Car Camping in Moana | the awkward recount

Car Camping in Moana | the awkward recount

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we didn't go to the or pinula rity has a f on so it's planned we're going to do it at a later time we instead of going to your pinula we decided to go to Moana Focus [ __ ] when the holiday started we went shopping we forgot the shredded cheese um that's a key event show me again what did you steal no we did first we were driving and I went hm this is the way to Port no longa we could just go get breakfast to the flower store the flow oh the flower store nothing beats the flower store like we wouldn't be a satisfying no like I'd be thinking oh wish we went to the flower store it was spiritual I think I was mourning the whole meal flavors I'm experiencing God I'm in another world yeah I was it's yeah it's this the spicy bean bow how you feeling [ __ ] revived our first stop yeah we went to a playground we did the playground was very very good it was so fun that's where I tried to surf on a surfboard and I couldn't and then Cadence got dizzy on a little spinny Acorn I want to get your suncreen I'm allergic [Music] oh my God oh my go I love the spinny Acorn it's my favorite thing in that [ __ ] made me feel sick that [ __ ] made me feel e ecstatic ectic e fantastic and there were these things you could talk through and that actually worked really well tell me a secret something I don't know waiting I don't know if I have any secrets oh and then we went for that walk near the yeah we went around and we walked down near the Ana paringa yes what near P longa yeah we walked around that River a bit and that was really nice like it was just like I would sit there and you know I could go for a longer walk there I would go for a swim in that River I don't know if that's a good idea but it great and then we went to Moana sense Conservation Park Cadence told me all about the different plants that were there yeah no actually I don't like yourart which was really cool I didn't know that many of them well I didn't know any of them so it was a nice upgrade we threw a rock and it was fun isn't it fun it was fun we threw multiple rocks we walked just down the sand Jes and we went back along the driveable Beach and we went should drive on that beach dri found we found a Welk a shiny alive pink wel and I've never seen one that massive and perfect never seen one alive yeah neither of [Music] I who's could have done anything you went and then we took the path in the other direction the path less travel the PA less travel it wasn't Less Traveled it was pretty it was established yeah but we went and we went on this little walk strawberries with us and those strawberries tasted like strawberry they were yeah and I had an apple we're just telling you the food experiences hi that was let so you could see over the beach and and yeah and you would go past a bunch of cliffs and then get to see a little tiny cove that was there that or like a beach you couldn't access unless you were on a jet ski and then you kept walking and then there was like mountains and hills and the most gorgeous freaking water that spread out and there was so many beaches it was just freaking Gorge and um there was this fun section it just had so much trash on the floor this is an insane amount of trash and I was like oh my gosh it looks like someone came here and turned it into like an anger throwing station and like threw a bunch of plates cuz it was just porcelain terra cotta like the only trash was like smash stuff smash stuff but then it wasn't like a hole of anything like there wasn't more than one fragment of one thing it was very bizarre and I want to know why so bizarre and I want to know the story lot of it oh my God sat on them Jesus Christ it pooped after that after the walk we came we checked in we got the code for the boom gate this little plot of land in this Caravan park with just a Scargo some of the other plots have massive we are car camping had a swim in Beach water was just Crystal freaking it was crystal Tak the new nature okay DJ it's literally so easy but such a good recipe and very shifted it up and I've decided it's a very very good camp recipe and I'm going to want to use it again and I'm adding it to my list of Camp recipes oh I feel honored yeah it is tomato heavy like all the others so I was like maybe it's just aargo like maybe being in aargo means having acid reflux no it's just every easy C meal is acidic we made a makeshift clothes line only to be told there was already a clothes line we could have been using that was but I was quite proud of it I was so proud of it and after we finished reading SL stargazing we went to sleep and it was nice it was nice the sunrise was really really pretty through the little Windows 7:30 like on the dot we both kind of just yeah which is good when you're sleeping in a car 7 there's something about the time 7:30 7:30 you're just you're up and out ready to go we percolated our one cup wait should we talk about how it was immediately boiling hot as soon as the sun Shone it was Blazing it was sweltering and I had upper lip sweat at 8:00 a.m. but then we went to the beach we went to the drive on beach aaro's first Beach wow look at the seags just like floating they look like little boats wow