Cape Wrath Trail: The Halfway Milestone & Beyond! (Day 9 & 10)

Cape Wrath Trail: The Halfway Milestone & Beyond! (Day 9 & 10)

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good morning campers it is now half six  and day number nine on the cape wrath trail we had a nature's alarm call we had  the cuckoo and then we also had a   snipe and i'll just sort of play what a snipe  sounds like if you've never heard one before so i had that at four o'clock in the  morning plus the cuckoo so that woke me up anyway the tent has no condensation so that's good right yo it's just gone nine o'clock  and we are packed and ready to go as usual leave no trace let's roll  that's the clock started on the watch ratio more track bashing for us we  are on the way to lock and fader   which is meant to be a superbos location so  we're looking forward to getting up there   i've often seen that that's usually  when i've been away for a long weekend all right folks we've been  going an hour and forty now   just over seven kilometers and we've got our  first really good view of the fisherfield   monroes so the one in the back here that  is a vagin this one here is ben tarson   and this one here is malik corey mcferker  something like that and just poking up here   is sleock so we've got a few more kilometers  to go before we reach lochen feder drinking folks this is stunning super boss  so we're not looking further at the moment   the plan is we're going to  ignore the path it goes down   and we're going to take a bearing it's a  small locker up there and head up that way   and then we're going to get our bialik which is  fuller up again so i will keep you informed of   how we get on with that we're in the middle of a  dry spell so the train underfoot should be okay   if i put my rucksack on you will sting  me hit your left that's it when you go   good boy you're good yay monday there  you go that's better for you there you go right oh folks we've reached a little walk  in here we're a little bit below the standard   boot crew which is above us over there but i  can see the bialock that we want to take us   through to the next section of the hike and  the contour lines look alright in the map   so we're going to stick to this height work our  way around to the belac i'll bring you back there   all right folks brought you back early  because we have found an absolute cracker   of a hidden gem here the bialik is just over my  shoulder where we found this amazing water slide   it's cascading down the slabs as a natural pool right there lovely so deep just in here i've had a towel with me i'd  be in late this is stunning alrighty folks that's   us at bialack and necrois and from here it is  downhill now now coming across cutting an angle   from the standard route wasn't actually that bad  at all i wouldn't try and bad weather because that   obviously that waterslide would be impossible  in spain but in good conditions i would they   i would suggest it wasn't too many peat hacks  to negotiate but again i can't really compare   because i haven't been up the higher upgrade  up there so six and a half a dozen maybe right folks usually the route will  swing up towards shenandoah buffy um   in lockheed which is a popular camping spot  we however is where we branch off and do   a slightly more bespoke route and we  head along to this block of ryan buffy and then from there we're going to decide  if we're going to spend the night there   or push on to ian's house ian's house forest  way bunkhouse is 12 kilometers from the buffet   it sounds doable it is doable obviously uh  we've done 14 kilometers so far and we've   probably got an r4 to the buffet over this rough  uh pathless terrain before we pick up the path   so it's quite early today it's  only about two o'clock or something   so the temptation is there to push on and  then that would buy us an extra day and   the only thing is there's some rain  coming in ian wouldn't mind avoiding that   but to avoid that would mean two rest nights  and i think two rest nights is about ott   i think you'd get a bit lazy and it'd be hard  to get going again so i'd definitely only   want one zero day two would be way too much  this here is scurban and the torres monroe   known for it's a boulder fields and you'll see  here on the left and the right side of it you've   got the skewer band slab so just zoom in and you  can get some really nice roots up those slabs quite a phenomenal feature that really grippy quartz in the dry alrighty we are  on the path happy days so you can see that's a   bjark we've come from we picked up a path that  comes down here and then a bit of a cross-country   section over the heller and bog it wasn't too bad  up here to the path so it took us five hours to   get here from uh kindle queue and i've got  fifteen and a half kilometers on the clock   so she don't have about another two and a half  kilometers to the buffet oh let's go let's go joe no way that's a buffy that is somebody's  house surely not i'll be the buff in the back   let's have a look seriously something  now i'll show an idiot all right you've had it just let me see  oh you didn't have to nice empty not too bad three sleeping platforms  here a couple here nice little stove please place it thing up your gear that was my show thinking the white  house is all locked up that's for like   duke of edinburgh and stuff like that both of us  are feeling strong so uh we're going to push on   and uh it's a four kilometer walk out to the  road and then a six kilometer walk to eons   so uh it's only just after three o'clock so this  seemed to early packing so we shall continue on yes come on let's do this oh diddy diddy me  i don't know if i've made the mistake here   we got to the end of the walk which was about  throwing a bit kilometers for the buffet and uh   ian had found his dad for a lift so i was like  no i want to do this and it's full entirety   he's like yeah we can go back and do it tomorrow  but like well tomorrow's a rest day so i would   be faffing about doing this last section so yeah  they're away ian's going to do this tomorrow and   i've now got a two kilometer road walk to find the  track that takes me down to forest forest way oh   it was so tempting just seeing the car right i've done two kilometers down the road  do apologize for shooting into the sun but   ian says i have