what's up YouTube they hating on me it is Delon around the world [Music] time and we are in caha Colombia we about to turn up stay tuned shout of me baby welcome to [Music] Columbia we are at Frisbee's supposedly some of the best fast food you can get in Colombia so we going to see what's up oh okay they got the automated kiosk check out my video for work I talked about food and Automation and AI let yall see the menu real quick oh they got a Nashville hot def need to go to n we going to see what it's hitting for stay tuned so y'all I have been practicing my dual lingo we on there for my Spanish and it honestly has been paying off here I'm at a level 19 so I'm almost to the point where I can by the levels that dualingo does speak enough Spanish that I can hold a conversation for basic needs when I'm in a country I'm right there I'm right there but I I feel good I feel like I've learned and people are understand what I'm saying so I'm very happy about that we are waiting for our food so I'm happy you know I'm in colia it's beautiful the people are nice and you know I'm ready to try this food we going to see what frisbees is about we going to see if it's good you know I'm I rate it 1 through 10 ke Lee style it look good with the like H look good like why does that look really good look at mine compared to her they said the food not hitting y'all it's hitting oh it's hitting it's hot I'm just take some keep leaveing 1 through 10 yeah you just my oh so it depends on your order so the wings and the fries you said was a what was the for what was the wings take Transat with you so that was terrible what what's the zero so don't get the wings and fries y'all n get them that's good get this Snack Pack wrap m still waiting on my food so we going to see still taste so I got the Nashville y'all they was promoting it the fries are hot they kind of blend I can't lie so we going to see what this nville hot honey it's hden for so as y'all can see I crushed the Nashville was good get get the Nashville get the Nashville it was hdden hdden can I get the [Music] [Music] [Music] live in carda it is extremely humid out here and we are several shots in and the people are stopping us everywhere we go selling cha bus tickets cha Day auto boost what else was he selling license plates what was he selling that man was oh magnets he was selling something it is very hot me show youall what's going on [Music] noila problemo this is the CH bus they keep trying to get us to get on but they don't have tequila the the cha bus is a party bus here pretty popular but they don't have any tequila but it is Bob so now that we know that was bring our own bottle on but they trying to sell sures AKA beer and we do not drink beer all right I will be back with y'all once we get to a death na a no either finally we decided on this place that I saw actually on another YouTube Vlog called seven CEOs which means seven Skies or seven Heavens is a rooftop bar it's actually a pretty nice Vibe it wasn't too far from the Airbnb I think fact was like a mile and a halfway and they had a live band playing you basically get to see all of C theia Skyline from this rooftop and at night it looks really nice so we ate we chilled we got away from the humidity cuz it was definitely like humidity was on 300% that night in CA like it was mad hot for no reason [Music] sunrise over by the B&B welcome to Cara and the people are outside y'all I'm taking a nice little stroll to the super marado it is 6:00 a.m. but it is Thursday so people do have to go to work just because I'm on vacation doesn't mean anybody else is we have finally made it to the Super met condo it's really nice in here it's like um Wagman's in America need to Leo brutas patas geso e ooh those some big uh papayas pineapples and you got a little blender of course in any Caribbean facing country the fruit is fruit nice and right sweee we are going to the volcano in style y'all see these seats it's luxury I'm luxury it's an hour away oh this is yes gra my headphones I'm surprised you didn't come back to the volcano so one thing I wanted to point out is there was this flooding around our Airbnb basically the entire time we were there we weren't really sure where the water was coming from it wasn't raining of course we were right by the water so maybe the sewage system was flooded I don't know this is common in cart if you see it tap in let me know so we at the volcano the lore here is that apparently the volcano used to spew lava and a priest thought it was the work of the devil and spewed holy water on it and now has made it into mud back to El we got my boy Adrian helping us out I go there and then then I with my head so let's talk about the volcano for real for real cuz I'm going to tell y'all the real not not The Tick Tock Instagram version this is a full tourist trap now don't get me wrong it is definitely an experience it's nothing like swimming in a mud bath where you basically can't move but honestly it's mostly a tourist trap you get these people who are like your host the people who help you with your bags the people who record who take a picture we already knew that all of them would want a tip obviously and they helped us with stuff not a problem but the everybody wants a tip I mean after you come down the volcano and you go down into where we went into like some pond near the volcano some women wash you off they also want a tip which all that is completely fine but they didn't tell us that up front they literally followed us to our Sprinter van all harassing us for a tip I don't know it was it it was wild it was wild they all were just like tip tip tip tip tip like followed us like a herd of them followed us and I'm like whoa y'all got to relax like y'all need to tell people this up front it it got a little rough but we made it out we made it out so just know if you go and you don't go with a host or go with an event and