and we did yoga and very led the yoga that was great it was really nice actually like I felt rejuvenated really nice yoga just in the morning all the plank pearly it like what 8: a.m. 8:30 we were on the beach gorgeous doing yoga doing yoga yeah we set up the we read for a little bit and I started my new book I napped love you skag so wild we piled our [ __ ] into the car and we [Music] good night tonight going to be a good good night there a place near masin beach there's a lookout and we drove up there that [ __ ] lump just want to slide off it don't you and went to look at the lookout and then we found out that we can actually go all the way down on the beach so there's this whole boardwalk and we're walking down this Boardwalk that is so steep yeah that beach pretty much deserted there was like three people on the whole Beach it was like a rounded Cove went for a swim while I went and padded around like a loser in all of the rocks and I found a bunch of the shells I'm looking for we saw a crab a diving area there we didn't go and sus that part out but I've never we could middle of the ocean diving In Scuba oh yeah I just worked that out right now anyway were you imagine like jump jump die well that water was so [ __ ] beautiful just like going for a swim in that like oh my God yes it was after that we were like you know what it's time for it's time for launch Maxwell's grocery so in there and the first thing I noticed when I walked in was that there was a little tiny book swap by outside we were getting into the 39° with oh yeah it's so hot true oh you have the wheels as well they do yeah nice 160 m away is the community garden and then I was like can we even walk 160 m it is spicy outside it was so spicy I wanted a nice long black and then I saw they had smoothies and that [ __ ] slapped but it I feel like it restored all our electrolytes it did we after that we were okay before we we were suffering we were suffering the initial plan was to go to the beach not when the UV was 10,000 in the middle of the day but then I was like if I don't submerge myself in water right now like I am going to overheat and yeah and then we found a little we found the perfect spot and Varity said no it was shady there were rocks it was lovely and Varity said no we're not doing it it was I I could give you a list of cons but I won't pop your bubble I wanted to use my veto that I never won from anal and cross's game Saw Beach caves on the way up but they were all taken and then I I saw an empty one on the way back and I said is that a free beach cave there comes very walking up with about 8,000 bags and then you could just see out to the scorching Beach I read my book did some journaling very I keep nothing that's the mo got T and we just kept getting in and out of the ocean went for a few swims when we got too hot this is high tech right here you really have to get cook the chili Munch that [ __ ] it went hard F filled and full and happy and we're just sitting out here and as we've been talking is gone from light to dark and now the stars in the sky we woke up we did do that it was the middle of the night boom boom boom boom shake the Room there's lightting I arose I injected into the ceiling cence ascended really they did and then they said I think that I've left my camera outside in the rain we go out there our cameras were just in our open cupol were just sitting exposed to the r drops so we screamed got our cameras we collected them we we folded up our chairs shocked them under the car my while we at it and we just kind of chug our bags under there I actually kept my bag tied to my seat forh foreshadowing so then anyways we go back to sleep I think I told your camera this as well so you can use this insert insert if you would like I was like it's fine all of our chairs and everything is so they all here it's all good and then I walked to the bathroom and attached to the FL the shower pole this is the shower pole and then this bag around it was my chair bag so but I found it loser I found it and it's all good now and that's it's in the back of the car you didn't see it you would have just left without it you would have accepted I would I would have just had to Glad wrap my chair every night then we said you know what I'm [ __ ] hungry [ __ ] let's go get Bry let's go get Bry we drove toward Dinger and we found the cutest Cafe I was imagining as I walked across the road spilling the car over the road that would have got the same thing cuz we always get the same food which is loser Behavior but I tried a bulletproof coffee for the first time what would you like to say cuz I feel like you weren 100% sold no I was sold in the fact that I spent my money and drank my drink but I wasn't sold in the fact that I would like Get It Again Play scer should explain what the Brey was I feel like that you have some viewers do you have viewers I don't have viewers bir the viewers are me the viewers of me and my memory keeping the temperature is good it was just fantastic and like the village was like sorry the the cafe was like you didn't hear me did you huh I said the temperature's good now and you said it was fantastic I me there of what you just accepted that yeah the temperature at the time was NY because it was it was like rainy outside and fresh it was nce