Cape Wrath Trail: Wilderness & Waterfalls! (Day 5 & 6)

Cape Wrath Trail: Wilderness & Waterfalls! (Day 5 & 6)

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good morning folks day five on the cape wrath  trail we have just left our accommodation   that turned out an absolute master  stroke because it rained all night   so we'd have had to be dealing with wet tents  this morning instead our tents were drying   and so are we yeah we're all dry  well fed and rested well rested   so today's objective is to get up and over  the pass and over to shield bridge and cantil   this here is one of the stocking  ponies they'll take the carcasses   of the dead deer down off the hill all  right so this is us up onto the hill oh this is a steep pull up to wake you up   oh alrighty now on the track underneath the pylons  these pylons i believe service isley sky and then   we'll veer off to the right at some point up over  the pass right we are at the top of pylon pass   we lose a little bit of height we've got two  more pylons to go and then we veer off to the   right so we do drop a bit of height unfortunately  that's a little bit annoying so the pylons go   down that way we are going this way this path  behind ian and as you can see i'll skirt around   this hillside zigzags up there and over to the  [ __ ] ridge which we're obviously not doing we've been going an hour and a half now  since leaving the accommodation we're under   the big monroe there schooner scene and there's  a lot of shepherds out there i'm sure i remember   from watching hounds of houndgate i'm sure he had  to spend the night in there it was pretty rough   that rings a bell i didn't need a watch back   yeah so i've had dry feet right up until about  now and my toes just dipped in crossing this river all right folks wow that was tough going  i'm almost to the top of the pass now   i've got a [ __ ] ridge over  there it's going to ski near   and i'm just going to stop for a bite to eat  because there's an overlay just blown over there so that's just under 10 kilometers from our  accommodation at kimilcurn so that's not too bad   it took us four hours to get here and because of  our late start this morning it is twenty two three   so we should get in two cantile for the back  at five six o'clock uh don't know where we're   going to camp might use the campsite might push  on just a little bit more get closer to marvik we are just scouting underneath the fork and  ridge and we're on the monroe's back we're on   the monroe baggers path i don't remember  it being this bad but it's really rocky   it's loose not much fun at all and uh i'm  just on some avalanche debris as well don't   watch myself if you can see just see  behind me there bye the earth's been moved   some rock fall as well quite impressive but  anyway ian's mill's ahead of me that's tricky   so i'm going to put the camera away get across  it and i'll bring you back on the other side glad that section's over with so you'll see here  just behind me that's the path for the fork and   ridge if you're monroe bagging get yourself up  there if you like a bit of exposed scrambling   it's cracking anyway enough about the fork  and ridge just speaking of ian there and we both kind of agree you would actually be better it's still a phone sorry i'm shooting into the sun  but instead of following the monroe baggers track   you could drop into the quarry under all this and then you come out here just below there   and then you're back under  the track anyway i don't know but anyway look at this fine view here  the five sisters of kintail superboss oh i love that feather folks if i'd come on camera  for a wee morning just to kill some of this track we've dropped off the forcan ridge um  and we're down on the stalkers path   which eventually takes you to the shield bridge  campsite and the petrol station on the way down   i dislodged the boulder and obviously  trying to make sure the boulder   never caught my ankle uh i forgot about my  trekking pole and lo and behold the boulder   caught my trekking pole now if you can see that  bend there but uh that's a bit of a bummer so   i'm gonna pull down sort of well it still holds my  weight ian suggested maybe trying to bend it back   but it's all in many of my thinking i i  just know you'll get that hairline crack   so my tech needs two poles but ian's 10  doesn't so i can borrow one of his poles   later tonight it's just a bummer they're  not that old always seem to destroy poles   this is the path here that i was talking about  it's not too bad i'm just taking my time now been going nearly six hours and we've only done   13 and a half kilometers going up and  over that path was a quite time consuming well that's us pitched up now we found this  lovely little sort of island we could see   it fell way up the hill when we're coming down  and looked flat before let's camp there and uh   that's exactly what we did so uh yeah high  spirits are back now i've had something to   eat and i'm just avowing everything touch wood  my feet are fine stop the blisters so that's good   my bum cheeks that's calm down  hey what else did you have   i can't remember there's another problem isn't  there ah new problem you know my trail shoes have   got two holes in them and that's going to emerge  in to one big hole at some point i've got a new   pair of shoes winging my way in three days time  the left shoe is not quite as bad so i'm hoping   they can hold out to craig uh nothing to  repair them with unfortunately i can maybe   buy something in the shop tomorrow so uh oh yeah  the bent trekking pole ian's like me has one   um i'm not going to try and bend it back in case  it snaps ian did suggest maybe heating it up   but i just think if you bend it a little bit  you just get that hairline crack and that   will be a ghost so i managed to put the paw a  little bit further up into the into the shaft   we'll put the flip lock back on there and it  seems to be holding my weight so i'll see how   that goes but i can fall back on ian's pole  at least for putting my tent up at night um   other than that not much else to report  i think you got anything in captain's log   for me nothing from ian nothing  more for me i'll see in the morning good morning campers it's  literally just gone seven o'clock   i uh woke up about 10 minutes ago  we'll check if he ends up yeah   he's up right so the plan now is to get down to  shield bridge and we have uh sent parcels to the   kintail craft shop and we'll obviously support  them by buying some stuff from the shop as well   