to walk past the little hydro  station there and then before the bridge   pick up this hydro track here so i hope this  is a one we'll go for it i'll report back in other news i am worked out last night back  at uh kimwalk u we have done we had done 112   miles yesterday so at some point today we  would have uh smashed the halfway barrier   because uh let's think i think the the  cable arches between 220 to 250 miles   depending on what sort of routes you do because  there's so many variations so yeah maybe   looking further was the halfway mark  i don't know but it's a nice milestone   but it's quite daunting as well to think that i've  been going nine days and i'm only halfway through so uh the good thing is this strathcarin  you then switch over to the harvey's   north map of the cape raf trail  so that was another significant   milestone as well this body  track keeps climbing by oh a signpost cool egg path look to the  map can't see anywhere called cool egg seems to be roughly going in the direction i  want it so let's do it oh i kid you not folks   i am glad this path is finally losing height  because it was hogging just under the 200   meter contour lines like come on come on men's is  going to drop and i'm happily dropping oh dear me that's a just over 31 kilometers on the clock  man is that you've done in today minion 24   24 i can't hear all right 20 40 and that's right  i i've still got another two three go this way   it looks like i've got a nice tarmac farm track  to follow across a bridge onto the main road   any of the little woodland section at lao forest  and that's 15-20 minutes and i'll be there hurrah we're here thank god for that alrighty folks that is us off we're on the  go again and uh what we've got is just a   little bit of road walking to the the start  of the next section and i'll bring you back   in the lao where we read phone boxes alrighty  so there's a little red telephone box   and we are heading up this track here well after a wee rest day it  is good to be back on the trail   although i must admit this morning i felt about  meh at the four of an hour seven eight days ahead   but hey i know once we got a few  climbers in the legs we'll be fine ian's got us a little shortcut here instead of  going that way we're going to take a mountain   bike track it takes us this way and it  gets us up onto the higher path quicker straight over at the junction oh i may breath well for the first time in 10  days we've got the waterproofs out   and typically the rain comes down a bit  but just looking ahead to the cloud above   we're going to get soaked to some  point so we may as well get them on now probably sweat like a sweaty thing alrighty folks we're almost to the top of this  track and we've got a couple of options here most   of the guidebooks will take you around this big  featureless lump here and you'll skirt around that   but we're actually going to go up and over  the summit because only an extra 50 meters   and it kinda means you avoid some of these peat  hags and also when you get over the other side   of that you can make a more sort of direct line  straight down into glen duke so that is a plan   it is literally only an extra 50 meters  up to the summit and this is also a gram all right folks glass is  at the top of the grain now visibility is rubbish so we're going  to push off down towards by duke so hopefully you can just make out the lock that  we want to be going down we've got glenn dukery   here and then the buffet knocking down is just  flat along that lock so hopefully the camera's   picking that out so we're just going to make  a gentle descent you want to cross that river   as soon as possible and avoid that gorge and  then stick to the right hand side so let's go one stop it's quarter to one and i'm starving but it's some  shillings we're just having a wee breather here   over there build the wind glenn duggar scott is  just over that way not far to go now right so we   found a path and you can see why the guidebooks  suggest staying on the right side of the river   because our gorge is just starting to form just  over there but the terrain is getting rougher as well that's pretty cool right we went through the gate and  there's a path on the other side of   the fence and it seems to tie him with  the map so i think this is the right way what do you mean i think what we'll do is right we are back on the other side of the  fence that we started on and i can see from here   with ian jumping the fences  making progress up the hill   so uh i'll bring you back if this is  the right way i'll bring you back anyway all right folks just a quick report back we're now  on the right tracks so you definitely want to stay   on this side of the fence don't go through  that gate don't be offended to be fair to us   on a 150k map that why the land is really  tight and it's a little bit hard to read   but uh we've got our bearings and we're  back on track happy days folks we're now   on the land rover track and  the cross country bog shotting   is finished for today because this track pretty  much goes all the way to oiko bridge whoa   so the plan is i'm going to continue on this  track i'm going to stop in knock down fluffy   just for a quick look and a breather and then  we're going to head to the school of rock buffy   i spy with my little eye something beginning  with b you guessed it buffy right here we are we are at the bobby now the footage will  probably be a little bit grainy when i get inside   just probably being about dark and dingy oh it's got upstairs cool   well it's got like uh this is the luxury  of here like that's like a couple of here somebody swatch upstairs oh it's the honeymoon suite oh my missus would love this here nicole if you're watching this can be  your treat for let me do the cape raft show even better in the roy bridge hotel alrighty lunch stop and we're back on the go  all right folks i would quickly bring you back   haven't been doing any filming at all because  there's not a lot to film at the moment we've   been on a track since god knows back when  and uh we're just making our way to this   schoolhouse buffy now what's that coming over  the hill is it a buffy is it a puppy here we are   the schoolhouse hi robin i  used to the whiteboard sorry mr you

2021-06-13 00:14

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