you go private like we did it's definitely going to be a heavy tourist trap and they're definitely going to ask for tip like crazy H uh maybe later maybe later I do want one with them cuz it's a cultural them here in the wal City y'all the colians are Hustlers they going to ask you if you need anything something it's a KFC all right we can go in there this is the wall City this the old part of Colombia of CA it is actually surrounded by the former Fortress that they used to use out here I'll get a video of that too so yall can see it's pretty they still have a lot of the old walls of the Fortress and here in the wall City it is very touristy they ready for you if you come down here man they coming for you if the people rap to you like I mean actually rap rap like they in the studio like they about to spit a 6 please ignore them because they will ask you for a tip everybody down here will ask you for a tip so you need to be prepared for that but you know we still about this is beautiful as you can see the streets are beautiful everything's colorful it's actually shaded down here too so if it's a hot day this is a good time to actually come down we got to be and get one of those one of these it's oh the clock Tower's down there oh he told me to go oh so you want to walk down there know good time this look like uh the Sugar [Music] Factory I'll tap back in once we find we looking for food so I'll T back him we find somewhere to eat and some this place looks like the Sugar Factory if y'all ever been to the Sugar [Music] Factory noise hear say [Applause] [Music] it's a dog in [Applause] now you forgive me it's not easy forging found a new reason for living making hear [Applause] [Music] so if you guys have ever been to Puerto Rico and S Juan it's definitely like old s Juan and the old yeah yeah cuz it's a lot more going on it's larger but it's less people um trying to [Music] harass I'm a sucker for a step and I love the Aesthetics out here it's very Resort talum summery it's like summer like summer beach like a Vine feel good yeah it's like a Vine and everything is like very well detailed and even the wall in detail dros n [Music] Brian cheers salers y'all come to cona come to Kaa the food is good that's the seab bag season well this is the lobster rice wow this is the ramen the staff the service is great baby y'all know y'all love a grass wall Vibe don't front and the food is good come to corers [Music] [Music] [Applause] the theater so where they have plays at he zooming in that reault and this is the wall I told you I was going to show yall the wall stretches I think 6 miles speed they charge me to get on the wall they do I don't know but they I was about to say who this is what you see from the outside of the wall y'all can see it's people out here it's like the spot in your hood or the local park wow Avail this time we were going out to experience a night life in caria and headed out to one of the best supposedly best rooftop bars in the entire world called alimo and unfortunately you need a reservation to be on the rooftop bars for that particular night we didn't have one but we still went inside and it was it was you know it was a Vibe but then we headed to a place that I'm well aware of from other Vlogs called monkey bar now I know being black and going to a place called Monkey Bar I know I know I know I know but let me just tell you I highly recommend it if you want to hear some American hip-hop American rap reate tone the everything that you would probably hear at a club or a bar in America you're going to hear here and we met some other Americans there it was it was a turn up it was a turn up it was a good time I was sweating and I was like oh man we got to go unfortunately cuz we have to get up really early to head to the boat to go to the beach club the next day and the boat ride to the beach club man these were Steel Waters and we were flying around on this boat luckily everybody had on a light vest and and we did not perish in the waters of Colombia but you know it it was definitely a journey to get to that island so this is something they don't show you when they say oh come to the beach clubs and the islands and you just come and you doc we are walking through the jungle essentially to get to this beach club something somebody died I'm not sure why they didn't dock us at the beach club but here we are walking through the craziness of the jungle at least I had this documented in case I don't make it I'm going tap back in once we actually get there pray for me oh they taking bags Ain got much we made it y' say get that camera on my face no Tipo no camera the parot yeah and he need a tip for his Services see he keep talking I don't have a camera on now I want this at the beach club gave us drinks the bed we have a Seaside view from the bed I want the sun to come out we at the beach club but I don't want it to come out because it's always hot so I'm [Music] toring I wonder can you still see the crab let me see if I can get the crab try oh he against the wall he it's Coral this is the light this is the [Music] light it's hurt ah it hurt right here y'all it's Rocky I came in the wrong way let me try again this way or maybe it's all rocks ah it's so Rocky it does it's so Rocky y'all only me spright my knee out here on the Rocks trying to swim and get underwater content let me see if I can show y'all real quick it's Rocky in this water man I've never felt rockier water in my life all right here's the my kneecap I got a boo boo I got a boo boo yeah I can see it better now my boo [Music] boo it's a l [Music] we guys get the bo [Music] anybody want the beach club was cool you know saying that the beach isn't really my thing I'm way more of a city boy um I want to see what's going on in the city I want to be a part of the culture I'm not a beachy guy I can St at the beach for like an hour and then I'm ready to go the beach club