i believe they do some hot savoury food so that'll  be good so i shall bring you back once the tent is   down and packed up um shoes are frozen the laces  i can't tighten because they're like all frozen up socks are well frozen this is current scenes then up  towards the forking ridge again   so all right so we're on the road now on our  way to cantel the shield bridge petrol station   was closed it looks like they've actually  ceased trading possibly because of covert it took exactly an hour to get here and they're  closed well when i see their clothes they're   not open yet ten till tens are they're  opening times so we've got another kill by   just have some scratching out because i'm starving   with an hour's weight in the nice  sunshine which i enjoy our tents here's my food supply parcel let's get wired in   i cannot remember what i put in it right what i've  got what i've got freeze-dried meal used by meal porridge bars sarin my noodles some why  food powder for my breakfast more nuts chocolate chocolate okay all right let's get this packed up okay okay it is 11 o'clock and we've just left the  kintel craft centre a bit annoyed because we've   kind of wasted two hours because we had to wait  for the place to open their hours are 10 till 10   and then we fast about with our gear  getting our parcels open and then   before we know it we've been there for two  hours so uh it's left us a little bit short   because we've got a big day today we  would like to get to mealwood buffet   so i don't know if that's possible but hey  we've camped at iron lodge before i don't   know if you watched that video but we've  pitched up just behind the old lodge there   so we know that's an option because i don't think  there'd be much camping available after that so   we know we can stop there if needs be ian's dad  is also meeting us at craig at jerry's hostel   with another food parcel i've got a fresh  pair of shoes i think i mentioned it already   and i might swap out to my mountain terra pants  because i'm not sure about the tight shots combo ah yes i've got fond memories of this place  yeah big displays for my monroe completion   i think there's about 30 of us all  celebrated and i finished the monroe's   on quiche 2 back down the glen but yeah it  was a good weekend there's a few sore heads falls off glomac this way just what  you don't miss me turning i'm looking   forward to getting back out of civilization  because i've got a total seat to attend to   and there's just too many houses around  here all right let's get cracking so   you're here you've got a  bag like a fishmongers windy all right yo folks i'm at the top of the pass  on the way to the falls of glomac and the next   chapter of our hike is opened up so i reckon the  falls of glomac must be down here but iron lodge   is just down there in there neil voo buffet  will be right through that gap i think there already folks we're at the top of the the falls   actually a little tad nervous about  this but guess a bit of a reputation that was a knee jangler by the  way you come all the way up   you have to come all the way down  but we're here now that is what it is alrighty we've been down we've  had a look that is stunning   never seen a waterfall like that elsewhere but  anyway there's a little path that takes you down   it's a dead end it's a little viewing platform our  path is about 10 50 meters above that the contours   above the crags and just below those cracks  there as well i'll show you in a minute and that   contours around and then i think we must drop down  this ridge here in front of me i'll just show you so yeah you can see here this little path   will take you down here and that just gives you  the reviewing platform you view the waterfall   instead hopefully the camera  will pick up there's a path here   above here but below those crags and this should  take us around and then down this nose here so yeah the viewing path is just down there  we have picked up this path just above   and hopefully this is the right  one and i will report back okay do so well that is a brand spanking new bridge   and thankfully that's us negotiating to  the whole gorge and it follows the glomac   once we're on that path it's a well-defined  path it's a couple of rock steps   which require care and you're always sort  of aware of the drop down to your right so   really just take your time i'm glad it was dry  today it would be a bit more tricky in the way   but the yeah if you just pick  up that slightly higher path   it will get you all the way around so iron lodge  is the second building away in the distance   zoom in champion i don't know if you  can see it but that looks a long way well hello there on the track ah tv so it's back out for us back into the wilderness before the glow mark is away in there right  here there's iron lodge very tempting to stop   there for the night i can't believe we did a few  years ago i think we're just going to push on   and make a go and get into male v buffy  this is about eight nine kilometers a   eight kilometers and it's six o'clock so we've  got three hours daylight no i don't have to get   there when it's still light obviously so uh  i probably won't do much filming between here   and melvoy so uh i'll catch you later geez oh two  fighter jets just right right across what a fright   of course by the time i get the camera  they're long gone no warning no just boom yeah   i thought the movement was coming down on us all  right well i've got a camera i may as well show   you the progress so we're on this track it's  been really good we're just taking our time and we'll drop a little bit of height and then  we climb up to this pass here and then it'll   be a slow descent into the buffet so uh i'll just  keep carrying on the moment bob's top of the pass it's mostly downhill from now geez oh i just hope  we're having a bit off more than we can chew today   knees are feeling a bit fatigued anyway  we're in the shade it's getting cold so   i'm going to chuck on a layer and a quick big  t quick breather and then push to the buffy we're here oh my god that took us 10 hours 20  minutes he's leaving our campsite this morning   1100 meters of a cent and 32 kilometers  that's our biggest day of the trip   and i must admit i was a little bit  worried i'd push myself too much   my right knee was just a little bit sore  but i think it's fatigue so i am shattered   and so is down and they get sorted out  and i'll seize in the morning catches

2021-06-03 00:10

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