here in this part of the world  we're just too far from any external assistance   so we've recalled our boats to the ship and Sarah  is now returning from her scouting and we'll give   you another update shortly Just for information  our Landing activity this afternoon is now   canceled sadly this news discouraged to passengers  because they were looking forward to making   official landfall on the content of Antarctica  because before then all we've been doing is   discovering the islands surrounding the continent  and as the days go by we can only wonder will we   officially make landfall before the Excursion is  over we knew this would be a risk we would take   that possibly we wouldn't make landfall and so  did the staff of the Excursion so they decided   to head north in hopes for better conditions and  on our way we were able to see something amazing foreign [Music] School of orca decided to escort us North it  was our first and only time seeing them as I   marveled at their beauty I could only be  reminded by that wise woman's words just   go with the flow in the midst of a storm we can  take our time to enjoy its beauty although for   us the storm had yet to pass all right guys uh  we are about to hit what is this day three in   Arctic Circle day three in the Arctic Circle  and we're about to take a two and a half hour   ride boat ride around the area Sovereign area  hopefully we see some um Wildlife okay so a lot   of people have been lucky to see some Wildlife  seeing some close-up Penguins some seals some   whales some orchids yesterday orcas not orchids  okay what did you learn about the flower killer   whales what you learning about killer whales  the most important thing about killer whales what they are dolphins guys all this  time Free Willy was a dolphin okay   Free Willy is not a whale okay he's a  dolphin okay let's go hi my name is Leo   and I'm from Miami are we introducing  myself yeah so we can know who died where they were from Brittany Marie Last Place Washington there you go planet Earth there we go first of all I  would like to make a safety introduction   okay breathing because as you see the  swell is huge today yeah and the weather   so please see tight anytime okay okay and someone  fall into the water at the one you see the people   who in the world please point it and tell me  the other passengers please we made in Thief   I will deal with it okay okay rule number two  if I fall into the water this cream for the   stock engine the Zodiac will stop and you are  safe and I won't be far away from the store   yet I can rescue myself okay so please try not to  drive the Zodiac or do something else and try to for help ing somewhere all right guys so we're  entering the Antarctic water for in a   somewhat saw a snowstorm to see if we can  find some Wildlife we're going to be doing   this for around two hours so let's go hit  that thumbs up if you enjoyed this unique um [Music] thank you foreign it is a hard experience to describe being  on a zodiac heading into the abyss of the   Antarctic ocean during a snowstorm the thought  of the boat flipping did cross our mind but we   were distracted of how our heart made us feel  so alive at that moment of the uncertainty of   what could happen next as we move deeper into  the cold Barren ocean our cruise ship slowly   disappeared through the snow the snow would block  our visibility even with goggles on it was a very   cold moment the Ice start melting in my hands and  seeping through my gloves causing my chance to   freeze like one thing that was apparent was  the crew was on a mission to make up for lost   time and change plans they knew the passengers  wanted to see landfall but unfortunately due   to the harsh weather they couldn't deliver that  so they gave us the next best thing we head deep   in the middle of the Frozen Antarctica ocean in  hopes to see something amazing but unfortunately he didn't all right guys we've been on the vote for around  close to 40 minutes I have not seen anything   other but a sea whale uh not to see what a sea  lion a seal I haven't seen anything other than   the field uh but it's quick it was quick couldn't  happen all right we trying to stay close together   because it is a snowstorm though not really a lot  of visibility here so I just wanna show everybody   [Music] but I think it's going to be difficult  to attract animals with all this movement in the   water after one hour in the rough snowing sea the  passengers grew tired and decided to head back to   the Excursion Cruise even more dismayed by the  knowledge that the weather would be the same the   next day at this point many questions did we get  our monies worth and the truth is we did it was   not the crew's fault you see Antarctica weather  is so unpredictable that there's no way of knowing   whether or not you're going to have a sunny day or  a perfect day and so the crews did the best they   can do to make sure we had the best experience  possible in the situation we were in after getting   back on the boat a group of the passengers decided  to participate in the night activities with drinks   opera singing and Tango dancing little do  we know something amazing would happen next tell me somebody okay [Music] foreign touch me and I'll make you understand [Music] [Music] before you I was paralyzed all broken down from  heartbreak and you came and set me free you've   taken me to paradise when nothing is a mistake  but we move so flawlessly do you know the things it's kind of crazy out of nowhere something came  over us that night and it was more than alcohol   maybe it was the fact that we knew we were the  most southern ship in the world dancing under   the Moonlight in the middle of nowhere it was  kind of outer World actually that night we left   all our frustrations on the Dance Floor we danced  like we were family and perhaps we were after all   all we had was us if something were to happen  we can only rely on ourselves we dance like the   children of God as he intended people from all  different backgrounds just enjoying their time   Antarctica is a magical place since we arrived  I've never dreamed so clear and pure in my life   and now on the dance floor at this moment the  same energy is overflowing I felt like I was   know a ship perhaps God was looking at us well  I like to think that dancing and cheering we   did open the doors of Heaven to shine on us  because on the next day what was supposed to   be a stormy day God did the unpredictable if  you enjoyed this video hit that like button   and don't miss the Epic views of the next  episode I guarantee you they will shock you [Music]

2023-01-27 10:09

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