was cool after a long night the day before it was nice to just kind of chill and it's actually my birthday on this day September 20th Viro gang so after that we were heading back to the Airbnb from the boat ride back which is a lot calmer than a boat ride there actually and have dinner at this place that I really wanted to go to called San Valen give me give me walking to the beach literally a block away from the Airbnb which is nice and this beach is um I don't even know what this one is called Castillo Grande Beach um this is the less touristy Beach my camera keeps fogging up M must be high that's better the this is the less touristy Beach so there's should to be a bunch of vendors and people harassing you as you try to enjoy your mental health time isn't that what people come to the beach for they mental health breaks oh but I see a vendor already in this scuba diving gear yeah he ready well sorry about that I guess that's not true everyone already waiting but I guess I should catch the people up on everything that has happened so far in Colombia oh the sand is real hard So Yesterday see myself okay so yesterday we went to Menin and that was fun thank God I didn't actually go paragliding because I told y'all that was going to be taking too much time away that would have been 3 hours and only I made it to carthia last night because we were out and coming uh trade say for way too long and time flew we got there at what 10:00 and it was 6:30 like this so I was the only one to make it back they had to stay an extra day M and A Ying which they kept saying they want to do anyway so they got what they wanted picking up seash shells that was no class I y'all see this backdrop what else happened yesterday oh um Colombia has a old reputation for you know being the cocaine capital and obviously Pablo Escobar and back in the 80s and '90s being very unsafe for people who lived here and tourism I don't know how the tourism industry was back then but I can say that meding and caria have definitely cleaned up not felt unsafe at all here at any point um I have my whole camera out I've never felt like somebody was trying to take my camera or steal from me or anything people kind of mind their business I mean some people stare but people stare everywhere and I don't think that has anything to do anything besides the fact that people just stare and yeah I'm trying to think what else did I have to say about medin it's a good time it's a lot cooler there than it was in caria which worked for me because y'all saw what I was wearing I had on heavy layers my bad I keep wiping my eye and back in carthia for the last full day Sunday the flights were pretty cheap too if you want to visit multiple cities in Colombia the flights in between are a lot cheaper than they would be back in the States cuz they have so many airlines and so many of these different countries and this pigeon e all right and it was only about an hour and 10 minute flight we had no luggage so we were only there for the day so pretty quick and easy and because you are going domestically what's happening while the bird's flying away you know they say animals can sense things before us it rained all morning I forgot that it is look at this it is the rainy season here the rain season is from from like May to I thought it was long I don't know the rainy season here is very long I know it's at least 7 months I think and September is a part of that rainy season but it hadn't rained here like during the day it rained overnight once but last night it rained hard oh y'all weren't even here it thunderstormed hard last night like the lightning is like it struck the house I was like wa and it rained all morning and it just actually stopped raining so yeah the rainy season is definitely real but for us to have been here for 5 days this is the only day that it actually really rained in the morning and now it stopped but it's still pretty cloudy outside see I'm sure they're going to tear that building down and turn it into something else probably some apartments and I will be back with y'all once we are actually brushing up back outside oh the tents oh I see the tents are $ 35,000 in but as you can see now we had the one vendor but he didn't follow us at all and nobody else has come up to us so that's it check back in here'll go in my Vlog intro remember taking these pictures wow we definitely should have been gone after this arrived at brunch Stefanos brunch and O see what they hit for out here you TR to holding this door open oh see you yes you right here can we go somewhere else right no m always you sit this big head can in front of him like that h b as always I'm the last one of y'all my food coming she said don't try that again baby he got appetizer another TI oh did you want to do shots I asked for them to fry my big and crispy y'all see that crispiness after we look at the crispiness I a know you had I like fried eggs too Ty in how yall like your eggs I I think they call this gamon is that what this is gomon gamon is the uh area that we're in inside the W City it's known for it street art suppos to be the nice part oh they cut in hair in there [Music] [Music] [Music] give it all away of my [Music] is celebration of black art specifically out here you see and these are different businesses restaurants bars with music and also people's houses I'm about to get here oh God [Music] oh they got a roof [Music] I just wonder into some random bar be [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] like a tight Shir made it to the clock tower scaming de this this the plaz centr another random entry in The Old City I like the I love plants and the plants aesthetic oh it's a cafe but first con oh there's a cafe back here so this is a cafe inside of a store ABA Cafe is [Music] pretty I'm not a coffee drinker so I'm not going to partake but I like the Aesthetics not M take last night
2024-10-27 15:03