anyways um we played scor and I won veto which I haven't used yet yeah I won veto is mine just shut after two days not being able to [ __ ] that the happy face come on you went for a run just spontaneously a little dog a little yeah yeah good good run good run Beach yeah that's a drive on beach there a drive on beach and we were going to go drive on it but what was it eight [ __ ] bucks to put your car there today the scouts are out you scouting go learn how to tie like why are you here asking me for money exactly anyways no backed up got into a car park went on to the beach with picnic blanket and did yoga and that was actually so nice the view there The Cliffs and like the silver flat ocean was amazing it was like a picture that was really good yoga yog good at yogurt thank you so much and I think I'm obsessed with it thank you so much so good thank you I think we were so chill and relax after that we were so Zen it was crazy was Zend up anyways we went to the Conservation Park and on the way there on the drive there was this road and all of them had really nice names along that road there was Seagull Lane gner Place Sunset Drive Lacy Coral Drive it was just like a bunch of really really cute street names and then we parked in the car park and went we both really need a piss and where was the closest to it don't even want to think about it so Bush pee time and it took Verity three tries to go for a bush pee can you hurry up there I am standing probably a little bit too close to Verity after about 10 years of Shuffling no I need to close the doors no one can hear this I hear such a powerful piss stream and then ver goes oh my God I'm doing it nature took me out we went for a walk we took the boomerang track we did Trail Loop the boomerang loop boang loop we had life we saw a random kangaroo cool you got to be less scared of nature nature is your friend yeah it was a good Loop it was a good Loop a blop we found sticks to walk with which were Essentials I got a blister and it popped and it [ __ ] hurts now I did not get a blister cuz I'm too hike Pro we went to go look at the community garden we went and it was literally closed which is heartbreaking that was great and then we're both hungry as [ __ ] so we just ate some plain bread we did the nursery's open the nursery's open look there's a tiny little r in there it's not a r but is a bird wow and we spontaneously drove past the nurser the nursery which was open today cuz you saw other days but it wasn't open yeah and it was really cool like it was just cute it was really C everywhere like yeah Main Road in M longa we walked up and down cuz there's nothing to do in odingo nothing really to do anywh else the Vintage store was open and there was this cute little Whole Food supermarket that was I love that like I would I wanted to buy so many things from that store that is the best toilet block art I've ever seen in my life huh and then we went to the nature store what was it called The Green Room the nature Store The Green Room and I got a mushroom lenal pile spinach really you know po I spit my Chutney on the floor got into their moldy ass gross thought they were kind of dry and they didn't to collect them from the thunderstorm and put bag in the heat to marinate not good look at all chick that is aot of chicken small child look at but once again we we rock up the scouts were there and by the time we got back the scouts had gone so the beach was free again to exist I hate the world they're just legally allowed to just come and profit off people having a good day and I read my book for ages listen to some classical music it's really nice we decided at the same time time for dinner time for dinner proud a moment can you crunching from all the way over there probably you hear that yep Supreme crunch so we started cooking this sauce and when I tell you I popped off with this sauce this is sloppy I know this is I think the the Casas were best this is second best yeah ready three two one [Music] toast 3 two one lightning three 2 one last night coconut Beach Nut we had a nut and we had the beach coconut here come a burger 3 two one zi hot go walk and wedding 3 2 one divorce and the sun was setting and it was Gorge the sun was so Gorge Sunset was just so pink it was so pink we looked up and the whole sky was freaking p and then it's only just gone fully down minutes agoing this guy is freaking busing can't even see them I'm going to I'm going to help this shot content you see oh my God ding not at me plan tomorrow is to wake up at 6 yeah we're going to go you're being silly easy you are easyid can you get out of the sunset sunset [ __ ] [ __ ] off just move so that's when the audio absolutely passed away um what do we do next we went and got breakfast we went back to the green room and we got breakfast and I ate some smacking pancakes we are eating so good right now and it was raining a pretty Drive what can I say and then here are the miscellaneous things that we never spoke about what would you like to dve adur why here we have a shelf tree shelf tree it the Shelf okay that was a good highlight road trip road trip to sum it up Ro yep that's the end here it does that's suspenseful I'm not feeling thunderstorm vibe sorry

2024-04-06 01:14

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